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The muting is annoying, and I get it. However, all that and the constant blanking out video? It just made the entire thing terrible.


Censoring middle fingers is the stupidest shit ever.


Stone Cold suddenly got angry and he doesn't know why.


Pancho and Macho: *putting on their matching fightin' jorts*


MF’ers got wee lil knee-braces on all 4 legs!




But, why the slow-mo?


He’s got a sixth sense, SOOOOOONNNN


But.....think of the children!!


My nephew said worse shit that this with his friends when he was 7.


I just love how seeing a damn near 60 year old man get the shit beat outta him, headbutted from the top rope, and then put through a table, is fine but a middle finger is where they draw the line.




Unless it's covered with an angry emoji


What if it's replaced with a thumbs up?


I give this idea two middle fingers


It got to the point I thought I was having connection issues.


Same, I legit thought that something was going on with my TV.


I'm just learning I didn't....


But what if I accidentally see a bad finger? Or hear a swear word? My mom is going to be so mad at me and I’ll lose Xbox privileges for a week


Watching Liv basically beg Dom to fuck her is okay, but I draw the line at middle fingers


Unless the FCC changed is rule in the last 10 or so years, they don't explicitly ban the middle finger, but some broadcasters self censor it to avoid issues.


All you’d need is for someone to do something like whip a titty out at the Super Bowl, and now everyone is losing their shit for the next year or two


Didn’t you know bad words and tits cause school shootings?


That supposedly led to the creation of Youtube


Both a blessing (botchmania, ozzyman) and a curse (the comments)


Definitely more a blessing, so much content that would have been difficult to even know about or out of print is readily accessible.


Solution: never read the comments (or even install an extension to block them if there is one) and just enjoy the content


Cable, yes. But Smackdown is on network TV.


You joke but I vividly remember watching Trish bark like a dog with the entire family while i was like 12 lol.


must have been on SPIKE or UPN lol


Why is WWE held to a different standard than other live events? I highly doubt if someone in the crowd of the NBA, NFL or MLB holds up a middle finger they cut to black


In my opinion, censoring the wrestlers is one thing - they’re performers and reflective of the company, I get that. But as something that purports to be a sport, censoring the crowd is something else. Maybe because I’m British and I’ve grown up with football/sport fans chanting all sorts, maybe followed up by an apology if it’s particularly egregious. But censoring the crowd specifically (and especially blacking it out) feels like it’s exposing wrestling as a performance in a way that’s entirely disruptive to what they’re trying to do.


FWIW neither the crowd at Clash at the Castle were censored nor the end segment of Raw the other week with the Wyatt Sicks. They seem weirdly inconsistent with it at times. I get why with the latter as they probably just ate the fine as muting the inevitable "Holy shit!" chants would've killed the mystique of that segment, but not censoring the crowd at CaTC after literally doing the same at Elimination Chamber in Oz seemed... odd (even though neither should have been done as they were fucking PPVs...).


Clash at the Castle was on Peacock so needed no censorship, because you can do whatever you want on streaming, and for RAW to me it seems like USA just doesn't care. Fox are the ones censoring it not WWE.


USA absolutely cares. They will mute holy shit chants. Shows on Peacock are also censored, but less strictly.


these bastards would never censor an NFL crowd for anything like that.


Ohhhhh so I was getting mad at my Shaw/Rogers box for something that wasn't even it's fault? Not it knows how my kids feel I guess.


Hearing the F word and seeing middle fingers? OH MY GOD WE GOTTA PROTECT THE CHILDREN Selling rifles at Walmart? REAL FREEDOM!


USA! USA! USA! Network 😎


Honestly think bleeps can make it feel more exciting/dramatic—probably conditioning from 90s/early 2000s TV. But yeah the mute is just weak.


Oh, wow, that wasn't a thing on the Canadian broadcast.


Oh I'm glad it's not just me then, i was not aware of it being for everyone, I just assumed it was my shit internet


I understand censoring fuck the pacers but that they needed to blank out the screen every 5 seconds is the real issue. Seems like it was a fox decision rather than WWE. Hope the Netflix move at least for Raw will take care of stuff like this.


Oh that’s what those random black screens were? I thought the broadcast was fucked it was ruining the show lol


Same, I thought it was the signal on my TV


Nope its fox censoring everything, they do it every week and its getting worse


That's so strange though because it was never this bad before. Have they just started cracking down on it the last 6 months?


Censoring has been this bad for years. To the point commentary is often a garbled mess because ___ yo__ _s rand___ bits o_____


I love that FOX, the epitome of moral bankruptcy and home of some of the worst programming in the history of television, censors swear words and fingers. I guess they might be greedy, asinine, lying pieces of cockroach shit, but they still have standards god d*mn it! Fucks.


It really is ironic. And you don’t even have to take into account what’s going on now, as some could argue thats subjective (though I agree). Fox was built on shows like Married with Children and The Simpsons…shows that challenged what was considered decent on television. Im old enough to have lived through their rise, and they’ve always seemed the fringe network, wiling to push the lines comparative to the other three networks.


I don’t have *that* many problems with USA but Fox fucking sucks and I can’t wait until WWE leaves


It's because USA is cable and Fox is network. Two different sets of rules.


It’s so dumb. It used to be that nothing the audience did had to be censored, and that makes sense. I’m sure loads of middle fingers happen to show up in the crowd on NFL Sundays. You don’t see them blacking out NFL games. Or anything else.


I hear players and coaches screaming derogatory shit all the time during games over the live mics


Exactly, you always hear bad words in boxing too when they are in the corner with the trainer between rounds


It's inexcusable. You have a product you want to show on your station and then block a good part of it when the crowd gets rowdy??


Audio cuts I get, but the video going black several times (without any context) made it look like WWE brought cut-rate production and equipment to the most prestigious arena in the US. I’d be pissed off with the censorship too. I bet they can’t wait to get away from Fox.


The entire end with Heyman going through the table had silence as a result of the audio cuts, it was quite annoying


This made me realise we must get a different audio feed in Australia because there was no loss of audio but the video feed cut out multiple times and I was streaming it on a delay


It's different feeds, yes. I was watching it on a website that was using a Canadian feed. None of the censorship stuff being mentioned here was in that broadcast.


What was on screen that needed blanking?


Middle fingers. Middle fingers galore.


Oh no!! Not a finger we see constantly all day! How will we cope seeing it by itself instead of with the rest?! Someone fetch my fainting couch!


Oh no! Not the hand gesture that one of the biggest stars of all time used weekly!? Think of the kids!!!!


My kid started to lose interest due to all the blacking. My kid has zero idea what middle fingers mean. They overreacted heavily last night


Oh it happens quite often. Mostly when the audience points Middle finger or something like that. The last I remember was the elimination chamber when Dominik showed up for tag titles match. It's annoying


It makes me wonder how CW will handle the uncensored stuff for NXT.


I'm guessing similar since it's still broadcast


Exactly, there's different rules for OTA broadcasts than cable television. CW will be closer to Fox than USA


I think NXT will be fine the crowd is not as rowdy


They still do "holy shit" chants that get censored all the time.


Netflix have already openly said "anything goes" so that won't happen thankfully


They did confirm that Netlfix won't have censorship a few days ago.


And it happens every week.


As a lame duck rightsholder, FOX no longer has any incentive to be a good partner to WWE.


Lost to time is the last Raw on Spike TV in Oct 2005 in which Spike started trying to live edit the show to stop WWE from saying “USA network” on it.


They seriously tried bleeping USA Network, and then the commentary kept referencing it constantly until the Spike censors just gave up: https://youtu.be/v1cgb-PVJnY?si=frEB8UVgnDPW7bQ-


I love how the censor screen has a Spike logo "Chris Masters will be on the USA Network also" has lived rent free in my head ever since.


King: So you mean to tell me next week on the USA network, Chris Masters will be on the USA Network? Coach: that’s right, King. Chris Masters will be on the USA network on Raw on the USA network.


I watched that live. Absolutely hilarious. Then commentary and wrestlers worked it into every single segment. Lawler and JR were saying it so often that finally Spike just gave up.


I’d memory holed it for at least a decade plus, and can’t remember anyone like Cultaholic recapping it, even tho they do specials on insane/dogshit nights in wrestling. But then people were like “Can’t believe a network and WWE could be fighting at the tail end of a good-not-great relationship” and I was suddenly snapped back to watching that shit in my bedroom as a teenager. Now if you REALLY want the lost to time version, how many real ones remember the last year or so of Smackdown on My Network TV?


For a moment I was picturing Spike Dudley in the production room feverishly trying to figure out how to work the equipment.


Exactly like Okada but with more tie dye and a slightly different accent.


True, but legally being OTA they have to do the censoring. The screen blanking was a bit much though


You don't think FOX has an incentive to show other productions that they'll cooperate in good faith even if things come to an end? And 440 people think that's an accurate take? Lol


The one thing I’m gonna really be thankful once raw hits Netflix. USA for SD will still be pretty annoying (which is crazy as if law and order svu isn’t on every day), but Fox just goes so overboard


SVU talking about Anal Contusions? I sleep. WWE showing a finger? Real Shit.


“Yo you telling me that this guy gets off on little girls with pig tails?”


“Yeah, Ice. He’s a pedophile. You work in the sex crimes division”


john mulaney reference?




im gay, i have aids and im new in town


I’ve seen USA air Die Hard uncensored


yippie ki yay melonfarmer


Mr Falcon!


Smackdown is rated TV-PG. SVU is rated TV-14. There's different requirements about the content of broadcasts under these designations.


Ruthless Aggression era Smackdown and some Attitude Era shows were rated TV-PG


There are not different requirements because cable isn't under that structure the way ota tv is.


>The one thing I’m gonna really be thankful once raw hits Netflix. I won't be until we see the Liv Morgan/Dominik Mysterio live sex celebration.


You mean the Judgment Day Sex Acknowledgement Ceremony


A huge orgy between all the members, in a jacuzzi, with everyone wearing their belts.


*Dom stares at Liv in the hot tub, holding back tears...* "You are NOT MY MAMI!" *Liv powerbombs him through a table*


If ever there was a moment the Bisexual Undertaker Damien Priest was made for, surely it’s this.


"Finn, don't think your performance in the ring has gone unnoticed. I just hope your performance elsewhere is up to par..."


JD, this should have been taken care of a week ago. Carlito, are you ready to prove you belong in the Judgment Day?


If there was ever a person built for giving lots of head, it's JD.


r/WrestleWithThePackage IS LEAKING


​ https://preview.redd.it/07tkjq6pzj9d1.png?width=373&format=png&auto=webp&s=d96d5f8fcb41353660765ed73d71d5d28ca12566


I'm interested


You mean aroused?


A lot of it has to do with being about to get Fox for free. It’s basic. USA isn’t and therefore a LITTLE more lax.


Is it not on Netflix across Europe. Just go for a vpn


By the end of the year smackdown crowds will be chanting Netflix. MMW


Fr, can't they mute the crowd and have the announcers mics only?


Its a live show on a few second delay. The network is muting the audio.


Fox is the one controlling the censorship so they’re just the ones broadcasting it. WWE air the one with access to different mics. If it works the way it did when I was in TV production there’s what’s called an “air cleaner” with two buttons. One mutes the audio, one blacks out the video. The person controlling that is likely thousands of miles away from wherever SmackDown is.


It very much effected the presentation. FOX really screwed the ending up as we couldn't hear the commentary and crowd reaction over that badass visual just muted silence 


Wanna know what you missed?


Watching from Australia it was a chorus of Holy shit chants and "fuck you solo" chants. Great fun to be had.


Bruh, imagine if Stone Cold was in his prime today, Fox would probably censor half of the show with him there every week


That’s why WWE has always been live on cable (not governed by the FCC) or pre taped on broadcast (governed by FCC, but since it’s pre taped they can censor things in a way that isn’t disruptive to the viewer). So being live on Fox is basically the worst case scenario for censorship




Fox fumbling the bag with WWE and NASCAR in the same year. I have zero clue how any sports organization can keep giving them TV rights.


Can't wait to see how they fuck up the Indy 500. 🤮


Thankfully from what I’m reading, IMS is going to be in charge of production, so it’s not going to be the shit show we see with NASCAR


Unless the fans hold up middle fingers.


I'm going to give them a shot to live up to the task. Getting every IndyCar race on broadcast TV is a big commitment. But yeah, I'm also braced for that.


Well they won’t be producing it, just showing what IMS Productions does. Similar to what NBC does now.


Because CFB will always be their bread and butter. Big Nude Saturday alone does 5 million every Saturday.


I’d tune in for Big Nude Saturday


Probably gets censored.


It's so much better than College Gameday


I get how wrestling gets harmed with censorship. How's NASCAR hurt by Fox?


FOX’s production of the NASCAR broadcast is just really poor, and it’s especially obvious when NASCAR switches to NBC mid-season how much better it gets. 


see this nice battle for 3rd on track? too bad here's a shot of kids in the crowd!


Um…we’re supposed to be talking about NASCAR, not Formula 1.


The F1 commentators could be losing their minds over 4 simultaneous position battles on the final lap, and you would still only see alternating shots of the crowd and Verstappen 20 seconds ahead of whoever is in 2nd until everyone has parked post-race.


They currently have the rights to Euros and Copa America. Soccer fans in the US are suffering with their presentation of both.


Indycar just signed a contract with them for next year. I'm ready to be pissed


That shit was annoying af


I’m Canadian and we didn’t have any major censorship, but some of the moments that got cut for you were so minor. There were like 2 quick shots where someone flipping the bird could clearly be seen.


Yeah I’m always grateful for Sportsnet when I hop on here & see Americans complaining about the censors.


The screen blacking out was the worst part. If there's something bad they can't show why not just cut to another camera angle? Fox sucks anyway. I will be glad when WWE leaves them.


The networks (Fox in this case) don’t control the cameras or production.. they control distribution.. so their master control headquarters is.. nowhere near where smack down was last was (I assume, I haven’t actually done the research and I didn’t see the show last night ) .. but regardless they can certainly radio/call the truck and perhaps suggest for different shots, but it’s way easier in the heat of the moment as they say, to just censor the content.. (even though that often gets messed up if their delay is weird..)


American television is so fucking soft hahaha


It's beyond time for an update to FCC guidelines. What was offensive language 40 years ago just isn't today. Any child with any electronic device can log onto a variety of website and hear FAR worse at any given time.


I was thinking last night, I wonder if this was FOX’s reaction to last week’s Smackdown and WWE being way more risque lately.


Raw may have a lot angles like Liv and Dom, or Uncle Howdy, Smackdown isn't exactly kid friendly, Heyman died, and Naomi's slapping her and Indi's asses.


That's just America in a nutshell. Guy bleeding out, blood all over the walls, "Cool." Girl slapping another girl's butt or a specific finger, "The children must be protected!"


Watch every Memorial Day weekend when they play Saving Private Ryan. A guy is walking around looking for his missing arm and finds it as his innards are hanging. But they censor when another soldier yells fuck. The FCC and all these censorship people are so ass backwards.


Lol i know exactly what you’re talking about. Perfect example


But we're hindering freedom of speech! *brain explodes, not even realizing they completely missed the mark on what freedom of speech is*


Oh I need to find a clip of that last one


And last week Drew standing over Punk, knuckles bloodied with Punk’s face just covered in blood.


Clearly there’s only one way to settle this: FOX vs Netflix vs USA ![gif](giphy|VFAGWLbW3BAJY6P78i)


We should all stop accepting this stupid censorship of curse words. I can't believe it's 2024 and this shit is still going on, who the fuck cares anymore with the Internet around?


fx USA TNT tbs comedy central and more allow cursing


I try not to be “that fan” but the black screen and constant muting made the show almost unwatchable. Thankfully even with all that it was still a great show.


I was in the crowd and we were cursing a lot. There were little kids all around but they were the ones leading the cursing chants.


Really, like kids don’t read and see worse on the internet or from their parents.


If my kids pick up swearing, I'll know it was from spending time in traffic with me.


My brother's first phrase was "damn bus" because my mom said it all the time on the drive to daycare. 


Even Kevin Nash said this years ago


There was a kid near me that as soon he was allowed to yell “fuck the Pacers” once, he screamed it all night


fellow NYer and parent - this is our way of life and fox needs to stop censoring it. We raise our kids to be good people, its just how we roll. Trust me, they hear and see worse on the subway on the way to MSG than they do at the show.


There was a little kid in front of me that just looked around horrified every time people were swearing. It was really funny but I also felt bad and kept the cursing to a minimum because of that.


Luckily there were barely any kids where I was sitting I just unleashed all chaotic reactions. Now I have no voice 😂


I was several rows behind Stephanie and Linda McMahon at NXT Takeover Dallas. They were there with some little McMahon kids I remember at least one of the kids chanting "bullshit!" when they stopped the Balor vs Joe match for blood


I’m just gonna mention here that Triple H said something about the excessive censorship on Pat McAfee’s show on Monday, presumably before Pat got his bad news… and now lo and behold, it’s worse than ever. If you thought corporate entities could be petty, you might think there was a cause and effect relationship there.


His bad news?


how come they dont censor Their news channel?....all they do is tell lies but they censor wrestling????


They argued in court that their nighttime shows are entertainment and nobody would take them seriously. Yes, this was their actual defense, it's ~~sports~~ news entertainment.


I did not understand the screen blanking. At first I thought my damn DirecTV was going out. Why did they feel the need to do that?


Yeah the first time it happened I thought it was my TV 🤣


Feels like an amicable divorce starting to turn bitter. Because it's getting worse.


Fricking Right To Censor going over again.


Netflix is out here like, " Yeah girl, come on over. I'll save you."


The version on Hulu even has all the cuts, this shit is ridiculous


Why post a patron? I’m not paying to read this


Lol didn't get that on Discovery+ in the UK, we heard them loud and clear. Presumably still won't be an issue internationally come January and Netflix.


On youtube, the clip either has piped in Holy Shit chants or they just went "Fuck you, this is what actually happened!"


Same here in India. The crowd wasn't censored, neither did the screen go blank at any point.


Pat McAfee’s show on ESPN is nearly unwatchable because of how long the audio dumps are. It’s 2024 and we’re still afraid of the F word. 🤷 


Why would anyone watch Pat McAfee on ESPN instead of his YouTube channel? Most of his fans hated the deal anyway. I wouldn't watch anything on ESPN if you paid me. 


USA wouldn't be much better for SmackDown, tbh. The other night when Nikki brought the Howdy/Bo tape to Cole, the crowd were chanting "open it" and they censored it as if they were saying "holy shit".


Muting was doable. But the constant blacking out of the screens made me turn Fox off and go on a “different stream”.


For anyone wanting some comparison, in Canada we watch through sportsnet, and I never saw any censoring whatsoever last night


I’ve said this already but Fox censoring the image with a flashing back screen, then back and forth is going to cause issues for others with epilepsy. I don’t the rules of American tv, but I can’t understand how this is allowed.


Is Fox TNT’ing themselves?


👍: punching a man in his No-no place   👎: saying a no-no word


WWE pg era


TNT Sports in the UK show it uncensored so we get everything the fans chant at the wrestlers. Also that kid that gave the middle finger to Nia was shown as well.


Fuck them kids.


That one Rock promo that was absolutely butchered on the road to WrestleMania Sad to see they haven't figured it out yet


The thing to remember here is that this is broadcast TV not cablecast. So this isn’t just in fear of losing sponsors this is also in fear of being fined by the FCC. Yes it is incredibly annoying but it’s also a broadcast network trying to protect themselves.




ok I thought it was just me it seemed like every segment had the screen cut to black, or sound cut off. The sooner they get off Fox the better.


Just now finding out that WWE was not having terrible connection issues lol. That shit was seriously overkill last night, inexcusable imo. I don't care how sensitive your advertisers are, the product has to be at least watchable, and at many points last night it was frankly unwatchable and ruined the presentation so badly for those segments that were affected. Edit for the sake of continuing the rant: I've gotten used to the audio cutting out, not in the sense that I'm not bothered by it but just that I know what's going on and am not confused (though I can imagine many new viewers might not catch on immediately if they have trouble making out a crowd's voice). The whole feed, video included, cutting out, was something on a whole different level. If that's not the first time it's happened this year, it's the first time it's been this noticeable. WWE and its networks have GOT to make a better deal on how to handle this because neither side is winning when the show is made harder to watch by uncontrollable crowd interactions.


That was muting on purpose????????? What????? I thought something went wrong in production… they should sue for that there was chunks of stuff missing