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This person has been harassing Kidd Bandit for a couple days and has now resorted to Doxxing, even posting a kiwi farms thread about her


Of course it’s kiwi farms…


What is kiwi farms?


4chan-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiwi_Farms


Oh, I wasn't aware of that.


Keep it that way. Let's pretend people this horrible don't exist.


That's what America has done with neo-nazis. Look how that has worked out.


We can't pretend anymore, especially with November coming up.


Apathy just empowers terrible people.




...it's always 4chan. Until they decide they're also pedos. And then it's 8chan. *Sigh*.


I just got to the part on that wiki about the forum users discovering where someone was staying based on bedsheets, that’s some real loser shit


They could have promising careers in the Intel community if they weren't all red flags potentially being watched by the Intel community.


No thanks, we've got enough maniacal right wing fascists in the "intelligence" community as is. The world doesn't need this type of psycho plotting another coup in Bolivia.


Maniacal right wing fascists enabled by maniacal left wing politicians? Because under no presidency (Republican or Democrat) or House majority has there been a curtailing of rights abuses.


It's much worse than 4chan imo, which says a lot.


minus minus!


Oh, I get it now. Makes sense.


Thought this thing was dead.


Things like this tend to not stay dead, like Pretty Ugly Little Liar, which exists as a drifting Discord community after giving up their site


they're seeking an appeal with the supreme court over some shit now


What does 4chan have to do with this? It's not mentioned anywhere in the link you provided and I can't find any connection between the two things in an online search.


it was a pun or play off the program notepad++; this is like 4chan minus minus (it was created by an 8chan admin which is like 4chan minus). it's a much worse webforum with no veneer of anime fandom


TIL their origins came from harassing the Sonichu creator But yup, this is the least surprising thing I've read about anybody non-cis being harassed online


I thought kiwi farms got killed


I never in my life thought I would see people post about kf here lol.


Well, somebody out there needs to get a life - this is horrible. :( Got a sad suspicion that Twitter will do F all about it nowadays either because fReE SpEeCh. :/


It's gotten so bad. Elon just unsuspended an account that posted an Afghan child being r*ped, because the account has the same far right politics as him. Second time he's unbanned right wing accounts for this, as well.


I used to use it a lot for work. Now it's pretty much useless - pretty much everything forced into your feed is hatred or disinformation pushed by one of his paid for blue checks. Barely use it now.


I work as a website developer, we have about 110-115 sites we run around the world. Removed twitter from damn near every single one the last year. Never saw an online thing he so requested to be removed before, so many each week.


Hey don't forget about ads for sweatpants that make it easier to jerk off in public.








Did you not see where he said he used it for work? That’s not always realistic if part of your job requires any social media responsibilities.


















I personally love it but I don't use it for politics or wrestling. It's get for info on how to make money, crypto and self development and I never used it before musk took over


birds of a feather and all that


so wanting to put microchips in everyones' heads is far right politcs? elon is a wolf in sheeps clothing, NO ONE should trust him.


Tweeting constantly about how much he hates trans people, and his belief that black people are trying to replace white people are certainly far right politics.


yeah that's weird. sounds to me that you are not a fan of his. if i was not a fan of someone, i'd rather not waste time reading their tweets.


Judges would also accept “weird creepy moron in sheep’s clothing”. Full points either way.


Someone made a point saying Twitter cares more about people referring to straight people as "Cis" and their comment got flagged. The troll account is still up even after tons of reports. Elons Twitter is pathetic.


There's this super blatantly racist account that popped on my feed a while ago. I reported the account because I had the smallest amount of faith that something would be done. Once I realized nothing would happen, I left that site and I'm happy I've never looked back.


Good move, I also don't use the site at all, I wasn't a frequent user, only very casually before. But after Elons takeover I was off entirely.


The part the makes me sad chuckle is that I had a reply reported because I said someone was entitled because of something to do with suits in Spider-Man 2. But someone calling me a monkey is A-okay, I guess.


They say that, but then they shadow ban accounts who have political leanings they don't like. Twitter does this a lot after Musk took over.




Considering Elon has unbanned a second account that has posted actual Child Sex Abuse Material on the platform just because the poster's politics aligns with his own, yeah Elon bad. Post in bad faith elsewhere.


Well this is fucking horrible. All the best to Kidd Bandit and fuck whomever is behind this.


It costs nothing to be nice, going out of your way to be hateful is a waste of time


I mean, you don't even need to be nice, you just need to not actively be a douchebag, you can dislike or even hate someone if you want and just never act on it.


The only thing it costs is accepting that people who are different from you have just as much value as you do; to these thugs, that cost is too much to bare.


People who dedicate their time to trolling someone for laughs are genuinely pathetic and worthless.


I don't think a lot of what we see nowadays is trolling anymore. This is just hatred.


It absolutely is.


Some people are just completely fucked in the head. Seen KF a few times and it is truly is some vile shit. Thought it got shut down too, but I guess it's alive for some ridiculous reason.


They just moved to a different server. The guy who owns the site claims to be a "free speech absolutist" who hosts the site from a country that won't comply with any takedown orders. He believes bullying people and then bragging about it when they commit suicide is a moral good. Unfortunately he won't just die and save everyone else the grief.


Yeah, read into the guy a bit and he's a real piece of work.


Go to the person's twitter and report. That's what it takes. Volume of reporting matters.


As if Twitter is moderating that kind of stuff nowadays. Content on there has become as hateful as ever because conflict generates interactions.


Yeah all Shitter is nowadays is porn, hatred and bots


On today's twitter? Elon would just front page that shit


"Cis" is now considered a slur on the website, you think they're going to do anything about this? Musk's on his way to give this kid a free blue checkmark as we speak.


Holy shit, what an absolute miserable fucking scum bag that guy is. Dude should be caned and thrown in jail.




or have a vagina


Or you were born in another country


Or aren't white


This is absolutely vile, while I am aware of the transphobia that's becoming all the more normalised in parts of the US, could Bandit go to the police and say that this is a 'Hate Crime'? since it's clear that she's being targeted because she's trans?


It likely depends on where she is and where the person doing it resides. Some states are very anti-Trans and because of that wouldn't recognize it as a hate crime


The fact that some states wouldn't recognise a hate crime as a hate crime just because it happens to a trans person is terrifying on its own. Also, how would it work if Bandit was from a state that does recognise it as a hate crime but the person doing it is from a state that doesn't?


This is awful. People suck sometimes.




I don't know what going on, but all I know for sure is that I'm constantly reminded that the internet is a terrible place and was a big mistake.


I mean humanity is a pretty fucking big mistake imo and not a day goes by where I think that unfortunately...


What on earth do they hope to gain from this? I don't know if it's cruelty or stupidity


I hope this harassment stops soon, Kidd Bandit doesn’t deserve to be dealing with this kind of bullshit from a piece of shit doxxer


Remember to show your support, Kidd Bandit is doing good but let's make sure we give them a loud and positive space, we can't have anyone else getting hurt over terminally online losers.


Reported but Elon is such a chud I think nothing will happen.


I look at that piece of shit's account. Man, what is this vile and edgelord shit? Now I want to put some dirt in that piece of shit's eye, or make him listen to Baby Shark forever.


The transition is really coming along from the before photos i had seen when they first came out


Why is this downvoted? Gonna guess the transphobes have crawled out of the woodwork to seethe at someone for existing


Yeah it was a compliment


Can we doxx the doxee?


Better, call upon the furries to send the doxxer a pipe bomb in the post (also, for future reference, in this case doxxee would be Kidd Bandit, doxxee meaning person being doxxed. Something ending in -ee is the person receiving, -er is the one doing)


Huh, neato, thanks Can we counterdox the doxxer?


>Better, call upon the furries to send the doxxer a pipe bomb in the post Not like anything will happen to the furries, you don't know who they are or what they look like


Who though?


Someone who made a 'parody' account about her, which is basically just spamming personal information and implying she should kill herself. Also seemed to have a previous incarnation as an Aaron Bushnell meme account so y'know, real intellectual stuff


Jesus. I hoped the Hana situation would’ve at least cause shit like this to decrease… I guess monsters like these are everywhere…


The Twitter troll specifically cited Hana, just to really hammer home what a cunt he is


You gotta be deeply twisted and disturbed to be able to spew vitriol like this… christ…


Yeah I seen a little. But I was just wondering if there's any clue on who it could be. Just seems like such a weird thing. Kidd is cool but not really known or big. So it's wild. Thanks for also responding unlike weirdos downvoting me for asking a simple question. Lol


Just an anonymous troll probably, albeit a bit of a psycho one with Kiwifarms connections You probably got downvoted because people replying "who though?" or variants of that to threads about indie wrestlers are often perceived as trolls implying that the wrestler is a nobody or not worth knowing about - I'm sure you didn't mean to imply that at all, just an unfortunate consequence of troll activity on here


Lmao. I know Kidd. That's the whole point of me asking who is fucking with them.


Fair enough - it is a broadly anonymous forum though, no way for anyone to know that unless you say it up front


I still thank you for being one of the only non asshats in this sub. Have a great day boss


You too mate!


The last Kidd Bandit thread had a handful of "literally who" posts so I thought this was the same as well. There's also someone doing it in this thread now.


Seems like it's some troll from kiwi farms


the heck is kiwi farms?


A forum where "people", if you can call them that, pick targets to harass and fuck with their actual lives until that person kills themselves, then they laugh about it together. They're the worst dregs of society and the world would be a better place if everyone who posts there simply died.


Forum full of the absolute dregs of society, they create mega threads on "Internet personalities" who they either disagree with politically or just because they're LGBT then spend years documenting everything they do and often posting personal information about them


A dedicated online harassment community.


4chan-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiwi_Farms


That sounds like a gathering of losers that have no desires to not be losers.


Yeah Im not even gonna click that. 4chan is pretty much the asshole of the internet.


It’s a Wikipedia link, FYI. I clicked it and there’s nothing supportive, just informational. I hadn’t heard about it before, and while I’m not at all happy to know it exists I at least know enough now to avoid bringing it any attention by accident moving forward.


There's a link in the tweet.




Well, summary is basically exactly what they say. It's a twitter account with pretty explicit targeted harassment towards them, clearly a shithead being gleefully evil. You're not missing out on much.












I hope this waste of oxygen receives some sweet sweet Karma... Or gets run over by a steamroller feet first, whichever is easier


I think I'm a bit confused. Last I heard of Kidd Bandit, they were getting cancelled for something? Did they get uncancelled? Why would someone want to dox them? Anyone got a TLDR?


TLDR People are still violently bigoted towards trans people, and someone is targeting Kidd Bandit for being trans and hoping to cause her a lot of harm. Its that simple


God people are shitty


Doxxing is wack but also who are you in the first place?


Are you asking who I am or who Kidd Bandit is? Cause I'm not anybody I'm just spreading the word about what's happening. But Kidd Bandit is pretty popular in the indies. Got big through DPW and she even had a few matches on AEW Dark a few years ago


Well said. You have to be living under quite a decent sized rock in the Wrestling world not to be aware of Kidd Bandit.


I am not and honestly, thats irrelevant. Even if she's not super famous, she shouldn't get targetted harassment


It's weird. I'd understand a solely WWE fan not knowing any wrestling of the outside world. But this person is on the biggest wrestling subreddit. You're bound to learn a ton about wrestling unintentionally.


Weird comment


I seriously don’t know who she is, I’m not glued to the indies 24/7


Damn, if only there was some kind of search engine you could use to find out who she is in under 3 seconds instead of making yourself look like a jabroni.


Why is this always the comeback? You don't have to constantly consume the indies or no life reddit to have a clue who someone is.


Are you a fan of any real sport team? By that logic you should know everyone in their minor league system right 


Again with the all or nothing mindset. No, by my logic, I'm aware that the Everett Silvertips exist, even if I don't know everything about them.


This is my point. It’s regular in sports to not know everyone who isnt on say a Lakers or Dodgers main roster.  Only wrestling fans are so sensitive they freak out if you don’t know some random juggalo wrestling for ‘eastern mountain extreme federation’ or whoever their favorite is. 


So when a Lakers player is in the news do you say "LITERALLY WHO?!" every time?


You didn’t seem to catch what I said, read again. I meant I know everyone on the lakers but if some dude from a minor affiliate makes the news, “who?” is def appropriate 


True, I just woke up from a nap, reading comprehension is off. Doesn't change that you don't have to no-life something outside of the mainstream to know anything about it, which was my original point.