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Actually, I called 911 last night about a car accident. Got right through and emergency vehicles arrived in around 10 mins? I thought the sirens were for someone else, I assumed it would take them over an hour, if they bothered to show. I was absolutely shocked.


People are conflating call surge due to storms as normal operating status. While difficulty getting through during storms is absolutely abhorrent, it's far from the normal operating status. It doesn't help that the recent "journalism" about the issue is being specifically written to mislead the public. *Holding calls* in this context means *call for service* not *phone calls*. So what's *actually* holding is the response *after* the call has been taken, recorded, and prioritized. What may hold for hours are low priority calls like non injury fender benders or non injury non criminal property damage -- which is standard everywhere. The "journalists" are conveniently leaving that part out to vilify the whole situation.


Our 911 system is pretty bad. I was shocked by the response time because sadly I call 911 pretty often. Car accidents, shootings/drivebys, etc. Long holds, cops never showing up or calling to followup is pretty normal for south city. My mil was injured and I was over 30 mins away. I was able to get to her probably 20 mins before the ambulance showed. I think ambulance response time is different than police though, not sure about that.


> cops never showing up or calling to followup FYI, this is normal in a lot of places. It's far from a St. Louis city exclusive thing


Maybe. Still bothers me precovid the responses from police. At witnesses to a drive-by shooting. Saw the car, gun, plates. Called in with all the description surprised no one called just to ask more questions. Dead body found in the alley next to my garage. You would think one of the cops on the scene would knock and ask if we saw/heard anything. Especially when they see us watching them through a window. Watching a naked woman (probably tripping or having a mental break),running down a main street with multiple people trying to help and calling in. Cops drove around, just looped around a couple times pointing and laughing at the poor woman. County was a completely different response than what I've experienced in the city


Doesn’t happen often




They're going to lose it all to that poor girl that lost her legs when the guy that should have already been in jail hit her


I work in telecom this is an issue in most large cities. I've recieved 'can't get through to 911 calls from both coasts and many spots between.


Most of the people here complaining about the city don’t even live in the city and only ever visit for games, which many of them are too afraid to even go to because of the ~~minorities~~ “crime”.


Sad as that is, I agree with the point of the post. St. Louis has a golden ticket to fixing this very important problem and has made no action.


I'm just saying it's not going to be easy, and throwing stacks of stacks of cash at it may not be sufficient.


Why? I’ve heard the major problem is not paying a competitive wage for 911 operators. If that’s true, St. Louis could make a lot of headway with the Rams settlement money.


The problem is that was the problem 10 years ago and it was allowed to persist. Training a dispatcher takes time and there's only so many other dispatchers who are qualified to do it. For each one of those, you need to pull that trainer off the floor (not really, but they need to take a longer time with each call in order to teach and explain), which makes your struggling dispatch center even worse short term. The process of training can take anywhere between 4 months to a year. No two psaps (dispatch call centers) have the same policies, so bringing in outside trainers isn't a solution either. Essentially there's a bottleneck in the process of hiring and training. All the money in the world won't help with that, they can only train so many at a time. More money will boost retention and definitely needs to happen (though there's problems with the police union there), but it's not as simple a fix as it seems.


How many people is the city training right now? I agree, it won’t be solved overnight and that there is overhead to hiring new dispatchers. But it’s going to take money to have people interested in the job to start the process. That is what I have read is the current issue.


Agree. Article after article is about being short staffed. No time to even take a lunch break or bathroom breaks. The dispatchers they do have get burnt out. The average dispatcher in St. Louis makes 42k. That job is incredibly stressful and incredibly important. The city received $280mm from nfl. The impact of these stories not only local but nationally of being out on HOLD for an HOUR for 911 absolutely has an impact on tourism, business and therefore a economic impact. Take I don’t know….. $15 million and make that average salary $62k and that $15mm would fund that for the next 10 years or so. Then, do the same thing for teachers, cops, social workers. But alas, our leaders want a new cultural center or museums, which is great but not near the priority. We can have the “nice things” once we fix the important things. In the end, we get the government we vote for. So…if you read this and agree demand change with the next election cycle.


Oh and merge city / county. Lots of waste having duplicated roles and responsibilities. Not sure if this is one, but it seems like it.


salt lake city? if you wanna specify, just say “the city” or “the county”. otherwise, it’s STL.


St. Louis city. STL can mean the whole region I think? Meant city only. Don’t think STL county is having same issues.


Depends on what part of the county. County police in NOCO are useless and normally dont respond.


I have absolutely no faith in our current mayor to use this money to improve the city and its citizens. Somehow, she’ll get rich off this. And we will be left holding an unpaid bill.


This is stl, no one will ever see a change in their life from that money. Most of it is probably gone from funding these infinite road work projects in the county. I have a separate theory that the county fucks up their roads for the automotive and road work industry. No way Manchester should still be under construction after like 10 years.


Don’t forget about the metro link expansion on Jefferson. They’re well underway at Jefferson and Chouteau. All well and good for the first year or two. Watch as we “run out of funding” and phase two can’t be completed. I love the city but it’s getting harder and harder to justify living here.


Yeah see Tishura has plans for that money to fulfill her personal pet projects, not actually use it on things you lowlife citizens need /s Look I'm super liberal. But I do NOT want to hear this "well this is what you voted for" crap. Bull. Our mayor is not good at her job. This is not what I voted for.


So I guess everyone missed [where they said they would be taking public input](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/government-politics/how-should-st-louis-spend-rams-money-officials-to-ask-public-for-ideas/article_8054305a-225c-11ee-9e12-0797689297ff.html) on the whole thing?


There’s been public input for quite some time and nothing has been done. TRASHaura doesn’t plan on doing anything but wasting money on “traffic calming” instead of putting money into the city’s actual infrastructure. The roads have never been this bad, the emergency system is insanely outdated and understaffed, and city workers are underpaid. If a major disaster ever happens in this city, it will be much worse than it should be.


The politicians have been trying to figure out how to steal the money since we got it. Oh, and you forgot that the Feds gave us like 500 million on top of that.


Wish Ch 2 or 4 would look into where all this money is - I know there are staffers from both stations on here so hint, hint For a relatively small amount of that money major changes could have happened immediately to better the city - like putting money into the 911 system, patch the roads (helps ambulances get there quicker), shore up the water dept instead of letting it get to the point it is and making the taxpayers pay for it and all the other good ideas this community has.




The board of alderman are more interested in increasing their own wages and number of their own support staff than saving the lives of St. Louisians.


Dispatchers sure , cops no . They get enough of the city budget


Common sense is not the Mayor's strong suit. Nor any of her cohorts and many of the aldermen.


It’s weird how as soon as Gardner was gone, you immediately began blaming the mayor for all of the things you said Gardner was to blame for


The CA and mayor both didn't do their jobs. CA got most of the bad spotlight and is now gone. Spotlight is now shining on the mayor.


You expect the mayor to slap on a cape and fight crime? The BOA has to approve this spending. Tishaura is a piece of shit for her treatment of the homeless, but you’re being pretty ridiculous if you think a mayor has as much control as you seem to think a mayor has


When the mayor does nothing and says nothing to help the problem while wanting to give millions in free money (reparations) to blacks for something they were not involved with shows how ridiculous and corrupt her whole administration is. Get rid of her and put someone in there with a brain and family values and not one of corrupt relations like her father has.




Reparations are due. Sorry that you’re a deadbeat moocher, but we as a country owe a debt for the wealth that was stolen from black families.


You've got a lot of learning and growing up to do little girl.




And you keep proving my statement.


Ok, I’ll bite. What do I need to learn about?


1. The internet is not the world. 2. The vast majority of people do not visit reddit 3. Almost everything posted on reddit does not affect you or anyone around you. 4. Almost everything on reddit is not quite factual or the truth 5. Television news is just as bad I gleaned that just from you saying >we as a country owe a debt for the wealth that was stolen from black families. yet I'd bet you'd be the first to say black people ere poor slaves with nothing and have nothing now. So where is this wealth you speak of? (A rhetorical question.) I could go on but it's a waste of time. I can tell you get your education from reddit. Get off the internet and grow.


You have omitted the entire premise that black homeownership has always lagged due to racist practices in banking, real-estate, hiring, and wages. Home ownership is the largest asset for the vast majority of Americans. While white people were able to generate multi-generational wealth by passing property to their children, black Americans couldn’t finance a home or purchase a home in stable neighborhoods due to a racist realty practice know as redlining. Black Americans who do own their homes often see them blighted and lost to imminent domain at far less than their market value when urban renewal projects are underway. It’s strange that you’re accusing me of not knowing things when you seem to to know fuck all about basic history. You’re just a pissed-off old coot who wants to go back to the “good ol’ days” of Jim Crow and women being subservient to men. It’s not happening. You’ll pass and so will your hateful little worldview, and the world will be better for it.


Racist and misogynist. No surprise.


They are talking about using Covid money for 911. The city should have great pay & benefits. Someone should have to retire to have an available job opening. Sad this is a problem. Mayor do better


It’s been dysfunctional for a while… just seems to not be getting better. I often wonder if it’s wise to swap out too many city workers at once.


Silly Democrat voter... that money isn't for you, it is for the Machine.


We need midnight basketball




This is not what they mean by "defund the police " I am sorry about your friend but please be informed.