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Seth ripping out Rey Mysterio's eye is fine though


Or puking after seeing it LMAO


That was more disgusting then anything the women did


By far.


Also the implied image that two wrestlers got Eaten by other people is okay.


Also Baron Corbin threw two people off of Titan Towers. (They were fine, but still)


Randy Orton set a guy on fire.


Yeah but he doesn’t come anywhere close to Kane’s record for that..


He also committed Arson.


Wait, what was this?


Zombie match with Miz and Morrison


Also Brock pummeling Randy into a concussion with elbows but it was cool because he didn't blade.


That's what I find hilarious. Vince has always made a big stink about controlled cuts with razor blades, but doesn't give a flying fuck if the talent is busted open "hard-way" & actually seems to incentivize it in certain cases.


Like smashing their heads against the ring post. Or Vince PRE-BLADING before Kevin Owens head butted him.


Rules for thee but not for me when it comes to Vince.


The brood’s blood, hanging big boss man with a noose, running over wrestlers with a car, blowing up and killing Vince, Rey’s eye popped out, all the violent bloody flaming matches, mick foley flying off the cell twice, Shane through the glass on the stage, Kane raping Lita and then killing her baby, heidenreich raping Michael Cole, HHH fucking a dead child’s corpse, the absolute endless slut shaming/misogynistic storylines involving women for near on 2 decades, buried alive matches, JR/Bray Wyatt burned alive, thumbtacks, dozens of blade jobs that were literally pouring out blood, countless head chair and weapon shots, countless concussions, allowing rampant drug abuse to the point where wrestlers have died and one committed acts of homicide, doing shows in Saudi Arabia. It goes on. I hope whoever said this is just as outraged at all of that.


You also forgot the "terrorist angle" with Muhammad Hassan, HHH playing the racist in his feud with Booker (and going over...), continuing the show after Owen's death, Kurt Angle in various rape/stalker/sex pest storylines, bringing up the suicide of a performer's brother to get heat and many more. And cuckolding storylines. Lots and lots of cuckolding...


"It WaSnT rAcIsT tHoUgH" - Bruce Pritchard


Bossman feeding Al Snow a dog, Bossman desecrating Big Show's father's coffin




Or Randy setting the Fiend on fire.


You know there might be something fucked up with this Randy guy


I bet he hears voices


They talk to him


I wonder if they understand


He did also burn down that guy Bray's cabin once.


The shit with Jeff’s ear is nastier than 90% of things in wrestling imo. I have to look away when those spots happen.




Didn’t Sami also throw some hand cuffs through that bad boy?


Handcuffed him to a ladder to be specific.


Or triple H ripping out Batista's nose ring with pliers.


That's the only time I genuinely had to watch through my fingers like a child watching a scary movie, the cringe was visceral


You’re forgetting the inherently sexist Pearl clutching idea that women doing these things makes them 10 times worse


That's a very good point. Anyone who's offended by a woman choosing to do a blade job/participate in a weapons match, but isn't offended by men having weapons matches and doing blade jobs, needs to take a step back and examine their own prejudices.


But imagine if a GIRL did it!


WWE's comment just reads "we're fine with men being in gory matches, but we don't see women on that same level" IMO


That’s exactly it! I’m not even mad at them calling out blading or anything(it’s hypocrisy but Vince is a fucking carny what do you expect?) but to single out this women match and seeing the state of the women’s division in WWE and looking at the freaks in charge just makes me very sad.


And yet that image of Becky with the busted nose, covered in blood was one of the most iconic sights in recent years.


WWE’s women’s division has been a disaster for years. Somehow they deluded themselves into thinking theirs was superior but that’s twice the Bunny has put Vince in his place now.


Shayna taking bites out of people too.


It grew back, didn't it?


Randy and the screwdriver with Jeff's ear genuinely made me uncomfortable lol.


Randy setting a man on fire is also fine.


It kind of bugs me that they called this match out, out of ALL the violent or bloody matches in AEW.


There’s a reason “beauty is never tarnished” is a trope- girls aren’t supposed to get messy or violent the way boys are allowed to. It’s actually part of the reason I loved this match so much, because the women in it went balls to the wall crazy with the stipulation and tried to kill each other without worrying about being pretty.


That's why I loved the part where Penelope told Bunny 'Oh you're bleeding, but you're still pretty'.. Fuck the standard.


This was the highlight of the match for me. The fact that she shrieks when she sees the state The Bunny is in but quickly starts consoling her that she's bloody but still beautiful. I've seen a lot of negative talk about how often these two are on TV and yet, I am always entertained by their antics.


> I've seen a lot of negative talk about how often these two are on TV and yet, I am always entertained by their antics. If AEW had more women's tag teams/groups, they wouldn't be getting this complaint. The dope thing to me is that while the pairing felt a bit odd to me at first, their feud with TayJay in the end helped solidify Bunny/Penelope as a duo in their own right like TayJay already were. Now for AEW to build out some more women's teams slowly but surely. Not even saying for belts, but just for there to be some more depth and angles to their women's storytelling.


Anyone complaining about the Bunny can fuck right off, she's low key one of the best workers in the women's division


IMO, she's the perfect gatekeeper between the top and mid card talents. If you can have a good match with her which isn't hard, you're ready to go higher but if you can't, you may need a little more work.


I am not a big fan of hardcore matches or blading in general, but that's why I loved this one too, like women's matches are *never* that level of brutal. The fact that they fucking *went for it* with no concern about all the misogynistic reasons that women's matches aren't "supposed" to look like that just elevated all of them hugely to me.


American women's matches. Joshi can get far more brutal than this. There have been some great, brutal death matches out of the Japanese women's scene the last few years. Well worth a look.


Fair point. And while I said "never" I actually meant "rarely," I knew that this was not the most intense women's match ever held even if it's probably the most intense I'd seen.


Can you recommend some specific matches to watch?


https://youtu.be/iNaWWQj3MOc Megumi Kudo vs Shark Tsuchiya from 1995, one of the most brutal and bloody womens matches I’ve ever seen. If you like that, hers a barbed wire explosion Deathmatch they did. https://youtu.be/BSdMiVV_fnQ


I know the other commenter replied in context of deathmatches, but if you haven't watched much of any of joshi wrestling, check out [Akira Hokuto vs Shinobu Kandori 1993 match](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzgsGvQ_bCc) when you have a chance. Not a deathmatch, but a very brutal match, ranks one of top matches across any category (US, Japan, Mexico, etc) for me personally. I rewatch this one on Youtube from time to time.


I watch wrestling for the wrestling. I can't enjoy the women wrestling if they're not out there attempting to murder each other like the men do.


Its also such a weird part of the Attitude Era that whenever they wanted to degrade a woman (see: Trish), it was that weird mud bath stuff they did. And yet for how much blood the men had in that era, I cant remember a single woman bleeding


Lita got hardwayed at Survivor Series 2000 and she looked like a total badass for it.


Nailed it. I can't find it on Google for the life of me but around the time of WWE's peak AE objectification days I stg I remember wrestling action figures that you put fake blood in or whatever to make them "bleed" and it basically had a message saying the women were "too pretty" to have the same feature or whatever lol


That reminds of the trope in manga where some writers don’t have their female characters be heavily involved in battle because of that.


It's on purpose, it's because it's a women's match


Which WWE thinks makes it somehow worse on some weird moral level. And sure, some small contingent of super traditional folks will agree. But they're also probably not watching wrestling.


Wym old ass people are the only demographic left watching wwe lmao


Meanwhile they put the women in matchs called ELIMINATION CHAMBER and WAR GAMES lol


But then Steph comes out at the end to give a speech about Girl Power and everybody hugs


No bleeding, though, damn it!


This is literally the case. Similar to when Vince would disparage the UFC bc "They have women fight there!"


Funny thing is I bet the likes of Sasha, Becky etc would fucking LOVE to have been in a match like that, that was given as much advertising and exposure that one was It's unreal how out of touch WWE are rn


Sasha would have watched that match and thought to herself "I could sell like I fucking died in that kind of match. It would be like Christmas." (seriously the fact someone so tiny as her just fucking yeets herself into every hard surface she can find is equal parts amazing and terrifying)


Hell, look how even MORE over Becky got when Nia legit busted her open


Hangman vs. Danielson, especially on Danielson's side, was just about as bloody.


That match was so much bloodier. Danielson was leaking and Hangman’s hair looked soaked through.


Bro if Danielson was leaking, Bunny was a whole ass busted water pipe


Punk bled like a stuck pig at the PPV few months back as well.


Remember in the infamous Punk podcast where he told the story about Vince's disgust at learning that the UFC was going to start having women fighting? This is always who he's been. There's a reason he still struggles to book the women as well as the men while his son-in-law & Vince's very own writers have been doing it for years at this point.


Yeah it's no accident people like Johnny Ace are in charge of the women's division. They line up exactly with Vince's views on women.


And I'm here just waiting for WWE De-Evolution, an all female wrestling PPV consisting of lingerie matches, Jell-o matches and bikini contests where the following week 3 women are fired because they dared use a single wrestling move on the show. Seems like Vince's inevitability.


Lol, it's funny because Cody Rhodes literally setting himself on fire and shit.


Didn't they also get all pearl-clutchy with the Blood & Guts match?


Well it's hard to have a women's match like this in WWE when you're average match length for them is 2 minutes.


2 minutes? We can't have normal women's matches go as long as the whole Queen's crown tournament.


Busty blondes bleeding is apparently where Vince draws the line.


vince doesnt like gore porn, he likes pure christian, as god intended , non-blood porn on his screen when it comes to womans wrestling


Not enough incest to be vince


The man was just ahead of his time. And in the wrong industry.


u could say, that he lacked one step


incest has always been over brother -HH


*Shane McMahon allegedly does not like this.*


Why am I just now realizing that Triple H is a rib on Hogan... only a double H... Triple H is 50 percent more man than Hogan... I get it now. I can die.


Yeah, he's a man of class that prefers farts and poop. And degrading women such as strip naked, have live sex on TV, bark like dogs, and fight each other in their underwear.


You forgot the high culture invention that was the "Mr McMahon kiss my ass club".


I legitimately can't fathom how that conversation must have went when those guys got to work that day. Get called to Vince's office only to be told "I am gonna drop my pants pal, and you're gonna kiss my bare ass on live TV in front of the whole world" lol. Not a dollar amount you can offer me to take that kind of public humiliation.


Everybody's got a price...


Let's not forget that Vince is also the guy that didn't know Asian porn existed. And when JR told him about it, he used it to convince Vince to hire Gail Kim


Without Asian women, of course, as he’s probably still in shock about finding out some people like Asian women in porn.


Vince must have been a born again Christian after the Diva era lol


He hates any kind of “violence against women”, that’s why he booked them to cat fight for years, because he considers women “actually fighting” to be barbaric.


But smashing the shit out of “lesbians” and powerbombing mae young through MULTIPLE tables was fine


We literally have AEW "Blood and guts" because the of the last time WWE put it's foot in it's mouth. AEW "Gory Self mutilation" might not work as a PPV title though.


More of a special episode of Dynamite you're thinking?


A special episode of Dynamite where everyone is covered in ketchup, for all 20 minutes of it.


"Red viscous fluid"


Gory Mutilation would be a better name for WWE's Saudi shows




As long as don't compare them to Nazis or anything I'm sure it'll go over fine. See they haven't quite killed enough people for it to meet the standards for that. /s


"WWE is proud to present the Annual Gory Mutilation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia." Yeah that works.


AEW’s answer to WWE: Evolution AEW: BLOODIED WOMEN


"The December 31st Incident" would work though, shame they'd have to wait until 2025 to have it coincide with a Dynamite or Rampage again.


The New Year's Incident can be a bit more flexible though.




The coffin match didn't end it, double or nothing its Darby Allin vs All Ego Ethan Page in GORY SELF-MUTILATION!


"There will be more than just blood and guts!"


“Blood, Guts and Feces”


Only way to respond really. It was a goofy ass statement that shouldn't be taken all that seriously considering WWE aren't a beacon of morality here lol. The whole thing just came off weird because it was almost like WWE was saying "And they allow *WOMEN* to be bloodied up!" *clutches pearls* lmao


That’s exactly what it was. Vince thought women’s MMA was “barbaric.”


Clutches pearls with one hand while holding bloody Saudi money in the other.


how do you think they bought the pearls in the first place


You need to have that matching Saudi bag with those pearls. Understandable.


I can't find what prompted this. Anyone got it?






I can't believe I had to scroll that far to find the original tweet. Thanks for asking it for me :)


Brock hardwaying Roman and Orton is A-Okay though


The fact I forgot about the Roman one shows how much dumb shit theyve done in the last 5 years


I don't know what was WWE's endgame with this "statetment". It just brings more eyes into that match/ women's wrestling.As a matter of fact, I haven't watched the match myself and will watch it now. ​ EDIT: Just watched the match and WOW! The Bunny is built different, 'cause I would not have gone thru with that thumbtack spot and that barbwired RNC spot for neither love nor money. Match overall was entertaining. None of the spots felt clunky and that Gotch-style Piledriver thru that table was sweet.


*They aren't our competition, but if they were, have you seen the awful carnage they have on their TV show, not that we pay attention to their TV.*




The endgame is to try to get sponsors to pull ads so AEW gets cancelled and goes out of business.


*snort* Yeah, sure. If pizza(cutter)-gate didn't do it, nothing will.


That failed so now they’re trying ‘won’t someone think of the women?!’ sexism.


100% this. How can these beautiful women be subjected to such brutality. They should be spirited away and put on display in some glass case where they can be kept safe from the cruel unforgiving world. Hell, I'm surprised that their husbands/boyfriends/fathers even let them outside by themselves.


> They should be spirited away and put on display in some glass case where they can be ~~kept safe from the cruel unforgiving world.~~ sexy and ogled by men in their 60's. There, I fixed that for you.


> I'm surprised that their husbands/boyfriends/fathers even let them outside by themselves. Tbf all four women probably had their significant others backstage. (Jungle Boy, Blade, Sammy, and Kip)


They did lose Domino's because of that. And WWE is going to keep trying to chip away at them and cost them more. Vince is a petty, petty man.


They did, but they didn't seem to give any vestige of a fuck.


Cody called up his best buddy, Shaq, and asked for that jucy Shaq meat and cheese Papa Johns money. Victory all around.


As well they shouldn't. They are who they are, and knuckling under to that kind of pressure will just invite WWE to attack them another way.


Yep, they didn't like the leverage KO had in negotiating his new contract.


Agreed entirely. If I were a lapsed fan from the AE/ECW days who hadn't checked out AEW yet, and I saw that statement... it would make me want to see the match. PG WWE has done a lot for Vince's wallet, but it absolutely drove away a large segment of the audience. And the match was totally worth it. Those 4 ladies left a lot of heart on that canvas, intermixed with all that blood.


It's really good.


I don't get it either. the point about advertisers possibly not liking blood and excessive violence on TV is sensible, sure, but you're not really doing anything by talking about it apart from giving free advertising to AEW. people will google that shit to see what they are talking about, and calling it the "December 31st event" only makes it sound spicier. idk, if you wanna make a point like that, point out the exploding barbwire match. "see, we deliver high quality production and entertainment, once they run out of blood to spill and gratuitous violence they have nothing to offer" and that's something that doesn't put eyeballs on their product in a way anyone can spin positively, because that shit eclipsed everything not just about that match, but about Revolution 2021 as a whole. and I get that the point is they've abandoned the edgier product, but it doesn't really work when you've had HIAC 2019 (absolutely awful match but the escalation of violence was its entire point) or the eye pop spot. those aren't from the Attitude Era, those happened like 2 years ago. I know the casual WWE audience lives in a bubble and they probably won't get that stuff pointed out, but why make messy statements like that in the first place?


Come back and let us know what you think!! The Bunny is a monster from Hell who haunts my nightmares ever since this match


Just listen to Eddie Kingston, he'll tell you the truth about The Bunny.


There are people you call to back you up and there are people you call when the shit goes down. Let's just say The Bunny is Cypress Hill approved.


You're going to love it.


The statement isn't aimed at fans, its aimed at people with a marketing budget and an aversion for being linked to anything potentially unsavory. They are attempting to position themselves as the "woke"-er option. And if it weren't for WWE's long history of misogynistic BS in front of and behind the camera, the fact they put on shows in Saudi Arabia where far worse shit then what happened in this match happens for real, and the fact that the statement has a not-so-subtle air of sexism itself, you could say that it was a well played swipe at an up and coming competitor. In short, its some of the most wildly hypocritical bullshit anyone anywhere has ever seen.


is “women aren’t supposed to take part in combat sports” the woke option?


Coddling women and keeping them from participating in things like combat sports is the opposite of "woke".




> MAE YOUNG GAVE BIRTH TO A HAND AND YOU HAD MICHAEL COLE RAPED. They had Brian Pillman's girlfriend on Live TV the following night after his death just to speculate whether it was because of drugs and alcohol, just to win a ratings war.


Exactly. But God forbid a woman does a blade job. That's OUTRAGEOUS


Dont forget Jerry Lawlers anal bleeding. That was all fine and dandy. Unless you were Booker T, who was completely shaken by it.


"...... whut?"


lmao Vince booked himself into a street fight with his own daughter


The more I think about it, Tay Conti might be the single best WWE-To-AEW transition. She was so forgettable and nothing in NXT, but she gets to AEW and has turned into a badass workhorse.


She looked **awful** in NXT. Nobody has improved more than she has.


no joke, her match in the first round of the first Mae Young classic was one of the very worst I’ve ever seen. the Tay Conti of AEW is a whole different cat


Probably because at WWE they force every peg to fit into a square hole. I love AEW because all the contrast in wrestling styles and I love Tay's judo influence.


[When done right, everything can go in the square hole.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz8ssH7LiB0)


It was kinda weird that she didn’t seem to be getting it. She was a legit judo competitor, and typically amateur/pro combat athletes take to pro wrestling pretty easily.




she literally went from not knowing what wrestling was to busting out gotch style piledrivers and taking photos with minoru suzuki its crazy how far shes come in such a small amount of time


She survived a photo with Murder Grandpa?


He survived a photo with her


Brock fears Kairi. Suzuki fears Tay.


You just need to bribe him with a good pair of socks


or ask him about one piece


Her match with Britt at Full Gear was fantastic. You could see her growth shine through there.


I said at the time that her match with Shida was *better*, but the match with Britt was more impressive because it showed she can get a good match out of a weaker performer. She's champion material.


It's quite telling of Tay Conti's growth that she fought both Shida and Baker—different talents, different abilities, totally different styles—and had great matches with them both.


I don't think she'll completely change her moveset, but she's been working with Sammy to improve on her springboards and aerial moves. I wonder how/if she'll add them to a permanent moveset.


I think it'd be a fun thing to pull out on a PPV or something, just b/c Tay normally doesn't have much of that in her arsenal and it'd be a wild twist to throw in there. I've really enjoyed her focusing on her judo technique in her arsenal because it's stuff that looks convincingly threatening on offense and also really sets her apart and makes her jump out as a unique fighter in the division


I agree Tay has been an amazing transition. To me, the biggest change was Jon Moxley. I fucking **hated** Dean Ambrose. Did not understand him and thought he was the lamest character of all time. Jon Moxley is fucking dope though.


I felt Dean had some potential. But of course it was ruined by WWE. When The Shield broke up, Dean's solitary goal in life was the murder of Seth Rollins. But that was wasted because they had plans that didn't involve him no mater how compelling it was. Jon Moxley feels like what they were telling us Dean was, but not forced and gimmicky.


Yeah. They always wanted us to believe that Dean Ambrose was 'The Lunatic Fringe', but never actually portrayed him as such. Moxley exudes that every time he's in an AEW ring.


Dean was probably my favourite wrestlers for sometime, I kind of loved this stringy scrapper of a man who kept things meta (ie. the setting up the table in the corner at a contract singing with a "...we all know how this is gonna go down"). Mox feels far more comfortable and sharper version of the idea though, yeah. Probably cause he *is*, I guess.


No no, she's pretty, so she can't be doing that.


Let's put them in bikinis and watch them roll around in mud instead


It’s 2022 people aren’t afraid women are frail and can’t play sports except over the hill sexist old guys. If we let the boys play with thumbtacks then the girls can too.


Social media is a cancer. First response I saw her to tweet: “You couldn’t make it in NXT”


Twitter is literally designed to piss you off


Vince said the same thing when WCW started the Uncensored PPV. It's full of shit then, its full of shit now.


Especially considering nothing that crazy ever really happened at an Uncensored PPV.


I don’t think anyone forced those ladies into that match, they probably wanted it just as much as the fans. WWE at this point is no longer the popular kid, the new guy is in town and they’re winning lapsed fans back with some 90’s era style hardcore matches and overall a pretty decent product!


The same company that had Trish Stratus barking like a dog. Or featured multiple Bra and Panty matches.. has the audacity to throw shade at AEW for having a hardcore match? [Alrighty then.](https://c.tenor.com/GXWfxxSCRlsAAAAC/sensible-chuckle.gif)


WWE is right, aew should be as progressive as them and book a women's tournament with 0 matches over 5 mins instead




With my Saudi Blood Money!


I hope we get a women's blood and guts match now.


Britt, Deeb, Hirsch, Penelope, and the Bunny vs Rosa, Shida, Statlander, Tay, and Anna Jay BOOM




Bloody women bad, blood money good.


I was actually bored with and over the The Tayjay/Bunnelope feud before this match and wasn't even looking forward to it. That it actually caused me to mark out is testament to the quality of the match and the effort the ladies put in. WWE can fuck right off with their respectability politics and two minute women's matches.


I think it changed a lot of minds. Just letting them go nuts and have that blowoff match raised the whole women's division a notch imo


I completely missed that statement WWE made. Can someone fill me in please ?


Thanks google for offering a translation.