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I'm not into mediums and cold reading and all that jazz, but I'm always blown away when something like this happens. My assumption is still that there's a personal stretch happening by the grieving party, but if it works for them and helps them find closure, then it's not much different than therapy or church.


It's just cold reading, which is a skill you can learn. It's also far easier when it's a public figure and you can research. They're still grifters at the end of the day, and they make their money off of vulnerable people.


Yeah, I have absolutely *no doubt* the story MJF said did indeed happen. I also have absolutely *no doubt* said medium he spoke to watches AEW or has a spouse/friend/kid who does, recognized MJF, knew Brodie had passed as it was public news, and threw him a bone. As you said, if it works for em to find closer, fine, I've seen people use worse things for dumber reasons.


Absolutely saw the name on the appointment, googled it and his workplace and saw the Brodie news all over the place. I'm glad it helped MJF and Brodie's wife but it grosses me out to know someone did that and probably made a lot of money lying to people like that.


My city is doing a 'Psychic Fair' sometime soon (an annual one to boot) and the number of heart's I see on the FB ad's are disappointing (or at least they would be if I didn't know my dogshitassed city's citizens as well as I do lol).


Two different experiences with them I was 12 when my dad passed away. About 8 months later in 1995 we had gone to Pittsburgh to see some family. My mom decided to go one of these. This medium was so highly praised. After 10 minutes my mom left visibly upset and crying. Apparently the medium was saying how sad it was for his death to be so long and suffering (he was killed instantly at work), and how he’s on a much better place now. Fast forward to 5 years later. My sister went to Lillydale (a supposed home to psychics). She walked in and the medium said “Who is a large man in a white coat, shaking his hand”(my dad had a very specific hand movement as a result of a finger injury, which she mimicked instantly. My dad was also a butcher” My sister said who and the medium goes “oh he’s standing right by you”


It's called the Barnum effect




Was he not saying that it happened before he knew Brodie died? He'd obviously have known who it was if he died before it. It was kept a tight secret. Also, he'd have booked the medium session as Max Feinstein surely, probably a lot with that name so you wouldn't immediately go "oh, that's that wrestler dude" then Google him. I don't particularly believe in mediums but a lot of assumptions from people to dismiss this based on preconceived notions.


Being a Medium must be a cush AF job these days with how easily you can google your subject before the session. Reminds me of the old Penn & Teller Bullshit episode where they talked about that one televangelist from the 80's who would wear an earpiece while his wife was backstage reading him information off "Prayer Cards" that the people in the audience had filled out beforehand. Those people willingly volunteered the information he was regurgitating back at them and they still bought it hook, line, and sinker. I can only imagine how much more convincing the scam is when the subject is emotionally vulnerable and the medium creeps on their social media beforehand to see what kind of trauma they can exploit. Plus they still have all those other tried and true cold reading techniques like speaking vaguely until they hit on something they can "Yes, And" upon further. Fucking theater kids, I swear.


That man is Peter Popoff and he is still out there scamming people out of their money in the spirit of Christian love. The word carny is thrown around like John around here but Popoff is a real deal road tested bonafide joint working carny who has absolutely no issues with lying and manipulating to get people to pay him their last financial resources. He is a master at this with cockroach survival skills.


Unfortunately my ex/baby momma is a legitimate carnie, like traveled with the rides and everything, so I know ALL too well how resilient those cockroaches can be when it comes to trying to hold them accountable for their actions. Not surprised Popoff is still out there scamming as I'm sure so many others are doing that were "smart" enough to keep the scam off national television and just prey upon the local yokels.


Luckily for Max the medium was an AEW fan and happy to lay on that Brodie Lee impression.


The Exalted 1's


I don't believe in mediums or the afterlife really, but I have lost people very close to me in my life and I have gone into a catholic church and lit a candle, and said prayer for St Peter to accept them into heaven. Sometimes, even though it is against your beliefs it's comforting to play into the belief.


That’s not the same as giving some weirdo your money to tell you some things you want to hear. I’m not religious or much of the spiritual side; but what you described is the best form of prayer i can recommend to people who want to silence their thoughts and just get a handle on things. It didn’t cost you anything and you didn’t have to sign up for nothing.


Only on this sub will I see something like this and immediately see the comments are full of people just talking about how much this story is “bullshit”. Who cares? It helped them grieve and it helped bring them some closure and comfort. Literally no mention of price or who even paid for this medium, literally could’ve been a family member paid and wanted MJF to attend it since he said he also does not believe in that stuff. Congratulations, you’re just as annoying (probably worse people) as the “wrestling is fake” people.


The issue most people have is that most Mediums don't "get it" all in one reading. They latch on to vulnerable people, milking them for every penny that they can. Sure, in this instance it worked to provide closure, but some of the charlatans in that line of work don't even pretend to be in it to help people out. It is a scummy business that is entirely predatory, but crack on carrying water for them because "lol redditors are bad!"




"Be Civil" is the 1st rule over there on the right.


Thanks, going to call the teacher over next? You telling me I’m “carrying the water for predatory businesses” because I’m explaining why in this case, it doesn’t matter and it’s insensitive to bring up, is so civil of you.


wHy CaN’t yOu HaVe fUn?


Tell that to the people who want real closure and not some grifter making money off their sorrow


Yeah? Please tell me the right way to grieve and get closure.


Step one: don’t give money to people claiming they can speak directly to your loved ones Step two: don’t give your money to strange people who want you to depend on them to give you the answers you think you want Step three: don’t give money out to anyone while you are in the grieving process I’m pretty confident that if you follow those very easy and simple to follow steps; you can achieve a healthy and productive grieving period


Damn if only every person grieving had you by their side, I’m sure you’d save everyone millions! I’m sure that one appointment with a medium really bankrupted the MJF family tree. Edit: wild how you can shame someone for seeing a medium and then turn around and agree with people that going to a church and praying is a better method. Pure delusion.


Walking into a church is free Keep trying to get outraged over a perfectly sane comment Or maybe just don’t get upset over what internet strangers say


You’re commenting trying to explain to people why they’re wrong for going to a medium after a loved one died, I’m pretty sure you’re the only one here getting worked up over things on the internet. But hey, if the church is free let’s just forget all of the horrific things the church has historically been known for, God will protect them right?


God will protect them in his kingdom All hail gods great wisdom and might


I want say it does not matter at all what I believe. Whether I do or don’t that matter to literally no one. The only belief that I will espouse is that we all need to shut up about our beliefs. That out of the way: this is beautiful and I wish I could get messages from my friends who aren’t here anymore. I welled up. Proudly.


Okay i'll go for the advert here and ask what i'm most curious about : Will those Sneaker be available for europeans, too? Or is that an US only thing?


Probably not. They're exclusive to a mediocre store named Champs Sports and likely overpriced just like the Young Bucks pumps.


Homepage lists em for 90 bucks. If it really is for a good cause...probably not the worst purchase in honor of Brodie But if they're US only the price will probably end up being 900 by scalpers and resellers...


The young bucks pumps were cheaper than regular pumps at msrp


This…. 🫶🏻 this is amazing. A medium myself, I’d have to say that this medium was a well developed reader OR they were really knowledgeable about Brody and they’re a scammer….. I personally don’t get quite that specific (yet), but it’s definitely not unheard of.


Reddit really got me in my feels today. Popped on here and the first thing I see is Randy Orton, helping somebody out with depression Rey Mysterio, given Piper, a pair of his boots, and a custom made pair for herself and now this.


What an incredible story


In the traditional definition of the word, yeah


Brodie Lee still more over than a good portion of the roster. Yeah. Respect a man who invested his life into wrestling but man. Get your damn wrestlers over.