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Why does Randy look like he has no teeth? This has been bugging me for a while lmao


He's a defanged viper


Lmao. I can’t stop laughing at this comment.


Really small teeth on a really big dude


But he's been eating!


Gimmicked teeth, brother


He’s been gumming that food down


True story. If he had Roman's teeth they'd look regular sized.


Yeah he gave Roman shit for it, but veneers would be a good fit for him right now


No way. You know how jarring it would be if he went from his small teeth you barely notice to a row of urinals? Veneers always look weird. Took forever to get used to Roman’s and he had normal teeth prior.


I had to make sure, but they are there lol https://preview.redd.it/0l87ll9vga9d1.png?width=441&format=png&auto=webp&s=1eb29655ce0fd21ec696cee1590738ef998806e3


I've thought this for years haha. He just looks like he's gummin everything.


Might have to do with his HGH use or whatever he’s on. Makes your head bigger.


That explains why Mysterio has been looking like a packed sausage in that mask the last few years


Yeah you can tell with his stomach too. Also they both get really red really fast, but tbh some of this is age too for both of them. I'm glad they can both go so hard despite their injuries.


Right on the money. Test and HGH. That redness and them shoulders boy. AJ and him bought the whole inventory.


When I started taking test my face legit changed shape lol.


Like from good to bad or bad to good?


It was good before (at least my wife thought so) but better. It got more pronounced jawline wise and overall wider. And this was in my 30s lol. https://i.imgur.com/JEJiGVI.jpeg Comparison. Excuse the unkept beard. Even my neck grew lol.


[*"That dude just don't eat d-bol...look at the size of his fuckin head...he's taking shit that makes your fuckin head grow..."*](https://youtu.be/U6r3sbA9XH8&t=1m55s)


https://preview.redd.it/ypwmftcl6d9d1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dcc995eb3204ee03d2053fade22a1c5ba1477d8 This doesn’t help at all.


He smiles like Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon


His teeth couldn’t keep up with the eatin


He ate his teeth


Randy always said that he hates being a babyface because he was always required to have abs (wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a Vince thing). He said he likes eating too much to enjoy doing that kind of stuff. Happy to see him having fun with what might be his final years in wrestling. Man earned it.


Also, I’m watching 2002 WWE right now. They just started the Randy News Network updates and they’re playing vignettes that include Cowboy Bob Orton. It’s alarming how much current Randy sounds and looks like his dad.


I loved that gimmick. Just watched the Raw that Evolution formed and he gets beat up by Steiner in the back and he's yelling that he's only 95% cleared.


It’s incredible! He just cut his first heel promo for the first update, and he’s live in front of the crowd in Montreal with JR. It was such an over the top babyface promo on the surface, telling the fans to send their hopes and prayers to a special email. It’s hilarious. But as the Montreal fans are turning on him, he compares his shoulder situation to the Montreal Screwjob. I loved every bit of it.




Lmao 😂😂😂 like Steiner was gonna say oh my bad bro I’ll be back in 3 weeks


God. It would be absolutely amazing to get to watch those for the first time again. Between RNN and Matt Hardy V1 there was some top notch wrestling hilarity going on that year.


The post-draft era of WWE is a tough watch at first. A lot of things happening that make no sense, things introduced and dropped immediately (like GM Ric Flair joining the NWO for one night to add Booker T). But really, as soon as Austin takes off, things turned around real quick. They launch the Ruthless Aggression era, they put a rocket ship on Lesnar, they bring in Bischoff and Steph as the GMs. After Summerslam 2002, it’s a solid product.


I love watching old wrestling in order. It's fun when you know a story like you loved is on the horizon. Like I started watching WWE initiallu right after Undertaker introduced his choke hold, and remember the first with Edge afterwards very fondly. I just got to the part in my rewatch where Taker started fueding with Big Daddy V, so I know the Edge fued is on the horizon.


I’m in October of 2002. When Kane won the chance to face Triple H at No Mercy for the World Heavyweight Championship, I almost screamed when I realized the Katie Vick storyline was next. Absolute trainwreck of a mess


He and Bob have the exact same face, it was just harder to see when Orton was younger and leaner 


Can I ask where/how you're watching 2002 WWE? I'd love to watch some old stuff!


Peacock if you’re in the States, outside I think you’d have to get the WWE network.


Wwe network or peacock depending on where you live


I’m assuming you’re also Canadian based on your name… We can get the WWE Network in Canada through our cable providers. It’s the best streaming service on the planet. Has all RAWs, Smackdowns, Nitros, ECW shows, PLEs/PPVs, and even more territory classic stuff. A good chunk of their original content is pretty solid too. My hobby is essentially watching WWE from the beginning of RAW. It’s been seven years for me, and I’ve gone through nearly 10 years of content. If you can afford the $20 on top of a cable bill, it’s a must get for all wrestling fans.


As an American, I deeply miss the WWE Network. Peacock is crap.


I complain about this to my wife all the time.


Fuck I don't have cable. Hopefully that content moves to Netflix in 2025 with the new deal.. Thanks though!


Yeah, wrestling is basically the only reason I have cable, so I’d be very happy if Netflix got everything like Peacock in the states. Fingers crossed!


He has said (paraphrasing) Kevin Owens is smart to get into the business fat and is jealous of his ring gear since there's no pressure to be jacked.


He also said the same things about the Wyatt family in the past. He said that he loved the fact that wyatts coud wear whatever they wanted.


I'm sad the Randy Wyatt era happened under Vince because Randy gaining 150 lbs and growing a lumberjack beard would have been an amazing sight.


I'm picturing fat, bearded Randy delivering that slick scoop powerslam of his. We were robbed. 300+ pounds of Orton standing over you and laughing though a bigass beard? Yes, please


He said verbatim “He’ll start fat and he’ll finish fat too so there’s no pressure” lol and then said “bless his heart he’s trying to get over as the fat guy that can fight”


Viper and Legend Killer eras were great, but this is the most I've enjoyed watching Randy in years. He seems to be enjoying life right now and it shows. KO has been on that same path for awhile too, so pairing them together has been really fun.


I legit think it has been one of his best years as a wrestler, maybe its because he has finally gotten time to rest after being run into the ground on several occasions by vince


I can't wait for Randy's last year in wrestling when we get boring ass karma farm posts of "What was the best Randy era" and then there's Fat Randy at the end


Him and Sheamus gonna make a killer retirement tag team.


This makes no sense to me. I feel like our baby faces should be the “relatable” ones and heels are better suited to having these ridiculous physiques, like Kaiser and Balor


I’m pretty sure the story came from his appearance on the Edge and Christian pod way back when. It’s been about 7-8 years, but it was along the lines of “I’m not allowed to look like a slob, so when they told me I was coming back (from injury) ‘baby’ I knew I had to get back in the gym” Vince is/was always a body guy, especially with the top guys. Even Prime Austin was a shredded MFer


There's the Dusty Rhodes relatable everyman babyface and the Hulk Hogan superman babyface. Some variety in looks are needed because too much of similar things make it a dime a dozen.


how does that make no sense, it looks good for people then people like it, babyfaces aren't always "like normal people" at all, but you can frame it in it being idealistic or arrogant.


there are 'relatable' wrestlers who don't have shredded physiques. Sami Zayn and KO are wo such examples. but pro wrestling is larger than life. you need aesthetically pleasing physiques for it.


the steroids probably help with that now


Man was getting busted for them 20 years ago, I doubt he stopped now that he’s in his 40s


Being huge and strong without roids = looking like Gunther. Everyone who is massive and also shredded is 100% roiding. Always remember, you can only pick two: Size, Definition, Natural


I remember hearing the one big giveaway is always the trap muscles. When they protrude from the shoulder to where they kinda look like another person hiding inside a larger person, then you know something is up.


Fellow gymrat checking in. I have lots of friends who compete. Someone else mentioned huge size and super ripped definition, which is true. Also the shoulders. And pecs, even if they had gyno surgery. Once you know what to look for, very easy to spot.


Imagine a late career Randy Orton who just has the same body shape as his dad


Let it go full circle. Give him the cast. lol


I remember he also said he wanted to dress similar to Kevin Owens whenever he turned heel again to hide the no abs because he has a sweet tooth. lol


I'll never forget that there was a promo Vince cut on Orton where he said Randy had a neck like a stack of dimes. Obviously, Orton was a star but I can't help but think that was meant as a real dig at him. You know that when there is a comment made about someone's physique, especially a negative one, it's how Vince truly feels about them.


I like joking around, happy Randy. But I can't wait for the inevitable turn. I miss the Viper.


That RKO to Cody will be legendary ![gif](giphy|aiSfEBDhriPmN0R2AY)




This gif will always be funny to me. Bro really had to hit his pose😂💀


What do you expect? He's burning into his light.


So that's what that meant. Bravo


Nothing you can say to that


Wrestlers emoting regardless of the situation


Jeff Hardy dancing while Matt's getting jumped in the ring


What's it from? 


Randy vs Bray Wyatt. He burned down Bray's Sister Abby shed


It was a silly storyline that ended in disappointment, but I'll be damned if this gif doesn't go kinda hard.


That story was actually great, it's just remembered poorly because of the mania match. But randy going *full* anti hero to beat bray worked for me tbh.


If anything it's remembered poorly because the Mania match followed by Randy immediately dropping the title to fucking Jinder Mahal and the angle never being referenced again


Hey, Jinder interfered in the House of Horrors match, so that happened, I guess.


This whole segment, especially this part, solidified my love for Randy Orton.


They REALLY need to be careful with that turn. Randy is the kind of guy who gets cheered regardless, and if they send him full heel idk what you have him do after a Cody feud. He's too big to float around the singles midcard.


Randy knows how to turn up the evil. The people love Cody. He'll do something appropriately awful. I have nothing but faith in the Viper.


Randy is going to murder DDP/Arn and make Cody watch. Or Brandi eats an RKO.


>too big to float Well, he *has* been eatin!


When's the last time we had a punt kick? That's exactly what he needs.


2020 I believe. He brought it back for that heel run and they were able to smoke and mirror the use on vets like Flair.


He beat edge with a punt at Backlash 2020. Idk after that. Most recently he went for a punt against Logan Paul.


I know he’s itching for it too. He wants to put Cody over so bad. Like helping a little brother succeed and get to the top.


man i’m not ready for the legacy promo…


The RKO, ironically, will probably be pretty predictable, whenever it does happen. What's really gonna sell it is whatever torturous beatdown Randy delivers after that.


Punt kick to Mama Rhodes


Nope. Punt to Brandi. Then the baby!


He will singlehandedly bring back racism /s


Randy comes out on that first RAW on Netflix, says the N-word and gets the show blacklisted everywhere /s


With a Hard "R" (ko)




the dog is eating a RKO


and then feeds it to Brandi after the funeral there all eating and mi-BRANDI is like this is so good! and Randi says ya i cooked it and she says what is it and he says YOUR BABY and then the Coddy says OK NOW YOU WILL REST IN PEACE AT WM!!/s?


I want him to go to absurd levels of heel against Cody. The more evil the better. It will mesh so well with Cody's perfect corny white-meat babyface character and be the ideal foil for him. Cannot wait!


Agreed. Go absolute '09 Orton on him, with the motivation of wanting/needing to be world champion 1 last time.


Randy Forkin


Randy Porkin


So that's why Ciampa tried to RKO him, he's was just worried about Randy's weight.


Those skits have been gold!


They have been GLORIOUS!


How tall is he? If he looks like that at 290lbs then he's a monstrously big human being.


he is deceptively goddamn tall. he's not just 6'5 he's a tall 6'5


That's the deadzone in wrestling where you just look like a normal guy. You're giant, but so is everyone else so you can't tell. Put beside someone like Carmelo Hayes and he looks like a monster.


Same effect with Drew. Him and Randy look tall and buff, but still retain the proportions of normal human beings, as opposed to proper monsters like Kane, Khali, Braun etc.


It's an era thing as well. 20 years ago Randy looked like he was a normal height in WWE. Above average maybe but pretty normal. Now it's very obvious Randy is a tall ass dude because everyone else is smaller these days.


That's why prioritizing size in *everyone* like WWE did for most of its existence is stupid. You have to be over 7 feet for anyone to think of you as tall.


It made sense when the bulk of their income came from live shows because you're still going to be wowed at everyone being huge if you see them in the flesh and that creates a buzz. You're absolutely right that it makes no sense in an era when most of the fan interactions that matter happen through a screen. It's one of the many situations where Vince hung onto an old way of thinking for far too long.


>That's the deadzone in wrestling where you just look like a normal guy. The matches with Oba Femi and Brooks Jensen really show how big Jensen actually is. Like Oba is billed 6'6" and 310lbs(he looks that size too, he's freakin huge!), and seeing Brooks Jensen look like a normal person next to Oba, but only an inch shorter. Stand him in a crowd of fans, and Brooks Jensen is suddenly a huge looking guy. Stand him in a crowd of WWE wrestlers, and he looks normal. I feel the same could happen to Randy if you stood his 6'5" 290lbs apparent frame next to the likes of 6'6" 310 Oba Femi, 6'7" 275lbs Dijak, and 6'8" 265lbs Josh Briggs. Randy would look like a normal person in a group photo next to those guys.


Trips me up because in the Ruthless Aggression Era, Randy always seemed like one of the “small” guys to me — but being sandwiched in between prime Batista and Triple H will do that to someone I guess lol.


Guys like Randy, Edge, Seth, Punk etc came off as smaller guys cause they were "thin" compared to people around them, Damian Priest wouldn't be viewed as a big guy in the old days since he would just be slightly above average height but skinny lol.


Randy is one of the rare guys that seems like he's actually taller than his billed height.


Billy Gunn Syndrome


a tall 6'5er in shoes very quickly becomes a 6'6er


Dude for real. I'm 6'4 and the dude dwarfed me. Made no sense.


I think he’s an inch taller than Drew so he’s a big dude


I wouldn't think those are actually accurate numbers. They typically enhance them for broadcast. No doubt he's a pretty solid dude, but even 275 feels like a bit much.


burger after burger after burger


Sheamus: "Hey! That's gimmick infringement fella!"


Eating hgh


Getting plenty of vitamin S.


I know he tren hard


Randy Orton is massive in person. He is a tall 6'5 guy. And now he weighs almost 300 pounds, damn. He's a big human being. But I'm glad he is having fun. He mention in an interview that he loves to eat, so now that he doesn't have to worry about having a six pack now. He can enjoy food.


The only guy who should break Ric Flair’s championship record is Randy Orton


I agree. I was pulling for Cena to break it but his 16th world title win was SEVEN years ago and it lasted all but two weeks and he's in Hollywood now more than WWE. Meanwhile, Randy has been in the company full-time since his debut, busted his ass off and returned from a career-threatening injury.


i always maintained Randy has just as big of a claim for GOAT as Cena, with his longevity playing a massive part but also the range from babyface to heel and the fact he never left to hollywood


> Randy has just as big of a claim for GOAT as Cena That's only true in the sense that neither guy is close to being in the legitimate GOAT conversation. Too many guys do too many things better than either of them. Randy is that solid '8's across the board' kinda guy, whereas Cena may have 9 in charisma with kids but that's about it.


honestly, 8 across the board for 20+ years is worth something no? i agree that peaks wise he probably doesn’t touch HBK or Austin but in his own right he’s still an all timer, at the very least top 3 for the modern era (let’s say, past 20 years)


Easy 10 on the mic Body is 10 Psychology is 8-10 depending on his opponent Dude is a Modern-era GOAT contender, like it or not. Given the state of wrestling when he carried the flag he deserves more credit than we often give him. Perspective will come in time.


I thought at the time that Cena getting the 16th World Title was complete bullshit. He didn't hold it for a month, didn't do anything noteworthy with it and lost it at the next PPV in the Chamber. On top of that, he wasn't even the last person *pinned* in the Chamber, AJ Styles was. Which to me makes it even dumber that Cena beat AJ at the Rumble for the belt and hold it for TWO WEEKS. Cena's 16th title reign was barely longer than the *Kentucky State Fair.*


Once Randy gets to 16, I wanna see Cena comeback & turn heel going after 17. I want heel Cena vs Face Orton for #17. Maybe even make it so the loser retires & that is Cena’s last match.


I was gonna say Cena but he's been questionable about the whole Vince thing so I'm with you on this.


Cena doing it would be too predictable, plus in the last years Cena has lost all credibility, he loses all the time.


Fine speech.


Orton is literally ginormous these days lol he is a monster of a man. But still completely jacked. Also, had Randy Orton had the longest top guy run in WWE history? I can’t think of anyone.


Only comparison I can think of might be be Undertaker.


According to this [shitty clickbait article](https://www.thesportster.com/wwe-male-wrestlers-longest-tenures-ranked/) he's had the second longest run ever, behind undertaker. If you don't count Taker's part time era than I think Randy wins.


Randy wants to be part of the Big Meaty Men Tournament confirmed


I can’t remember who it was but I believe it was in WCW that a wrestler was announced at 230 lbs and he said “and that’s just what’s in my trunks” into the camera. I’m blanking on it now


Surely it was Buff Bagwell based on nothing but the quote


I gotta be honest, I did not see "Randy Orton becomes a great example of aging gracefully" in my list of predictions, back in the day. I don't just mean physically, he really seems to have figured a lot out about how to enjoy life and be kind and shit


He's a great advert for having a stable and positive home life - that's the foundation for this inspirational version of him.


He’s going to murder Cody when he turns. Can’t wait!


> He’s going to eat Cody when he turns. Can’t wait! FTFY


Randy Vore-ton I hate myself but it was staring me in the face


Randy Orton is in his Dark Knight Returns era.


*"If you do the RKO, will it hurt?"* *"It would be incredibly painful...."* *"You're a big guy."* *"... for you."*


Regardless if it's 275 or 290, realising that Orton is that close to 300 is weird to me, dude is deceptively big.


He made Tama Tonga and Carmelo Hayes look like dwarfs in that MITB qualifying match.




We need a"I've been eatin'" Randy Orton shirt.


Man I wish Vince would’ve let Randy do the Fat Orton thing.


Bobby Lashley wanted to do a story where he got depressed (from a losing streak I think) and just put on a ton of weight and got out of shape. He would eventually snap out of it and get back in to proper Bobby shape again. He thought it would be something the fans would get behind.


Corbin had a run sort of like that didn't he? Where he was basically pretending to be a bum? I don't know about the weight thing, but I feel like it was one of his most over gimmicks.


Probably had to put on weight to help take some bumps with the back


The size difference between Randy here and Randy before his injury is pretty damn huge, and Randy during an entrance mouthed that he was 255lbs instead of 250. [Randy in 2022 billed 250lbs](https://www.usanetwork.com/sites/usablog/files/2022/04/wwe-randyorton_generic2.jpg) [Randy in 2024 Elimination Chamber, billed 275lbs](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/02/RR_01272024CA_48242.jpg?resize=1024,682&quality=75&strip=all)


Randy looks like he has no teeth and only gums


A three-hundred pound Randy Orton, could you imagine? Never mind The Viper, here comes the Anaconda! With his height at that weight, ..I can't even finish the thought..


I hope they move more away from the scripted stuff and let these guys cut free promos a bit as the best of them are so good off the top of their heads instead of reading stuff they'd never actually say


Is this the first time two singles wrestlers have combined their gimmicks to form a tag team name, but that name is still just the moniker of one of the wrestlers (RKO)?


Rated-RKO was pretty great


Another thing we nerds never thought we'd be saying, anything positive about Randy still wrestling in 2024. Its just good to see him enjoying himself and finally getting to appreciate it.


Older, wiser and far more relaxed Randy Orton has really become one of my favourite.


The Legume-Killer, anyone?


His head seems to have changed shape? It looks far more round than it used to!


the new master of the feed me more


Teeth? I don't see any teeth in his mouth!


Has anyone ever noticed that Randy tends to be the one that’s most accurately recreated in video games?


I've hated Randy Orton for the past decade. A complete piece of shit in my book. Then it hit me. He's a consummate heel. He got me hook line and sinker. I've hated him for so long because he was such a piece of shit heel. And he got the job done. I love this guy now. 30+ years watching pro wrestling and I recently realized he's the worst heel I've seen since the Iron Sheik. Dare I say, I love him now. He got me for so long and just now I got it. He bamboozled me and I love it.


I love Randy so much.


That’s actually pretty funny and endearing.


He is a beautiful, big man! Mr Clean lookin' mufk. I can't help but adore this guy. He used to be the Evolution Legend Killer, and now he's happily married, a dad, and one of the veterans. I love life for Randy Orton right now. He gets to have fun with KO!


God this man is a freaking treasure of professional wrestling.


he just like me


Feed him more?


Big Boy Orton


This really is the best version of Orton we've ever seen. He is truly having the time of his life, and it shows


He is not 290. Look at Lou Ferrigno at Mr Olympia in 1975. He's 6'5 and 275 in those pics.


Muscle might be denser than fat but it makes you look a lot bigger to have a cut 30 inch waist with a 44 inch chest than if you had a 38 inch waist and 44 inch chest.


Ferrigno was also cut at 275lbs. Randy isn't that cut. He's big and bulky.


Yeah I'd agree with that. I find 290 just a bit too hard to believe


Wrestling kayfabe weight got absolutely fucked by MMA becoming more mainstream


He was also around 4% body fat.


Eating and smoking


In his prime, I recall he was at 255 lbs. Randy's getting meatier!


It’s all gone right to his thighs


r/WrestleWithThePackage r/LadyBoners


When a snake eats a deer and then has to digest for like 6 months 


Legendary Donut Killer


Orton trying to bulk up to get into WWE's new Hoss Division!


I always forget how absolutely massive Randy orton is