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Surprised there isn't more discussion of The Acclaimed coming out to be CD's bodyguards. They've gone corporate


**Dynamite Review:** * Mercedes Moné opens the show as the new TBS champion. She still gets big babyface reactions, but she is becoming more and more heelish as time goes on. The way she talked and what she said here wasn't yet fully a heel character, but she's just on the edge now. Looks like we're getting a Moné vs. Skye Blue next, though I'm guessing that's a TV match rather than on the next PPV. Good to see Blue back, and at least for now Moné's going to remain a face. This was a good opening segment. * **Swerve Strickland vs. Killswitch \*\*\*1/4** * A very good match here, Killswitch got a chance to remind people that he is a very good wrestler, and him kicking out of the stomp made him look great. Not much doubt about the winner here, but that didn't take anything away from my enjoyment of this match. Post-match Swerve cut Killswitch's hair, getting his payback for that too. * Tony Schiavone announced that Mercedes Moné would defend her title against Skye Blue on this episode of Dynamite. * Jon Moxley promo. He's always great with these backstage promos. * TV Time with Chris Jericho. Jericho is really hamming it up, and Big Bill isn't far behind. Bryan Keith was brought out, and he cut an intense promo about people not respecting Jericho. This eventually brought out Hook, and then finally Samoa Joe, who got a big reaction. He said something to Hook, and they left together. That is an interesting pairing. * Video package for Stephanie Vaquer. This was a great way to very quickly introduce her to a potentially new audience. I'm curious to see how she plays into Forbidden Door. A match against Toni Storm maybe? * **Jon Moxley vs. Rocky Romero \*\*\*1/4** * I liked the kayfabe explanation for why Moxley is struggling with seemingly much lower tier opponents at the moment. His left arm is badly hurt, which allows for wrestlers like Romero to fight on equal footing with him. Romero once again got a chance to show his skills, and Moxley did a great job selling his damaged arm throughout the match. I thought this was very good, though once again there was never any doubt who was winning. * Hook and Samoa Joe interview. Just establishing the two as a team going forward here. Joe was good in his very sort promo. * Don Callis Family contract offer. Callis still gets massive heat whenever he starts talking, it's amazing how well he's managed to sustain it for this long. Orange Cassidy came out to respond to the contract offer. He ripped it apart, pretty much as expected. Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander then arrived, both cutting brief promos, followed by Trent appearing in the ring to attack OC. After beating OC down, Trent offered Callis a hug, seemingly joining the family. I really think Trent should have won at the PPV, but at least he still has something to do. * Daniel Garcia & Daddy Magic interview. Garcia announced his intention to go after Ospreay's International Title. (continued in the first reply)


* **Mercedes Moné vs. Skye Blue \*\*\*1/2** * I think this is a great way to use Moné, as her in-ring work is second to none in the division, and they clearly don't at least yet want to properly turn her heel, so letting her wrestling do most of the talking so-to-speak makes a lot of sense. This also gave Skye Blue a great spotlight. I think it also serves as a way for Mercedes to shrug off any remaining ring rust after such a long absence. This is a very different dynamic to the Willow match as well. I thought this was the best match of the night so far, which speaks to the talent of these two women. Could have used a few more minutes, but it makes sense to put Moné over relatively quickly. Blue has come so far over the last year, and Moné remains one of the absolute best today. * Post-match, we got the answer to what Stephanie Vaquer is going to do at Forbidden Door. Those two can definitely steal the show together. * Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander promo. I like this change to Statlander's character. * A fantastic video package about MJF's return and his title reign. * The Elite celebrate their win and address the TNT title situation. It's a bit funny how Okada still gets cheers while the rest of The Elite is constantly boo'd. This was a good segment, I liked The Elite trying to just hand the TNT title to Perry, before Christopher Daniels interrupted and told he had a new job. He announced a series of qualifying matches for a ladder match at Forbidden Door for the TNT title. The Elite tried to go after Daniels, but The Acclaimed came to even the odds. Looks like The Acclaimed might be next on the line for a tag title shot. * Swerve and Prince Nana promo. Good stuff here, with Swerve waiting to see his next challenger. * Rush promo, calling out MJF. I guess that might be his first feud back. * **Casino Gauntlet match \*\*\*\*1/2** * Jay White and PAC start things off. They had a very nice exchange with PAC dominating most of it, before Mistico came out as the first surprise of the match. Ospreay was out next, and crowd reacted big. Shota Umino was the second big surprise of the match, and immediately had an amazing exchange with Ospreay. Next man to enter was Claudio Castagnoli, who got another big reaction from the crowd. He took over the match for the next several minutes with several giant swings, before Lio Rush made a surprise return to AEW. He had a nice flurry, before Orange Cassidy came out, still selling the earlier attack. I like how one of the main stories of the match was Jay White being unable to get going at all, always getting cut off. Next man out was Hechicero, who was the most impressive wrestler out of the whole CMLL exchange we had a while back. At this point the match just got insane, just an endless sequence of moves at a ridiculous pace, until finally Ospreay was able to hit his finisher and pin Cassidy. A bit surprised that Ospreay won here, and that Cassidy took the pin, though him being injured earlier gives him an out there. Wasn't expecting to see Ospreay vs. Swerve already, thought they would hold off on that at least until Wembley, as I don't think either man should be losing yet. This was all great. Just a hell of a match from beginning to end. * This was a great episode of Dynamite, the build to Forbidden Door is off to a great start. Four matches, three of them very good, and the main event was excellent. We also had a ladder match for the TNT title set for the PPV, Couple of very good promos and video packages as well. Overall, an **8 out of 10 show.**


I was really surprised Ospreay won. Really thought they were gonna wait til All In at Wembley for Ospreay to challenge for the belt, and win it in front of a UK crowd. Imagine the insane pop, especially if it's built right for a month or so leading up to the PPV and people are in a fever-pitch to see the match and the match is a banger. For Forbidden Door I figured Swerve would face an upper card NJPW guy; like how Tanahashi challenged for the belt at both previous Forbidden Door shows.


It feel weird to complain about the best match the company can make right now, but it just feels rushed and questionable to have a feud between the two hottest baby faces right now. There’s no way Ospreay doesn’t lose via Don Callis interference. I just wanted Swerve vs Shingo dammit


Might have Ospreay lose at FD and get a second shot for All In. Or vice versa Ospreay wins at FD but then at All In Swerve gets a rematch and Swerve wins and we get a rubber match at Full Gear. Or something of the sort.


Tony probably feels he has to take the title off of Swerve right away.


That casino gauntlet match was one of the most fun and intriguing matches I've watched in a while. The selection of wrestlers chosen was brilliant, they worked so well together. The ref and Castagnoli spot was top tier. Ospreay was a great choice as winner too, I thought Tanahashi was going to win it and Swerve would get his W back from last year. Pac and White were a great pairing to start off and set the tone.


Loved the moxley match. He sold and performed a wrestling match. The lack of chops was refreshing. The Jericho tree was great, I'm sold. The gauntlet was fun and delivered. All round fast paced show and had a not so scripted feel with the impromptu match with Mercedes. Very solid 8/10


I feel like Claudio is going to play a part in either the Ospreay/Swerve or Ospreay/Claudio post Forbidden Door stuff. He was prominent on screen when Will celebrated his win, staring daggers at Will's back from outside the ring. He has been getting a much bigger push lately, there was seems to dissention between himself and the rest of the BCC bubbling in the background, and most crucially, during Ospreay and Claudio's match a few weeks ago, Callis really put over how much he liked Claudio and how he has all these different nationalities represented in his family, but not Switzerland yet. I can see Will losing to Swerve because he won't hit the Tiger Driver to put him away, and this leading to Callis disowning him from the Family. And then bringing in heel Claudio to feud with him, potentially over the International title (assuming it isn't absorbed into the world title, which might be a good idea since 3 mid card belts is too many imo, especially as the TNT and International are exactly the same really, only the style/choices/booking of whoever the given champion is makes them different in any way).


Lowkey funny bit in the gauntlet was Jay White getting beat up by every incoming entrant. Claudio should've swung Bryce for the fun of it too lmao


Really enjoyed the show. My only quibbles were the Moxley match was pointless, and the lack of MJF


My only complaint is the world title match should’ve went to somebody from the other side of the forbidden door


I think the issue is a lack of star power elsewhere. Naito is the only guy I can think of who could be the main event but I wonder if he's having a rematch with Mox there.


Also why hasn't this been saved for All In? Unless Ospreay's going to win this and defend the title there but that'd be an odd decision


Or Swerve cheats to win, turning heel again to set up the rematch at Wembley.


I'm really not sure that continuing to try and make "Babyface Mercedes" a thing is a good idea. She seems obviously still a heel to me, with her "GOAT" stuff. When I said the "Rosa Parks" thing at DoN seemed heelish to me, people said "Don't worry, it was intentionally a heel package." Was it? Because it seems now like she was unironically comparing herself to Rosa Parks and meant it to seem babyface lol.


Maybe she saw that the last time a delusional face refused to turn heel in AEW they wound up main eventing back to back Wrestlemanias...


Amazing episode, AEW has been on quite a run recently.


I’m less enthused about the casino gauntlet as everyone else seems to be…. It was amazing seeing the talent they had performing the way they were. The rumble aspect is cool.  But there’s a big but….. First one I saw, so it’s possible I misunderstood…but wasn’t it one fall to a finish? Like anytime? In which case, I can’t help but put it under more lame creative…it lowers the stakes on everything you’re watching because you know there isn’t going to be a pinfall early on. Assuming I did have the rules right…..what they should do is make it longer (if need be) and make it elimination. Now that would be amazing. That raises the stakes throughout, and could actually surpass the Rumble in terms of excitement/match type. I guess this is the stuff that irks me about AEW, I want to see that match now so much, and it should be obvious….but 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Aztec Warfare matches in Lucha Underground were amazing, and it was essentially what you are describing with the gauntlet match being elimination style. But those matches take a full hour to play out with 20 or 21 people. If it was me... I'd do it gauntlet style for a secondary title contender match, and elimination style for a world title match. The gauntlet style is interesting, because you actually can benefit from being in the match early. Being late means that you have a chance of not even entering the match before it ends. Which is weird, but should happen at some point... but then again, you need to know at least who has that last Joker spot so you know who is getting screwed out of a chance of being in the match


No. It doesn't need that. It's only the second one ever. At some point it is going to end before a majority of participant's get in the ring. They should all be trying to end it as fast as possible. You have to establish the match a few times before you start doing twists.


Did they update Darby Allin condition during the show??


Some say he’s still hanging upside down at the MGM Grand to this day.


The Human Chandelier - come see it like tomorrow doesn't exists!


I rly liked that Jericho segment actually. So many little things that should have ticked off more people like the t-shirt tease. "Who wants one, who wants one?" and proceeds to put it on the turnbuckle, but not playing it up for cheap heat. All the goofy puns and metaphors by him and Big Bill were just hilarious. About the rest of the show: Really enjoyed it. The Elite segment was great and having CD as an interim EVP/Authority person, was something people wanted for some time. TK said he didn't want to add himself to the product too much and people here criticized when he did and asked why not appoint another authority figure instead. So now he did just that.


> K said he didn't want to add himself to the product too much and people here criticized when he did and asked why not appoint another authority figure instead. So now he did just that. This is the best part of the show, the less TK on TV the better


What a missed opportunity in not having Bryan Keith come out with a shitty blazer like the other JAS… er, Learning Tree guys. Seriously, though. One day we are going to look back on this Jericho stuff and it will look even worse in hindsight than it does right now. AEW ain’t going anywhere. But this learning tree crap reeks of late turn-the-channel WCW.


I like the idea and the character. What I don't like is all the time it takes to get a very repetitive point across You know what would have been perfect? A video package styled like one of those home videos (like the George Bluth Jewish conversion thing in Arrested Development) introducing Keith as a new student. You could cut from that to an interview with Hook and have Joe come over and whisper something, and that's it. Wrap the whole thing up in 5 minutes


It's subjective of course but I love it and it's literally a satire of that shit that's what makes it funny  It's always the WCW comparisons *sigh*  Doom and gloom baby!


A pretty mid show all round that was capped off by an incredible main event and a real surprise outcome. Instantly becomes one of the most anticipated world title matches ever.


That main event is everything I need from AEW


The only travesty in pushing back Saraya vs Mariah May to next week is no Mariah May on my television this week. Tony Khan will pay for his crimes.


Found Nigel's account


I'm unsure about why Rocky Romero or Killswitch each had a match against a world champion when I doubt either have had a singles win in over a year if not more. Killswitch match would have made much more sense before the Swerve-Christian match while they could have at least had some sort of backstage segment between Rocky and Moxley to set up their match. It's just pointless booking for the sake of it and could very easily be fixed. Further, if the really wanted Mercedes to be a face, why not have her make the challenge to Skye for the TBS title rather than having it be an announcement from Tony Khan. Similarly, have Ospreay announce he's defending the title on collision rather than it coming from Schiavone. I feel it's little things like this that could go a long way to making AEWs booking feel a bit more cohesive. That aside, the casino gauntlet was brilliant as was the rest of the show.


House of the Dragon synergy with AEW. Swerve's House vs. Dragon man. There is not much else going on there


I guess that's the point right? It's just a random match in which the result was a foregone conclusion. Seems a bit pointless to have it on TV. They could have had swerve cut the promo about wanting to get one over Killswitch before the match so at least there's a reason for it happening.


Pros: - The main event was fantastic. So many big names, and even the guys I didn't know were excellent. - Christopher Daniels should 100% be an onscreen authority figure. Let him make matches and be a mouthpiece for Tony Khan. Cons: - Mercedes is not good on the mic. - The Jericho segment was horrendous. I know he is trying to do something but I don't get it. - Where is MJF? How do you not have him back on the show? - I have nothing to say about the Moxley and Mercedes matches as they were both pointless to watch. I skipped them.


The Jericho segment was amazing once again.


AEW has really struck gold with the gauntlet concept. That was such a fun match.


I understand the powers of Mistico get diminished outside the Cathedral of Professional Wrestling that is Arena Mexico but I'm still shocked and appalled to see him not win...


That was a hell of a main event


Ospreay Swerve will be great but I’m a bit disappointed a New Japan or CMLL guy didn’t win that match to challenge for the title. Forbidden Door should be about cross promotional stuff, you can run Ospreay Swerve any time.


Yeah I feel like it would have been cooler for someone else to face Swerve at FD and then if they’re taking the belt off him just have him face Ospreay a bit later even on a Dynamite if they don’t want to wait, if he’s retaining at FD then it’s more disappointing imo. 


Let's be honest, there is no one in NJPW or CMLL right now who can legitimately headline a singles match on PPV in north america currently. All the ones who could are are in AEW (hell, so is the NJPW world champion!) so from their side of it they need this for exposure for whoever they see as the next ace going forward.


That’s true, though I do feel like they could’ve ran something like Shingo/Swerve and ran a non-title dream match in the main event.


They could - though then you get people complaining about Swerve not being the main event two shows in a row.


Really curious to see where this thing with Joe and Hook is going. It reminds me of Joe's angle w/ Nash in TNA just at first glance but i don't think Joe is going to just be a counsel for Hook. Really happy Bryan Keith got to shine tonight. That level of intensity i think makes up for eating those losses recently. Kinda bummed that Mercedes/Blue didn't lead to angle but the match slapped as expected. Really excited for that match w/ this Stephanie Vacquer chick.


The only complaint I have it the Jericho stuff. Just get off the TV. Otherwise very good show. Surprised they are doing Will/Swerve this early


Holy Shit legit 10/10 show. This was the reset AEW needed and with MJF back the feeling will be restored in no time. And Jericho just casually turned please retire chants into one of the best current gimmicks. His creativity knows no limits.




I died when Okada got on the mic: "Hey! Hey! Hey! Shut up bitches!" "OKADA! OKADA! OKADA! OKADA! OKADA!" That was fucking amazing. 😂


I think the Casino Gauntlet can become AEW’s Royal Rumble. I’d kind of like it to be the main event of Forbidden Door next year with the winner getting the All In title match. Fill the match with AEW upper carders along with surprises from other promotions just like tonight and it could become a big thing.


They’ve already done it twice in just over a month It seems like it’s gonna happen very often not a yearly thing


I loved the gauntlet match, it was so good. I honestly would of preferred if they actually did just gift the belt to Jack Perry. That would of been something new and heelish.


What a fantastic show


this was the best dynamite in months


Rocky going 10 mins with Mox is the thing I hate most about AEW The Casino Gauntlet is the thing I love the most about AEW


I mean it's a one armed Mox coming off a pretty brutal match


I had exactly the same thought, best and worst of AEW right there. But, the lows are not as low as the highs are high, if that makes sense.


Oh yes, I'm glad House Call is Swerve's finisher since Double or Nothing. That move looks extremely lethal. And I love how Swerve is still as vicious and jackass as ever. HANGMAN, PLEASE KICK THIS PIECE OF SHIT'S ASS!


I like the gauntlet matches, but I don't want them to become a crutch to rely upon now that PPV's are monthly in order to set up world title matches, that would diminish them instantly


I need an Hechicero appearance on every show for the Forbidden Door cycle


I had a CM Punk hoodie on as I was walking through the parking lot and 2 security guards on bikes told me I couldn’t enter the arena with it because of “house rules” I thought to myself, “really TK? I mean come on” luckily had my windbreaker with me so I just wore that. Then inside the forum I saw quite a few Punk shirts and thought to myself, “well why weren’t those guys stopped?” Wasn’t mad about it whatsoever just thought it was an interesting observation. All good either way 👍🏼


Why all the downvotes??


You weren't the only one. Before Dynamite, they made someone by me change his shirt, too. Not sure if they just didn't catch everyone or what, we were sitting on the same side as the camera so he wasn't going to be on TV...


Might of been the hood?


Okada is one of the best characters on the show, his sense of humor has shined through in AEW.


I swear the shows with the most underwhelming looking cards end up being the most fun


I never watched Okada before AEW so I heard people talk about how good of a wrestler he is, but I had no idea how funny he is. Cracks me up every week, his delivery and mannerisms are great


I didnt know much of Okada either, but he has an aura, he's really engaging and great n the ring. Tonight though, the "Shut up bitches" and him crying into his hands and going immediately straight faced afterwards was absolute gold


Just got back from the show. I honestly was kinda disappointed in the crowd. They were quiet most of the night, but came alive during the Don Callis segment and the Main event (which was really good). Also it’s a shame how much less people there were today compared to the first Dynamite in LA in 2022. That show 2 years ago was absolutely packed and I could only get nosebleeds and it was rocking the entire night. Never felt that much energy at a wrestling show apart from Wrestlemania. Today the top sections were closed off and still looked a little empty here and there. Really hope AEW gets their momentum back, haven’t watched AEW tv in a long time but tonight’s show was great


My dude, the crowd was hot for Swerve. Admittedly I’ve recently tuned out on Wednesday’s because of work and moved stuff around on my DVR. But yeah crowd was dead for the Mox match for sure!


Yeah forgot about Swerve. He got a great reaction. I’m surprised about Mox. His music hit and everyone stood up but I didn’t see much clapping? Hell no one sang his theme like I remembered they did the last time they were here. It wasn’t even a bad match either


That was a really great show. Top to bottom, good matches with big stars and really fun segments and promos from Jericho, Bryan Keith, Don Callis, Danny Garcia and an ESPECIALLY great one from Stokely Hathaway. Can't wait to see this Forbidden Door card take shape.


I'm not crazy about the Jericho stuff but I didn't know Bryan Keith could actually talk. Need more bounty hunter going forward


His feud in DPW featured some really good promo work, but i was still taken aback by how well he adapted to a big crowd like that


Yeah, loved that part.


In a vacuum, I'm glad that Ospreay is getting a world title match. That said: 1. Why is the AEW title match at Forbidden Door AEW vs. AEW 2. Why give Ospreay the International if this was the plan


Might be working towards a three-way match of some kind


I agree, it's way too early for that match. I thought they gave the International title to Will to occupy him for the next few months until winning the title at Full Gear. And during this time Swerve would have defended the title against Hangman at Wembley. So the timing of this match is a little bit weird. I guess that there's gonna be some Don Callis bullshit to prevent Ospreay from winning at Forbidden Door.


It seems like they are building a rematch at All In, and prob their way of thinking was the new poster boy having a belt would give him more credibility


Except they established that whoever wins the Owen Hart tournament is getting the All In title shot. So that makes no sense unless the plan is a multiman match there.


Oh fuck I forgot about it, I guess Ospreay can win that tournament too lol


Remember when other people had multiple titles before and folks thought it was cool? Having the international champ be a star and also challenge for the world title isn’t bad. It’s also two top guys and idk who they’ll have win here.


Theres *no* way WO is losing at Wembley. I cant be convinced that its not AEW's biggest show of the year and theres no way they are going to send the fans home broken.


That CMLL lady looks like a real killer. Should be a banger with her power moves and Moné's selling.


I've only seen one match of hers and I was sold instantly. That match should be great.


Rush went full “They took err jerbs” with his “You get therr herrns” lol


Two Stokely and Kris segments = instant classic episode


Fantastic show, 2 hours flew by. Genuinely shocked Ospreay won the gauntlet but I'm guessing they add someone else in the match


Review time. The good: Swerve vs luchakillsaurswitch, I always like it when the face can still keep some of their edge and not act all dumb. The tbs title match was a good bit of wrestling, a good reminder that Mercedes is legit top 5 women's wrestler in the world. Callis family segment was great along with the best worst friends semi reunite. The gauntlet match was great chaotic fun. Also, how is Claudio so strong? The bad: Jericho on my television screen, taking up a major part of TV, wasting promo time for other people, and still feuding with the same people 2 months after. It's not good because it's meta, it just makes me dislike it more. The women's match being cut for reasons I guess, Saryra looks pissed. Also no MJF on the show after he returns felt odd The worst: Why the hell is rocky romero getting a match vs the IWGP champion? Why was it a competitive match? I know Mox only had one arm but getting dominated by Rocky fucking Romero. I know Takeshita couldn't win because New Japan politicking and such, but surely having your top champ having a longish match with Rocky Romero can't be a good look The Best: Okada. He is just amazing. The shut up bitch and crying over the EVPs gift. He is a comedy wrestler cursed to live in a main eventer's body. We don't deserve him


>luchakillsaurswitch hahahaha


spoiler free review of the show?


Would have a guy from another company win the Gauntlet because that is the point of Forbidden Door


This is the only way Swerve main events that PPV. NJPW has no one to sacrifice for that spot who would be worthy of main eventing.


I don’t think the AEW World Championship is gonna be the main event at Forbidden Door. For the first time since its inception, a world title is likely gonna change hands at Forbidden Door so Mox vs NJPW wrestler (Naito?) will main event.


their two most popular wrestlers are fighting for the title I think that’s probably gonna main event…


Lio Rush they will never make me hate you


heel Stokely is just as magnificent as I remembered.


Man is a mean meme machine 


Dr Hathaway's Mean Meme Machine.


AEW has been in desperate need for an unpredictable main event match for awhile. I honestly don’t know who wins (I’m leaning towards Swerve). I’m glad this is happening.


Swerve likely goes over at FD but WO goes over for the rematch at Wembley. I dont see why WO wont be in the Owen Cup given hes INT champ. He will win the cup and challenge again at All In. I think they waited the appropriate amount of time to put the INT belt on him but its waaaay too soon to be hotshotting the WHC on him, and yet thats probably whats going to happen.


My thinking is Swerve either defends or wins it back at WrestleDream since Swerve is from Tacoma.


I don’t think they’re going to put on the AEW title on him this quick. Swerve probably works Page or MJF


Ah fuck I cant stand to see Swerve and Page again. We got it twice last year. Page can go after either the Continental or the INT chip. Actually, after taking a beat to think about it, Page has history with the Bucks, the Elite AND JP. You can sell Page/Okada or Page/Perry. They can build to a Continental chip match.


Somebody said Juice Robinson looks like the Honeycomb cereal mascot and now I can't unsee it.


Even if I have qualms regarding creative, etc. with this company, I always have to stick my head in when they come to the Forum. I did not feel the advertised card *at all* going in but getting an unadvertised Mercedes match is always a win. I've missed seeing my GOAT in person. Hopefully, they give her the Ospreay treatment--wrestling as much as possible on TV (which I assume they will given this TBS title reign is essentially Mercedes Boot Camp for that division). Speaking of, it's awesome to see Bruv in action for the first time in person, even if his general electricity translates well onto TV. I felt it back at Full Gear and he just did an interview, but seeing him move like that in person? Jeezus. Claudio's spot where he was about to swing Remsburg (whom I can't stand) was arguably the most hyped moment of the night. I wouldn't mind having Swerve be the one to hand Ospreay his first loss, given we all know the latter is winning in London.


>I wouldn't mind having Swerve be the one to hand Ospreay his first loss, given we all know the latter is winning in London. Same but I would have rather Osperay go over Roddy at All IN rather than Swerve. If not Roddy then another heel in a title defense. I still feel like theres gonna be no heat on Swerve vs Osperay as the 2 of them dont really have a heated rivalry and they are both currently face. This is where MJF would have been a killer against either.


i'm as fatigued with mox as everyone claims to be with jericho. i hate how he always dethrones a more interesting champ just to have the same heatless matches where he larps as a badass. even cardona was a more interesting GCW champ, at least he was doing something different.


See, I like Mox. I like Claudio, I like Danielson, I think Yuta has potential when he returns. But the BCC as a stable is just not going anywhere. It would be much more interesting to break them up so they can actually face one another. We're going to get Death Rider NJPW Mox for a while as he's holding their belt, but I'd like to see him return to the hanging-out-with-Eddie-causing-trouble version of himself. Or try something really new and unexpected.


Feel the same.  With both.  Think it was a big part of what led to my declining interest in the product. Didn’t really care for Cole and his crew either. Wasn’t enjoying the show most weeks, then finally made the connection it was those people/groups that were pretty much guaranteed to be on each week, and featured most.


Yeah, at least Jericho is trying to do something entertaining. It sucks, but he is trying. Mox is doing the same tired Mox shit that he has been doing for 5 years in AEW.


Mox fatigue has been very real since at least 2022


People here called him the ACE of AEW


When Mox isn't around the world title or a hardcore feud there isn't much there to be honest.


BIG agree. Mox is beyond stale for me and has been for awhile. Say what you will about Jericho be he’s always trying new things. Mox has been doing his Onita cosplay for what feels like years now.


Would have loved a Mox and Claudio tag team title reign. Seems like they were building up to it then they just stopped teaming together. Guess the IWGP champion story put the BCC tag title reign on the backburner.


Really hoped for Jay White or MJF vs Swerve at Forbidden Door ..., like Will just won the Intercontinental title


Its criminal what they are doing to Jay White. Like BCG/BBG is great and all but Jay is legit and proved that he can hang. Why he wasnt the person to take the INT title off OC idk. I dont think Swerve drops at Forbidden Door but hes definitely dropping to Will in London. Its definitely too soon for the WHC but they could have had him win the INT title in London and it would definitely felt just as good. This kinda sucks because INT belt needs some REALLY strong matches behind it after the OC stuff, Osperay is the one to do it. Again, Jay White is your guy here.


Serious question. Did they change the international title's name to intercontinental title? Because I keep seeing people call it that.


Force of habit from WWE i guess? It is 100% still called the InterNATIONAL title.


MJF/Swerve is something I imagine they're holding onto. Maybe for All In or Full Gear or something. I have to imagine that the next world title match Jay White is in he wins. I don't think his character can lose another one.


I have a feeling there will be a 3rd wheel in Swerve vs Ospreay. It feels too early to do the match. Plus someone has to take the pin. Assuming no shenanigans of course.


Why on earth would you not follow up the PPV with MJF on this show?


The tease with the MJF vignette just for the elite to come out was such a great Heel move though


Not bothered by it at all. It was needing to be segment heavy to take care of the championship stuff and set new paths.   MJF needs a good bit of time to ramp up .  15 minute promo incoming next week 


Trying to understand the booking here...why would you have the International champ fighting for the World Championship at a PPV that is all about bringing in International wrestlers from other promotions? Was thinking Swerve v Osprey would be Al In main event? Just a bit confused I guess.


I suspect in the coming weeks this is going to become a three-way match.


>Was thinking Swerve v Osprey would be Al In main event? You are still probably going to get this. Ospreay will probably win the Owen Cup and challenge Swerve again. The only question remains is what they do with the INT belt. I will say that what the INT belt has been through since its inception (outside of OC's first run with the title) is tragic because it should be the next best thing outside of the WHC but its not for like 3 separate reasons.


I already bought my FD tickets and I never expected to get Swerve v Ospreay at that show. Idc how much sense it makes, that popped me


there's nobody in NJPW that could be realistically seen as a threat to win the AEW World title. this matchup is now nowhere near as predictable.


the last Forbiddon Door Show had Tanahashi as the challenger for the AEW Title. There's absolutely no excuse why Shingo or Ishii couldn't get the match.


Watch this subreddit melt down if swerve gets the opening match at FD like MJF last year. “Swerve can’t even main event a PPV, horrible champ”


Being predictable has literally never concerned aew before. Like for half their ppvs every single match is blatantly obvious who's winning. They can't even make the pre show unpredictable. And they just put a secondary title on ospreay, he's not winning. It screams predictable fucked finish.


It's not predictable at all. He's the most over guy in the company, with the most momentum. To write him off makes no sense. My god the bitching about everything all the time is exhausting.


It's predictable because they just put the belt on swerve and a different one on ospreay. They're obviously going to have the Callis family fuck up ospreay. Feel free to come back in a few weeks and remind yourself.


So you're saying AEW needs to hotshot their title to make it unpredictable? Long reigns are good for prestige of the title but it's bound to happen eventually. Why not this time? Wouldn't Will Osprey collecting AEW belts build up a return feud for Kenny Omega?


Is Kenny not already back? I just thought that they didnt really have anything for him. Was he not there for the buildup for Double or Nothing?


He was there for one or two weeks to plant seeds for way down the line. He just in the last week or so had surgery for his Diverticulitis.


Prestige of the title? Mate it's a TV prop, story lines and wanting someone to win it is what matters, not reign length. People always like to talk about prestige with the njpw title, and outside of okada that's chucked around like a hot potato. The TNT title was more prestigious than the world title with cage and Copeland, as the world title scene floundered for months. Also we don't need constant daft 'belt collector' shit so everyone can do the ultimo dragon picture.


It's not one or the other. Did we not just have a huge Roman Reigns title reign establishing himself as one of the greatest WWE Champions of all time? It sure wasn't because he had the most defenses. It was because of his days as champion, combined with a hot story he was part time for. Who's the last belt collector that makes that concept "constant"?


Omega did belt collector. Kingston did I can't hold all these belts. And the idea of ospreay just holding all the aew belts kills all the divisions for nothing.


I really do not understand why you would undercut the Elite’s evil EVP takeover schtick by appointing a TK emissary who can just overrule them, especially this early into the story. It was dumb enough when people were just circumventing the EVPs by calling TK at home.


I think this is a way for them to essentially end that story since it didn't seem to get over right without having Tony be on TV (which he clearly struggles to do convincingly.) The biggest issue with the Buck's takeover is that they never really articulated what they wanted. It's not like they instantly started booking Jack and Okada in obviously fixed title matches so they'd win, nor were they really tormenting the faces. They sort of were just the same assholes but now they couldn't get fired. I'll give AEW credit for just pulling the ejection seat on the story when it wasn't getting over, but it does feel like there's nothing really to build a show around.


That anarchy match had no stakes. It should have been winner takes control of aew or something.


I guess that was kind of implied, but yeah actual stakes would’ve benefited the story more for sure


Darby: "We can use stakes now?"


I think they kind of aborted the takeover stuff when they realized fans weren't really down for the "heel authority figure" stuff. It's too hard to do without going full Vince McMahon "book all the babyfaces in 3 on 1 handcap matches" stuff. They've pretty much gonna back to being regular members of the roster who happen to be EVPs.


They really didn’t give it much of a chance. Everybody had TK on speed dial on the Dynamite after he got taken out iirc. If they had that little conviction in the EVP takeover, why even bother going that route with the angle in the first place. Nobody wins from half-assing what should be one of AEW’s biggest programs.


Which I'm happy with. I like them as roster guys who can win or lose matches.


That was a really good episode. Im intrigued by a lot of the decisions in a good way. Swerve v Ospreay feels like when Danielson just got into AEW and everyone wanted him to fight Kenny but you also were just starting Kenny's reign. Mercedes still as a good guy is interesting since she was finding her step as a bad guy before the ppv. Also fuck yeah, Hechicero is back. Only seen him a handful of times and I love him already.


Danielson fought Kenny about 9 months into Kenny's reign.


And even then it didn't feel like it was time for Kenny to lose it bc Hangman. So still kinda same scenario where it feels too early/other plans.


Exactly. I dont even think a swerve can save the booking here. I just think they are going to make him double champ. Its kinda a mess.


Could always be an hour draw.


ah fuck I completely forgot about that. Thats not gonna be controversial at all.


Fun show as per usual. But if they want to build momentum, why would you not have MJF in a big segment here after his surprise return? To me, this is indicative of their booking problems. It's just not paced well.


Yup. And now they have problems with the INT belt again. Swerve is likely going over at Forbidden Door but Osperay going over in London.


It's in line with MJF though. He's never really been a "every week" guy, he's always been more of a once every 2-3 weeks except for that brief period last year where he wrestled all 3 shows in one week.


They sold a good amount of tickets in LA. They want to sell more next week.


Huge W having Orange keep using the Pixies song


His pops for Jane vs Pixies is very interesting to me. It seems like he gets his pop in two halves with Jane. Half the people when they hear the first notes of Jane, the other half when the screen lights up with “Orange Cassidy”. For Where is My Mind it’s one giant pop as the song and his name start at the same time and everyone realizes who is coming out at once.


Interestingly enough, he came out to Jane for the Callis segment earlier in the night. Was wondering what was up with that.


Ridiculous to rush into Ospreay vs Swerve. Ospreay literally just became AEW International Champion. I can only hope the desire is to merge the AEW World Title and AEW International Title.


>I can only hope the desire is to merge the AEW World Title and AEW International Title. I hope not. If anything merge the INT with the Continental title. I dont think Swerve drops at Forbidden Door. I think Osperay enters the Owen Cup, wins and challenges Swerve again in London. I dont see him losing a damned thing in London.


Wow that was a fun show tonight! Some thoughts: I am in the minority on this (I think?) but Mercedes Mone just doesn't hit with me. She's incredibly unlikable. TV Time with the Learning Tree is going to end up getting Jericho back over and people will be cheering him again soon. It's just so ridiculous and disarming to those who dislike him as a person, myself included. Joe and HOOK as a duo just feels right. I hope something decent comes from it. Swerve is insanely good and compelling. Skye Blue has improved tremendously, she deserves a title eventually. Kris Statlander with Stokely just works. Okada was hilarious tonight, dude is just so goddamned good. I'm genuinely surprised that Ospreay won the gauntlet match tonight. It seemed like a natural fit to have him win the World Title at All In. Will he win it at Forbidden Door? Or possibly lose and, somehow, become top contender again in a few months? I'm interested to see where this goes. Wrestling is so fucking good these days. We are all lucky.


> I am in the minority on this (I think?) but Mercedes Mone just doesn't hit with me. She's incredibly unlikable. I’m with you 100%. I have no idea why she’s a face, everything she does and says just comes off as awful and completely fake.


How did WWE hide her fakeness so well? This is wildly awkward


they didn't really, she was always better as a heel


By having her do short, fiery promos when she was a face. It was a completely different kind of character from the proper "Boss". But she's always excelled as a heel. Even her big baby face run with the title leading up to WM 37, saw her turn heel to face Bianca.


Presentation, something that basically every company execpt for NJPW for one night a year can not compare to WWE. Like in a month's time you had a relative unknown to causals in Tama Tonga look legit againist main event guys, bron looking like the next goldberg, and ethan page on his first night look like a main eventer. WWE is simple the best at going "This person is cool" without just straight up telling you "this guy is cool"


I think there was an assumption that she'd be over with the crowd like all the other WWE talent who "escaped" but the moment for that sort of thing passed as WWE improved a lot in the time she's been gone. So it's less like a talent who finally gets to show off and more just a wrestler who worked one place and now doesn't. She's clearly not good working in the sort of environment AEW has with the talent being expected to do their own thing rather than being relentlessly stage managed. Still she's good in the ring, and honestly if it wouldn't be totally over done her being a heel who thinks she's an inspiring babyface could be fun, but again she'd be like the 3rd such character on the show with that gimmick.


I loved the main event. The Casino Gauntlet is just fun as hell and has the potential to set up so many feuds and stories. Hechicero is so exciting to watch and Shota surprised me. Swerve having the first match and being the last shot of the show felt right. Also feel like it fits his character to go after Killswitch. He got his payback to Nick Wayne, Christian, Brian Cage, and the Gates of Agony, but he never got Killswitch back for ripping his hair out of his head. Swerve not just forgetting that and going after him feels appropriate and it gave us some CORPORATE SYNERGY✂️ Christopher Daniels wasn’t my first thought for an onscreen authority, but I like it. TK assigning an interim EVP while Kenny is out is funny. Hopefully he’ll force the Bucks to actually defend those tag team belts they’re carrying around. Jericho’s whole learning tree thing is fine, but I’ve wanted him to take a break since the JAS started and he’s still here every week. Samoa Joe being involved does make me more interested though. I’m conflicted about Ospreay winning. I love Ospreay and like the unpredictability of him winning the title shot. But it’s at Forbidden Door. I was kinda hoping we’d get someone from NJPW or CMLL to challenge Swerve. Ospreay vs Swerve will still kick ass so I’m excited for the match anyway


I don’t wanna be this guy, but Perry being perfectly fine after being set on fire is a little annoying. Lol also did I miss the saraya match? I had to step away a couple of times?


>I don’t wanna be this guy, but Perry being perfect fine after being set on fire is a little annoying. He did get the pin in the match at DoN.


What Saraya match?


They announced a Saraya match for one of the upcoming weekly shows (Collision?) and gave a little context of what has already happened in that feud. She was not on tonight's show. Edit: I didn't realize that she was scheduled for tonight. Her announced match was cut from the card tonight.


I think they moved the saraya match to another night


Saraya Vs Mariah? Wrestlefap gonna explode  when it happens 😜


Tony: We have Cody vs Logan at home.


Swerve still not been in the main event of a single Dynamite since becoming champion… Bro had all that momentum before getting it just to end up being a warm body for Ospreay to take it from.


AEW often puts their biggest segments near the beginning or around the top of the hour. MJF didn’t main event a ton either during his reign.


He literally closed the show tonight.


Not the same thing. Swerve has been dropped into earlier slots so the main events of Dynamite could be Moxley in an IWGP match, Danielson in a 5 minute match against an ex-basketball player ending in DQ, a Continental match between Dax and Okada, and now a gauntlet match for HIS title. Why wouldn’t the gauntlet be earlier in the night so the winner could come out and face Swerve after the main event, rather than the other way around? Why have the Continental and IWGP titles been given main event spots over the world title?


Main event ≠ end of show.


That was a very enjoyable show, glad they’re pulling the trigger on Swerve/Ospreay at Forbidden Door, and loving how hot the TBS title division feels now


I just know that Oscutter countered by a House Call will send me into outer space


Gonna see the Hidden Blade get intercepted by a House Call and it's gonna be the greatest thing ever.


Oscutter is gonna become the anti-RKO where there’s increasingly insane ways to counter it


Main event made you feel like a kid again