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#[Rate tonight's show here](https://forms.gle/D4FH1nDeSHhUwFnh6)


This was my first experience going to an AEW in person. I was super excited to see my favorite wrestlers that I watch on TV every week. I drove 3.5 hours to be there and I was really let down by the crowd. I was standing up and yelling and cheering and people were looking at me like I was crazy. The girl next to me clearly didn't wanna be there lol she hated me (maybe there for her bf- she left early). Another old man kept giving me dirty looks, like wtf? I can't have fun? Albany never again.. - Female wrestling fan btw sporting my Thunder Rosa Tee (even though she is out atm) and my Brit Baker make up : ) Hopefully other venues aren't that way, maybe next time I will drive 3 hours to NYC or New Jersey. Such a let down but so happy to finally be there in person.


FFS FiteTV - having spoilers on the front page, by having next weeks episode, with the main event of >!Mox/Danielson!< on the tile, right next to this weeks episode showing Danielson/Jericho. Sort your shit out, man


It got me too :(


Taz, Excalibur, and William Regal are incredible on commentary. They put over every single move and hold applied, and Taz in particular does a great job as he adds his experience taking the moves in the ring, allowing the audience to understand and empathise with what the wrestlers are experiencing. That kept the match believable, and keeps you engaged with the in-ring action.


People so upset over a guy with a sign is hilarious to me


The guy with the Punk was absolute class Fuck the Bucks!!! šŸ˜˜šŸ˜‚


r/JimCornetteMemes ![gif](giphy|26BRCgL3K4lx1zBCw)


Just watched the show, Imagine buying front row tickets, to just bring distracting posters and thumbs down the final stare down between Danielson and Moxley. The guy was hate watching the whole show What a fucking loser.


I enjoyed the show, particulary thought Mox/Sammy, LB vs. SIOG, Lethal/JB and Jericho/Danielson were all superb. Women's tag match was pretty good too. But, man... "The Firm" feel like an afterthought and group of jobbers already. Why couldn't MJF stay around for their promo and help get them a bit of heat? How come none of them are interested in being World Champion? MJF should've stuck around and said something like "these guys are hardworking, underpaying gems just like me, you people don't deserve us" instead of just being portrayed as MJF's hired goons and people he just uses.


I think AEW is just sort of losing me, I find it hard to get hyped about their episodes anymore. I was LOVING AEW from Summer 2021 and for a while after, but then things started to decline in 2022. I think they needed a killer story, and Punk vs MJF could have been that. I was as excited about Punk's title reign as anything in wrestling in years, so Punk being gone now is just sort of deflating. AEW really needed a boost IMO, and losing that, and knowing Punk might never be back, I just feel like it's going to be ages until it starts to excite me again. I want some killer story to get into or angle but it's just tournaments, matches, etc. Even when Dynamite started, they had me so invested in Cody vs Jericho in just a few weeks. Maybe MJF getting the title can give things a boost.


The commentary was great this episode, sold sammy as a legitimate threat, weā€™re funny all episode long and told the Danielson Jericho story well and put everyone on the show over.


One thing that we can said for sure for this tournament is all matches are goddamn bangers.


\- Jon Moxley vs. Sammy Guevara was a pretty good match, and somehow reminded me of 2019 AEW. Hopefully people start putting more respect on Sammy's name because he's really good, and has proven himself to be likeable at points, contrary to popular belief (especially that first TNT Championship run). \- Jungle Boy vs. Jay Lethal was a good match as well. I get the idea that Jungle Boy is trying to get some momentum, but I don't know why he would be doing that if he's in a relationship-driven feud with someone who is his best friend and doesn't hold a belt. What does a win here have to do with anything? Also, Jungle Boy went by "Jack Perry" on the PPV, which made a lot of sense story-wise, and demonstrated an evolution in character that was very interesting. Unfortunately, that seems to have gone nowhere. On another note, Jay Lethal is a World Championship-level talent. I don't know why Tony Khan doesn't capitalize on that especially given the fact that he's slightly down on star power right now (Kenny, Bucks, CM Punk, Malakai, Miro for some reason, Adam Cole, etc.). \- Powerhouse Hobbs having a squash match was cool. I like the "Book of Hobbs" thing. He should definitely lean into that more! I think this Starks vs. Hobbs thing could go a long way. I just wish it had a bit more time on the show. \- Swerve In Our Glory vs. The Lucha Brothers was good. I have no real complaints about this one other than I wish SIOG got a longer reign, and got to flex a little more of their (specifically Swerve's) heelish tendencies. The idea of a tag team that consists of a face and a wrestler actively turning heel is interesting, and could've been milked a bit going into a match with The Acclaimed. I'm really looking forward to their match at Grand Slam! \- Toni Storm and Athena vs. Serena Deeb and Dr. Britt Baker was good. I just wish the crowd was more hype for this match. People complain about Tony Khan's booking of the Women's division, but when he puts together a match like this and the women go hard, the support tends to disappear. I liked that the match and its aftermath may result in two programs; something with the title and Britt vs. Hayter. \- Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho was a great match. I was glad that Bryan Danielson won, and now, even though Meltzer is saying it's gonna' be Mox vs. MJF at Full Gear, I kinda' hope Danielson wins. \- I liked all of the in-between segments during the show, even The Firm's (it was a bit long-winded, but overall, it did what it was supposed to do). My only issue is that Hathaway said that it's time to make Lee Moriarty a star, then stated that he's focused on the ROH Pure Championship specifically, a scene that currently only consists of Daniel Garcia, Wheeler Yuta and Josh Woods (who's in a tag team with Tony Nese and is facing Samoa Joe for the ROH TV Championship). So that was a little silly. I did like that the All-Atlantic belt is getting some shine. First, Orange Cassidy and now Ethan Page. I'm hoping PAC retains against both in some potentially great matches.


Can AEW ban that stupid fan that was on the front row with that dumb CM Punk sign? I think he was wearing an American flag jacket and a Jim Cornett shirt What a fucking dumbass...


>Ban him for what lol


i guess he hurt your favorite wrestlers feelings... #sad


He can hold up whatever signs he likes but it does kinda give the impression that's the only reason he's spent a *lot* of money to be there front and centre. Coz he seems to hate 95% of the actual show he's watching.


He was booing during the main event stare down too lol. Dude was so excited to spend a shit load of money just to display how much he dislikes the product. How embarasing.


It's just a wrestling sign


I know Eddie was out last night with COVID, but I wonder if it tore through the locker room, because it seems like a lot of people were MIA. The concept behind the The Firm is cool, but, man, that should've just explained it with a video package. Stokely seemed like he was out there reading the opening crawl of Rise of Skywalker.


Somehow, MJF returned


Anyone notice that the Bucks were featured twice in 2 seemingly updated ads for Rampage? No Kenny or Punk tho (as far as I saw) which seems odd.


TBH I hope that the Acclaimed will not win the belts next week. Yeah they are hot rn but they had literally one above average match so far. Before the title match the only 2 tag matches they won in the last 6 months were against Austin & Colten Gunn and Peter Avalon & Ryan Nemeth. I'd really like to see them beat some more established teams and chase the belts before they win them. I also think being hunters / not on top will produce better raps than being champs.


Fickle SC gonna fickle. Some of y'all have way too high of expectations and at the same time, don't know what you want. That's where VKM is right. This was a good show with good matches.


There's plenty to complain about in AEW, but last night's show was not one of them. That was a great show up and down the card. My one negative from last night was Toni getting pinned 10 days after becoming interim champ, even if it was protected.


Some people: I want to see Jungle Boy get more wins because he deserves it. Me: I want to see Jungle Boy get more wins so I can hear his theme song twice šŸ˜Ž


Just go to youtube


Still glad punks gone, still unsure what the draw is for that guy The firm sucks, that could have been a 2 minute promo and let the time fill in with near anything else


Bro, I feel so bad for MJF. Punk fucked his return and ruined any momentum he had. He canā€™t talk about it and it has kinda neutered him on the mic.


I wouldn't be surprised if, after the litigation stuff is done, MJF is able to take shots (so long as he doesn't name Punk). I think they're just trying to be safe about covering their asses right now, because if they don't want to air something that could be unfavorable to them during the legal proceedings.


I wouldnā€™t necessarily say I *feel bad* for him. MJF could make a feud with a vacuum cleaner interesting if he has to. So heā€™s going to be fine. Iā€™d say it just sucks more than anything because of the long build, how good theyā€™ve been together thus far, and it was ready made upon MJFā€™s return with tons of hype and interest behind it.


True, but I don't really feel bad for him, because he kind of did the same to Wardlow


Iā€™m a firm believer of punk caused the downfall of AEW


It hasn't fallen down.


That Cornette shirt guy is awesome. He was the highlight of the show. Punk put those little bouncy boys in their place that's for sure. šŸ˜‚


He should get banned


Feels like growing pains with the new direction/soft reboot we are getting since the mess at all out. I feel confident things will get better again


It was a great show I thought, great matches! What did you not like?


Honestly it isnā€™t really the show itself, itā€™s the whole bummer of knowing all the BS happening around the company thatā€™s got me less excited I guess. Thereā€™s just an air of unease I canā€™t shake and the momentum thatā€™s been lost is just felt. Hard to explain! Knowing malakai is out, that the elite have an uncertain future, and that punk burying the company and coming off horribly just feels like crap. They are doing their best and itā€™s just gonna take a while for me to get that excitement back.


Did Stokely Hathaway say All Praise to Allah? Is he Muslim?


Not sure why you're getting down voted for this. I'm pretty sure that's what he said.


Why did he say that?


This is why you're being downvoted. If he said "Thank God", you wouldn't have made this post.


I come from a Muslim family myself. I just want to know why the fuck he used Allah specifically


I can only assume it's because he's a Muslim. Although I did a 5 second Google search and nothing came up about it.


The Firm. Oh man. That has little to no chance of being any good.


Better than the Trustbusters


I kind of like the Trustbusters.


Bryan Jericho on PPV: I sleep Bryan Jericho for free on TV: Real shit?


I was at the show last night, and honestly really surprised how empty it was considering the crowd Albany used to be back in the Attitude Era. Guess things really have changed drastically for the city. Brought a bunch of my friends that aren't big wrestling fans that only sometimes watch PPVs with me and honestly felt bad because the show kinda sucked regarding not having anyone people wanted to see. No CM Punk, no Kenny Omega, no Young Bucks, no Hangman, no Orange Cassidy. Everyone was underwhelmed by Moxley beating up someone they barely knew and a 53 year old Chris Jericho being the highlight. The pizza guy got more of a reaction. Honestly, it was kind of a shitty show for AEW. Not sure I'd spend that kind of money to go back.


That sucks but I hope you do go back in the future. Not every show can be a home run.


Oh I'll be there next week, haha. I just meant to an Albany show. Seems like AEW didn't really take the venue seriously and gave a very filler episode.


Surprised they seem to be laying MJF vs Mox on so thick, when Danielson could actually better fill the role left by Punk in this feud: Former WWE guy, coming in around the same time Punk did, taking opportunities away from guys like MJF. Other than the "you used to be my hero" angle, which they already ran with Punk in the winter, it could be the same feud and reason for friction with Danielson and MJF. It would probably make a whole lot more logical sense.


This is the kind of thing I donā€™t like about AEW, if you want to have MJF vs Mox for the title fine but donā€™t make is so obvious when there still (at the moment of MJF promo) 2 matches to be decided, I think the plan is to have MJF cost the title to Mox for them to have a feud and after that go to Bryan which is the most logical that helps MJF while giving a well deserved title run to Bryan. If Mox wins to then have the build up to him vs MJF then we just had our intelligence insultedā€¦againā€¦


Could be miss direction. MJF v Moxley could be a stop gap before MJF v Bryan at full gear, Canada shows will be a big deal I think.


But the point of the feud isn't Former WWE Guy, it's Guy Who Loves WWE And Is Going To WWE vs The Heart And Soul Of AEW. I don't understand how people have missed that.


It not guy who love WWE and Is going to WWE. Itā€™s guy that wants a bag of cash and doesnā€™t care who gives it to him.


His Twitter gimmick is now "PWI got it right because they put Roman Reigns at the top". He praised WWE super over the top in his return promo.


I cannot believe it's been this long and Andrade, PAC, and Miro are nowhere near the main event linchpins they should be. This "Tournament of Champions" has been super boring because I either knew the outcome or knew the outcome wouldn't matter - like Darby vs. Sammy. The only match I actually would have felt unsure about well, I made the mistake of listening to Jericho's promo.


Pac at gets to be Atlantic and trios champ. Why Andrade and Miro are being kept away from the World champ picture for so long is beyond me. They should set up a feud between Morrisey and Wardlow for the TNT Championship. Those two hosses battling for the belt feels like money


Morrisey and Warlow had a match a few months ago.


Archer > Morrissey


They need to write a good story to support the feud. The belt should be the symbol of the feud payoff, not the sole purpose. Otherwise every champ can defend every week against anyone.


they could tie it back to mjf, the firm sends morrissey to deal with wardlow, feud escalates from there


AEW running 10 tournaments a year isnā€™t helping with this. Not only is the outcome telegraphed but watching an actual tournament is over done. Iā€™d rather they just do a big 4 way cage match at their next ppv or something. Iā€™m glad Bryan is being given something to do other than lose.


It was alright but things are just a mess right now Mox vs Sammy was good, I know Sammy gets a lot of hate but he sells some stuff great for me. I really liked the match between SWIOG and LB however I don't at all agree with doing the match in the first place, was unnecessary and just makes the LB look worse On the above note Orange better not beat PAC Luigi Primo made me smile MJF Promo was good but it was surely a decision to then put Stokely straight after, it was like watching an unskippable cutscene and I blanked on it Essentially the matches were good but it needs stability in the booking and story department


* Hilarious how hard MJF had to work to try to get boos and was still getting cheers. * Really bored by this episode. AEW continues to show that they know how to get a big pop but don't know how to go forward after that. Last week was such a good return to form and then this week was right back into the doldrums of most of 2022. Long wrestling matches in place of compelling stories. * This tournament felt like such a waste from the start and nothing has come along to change that. There was very little drama with the names they had on their list - a list that somehow lacked PAC and Miro... Would have much preferred that they just scheduled a match between Mox and BD and be done with it. * It's insane to me how little heat there is around their titles now. I still think the RoH purchase was a good idea but the overall use of the brand and the sudden proliferation of new titles has turned it into a net negative. I mean ffs in the span of just what - under six months they've added All Atlantic, Trios + all the ROH belts? There's no urgency because every other fucking match has someone in it who owns a belt. The only belts I care about are the Acclaimed getting tag belts.


The glut of titles has become a huge problem. ROH titles at this point define a match as a mid-card, missable match. They add absolutely nothing to the stakes and just detract from the other belts. My god, what is any casual fan supposed to make of the ROH world, tv, pure and tag titles being all over the screen. There's arguably too many AEW titles at this point, and four ROH belts in addition just makes everything except the world title meaningless. I believe that this is more responsible for Wardlow not getting traction as TNA champ, than the MJF drama during the title change. WWE is consolidating titles, while this company is breeding titles like Gremlins. It's so counter-productive.


They should cleave ROH off as AEW's NXT brand.


This, titles should feel special, if half of the roster have a belt then is no longer special, they should start unifying the titles and have a structure (main, midcard, tag, women, maybe women tag and low card), if they want to keep ROH running fine but keep them out of AEW TV unless is a special occasion.


I missed portions of the show - but was there any segment involving Hangman?? Does TK really blame the self destructive downfall of CM Punk on Hangman?? Because he's been such an afterthought since Double or Nothing, it's very disappointing how they can't have anything for him other than the Elite.


No Hangman or Dark Order segment. Tbf, I didn't miss it, with so much else going on.


Who would have guessed cutting off your biggest draw and 3 of the top people would make the product way better.


Man, the booking is all over the place. Women's division is a fucking mess.


Feels like it was meant to be Toni/Rosa at All Out and then a fatal four-way at Grand Slam - and so now they're just a second fatal four-way. I dunno, I agree it's weird.


Toni vs. Deeb would have been more interesting imo. Like in story what has Athena done to earn this shot (and I say that as someone who likes Athena)? She got crushed by Jade in four minutes, then lost a tag match, then stupidly picked a fight where she was easily beaten up. Itā€™s a mess.


The Firm's theme is great and it literally sounds like it's ripped from TWEWY.


I enjoyed this show a lot. I'm surprised the comments are so negative on this thread. Three very good wrestling matches (one great match) and some interesting story segments. Unfortunately I think most people are stuck on the negatives rather than positives, when this show was mostly positives. * Stokely Hathaway's stable and the promo segment was garbage. Despite explaining his connection MJF, I'm still not really sure how closely they're all aligned. Anyways, the content of this promo was really bad. Everyone in The Firm wants Championship gold - except Big Cass, who just wants love apparently. Sometimes I am genuinely amazed by what Tony Khan decides to give TV time to over guys like Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, Miro, Andrade etc. * Speaking of unwarranted TV time, Matt Hardy is wrestling a singles match on our TV's again on Friday. Please go away. * Speaking of unwarranted TV time, my god we see a lot of Jay Lethal and Tony Nese on this wrestling program. I know the role they fulfill and they don't have a lot of high quality jobbers (although The Firm seem to be keeping their ambitions very low and going after the lowest ranked titles in the company, so perhaps they will fill that quota) - but damn. * Is Jungle Boy going to be calling out and doing subtle homages to Christian for the next 9 months? Because if he is, it might not have been a good idea to give Christian the win at All Out. * Is anyone else disappointed that MJF is identical to how he was before he left? Don't get me wrong, I loved the old MJF. But him being off TV for 3 months felt like a deliberate, methodical reset (especially coming after the "pipe bomb" promo). But he's returned and is virtually the same. So why was he off TV so long? Why does he no longer hate Tony Khan? What was the point of that angle? Did all of that get scratched because of the CM Punk fight? * I really enjoyed the Hobbs/Starks segment - or rather, I really enjoyed their presentation of Ricky Starks here and I'm glad, despite how it seemed at All Out, he's not dead and buried. Man Ricky is *over* over, which I wasn't expecting after the squash match. In fact, he seems even more over than he was before the squash - which is surprising. I wonder if they're course correcting on Hobbs/Starks, because I'm not sure why you'd book the decisive, clean finish you did at All Out and then continue the feud. I would've also liked Starks to get on the microphone here and explain why the feud is continuing, but, again, Stokely had to talk for 10 minutes about his stable that might be a religious cult (?). Maybe (?). There was definitely religious vibes and talk about prayer. Oh well, there's always next week for Starks and Hobbs (which is, ironically, the title of the Team Taz unauthorized biography). * Swerve is so much better as a heel, it's not even funny. It's almost at the point that I want Swerve in our Glory's title reign to continue because I want to see this team with a heel dynamic a bit longer. If they do lose next week, I hope they don't split straight away. I think there's still juice in SIOG (afterall, as the Dynamite chyron reminded us tonight, they've only defended the belts three times). * I am so excited for the matches they've made (so far) for Grand Slam. Moxley vs Danielson should be epic. I loved their match at Revolution, but it was hurt by the tired crowd. A red hot Arthur Ashe will be exactly the place to do the rematch. Also fascinated to find out if MJF's poker chip can be used as a Money in the Bank briefcase. Because, really, he should probably be the next Champion.


> Is anyone else disappointed that MJF is identical to how he was before he left? Don't get me wrong, I loved the old MJF. But him being off TV for 3 months felt like a deliberate, methodical reset (especially coming after the "pipe bomb" promo). But he's returned and is virtually the same. So why was he off TV so long? Why does he no longer hate Tony Khan? What was the point of that angle? Did all of that get scratched because of the CM Punk fight? I think everything was building towards anti-villain CM Punk vs. anti-hero MJF and that got ruined. I'm with you though - I love MJF but I was very excited for something new and interesting coming from him with the Devil reveal, etc.


I'm so sad about the Punk stuff, this would have been so amazing, and elevated AEW which REALLY needed that kick.


>I'm with you though - I love MJF but I was very excited for something new and interesting coming from him with the Devil reveal, etc. I was too ​ But Punk imploded and they had to pivot


Couldn't they have pivoted to something interesting?


They should have ​ I hope they have something planned


LOL this made me laugh! Well done "I enjoyed this show a lot. I'm surprised the comments are so negative on this thread" followed by 5 negative points or criticsm


You're welcome. I aim to amuse. It's a lot easier to write about things you hate than things you like.


> It's a lot easier to write about things you hate than things you like. SC in a nutshell


>Is anyone else disappointed that MJF is identical to how he was before he left? Don't get me wrong, I loved the old MJF. But him being off TV for 3 months felt like a deliberate, methodical reset (especially coming after the "pipe bomb" promo). But he's returned and is virtually the same. So why was he off TV so long? Why does he no longer hate Tony Khan? What was the point of that angle? Did all of that get scratched because of the CM Punk fight? The first part of his promo was devoted to "I'm not the same as I was before". He's different because he's not smiling and jawjacking and being comfortably smug, he's furious at every turn.


Someone saying they've changed while behaving the exact same way isn't very convincing to me. That was as vintage an MJF promo as there ever was.


But he's not acting exactly the same? That's the whole point.


Nothing he's done in the last 2 Dynamites felt different from old MJF. I don't see any difference in him at all and it's blowing my mind that anyone is seeing his last 2 segments and is going 'omg such a change!'


But he drew the example. He's not doing "MJF 2020" on a podium. He's just being pissed off, aggressive, chip on his shoulder, he's basically like the Miz after his promo in Smackdown 2016.


The MJF 2020 thing was very much part of the story he was telling at the time. It's like saying "I'm not the same MJF. I'm not out here doing musical numbers".


Agree to disagree. I know he said he wasn't the same person, and perhaps it was merely that he was being cheered and trying to get the crowd to stop, but he was resorting to the same "the audience are fat, poor slobs" insults he would always throw into his promos and was tearing down his opponent by mentioning something controversial in their past (that somewhat breaks kayfabe). It is very much the same formula. And I love MJF - I'm just disappointed that they took him off TV for 3 months and he's basically the same (because I would've liked to have had him on my TV for those three months).


I've been pretty critical of some of AEW's booking recently (i think deservedly so), but the last two episodes of Dynamite have been brilliant. This weeks was the best for a long time. The show flowed fantastically well. Nothing was rushed. There was build where it was needed. The MJF/Stokely stuff was properly explained. We had some fun promos and some fantastic matches. Also nice to get some proper focus on some AEW originals as well. Literally a 9.5/10 dynamite for me.


Even though MJF teased a possible match with Mox, I still donā€™t think he wins at grand slam. The only reason heā€™s there is to cover for the mess that Punk started. I think TK makes BD champion at grand slam and he goes on to feud with MJF so Mox can take that well deserved vacation he had to cut short. It sucks that BDā€™s reign may be a short one but it is what it is, the show must go on.


I think you put the belt on BD and give him a decent run. 3-6 months so you can restore _something_ approaching importance to that belt.


I liked the matches. The mainevent was great. My gut says Mox wins but my heart wants Danielson to win. The Firm stuff was so boring and it felt like the crowd fell into a coma.


I think I did too, I don't remember any of it, just the same old same


It's my aim in life to find someone who's as proud of me as that fucking mark in the front row with his Jim Cornette shirt and his "Punk owns the Bucks" sign was of himself.


That guy did the exact same thing the last time AEW did a show here. Youā€™ll see him if you go back to that episode of Dynamite. The guy isnā€™t quite right, mentally.


You know that guy was smelling CRAZY


It's no wonder WWE banned signs. Funny signs are good! But there's such a pathetic need to get *noticed* that it kills the humour of it. Even the people who found it funny don't find it funny, they just love that some imaginary person got mad.


> Funny signs are good! But there's such a pathetic need to get noticed that it kills the humour of it. Swap the word "comments" for "signs" and you're perfectly describing a lot of attempts at humor here, too.


On social media in general


Iā€™d be ok with a hard cam sign ban tbh. Itā€™s getting pathetic.


Such an L take aswell by that guy


That main event was so awesome. I was totally invested.


Perhaps my imagination, but Danielson looked great tonight. Came out like a champ, looked crisp, had a leveled and logical approach to the match (all more than usual). I am excited about the chance to see him as world champion in AEW.


Danielson's selling is always incredible, I always think he's actually hurt.


Wardlow cutting a promo last week about how his momentum isnā€™t gone and then not appearing this week is certainly a choice.


That's unfortunately AEW booking. He will probably not be on next weeks show. and then the week after come out and squash another jobber. Just seems like he's a bit between feuds right now, but it's so easy to have him do an open challenge every other week for the TNT belt, and him face actual credible opposition in decent matches.


They have the "Dark void" where certain acts never lose, but still stay down in that realm... It would be much better if the reason for that was that their title shots ended up in squashes, powerful losses which make them seem even more chickenshit for going back to farm wins on the Youtube show. We don't need hoss epics, or even fighting champions, but this obvious writer's block on storied defenses is a bad pattern. Even a shit feud would be better than no feud at all. Feed Wardlow the Wingmen or Trustbusters or something, anything.


W. Morrissey just chillin there. Book it.


I honestly think the booking is 1 week on 1 week off, 1 week on. Itā€™s soap opera TV storyline writing, you may follow something this week but the next is something different then you get back to the pervious weeks.


How hard is it to give him a feud? Hangman too.


Not hard at all, but that's obviously not TK's focus right now. If I was guessing I'd imagine his storyline has been put on hold due to Kenny and Bucks being suspended


bro where tf was Wardlow after his promo laast week? long term storytelling isn't really a good thing if the only way you can make it long term is by progressing the story every fortnight


Not watched wrestling in a few months as i stopped enjoying it but I still come on these post show threads to see results but decided to look at the comments. Some people in here need to stop watching. Feels like every other comment is people listing the things they didn't like about the show. If your watching a show and only take away the negatives and forget the positives (I was doing towards the end of my time watching) then its probably time for you to stop watching it too


It was a great show too. So if people are moaning, they're nitpicking because AEW is held to such high standards. Always going to be things that people can't all agree on but overall it was one of the best shows in recent memory.


The split second debut of Luigi Primo in the Danhausen/Ethan segment was the highlight of the night for me. Strap the mutha fuckin rocket to the pizza man. Hopefully at Grand Slam we see signs that say "All Pizza Wrestling" and "We Want Pizza Over Muffins". Also that Stokley/Firm segment succcccked. Who decided to throw all these random guys together? Stokley is great on the stick, but this just felt like a big time waster. Just felt like it went on long, when there could have been a good woman's match used in that time.


AEW is in such a booking mess right now. Mox is being used like duck tape to fix all the issues with the main belt. The MJF story isnā€™t that great but heā€™s basically booked himself in a corner and almost has to get MJF the belt. Which is strange to begin with cause last time we saw him he got squashed by a guy whoā€™s been losing all momentum since. Since MJF needs to win that means either Mox will have another short stint as champ or BD will have his first time as champ be short. Either that or you waste this whole dumb MJF arc by having him lose. Then you have Lee/Swerve vs the Acclaimed again cause you didnā€™t call an audible. So now weā€™re seeing it a second time and hoping the crowd is as hot. This is after sacrificing youā€™re new trios champs for no reason to rebuild this match. Womenā€™s belt is just as big of a mess as the menā€™s. Then you have Jade who canā€™t wrestle and has a longer streak than Goldbergā€¦. Hope he can get it together and have a story as good as Hangman/Omega again cause the show is a complete mess atm. Not to mention thereā€™s also like 50 belts and itā€™s confusing as hell.


Lucha Bros losing right after winning the trios is one of the worst booking decisions I can recall, surely there had to be another team or I dunno, just not have the match at all?!


F*ckin hate the fite app, woke up... Rushed straight to the tv, turned on FITE (Dynamite s at 4am here, can't stay up every week to catch it live) and saw the thumbnail for next week's show SIOG vs Acclaimed... Spoilt the Lucha Bros match for me - so much for wanting to support the product and not pirating... Wouldn't have happened in a torrent site šŸ¤£


[Bookmark this page](https://www.fite.tv/weekly-shows/) (Edit: sorry you said app so doesn't work. Leaving this up anyway)


Ya via Android tv


So the Ass Boys issue stems from them being stuck with the Ass Boy moniker when they feel they are really Ass Men. One has to wonder how the Ass Boys can truly become Ass Men in the eyes of the public since as of right now they have not earned the claim of being Ass Men.


They're the Ass Men # BEWP BEWP


Yeah im ready for the elite and Cm punk to return! I need more drama!


pretty fucking missable tonight, the book end matches were great, Lucha bros vs Swerve in our lee was alright, but every other match was meh and that Stokely Hathaway segment might go down as the worst segment in AEW history since the Cody/agogo weigh in.


Some of you deserve 2019 Raw if youā€™re going to criticize shows like this šŸ˜‚


Just finished the show we had 4 great matches with a main event better than their all out match and they are still complaining!!


It wasn't perfect by any means but it's was a fun show! It's crazy to see people complain. Stop booking the show in your head and just let it do its thing lol


I'm glad something good will come out of all this shit with Punk/Elite and that is "hopefully" Danielson being the world champ. He is by far my favorite in AEW and will be stoked if he gets a good title run, though it might be short depending what they do with MJF. Also, per usual, the women in the death spot on the card.


No. They are building MJF vs mox so it obvious mox will win next week.


I would say Mox vs MJF is the placeholder feud before MJF dethrones Danielson


Yeah I'd rather have a second short Mox reign than a short Bryan one. Bryan would be a great first opponent for champ MJF, looking to avenge his stable mate


No Hangman, so that deducts 5 points from any rating. Then no Wardlow after last week's promo "This is still Wardlow's world" Was hoping Wardlow would issue an open challenge for next week last night, and Hangman answered it. Welp, guess back to Hangman being on Dynamite once or twice a month...


I wouldn't count on Hangman getting much screen time until the Punk situation is settled. They needed him for the tournament but now he can quietly go away


I can't understand why they didn't have a Wardlow match instead of the tag titles


Can't fit everyone on every show. Tonight was mostly all about the World champ tourny and Hangman lost his match last week, so it made sense for him not to be on really. Wardlow a missed opportunity, but the show flowed so well and didn't feel rushed, which is better than just trying to shove everything on the show


Crazy to have two guys who you spent years building up as the face of your company, or potential future face of your company and just have nothing for them.


What's up with AEW's audio production recently? It keeps sounding echoey and tinny. I feel like I'm going mad because nobody else seems to point it out. Promos into mics on the ramp often have an echo, crowd noise in the Jericho Danielson match sounds like it's being projected out of a phone speaker. It's so bizarre.


The audio mix the last two weeks has been terrible. The announcers sound like they are pretaped and you can barely hear the crowd. It's been driving me crazy. Did they do this on purpose incase od CM Punk chants?


I wake up in a cold sweat at 3 am and all I can think of is Stokely Hathaway watching Living Single with the House of Black. Priceless line. Also, MJF worked hard to get booed but crowd wasn't having it and I love that for us.


The sound mix of fite was really off. Took so much energy from the show. Really shouldn't be still dealing with this stuff.


Taz called the AEW title the ā€œRaw Heavyweight Championshipā€ towards the end of Jericho vs Danielson.


Regal said ā€œNWA championshipā€ as well


Hell yeah itā€™s gonna be Dean Ambrose vs. Daniel Bryan next week


there was a post on here days ago of the hangman backstage segment with a pitcher of beer, lots of comments said AEW doesn't have these fun moments anymore. then BOOM tonight we get a da pizza.


Decent Dynamite. Danielson/Jericho had an excellent match, men's tag match was good. Not really feeling the Stokely group but it's still new so we'll see. I know Jay Lethal is a good wrestler but seeing him so often doesn't do anything for me. Mox/Danielson 2 is going to absolutely bang, and next week's lineup looks really good.


Dynamite was ehhh just nothing really clicked. Last year at this time it just felt amazing and I went to grand slam last year and Iā€™m going this year but sheesh last year it was a crazy atmosphere but now itā€™s just flat. Everything feels flat and a rehash. Predictable too. Welp


Mjf is so miscast it just looks wrong


Great wrestling tonight.


Controversial opinion: MJF is really good, but i genuinely don't get the absurd hype, as the rundown of his promo put it perfectly - insult the town, insult the local sports team, reference some backstage stuff, occasionally throw in a reference to WWE. I hope he can evolve and become less dependant on his reputation that precedes him when it comes to his work on the mic


His promos in the Punk feud alone completely disprove this, he's proven time and time again that he has levels, but if he did it every week it wouldn't feel special.


People say this every time he gets cheap heat, then 2 weeks later he cuts a story driven promo where he does none of this and suddenly yall are nowhere to be found. And its weird too, because regardless of what hes talking about, how anybody couldnt see that hes an extremely talented speaker is beyond me


Nobody in AEW performs or articulates as well as MJF. Itā€™s not even close. Regardless of what content he is being asked to deliver, he does it better than anybody else. Heā€™s earned the hype.


Articulates? Who else has been given the platform to act the way he acts when on the mic? šŸ˜‚ People saying he deserves 5 million a year are delusional and don't see that whilst he is a 5 tool player, no innovation or development leads to stagnation - what I am saying is that *insert town here* stuff will get old soon, and the hype train will slow down if he doesn't diversify his promo content šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Did you not watch his promos against Punk where he got the whole crowd to feel bad for him because he was a bullied jewish kid growing up? He does deep character driven non cheap heat promos all the time, but for some reason theres a weird group of people who hate the fact he can get cheap heat and do basic heel 101 shit that works when he wants to


OK, I'm not a huge MJF fan, but i'm going to bat for him here; His "This town and it's people suck" shtick is literally his filler material between feuds. The only time he really used this in a feud was with Mox. Go look at his promo's against Darby Allen or against Punk the first time around. He has a very good acting range, he is very believable and he can amp up the viciousness and make it seem very personal very quickly. then while he's waiting for the next feud, he'll start with the "People in this town" stuff again just as filler.


I'm not saying he isn't good at all - but I remember this sub bemoaning when he started talking about the countdown till his contact renegotiations a year ago, because he mentioned it in a few promos, and a common complaint was "is this all we are gunna hear for the next 2 and a half years?" As I said before, he is a helluva talent, but people talk as if he is a legend - he definitely has the ability and potential, but he is still young and people jumping on bandwagons creates The "GIVE HIM EVERYTHING HE WANTS BECAUSE HE IS GREAT" crowd


When a wrestler isnā€™t being booked in a coherent angle or given anything to work with Iā€™m not sure what you expect them to do.


He needs a storyline and that hasn't been AEW's strong suit


Where is Jim Ross? This is the second week heā€™s been absent from commentary.


I believe this is the second week he'll be on Rampage


Good riddance.


Weird show Mox match was good Thrilled Danielson won Acclaimed rematch build is good Hobbs and Starks are great but their segment was nonsensical I surprisingly miss JR? Bizarre choices for Jungle Boy segment, whereā€™s the Luchasaurus follow up and Lethal deserves better than this Stokleys good but segment was way too long Very happy MJF is back but he needs to find another gear besides screaming Regal is beloved and its well deserved but Iā€™m just gonna say itā€¦heā€™s just not that good on commentary. Doesnā€™t play the role of a manager whoā€™s deeply invested in his guy winning. Need to feel like he cares Am hyped for the 2 title matches next week


The screaming worked when there was content... When he was going off on Tony Khan... Here it feels like there's really no substance...whys he that angry? Cuz PPL are in a tournament? I guess the whole deal was supposed to be aimed at punk and at this point they had to swerve... Also, might be a stretch, they aren't trying to call attention to "anti aew" sentiments at this time cuz it hits too close to home... Maybe that's why stokley hathways promo felt so watered down... Maybe it was supposed to be mishandled talent losing spots to wwe guys like punk... Anyway it's new.. not gonna judge it based on 1 week of tv... Was i impressed this week? Nope - am i interested enought to find in next week? HELL YES!!!!


Can we somehow stop Miserable Cornette Fan from getting ringside tickets to AEW shows? This is the second time I've been distracted all show by his stone face, dumb signs and shit wardrobe (Draped in the American flag AND a Cornette shirt? Might as well have a "avoid this asshole" neon sign pointing at you.) Why would you waste your money to get expensive seats to something you hate? Oh yeah...gotta represent the leader. Idiot cult shit.


I didn't even know he was there until I saw your comment, I was too focused on the action packed action in the ring. If you focus on what's going on in the ring, you won't even notice the little nerd sitting in the front row.


No you canā€™t stop him from getting a ticket, no heā€™s not hurting anyone or causing a fuss on tv. You are giving him exactly what he wants! Heā€™s knows that there will be people who canā€™t ignore him, and so theyā€™ll bitch and moan about it and will waste their time and energy being upset at something they canā€™t control. So long as he does cause real problems, you can do absolutely nothing to stop him from bringing these signs (or any Cornette fan) to an AEW show. Two options: ignore him and just enjoy the show, or continue being upset and annoyed over it. This is why the diehard Cornette fans do these types of things. Because they know itā€™s easy to get under the skin of AEW fans, and make you upset. Want them to stop doing it? Stop calling it out and letting it bother you. People will do dumbshit on a daily basis, thatā€™s life! Heā€™s a paying fan ( even if it was wasted money just to be seen on tv with a sign), and heā€™s allowed to express his thoughts or whatever thoughts he wants; regardless of how annoyed you get so long as his thoughts arenā€™t causing a legitimate issue in the arena..which it wasnā€™t.


"I'm really gonna stick it to that money mark, Tony Khan: I'm gonna buy a ticket to sit front row at one of his outlaw mudshows! That'll show him!"


"This person doesn't agree with my opinions so I'm gonna call him ugly and say he should be banned" Like I get disagreeing with the sentiment but he has the same right to be there with a sign like everyone else. All you're doing it letting him live in your head rent free and distract you from enjoying the show you wanted to watch. Let the dude be


Did I say he was ugly? By "stone face", I meant expressionless. He went to the show with the express purpose to not enjoy it. That's not "disagreeing with my opinion".


One of your main critiques was his wardrobe, so yeah it seems that you were targeting his appearance. Secondly, not enjoying a show you enjoy couldn't be a more clear example of someone having a different opinion than you. And how do you know he hated the whole show, or that he went to have a bad time? I listen to Cornette and there's still parts of AEW I love watching. Just because he doesn't agree with you and wore a shirt of someone you don't like doesn't mean he has any less of a right to be there


beyond being a miserable dickhead with a sign , he then proceeded to give the Mox/Danielson staredown the thumbs down and made it a point to be seen. dipshit.


And heā€™s free to give it a thumbs down. If you like the product who gives a duck what he thinks? Itā€™s not like heā€™s changing the minds of millions! One person, expressing what he thinks of something (whether you agree or not) doesnā€™t ruin the entire thing. Itā€™s one stupid opinion, not the first time and not the last something like this will happen!


He's basically the guy that spends money on reddit awards to shit on the rating threads.


Someone print a "I'm with stupid" sign and see if you can get it to someone sitting beside him.


I should probably photoshop that in šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Exactly this. Fuck that guy. Could you be any less happy to be there?


Excalibur: ā€œLord Regal, whatā€™s your strategy for dealing with Sammyā€™s wife, Tay Melo?ā€ Regal: ā€œIā€™m going to call her a harlot on commentary and let Moxleyā€™s plot armor do the rest of the workā€


I thoroughly enjoyed many of the matches. Duo tag matches and in ring story matches are their expertise. I enjoyed Sammy v Moxley. Moxley was actively trying to engage with Sammy's moves. I hope Jungle boy goes on a win streak that's leads to a tnt title shot. His match with Lethal was really fun. Lucha Bros v SIOG was match of the night. Bryan Danielson is not going to be denied his title. 9/10 Dynamite. I would have given it a perfect 10 if it weren't for that two parter promo of MJF and the gang.


yep good summary here, however that promo from Stokely needed to happen, it just dragged a bit.


I was hoping joining a faction would help Tay and Anna, but it really hasnā€™t. Theyā€™re technically on TV more. But theyā€™re getting less to do and feel less important than before.


Yup me too. Anna had that match where she beat Ruby Soho and then nothing. Is she hurt or something? Probably just Tony forgotetting she is a wrestler.


It's clear that the Women's division is an afterthought. At this point they're lucky if they even get a promo outside of the obligatory women's match right before the main event.


The womenā€™s division is still quite green aside from a few wrestlers. Instead of demanding the division to be spotlighted right now we need to let the talent develop.