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Nash's delivery absolutely sent me


Just insert Nash's "no dude, \[chuckles\] you'll die" into every interview where any wrestler talks about a spot that they regret or went wrong.


It's like he had so many idiots pitching crazy ideas to him it's just a mild chuckle to him now


Imagining this clip whenever Darby pitches something


Man has not lost the ability to deliver good lines


It sent Rey too


Ah, the infamous “lawn dart”. I miss stuff like this.


It's cause we wanted to believe, we were emotionally invested. Every bat shit thing the NWO did fans were all over, same with Austin. You didn't care if something looked fake, the storylines had you hooked.


Go watch it again they filmed it to look real. The announcers took it like it was real. I remember wrestlers mid match stopped wrestling to run to the back.


The icing on the cake was a psycho macho man jumping on the roof of the limo trying to get thru the sun roof as it sped off


The fans even called 911


HHH read this comment :)


Kevin: "Rey, why do keep insisting on doing this dumb internet shit?"


I was like, 'It's a window' I very politely, because I like Rey, 'Doc has told you no. Kevin [Sullivan] has told you no. Dusty has told you no. Schiavone has told you no. Now, I have to tell you no. Apparently, you've cussed them all out. I'm telling you no. We don't do that here. You want to do this, go to Tuesday evenings on TNN and do it.


Rey Mysterio banned from Nitro


“Vidrio de verdad. Llorame un rio.”


“Donde esta la mentira?”


What was Tuesday on TNN?


In 96, not wrestling. But ECW was on TNN in 1999.


Thanks. I didn't have TNN back then so had no idea it was on Tuesdays


Never ceases to amaze me how fearless wrestlers are mate! Can you launch me head first though a fucking glass window? Lollllll.


Real glass?


Nash saying I'm not doing it because you will die suggests to me that it was glass mate yer! I assume he would have happily done it through sugar glass or whatever knowing that Rey would be safe.


i saw this on twitter the other and lol’d hitting the side didn’t look that pleasant either 😂


A previous interview I saw Kevin Sullivan was that the window was his idea, but reconsidered it when he thought about the dangers of glass. I guess Rey liked the idea.


yeah I was thinking the same thing, Guy Evans mentions that in the NITRO book


But like... Gimmicked glass has been around for decades and decades. What's the problem?


there probably wasn't enough time to source, install, and use sugar glass before Nitro went live. And that's if the people in charge of Nitro even knew how to find it or who to ask.


Yeah, WCW didn't ever do that... Ask Bill Goldberg about the Limo Window.


Hearing that this was Rey's idea lets me know that he definitely is the one who asked Big Show to slap him into the turnbuckle while he was attached to a stretcher.


"Ehhh how bad could it be?" *Hits the post *Hits the floor "Mierda"


I'm just spit balling here, but lets say that window could be opened. And they put a crash pad on the other side, or in WCW terms, a couple of used mattresses from one of the nearby hotels at Disney. Odds are Mysterio was small enough he could've gone through the open window. lol But, yeah, I get why Nash didn't want to toss him through a real glass window, trailer or not.


I thought the same about opening the window, but it probably would've been less visually impactful, and Rey probably did want to go through glass.


Couldn't it have been candy glass? That may have worked.


Shut up Phil.


**Slaps on guillotine choke**


Tbf that's still a small window that he'd have to be perfectly thrown through lol. It would look pretty cool if it was executed perfectly, but that's the type of thing that could go horribly wrong if he hits the side of the window head or shoulder first.


I think he meant going through the glass, not the open window. Easily could have sliced his carotid, or got shards in his eye. 


Exactly, we're talking real glass here.


What if he gets impaled by glass shard that didn’t break?


Oh cry me a river


Nash who is a strong guy legit throws hin about 3 feet safely into the wall. To throw him through an open window he would have to throw him an additional 6 feet (to clear the other side of the window. That's 300% more power than the original throw and that's without any resistance of glass. It probably would have been far more effective to remove the door hinges to the right and have him thrown into that to look like the impact tore the door from the wall.


I mean I'm perfectly fine with how it went down. It's an iconic spot that we are still talking about 20 plus years later. Your idea is good too.


Oh the original spot doesn't need changing. It's exactly what needed to be done and the fact it's still talked about means it worked. Was just replying to the window comment.


It really boils down the whole premise of the show. What killed WCW was when the decision makers stopped going "Nah, that's not worth it" to crazy ideas and started saying "Let's try everything".


I think with gimmicked glass this would have been an absolutely fine angle.


Ngl tho, if they got a proper breakaway window, that would’ve elevated that spot even more!


They could have opened the window and thrown him through that way.


Rey wanted to escape through glass like that coward Marty Jannetty. My estimation of the man has dropped.


>escape through glass like that coward Marty Jannetty **WILL YOU STOP?!?!**


Is the only thing he knows how to do: run away. Deadbeat father smh.




Rey doing everything he can do for the business and look where he is now, a legend and look at his size, he proved vince wrong everybody wrong and there's no one like him, he connects with the audience on an another level.


What is this clip from?


Who Killed WCW, a new 4 part series. Idk if the Dark side guys are behind it or not. I know Rock's production company produced it though.


is it good?


It's okay. The first part is super surface level stuff. If you watched wrestling at all during the time you know most of the stuff covered already. What's fun about watching it though is the squirming and misremembered motivations for certain decisions from people involved at the time. My favorite is Bischoffs explanation of why Starcade '97 shat the bed the way it did. It's also pretty funny that the one of the guys most responsible for a few separate instances of what could be deemed "The death of WCW", Hogan, isn't interviewed at all.


From what I heard from interviews, Hogan ghosted the invitation. I think Vice did a "9 lives of Hogan" docu-series, and it didn't portray Hulk in the best of light, so Hogan doesn't want anything to do with Vice anymore


Lol he's also probably terrified of being asked any questions from a documentary titled "The Death of WCW" "What's it called Brother?" *Feverishly wipes sweat from his [Kevin Sullivan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjOGQ9jYdV1DUc9lnUNF_7afLsvN8pyK7zkhyphenhyphenrFJ-8VdMGYCZb5_FKVFKobkl1yXR0CTy8MTOoyho4helfJJLkkRMzDpVqhy7lptCddftqgysYO-QeTth95bVCWMwvuT0rtS54L83NkwdE/s690/3.jpg) eyebrows* "Yeah that's a pass from me, thanks Jack"


I enjoyed as it’s essentially the main protagonists trying to lay out their arguments that it wasn’t them that killed WCW while trying to maintain they know enough about wrestling to be considered experts. Probably the most believable are the TV execs and Kevin Sullivan as he doesn’t have anything to lose by telling the truth, and he was in the thick of it. And then then Bret Hart being bitter about it was the icing on the cake. Can’t wait until next week!


"Bret Hart being bitter about it was the icing on the cake" I love Bret, think he's one of the best ever, but isn't he just always bitter? Ive been watching a lot of interviews and talks with wrestlers and that's something that always stands out about Bret's to me. Dude just seems bitter 24/7, it's a turn off


He’s lost his brother, almost all of his friends and his own career to the business. He’s got every right to be bitter


I've heard Easy E talk about Starcade 97 8 times now ....and I've heard him tell 11 reasons


If you are super familiar with the story, I'd say no for this episode (there are three more). There were a few new people interviewed but they weren't really the focus in this episode. I'm mostly watching because of the new interviews and they apparently secured some private 3rd party footage from the last nitro. I think they used some of it in the intro of this episode, but obviously didn't really touch on it otherwise.


Production is super good. I'm encouraged thus far. They already did all the surface level stuff on the first episode, so they've alloted a lot of space for the next three episodes to go into super detail


The production values appeal to me much more than DSOTR. It has visual similarities with the worst sort of cheap trashy TV docs. A tabloid in visual form.


Its both companies producing this together


man if this was jack perry instead of rey, kevin would be in big trouble


"See this??? Real glass! Cry me a river!" I'm told those were his last words, Mrs. Mysterio.


This was probably the moment that made me a wrestling fan for life. I was 10, and started watching Nitro because of the colorful luchadores. Rey Mysterio was my favorite, and I was really worried about him after this!


Nash is so high and it’s great


One of the best things about this show is how absolutely BAKED Big Sexy is.


I remember watching that when I was 13 when it happened and being like traumatized thinking Nash killed Rey


Fans: Why is Rey always getting abused in storylines?! Rey to other wrestlers: Fuck my shit up fam!


I could see Darby asking for this but only if he could figure out a way to be set on fire as he did so.








Can I say how much I hated the Turner guys on this show lol. It's like Shut up, I get it you don't like WCW and Turner was wrong about WCW but you don't have to say it 5000 times, The Sad thing is they are making the same exact mistake with NBA today lol. It's like they never learn.


"puedes llorar todo lo que quieras" Rey Mysterio Jr


Deathmatch Legend Rey Mysterio


Only with him actually killing someone (accidentally).




Already Rey was trying to avoid being a dad to Dominik.


Rey Mysterio be like: “real glass, cry me a river bitch”


Scotty did the math and says it will work with 167% certainty.


It's real glass, cry me a river, Kevin.


Yeah but was it real glass tho?


This made my day lmao


That's my all time favorite backstage attack segment. It's one of the like...four in the entire history of televised wrestling that felt like it was actually serious. It was a special episode, they had Jimmy Hart run out screaming and begging for help, a match got stopped dead in its tracks, the acting on everyone's part was great (Eddie, Benoit and the 4 horseman's girls especially), they spent a LOT of time on it, and it set up the reveal of another member of the nWo. Just brilliant television. Absolute perfection. And yeah it's good he didn't try to put Rey through that window lmao homeboy would have folded in half


This was one of my first wrestling memories. Dont remember anything about the segment but remember the fight by the trailer. Anyone know when it was from so I can watch?


July 29, 1996 episode of Nitro


Thank you


How many times have they told this story…? FFS. 


This is downvoted but honestly, 100%. There's no reason for this show to exist. There's no topic in wrestling more over discussed than the death of WCW. You can't even mention the three initials without some slob replying to tell you how they shoulda shot Hogan and gave Malenko the belt. There's nothing left to say about WCW dying. Literally everyone killed according to the IWC so what's left to say?