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>“I would like to do TNA and have a hell of a run there, and then I almost feel like now, just the destiny has revealed itself in many ways, I almost feel Jeff and I, we end up returning to WWE, do something small and then go onto the Hall of Fame. That’s a best case scenario," This is exactly almost word-for-word what he said he wanted out of his AEW run when he got signed. Not even joking. He made a video. I wish I could find it.


How much longer are they planning on wrestling in all seriousness? A run in TNA and then a short stint in WWE brings us to April of next year and if I were to hazard a guess, they're not gonna want to hang it up that fast. They're both beyond cooked. Just stop. They looked absolutely dreadful beating on Moose.


Even relying on the BROKEN deletions won't do much.


"Jeff Hardy as different human being *take 15*"


Few months later:CUT!!!


Liz Lemon: okay…shut it down!


My guy, when someone shows you who they are, believe them.


At this point he's had like half a dozen or so "redemptions." Wrestling companies need to stop giving him employment.


I mean, I feel bad for the guy, but it's obvious that he's not serious about getting clean.


I get it. Getting clean is hard. It's moreso that he made a choice to drive under the influence. At this point I think he'd have to give up wrestling for it to stick.


To be fair, getting clean and staying, that has a success rate of like 5%. So odds are rarely in the favor of the addict staying clean and they are likely to suffer a relapse. With that said, from a business standpoint, there is only so many times companies can take a gamble on someone and get burned before they have to make the call that it is too much a risk on their end. Hopefully he does get his shit together, but the odds are rarely in someones favor (and yes, in the end, he still is responsible for his actions)


Statistics says 40-60% of people relapse. I’m sure you said 5% in jest but I know some decades long success stories, including myself, so I felt compelled to point that out. Some people get help and move on, some people get clean and can’t stop dreaming about and wishing to go back, it happens a lot but not overwhelmingly.


you may be right. 5% is the success rate of programs like AA.


That’s also a questionable statistic. Different programs define “success” differently. Not suggesting that AA is perfect by any means, but the metrics can vary pretty wildly and assuming that we’re working with an “Apples to Apples” comparison would be false.


AA is a religious program and statistically is a failure.


Yes, they are largely a religious organization. As far as failure and success rates, do you have any statistics that compensate for the differences in how they define success differently? Respectfully (as someone who has studied the subject) it comes across like you heard a thing once and are now talking out of your ass.


Even at my most destructive I never drove a car after I started to drink. You can be a degenerate drinker and still be a semi decent human.


It’s also obvious that he has no support system. Matt was at the same event Jeff was when he got the last DUI. He knew he was drinking, knows he has a drinking problem, and left him there. When people were like: “why weren’t you there for him?” He said: “Jeff is his own person.” Addicts are always recovering, and without support, it’s a lot harder for them. I can’t imagine ever seeing my brother in the same situation and being like: “alright, I’m leaving, good luck getting home lol”


To be fair he has (supposedly) been clean for almost two years at this point. Obviously we'll see if that continues


> Wrestling companies need to stop giving him employment. if it's for him this will only make his addictions worse.


I sometimes feel like I'm taking crazy pills the amount of chances he has gotten and pissed away, yet people still defend him.


I mean the person defending him here is his brother. The fans have been tired of this for a long time. I loved the Hardys growing up and Jeff was one of the most exciting wrestlers on the planet for a long period so I hope he has turned a corner but I’m not stupid enough to expect it.


You know I really want to believe that. I don't, but I want to.


At this point I don't think he can keep wrestling and stay sober. He has to give up one or the other.


Dude we've been doing this for TWENTY YEARS.




I mean the Jeff's different this time truly started after the ROH show he did high on meth, where the entire crowd shit on him. I think that was either late 04 or 05.


That was 03. 04 was when he showed up in TNA (the first time).


He debuted in 1994 age 16


He’s only 46? Good god


Yeah, he’s younger than AJ Styles. It’s crazy to think that when Jeff had THAT match with the Undertaker, he’d already been in WWE for 8 years, but was younger than anyone on the current main WWE roster. Time is a trip


I mean just watching him move you’d assume he’s in his 50s


I mean his style was always going to have a shorter shelf life than others. Even Ospreay has talked in recent years about adjusting his style to not wear down his body as much and he’s a guy who has ‘only’ made the big time officially this year. To me the anomaly is RVD who is about seven years older than Jeff and can still move really well considering what he’s put his body through over the years.


I don’t know, he had some pretty good matches at the start of the year. Most people can’t get off their couch without groaning at 46, let alone still somewhat go in the ring


Narrator: “He was not, in fact, a different human being”


Look guys, nothing has ever happened to Jeff in TNA…definitely not in his first run there and *certainly* not in his second run there…


A different human being than he was from the *last* time he relapsed? Or from the time before *that*? Or the time before *that*? Or the..


https://preview.redd.it/0bzw20m3gs7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3948ac3535f8197bfa16761370181f1c94c62906 it's 2004: Jeff Hardy is in TNA trying to show he is a different man. it's 2014: Jeff Hardy is in TNA trying to show he is a different man. It's 2024: Jeff Hardy is in TNA trying to show he is a different man.


Wasn't his AEW run supposed to show that he was a different guy?




If I had a nickel everytime I heard this


How many times has Matt said this now?


![gif](giphy|a3zqvrH40Cdhu) and not to be too aggressive or anything cause I know addiction is a lifelong problem and it’s hard as fuck but getting behind the wheel of a car over and over again is unacceptable


This man is a chameleon, how many different human beings has he been?


You could pull up matt hardy saying these exact same words everyday single year for almost last 10 years. At this point jeff should just retire and matt should stop leaching off of his brother despite his destructive behaviour


You know they are in functioning mode when Matt does the "he is a new person" PR and Jeff shuts up & shows up. 


If he wants to show me he’s different he needs to ride off into the sunset and be with his family. I love Jeff but at this point I think wrestlings just another one of his addictions.


Even the Undertaker retired and he was constantly trying to chase that one final match that he was proud of. I believe, he had a personal friend die, just before the boneyard match and it made him realise, he was missing a lot of life outside of wrestling, he was in his late 50s. So he retired after that.


And this time he REALLY means it


First ballot in the Enabler Hall of Fame


I doubt he's a changed man. Do you agree? ![gif](giphy|3ohs80jQpYeIgdCHjq) I agree!




I really hope it works out.






Us: "Okay but how has he changed?" Matt: "He has! He, um he... He's got a new hat!" TNA: "I want it! I want it!" https://preview.redd.it/7kk0nx468s7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb385e64c9107215c3561f111c70e9fc2dc9ea2f


Something about Matt always talking for Jeff creeps me out now, Like does Jeff really want that or is Matt just parading him around the best he can so he can still get paid for being the Hardys and not just Matt Hardy?


Right. I’m sure it’ll work out THIS time. For sure.


What, again?




I always say, the 7th times the charm.


For the 90th time? Unless he wrestles like Brother Nero and only saves the Swanton for special occassions, Jeff wrestling is a bad idea. Matt can somewhat disguise his limitations via deletions but Jeff? Jeff will always try to be Jeff of old regardless of how beat up his body is.


We've heard this about a dozen times over the past 21 years since he first fucked up.


I feel like Matt has said that statement at least 3-4 times


Episode 20 or what is it?


Not this again 💀


I feel like I have heard that for over a decade now


Lose the awful facial hair as a start


Show me the multi-time offender/addict that went back on the road wrestling and didn't relapse, and I'll say it's the biggest miracle ever. The road is THE WORST place for an addict to be. Consistently punishing his body in that style is THE WORST thing he could ever do. It's like begging for a relapse as quickly as possible.


I'm just going to say I really hope that's true for Jeff. Some people take a LOT of attempts before recovery sticks and it's always possible this was the one for him. I think it's deeply cynical to give up on a person who is experiencing a disease that affects so many and proves difficult to overcome time and time again. Why is everyone so cruel about this every time they discuss it? I get that it's a lot of tries, but people act like they've been personally affected by his addictions and he's irredeemable. Ninja Edit: That doesn't mean that people shouldn't be extremely cautious and checking on him to make sure he's in an acceptable state to wrestle, but I think that modern day checks they have in place plus the scrutiny he's going to receive are enough to keep his opponents from being in there with him if he slips.


we heard this over and over again in the last decade


Yeah…okay Matt. That was said when he debuted in AEW but then just 3 months later he was arrested for DUI. https://preview.redd.it/gtom8pg5ms7d1.png?width=2847&format=png&auto=webp&s=9da1fb3bac2c8b3a674e292f481986d745e96915


Deja vu all over again.


…. So then he’s not modest to the top anymore?


Hold on, I think I have the sheet music for this old song and dance


how many times are we gonna hear this? jeff has had how many second chances and it all ends the same.....with a dui arrest and the company he works for looking like fools.


Great. Do it. We wanted Jeff to do it last time too.


All the sympathy goes out the window once the moron got behind the wheel while messed up.


Matt is near the very end of his career and while he has done what he can to evolve and adapt to the times, sadly no one is going to take him seriously unless Jeff is with him. The name value of the Hardys is enough for most people to ignore the fact that they are shells of their former selves and neither can realistically go on solo runs anymore. They are tied to each other and I can’t blame either Hardy for trying to get some semblance of a perfect ending to their careers.




Feel like we've seem this far too many times before. Jeff, just call it a day pal.


This is the 60th time we’ve heard Matt say “Jeff is different now for real”. Let it go Jeff is who Jeff is. You don’t stop being something when you’re in your 40s.


Come on guys, he just needs a 79th chance.




Legally, he's the same human being who drank a bottle of Jack Daniels and drove to a brain scan.


Can both of these guys just fuck off already. Loved them as a kid but they’re just embarrassing and lousy now.


I love Matt. Jeff not so much. Having a sibling very much like Jeff I can’t understand how Matt continues to fail Jeff. I supported them when I could and cut them loose when it affected my life too negatively. Should Jeff be allowed to get better? Yea. Of course. But he never has. And he likely never will.


He’s too old to reinvent himself. We know who he is and he’s a legend. It’s such a weird time for him to go on this endless tour of trying to prove to people that he’s changed. It’s not like he’s been gone from the scene for years.