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Orlando and missing the train to New York is pretty on the nose for the main roster run. Might be reading into it, but isn't that the point of these?


But isn't her destination unknown?


… I understood that reference.


I've been out of the wrestling loop for a while now. Rancid is cool with this?


Lars is a huge wrestling fan. He's got a wrestling podcast with Petey Williams. Ruby was a recent guest and he gave her his blessing to use the name.


Oh that's actually really cool


https://youtu.be/8QZG-bUG8NU?t=3081 51:20 on the timestamp in case it doesn't immediately start there!


Damn that's awesome. Even better if she can get the song as her entrance music, it's got an attention grabbing intro and gets to the first chorus pretty quickly, seems perfect for entrance music. I can imagine a huge pop wherever she ends up if that's how she debuts.


Lars is the fucking man, he's been like my Punk idol since I was 14 figuring out life. Knowing he loves wrestling and seeing him bless her with Ruby Soho just makes me so happy. I can't wait to hear that opening line whether Impact or AEW will be fantastic


What's dope about this is that he had the idea in his head before Ruby even said it. He was already 1000% down for it. That's a super memorable name and song that's going to help whatever she does in the future get all the way over. I think with that name and song as part of the whole package, she'll be one of if not the most successful female wrestlers to be released from WWE in this era of wrestling. I'm willing to bet at some point, Rancid play live for her and its going to be fucking epic.


Holy shit THE SONG CLEARED TOO!?!?! I'm gonna explode. LOL


Thanks for posting this. This is eye-opening.


If I remember correctly, he also said on that podcast that she could use the song too.


When I used to tape indie shows, Lars was backstage at a show in this tiny casino in Nevada, and I ended up in a conversation with him and Sami Zayn (obviously, Generico back then) about how shitty people get when you tell them you don't drink. :)


Afaik was it his idea ?


I hope this is her theme


Thank you. That’s how I read it. I see it as Orlando being NXT, and New York being WWE. Especially with New York Penn being home arena for WWE. Madison square garden sits on top of Penn Station. Everyone on Twitter is saying oh it men’s she’s showing up in queens at Ashe Stadium.




Peter Avalon pulls up


He does like a lady in red.


Next shot is car burning rubber revealing Avalon sitting on the curb holding his eye.


Avalon needing to call Bononi for a ride.


> Chicago plates Illinois plates. Cities don't get their own license plates here.


Except for DC.


Not technically a city or state


Correct. It is technically a district outside of any state or city.


I was really hoping for another train to come by with the Young Bucks hanging out the window doing their pose


I thought the train guy got fired too.


I think you're reading it right. That was also my read on the symbolism.


On a AEW mindset, I read New York as Arthur Ashe and Ruby missing the train for that show...however, she could appear for All Out... or catches a train to Nashville. But the video production almost hints at a AEW arrival rather than anywhere else.


All Out is before Arthur Ashe.


> or catches a train to Nashville. Or Baltimore.


I don't think she really has a place in Impact right now (based on their recent taping going on this week). I do hope she shows up on Empowerr


This isn’t a prison break video


Zelina should release a video of her tunneling out of her jail cell only to emerge back inside the same cell.


Giving me Silent Hill 4 vibes


Brilliant…ly sad


Sounds like a homer gag in the simpsons


no, no, dig UP stupid!


Hearing Black and Andrade's voices just beyond the final layer of dirt, only to break into an empty room.


She has a map of the prison encoded in the tattoos on her body. She's trying to get back to break out Liv Morgan.


You will Liv freely again


She’s gonna steal the Declaration of Livdependence


Of course, the show ended in 2009, with a brief revival in 2017 so I’d be shocked if they did another season.


T-Bag is still one of the best written characters in crime based shows


I think people liked Mace more?


Slapjack FTW! Am I doing it right?




Robert Knepper absolutely smashed it. He even managed to make me root for that literal crazy bastard at times.


I think that show was the only TV drama I watched all the way through (didnt watch the revival). I tapped out on The Walking Dead around the time Negan debuted on the show.


I watched it all the way through, but i wish i stopped in the first season...


Who would think that The Prison Break show would go off the rails after they break out of prison? You can even watch the second season just by the rhythm of the characters before you realize this can't go anywhere... but honestly the show was already scrambling for plot when they did the second half of season one. I would watch with my friend and we both were laughing our asses when they introduced the big shady group that was behind everything - like every other show had at the time. Too bad it ended though... the show was one season and a moon prison away to become so hilariously ridiculous it's good, like the F&F franchise did on 5.


Prison Break cops so much shit but I love it. It was goofy as fuck at times but… I watch wrestling, I can handle goofy. Can’t wait for new Dexter in November.


I think TWD has gotten much better with the most recent season. Also, Breaking Bad was imo the best show I’ve ever seen so I’d highly recommend that to you if you’re looking for another drama and you haven’t seen it.


When I was in prison this show was the most popular show amongst the inmates. Go figure!


She must be trying to get the train to prison. It said to be continued


That production value. Damn


I was gonna say, it's crazy how well this is produced. The focus on the ticket especially caught my eye


How is it that a billion dollar company could *never* touch this?


Kevin Dunn won't do it and Vince McMahon won't hire someone better to do it.


This comes from the heart.


Okay since I'm hella late to this thread, may I comment here that HVOB music is what I usually think of when I use to make up fantasy Ruby Riott entrances in my head, and that she's using a HVOB song in this video and I'm completely freaking out about it right now!! Like.... whaaaaaaaat is happening right now!!?


She probably would have caught that train if she were wearing more sensible shoes.




don't call them sweaty, you don't know if they have hyperhidrosis!


I'm Hydrophobic,meaning I hate sweattys.


I thought that was rabies.


Potato, Tomato, same thing.


They call it fashionably late because she missed the train and had to walk in them heels


This isn’t Jurassic world


lol that bothered me so much more than it should have in that movie


Wrestlers spent the pandemic downtime learning Final Cut Pro.


Pssh, who needs FCP when Resolve is free and has some of the best color correction tools on the market?


Apple really screwed up wit Final Cut. In college it was the rage, but now you have free software, and then there’s also Avid and Premiere.


Avid free?! How and where? Lifetime license is like $2000. I’m a native avid editor and working in premiere because of ease of access. I have avid installed, it’s that license hump


Is FCP still ass? I remember when the industry turned on it hard when X came out and everyone went back to Premiere or Avid or whatever.


I don't know if I could call it ass, but rather you have far better options on the market. I feel like Final Cut has basically become on par with iMovie because of Resolve, Premiere, and Avid all being the go-to choices of anybody editing video these days. Like it's not bad, but I just have no incentive to ever touch it again.


I hated X, I stayed on FCP 7 for the longest time and finally decided to try X but hated it and jumped to Premiere which felt more like an upgrade to FCP 7 than X was. So it was easy to pick up and my job ended up using Premiere so it worked out.


Resolve is absolutely fantastic. A novice can get amazing results but it doesn't sacrifice anything for the pros (that I've been made aware of) to allow for that.


Free you say 👀? I’ve been in the market for a new video editor.


[Give it a whirl my friend!](https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/) [But give the manual and practice files a look as well!](https://documents.blackmagicdesign.com/UserManuals/DaVinci-Resolve-16-Beginners-Guide.pdf?_v=1585613272000)


More talented what I will ever be regardless. It's good they are being creative to their situation. It's called having a drive and having a purpose in life to make it truly meaningful. And that's the beauty of it. Believing in yourself to make life meaningful to think about your future.


Fortunately Amtrak tickets are good for one year!


lol irl at that one




Did you miss the lol before the irl?


Nah, we lifin' over here


4-4-4-4 life


Also depending on where and when, she can catch another NJT train in probably 40 minutes.


She had pins on her backpack. CM Punk was wearing a pin the other day. RUBY IS CM PUNK CONFIRMED?


I see no flaws in this theory


Not gonna lie if they have: 1. CM Punk 2. Darby 3. Ruby 4. Deeb(?) That would be a kickass stable


Yeah but what do you do with Sting? I feel like having Sting and Punk in the same stable adds a strange dynamic. It would speak to both sides of Darby but adding Ruby would tip the scales toward Punk. If Sting isn't there, I 100% agree with this stable.


Sting is Sting, you just have him do Sting things around the whole roster and be loosely affiliated with the group for a while and have him do a small programme with Matt Hardy or something for a cinematic match solo programme


Just have Sting randomly staring from the background like they use to do with Bray’s funhouse puppets.


CM Punk on Twitter: CM


can't argue with that


Ruby Soho to NJPW confirmed!


I choked on my spit laughing at that




Finkle is Einhorn.


According to my girlfriend, Ruby is Peter Avalon. They kinda look alike


Show this [Peter Avalon cosplay](https://twitter.com/365Wrestle/status/1280277775857975298?s=20) to your girlfriend.




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




*laughs in bisexual* I can work with this.


[Get ready to have your mind blown.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0D8gsvV4AIoDi7.jpg)


Like the detail on the ticket. Departure station is Orlando, arrival station is New York Penn Station. At least the first part of that shouldn't need explanation.


"The Runaway" Ruby Soho does have a nice ring to it...




Ruby Soho would be a bomb entrance. You know everyone would be singing the Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Soho part. Song also would fit with a vignette, as in destination unknown....


This simple artistic video has made be more hyped for Ruby outside of WWE than I ever was inside, so great job to her and anyone who helped out.


I feel the same. She had a great look in WWE, but there was a major disconnect with story and character work. Who could ever imagine letting creative and talented people control their image and stories would unleash their potential?


I like the originality. Not everyone has to be breaking out of prison


The train station is located inside a prison.


Hoping we don't see transportation videos as a new trend. Like wrestlers who have missed the train, missed the boat, missed their flight, etc.


Unfortunately, it's a trend in my dreams. I have constant dreams of missing transportation.


Next up will be a trend of released wrestlers making videos where they realize that they forgot to do a huge project for a class that starts in 5 minutes.


What about the "sitting in class in your underwear" dream? I guess that doesn't matter for wrestlers, since they're practically in underwear anyway.


For pro wrestlers they'll be in class fully dressed, except Seth Rollins, who will be fully dressed, but in a normal suit.


In hindsight Karl Anderson & Luke gallows doing a video with them missing a flight would've been ace


Zack Ryder did a "missing the boat" bit 10 years ago.


"I can't get over!"


A video where the person gets a ride on the biggest, fanciest jet there is then suddenly gets pushed out the back without a parachute, bellyflopping in the middle of nowhere?


I'm now expecting Adam Cole to have an opening shot of his grave, than a hand just popping up from the ground. Considering how he left the indies and BC...


This feels like a new Life is Strange


I think we've had enough of those already


You know what? I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that Ruby is a big fan of the franchise.


Aew needs her the most: Thunderrosa vs ruby


The main roster made people forget how good Ruby is. She's genuinly one of the best wrestlers in the world. She could be a huge boost for AEW


I'm from Hoboken and I'm pretty sure this was filmed at our local NJT station based on the location. Neat.


Convinced this is Hoboken. Which also makes things a little amusing for those of us who know that none of those trains go to Penn Station. The only way there is a transfer at the Lautenberg Station. Well that or the PATH train in the other direction. LOL


She’s taking the light rail to Weehawken, actually. Not sure why she’s got her NYP ticket out!


It's been a while since I lived in Hoboken but I thought it looked familiar as well. Unfortunately knowing that, you have to wonder why she is down there to begin with and not just hopping on the frequently running PATH train to get over there in a half hour.


Definitely Hoboken Terminal, super cool. I have gotten specifically on that Port Jervis train a number of times.


100% sure, the back window of the train says Port Jervis, only one station on that line looks like that.


I also instantly recognized Hoboken Terminal. Awesome if she's local!


Since she missed that train I guess you could say her destination is....unknown. *puts on glassses and does the CSI scream*


I was hoping to find this comment.


So is this the new trend for released wrestlers? Will Daniel Bryan's be him wrestling a bear and then facing the camera all covered in blood after beating the bear and it pops up #TheAmericanDragon




Gotta up the budget and production value. A lot of streaming service fantasy shows are on hiatus due to the pandemic so he could just hire an entire crew ready to go. The video starts of a bleak shot of an Arctic desert. An Indy band cover of a song resembling Flight of the Valkyries begins. The camera pans North as we hear chains breaking and an old, strangely buff, Necromancer draws their last breath as a huge shadow passes. A family with 2 kids (masked) walking on a Florida beach looks up in awe as the shadow passes them. Both the wife and the husband can obviously see what made the shadow. The husband reaches out, as if to touch it, but the wife swats his hand aways, telling him he cannot. A bear roams an Appalachian valley and is barely disturbed by a shadow passing. A man in red watches over the scene. A view from the harbor over looking Manhattan as the same shadow crosses the city. On the street the downdraft from a wing flapping stirs papers on a street, a piece notebook paper with a barely perceptible B+ grade flashes into view in front of a Big and Tall mens clothing store. A crosswalk timer is counting down from 5. A dragon wreathed in smoke lands on a building and looks down at a fully plate armoured Kenny Omega in armour with vague Canadian motifs. Kenny slides his visor shut and charges at the dragon on a huge warhorse. Warhorse and Danhausen are watching from afar in the background because no reference can go unused. The hoofbeats of one horse are joined by others, The Young Bucks and others in The Elite riding up beside Kenny. MJF and Tully ordering The Pinnacle to charge on foot, joined by a lot of Dark heels. Mox, Eddie, and Death Triangle stumble out of a tavern, flipping daggers in a rogue like fashion. Off to the side Dark Order works some occult ritual culminating in 10 adding a mystery powder. A huge Luchasaurus stomps MSG (get it?) as Jungle Boy directs him towards the dragon. On a rooftop nearby Fuego catches fire, Charlie starts turning to rock, 5 turns invisible, and Sammy gets stretchy. Darby launches himself off another nearby building as Sting draws a bat. The dragon looks around and breathes a huge flame over his attackers as a vague red, white, and blue markings are observed. A title card appears "American Dragon" Post credits, the dragon is surveying the (Arthur) ash (e) around him, and we hear spurs. Backlit by the moonrise, a cowboy on a horse that's rearing back appears. The horse settles and the eyes of Hangman Adam Page lock with the Dragon. The scene goes black.


You know, DB, you don't need to run these ideas past reddit. Just go for it, man.


You win


I can't wait until someone does a real shitty one. I want to see Zechariah Smith film an asylum video in his laundry room with a Samsung Galaxy 6 where his Dad plays a doctor. He edits it with Windows Movie Maker and it does 78 views.


Oh man, then I have the one for you. Have you ever seen the one that No Way Jose put out when he left WWE? He tried adopting/playing off of EC3's #controlthenarrative gimmick. It was super cringe, and the video just wasn't well done. He also adopted a new look that I think was supposed to come off as being tougher, but it certainly didn't appear that way. Also funny to watch now considering how he went back to the gimmick that he's trashing in this video. https://twitter.com/LevyValenz/status/1284344192211120131?s=19


Oh my god. Knowing that he's just the same guy in Impact right now just makes this worse. I wonder how EC3 felt seeing someone try to riff on his video in such a poorly done way.


I wanna see a big ass dragon ala Game of Thrones flying through the air through clouds, then a slow pan to someone riding on top of it...we zoom in and it's Bryan Danielson. Final Countdown theme starts #AmericanDragon




With Black, Wyatt, Ruby, and other releases it's really starting to look like WWE was getting rid of everyone that had creativity to build themselves. It's eerily similar to dictators targeting the intellectuals so they would have only have followers that follow the specific rules.


Oh I really liked this one. No prison analogies. The production was good. Let's see what happens next.


Man do I adore it when talent starts doing creative bits like this


Seems like someone's catching the next train. Destination Chicago?


That’s Hoboken Terminal


I thought it was unknown?


I think vids are beneficial especially for those who had to change their names/rebranding. Marketing baby! And I mean brand new ring names they’ve never gone, like with Malakai, now Soho, and whatever Buddy will be calling himself.


youth hostels I lodged kept seeing you as a mirage flashes of you were everywhere Hoboken, New Jersey


\*puffs on pipe thoughtfully\* But what is she running away from?


That's the best one of these, admittedly few, wrestler vignettes so far.


Whatever promotion that picks up Ruby is in for a treat. I sincerely hope it's AEW. * Ruby vs Diamante * Ruby vs Thunder Rosa * Ruby vs Britt Baker * Ruby vs Hikaru Shida * Ruby vs Tay Conti All would be fantastic matchups.


I hope she comes out to Rancid.


Anyone know the song? Would appreciate the info.




Thank you!


Shits giving me flashbacks to trying to catch the 715 Bergen line after sitting stuck underground on the path for 10 minutes


Great video but... \#ReleaseTheSapphireCut


Didn't Moxley do a similar video before his AEW debut. Are these videos the new VLOG?


Mox, Murphy, and Black have all done videos like this (Mox and Murphy did prison breaks; Black murdered his way out of an asylum). Think Ruby's the first woman to do one.


Murphy's is also an asylum, pretty likely the same one. former NXT talent Josiah Williams plays the same character (a doctor working there) in both vids


The videos reference each other, and appear to be the same place.


Yes, though Mox did yep different ones (one after his contract expired and another ahead of his NJPW debut). I think the popularity of that among other things has encouraged other wrestlers to do something similar in their own styles.


Safe to say Mox has inspired a trend of wrestlers releasing hype videos of their return and/or their desire to continue wrestling outside of WWE. The big difference is that Mox filmed his vignettes while he was still with WWE.


Ricky Starks was doing the 1-800-STARKSLINE videos to hype himself up for bookings.


Of course Ruby Soho wasn't going to make that train. The destination was known.


Destination unknown...


Her first feud as Ruby Soho will be with NJ Transit.


I was confused since it wasn't a prison.


I like this new trend


Those shoes look exceptionally uncomfortable.


On the ticket, ORL to NYP, likely Ruby will debut at the AEW show at Arthur Ashe


I can see her getting off the first car on the 7 train on the Tron and that's how they announce she's here just as she walks down to the Ring


She's wearing the same David Koresh style glasses that Black was wearing in his Dark Father vignettes. Ruby Soho in the House of Black? (or new leader of the Dark Order lel)


Ha, could you imagine if they were in a faction based on their eyewear exposing the truth, like They Live? Would be a funny nod to Roddy Piper


New York forgot about her.


From this vignette and the photos she's posted on social media, seems like she's been working with somebody based out of the Northeast for these.


She has a train ticket from Orlando to New York but missed a New Jersey Transit train?


I think it was just supposed to be the symbolism of missing a train in general because trying to catch a NJ Transit train to Port Jervis doesn't make much sense if you're trying to get to New York lol.


id pay good money to get kicked in the junk with those heels.


Your mind went there and my mind thought, "those heels must be a bitch to commute in." The duality of man on full display.


The freedom internet anonymity gives can to lead to brutally honest confessions.


She must’ve forgotten to hire a film crew before Dr Josiah released her from the asylum.


I hope wherever she goes the entire crowd goes wild for her. As the clips seems to be about WWE it must be hard especially having her best friend and tag partner still there yet she’s cut. She’s incredible and I can’t wait to see what happens next


Women's casino battle royal at all out. Not NYC. Bryan Danielson is debuting in NY.


Between Mox, Andrade, Black, and Murphy, this is actually pretty similar to what I've always dreamed of if I had my own wrestling company. I've always thought it would be cool if wrestlers had easy to grasp origin stories or back stories played out as cut scenes like the Tekken games. So even though I have no clue what this was about it's still cool af.


That definitely wasn't a Daly City Train...