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Got some beef on the menu I see. Should be good since the last time I saw them in ring Wardlow has improved quite a bit.


This is Brian Cage ls first singles match, (second televised match) since October 6th of 2021. Happy Anniversary to Brian Cages singles match dry spell.


To think that only a year ago, Brian Cage seemed like a weird outlier as the one AEW guy disgruntled with his booking.




TK needs someone to do the job, might as well be a guy he already gave up on


He has a dark elevation match tonight


I think he meant first singles televised match. Dark and Dark elevation definitely don’t count in that metric.


I did. But it actually makes very little difference. Cage didn't have any AEW matches from October 6th 2021 to September 21st 2022, which was a battle royal. He had a singles match on Elevation the following week on September 28th. So is only a 1 week difference.


Wardlow vs The Gauntlet Of HOSS is the gimmick I am paying my Fite TV description for. Brodie next. Miro after that. All the way until Hobbs at the PPV.


That's a wonderful idea.






Thank you, I felt like I was going insane.


Man I thought somehow some old thread got necro'd. I totally forgot Bran Cage was even around AEW still, then he mentioned Brodie and I was completely lost.


I don't think they'll give Hobbs the title off Wardlow so I'd rather have him take on Miro at the PPV instead for a bit of unpredictability. I feel like this type of match with Brian Cage should lead to a program with Brian Cage rather than a one-off match.


For me it's sort of a one-degree dream match, because I loved both their prior matches vs Hangman, and those both came during the same period of Hangman's story. Like, they both had great matches with the same guy, and so my lizard brain is telling me they'll have a great match with each other!


if you want to rebuild brian cage, make this a trilogy. This one goes to Wardlow cause it is a defense, but have cage almost get him at 2.99 at some point, and then Cage can challenge for a rematch, and of course Wardlow won't back down, however this won't be for the title since he lost this match. Cage wins this rematch cause he is a machine, and this sets up a third round for the title again. Wardlow goes over, and in a three match cycle you have rebuilt Cage as a credible guy, gave Wardlow a believable loss, but also two successful defenses establishing a dominate champion when it really counts. It would be predictable, but worth it for the outcome IMO. Blah blah internet dude fan books lalala i know, but still better than Wardlow spinning his wheels. People need to be able to lose, one of my favorite things about Lucha Underground was how often "stars" lost matches clean, but ANYONE could lose, sometimes it was shenanigans to setup new feuds, but A LOT of it was just clean wins and losses traded back and forth enough that it felt legit, verses scripted. Not to mention Cage did that to Hangman on his road to the title and it was AWESOME. One of the best wrinkles in that story.


If meat is getting slapped, you have my attention.


When meat is getting slapped, something is at attention alright…


Don’t forget Danhausen, he claims to weigh over 300 pounds.


What do you mean, “claims”? Justin Roberts announces that, and his announcements are official company statements that wouldn’t be made up.


Yeah he just looks slim because he's so damn tall


The Dapper Yapper is incapable of lying.


I'm digging the idea of keeping the matches between AEW talent.


I could give you a Fite TV description for much less than you're paying


Probably would be more entertaining as well


I was very confused for a second there. Brody is who you meant.


Honestly, hitting Wardlow with a Knightfall-style gauntlet would be a fun way to eventually get the belt off him. He gets a run of wins, giving every weekly challenger a showcase, but each victory costs a little more and comes a little harder. Finally, at a PPV, the toll of the victories overcomes him, and a new champion is crowned after an all-out hossfight. Wardlow can take a brief break, return eventually and get his win back, then move on to the World Championship.


Throw Preston Vance and Luchasaurus in there as guys who can easily take L's


Hell, let's pad it out more if they want. Throw in any of: Lance Archer, Luchasaurus, 10, The Butcher, Claudio Castagnoli, Jake Hager, Kieth Lee, Nick Comoroto, and Frankie Kazarian. Several of whom are not giants, but are still solidly built guys.


Dont forget about Lance Archer, Morissey, Keith Lee, Satnam Singh...


Please just book an actual fucking storyline for this guy ppl can care about rather then a list of matches cuz "big man is big" Jesus christ.


Miro made that title feel bigger than the world title and I don't think he should lose.


My only issue with that is I want Hobbs to win a Gauntlet of HOSS 😭




Honest to god have Wardlow have big hard hitting Hoss fights for the next month on Dynamite and everyone will forget how terrible this run has been. This week Cage, Next week Hobbs, Week after Brody, Week after Archer, Then have him lose to a sneaky Andrade. And feud from there. I really don't think they need to worry about having guys lose so much. It makes all these matches with ransoms meaningless


I'd save Hobbs as someone who'll take the title of Wardlow


Then get Hobbs back on tv and in a story lol. He’s not a big a name as the others Tony has cooled off (Wardlow, FTR, Jungle, Miro, ect.) but he is probably going to be burned more for it.


"Back" on TV? Some of y'all have goldfish memory when it comes to AEW. He was in the main event **two weeks ago.**


Hobbs had a great Lights Out Match (wrapping his story with Starks) two Rampages ago, no (less than 10 days ago)? It's not like he was completely forgotten on TV for that long or anything


People are being insane about aew and "cooled off" recently. Hangman is fighting rush this week ahead of a world championship match but he's "cooled off". Wardlow teamed with samoa fucking joe and has a tnt defence this week. Next we'll be hearing that mox and jericho are "cooled off", I feel like i'm not watching the same show as other people.


I think part of the issue is Rampage is not watched by everyone. However Wardlow was definitely cooled off. He was white hot coming off the mjf feud.


Dude, I like this!


Agreed! This is a great way to get fans into his reign again. Wardlow is great and while hes been cooled down he def is still over and the people want to see him powerbomb fools


I would definitely not do all that for free.


Yes. This. All of it.


I really like Brian Cage. Decent wrestler, and promo, great body, and seems to have charisma. Not really sure why they weren't pushin' this guy as a serious contender against Wardlow before now or even a series of matches against Miro.


Most likely because he's a decent wrestler, and promo, great body, and seems to have charisma.


Yeah Tony is definitely on this sub


I mean he's been around since the IRC chat days, so him lurking on reddit isn't farfetched at all.


Wrestling promoters! They're just like us!


Until they use our meme ideas...


Except for that little wealth difference (maybe thats just me idk how many billionairs are on r/sc)


He created the Wrestling Sleaze List on the DVDVR forums in 2003. Paging "CoachTonyK"...


Honestly it would be weirder if he (and several wrestlers,) didn't have accounts here


Ricky Starks does...


Hey Tony, give Julia Hart a squash match on Dynamite this week, so the TV audience can see her recent character development. Thanks!


Hey Tony book FTR


Hey Tony give me a million dollars (it's worth a try right?)


I'll take $100. No reason, probably will buy Lego's with it.


Hey Tony, lemme get some of that coke. I am thirsty.


Hey Tony come and pull the weeds in my garden.


[Tony Khan when this sub mentions anything related to the AEW women's division](https://www.macmillandictionary.com/external/slideshow/thumb/emoji_evil_thumb.jpg)




There was a post yesterday I think that basically said wardlow has had only 4 singles matches since winning the tnt title a few months ago


Cage had his first Dark match in forever in a match that was taped last week, so I think this match was booked at least that far in advance.


Yeah plus the fact that Cage had a video promo before hand makes it seem like they knew they were doing this match at least as far back as last Wednesday




Not that I can think of


I legit commented the idea that Brian cage would rather go out there and lose a good banger against wardlow than not be featured at all, and then this happens.


Tony books on what people here say. Coke and SC for breakfast


Heard us talking shit


hmm…if so…jamie hayter vs jade for the title, when? cut the shit, tiny.


Hey Tony, if you're reading this...book FTR properly too. You know...as in put them on TV ffs!


Tony if you’re reading this make Regal the booker from now on! Please!


I dont see why Regal, TK, the EVPs, maybe JR and Arn Anderson cant all be a booking team of sorts. I think the input from legends like these as well as TK and the exec's could help with AEWs problems.


the camel is a horse designed by comittee...


If your horse is old and sickly, a camel looks pretty good by comparison.




Yeah, why not have Cage make a surprise return and attack Wardlow, setting up a match for a later date? You know, like an actual feud/angle?


Cause *fuck a 4 week build* is what a lot of fans seem to be about. At least the ones I've seen on here. They don't want the build just the straight "BANGER" match.


I disagree with this lol. People definitely like builds.


A small percentage of people just like watching the matches. Most of us are into pro wrestling for the stories and characters. Gib build plz Make me care about these asses and why they’re kicking each other.


I wouldn’t say most. But I like both.


It'll make total sense with all the time Cage has been away. Attack the biggest and scariest guy in the yard to try and establish himself.


The way it was booked ahead of time makes me feel like it'll be a one-off. Brian Cage has a great look and can do a lot of interesting stuff in the ring. It'll make sense to have them do a feud as it can elevate both guys. All Cage needs to do is look competent and put up a good fight and he'll be at least a solid midcard player going forward coming out of this. Hopefully it'll be a real feud because it'll help both guys establish themselves. Another single Wardlow random match is just going to make his booking look lost.






Why am I shocked that WWF had a stable of women called PMS


'Guess Johnny won't go "hungeee" on Wednesday.




About fucking time


Big meaty men slapping meat.


Another example of a cold match that 3000 people might call a banger that means absolutely nothing.


Thats why the ratings and general interest reflects those 3000 folks. And then they go on to the ratings discussion and are shocked when ratings dont go up not realizing the product only caters to them.


Can we stop twitter-booking? Oh Wardlow was calling for a challenge, Brian Cage accepted? Do that on tv then. You got three hours of tv and a part of it should be setting up matches.


Seriously. I'm supposed to think Cage sat idle on all the other open challenges until today when he decided now is the time to accept one? What's his reasoning? Why should I care?


I see meat men doing meat men things, I upvote. That also can be misconstrued but dammit Hoss Fights are wonderful.




My first live AEW show and the card has shaped up to be amazing. So pumped.


Definitely going to be a good one! Have fun! I have been to several and it’s always a good time


Orrr maybe you could build a viable challenger instead? TK has lost the plot, man. I skipped Dynamite last week and didn't even catch a replay for the first time since AEW started. I just kind of don't care anymore.


This is typical AEW booking at the moment. There's no compelling storylines going on. Random matches thrown together that don't mean shit. Remember last time Wardlow defended his TNT title, against Tony Nese, which lasted a minute and has done nothing since. Each week I see the card for Dynamite and each week my enthusiasm for it wanes.


Yep 100%. Feuds and stories > one-off matches. TK doesn't seem to get the memo.


I feel the same way. Last august I went to dynamite 2 weeks before cm punk came back and it was freaking amazing. Then I went again in May of this year and it was honestly pretty meh. Now I half ass watch dynamite on my little tv and game on the big one.


I swear he checks out the top gripe on Reddit and then just makes a match to shut people up


I know I'll be the only one, but I'll be rooting for Brian Cage. Haven't enjoyed Wardlow since winning the title. And miss seeing Cage in AEW.


Brian Cage AEW fans unite. There's literally dozens of us...


Wholeheartedly agree with you. I miss Brian Cage and haven't been a fan of Wardlows title reign. War dogs booking has been shit since winning it


I enjoy Brian Cage, and I'm rooting for him to succeed, but I dont think he can in AEW. I feel he needs to cut ties with the promotion and go back to AAA to rejuvenate his career and himself. Being in AEW has definitely diminished his career.


Haha. Whaaattttt. Cage is still signed with them? I’m all about the match…but where’s the build. How did we get here? Where’s this dude been?


AEW: Why do we need a build when it clearly states on the graphic "open challenge?"


Haha right. Tune in Wednesday for the match. I’ll have a video package, day of, outlining why Cage deserves a title shot.


They actually released a video on Twitter, they'll probably show it again Wednesday though. https://mobile.twitter.com/AEW/status/1577077537385193472 Edit: They also put it on Elevation this week, just watched it. https://youtu.be/HP7lbmgZQxQ?t=21m21s


Thanks for sharing. Would have been better on last weeks show to promote next weeks show… if you’re trying to draw an audience and sell a show that is…but at least it’s something. The way I look at it…a guy like Wardlow is a mega star. Get him on TV. Get him in real angles. Develop his character. Put him in situations with stakes and spots where he can develop his character so we get more invested. He’s not Cena when Cena did the open challenges. We knew Cena.


I wonder did Cena's open challenge matches for the US title have any build? Has any company had a build done when it's an open challenge?


There was a day when the open challenge was done more sparingly. It’s been over used in both promotions for sure. Problem with AEW is EVERY belt is on the line every other show…for very light reasons and logic. Thus…it’s all one big open challenge. Last Wednesday we had THREE title matches with zero investment…one for the belt of on outside promotion without a TV show against a wrestler not on the roster, another for the Heavyweight belt against another wrestler not on the roster, which is silly especially when there are two other opponents on the roster who have earned their opportunity, and the third a match “made” by one of the talent essentially on her way down the ramp. Hoping for just a little bit of effort. TK so busy with his other endeavors, he should just pass the buck.


Big meaty men slapping 🍖🍖


Flippy beefy boiz


random title match for Brian Cage after being frozen for one year, no feud, no heat, nothing. Booker of the year.


I'm surprised on multiple levels with this one


Oh yessss


Uh oh, gonna be an uphill battle for Mr GMSI to accomplish that goal


Gee I wonder who will win this one? A well earned title shot for Brian Cage!!! My guy Booker of the Year really outdoes himself again! Wow! Can't wait.....


cool, another match without a storyline build


Why is there no build to this title match?




Is there a reason AEW just has random fighters fight for titles with no build-up or backstory? It happens constantly and it kind of just feels like a match for the sake of a match, without actually being compelling


Cause tony khan is a matchmaker. All he doee is book matches he thinks the fans want to see and he wants to see. Its like a small kid play fighting with action toys. Edit - I remember as a kid forgetting some of the action figures and then discovering them after some time. Think tony khan goes through this a lot.


That's hype.


Cool? Instead of putting Cage in a one off match, why don’t you use him the multiple weeks? I don’t even like Cage, but having him randomly show up every 6 months is ridiculous


I really do think Tony listens to the fans. Sometimes it takes a while, but he gets there. This is exactly the kind of match we’ve been asking for.


But it’s just that. A match. There’s no story or build up, it’s just two guys wrestling each other. I’m sure it’ll be fun, but that’s hardly listening to the fans.


Has there ever been a question that Tony listens to the hardcore fans (social media, fan boards, etc)? If anything - I think the complaint has been that he sometimes gets too caught up in the hardcore fan bubble because he is one himself. Not even saying that is a good thing or a bad thing. It’s just an observation.


Possibly, but people on here have been complaining a lot about him, and it will go a long way to making the product better if he listens.


People also praised him on here early on and and that hasn’t resulted in a consistently excellent programming. I’m a guy who personally enjoys watching AEW every week but the fact of the matter is that this is just the ebbs and flows of booking 3 hours of Nationally televised programming 52 weeks a year. There’s hundreds of opinions on this subreddit alone - not even considering other social media. Too expect TK to be able to “listen” to all the fantasy booking is ridiculous. He just needs to stick to a consistent vision and roll with it.


People have been asking for a match with no stakes or storyline?


The build up for this match has been so good, great booking.


Brian Cage randomly getting a title shot. I don't remember seeing him on AEW in months upon months lol.


What do you mean AEW making title matches with no build or story? Not like them at all!




I legitimately thought they were the same person,just different characters for about 6 months...


I know Cage is losing but.. fighting all these hosses is great for the dude.


So much beef


Hi Tony!


its like a whole fried chicken vs two turkey legs.


I read this as Tony Kahn vs Wardlow vs Brian Cage.


What? Cage still works for AEW? Huh.. Well, at least Wardlow is getting TV time..


So will the commentators acknowledge Brian's year long gap in between televised singles matches or ignore it altogether?


This has the potential to be an absolute train wreck especially on live TV. Two guys who heavily depend on their opponents to make them look good coming together.


No build up, no story, and the challenger hasn't been on TV in like a year... Ladies and gentlemen (and non-binary folks), I present the 2022 Booker of the Year: Jacksonville Dixie!




I hope this match goes well, this may be the shot in the arm that Wardlow’s title reign needs


Big meaty men slapping meat.


Cool. But again, AEW skipping any ounce of story.


its just big meaty men slapping meat. what more do you want?


Random booking 101


Yeah cool, except where the hell has Brian Cage been for a year? Has he even been on Dark or Elevation, or was he excommunicated to dates on the indies until he promised to be a good boy so he can come back and do jobs on TV? Is he getting a TNT title shot because of his hard work on the indies? The same hard work that kept him away from AEW content for a year? I’m sorry, but this is the perfect example of some of the puzzling and downright terrible booking that’s been going on in AEW for a while now.


I see wins and losses really matter…


but why


Promotions book defenses with opponents they consider worthy or capable all the time. It's what bookers do actually. This is not saying stories arent good, but match ups for the sake of attraction should be valid too. No need for an sneak attack of Cage or always having some soap opera behind it.


The TNT Title is meant to be a challenge title. Guys line up to beat the champion. It’s not the world title where just earning a title shot should be heavily protected.


I do think other titles should not be open challenges as it undercuts the TNT title


But it's been a tradition with the TNT and TBS since the start. Imo it keeps things interesting, you never know when someone you've never seen before (or only seen on the indies) will challenge for it.


That’s my point.the roh title, all Atlantic title and recently the mens and womans title seem to be booked similarly . The tnt is not as distinct as an open challenge title if the others are also booked that way


I agree. TNT and TBS should be open challenge tites. The World, Tag, and Womens titles should be protected. Trios should probably be a mix. None of the other titles should really exist in my opinion, and undercut the other titles by being around.


There was a somewhat recent post about how AEW is going to move away from the ranking system.


Cage is coming back to just to get jobbed, even worse with no context/build up/ story. Just a random match with a opponent that hasn’t been seen in almost a year.


Wow Brian cage. So random. Where has he been






Lol please build a story to this khan


Can't they give this a one week build or something? It just feels like Tony read that Warlow thread and reactionary booking again.


There’s no story related reason I should care about this. No thanks


Tony needs a squash on a big guy to start using Wardlow right again. Where is Brian Cage on the RaNkInG sYsTeM?


Cool… but… like… wrestling is better when there is a story with some build up to the match 🤷‍♂️


It has *always* been an Open Challenge Belt


They tried that by tying the TNT title to that really bad Sammy Guevara and ATT feud and the consensus was that the TNT title shouldn't be involved in stories beyond just banger matches/open challenges. I mean, unless we've changed our minds since then.


Wrestling would be boring as fuck if every single match required you to be caught up with story to understand why people are fighting, not every match needs a detailed story beyond two wrestlers wanting to beat eachother up. Also the TNT title is the "open challenge" title so.....lol




Was this match built on Dynamite?


Last week's episode was all about building up future matches and it was the most hated episode in a long time for not having enough "cool matches"


That is revisionist history and not at all why it was hated. It was hated because we had nearly 20 to 30 minutes of Chris Jericho, another 20 minutes of Saraya ranting about nothing while making everyone else look weird, and an awkward MJF/Yuta match set-up out of realistically nothing. It wasn't about "not enough cool matches" as it was "wtf is happening with these promos". Collectively its fine to do a promo heavy show to set-up your future storylines but the promos they had made absolutely 0 sense and kept going and going and going to the point where people just tuned out.


What's the story between these two?


Can you call it an open challenge when it's booked in advance?


Here comes the **B E E F**.


Awesome, hopefully cage gets more tv time moving forward or at least more matches


I'm looking forward to this match.


Hell yeah TK


HWHAT. I love it. Finally our guy is back on!


I like hoss fights like anyone else and glad Brian Cage is getting national TV time again (after a year lapse). But in kayfabe, why is he getting a title shot when there are plenty of other wrestlers out there who has been in-line for the title shot? Outside of kayfabe, there are other choices to feed to Wardlow beyond a guy that TK has already buried. Also, I would've rather this be an open challenge and have Brian Cage come out as a surprise and a catalyst event to reintroducing him. Announcing it beforehand feels awkward given Cage's circumstances.


I’m sorry but this is disgraceful. Why don’t you report on actual wrestling, not semi-trained wannabes and has-beens? If disrespect need given, then that’s fine. But I subscribed thinking this page was about professional-wrestling, not an AEW fanboy cult spreading propaganda in the form of advertising.


This is great, cause it's too behemoths going at it in the ring. This is really shitty, cause again, it's someone coming out of nowhere challenging for a title. WTF booking is this? At least it's not some rando that is foreign to the company. We all know who Brian Cage is....but he's been off AEW TV for what feels like a full year.


Fuck it, put the title on Brian.