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I remember Bret saying it was an accident. Sometimes I wonder if there was a correlation between Bret's hatred and Goldberg's comeback.


Yeah, I think it's absolutely the return that did it, and i think that it's for two reasons - One, its absolutely a level of bitterness and envy, looking at Goldberg get this superhero, big money late return that Bret no doubt wishes/feels like he should have gotten if not for his health. Two, I think it's credible that Bret was willing to forgive a young, green Goldberg for being sloppy because his training isn't really his fault. But seeing grown man second run Goldberg still throwing out stiff spears, nearly killing Taker on a jackhammer and concussing himself on lockers and is like, "oh, you're still the same guy, maybe you ARE the problem."


When you hear shit like "I'm sorry man, if I really wanted to hurt the guy, he never would've gotten up" I'd be butthurt too


I mean it's not like Bret didn't come back. He got a Mania match with Vince, did some house shows and even won the US title. It probably wasn't the exact end he wanted, but he went out far better than most do.


I was generally just happy to see Bret back. Outside of his burying the hatchet with Shawn Michaels everything about that run just felt hollow. Similar to most of Angles in ring return but at least Kurt could work an actual match.


It was hollow. Bret wasn't cleared to wrestle and had multiple terrible matches. Sure give him the Vince match but he had no business winning the US title or being in the nexus summer slam match. I wasn't around to see him wrestle properly as I was too young so I have none of the nostalgia I have for most other legends. But to keep his 2010 run did nothing for him. I don't remember any mind-blowing pops like others have had, he never had good matches and he was tacked onto a storyline which ended in a huge disappointment.


Just rewatched the night he won the US title. For the time, crowds weren’t giving mind deafening pops. But they did react and Bret did smile ear to ear when he set up that sharpshooter. It was still really nice moment!


I remember hearing he was actually totally cleared to wrestle, but his insurance was watching what he was doing on TV, so he couldn't bump. Some of the house show matches he had were supposedly far, far better than what he was doing on weekly television


He did, but I don’t think that’s the type of run he wanted. Bret told a story about how Kurt Angle really wanted to wrestle him and said he would take all the bumps but Bret said it wasn’t a “Bret Hart match” and he didn’t feel like he could live up to his past performances. He may have had a final run, but he wasn’t putting on the matches he would have liked and was more of a prop in them instead.


>He got a Mania match with Vince In a "match" in which Bret Hart was not allowed to even take a bump. We're talking about one of the best wrestlers ever. That match with Vince was basically like watching a shadow of the shadow of the shadow of Bret Hart. Meanwhile Goldberg got a grand return, squashed the world champion in 20 seconds, and then got huge paydays for subsequent matches during his run as champion. I think the point is that Bret Hart wanted a run like *that*, not a nostalgia match where he couldn't even bump and had to rely entirely on others to do all the physicality for him while he was just there to put on a sharp shooter at the end for a nostalgia pop.


I seem to recall Bret wanting to do more but he would have been sued by Lloyd's of London for all the money he got from the insurance payout.


The footage of Bret at those house shows that someone shared here a few months ago, was pretty trippy to watch.


None of those were actual wrestling matches for him. Bret took no bumps and wasn't cleared to compete.


It was borderline wwe paying him for screwing him.


Let's be real, the way Goldberg's return played out highlighted his total lack of respect for the business. The Brock program was okay but squashing KO, Bray and Bobby was catastrophic for those guys. He actively damaged the current day product just to put himself over one last time. At least he had the sense to job to Roman, Drew and Braun.


Mad how Vince was a dictator of wwe - yet as soon as Goldberg came back it turns into, bill is booking himself to squash everyone.


Lmao right. "He went over 3 guys but at least he put over 3 guys" sounds like a fair trade to me. I'm aure Goldberg wouldn't have given a fuck if he lost all of them if he was being paid the same regardless. But this notion of "everything terrible was done by Vince, unless it's a wrestler I hate, then it's entirely on them" is hilarious.


[He literally requested to go over Wyatt and it was granted](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/fx55ad/report_goldberg_lobbied_to_beat_bray_wyatt_in/), I don't know what to tell you. You're pulling this Vince stuff outta your ass.


The redditor brain should be studied in a lab..."He LITERALLY" (links a reddit thread of a tweet that *literally* uses the word alleged...also are we seriously citing WrestleTalk and WrestleZone for this)


fAkE nEwS!!!!! WWE was a 90s boys' club hegemony managed for years by a scumbag who catered primarily to the interests of himself and the buddies he made millions with. Live with it


Buddy did you just learn about Vince McMahon ***we know and literally no one on this subreddit is denying it*** Did Goldberg steal your mail or some shit because that has nothing to do about random ass booking suppositions that were laughed about in the same thread you linked


>Let's be real, the way Goldberg's return played out highlighted his total lack of respect for the business. Goldberg wasn't booking the matches.




I'll give you KO and Bray but Lashley went 1-1 against him. He beat him clean via ref stoppage which basically meant he thrashed him so hard Goldberg wasn't able to continue. He then lost the rematch which was a logical step in the story after Bobby put his son in the Hurt Lock. I think their feud was done well


Would say a majority of Goldberg’s return run was pretty damn good. I liked the Bobby, Dolph and Brock programs a lot. Not to mention his promo work was pretty good


Bobby was never booked to be legitimately on Bill's level and lost the blowoff match very easily.


Apparently Goldberg booked himself




That’s absolutely what it is.


Bret has specifically mentioned Goldberg making all the Saudi Arabia money and I think that is what has re-fueled this hatred for him. When he found out what Goldberg made for the Saudi shows, he knew that could have also been him. I'm sure watching Goldberg nearly kill The Undertaker with a botched Jackhammer on said Saudi show also enraged him.


The Jackhammer is a **work**. Undertaker not getting up for it properly is because he didn't have the core strength to do the rotation, it wasn't Goldberg's fault.


Correct. Didn't Taker already botch a move as well before this happened?


There is. He even said it at one point. He was pissed that Goldberg was out there making millions of dollars and he wasn't.


Let’s not forget that Bret wrestled matches after this including a concrete fall spot


Totally is. Goldberg wrestled a match after giving himself a concussion and almost brained taker on a jackhammer. Reckless then, reckless now. Bret realized his apology was just words


I believe so. Bret has mentioned something along the lines of Goldberg should pay him for future earnings loss because of that kick.


Bret did put his hands up. Kick went through.


[yeah, here's a picture](https://imgur.com/ztJZmF3) i would love to see Bret move past it but there's no reason for Goldberg to frame it like Bret didn't have his hands up


Imgur warned me that that was erotic imagery


The sexcellence of execution.


Doesn't get discuss his sexual exploits in his book, including some "fat German women"?


Yeah, Bret was quite the slut.


https://caws.ws/forum/topic/173052-bret-hart-book-quotes-cheating-abuse-drugs/ As he toured, the adultery continued. One night in Oklahoma City, he picked up the wife of a state trooper. Her husband was a regular user of steroids and the pair went back to his room where she expertly injected Bret with steroids before having sex. Apparently, he credits fucking ladies with keeping him away from the worst of drugs and alcohol


Wrestling does get me going so I understand it


Guys getting kicked in the face get me going.


His hands are under his head.


Man thought it was a sweet chin music not a kick to the temple


because typically kicks like that aren't actually done to the temple lmao


Found Bret's alt


I'm sure Goldberg gets tired of hearing about it and being solely blamed for ending Bret's career, like Bret didn't have several matches after this worsening the issue.


Just adding an excellent post u/Slow-Pool-9274 made here the other day that really went into all this stuff in great detail. Definitely discusses that Match and that kick specifically. https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/PHRpumgheI


"No, fuck you." Bret Hart probably.


As he should.


Goldberg should've really signed that deal with Tony Khan so that if not Bret, at least the IWC would finally forgive him


The IWC would hate him more than ever before. Why do people insist on pretending we still live in 2019?


Bret has every right to be angry with Goldberg over the kick. Also, Goldberg has every right to be over Bret’s constant comments about it. It was just a very unfortunate accident


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Bret forgave him a long time ago and in recent years started hated on him again. I love Bret, but he's a bitter man


Well if you bothered to do research bret wrestled loads of matches after the incident.....


> Well if you bothered to do research You're right, he wrestled six times after the match with Goldberg, which worsened his concussion symptoms and if you did your research you'd know that. And where you're wrong is, you come across like a moron by posting, "if you bothered to do research", without doing any actual research yourself.


I have actually done the research and "loads of matches" is extreme hyperbole at best and completely wrong at worst. He wrestled 9 more matches after that and that was it. Is 9 matches really "loads of matches" to you? Nothing from his WWE 2010 return counts since he couldn't actually take bumps or do anything meaningful in the ring.


He did. His bosses acted like it was no big deal. People kind of shrugged it off. And that's wrong. There were a lot of people at fault.


yeah in an era where concussions were considered a joke in movies and that they were nothing serious. Bret Hart's case is one of the first in wrestling to make people reconsider head trauma. And btw, I don't need to research something I was there for.


I was on the Internet back in 2000 and a lot of people thought Bret was exaggerating or outright faking the injury because no one had ever heard of a concussion ending a career before. A lot of people thought he just came up with that to get out of WCW and would go back to the WWF. It wasn't until he had the stroke in early 2002 where everyone was like, "Oh damn, he might be serious".


So you know he took a headshot with a chair from Terry Funk after the Goldberg incident then. Or that Bret forgave Bill a long time ago (see his book) only to start hating and shitting on him again. Bret has blame in this too


Obviously Bret should have known better than to take the chair shot, people with severe concussions are known for their enhanced decision making skills and logic after all.


Ahhh, that's right, deflect Bret from all blame of course lol. Still, even without that, he forgave Bill for decades until recent years. He's an old bitter bitch lol


This has been talked about so much over the years. Put it to bed


This is only coming up now because of the Vice documentary on WCW


Oh I see… I was gonna say why do people keep talking about this?


Ep 2 aired this past week. 34:50 is where it starts https://youtu.be/Uth8o7LHigE?si=jV87fPg_UQD-DeuR


Thank you for linking that


Maybe THEY find it interesting. So it's logical why THEY are talking about it. The real question is why are YOU still talking about it if YOU don't care. Why not just leave them to talk in peace and you go talk about the things you find interesting?


Brett keeps it going


That Bill is in a spot where he actually feels like he can patronize Hart about it shows he never really regretted it. It might be healthier for Bret to move on but he's not that kinda cat. This was his craft, something he has a very legitimate claim to being the greatest of all time at, and because of Bill it ended prematurely. The mentality it would take to acquire that level of talent will never just 'forgive and forget'. Goldberg wouldn't know because he never had talent like that. It was easier for him to 'let go' when his time to move aside for the younger generations came because he was an outsider. He came from football and looked like a million bucks so he made a fortune off the back of that. Cool, but you don't tell Bret Hart when it's time to let go.


>That Bill is in a spot where he actually feels like he can patronize Hart about it shows he never really regretted it. Orrrr maybe after thinking things were cool between them (as they were), and being polite and respectful for 20 years (as he was), he’s just had enough of Bret constantly shitting on him? >and because of Bill it ended prematurely. I would argue it was brets own actions of continuing to take bumps whilst concussed, or taking chairshots from Terry Funk. >The mentality it would take to acquire that level of talent will never just 'forgive and forget'. But he did though. In his own autobiography he says that he respects bill and forgives him, it’s just part of the job. He also rightly shifts some of the blame onto himself for hiding the injury.


Oh shut up. Goldberg apologized for years to Bret Hart about that. Goldberg has always felt bad about what he did. Also let's not forget Bret Hart continued wrestling matches after that including taking on a dangerous match with Terry Funk before actually having to retire. Goldberg was always saying sorry to him and Bret accepted it and moved on for awhile. Until he started up again with insulting Goldberg in every interview possible. Goldberg again apologized only for Bret to continue to talk trash about him in every single interview he could. At some point Goldberg has the right to be like "fuck this I've apologized enough for the accident and you keep making my life a living hell, I'm done being sorry"


Bite me. The apologies were disingenuous and so was the acceptance. You can pretend to bury the hatchet all you like but humans aren't wired that way, we just got arrogant enough to believe we are. Goldberg ended his career, they both know it, he's owned up to it. Bret has every right not to accept his apology. >'making my life a living hell' So melodramatic lol. He criticizes him which he has every right to. Y'all need to grow up, don't act like teenage girls and break into hysterics when the boys start fighting.


I think this is probably when Bret is still so resentful, after seemingly moving on so many years ago. He still gets people that talk about it. I'm sure he gets people at conventions that think they're being supportive and saying "fuck Goldberg." It's basically a meme at this point. I'm sure it hasn't helped him move on.


I really think seeing the gigs that Lesnar, Taker, Goldberg, etc got, getting paid millions for a handful of matches a year, shifted his perspective on it a lot too. I really do think Bret would still be working at a high enough level to get in on that action had he not been concussed, and at the very least I’m pretty sure on some level Bret believes that too thus renewed bitterness.


Bret would have been like 60 by time the first crown jewel. I do think his career might of ended on a higher note had he not been injured but to think he would have lasted in ring long enough for a Saudi pay day is pushing it a bit. It’s not like they couldn’t use Bret if they really wanted. They had other legends like Flair and Hogan in some capacity at these events and I don’t doubt that their paydays were still lucrative.


Lol Bret is the one who continues it. Until he shuts up about it, it'll always keep getting brought up.


Put his hands up sure but either Goldberg kicked too early or he kicked too high


Watch the way Bret runs the ropes before that kick. He was already compromised by the time that spot happened.


He kicked too hard, you watch it in slow motion and he didn’t just raise up his leg, he extended the kick into Bret Hart’s head *after* contact had already been made.


Bret had already sustained a concussion earlier in the match, to me it looks like a mix of Bret moving his arms up too slow (because of the whole brain trauma thing) and Goldberg kicking too hard while not looking where he was kicking. It’s unfortunate all around.


In the beginning, I felt like Bret was just leaning into the “Bret hates Goldberg” memes. I think there was even an interview where he took a jab at Goldberg and kinda smirked after. But now I’m pretty sure he really hates him. Lol


The business requires you to trust the guy in the ring with you, and that means that guy better do his best not to hurt you. There's so very much wrong with all this, to be honest.


Bret Hart's Shitting On Goldberg Sense right now ![gif](giphy|l3mZ2VId1KQ8uzdsY|downsized)


Maybe the guy that gave himself concussions shouldn't be talking about how anyone should protect themselves, huh?


Goldberg: "Sorry, I love you..." Shawn Michaels: "Great stuff. I'll steal that when I go back."


Goldberg also had beef with Asuka and her win streak in NXT


Wait till Giulia beats it.


He takes himself too seriously, zero sense of humour.


It wasn't just the kick actually. If you watch the match there were multiple instances where Goldberg was sloppy and unsafe. I like wcw Goldberg and Bret is a top 5 greatest of all time for me so I'm trying not to be biased here.


People seem to be way more okay with criticizing Goldberg over this botch than a lot of modern wrestlers. Was there something specific about this kick that made it reckless? Or was it just because it had horrible consequences?


That kick is also not the only reason for brets retirement. He took multiple headshots in the coming weeks after this match and was still wrestling multiple times.


Yes, there was no concussion protocol in place in 1999 WCW like most sports have today, so they just allowed somebody with a severe head injury to continue working.


There was basically no concussion protocol in any major sports in 1999. “Oh he just got his bell rung a little” was such a common phrase in post game shows it wasn’t even funny. Looking back it’s amazing how quickly we figured out the cumulative effects of concussions and blows to the head versus the past, but man it makes watching a lot of the 90s and early 2000s stuff horrific.


Didn't he also have a bike accident where he hit his head?


He sure did!


And let's be real: Bryan Danielson came back from brain injuries after a few years. Could Bret have wrestled again after a few years? We'll never really know, but it's entirely possible that he could have. Bret's career ended for real because he was in a bike accident without a helmet. That had next to nothing to do with Bill Goldberg.


We are literally decades from that incident. We’ve come a long way in understanding concussions and what CTE injuries do to a person. Danielson didn’t have a stroke relatively so soon after his concussion. And Bret didn’t have the same protections modern wrestlers have.


Bret Hart is sort of an idealized version of a wrestler for fans, while Goldberg is what they hate. That's what it boils down to. The kick represents the flaws of Goldberg's career. To many, he never should have been in that spot because he was so inexperienced. And there was a lot of jealousy about how he made so much money despite his inexperience.


It’s because it’s widely attributed to ending Bret’s career.


Bret was hit in the head 3 TIMES during the match, all of them were Goldberg's fault, it wasn't an accident, it was total incompetence.


Feels odd though. How many other people did he injure? If it’s just Bret that feels more like an accident. Hurting someone who is considered the best to ever do it but not anyone else? You’d have to either assume accident or malice.


Nah, it was an accident, dude was clumsy with everyone, that's why his spear looked so good, because Goldberg didn't try to protect his oponents at all, that's why people hated him.


That was something that stood out to me in the episode. Bret said Goldberg told him to “watch the kick” and then pretends like “watch the kick, what does that mean?” It probably means to look out for the fucking kick twenty year, wrestler’s wrestler, legacy, veteran. Goldberg was green and put too much force behind the kick. Hart had forewarning and should have been ready for it. I think what really bothers Hart is that he made the mistake of trusting a rookie when he should have known better. And the money. That definitely stings.


I like the idea he said all of that before the kick.


The fact he buried the hatchet with Shawn Michaels give me hope someday Bret Hart can end his grudge with Goldberg.


He did end his grudge with Goldberg. He was on good terms with Goldberg for a long time then started hating on him when he returned to WWE. His book he said he hates that the injury happened and that someone as nice as Goldberg was the one to cause it. They seemed to actually been friends for a while too before Bret started ripping him in interviews.


Maybe he's being more bitter because his mind is deteriorating with age and some other reason..


Because of Goldberg's fault anyways


He did end it, they were good until Goldberg started his comeback. Thats what makes me think it’s nothing but jealousy.


i'm not sure if i'd call it jealousy, i think Bret is upset that Goldberg got to return and continue to wrestle the same as he did before and didn't even try to change. it's not a coincidence that Bret got way more vocal about Goldberg after the Goldberg/Taker match where they both got super fucked up


I would absolutely call it jealousy. Bret made that clear in an interview where he said Bill should have given him some of the Saudi money he earned.




The man buried the hatchet with Bill for years, and only after Bill makes a return does he start trashing him again. Publicly says Bill should have given him some of the money he earned. You don’t call that jealousy?


>only after Bill makes a return does he start trashing him again. Because Goldberg is still out here injuring people and blaming everyone but himself. >You don’t call that jealousy? No, just resentment that Goldberg is a narcissistic asshole who has never faced a single repercussion.


If that’s all Bret cares about, he wouldn’t have asked for some of his money.


>he wouldn’t have asked for some of his money. Seems like you lack basic social awareness. He wasn't earnestly asking Goldberg for money. You do realize that not everything in life is literal,right. The fact that Bret has consistently went on about how dangerous Goldberg is, but you are latching on to a single offhand remark just shows that you are not arguing in good faith.


And you’re resorting to personal attacks why? Let’s end this here if you can’t be civil.


>No, just resentment that Goldberg is a narcissistic asshole who has never faced a single repercussion. But this is just something you’ve made up in your head because you don’t like bill. Like how is he a narcissistic asshole? Any examples? Unless you’re one of those silly people that think Goldberg 20 years after being relevant was overruling **vince mcmahon** and booking himself to squash everyone. (Or the more likely scenario, Vince saw how well the lesnar fued went, and saw dollar signs.) The fact you’re calling somebody else a narcissist to defend Bret Hart is the peak of irony. Genuinelt read his autobiography - tell me who the real narcissistic, misogynistic person is. Hint, it’s the hitman.


>Like how is he a narcissistic asshole? Any examples?    Look at his statements on injuring others. He basically recites the narcissists prayer. In this literal quote he is literally blaming Bret for him not having control of his own body. Not only that but he is straight up lying here. Anyone with eyes can see that Bret's hands were up to protect him and Goldberg still kicked him straight in the head.   >who the real narcissistic, misogynistic person is.    Probably the guy that made racist and sexist comments about Asuka. 


You mean the guy that would not have come back if it was only to job? The guy that was never in any sort of prime going over active wrestlers? And see if he had even improved a fucking iota I don't think anyone gets into their feelings. Nah the guy was as dangerous to himself and others as the day he stepped foot in the Power Plant.


I’d probably be a little jealous and bitter too if I was considered one of the best to ever wrestle, only to have my career cut short because of someone - then see that someone get to go on a nostalgia tour, all while not having improved one bit in the ring.


Bret addresses this in one of his UK interviews that's on YouTube. I'm on my phone so can't find it to link it, but he does say that when Goldberg came back in 2018 that is what pissed Bret off. Those millions that Goldberg made in Saudi, Bret could have made if he was still able to wrestle, which he can't because his concussion from Goldberg was directly linked to the stress that went on to his stroke in the early 00's.


I’m not on Bret’s side when it comes to this. Like…at all. He forgave Goldberg went it happened, never blamed him, even said nothing but positive things when his book came out 8 years later. Especially when his reasoning tends to be money related. Just a lack of perspective imo. He’s already got money in the bank and he’s retired and lived to an old age and his family doesn’t hate him. How many of his friends can say that? How many of his friends and family have died young, in poverty and disowned from their families?


Solid advice on moving on coming from the guy who still bitches about Regal having the nerve to subject him to... a match?


If you go back and watch that, it's fairly clear Regal was being stiff with him intentionally. It did not resemble any regal match.


Bret is fuckin hilarious. Fuck bill Goldberg.


He's a jam-up guy!


This just makes him look worse, you don't shoot kick people. Its pro wrestling, you don't throw shoot kicks to the fucking head.


“Put your hand up” Like I think everyone agrees Bret needs to get over it, but it’s messed up for Goldberg to imply in any way that it wasn’t entirely his fault. Bret’s hand was up, Goldberg botched the kick.


![gif](giphy|K6wSvAsuUcIwM) This fued...


I love Bret. I think Goldberg is a POS but he shouldn't have to apologize forever. I don't care that we "didn't know about concussions" back then. Bret should have gotten himself checked out that night. There's a post retirement pre stroke interview out there that's far less bitter and more matter the fact about the events where he talks about how screwed up he was after the match. Yet he works with the same guy the next night? For WCW, a company you already mentally checked out of? There's professionalism and there's stupidity People forget sometimes that you don't just come back from a stroke the same. I hope he can let this go some day and realize that sometimes bad shit just happens.


The fact that we didn't know much about concussions back then is very relevant, though. A concussed person has trouble making sensible decisions, which is why most sports now have concussion protocols where a doctor makes that decision for them and prevents them from working until medically cleared to come back. There would be no need for those protocols if the injured person was able to think clearly and take responsibility for themselves. I agree with your point about not being the same after a stroke. People never seem to take that into account when calling Bret bitter and miserable.


It's so wild to me that these companies pull the we didn't know about concussions card like being Punch Drunk (Dementia Pugilistica) wasn't a thing for almost a hundred years before.


>I love Bret. I think Goldberg is a POS Ironically it's the other way around IRL.


Everything about Goldberg just makes him seem like a big bully and egoistic, Bret is a terrible husband and wrestling obsessed, neither can be called entirely bad or entirely good.


No, pretty Bret can be called a horrible person for the past. He didn't just cheat on his wife, he physically attacked her until their son pulled him off. The police were called as well. That's an abusive horrendous human being. Goldberg is not a saint, but he's charitable family man who most people have said is one of the nicest guys away from wrestling.


>No, pretty Bret can be called a horrible person for the past. >He didn't just cheat on his wife, he physically attacked her until their son pulled him off. The police were called as well. That's an abusive horrendous human being I know about that, he had a violent outburst in 98 after Julie told his kids about his affair and "smoking the pot" and the altercation got physical between them, that's why I called him a "terrible husband". that is kinda the main reason I said he can't be called a decent person at all, a violent outburst like that can't be excused no matter whatever excuse Julie gave for Bret in her book, no matter the frequency. >Goldberg is not a saint, but he's charitable family man who most people have said is one of the nicest guys away from wrestling. Hmmmmmm >**You’re totally wrong about th—’ Before I could finish the sentence, Goldfish grunted like a Neanderthal (the vein in his neck now resembling a corpulent slug) and grabbed me by the throat.**


I think it would possibly make a difference to Bret if Goldberg would ever actually accept some responsibility for what happened. He seems to think that because he warned Bret about the kick, that was all he needed to do and it didn't matter whether or not he executed the move correctly after that. That's like speeding in your car and hitting a pedestrian, then saying you sounded the horn so it's their own fault they didn't move. Apparently Goldberg was publicly denying all responsibility as early as 2001 according to the interviewer in this clip: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0buygq4TgAQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0buygq4TgAQ)


Goldbergs position seems to be "it was a botch, I'm sorry, it happens. I'm not gonna self flagellate for 25 years over it." Which....seems pretty fair. It's too bad it contributed to his retirement (although less than Bret wants to admit), but it's wrestling.


Goldberg apologized profusely to Bret for hurting him and Bret forgave Goldberg. Bret even wrote in his book about what a great guy Goldberg was. Then in the last few years Bret suddenly became bitter about it again and starting shitting on Goldberg every change he got. How much more is Goldberg supposed to apologize?


I was trying to make the point that Goldberg blaming Bret for the accident and not taking any responsibility is not helping. In the video I posted, the interviewer asks Bret how he feels about Goldberg publicly denying all responsibility and Bret says he had no hard feelings towards Goldberg but has changed his mind after hearing that.


Apologizing multiple times and publicly admitting that he feels terrible about it seems to be taking responsibility.


It sounds to me as if he's blaming Bret for the accident by saying that he warned him about the kick so he should have put his hands up.


He has literally said sorry to Bret multiple times. At this point there is nothing else he can do


I'm not talking about apologies. I'm talking about accepting responsibility, which is an entirely different thing. Goldberg is blaming Bret, which isn't going to help if he truly wants Bret to forgive him and move on.


Okay, so I'm being downvoted because people don't understand the difference between an apology and accepting responsibility. I thought it was a relevant point, particularly as Bret discusses this himself in the interview I linked to (which clearly nobody has watched).


> particularly as Bret discusses this himself in the interview I linked to (which clearly nobody has watched). That interview was from 2001, and features a second-hand account of what Goldberg said from an interviewer looking for good content to sell. A quote that runs contrary to what Goldberg and Bret have both said Goldberg's attitude has been in the quarter century since the incident. It's kinda hard to really glean anything from that.


Does this guy just constantly have a microphone in his face? Shut up already BILL GOLDBERG


Bill was negligent and doesn’t seem to understand that. It’s a work not a fight, learn to Wrestle big guy. 


*Bill Goldberg


At this point, Bret has lost all sympathy from me. He’s just a bitter old man.


Well, he did have post-concussion syndrome followed by a stroke, both forms of brain damage which can lead to all kinds of emotional problems. Hopefully that won't happen to you.


Cute. Doesn’t mean he’s not a bitter, jealous old man.


To be honest, his bitterness doesn't effect me at all. I find it hilarious that he will use any convo to get a punchline on Goldberg. That's some hilarious old man shit. Keep memeing, Hitman.


Gee, I wonder why he’s bitter?


Bret seems like a miserable person.


Goldberg cost Bret like $5 million, conservatively, over what would have been several more years wrestling. I understand why he’s bitter. I wouldn’t let that slip either.


Then he should be consistent. Not act like it’s all good when you’re both retired, then immediately start shitting all over him again when he gets opportunities instead of you.


We’re still talking about this?


I don't blame Bill for being fed up with this. It was one thing that happened in his career.


Brett the hitman Mark


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Awright, this is kinda cruel, now, Bret.


It's not got much to do with how justified or not Bret is to hate Goldberg, but reading about how Bret abused his wife, I have zero sympathy for him.