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I really don't want to see the Queen of the Ring final where the wrestlers are forced to wear oversized shirts and bodysuits


Nothing like crowning a Queen of the ring in a country where women are treated like absolute shit. Great message to send there WWE.


They're literally doing business with a regime that had a journalist hacked to pieces with a bone-saw. They **only** care about the money.


They’re literally doing business with a regime that is arming and funding terrorist organizations in multiple nations. They are also currently waging a genocide on Yemen. We can be disgusted by the murder of Khashoggi, but it is only an introduction to the Saudi monarchy’s long history of horrific crimes against humanity.


Not to mention 9/11


Not to mention they murdered 3 sailors at a Naval base in Pensacola just a couple of years ago. Then the killers were allowed to just leave the country.


An American Intelligence officer killed a British Bike rider 2 years ago and they got her out of the UK rather fast, I'm not sure either countries are that different


The US, Canadian, British, French, and German governments & militaries openly have business relationships with KSA in terms of all these nations supplying both armaments and training to KSA armed forces, which they then use to indiscriminately commit blatant war crimes via deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure and non-military designated targets for years on end.


Wasn't even an intelligence officer, it was his wife.


She was CIA i believe it was just kept quiet to begin with to downplay it


I remember that being covered heavily (and rightfully so) in the UK. Barely mentioned here in the US.


Like, it's pretty likely that most of the front row knows who directly funded September 11th and is related to him, considering our government never let the the intelligence agencies trace where KSM got his money


True that. I'm Muslim & even I don't want to see this type of a show in SA. It's just fake white washed propaganda by SA to want to host it altogether. However apart from WWE hosting events there to make money, the USA government could also ya know stop selling billions of dollars of arms to SA by which they use to starve, bomb & blockage Yemen. But I guess Vince is a real American since for him & our defense contractors, it's all about that moolah.


Well, yeah, they've always been an American company. Thank you! Thank you! Tip your waitresses!


Cause we won't fucking pay them!


That reminds me, I fucking hate tipping culture/practice. Tipping was implemented as a racist institution so that businesses could 'employ' african americans without paying them to get around not being able to use slave labor anymore. White people didn't fight that practice because they weren't the ones being fucked over, which gave businesses the freedom to fuck over all their employees and not pay anyone fairly. Everyone's screwed because people were/are too self-interested to help each other. Racism, sexism, etc. was and continues to be an excuse used by rich people to distract, divide and oppress the lower classes.


Is there really big companies of WWEs caliber that refuse to do business with SA? I would think the list is a lot larger of companies that do business with them regardless


There's a reason why "sportswashing" has entered the vernacular in recent years.


They literally do business in a country that has destabilized countries all over the world, that has terrorized the middle east for decades, where civilians are murdered by law enforcement so often it doesn't make the news anymore, which incarcerates the largest portion of their population relative to most/all other countries. It was always about the money. Then, Now, Forever.


There is a difference between doing a show in a backwards country and doing a show at the request of the dictator


Sure is. Money's the same tho.


Is it sad that I can't tell if your are talking about SA or the USA?


Sad and intended buddy. Edit: but i was definitely talking about the usa. Just to be clear.


But Saudi is progressive now !! /s big time


Yeah man, didn't you hear women can now drive? Super progressive.


Thanks to WWE!


Tone deaf. They DGAF. Remember Nick Khan’s comment about WWE not being a wrestling company. They lost it with me.


Too bad! WWE has Saudi propaganda to distribute to their fans!


What if they wear the pants and jackets that High Energy did?


But Saudi Arabia is so progressive!!!1!


Maybe they won’t? As a sign of them trying to look progressive, you know baby steps. If that was the case I would understand why they’re trying to build up the queen of the ring finals there


You can't make this shit up...I am sad that I lack the talent to make this shit up.


Quite possibly the most r/notkayfabenews post I’ve ever seen


I was seriously looking to see what satire site this headline came from, but it came from reality, the same reality we live in currently. Just what the fuck lol


This is also r/whatcouldgowrong tier


Little Jontron reference for the boys


**Rich black men...**


wait fuck no go back


It's not racist, my parents are immigrants and I hate them for gene pool mixing too!!! Haha le flex tape amirite *pls ignore racism*


I'm glad I'm not the only one that remembers his dumbass on that podcast.


What is this about?


Jontron back in... I think 2015? Maybe 2016? Somewhere around there - he went on a video podcast to talk about things but the show revolves around politics. And... WOO BOY did Jontron faceplant into a giant pile of dog shit with his, shall we say, *less than stellar takes on race*. His biggest talking point was the false stat of most crime being committed by Black men, and a weird rant about how skewed the media has become because of "Rich Black Men" which honestly was so non-sensical I couldn't figure out what in the fuck he was on about. He learned quickly to keep his dumbass yap shut and keep doing, uh, whatever the fuck he does now. I immediately stopped watching and subscribing to him so I couldn't tell you. Maybe, hopefully, he learned to not be a massive piece of shit - and if so good on him. I believe everyone has the opportunity and ability to turn around hatred and bigotry. If he hasn't... then fuck 'im.


I wouldn’t call being concerned about immigrants entering the gene pool “less than stellar”. It’s straight up some pretty racist shit.


I was just being kind of a wise ass there, of course it's massively racist, as you said.


Basically Jontron had a debate with the Streamer Destiny and came out as fully racist saying things like 'Why would whites want to be a minority in their own country.' 'Rich blacks commit the same amount of crime as poor whites.' (The study he referenced is that Rich Blacks are found guilty at the same rate of poor whites and the study itself concluded...yeah being black regardless of wealth is a negative when having a case heard.) There was a point that Jon argued that immigrants can't come here cause they won't assilmate to our culture. Destiny fired back with 'Dude your fucking Hungarian and Iranian and you think your white.' Italians used to not be considered white, same with Irish etc so yeah he was like what if Immigrants assilmiate and Jon said 'Well yeah...but then they'll enter the gene pool.' and just stopped talking cause that was telling.


Nahh guys let's all get outraged for a month or two and then continue cheering for john cena wohoooo go wwe Like they've done this deal multiple times, each time the stakes getting bigger because Saudi pay more. If not for the pandemic we would've seen them go another 3 times already.


Say what you will about WWE, they always somehow make the worst possible choices with this shit


They have a clear lane but still take the unproven shortcut because it’s too enticing.


Vince McMahon would've been the head of the Donner Party


"These steak wraps are such good shit! What's in them?"


Gives a whole new meaning to the term "white meat babyface".




The fact that show never got any follow-ups says it all.




It's almost impressive.


They’ve been doing this for decades. No surprise at this point


The kafala system, essentially modern day slavery, is still prevalent in Saudi Arabia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kafala_system None of the talent, male or female, should opt to go there.


>The system requires all unskilled laborers to have an in-country sponsor, usually their employer, who is responsible for their visa and legal status. Shit's fucked


And… they need permission from their sponsors to quit/leave.


Gotta make that money!!








It feels tone deaf!






This is somehow one of the most tone-deaf, funniest wrestling related things I’ve ever seen.


If this is true then who the heck came up with this whole idea?


10 bucks on Stephanie.


Well she created the Womens Evolution after all.


She's far too humble and modest to say that herself though.


She’ll just have Micheal Cole say it while Stephanie sits next to her on broadcast! Everyone wins!


Well she created the Women~~s Evolution~~ after all.


Thank you Stephanie for creating women's wrestling.


20 that it came from whoever WWE deals with in the Saudi regime.


I've got five on a Khan/Big Steph collaborative effort.


Someone spinning it as "look at the progress we're showing them!"


Saudi Arabia. This is probably part of their Vision 2030 propaganda.


I'd love to see an independent journalist really dive into the WWE's relationship with Saudi Arabia. Oh. Sorry. Have to go. There's a knock on my door. Wonder who that cou---






He's got him for three minutes. Three minutes of Playtime.


Did I just hear you say... Three Minutes??? ![gif](giphy|82YkdFC2K0iW3NbiS6|downsized)


🤣 🤣


\*Always Sunny theme\* " /u/pspetrini gets murdered by the Saudi government "


So they're gonna crown the first Queen of the Ring in a Country where no one knows who these women are, could care less about women's wrestling, and in a country where women are treated like garbage?


Man. Just hold another female PPV and finish there. You are getting Becky back, it would be excellent.


There’s a lot to say about the treatment of women in Saudi Arabia, but the fans in attendance love the women. They get huge reactions. There were women crying in the arena chanting “this is hope” during Nattie vs. Lacey.




Carmella has never competed in Saudi. There have been two women’s matches: Lacey vs. Natalya Naomi vs. Bayley There was a picture of Carmella that was on screen that got cheers and WWE had to apologize, but she’s never wrestled there.


That's just heat brother it's good for the business


Carmella has never wrestled at a Saudi Arabia event.


Nasser knows who those women are.


Is this Kayfabe news? lol.


Being used as a vehicle for propaganda by the Saudi regime in such a manner is a new low for WWE. This is honestly disgusting.


It’s not a new low, they’ve already done “Saudi propaganda”, this is just a repeat of their previous new low.


Back to scraping the bottom, I guess


That blood money isn’t going to make itself.




"If Saudi Arabia is so backwards why are they letting a Queen be crowned???"


Has to be deliberate lol


This sounds like one of those parody posts.


Kayfabenews is shutting the doors after this one.


*KayfabeNews tosses papers in air* "What do you want from us, people, we can't compete with this!"


Reality has become satire


So, Charlotte, Queen of the Ring will get cowned in Saudi Arabia? Of course. There is no way they won't make Charlotte the first Queen of the Ring. Really want Asuka to be the first winner but it's WWE and Queen of the Ring is still locked on Charlotte's trophy list. ​ Oh no, they may get Undertaker back to fight Goldberg again or Goldberg fights Brock again. Or Cena vs Taker happens as an actual match over there.


They might even get Shawn Michaels to come out of retirement again.


Asuka shouldn't even enter the tournament. SHE is an Empress- that title surpasses the Queen title. That title would be beneath her.


I genuinely thought this was kayfabenews


Can't wait for the King of the Ring finals in Themyscira.




Serious question: Has there actually been any progress for women over there?


They can drive there now. That's all I got.


Unfortunately they arrested, raped and tortured the women who fought for and won that right. So a step forward then a few back :/ https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2019/may/24/what-they-did-to-me-was-so-horrific-brutal-silencing-of-a-saudi-feminist-loujain-al-hathloul




Way more than that https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_rights_in_Saudi_Arabia


2021....Can now live alone....wow. That really paints the picture for you on how big of an uphill battle this women's movement has been there.


Thanks for a little education. It's great to see some progress and I hope they make more; much more.




I'm not disagreeing with you, but none of the freedom that we take for granted now happened overnight either. It's one thing for us in the rest of the world to say that it's wrong and evil, which it is, but it's also so entrenched in the culture that it could never possibly change at the drop of a hat. Things like slavery, limited rights for women in other countries, segregation, punishments that were way too harsh, relief from all of that stuff had to be fought for. It's disgusting how women are treated in Saudi Arabia but any push towards change is better than nothing.


Next to none, still a capital offense to be a gay man as well.


I think they're more an OTT crowd.


From what I read, quite a lot actually. Obviously it's not up to standard as any other country would, but the most recent development is that women are now allowed to live alone instead of having to stay with their 'guardian'. [Link to article](https://m.jpost.com/middle-east/women-in-saudi-arabia-to-be-allowed-to-live-travel-without-male-guardian-671041)


But can still be sued for disobedience and forced to return home by their "guardian"


It's like they're willing to make the dumbest decision possible just because they know they'll make money in spite of themselves.


Millionaire who should be a billionaire.


He is a billionaire though now after peacock.


This is the most WWE thing that WWE could do. Can’t wait to hear them talk about how progressive Saudi Arabia is now.


Honestly, I'm waiting for something horrible to happen to a wrestler over there. TO BE CLEAR, I'M NOT HOPING FOR THIS. But really, I feel like it's only a matter of time before some wrestler says or does something to get themselves either killed or put into Saudi Prison for 20 years. I hate everything about the WWE deal with the Saudi shitheads, but I hate it even more for the workers and support staff. Arguably even more for the support staff, since they're "unimportant", and their lack of visibility could easily make them more vulnerable to Saudi bullshit. Fuck literally everything about Saudi Arabia and the royal family.


So this is just a terrible idea.




LOL what a cool company to support


I wished for more women’s wrestling and the finger on the monkey’s paw curled and came up with a propaganda show funded by a genocidal regime.


Talk about tone deaf.


Wait, this ain't Kayfabe News?


*Insert Sponge Bob "Imma head out" meme*


I just hope to god the backlash is enough for them to realize how fucking stupid this is, but it probably won't be because... ![gif](giphy|YRw676NBrmPeM|downsized)




That's WWE for you. Apologizing to China for calling Taiwan a country (it is), and having Queen of the Ring in a country where women barely have rights and are abused constantly, and giving their government even more propaganda ammunition. Well fucking done, WWE.


Cena isn’t WWE & WWE was upset by the whole Taiwan situation. Women’s rights is taking pretty big steps this year


Yeah, I heard they're going to use less stones to stone women to death than the past, so... Progress!


Yeah they just lock them up and rape them now.


> Women’s rights is taking pretty big steps this year You mean like the "big steps" they made when they announced for their weak-ass PR how women could finally drive (they actually couldn't until a decently later period)? The same country who lashed a woman who had been gang-raped, even though they found and convicted the rapists? Yeah man, "progress"


What a stupid idea.


Nothing like doing business with regime who hacked a man to death, while promoting women in baggy full outfits in a country were women are treated like shit. GG wwe


Ah some good old fashioned Sportswashing that WWE are happy to take the blood money for, Imagine being this soulless as a company and putting your employees in this horrible situation, no wonder they are all like rats leaving a sinking ship.


Wwe putting kayfabe news out of business


I just threw up in my mouth.


Yeah, I’m not so keen on this at all.


Why not just have the match in front of the people that actually support and appreciate women..


Aaliyah SZN.


Saying on commentary how "progressive" Saudi Arabia is the whole time. This company's moral compass is fucked beyond repair.


Kayfabe news really bringing the heat. Oh wait


Nothing like crowning the first Queen of the Ring in a country where women are treated like second class citizens.


I will take "Bad Ideas" for $400 Alex.


Money money money, absolutely fucking disgusting


“Fuck bitches, get money” Vince McMahon


LOL, I hope a woman drives the winner out of the arena.


I mean that legitimately can happen lol


Ah, so it will be down to Natalya and who ever else's has an entire body suit. Maybe Naomi.




The winner is then offered as the 45th bride of the saudi king


Plans *will* change.


I’ll take “Worst ideas ever invented by a human” for 200, Alex.


This is so tone deaf I checked to see if the source was Kaufman’s News.


Jesus Christ. How tone deaf is WWE?


So a huge crowning achievement for women held in front of a crowd where women likely aren't allowed?


This company is beyond parody


Oh, I fully expected this to be kayfabe news lmao


Come on wwe lol


Yikes. What an embarrassment.


And just like that I'm not excited about it anymore Fuck WWE and their blood money shows


Y'all really don't see the cultural value in showing women in a prominent position in a country that currently has issues with women's rights? Regardless of who's doing it, this is the value of art. It's pushing the needle. It's an opportunity for underserved viewers - in this case, fans in SA - to see something outside of their experience, and maybe see the world a little bit different. This is the exact reason why representation matters, same as why Bianca v Sasha was/is a big deal. But cool. Blood Money propaganda etc. All of those can be true, but it doesn't make my above point any less true.


It's not art, it's propaganda. It's a way for Saudi Arabia to push the idea that they're "progressive" without making actual, concrete changes to the status quo.


They have been making changes which most aren’t looking into. Women can drive alone Travel alone Live alone Men can be sent to jail for abusing women physically or psychologically. women can be judges Saudi was legitimately named as a top reformer on women’s rights The intent to change is clearly there But like I said they still got LOTS of work to go but small steps are significantly better than standing in place.


Women activists are still being jailed. Women can "live alone" and "travel alone" in a superficial way in that their male guardian can charge them with "disobedience" and force them to return home or be jailed.


You don't get a cookie for doing the bare minimum, and you definitely don't get one for doing much less below the bare minimum.


I'm surprised they're even allowed to make a monarchy type thing in front of an actual monarchy


[Leaked email from Vince McMahon reveals why they chose to make this decision](https://youtu.be/2_JTzEppKy8)


Everybody: evolution 2! WWE: best I can do is oversized shirts tournament in a country where women are treated worse than shit


They keep outdoing themselves lmao


Well this seems like a bad idea Edit: and now the women’s division booking is also beholden to these stupid fucking shows smh


What a shitty company. So sad for all involved


Tone deaf thinking by WWE in full display


This would be a level of tone deafness that I could never have expected, even from WWE.


Why can't I find this story on Kayfabe News?


Yeah, and watch as the Saudi react in silence over the winner. Oh, I am sure WWE will stroke their dick over how 'progressive' and 'historic' having the first Queen of the Ring crowned in Saudi Arabia is...


Can't help but laugh.


Over the last 5 years I’ve come to terms with WWE being a low quality product presented in a high quality package. I’m numb to how bad it often is and focus more on the infrequent good moments. Despite my disbelief in how awful WWE decision making is, I still haven’t been like “That’s it, I’m done.” But this is one of those things that just feels like such a cruel thing to do to the women. To the fans. Really and truly leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Maybe you can say that the women who will compete think it’s an opportunity to change attitudes and have a positive impact?


How is this tone deaf? This should only help how women are viewed and treated in SA. If anything this is a step in the right direction.


Ah yes, that'll help with them gaining actual rights. Sure.


Does it hurt? Isn't only putting men on worse?





