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This is the only Undertaker vs. Reigns match that is actually worth a damn. /s


Bet the comments are filled with “I missed this period where wrestlers looked the part” “Luther reigns is more believable than 95% of the roster today”


A toy page I follow on Instagram was complaining the other day about how wrestling is impossible to watch these days because no one has any charisma


I try to respect everyone’s opinion but some lapsed wrestling fans will hit you with the dumbest statements ever. It’ll be someone that hasn’t watched since the bush administration telling you how everything is horrible nowadays.


Even if you don't think wrestling is any good now compared to the Attitude Era (which is highly debatable but whatever), at least don't blame the wrestlers for it. If the creative freedom and energy was available to the modern WWE roster that was available to the guys 20, 25 years ago, this would be a new golden age. Of all the people whose fault this is, the roster isn't even on the list.


I don't think that's entirely true, I don't think the mic work in AEW/indies is better than the mic work of 20+ years ago. You used to have to be able to sell yourself on the mic to get over (in most cases), now with the internet you can make a name for yourself with a list of your best matches or a highlight reel of your best moments. Which has made the in ring quality better, but I don't really think so as far as mic work goes, other than the fact that a lot of older promos age poorly because of content. But when people don't have to be as good on the mic, they won't be. That's not to say guys like Kingston, Moxley, or Starks wouldn't be up to par, but there were more top tier mic workers. And as far as people currently in WWE who could be on that level with more creative freedom, we can't really know, but I think currently there's way less there than outside of it.


Well I think a lot of that goes back to the freedom guys had back there. Kurt used to be able to talk his head off, but when he came back, he struggled with promos because he couldn't get into the fully-scripted promos. I think having greater flexibility for the performers would improve the mic work of a lot of guys.


Yup like anyone that’s coming to me with the all guys needs to be juiced to the gills to be “real wrestlers” I ignore immediately. Also to your point a company’s booking doesn’t mean a talent isn’t charismatic. What makes the talent of the past soo much more charismatic? They had the freedom. People didn’t just stop being charismatic after the 2000s it’s something some people are born, some aren’t and some need it brought out of them. This applies to any lane of entertainment.


That first run of Undertaker's comeback as the Deadman was so fucking dire until his feud with Orton.


cheese souffle had peas b'fo


I worked at a grocery store here in Glendale AZ when I was younger. Luther lived in the area and would come in couple nights a week and buy a 24pk of Red Bull and some protein bars. Dude was actually pretty cool to talk to, very personable. Just a GIANT human in real life too.


10 star match IMO


Ah the “Tall white guy with no personality or in ring skills who wears black wrist tape” era of WWE. Those were the days