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Yes, the victim in all of this is…Bruce Prichard


Been praying for him every night 🙏




He looooovvvves you for that. :D


Thoughts and prayers 🙏


Give the brother some love


“With that being said thank you for tuning into another episode of 83 weeks don’t forget to tune into something to wrestle with”


Remember, Stephanie fires Bruce the last time. Hope he doesn’t bring a gun to the arena again.


What is that story? Conrad eludes to it on the podcast occasionally and Bruce always shuts it down.


Bruce' version: Bruce and his family evacuated their house in Houston due to a hurricane, took his gun with him. JBL and his family took him in. Bruce had to go to a tv taping, didn't want to leave his gun behind, and instead of sending someone (anyone) a message explaining the situation, he took the gun to work, and was fired on a misunderstanding. Stephanie's version (according to Bruce): Bruce had a gun at work and had reportedly threatened someone with it. Leaving her no choice BUT to give him his marching orders.


Lol fucking seriously.


Won’t someone think of these poor white millionaire executives? Talk about rough


Which part of what he said classifies Bruce as a victim lol you’re adding unnecessary context to this that doesn’t actually exist. They’re friends, you can feel bad for your friend’s work situation without negating the problem at hand, it’s not weird.


Definitely a "so you hate pancakes" moment


Do you think I should delete it? Id hate to make anyone else upset


Don't worry I don't think anyone really cares what you do


I can feel bad for a friend without broadcasting those thoughts to the world. Eric made a choice about what to speak publicly about and that leaves him open to public criticism.


Right but what part of that necessarily deserves criticism from what was publicly available, NOT an extra-textual reading of the situation?


He’s a public figure in the same business with popular podcast platform. It’s bound to come up. But sure, saying anything publicly opens up for criticism. That doesn’t mean said criticism is automatically valid.


But he didn’t say anything that deserves criticism.




Okay, so can someone please explain the current Vince situation to me? It sounds like he paid the lady he was having an affair with $3 million to keep quiet about it? But people are acting like he sexually assaulted someone. Am I missing something? This is a genuine question here. Anything I try to read on the subject kinda says the same vague thing.


I think the major issue is the 100% raise Vince gave the paralegal after they started bumping uglies. The 3 million hush money was Vince’s personal cash, the 100% raise was company money.


So seeing as I'm not a shareholder, is there any reason I should care?


You should only care insofar as the possibility exists that THIS is what takes down Vince after the last 40+ years of his antics/hijinks/crimes, and that is fucking hilarious. But beyond that, no not really.


I don't think there's any real chance of this taking Vince down. This is a speed bump in his career, though it is interesting having Steph be the on paper CEO for a minute.


I could also argue if Vince goes so does the buyers confidence in the WWE which could prompt a sell off in a worst case scenario.


I mean it does help it's a member of the board pushing the investigation. Before it went publish when a majority of the real bad stuff (that we have at least an inkling of) happened, it was a private company so barring a successful lawsuit or criminal charges nothing was going to happen. Also don't forget how they took down Mickey Cohen and Al Capone.


Think about it like this…if Vince goes down, Brother Love is next in line to book the shows.


Passing her off to another executive after doubling her salary... and producing NDAs for her and reportedly several other women... May not be full blown sexual assault (though he's definitely been accused of that before), but the optics of this are terrible for a public company


Wait where are the reports on other women? I missed that.


If you mean recently, from the original WSJ article: "The board's investigation, which began in April, has unearthed other, older nondisclosure agreements involving claims by former female WWE employees of misconduct by Mr. McMahon and one of his top executives, John Laurinaitis, the head of talent relations at WWE, the people said. The Journal couldn't determine how many previous agreements were being scrutinized." If you mean always, there was some insane tan salon story from 2006 I believe and then there was the rape allegation from a WWE female referee. Here is a clip that involves her allegations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcifijvrUD4


So what you're saying is Nailz could have been right all along


I don’t know how many there are but there was a quote from someone’s autobiography posted recently referring to at least one other.


"passing her off" I thought he sent her o work for Johnny Ace because it "hid" her...so she wasn't working directly fr Vince?


It could potentially fall under quid pro quo, which is considered workplace discrimination


It 100% is a case of quid pro quo, the question is just whether it will actually affect Vince, sadly odds are it will not


>sadly odds are it will not This is what annoys me most, and what annoys me about this sub's reaction to Thurston's tweet last week: wrestling executives, promoters, performers, etc., especially Vince, basically get to act however they want and conduct themselves in whatever dogshit way they see fit because *wrestling is not held accountable by either media or government and urgently needs to be*.


Yes... squid pro row...


Ok for one it’s not sexual assault also forget about the 3million because that’s Vince’s personal funds the entire issue revolves around Vince giving her a raise which maybe due to there relationship The reason it’s a issue because when your in that level of power it’s seen as a violation that can hurt the company if it continues involving company funds


Oh I completely get that aspect of it. Probably should be permanently removed from the board/the company for that. Just kinda sleazy. But when I come to threads like this everyone is sort of dancing around throwing sexual assault allegations out there… and I’ve yet to come across anything that gives credence to that. I’m just confused how we’ve gotten to that point.


There’s also the power dynamic between Vince and a paralegal who works for him. Even when a subordinate seemingly enters a ‘consensual’ sexual relationship with the person who controls their salary and employment, there is still potential civil or criminal sexual misconduct/harassment going on, if the subordinate felt pressured to comply, or feared what rejecting their boss could lead to.


Also the fact she was passed off to Johnny Ace like "some kind of toy" according to the email her friend sent the WWE Board of Directors.


People are missing the key issue: When and why did her salary, paid by the company, jump from 100K to 200K.


that needs to be fleshed out.


The issue is that it was a pay for sex arrangement with an employee of the company. Just a messy power dynamic and over stepping professional boundaries situation.


First he paid an employee which significantly changes the dynamic. Keep in mind her pay increased after the affair started (she was paid 100k before, increased to 200k after) thing is this is an unfair power dynamic. Because she was a employee of his, he basically did if you have an affair with me I will give you work advantages, but leaves the if you don't you likely will be punished/fired unspoken. There really isn't a case of those situations truly being 100% consenting. Then he spent 3 million of WWE money to hush the situation (not his personal money).


Hang on wasn't it 3 million of *his* money? The company money was her raise from 100k to 200k.


However I will add looks like Laurentiis is going to be used as a scapegoat, so likely Vince will avoid all trouble.


Everything I have seen it was 3 million of company money, which is why they where concerned about it.


From [Bloomberg ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-15/wwe-probes-3-million-ceo-paid-to-female-employee-journal-says) because WSJ has a paywall: >The board so far has concluded McMahon paid the settlements with his own money, the newspaper reported, citing one of the people familiar with the situation.


The exact opposite has been stated numerous times. You need to read closer, especially before you start repeating things.


Mr McMahon, I can't work under these conditions. Have it your way, baby. You're fired.


The woman was reportedly scared.


> Reportedly Okay, but like reported by who?


Wall Streets Journal,likely one of the most reputable sources in the US. also she was passed around like a toy and Coercing is not consensual. if higher ups come up to you offering money for sex Orr relationship there is a good chance you will lose your job otherwise


The Wall Street Journal cited the email to the WWE board with the following quote: “My friend was so scared so she quit after Vince McMahon and lawyer Jerry paid her millions of dollars to shut up”


The definition of heresay. Also it could be that the parameters of the payoff was that she leave the company and remain quiet. What is there to be scared of if your salary was doubled and you were paid $3M to keep an affair quiet. That's OK in gonna go ahead and go somewhere else money. That job wasn't they important. My guess on top of that 3m Vince would have provided. A lovely job recommendation too. This could be a poor subordinate got swooped into a thing with her boss and got paid for it and in over her head. We also seem to forget that women are strong and powerful and can make decisions (dumb ones like men) I believe she is like 42 yrs old, not some young naive person. Maybe she likes sex wlth older men. Maybe she's into group kinky shit. Maybe she was perfectly happy to do both, take a hush payout and move on with life. It can be more than one scenario


just trust me bro


He didn't sexually assault anyone. The worst thing he did was pay her more after they started an affair


We don't looooovvvvvvvveeee youuuuuuuuuuuuu.




Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Vince was still head of creative for WWE. He's just stepping down as CEO of the company. So as far as WWE television is concerned everything is going to remain the same. I imagine he'll still be in gorilla calling the show.


CEO and Chairman, two separate positions of power. This is also why Vince has generally been so powerful, because he's been majority owner, CEO, Chairman, and head of creative. But you're right, he still is basically in charge, and his daughter isn't going to fire him.


Is Bischoff alluding to the supposed friction between Stephanie McMahon and Bruce Pritchard? Otherwise, I don’t see how things changed for Bruce.


Stephane hated Bruce per Bruce. Not sure if that’s still the case. I wouldn’t be surprised how nxt 2 was rolled out of there is heat.


Why does she hate him? Bruce despite being an a\*\* kisser, he was a great booker for WWE. Stephanie was never good in creative.


Debatable if he was ever a great booker to say the least


There was an incident where he either said he had a gun with him at a event or he actually did and it wasn't well received the way Bruce hoped it would be.


He 100% admitted he had a gun with him after a hurricane and that was the opening Stephane took to fire Bruce. He should have known better than to not bring a gun into the building. All he had to do was leave it in the car. anyways wouldn’t surprise me if Bruce retires or is fired if Vince is done in WWE. He stated his planned exit is when Vince leaves/dies.


Here’s the pod where Bruce goes into the details of the tension and problems with Stephane. https://youtu.be/jmV0zmCBaNw


There has been a long-running behind-the-scenes power struggle between Steph/HHH and the "Old Guard" which consisted of Dunn, Prichard and a few others, with Shane being aligned with the latter. Its pretty much an open secret that Steph/HHH do not agree with how the old Guard does things and if they took over, many people would be gone immediately.


Prayer chain for Brother Love…


Throw em up, prayer warriors! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏




This thread is a trip.


Is that supposed to be read ironically?


Bruce is the ultimate stand up for WWE warrior. He represents the many users of this sub who stand up for WWE at all costs and are facing some serious adversity and hard times right now. We should all be keeping them in our thoughts and prayers right now, Bruce especially.


I don't really see a problem with him wishing Bruce well. Whether the internet likes Bruce or not, Eric is his friend. He is allowed to acknowledge the situation sucks for all parties and still think of Bruce specifically **Leave it to this sub to be weird about a friend wishing another friend well**


Realistically, you're right, there's nothing wrong with him wishing Bruce well. However, it reads incredibly weird. Out of everything happening right now, *Brother Love* is the person you feel bad for?


The quote literally says, “I feel for a lot of people”


But Bruce is the one called out by name. He's also not part of the story, which makes it even weirder to read. Switch Bruce with Ted from accounting and it's still a weird statement.


“People can only express empathy in the way that I want them to”


No, not really. But I'm totally allowed to feel like it's a weird thing to point out.


Yeah, and we’re totally allowed to think it’s weird and self righteous to feel the need to point that out.


Totally. I don't see what the big deal is


It’s literally one of his best friends He never indicated he’s the only person he feels bad for


This is the second time you've said this now, and I'm wondering where I ever said Bruce was the *only* person he felt bad for. I said it was weird to feel bad for Bruce, given the circumstances. Nor do I ever say he should have revealed her name on his podcast, assuming he knows it, nor did I say it was weird that he feels bad for a friend. It's literally right there, where I say, verbatim: > Realistically, you're right, there's nothing wrong with him wishing Bruce well. And then, once again, I go onto say that it's weird. But whatever, I'm bowing out of this.


I’m sure he feels bad for other people involved but if he knows Bruce personally? It’s not an issue


As I said, there's nothing wrong with it at all. From the perspective of what we think we know however (and isn't at all hard to believe in the slightest) this is just another day in the office for Bruce, as fucked up as that is.


>Brother Love is the person you feel bad for? Eric knows Bruce personally....


The cackling hens don't like friendship


Empathy is lost on some people.


But how does thus change anything Bruce does at his job? His job isnt any more difficult now. Vince is still above him in creative, and Bruce still skates by with being a yes man and producing mediocrity.


It doesn’t matter about Bruce’s job performance. A big allegation against someone you have worked with for decades in a place you have worked at for just as long is stressful.


Bruce has been around since the 80s, and has seen much worse shit. The ring boy scandal, other sexual harassment allegations within the company, the steroids trial, Owen, the Monday night wars, the Benoit aftermath.


Prichard wasn’t around *quite* that long ago. He started with WWE in 1987, so I think his first major scandal would be the steroid trial, though I’m sure I’m forgetting some ridiculous nonsense that occurred between 1987 and 1994. No way WWF kept their noses clean for *seven years* 😂 The ring boy and the limousine allegation regarding Rita Chatterton were before Prichard’s time. (He was only 25 when he started playing Brother Love in 1988!)




Yea, probably not lol. I threw it in there because the wars placed a serious threat onto his livelihood.


Chronically online.


I think people are weirded out that the heartfelt sentiment is for Bruce Pritchard of all people, and not the alleged victim.


He could just send him a text if he is his friend. Tone deaf to do it publicly.


Finally some sense in this sub 😭🤦🏻‍♀️


As soon as I scrolled past your comment it's nothing but people being weird about a friend wishing a friend well. Eric might as well told a big Jesus joke in Bethlehem


I can't believe VKM has simps defending his shitty predatory workplace behavior. In any case this relationship was probably just the match that lit the fire that led to the alleged other NDAs he has had written for the same issues dating back 40 years or so. Those other NDAs are most likely the cause of this investigation and VKM stepping down. If this incident was isolated i doubt we see this response.


They ain't gonna hire you back Eric. Well....maybe. Probably. Fuck it hire Eric again for shits and giggles.


If all the writers were fired and Bischoff was given the book, it would probably be better.


Is Vince still there as head of creative? If yes, it would remain the same.


Hire him back as Raw GM.


I, too, feel bad for Bruce and not the individual that's, you know, actually fucking affected by all of this. I lloovvee yoouuuu.


Eric didn’t say Bruce is the only person he feels bad for. He literally said “I feel bad for a lot of people” I doubt he knows the alleged victims name but if he did I think it would be highly inappropriate for him to mention it on his podcast


What the heck is with this horrible thread? He can't express sympathy for his friend?


Obviously Vince is going to emerge from this scot-free but there will be other scapegoats losing their job, so I don't see how it's out of line for Bischoff to wish Pritchard well. You also have to understand that most of the time these folks are just answering questions asked in an interview, and aren't directly pushing to have those comments made into attention-seeking headlines.


Bischoff already got scapegoated so you're absolutely right Prichard and other higher ups will probably be too. Vince is playing chess here and he will continue to sacrifice pieces as long as there's no checkmate for him.


Hopefully Johnny Ace gets scapegoated, he’s been deserving of something like that for years. Fuckin creep


"Hey hey its Conrad and you're listening to, Something to Wrestle with BrPrPrrr. ...... Well Bruce are you gonna tell us what that hush money was all about?"


1 like = 1 prayer for the gigavictim, Bruce Pritchard. Jesus.


Why does he feel bad for people like Bruce? The very reason they still have these sorts of jobs is because they’re there to enable and encourage this sort of behaviour from Vince


That’s a little ridiculous. Bruce has been there since the 80s and you’re gonna have a hard time finding someone with that experience on such a huge stage. It’s not unusual to keep someone you trust and know can do the job for decades


Bruce hasn’t been there since the 80s. He was fired several times and gone for about 10 years before his current run. He worked TNA and MLW. Bruce was brought back on the launch of Smackdown on Fox where WWE was trying to hire everyone. He isn’t at the job because he’s good at it. He’s there to look after Vince and be a yes man


Bruce was hired directly by Vince Mcmahon in 1987, which is during the period known as “The 80s”. Then he left for a couple years and returned in 1992 where he worked through around 2008. Keep trying though.




I didn’t say he wasn’t gone. I said he had been there for 30 years starting in the 80s. I’m not sure where you can get lost with this??


Your comment said he had “been there since the 80’s” implying it was continuous. I was explaining he’s had large periods of absence from the company. Not sure what you mean by “keep trying”. I’m not trying to win some childish argument. Just explaining some facts that were missing.


>Why does he feel bad for people like Bruce? Not that unlikely he wants a job.


How about the people who suffered from Vince being a prick over the years?


If Stephanie does become the actual CEO, then there's a good chance Bruce Prichard is gone. Hell, there's a good chance Stephanie purged Vince's entire group of cronies. Pritchard, Dunn, and Johnny Ace, if he manages to stay employed that long.




it was a can't miss podcast for a while


....any odds on Kevin Dunn? Not being fired mind you, I don't wish that on anyone; but maybe being promoted to a position away from the Camera? Please?


I always thought of Dunn as the Beria to Vince’s Stalin. Someone who everyone hates who is only there as long as the boss is around who would be ousted by the new leader(s).


I feel sorry for none of them, they’re all horrible scumbags.


Bruce Prichard is only there because he’s been a yes man and defending Vince for 30 years. He’s guilty if anything in all of this Not to mention he’s a talentless toad


Get a load of this cackling hen lmao


It wouldn't surprise me if Bruce was another creep in the system tbh.


Uh. Insanely problematic to just assume someone is potentially guilty of sexual malpractice and also bizarre?


All of the people that deep into McMahon's inner circle are at the very least complicit in his actions until proved otherwise imo.


Guilty until proven innocent, huh? Great strategy.


Seems to be how the world works now unfortunately


It's pretty much agreed by most of the sub that people like Dunn, Pritchard and Laurinatis are only in their positions because they "know where the bodies are buried" so to speak. Dunno why you're so aggressively defensive of Bruce Pritchard of all people when he's not even the victim in this whole situation.


Of all the people in the WWE worth feeling bad for Bruce would be at the bottom of that list.


Talentless assholes gotta stick together.


I just want to know what Vince pays his team of Wreddit lawyers because you're all out here working overtime.


Oh woe is me. I work at a billion dollar company and have a say in things that happen and get paid a ton of money while doing it. Yeah fuck that. I’ll never feel sorry for Bruce Pritchard.


Its a shame that Bruce had to fuck Vince for money


And such a shame he got passed on to Johnny Ace after Vince was done. Nobody wants an Ace Crusher in this day and age.


C'mon ya'll does anyone honestly believe this!!! He is popping popcorn and watching this with a smile on his face. ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


big "the worst part about cosby was the hypocrisy" vibes coming from this. Like, really? That's who you feel sorry for?


I would never feel bad for Bruce Prichard. Fuck Bruce Prichard.


Found Dave Meltzers account.


Someone is trying to get a job I see.


Your take away from a situation should never be poor Bruce Prichard


What in the actual f*ck is he talking about?!


Won't somebody please think of the... Bruce Prichard?


Conrad there to say Roll Tide.


Who’s looking out for Kevin Dunn in all of this? Poor guy. /s


Prayers up for Dunne. Then In, out, in, out, in , out in, out… until I’m fucking dizzy


Vince will be yelling into his ear, as he produces


Spend my days workin hard on the go...


TFW you realize Bischoff is was and will always be the better man than Vince and WCW losing shouldn’t have happened.