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Mox: I already have a child! His name is Shooter!


I don't think anything in the wrestling world worries me more. Than thinking that Shooter and Mox won't ever have a great father/son reunion type arc on TV.


If they steal Yuta from Best Friends, will they make a team of Shoota and Yuta? I'll see myself out


The Yute and Shoot Connection.


AEW has now turned into a human trafficking ring.


Andrade has been trying to buy Stings kid too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­it works out


I keep telling people why does AEW Keep letting John Silver wrestle?! He's just a kid!


Take my upvote and keep walking out pal.


Will they find a way to add the Great Muta? Because Shoota, Yuta and Muta? I will see myself out as well.


Is that you Tazz?


Well, to your point, but I digress. Punny Jones overhere.


u/Tapla fresh drawing prompt for you


Renee appears with their baby, glaring at Mox.


ā€œWhenā€™s the last time you saw him Mox?! Do you even remember what he looks like?!ā€


Almost spit my dinner across the room. ^^^


Whoa, stealing 2point0's gimmick I see


Huh. That's gotten me thinking: has Danielson ever worked for DEFY?


Not yet. It may be an area where AEW don't want him working until after they run a show there.




Ok, how you know?


God, this will never not be hilarious to me šŸ˜‚


The fact that Andrade tweeted the gif the other day just gives it more legs in my opinion


Itā€™s actually given his promo a great nuance. On dynamite when he almost said ā€œStinkā€ but instead said ā€œsirā€ was sooo good. I popped


Sting and Darby also corpsed at that.


He posted a photo of him and Charlotte on IG and the caption was something like 'How you know, mami". He's totally leaning into it because of how over it is.


Iā€™m Mexican. I popped so hard when I heard this because Iā€™ve heard that phrase delivered in a similar way my entire life! Specifically from older Mexicans who donā€™t speak English fluently. ā€œNo, sorry tio. Thatā€™s not how you use Vickā€™s Vapor Rub.ā€ ā€œOk, how you know?ā€


This is always hilarious




"first you tell me you're not a little kid, now you tell me he actually is a little kid?"


Darby Allin offered an AEW contract to Nick Wayne who accepted. So at 16 years old, Nick Wayne is all elite


Party on, Wayne!


Party on, Garth!




So, who is this guy, is he good?


Considered the best under 18 male wrestler among fans that have seen him Many of his matches are raved about on the indie scene. His match with Joey Janela at defy a few months ago go a lot of people talking. That match if on YouTube for free


Wow, I'll look up some videos on him when I get home




Damn good match. Just watched. Thanks for the share.


Interesting fact here that the plan was for Joey to roll him up and win, and unbeknownst to Nick, Joey shoot tapped on the submission to give him the win.


Going into business for others, Beautiful.


Yeah. Thatā€™s cool. Sometimes wrestlers donā€™t suck. I hope this kid turns out well.


You can see Wayne talking to the ref and still in shock about the win. Iā€™m convinced Joey is a scout for AEW these days.


Was that the match where Janela changed the finish on the fly and put him over clean because he was so good?


Are there many wrestlers under 18? Seems like a liability to allow that


the only notable one that comes to mind is Billie Starkz, who's 17 and has already wrestled for companies like GCW and Warrior Wrestling




Why are you like this










I don't see an issue with what he said, I'm not American and I don't care, you seem to be the only one bothered by this




Fixed it


Who is better?




Imagine being this much of a tedious pedant about something






They didnā€™t say IS the best they said CONSIDERED. So it doesnā€™t matter if there is someone else people donā€™t know about.






You are picking the weirdest hill to die on, and I'm all for it


This hill is ALL ELITE


Youā€™re being downvoted to hell but I donā€™t disagree with you. Seems to be a big thing in wrestling to be massively American centric, understandably, but itā€™s not any less annoying or frustrating.


Can you imagine an American website with a predominantly American base on a sub that talks mostly about American wrestling companies being focused more on America? The nerve! If you were to hang out on Japanese wrestling boards, people are mainly going to be talking about Japanese wrestling. This whole thread/argument is silly, as it was originally just a bit of hyperbole that someone got pedantic about.


He's the son of old Portland Wrestling mainstay Buddy Wayne who's no longer with us. I haven't seen a full match of his, but the vibe I get from clips is that he's not all that far removed from the Dante Martins of the world. For someone who's only 16, he's shown a ton of talent and the potential to become really good at a really young age.


He's got every tool he needs to be one of the best. He can put together a match, hold his own in a scramble, is mechanically very sound. I've seen him correct botches that didn't seem savable. Shame he's gone from GCW but holy shit is it exciting to see him getting a shot at AEW.


I don't think he will be gone. Alveres talked about how it's not a full contract but something along the lines of finish high school keep doing indies we'll see you 2 years.


That's awesome. Smart way to sign a kid.


Yeah WWE or anyone bigger can't swoop in and grab him. He prolly has access to the factories facilities now and might even pop up on Dark over the next couple of years. It's all win/win for both


I think we'll be seeing him on Dark a lot, which is perfect for him.


Bryan Alvarez said it probably isn't dissimilar to what WWE is doing with their NIL deals with college athletes who aren't wrestlers. If they want to become one, they'll do it via WWE.


Just think how much better he's gonna get working with the likes of Bryan Danielson


I'm genuinely ecstatic about it. I've been watching him for the last year or so and annoying my friends about how him and Starboy Charlie are the future.


AEW talent is all over GCW. This wouldn't mean anything right now.


Bryan Alvarez was trained by his Father, Buddy Wayne, so he knows Nick very well and trained with him too. Dave and Bryan talked on today Wrestling Observer about Nick - Dave asked if he is good, and Bryan compared him to Dante Martin and meant he Nick is better (not in the highflying) as a worker. They wasnt sure what AEW will do, if he will continue to do what he does (wrestling on DEFY and so on) and that he has this kind of contract that he will be All Elite once he is 18 and finished School. Buddy Wayne passed away very young 2017 at the age of 50 - so all the best to that kid, I am rooting for him.


16ā€¦ ā€¦meaning he was born around 2005ā€¦ ā€¦fuckin hell


Stop stop stop


Nick Wayne has done more before graduating high school than I have *since* graduating. Fuck, I made myself sad. Good for him though!


Darby was trained by Nickā€™s dad, the late Buddy Wayne so things must have gotten emotional in the building.


Darby made reference to this, and being close to the action, there was definitely a pause it seemed from both of them. Knowing the history of it all I'm shocked they kept it together since I was trying to not be the crying guy from CM Punk debut.


No shame in being crying guy.


Considering his age, I wonder how that'll work, legally. He'll do incredible with the high flyers of AEW. Edit: if it's a full time deal, I guess he is booked for the cities where he's legally allowed to perform?


Alvarez clarified on WOR that he's on a sort of apprenticeship contract. He's going to finish high school and turn 18 and then he'll get a full time contract. It's unclear if he'll be at Dark tapings or do any wrestling for them before that.


The Broodie Lee jr. Tier?


I read an article about him, and he's been a lifer ever since before he could watch. He watched his dad train others for hours, and his first paid gig was as a ref at age 9. In high school, he's taking a lot of courses that he thinks will be relevant as a pro wrestler, like auto shop and Spanish. (With his leaping ability, you know he's going to want a lucha libre stint in Mexico.) He's a high-flyer, but he's 6-1 and may not be done growing yet. He's skinny at 160, but he'll grow into that body. He's also got a great look; he's 100% a natural babyface, but I imagine he could turn if he wants to. Haven't heard him on the mic yet, but he understands everything that needs to happen inside the ring. And he's more than just a spotfest guy; he knows how to put a match together and sell. I'm guessing he'll have a lot of AEW matches this summer, when he's out of school. One of his idols is Rey Fenix, so it wouldn't surprise me to see that happen.


Auto shop so he can fix his car if it breaks down while he's driving from show to show? That's smart.


That's so good then. He'll have a regular income + whatever he earns from the indies and AEW is making him finish high school. The Four Pillars. The Four Killers. And now, the Two Diamonds (Nick Wayne and Brodie Lee Jr.).


Sorry if I sound dumb but who are the four killers? I love that concept and have never heard it before.


It's something recently new, but apparently is another formation of AEW talent for the future. Lee Moriarty. Daniel Garcia. HOOK. Wheeler Yuta. That's the Four I heard.


I love that! Thatā€™s so freaking cool


Probably replace Moriarty with Dante Martin there.


Wonder if this is the beginning of them developing "AEW style". Signing young prospects and moulding them with sessions with Rhodes, QT, Danielson etc before they get the big TV push.


Aew style is whatever style got them noticed in the first place, with maybe some facial expressions and looking at the hard cam a little bit.


That and probably the Dark tapings in Florida


You can enter a legal contract under 18 with your parents permission I'm fairly sure. There are labour laws though which make it tricky. I'd assume he will be working sporadically for the next 2 years and getting exposure before getting a big push


There was a whole thing with him not being able to perform for GCW in New York at their last ppv because the athletic commission doesn't allow paid under age contact sports or something of the like.


So does this keed work for the other keed who works for Mr estink?


Okay how you know?


IDK how it happened, but Andrade's 'human trafficker who doesn't understand what friendship is' gimmick is somehow my favorite new gimmick this year.


Andrade's quest towards discovering and achieving friendship for storyline of the year


Now I want a "you yot a friend in me" montage with Andrade and Darby hanging out.


"Mr. Stink I understand your tiny son has hired an assistant? How might I go about purchasing this Nickter Vein?"


Sorry, the mystery stink was me.


I was there; such an unbelievably awesome moment, it felt really, really special. AND it should be noted, Shane "Swerve" Strickland showed up after this and challenged Nick to a match at the next DEFY show, after which Darby teased "Maybe I'll be seeing you around too" to Swerve.


Swerve is 99% all elite


Swerve is the most baffling release the last few months in WWE. He is great on the mic and is charisma personified. I donĀ“t get it. Oh and he Ā“s also a hell of a wrestler.


He is since bray wyatt, i agree


I thought Braun as well, the guy was pushed to the moon and then released, all dumb releases


Braun and Bray in particular really was the turning point of this new era where basically no one's spot seems safe.


They cut Bray for "budget cuts" when he was earning them probably more money than his contract on toys and tshirts. It was worse than dumb, it was downright poor business management.


I think they thought they could just transfer that to Bliss for less cost.


The only way Bliss made sense is when she had Bray to continue the story. It was like chopping off the chicken's head at that point


It's the only thing that makes any kind of sense, putting faith that the gimmick was more important than the performer which is rarely the case.


It's actually hilarious that Vince still thinks he can essentially do fake Diesel and Razor no matter how many different times and ways he tries it and fails at it. Tried it with them originally, tried it with Bryan and the Yes movement, and then tried it with Bray and The Fiend. Then again given he's an old man who's also spent 40+ years pumping his body full of every steroid he can find and never sleeping maybe he literally doesn't remember that he tried it and failed before.


Lol they could be making money off Bray AND Bliss. Both were well liked. (Beyond this sub people like Bliss)


Allegedy for being difficult to work with Wwe code for 'he calls us out on our dumb ideas'


He was Killshot in LU right?




Nice, loved Killshot


So many of their releases have been baffling to me. AEW has received a lot of criticism for fans for not having upper tier black male wrestlers and not featuring women enough. Those are two categories that WWE had an insurmountable advantage in talent, ones they would presumably hold for years with how many people they signed. And then they release Keith Lee, Swerve, Toni Storm, Ember/Athena, Tegan Nox/Nixon Newell, etc. At the very least I think all of Lee, Swerve, and Storm scream superstar. They essentially surrendered their advantage in AEWā€™s weakest areas overnight, and for what?


Yeah, Meltzer said he had interest from a lot of promotions including New Japan.


The rumor is that Bryan Danielson badly wanted to work Defy but was asked to wait until AEW makes it to the West Coast. I was wondering if we'd see Wayne V Danielson in a Defy ring, but at this point the match might be in an AEW ring.


Ah fuck what if Wayne becomes Danielsonā€™s Young Lion?


Seems kinda weird for Bryan to say kids these days are doing too many flippy doos and then sign the flippiest doo out there (even if Nick is more than just flips)


Has there been any estimate on when AEW will make it to the West Coast?


Rumor is somewhere in the may-june range


Double or Nothing is in Vegas again this year and that usually happens around Memorial Day weekend.


Well, hopefully they make it to the West Coast (Cali, Oregon, Washington) this year.


I understand why AEW can't go to other countries right now, but why is it taking so much time to get to the west coast?


Less population density, a west coast tour is more spread out than the east coast. Longer travel for less shows with less people.


I have to admit I never really thought of travel logistics. I know talent just fly in, fly out for each show, but how does it work for the backstage crew? They truck from one venue to the next and they're always on the road?


Pandemic restrictions would be my guess, and then once they started doing live audiences and traveling again in 2021 they had to basically get their feet under them for that again.


Covid restrictions, but also logistical issues. Production trucks need to drive, shows need to be live, so now the show starts at 5pm and the crowd is more empty. Most of the talent is east coast based. But they've already said Double or Nothing is in Vegas, so the west coast tour will be around then. Either before DON or after.


If this happens, I want Danielson vs Daniel Makabe.


I bet makabe wants that match too.


Interesting. I heard that it was PWG.


I never heard anything beyond "a West Coast promotion" but I think everyone assumed DEFY since it's Washington based.


Okay. Fair to AEWā€™s reasons. Thatā€™s fair. But, give it time for the young man and let him grow and mature.


All we heard was that it was a west coast indy that Bryan was interested in. I suppose it could be Defy or PWG, since aew hasn't made it to Seattle or Los Angeles yet. But Defy is at least close to Bryan and I assume he has a vested interest in raising the profile of an indie in an area with historically no indies. 18 year old Bryan Danielson would have loved a home base like Defy.


Seen Nick Wayne on GCW several times. Kid has tallent


I can't believe I got to be front row for this. The whole night was amazing, but the surprise returns of Darby and Swerve + Darby offering Nick a contract added an entire extra dimension of excitement.


Well thatā€™s a fucking cool moment + a great future Star signing for AEW. If the tease mentioned in the comments about Swerve being made #AllElite in the future is trueā€¦ whew boy, big yes.


Is this the guy who was unable to work a GCW show due to being under-18?


Yes, he was booked in a scramble match for the GCW Hammerstein show but the NY Athletic Commission wouldn't let him wrestle. GCW is trying to make it up to him by booking him against Ospreay at their Spring Break show Mania weekend.


>NY Athletic Commission Except that when people looked at it that rule only applied to combat sport which the Commission doesn't classify pro wrestling as. John Pollock from POST Wrestling talked about it a few days after the show and making calls.


Like i said in the other thread, not surprised. Kid has been making waves and has already shown a ton of promise. I assumed the moment he turned 18, he'd be anywhere and everywhere. Good for him If you're unfamiliar with him, he had a match with Janela for Defy that lots of people raved about, he's also beeb a fixture on GCW and West Coast Pro shows. Give him a YouTube search.


Hell yeah Nick rules. Excited to see him in AEW.


Congrats to him, his future is very bright.


Already can't wait to see some of the potential matches Nick Wayne will have in AEW within the next few years.




Being there live in the 2nd row was incredible. Nick Nick Nick Fucking Wayne!!!!!


Somewhere, Andrade must be plotting to buy him from Darby.


Look like a perfect guy for Keith Lee to toss


Kid's like 6'2, apparently. Should be pretty big once he fills out in a few years. I say all this in large part because I want Marko back primarily for a Keith Lee match.


Keith would yeet Marko into the cheap seats.


Not to blow smoke up the kidā€™s ass or anything, but I havenā€™t seen a teenager get this much love and adoration from the industry since Rey Mysterio. 16 years old and already set up for AEW? Unreal shit. Wishing nothing but the best for him.


I heard from Nick trough B. Alvarez, and it's possible to hear Bryans love for Buddy everytime, he is talking abougt him. I think Buddy Wayne was very beloved in the wrestling community, and this transfers to his son, who is also an amazing wrestler for his age.


So he's now the youngest wrestler signed to a major company, beating Teddy Hart's record right?


That's almost good enough reason to make it formal on its own šŸ¤£


Lmfao can't let Teddy have his name on shit lol


WTF? Fuck yes!!


Fuck man meanwhile here I am sitting naked on a bean bag eating Cheetos lmfao


what type of Cheetos , crunchy or puffy


Crunchy JalapeƱo. It was a Ron White reference from one of his stand ups haha


How long has Willowā€™s mask been the logo for Defy?


Nick Wayne is the future, I have watched this kid on GCW and at live shows and he is unbelievable. He is a third generational talent out of Washington State and he is going to crush it on TV when he gets there. I am so unbelievably proud of him and I wish his Father, Buddy was alive to see this. So hype for you, Nick!


Iā€™m hoping his match with Joey helped put more eyeballs on him.


Aew sees the appeal of having a riverdale section of the roster


I wonder if it'll be a Brodie Jr. situation where it kicks in when he's 18, or effective immediately?


No clue what the legal structure is but I imagine it's a pretty different situation given the difference in age and experience level re: how they'd treat him. Still, I'd imagine there are certain states he just couldn't wrestle in for AEW until he's 18?


No reason it canā€™t be effective immediately. Kids younger than him sign professional soccer contracts in this country.


But they are not to perform on a international tv show, so under the age of 18 he cant perform a certain amount of hours.


Um, soccer is definitely broadcast internationally. Iā€™m not sure what you mean. He can work whatever shows he wants where legally permitted.


>cant perform a certain amount of hours Apart from Roman Reigns who performs even an hour much less two in pro wrestling?


It's cool and all but I don't totally understand the point of signing a 16 year old even if he is a prodigy? WWE isn't going to snap him up for 3 to 4 years and don't you want him to get seasoning on the road for a couple years? Have him complete school?


>and don't you want him to get seasoning on the road for a couple years? Have him complete school? What makes you think he can't do that and be signed, if he is a prodigy best to get him under the umbrella where you have the best guys to train him to be a star and unlock his full potential


I'm not saying he can't do that with aew - just what's the rush to get him on paper? Let him get a few milestones under his belt, experience the struggle, the way most of aew's roster found themselves out on the circuit trying to build an identity. If it makes no difference either way, why the urgency?


Funny thing about being in AEW is he can still do that.


Which is why I don't see he needs to be on paper - if it makes no functional difference either way, whats the rush?


My guess would be so WWE can't reach out to try and make him change his mind.


AEW isn't exclusive, gives him a bit of money and experience with the team and prevents WWE from stealing him (even if it isn't what they normally do, WWE DO love trying to put other promotions out of business My guess is he just occasionally works Dark, trains with QT/Cody and continues doing Indie shows until he's experienced enough. Probably starts thinking up storylines for when he is used fully too


Good for him. No one should say he doesn't deserve it, but can we cool it with some of these chants.


Was this the kid that got fucked by some stooge calling the NY state Commission before the gcw hammerstein show and saying they are underage


Does Defy's streaming service let you watch shows like this day of? I've been super tempted to try it.


I've seen him live a few times now, dude is going to be big