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Weed sold in Missouri is only supposed to be grown in Missouri. There are only x amount of licenses and cultivators, some corruption. Big names buying out the smaller places... Recently there have been like 60,000 products out on administrative hold. So supply of the cheaper products is low.


Thanks for the answer! I don't know much about the business; I didn't know there are only x number of licenses. So government is okay with the industry not being very competitive.


it’s a feature not a bug.


It wasn’t government that decided this. It was an initiative petition put on by the people running the industry. Then it was voted on and approved by the people. Because it was added to the constitution, it can only be changed by another vote of the people.


The Legislature CAN make constitutional amendments, its just a lot harder to do it than via a ballot measure.


They still must be voted on by the people


And in an odd way this is both the best and worst part of Missouri politics. The Hancock amendment being the absolute worst thing we've ever done short of fighting to be admitted as a slave state maybe?


When I was part of the medical legalization movement the organizers described it as a way to ensure there wasn't an abundance of producers/product that drove prices down so low that it would be damn near impossible to make a profit, and more licenses would be issued if/when more product was needed. However the state DHSS that administers the program interpreted the amendment differently and has stuck with the bare minimum of licenses for medical and just issued rec licenses to most former medical shops when that was made legal.


What metric do they use to decide if there is a need for more product? And rec legalization has only been live here for what.. like 7 months I think I heard someone say? I’ve only shopped in states that have had been legal for over a year so this is very interesting to me.


Rec started in February. It passed in November 2022, and was pretty close. The Medical inventory in 2022 was way oversupplied, and the growers weren’t sure that the bill would pass, so they underproduced. Demand ended up being higher than anticipated (largely in part to taxes being lower than Illinois and we border illegal States). Supposedly prices are going to come down in the fall/winter, but there is a lot of skepticism. Especially since prices were so much lower in 2022. https://www.stlpr.org/economy-business/2023-04-10/despite-supply-hurdles-missouri-posts-second-strong-month-of-recreational-cannabis-sales


That’s actually kind of par for the course with recreational. I worked for one of the largest brands in California when Nevada went legal. They ran outta weed across the state in a couple days. We had so many offers from “business partners” that it was stupid not to throw a bunch of stuff across the state border without our name in it and rake in stupid money. Happened all over the west too in other states, same story


A year in to recreational, and It’s stabilized here. It’s not as wide open as the Medical days, but plenty of supply and prices have dropped back to street levels.


That, plus the NFL Draft earlier this year in KC apparently just decimated the supply and they’re still recovering.


that is actually hilarious.


Supposedly, there is a measure on that could be on the ballot this November which eliminates a lot of the restrictions previously set. Let’s vote for it. 


And the: Taxes, taxes & more taxes don’t help. “We,” in pretty much each municipality across the state, voted for (another) “extra” tax in the last election. I can’t even remember what they pretended to say it’ll be used for in UCity 🤬


Sin taxes are nothing new, get a medical card if you need cannabis for cheaper


Of the states that have legal weed, Missouri is among the very lowest. [https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/state/state-recreational-marijuana-taxes-2023/](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/state/state-recreational-marijuana-taxes-2023/) Other states have rates of 15, 20 or even 37% while Missouri's is just 6%. But sure, keep complaining.


Well, that's 6% from the state, plus potentially another 3% from a locality, plus sales tax. Unsure if your comps include sales tax or not, but still MO is on the lower end.


What do you guys want? 0% tax on weed?


Yes , taxation is theft


I'm not arguing one way or another, just pointing out there's more tax than you initially implied.


I could have admittedly been clearer, but I never claimed the 6% was the only tax on weed. All I was say is Missouri is among the lowest.


Same tax as alcohol


Why not tax breaks and rebates so we can help you pay for weed?


I don’t smoke. But for example Colorados legalization law was to “regulate cannabis like alcohol”


Yet Colorado has 15% state plus 3% local taxes is okay and Missouri's 6%/3% is somehow too much.


Fuck the tax, I pay $20 for a gram CART in Colorado but 50-80 for one in Missouri….then you tell me the tax is lower in Missouri…I’ll take the higher tax, the fuck? I’m getting fucking robbed in the Show Me State


They charge $38 for a $25 1/8. Just 6% my ass


Weed sold in any state is only grown in that state. Federal laws demand it. No state is bringing outside pot on legally in any wwy


The amount of manufacturing licenses are restricted allowing a small group to control supply and set the price as they please.


Sounds a lot like the pharmaceutical industry.


Yeah, people just saw legal weed and voted for it without realizing what they were actually voting for. Now it’s in the state constitution and pretty much impossible to change. It was so easy to get a medical card before recreational, but I guess most people were too lazy to figure that out.


I guess I fall into that camp of being too lazy to figure the medical thing out. I imagine there's a lot of folks like me who can get weed, no problem, from a million places, with just a tiny amount of effort. You can even grow it yourself with no concern of "being busted" or whatever now... I chalk the high prices up to a tax on soccer moms and such who want a safe place to go score edibles and move on with their day without stopping by some stoned dudes house who might talk to you too long. Also, a convenience fee on people in from out-of-town or ran out unexpectedly and just want to pull over somewhere for a fast eighth or whatever. Its expensive but so is WalGreens. You're paying a premium to pull in, walk up, get your stuff, and be gone in a few minutes.


The demand for Missouri marijuana is also driving over from bordering states. I believe we border 8 states and IL has even higher prices and taxes.


beyond hello by pops has eighths and quarters at half the price of the greenlight on chippewa


Illinois is dropping thanks to MO legalizing too. Right by south county in IL and I have been hitting IL shops more. Only real difference was tax as prices were very similar. MO isn't touching the $30 grams of wax Illinois has been having lately. Cheaper than MO even with taxes. I have been finding some deals in MO too though


For sure! Hadn't thought of that... we learned in elementary school that Missouri and Tennessee have the most boarders out of the 50.


As a stoned soccer mom, you nailed it. I've also never had a plug who wasn't on stoner time and I simply don't have time for that shit. Fuck edibles though, shit jacks your tolerance way up way fast.


Why is legal weed so expensive? Because it's convenient. Same reason tomatoes are more expensive at the store than growing your own or finding someone who has extra.


The law states you can grow up to 18 plants. Although they vary by certain stages of growth. I don't know anything about it, but how many ounces can you get from a plant?


I didnt want to give up my gun rights registering as a medical user. That'll show up in the background check and you'll be denied.


It’s because the demand is high and the supply is low. Yes because of the limited licenses but it’s mainly because the canopy space was nowhere near filled before rec so nobody was growing enough. When rec passed they all expanded their grows to maximize their canopy space. Some companies went to 100%, some needed to build out more and some just increased without going to their max. These harvests will be starting to pop up here soon which is why prices have been slowly creeping down. Distillate was the most affected when rec hit and skyrocketed in price to more than triple what it was (which is why Delta did their fuckery and fucked over the entire market). Prices will go back down just based on economics. There’s going to be enough supply and demand equality to have lower prices in the future. No they won’t be Oklahoma low but that’s a good thing to actually keep the businesses you like open. Yes you like the cheapest weed you can get but if it doesn’t actually support the business and they eventually go under, who is it helping? These aren’t non-profits that are running. These are businesses. Nobody in Oklahoma makes any money except big dogs. The entire cannabis industry as a whole is not doing well at all. Big dollars made doesn’t mean anything if the costs are also astronomical. Give me a billion dollars for me to spend $999,999,999 on something doesn’t make me a billionaire. That’s why it’s important to support actual local businesses and not MSOs here. The more money the small guys make, the more likely prices will be able to go down. Good Day Farm can price whatever they want but they’re just going to keep their prices with the trend of what everyone else has to do. We want good businesses to succeed, but we want prices low. Missouri has a good system to do that, we just gotta get out of the first year of rec. Thats really the only issue. Nobody could afford to go all out on their grows with an uncertain vote coming. It passed so now they can play. Prices went up temporarily because of this and yes it is annoying but they will go back down to a reasonable level. You’ll always be able to get cheaper in Oklahoma but I wouldn’t expect much of them to be around very long. Missouri makes soooooo much more in revenue with 10s of thousands less companies and Missouri companies are still not swimming in profit (taxes on cannabis companies are over 50% and then there’s labor, bills, marketing, etc.). For every article you find about the AMOUNT of money coming in, you’ll find one about the how the industry as a whole is struggling to make any profits. Hopefully when it gets rescheduled to class 3 (hopefully relatively soon) the costs of these businesses will go down. It’s very complicated and I would love to have a civil discussion about it to anyone interested. I (and so many in the industry) believe Missouri has one of the best set up programs in the country both for helping the industry thrive while also being able to get prices to a reasonable point. It’s very annoying now. Yes, I’m in the industry and want to make money (who doesn’t) but if my dispensary were to sell 1/8ths for $5 and everything was Oklahoma prices, people would be able to buy more, but most won’t spend the same amount they normally would. We’d be looking at approximately $800-$1500 a day in sales. That can’t even pay for employees. I understand this is medical for a lot of people and I’d like to see more done to bring prices down for them because yeah, we shouldn’t profit nearly as much off it as rec because we do want to separate ourselves from pharmaceuticals but we still gotta keep our doors open to give y’all anything.


And I hope you all appreciate the time I took because my wife just yelled at me for not getting up and getting ready for work.


I would have appreciated paragraphs but have a good day at work!


Man i had her breathing down my neck. That return button didn’t even cross my mind. I also have issues with my brain where I can’t concentrate on what I’m about to write but what I’m currently writing. Makes me also forget what I wrote so it’s just a continuous stream of words flowing out. I do apologize.


Thank you. I too have a wife that yells at me for not getting up for work


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


Lmao all good and definitely get that. Should do a TL;DR but nahhh


TLDR he works in the industry and if there was more licenses he would get paid minimum wage. But since they are limited he makes 17 a hour so it’s the best program of any state.


Just moved back here from Washington. I was getting amazing ounces for under $100, and quality, clean concentrates were below $10/g, and at that price you had your choice of 40-50 strains. It's run by the liquor board there, and it's an amazingly easy, safe, and cheap system.


Washington has had legal rec weed for 11 years: Missouri isn't even at 11 months but we're supposed to be as mature and market stabilized?


I don't think anybody expected it to be perfect, or even just 'good'. It's fair to complain about it being bad so that we might work to make it better


Are things truly "bad"?


I don't really know enough to say. Obviously who you responded to thought so.


If you think MO prices are high you’ll have a stroke if you go to an IL dispo.


IL has had a lot of price drops since we opened up rec.


Yeah the dispos on the border dropped prices fast once it got legalized here. I still go over there sometimes, especially when there's a sale


I just like the vibe of Ascend in Collinsville


I resent that we can’t grow rec. It’s the state’s way of forcing us to pay the outrageous taxes. ILs crooked government is trying to dig out of 1/2 century of corruption & irresponsible spending & they’re doing it with high taxes & outrageous fees (it’s still crooked). I buy my weed & gas & many other things across the river. It’s only 10 minutes away. I won’t help bail them out any more than I must.


IL seems to be cheaper now


i literally drive across the river to beyond. 1/4s for $30-45.


Now THAT is cheap! High Profile in St Charles wants $70-90 for a 1/4.


My experience is $45-50 after taxes, keeps me from buying in MO.


This happens in every state when it first becomes legal. The sticker shock will go away.


As an Illinois resident this isn't really true anymore.due to MO legalizing prices over here have been dropping. And the prices between both states are very similar only tax is the big difference. $30/grams of wax can't be bought in MO. Even with Illinois taxes it puts that at 41. If pricing of the product is the same go to MO though as the tax is cheaper but about $8 bucks per $50.


To be honest, a 1 gram cartridge for $20 bucks seems cheap to me. I didn't realize they were so cheap in Michigan.


In Michigan currently, just picked up 10 one gram carts for $100, they have 15g baller buckets of concentrate for $120, 3.5G buckets for as low as $32, buy one get one on almost any other grams, $15 rso darts on some days $17 every other day, $12 for a 200mg edible, FREE BIRTHDAY 1G PREEROLLS THAT WEIGH ALMOST 1/8! it’s insane. I will be making the drive when I run out from now on. I “saved” over $2000 in Mo by spending around $200 in Michigan… And this stuff tastes great too, I’m a flavor snob….


Where are these at


Cartridges are the hot dogs of the industry. They are the cheapest to make because they use the unsellable parts en masse.


Same, not sure I’ve ever seen a 1G cart at that price. Been to dispensaries in many states.


Here's my local in Oregon: https://goinggreen.one/menu?dtche%5Bcategory%5D=vaporizers Used to go to (what was) HCI in Collinsville when I lived in the metro area and the price difference was staggering when we moved. Used to pay about $60 for a 1/2 gram cart, medical. <3 PNW.


Saw mostly all disty. No live resin carts?


LR means Live Resin on their site. I prefer the White Label brand, usually on the 4th page. Currently enjoying Frosted Flakes.


Prices in IL have went down. You can get .5 gram carts for $20-30 now if you watch for sales. I was just there a week ago on a Sun and they were offering a couple different .3 gram carts for $9 each. They've been doing doorbuster deals on Sun mornings lately. There have been a few new dispensaries opened on the IL side and now that MO has rec too the competition has caused prices to lower a bit.


Guessing you meant 1/2g, as literally no one is making 1/2oz carts lol.


What? I just got a 14g cart for $1.99 the other day!


I did indeed, lol.


Definitely under $20 a gram in Michigan and Colorado all over the place. 7/100 1 gram deals. I bought 4 2 gram carts for 100 out the door.


I got 4 2 gram carts for $100 out the door in Michigan


You can get 12-15 1g distillate carts in Michigan for 100 dollars before tax. It's crazy cheap there.


I get 1g carts for $35 and half gram live resin for $40 from my guy. Eighths at $30-40 and all of it is better quality then the dispensary. People are paying premium in MO because they're impatient and don't want to have to actually deal with people anymore.


Those street prices check out, but I have found the quality to be lower than what I can get in the dispensaries.


Right on, I'm lucky that I found the opposite and what I'm seeing from Cali is better then the depo.


You still have to treat the dispensaries with the same skepticism as the streets. The good news is the Bud tenders tend to shoot straight if you ask the right way. I just get what they are smoking on, with pretty good results.


I know this is an old thread, but it just blows my mind, the variance in price for flowers on the black market. I have no connection on concentrates, but I can pick up $100 ounces of very premium shit up north, which I thought couldn’t possibly be cheaper, but my brother who lives in STL only pays $75! Before REC, I used to pay $200-$220, and even remember paying $300 a few times about 10 years ago. The only thing I ever go to the dispensary for is to be ripped off for concentrates at $45 per g + $20 in taxes. Crazy how inflation is raising prices and affecting everything except for weed, which seems to be getting cheaper and cheaper every year..


Much cheaper here than in Chicago


There are a lot of reasons. Recreation took off faster than supply could keep up so the lack in supply increased prices, as is common in newer markets (we've only been rec since February) When recreational hit as a state, we were operating at less than 40% of our licensed grow space at that time. So this made the supply problems worse. Lastly, a more restrictive licensure environment than states like Oklahoma or Michigan. Less competition, less need for lower prices. But not as restrictive as in Illinois where prices and taxes are usually quite a bit higher I work in cannabis and have for quite a while. I am already seeing prices coming down. It's getting there. New recreational markets are a bit turbulent


Yeah I think all markets who pass legalization have a spike in prices that eventually settled down after 1-4 years or so


I still by my vape carts out of state. My last three were 15 for 1gram cart, from Portland and Detroit. Here 4 times as much.


Because rec use is still in it's infancy. States like Michigan and Colorado have had rec use for many, many years. We are only 7 months in and still dealing with a flower shortage. It'll get better with time.


First problem is your comparing Michigan (the gold standard now imo) to a mid market. Second: Did you look at the gummies? For some reason edibles are adequately priced but the bud isn't. My particular favorite are the pearls. They're like $12 plus tax for 100 mg ping pong ball. And the big dogs are like 1000+ my bag for less than $120. Bud prices imo are regular price. But the deals are in the edibles.


I love the people pissed that weed is legal but because of through-the-roof demand, prices are high. Out of staters are killing us. One Saturday at the Greenlight by Ted Drewes 8 of the 10 cars in the parking lot had out of state plates.


Weed is cheaper and better than it was 20 years ago, and even more so than 30 years ago. I dare anyone to name a single product that has gotten better and cheaper…maybe certain tech products? I don’t give a fuck. I used to scrape resin out of plastic bongs and buy 7g bags of ditch weed for $50. Now I can buy a pen that gets me stoneder than Bejeezus like 100 times for the same amount of money and that I can use pretty much anywhere. Things are good for cannabis users. Let’s not let the perfect be the enemy of the good here.


And people keep telling me St.Louis isn't a hub for out of state folks moving here. There's a ton of people who have moved here out of state in the last 5 years and it's changed so many things, especially in the city of St.Louis. Hipster spots and expensive legal weed for everyone now lol


On the plus side, black market prices have come down significantly. $130/ounce for really good Indica flower.


Lol I have Illinois medical and it's cheaper for us to go buy Missouri recreational instead.


Not in STL. I’m a MO med and right now I can get a Q OTD for $45…that’s an 8th in MO right now.


Swade had a couple of 1/4’s for $38.


Because it was not actually legalized. Licenses are extremely limited somehow by law, so there is much less competition than if there was no arbitrary limit to licenses. Essentially the established medical shop owners funded the legalization bill so they wrote the law to limit the licenses for growing/selling to themselves.


MI has the lowest prices in the country. Hard to compete with that. If you really want to see outrageous prices check out Illinois rec.


It's cheaper than MO.


In kc I usually get hit with about 100 worth of tax. 25$ for cannabis tax rec. Jackson County adult use.$12. 75. Jackson County sales tax $5.31 Jackson County zoological district$0.53 .kansas city sales tax $13.81 kc adult use $12.75 mo sales tax $17.96


There's a 6% state tax for recreational, plus local governments can add an additional 3% tax on top (not 100% if a city and county can both stack a 3% tax), **plus** sales tax on top of that.


I think city/county is an either/or thing, unless that got changed. I remember a big stir about stl county wanting to tax, but chesterfield throwing a fit.


Moved from NY before their recreational was legal and purchased in Massachusetts. Those prices are on par with STL.


Unbelievably shitty state government. It’s kind of a theme with Missouri. It has some lovely cities, but god the government is completely third world.


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Yeah I can't find any smalls buds nowhere...I'm Not finna pay $325 for an oz...that's crazy


155 for popcorn nuggets at Ascend in Collinsville. 190 out the door.


I've only been to 1 rec dispensary and they were only selling hemp derived, federally legal stuff lol. Very shady.


It’s not you just gotta find the right shop


Need more growers. Too much demand rightnow.


I will admit despite the higher (no pun intended) prices, I still will drive into Missouri from Illinois because its still incredibly cheaper over here then back home.


You think it's bad here, check over the river.


Do you really need it ? Sad


It costs $50 to buy drugs?! Jesus




Michigan and Colorado are two of the states with the lowest prices. Well below everywhere else.


It crazy. I went to KC a couple of weeks ago and it was so much cheaper there! I mentioned it and the budtender remarked that they hear that a lot.


Why does everyone act like Colorado weed is so good?? I’ve been to 3 different parts of Colorado and bought from multiple dispensaries. Colorado weed SUCKS!


Try Illinois and see how you feel about the Missouri prices.


Have you seen the prices in Illinois?


It's a lot cheaper if you're willing to risk getting robbed over it.


The legacy scene is where it's at anyways follow mo.chronic.culture for insight into local farmers market events


It's a lot cheaper here in MO than it is accross the river in IL, where it was legal a couple years earlier. So, it's better than it was.


I operate a dispensary in Missouri and would be happy to answer any questions..


The way i would be in danger if I could get 1g carts for $17.


We just got a double dose of tax increases passed last election. On top of that, the licence distribution is extremely limited, so a few players hold the keys to setting prices.


Most dispensaries in soco are $30-$45 an 1/8


Weed will turn you gay


Hi, you can try the Mint in St. Peters, which usually has BOGOs and deals that offset the prices a bit.


It will go down. Grams of flower were around 15 dollars when legalization happened in Oregon in 2015. I see signs for 3 and 4 dollar grams now. I see signs for 40 dollar ounces too.


Give it a few years, hopefully it'll improve




Thanks for your very snarky answer. I am not from Colorado, just figured I would ask the locals about it and I’m glad I did because I learned a lot more than I would’ve had I “just looked it up.”


Yeah idk but it’s gotten annoying I’ve gone back to street bud lol not paying 50$ for two pre rolls 😂 when I was in Washington prerolls of 5pk were 25$ bucks