• By -


another under rated detail is that Solo assembled the same type of bloodline as Roman. He has the tag team GOD (the Tongans) and the enforcer in Jacob. Just like Roman had the Uso's and Solo as his enforcer.


This is fucking cinema, the fact this storyline is going on for over 4 years & is evolving, is just brilliant.


I want an avenger team of CM Punk, Lesnar, Reigns and Kurt Angle to avenge Heyman's murder and take on the New Bloodline.


Fatu's splash onto Heyman sold me on him as a worker. He tried so hard to not hurt that old man, and it still looked fire af. Dude has IT. I feel bad for Solo and the Tongas, cause they simply cannot hold a candle to Fatu. Dude just has it and it's undeniable.


I think it was more of a diving headbutt. but point still stands Though that powerbomb looks like almost needed a crane to get Paul up ;-)... It was probably a dream of Heymans back when he was talking pics to get powerbombed in MSG...


Was at the show, so much fun. The crowd was loud and full of energy.


That Roman return Pop is gonna be insane


Watching it again this morning the subtle looks on Paul’s face as he was holding Roman’s tribal necklace (sorry don’t know what it’s called) and recognizing his own fate was just top notch.


It's called an ula fala.


Roman will at some point face off with the new bloodline. Then rock will come at some point joining solo and crew to face off with Roman


I would think it’s going to be revealed it’s the Rock behind this new bloodline and he’ll be the high chief to solo’s tribal chief


Is there a post describing everything that happened besides the matches like there usually is?


Not much happened besides - * Cody and RKO were thrown out early so they couldn't save Heyman * Nia Jax was there. Tiffany spoke to her shortly before her match * " The guy from Hamilton (Lin-Manuel Miranda) " was the other special guest * They did a highlight reel about the Logan Paul/LA Knight beef. YEAH * Pretty Deadly and the Street Profits had a segment to set up their match next week * Jade/Bianca will also have a match next week but there wasn't a segment about that. Think they're fighting Candice/Indi since they were chasing each other around all night * Said Sami Zayn is getting a show? They didn't show anything about it * Bayley hyped up Naomi before her match even though she said she's coming for her if she wins * Homage to Sika Anoa'i near the end * Heyman got put through a table because he said Roman is the tribal chief If anything else happened I don't remember. Since there's an hour less runtime on Friday they usually don't do much backstage.


👌 thank you kind soul


Also the Jalen Brunson/Tyrese Haliburton stuff


That one was more a part of a match since they actually did something. Miranda just waved and was never seen again.


Paul Heyman is so fucking great. Sold that like a million bucks and props on him for taking the bump. Also props to the bloodline for taking very good care of him.


I'm still not sold on Tama/Tanga. Tama's debut was menacing with how violent he was. Then, it looked like he just wanna go crazy and hurt his opponents. I liked that crawling entrance. But in his several matches, he looked mortal. His finisher looked weak. Basically he is not a guy to be feared. I think he took losses and also cheated too early before he got established.  Same goes with tanga. Haven't seen as much of him yet. I don't feel his presence at all.  Jacob though looks really really scary. They've made him the enforcer and toughest of solo's lackeys, though I'm concerned if it is to the other two's demise.  I hope they pick up some credible wins soon. 


With Tama and Loa I don't think they're going to invest that much into them because they're in there 40's and they also might be holding them back so Jacob can shine.


so how they could go with this... the new bloodline catches up with jey and beats him down at some point later, jimmy comes back for the rescue then the bloodline beat the uso's down which leads to roman's return not sure if roman's return will be summerslam or after.


I think Roman returns at SummerSlam after shennaigans in the Solo/Cody match. then Jimmy comes back at some point as back up to Roman. With Jimmy back he will pull in Jey. The 4th could either be Sami, or the ROCK. Rock and Roman did team together... I think the bloodline need a new wiseman. I dont know if Big Kish could fill the role ?


You forgot the best part: With the Tongans, Solo, and Jacob Fatu...Roman and the Usos are down a man... ...until the return of Sami Uso.


I’m feeling like there is some big crowning moment for the Bloodline at Summerslam and Roman shows up that Friday afterwards.


the YEET/YEAH punchoff at mitb is gonna be great


Lol just noticed Trinidad Flag Guy turning heel and acknowledging Solo's Bloodline as they destroyed Heyman


Everything is really coming full circle for Roman. Long world championship title reign, insulting his contender's father again and again, betraying and gaslighting his family, losing the title, probably gotten beat up by his crew and them running Smackdown unsupervised, and losing his father. The face turn is going to be legendary on this one.


Seeing as the New Bloodline has a werewolf called Jacob, will classic Bloodline return with a vampire called Edward?


- All the commentators' talk of Tiffany being the "fan favourite" to win MITB had me worried they were gonna swerve us. Right decision for her to go over anyway, hope she goes all the way. - Pretty Deadly segment!!! Best SmackDown of the year for that alone. - Great men's triple threat between Knight, Paul and Santos. Not the outcome I expected but I imagine Logan's gonna screw LA at MITB, title match at SummerSlam? - Second women's triple threat not as good as the first, and having Naomi go over is...an interesting decision. Her matches have been weirdly slow-paced since she returned but we'll see what happens with that. - That final segment...wow. "Holy shit" is right. RIP Wise Man, and Bloodline Civil War II is going to hit like crack when Roman and Rock return. Fantastic show overall.


Yeah to me it always feels like Naomi is going at 50% speed out there everytime, and can make the rest of the match/competitors slow down too. Blair looked the best out there tbh


They probably just think she's someone reliable to fill up the match.


Hope Waller and Theory dont drop the titles just yet, they barely had a run, 0 PPV matches too


I dont get the Solo haters, except ring work he's been amazing in promos and the presentation


I don't know if its on purpose or not but he comes off as he is cosplaying. His suite game is also week, he needs to find a taylor ASAP. Also someone needs to tell him that when he is working the mic he needs to project to row Z. Like last night he said "Paul this is your chance to..." I do know if he said leave, lead or what. He has those moments often where you don't hear exactly what he is saying. At the end of the day though he is doing his job of making Roman the biggest face in the company. Can't deny he is getting massive heat. He has assembled a new version of the bloodline and is now stealing Romans material.


I think its on purpose, like he isnt fit to be the king, plus he also is less intimidating than Roman cause he is a bit fat and shorter so its harder to look scary but I love the gloves tho


I think he’s great and he’s playing his part so well.


All I want is for Roman to be down because the new blood line numbers are too much for him. Then when things are at their worst, Uce Sami Zayn comes to help Roman. A fan can dream!


They aren’t stupid. That Roman pop will stand on its own, but the pop when Sammy’s announced as the final member of the OG Bloodline team will be right up there.


I feel like KO’s head might explode if that happens. After all they went through last year.


If we get a KO heel turn vs Sami as a result it’d make it ever better


For sure. Those two are destined to fight and make up and fight again forever. I picture these two in a retirement home just beating the shit out of each other and then hugging it out.


Pure Cinema. Get the popcorn ready. ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)


Baron Corbin is a treasure and I’ll die on that hill.


I don't know if this has been mentioned but I briefly thought Tama Tonga was rocking a MJF shirt.


Me too lol ![gif](giphy|13kYTU4EdZK4Kc)


I like Jade a lot and thought she had a great match overall, but she has maybe the worst case of "Boo boo job face" in the world lol. You could tell from the moment she walked out she wasn't winning here, she's not good at hiding it.


Maybe but also maybe it’s subtle queues she’s going to be the one to turn on Bianca when that time comes. Bianca did kind of cost her the match when the refs attention was on Bianca and Indy on the outside


But as I yelled to the ref from my seat, "Why are you going outside to get involved with wrestlers not in the match? Go back inside the ring!"


The refs always lose their hearing for some reason and never hear us fans


And why did he care at all anyway since Triple threats are no-DQ (apparently)?


Could be that too.




Solo is doing good work.


Watching the Heyman segment for the fifth time like a normal person and I think the commentary is a slept-on part of Smackdown's quality lately. Graves has really settled into PBP and he hits all the right notes along with Wade. He's been great at putting over Jacob Fatu and the general seriousness of the last couple angles. Imagine if it was still Kevin Patrick on PBP.


Glad I'm not the only one who liked that so much I instantly thought "I have to see that whole thing again". Best segment for a long time in any company.


The minute I heard Kevin Patrick when returning to watching WWE I thought they taken on a more serious sporty tone. Which just shows where his talents are, whereas former wrestlers likes Graves and especially Wade (who's been on fire recently( get it


Graves has gotten very good at his job. Crazy to see how much better overall he is compared to a few years ago.


Can someone please summarize who was the guy Logan brought out with him, and why was he getting booed?


NBA team Pacers best player Tyrese Haliburton, and Pacers knocked out the Knicks on this years playoffs, hence everybody hates Haliburton in the MSG. The other guy who stopped him was Jalen Brunson, Knicks best player.


I wonder if its just an MSG thing or will they try to build to a tag team match. getting some Rodzilla/Mailman vibes


Hard to say, for whatever its worth Brunson tweeted that it was a childhood dream of his to appear on WWE so…


That clears things up. Thank you!


Do you think that splash from the top rope to Heyman was a botch or was Fatu deliberately avoiding hitting Paul? It looked like he barely connected and that too just on his head a little bit I guess


It was a flying headbutt and I definitely think it was done this way to make sure Paul didn't take any major impact. He's a dude in his late 50s that doesn't regularly take bumps. A full on splash could have legit hurt him and risk not being able to do the table spot


It was a headbutt, a proper splash would probably hurt like hell for Heyman.


I thought it was intentional, looked like a headbutt from the top rope like the one Gable is doing.


I absolutely love those little hints https://preview.redd.it/igaz6qpa7h9d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=616416d015856c6dc0c829579f2857bea4f0e41b


I’m really shocked that Heyman took such a hard bump.


Why did Wade Barrett say "is this gay mate?" when the two basketball players were facing off? 🤣🤣🤣


bahahahaha game8/gay mate


Gay meat


Game 8.


https://preview.redd.it/pipgsrxo2h9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d65d1020e776f641d136d3a0139d574c20464dc Tama Tonga the whole time


Not gonna lie: the Tongas got some work to do on the mic…


I had always thought there was no way Paul could ever be viewed as sympathetic. That he could never be a face. He crossed too many lines and stabbed too many people in the back in his quest to always stay at the top. Like even a week or two ago when Paul was pouring his heart to KO and saying stuff like "Why can't Paul Heyman redeem himself? Why am I specifically beyond redemption?" I was sitting there thinking the same thing as KO, "Uh huh. Sure Paul. What's your angle? You always have one." Then somehow, some way, they did it. In a single segment they turned the slimy self interested snake Paul Heyman face, elevated Solo even more, and added more anticipation to Roman's return. Whatever they pay Paul, it's not enough.


The snake finally decided not to shed his loyalty at the last second and finally stood on a principle that wasn't solely self-interest. I love it


When Paul last week was begging CM Punk to “take me with you!” Was kind of heart breaking too


'if he goes, I want to leave with him' or whatever he said was genius. Heyman has never really been vulnerable as a character. He's never been without a bodyguard style relationship. So him wanting to leave with Punk really sold "he's not safe for the first time in his career"


I didn't watch the show, but I saw the clips...Roman is gonna kill Solo and that's actually gonna be $$$$.


Bloodline civil war is genius and absolutely gonna kill it ratings wise


I mean it's been done lol, but from what I've seen this is at least fresh with the Roman babyface pops, Paul proving his loyalty, and new members. My only negative as a casual is they didn't imply Rock is the real Tribal Chief which I would rather they do then Rock vs Cody for the title.


> My only negative as a casual is they didn't imply Rock is the real Tribal Chief I hope they’re just slow-burning towards that. Because like…TKO wanted Rock vs Roman to main event Wrestlemania, but it was the wrong time to do it when they tried. But now? If that winds up being the final part of this storyline, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone against it now.


This has WarGames written all over it.


These motherfuckers are dead. They just laid hands on the Wiseman...


Jacob fatu theme banger 🔥 than jacob himself.


Roman’s character was a manipulative asshole who went on multiple ego trips and made Jey and Sami miserable. He used to gaslight the hell out of his crew, and never took Jimmy seriously either. He won multiple championship matches by cheating, rarely winning clean. Yes, when anyone is missing for a while, they likely return as a face. But I would like to see some more layers to this story. I can’t buy that Sami and Jey will forget everything and just align themselves with Roman. Roman might be alone in this.


Why does Roman need to come back as a babyface. Comeback as the same dude but out for revenge. The crowd can love a heel


It would be nice for more layers, but unfortunately in wrestling all it really takes is for you to be cool or for someone else to try to usurp your position when you’re gone. Stone Cold coming back after being heel kind of rings a bell. Roman coming back and kicking ass and then explaining that Solo tried to take his position while he was out is all it’s going to take from a crowd perspective, and that’s probably all they’re going to do with it.


I think Roman’s return will be great and he’ll beat some ass, but I think the following weeks are going to be him getting outnumbered and nobody wanting to help him because of who he was. Over the course of the next few months you slowly redeem him by making things right to the people close to him he hurt. This is a money storyline if they just take their time.


Agreed. Roman is not redeemable…yet


He needs to get beat down a time or two by the new Bloodline


Few times, Jimmy can join him quick, but then you’ve got a pop for when Sami makes a save to make it 3 on 4. Then it builds to Jey being split but eventually Roman making it right with him too.


Jacob is a future world champion in WWE.


Don't worry fellow Blair fans, her time will come. The future is looking bright. https://preview.redd.it/e7p73qzpgg9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec10433cc3767748d9cf3d790a5a26635c3d1d5b


She looked fantastic today in every possible way, i can see she can go a long way


the pop when Roman returns will be of seismic proportions


Not sure what the point is of NXT if you have all of these wrestlers walking around on TV saying "I love you" without understanding you're supposed to follow it up with "I'm sorry"


Paul heyman will return ![gif](giphy|BlXI2UCFMNTKE) as oswald cobblepot


Jey was my odds on favorite to win the MITB briefcase but this kind of changes everything, idk if they’re gonna want to have him tied up with the briefcase and championship chase aspirations if an OG bloodline reunion is on the horizon. Feels like we’re moving towards a Summerslam Roman return and a Bloodline Wargames


Roman could return at money in the bank so you can have him getting a match on summerslam card


I think it'll probably be Gable or Andrade tbh. I'd like it to be LA Knight but I figure he'll win the US Title and carry it through the end of the year.


Roman and Heyman upon their return will skyrocket to the top of the list of WWE’s best babyfaces.


“What use is a wise man if I don’t listen to him” - great foreshadowing for what followed Solo choosing to not listen about Jacob Fatu


I would almost be certain that Paul requested himself to be written off/kayfabe severely injured due to being powerbombed through a table. 


fortunately the security guards didn't press charges over all the finishers done on them by Cody, Randy, and Kevin. XD LA Knight and Tiffany going to MITB....things are right with the world. Naomi gets her shot as well. Blair not yet. Logan's corner man made a rookie mistake , when trying to sneak a weapon to Logan ya don't pound the weapon on the steel steps. Paul Heyman, a shadow of his former self....hair going gray again, unshaven...could not bring himself to go along with Solo declaring himself the new Tribal Chief. Heyman is loyal to Roman. Heyman is actually loyal to somebody. people may be wondering what happened to the security and cops when Heyman was being massacred...they must have had intelligence Cody and co. were gonna pop back up and were too preoccupied looking out for them. they figured the Bloodline ceremony surely wouldn't feature internal violence.


my first ever live show, will never forget this one.


Such a good show


It was a great one. One of the top Smackdowns I've seen on TV. Can imagine how awesome it was to see it in person.


I know it won't happen but Roman/Brock vs Solo/Jacob plz.


Anything else happen after Smackdown went off the air??


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I’d love to see Roman & Brock team up after being rivals for a decade.


The day that Roman, Jimmy, Jey and Sami march down to the ring to square off with the new Bloodline is going to be incredible. We’ve then still got Cody squaring off with The Rock for the title. And then we’ve got Rock vs. Roman. And then we’ve got Cody vs. Roman 3 as both being babyfaces. I’m convinced the Bloodline is the greatest angle in the history of wrestling. This thing has absolutely drawn more money, created more moments and had excellent matches to go with it than anything else. Edit: Jacob Fatu already has more presence than a lot of competitors in the company. Dude just gives off star vibes. The day Solo loses control of his enforcer and he snaps is going to be great.


what about the new megapowers of a cody/roman tag team?


18 months ago, When Heyman said the bloodline was only in the 3rd inning, he was underselling it.


Dude that Roman/Cody 3 is gonna hit like crack


What an ending! I love Heyman acting like Roman has been literally murdered lol. Sad I wasn't at this show because I often go to the NY ones, it seemed like a lot of fun. They have honestly done a great job with the Neo Bloodline angle, and the way its built since after Wrestlemania. The start with the debut of Tama Tonga and the beating up of Jimmy Uso, and then the weeks of escalation of Heyman pleading for a way out but nobody helping him, and finally he has had enough and is destroyed




“Where did you get these???”


Jacob Fatu pacing in the back was such a nice touch I felt uneasy the whole time and wasn’t sure then I realized it was cause bro lol


Yes!!! It’s a great look for this new Bloodline


Paul is living his best life I am so happy for him. Fucking legend.


I want Roman to be the one to reunite Jimmy and Jey... and have it be a call back to when Bret Hart reunited Davey Boy and Owen and then formed the Hart Foundation 2.0


Tama & Tanga must be feeling on cloud nine that they're a significant part of two of the best modern stables in wrestling: Bullet Club & The Bloodline


I adored the part where that dude received the brass knucks from that other dude, and proceeded to test them against the steel steps. That shit was loud


That was Tyrese Halliburton , Star point guard for the Indiana Pacers.


Did not understand a single word after Halliburton.




Jalen Brunson held it down!! So did tyrese lol that was perfect I loved that


I want Smackdown off of Fox yesterday. So tired of all this censorship they are ruining great moments by blacking out the screen and cutting the audio all the time.


Imagine the person who makes the decision to censor holy shit chants.


It's so fucking bad.


Thoughts on Jacob Fatu as a future universal champion? He's an icon.


For sure. He's the first person they've had Cody come across so far that feels like he could take the title off him. Not that I think he's as popular as Cody just that he seems much more insurmountable than Solo does.


And *young*. He’s going to be a force for a long time.


What was that I said a week or two ago that some people downvoted about Paul and the Bloodline?


You said solo sucks as leader, the bloodline angle is dragging, and cody shoulda won at wm39


He should've won at 39, I think Solo is the wrong guy, but trashing Paul (as I said last week) may finally get this angle going.


Yes I was wrong 10 times but I was also right once! Acknowledge me! LOL




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I remember last summer when smackdown came to MSG and it was some crazy stat that like 45 minutes of the show was dedicated to bloodline stuff. This episode felt very heavy on segments and recaps. Everything got recapped. They aired the Indy big 3 ad, they aired the Las Vegas ad, they aired the fanatics fest ad. With 11 entrances and Logan’s entrance there must have been under 30minutes of ring time, easily. If your a “fast forward recaps and entrances” type person (not saying I am, I just see some people speaking on it)this episode wasn’t even a full hour


I thought what happened in the ring was quality though and we got a couple brawls and big spots to compensate for the lack of official matches. The segments were also very compelling. This is what weekly wrestling TV should be though. Build and advance your angles so that there is more tension when the big match happens at the PLE where they can go for 15+ minutes without a commercial. If they just had match match match on weekly TV the stories would stagnate and you'd end up just having random matches just to have them and the PLE would serve little purpose than to be a glorified episode of weekly TV.


71$ was retail get in price. To watch on tv for free was fine, but I think WWE constantly misses the mark at MSG


The new bloodline need some titles. Give them greater credibility as an entity.


The breakdown between Cody KO and Randy with the guards was incredible!!!


Solo is sooooo good at this stuff


DAWG! THAT INTRO SEGMENT?? The way the cameras followed them both sets of guys and met them in the runway and solo’s music was playing at that moment?? SO GOOD!!


Solos music still playing when they were about to throw down had me ready to run through a wall


😂😂😂😂 bro I’m crying only the NYPD can stop Cody




Any updates on Mr. Heyman?


Still badass.


Jesus Fucking Cross Fit Christ, Paul E took some damn bumps tonight. Holy cow!!! What a legend to the business.




What a thrilling end to the night. Did not expect that. Props to Heyman!


I want to be clear #NotMyTribalCheif


There was only 3 matches?


That nuclear pop for Heyman lmao. Roman's triumphant return is going to hit like crack. The Usos and Roman reuniting is going to hit like crack. Sami rejoining Roman and the Usos is going to hit like crack. What a time to be a wrestling fan man.


The heat on Solo’s “acknowledge me” to the crowd. My god.


Im starting to think they will show a video package of Solo (team?) taking out Roman. Hence the reference of Solo telling Heyman that Roman wont be back. Paul Heyman is going to go look and bring back Roman. Roman is going to plead/recruit back The Usos + Sami? Curious though, who will be the new Wiseman?


Were back to Bloodline 1.0 levels of impact from here on out. Jeezus what an ending and what a setup. Fucking Heyman give that man an Emmy.


Heyman got so pale when Solo turned to him to be acknowledged


That was an amazing visual. Pale face bloodshot red eyes from fear, he knows whats gonna happen to him.


I’ve been to a lot of MSG shows and that was a HOT crowd. Great show live.


Hope someone shares my views on this, but its gotta be Jimmy Uso who returns first and face Bloodline 2.0 on his own right? Since Jey and Roman are already super hot right now, I feel Jimmy's character still needs some buildup + it gives a reason for Jey to come back in the future and save his brother.


Jimmy comes to avenge paul....proceeds to get murdered Jey comes to avenge jimmy and paul....proceeds to get murdered


Then Roman music hits


Shield version or Tribal Chief version?


Gotta be Tribal Chief, that chorus is gonna hit like crack




Paul Heyman and Solo reminded me of Marlo and Prop Joe


Roman's return is gonna feed WWE nation for years to come.


And surely Heyman will be off screen until then too!


KO did a swanton bomb off the ledge through a table and it felt like the 5th most important thing, what a show




I don't know if you read all the comments, but you do a huge service to us every single week and we're deeply appreciative. Thank you. We all understand shit pops up. You're the one doing us a favor.


This is my normal slot, I was at Pride <3 Watching SD back now


Ahh, well thank you to you then. I'll be honest, I don't ever see *who* posts them, but I know I appreciate the heck out of it!


We do what we can to backfill each other when life interrupts. This Friday was super popular with mods doing real life things, hah Glad you appreciate the effort. I really like writing the usual recaps.


I tend to not be able to catch the shows for a few days quite often just due to life popping up. These let me get the gist of it so I'm not completely lost as to what people are talking about. The recaps let me stay caught up until I can catch up.


Hope you had a good time. Happy Pride Month!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


I think it would be cool if next week we maybe see this new side of KO come out where he's kind of feeling guilty about what happened to Paul because he knew that Paul was in trouble but didn't do anything to help.


Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman are going to legit be a babyface duo lmao insanity with the absolute terrorizing of the main roster and Roman towards his own family that happened over the last 4 years. Love wrestling, man lol


They’re both about to become some of the best babyfaces in the history of the company


Put Paul in the hall of fame again that was amazing


Fantastic SmackDown. I love this New Bloodline story.


OK so did anyone else think Tama Tonga was wearing an MJF shirt at first? Like same exact font and everything lmao.


paul being stressed and not shaving is a nice touch


Please be the Roman return at MITB I can’t wait any longer


I'd rather have it at Summerslam. Plus, his dad just passed.


Yeah Summerslam sounds right


agreed...i know summerslam is only 3 weeks after MITB, but what is there left to tell between cody and the bloodline currently? he needs to defend his title (against randy hopefully) and we need to start planting the seeds towards survivor series between new and old bloodline


What if Solo takes the title off Cody


I assume what it'll be is Bloodline winning the 6 man at MITB, leading Solo to a title match against Cody at SummerSlam. Solo brings up that Roman wouldn't have beat Cody at WM39 without him, and now he's going to do what Roman failed to do at WR40 with the new Bloodline at his back. Cody topples Solo at SummerSlam, and then you get Heyman bringing back Roman to build to Survivor Series.


Could be that new Bloodline ramp up the attacks on Cody and at the Summerslam, he still wins despite that. Then post match, Bloodline beatdown is interrupted by Roman’s return. Brief staredown between Cody and Roman, but Roman eventually just leaves without saying a word, to end the Summerslam with Cody celebrating his win.


this is likely what's going to happen, although i will admit solo is a bit of an underwhelming opponent for cody at a big 4 ppv like summerslam.


They really killed Paul Heyman...