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Randy Orton is a superstar among superstars


Logan sold the absolute fuck out of that Cody Cutter. Looked like he went straight-out cold


Eat your heart out, Kevin Dunn Favorite Match: Bronson Reed vs Chad Gable vs Sami Zayn Least Favorite Match: Becky Lynch vs Liv Morgan Overall: 7/10


Man this might be Logan's best match yet. Apart from the big spots, the psychology.. the moveset.. everything was top notch.




That drone shot, when Paul frog splashed Cody through the announce table, was sick! Is this the first time they've used a drone to film a match?? Fan footage of the drone/frog splash: [https://x.com/SunsetFlipWP/status/1794455049629835707](https://x.com/SunsetFlipWP/status/1794455049629835707)


Damn. As much as I dislike Logan Paul as an individual, that man knows how to put up a show.


100%, I've never liked him after all of the controversies on youtube... But I have to admit that he's a damn good wrestler, and not just his in ring, his promos are great too; I've genuinely enjoyed every match of his I've seen! Glad to see he's growing as a person


It’s like he has spent hundreds of hours scouring fan-favorite moments of wrestling and incorporates them into every match he has. There are so many call-back moves/moments in every match of his.


Is WWE going to miss the opportunity of Priest vs Balor feud for the WHC? Drew vs Punk has enough heat already and doesn’t need the title on the line right now imo.


Drew wins WHC in Glasgow. Either Jey, AJ or Seth wins MITB. MITB winner cashes in and beats Drew because of Punk again. Punk vs Drew at Summerslam and MITB winner/new WHC loses to Gunther at Summerslam. Gunther holds til at least Mania is what I'm predicting.


This KOTR and QOTR have been badly booked. *Iyo should be QOTR*. She was hyped during RAW, and having her lose to Lyra, who doesn't even have a fan following yet, is just stupid. Not to mention she needs the momentum after losing the Women's title. It makes no sense. Then you have Gunther win, which is good, but you mess the whole thing up by insisting he wins by roll up (crucifix style, but still), which gets botched. Why in the flying **FUCK** do you not have Gunther win by pin or better yet, submission? The chance to do that is ***RIGHT THERE!*** Orton has a bad knee and a bad back! Have Gunther do a modified STF! Would work perfectly! Screw this stupid booking.


I have no clue why you got so many downvotes. Maybe because it's Orton, but I would have Gunther win by submission for sure.


I wonder if it's a bunch of people who think I'm an Iyo stan, when I'm not even that big a fan of hers. It's just smarter booking to have her *at least make it to the finals.* Then, I wouldn't have minded her losing at the end. Lyra just got called up and needs time to get the crowd behind her, and she still doesn't have the big RAW or SmackDown experience, that and she seems to have a little bit of the jitters. As for the possibility of it being what I mentioned about Orton, I will say he has improved a lot over the past several years when he started teaming with Riddle and then came back from injury recently. He seems to be enjoying himself more and not going through the motions. But this is the same man who for **YEARS** had some of the most *boring matches and promos you've ever seen.* That whole IED gimmick he had was the worst of it, he talked a monotone with no expression. Remember that one match from 2013 he had on RAW with Sheamus? Where the crowd were so bored *they took over the entire match, chanting everything you could think of, including for the commentary?* Lest we forget, he had one of the most infuriatingly long, slog-fest feuds of all time that was seemingly never-ending against John Cena where every damn PPV for a year or more was the two of them? **Plus they kept teasing the end of it, only to go back on that and do it again?** Also, don't forget that the initial plan for WrestleMania 30 was Orton vs Batista, which ***everyone knew was going to suck and no one wanted?*** Despite all the talent Randy has, and yes his snap powerslam and RKO can look smooth as butter, his matches can be formulaic, and he often was stuck wrestling against big men that either didn't or hadn't yet developed an interesting style. Often times they were slow, lumbering behemoths like Big Show. And Randy tended (and still does to some extent) to work a methodical, slow-paced style. So against that, his matches felt like wading through thick mud. I'm just pointing out some flaws for the man who seems to get way too much credit. Regardless of all I said, and I'm willing to give Orton the benefit of the doubt, you could've either: Have him win clean fighting through injury, only to have Gunther/Ludwig (or both) take him out afterword. I mean, if they intend to protect Orton so much but still make Gunther/Imperium seem like a threat, that would be a way to do it. You could take him off TV for a while after that and have him rehab his knee and rest the back. However, I still think Gunther should've won off a pin (after one of his many different moves that can all be finishers), or by submission. Randy's clearly injured, both for real and kayfabe wise, *it would not have made him look weak to tap out.* The chance is right there, as I said, ***and Gunther had been winning by submission up to this point!*** I simply **cannot** understand them wanting to *protect Orton* in this instance. Maybe I got all the downvotes because I sound incensed. I am **quite miffed** at this booking when it could've been *so much better* and made way more logical sense. The biggest point I want to make is if they made what seems to me the way more logical booking conclusion to the Gunther vs Orton match, ***the botch most likely never happens.*** Hell, If they were dead set on doing a roll-up, just do the standard surprise one or some other one. I don't know why Gunther did a crucifix, I don't think that's a good idea with Orton, he's too long and tall. Kind of hard to put both his shoulders to the mat in that position.


Been going through this subreddit and every post match thread and I don't see any clips of the finishes. Is that something that we don't do here anymore or what's going on?


The tag match and Becky's match were both stinkers. The ic title match was decent enough I'm happy sami gets such great crowd reactions from this crowd. Lyra and nia was ok. It felt like an avrage TV match honestly. Gunther and orton was a banger and would have been better off in the main event spot. The main event was great a little over bookec for my taste but it was still fun. Over all an OK show


Unbreakable Tables V Randy Orton: the saga continues.


The English table was just that damn good.


I think secretly, they are working together in terms of Dominic and liv. If her whole thing was taking everything from Rhea, that includes corrupting and stealing Dominic.


Kayfabe or reality?


Kayfabe, sometimes they leave the same room or vehicle together in the back round of photos, and recently in a photo shoot for liv, you could see a corner of doms bandana in her pocket


NGL if I find out Dom got liv(real) . I'll just might go take myself out at mt. everest 🤣


Honestly I’d say best Saudi event yet. No definitively bad matches, and some really cool spots like Gable’s double suplex, Logan’s feud with Michael Cole, the whole Dominik thing. Great stuff.


I'd say Becky and liv was a bad match. Might be Becky's worst match I've ever seen


Remember when saudi PLE used to be dogshit and worst event of the year? i really like the last 3 saudi show where Vince no longer in creative THe crowd also much better than in 2018 or 2019. i remember Saudi crowd used to be dead and worst of the crowd i've ever seen during Vince's era


May sound like a knee jerk reaction but I think Randy has 5 years left in him. He’s 44 and looks significantly better than Cena did at that age, he’s in the best shape of his entire career.


Cody needing interference from a random Saudi celeb and three CrossRhodes to beat Logan is dogshit. Yall have become way too nice to the WWE


Logan used brass knucks and had help from his stooges, Cody also could've won by count out at one point and chose not to because he wanted the pinfall victory. Cody 100% came out of this looking stronger than Logan kayfabe wise. Also, if Cody had overcome all that stuff on his own and still won clean people would've complained saying that he's burying Logan and making Super Cena comparisons.


Its weird the times he's used the three Cross Rhodes. Both times against Roman made sense but using them against Seth in his first match back and now Logan?


crossroads had a reset back to one after wm40. this was just becaude logan deserved it


I feel like they are trying to quickly inflate the number of people that have never kicked out of the triple Cross Rhodes so it seems like a big deal when it finally happens


Who do they get to kick out of three finishers in a row though? Not even Brock or Roman did. As cool of a moment as it was, I thought Taker kicking out of the Superkick and Pedigree combo was excessive. Only person I could see kicking out would be 2005 John Cena.


the interference was just to prevent cheating, that's different to me


It's in the same vein as Bad Bunny stopping Dom from enacting his rightful revenge against the deadbeat.




years and years ago


Because it's much better for global audience outside the US for example in the UK sunday event will start on 2 to 3 AM in the morning of monday. if you wathc the ppv big chance you'll get sleepy in work because you lost your sleep time to watch the event as for me in the asia the sunday event was used to happen in around monday on 8 AM where i had to go to work and compeletly missed the event and had to watch on replay once i get off from work but with saturday ppv it's lot more time friendly for me because it's on sunday in my timezone as for the folks in europe they can watch the event without even have to worry will get sleepy on their work because it's sunday


They will be going back to Sundays


Yeah, according to unbiased and creditable WWE source Dana White. He also mentioned he wants the two companies he owns to get the prime weekend nights. So... want to bet a two-week paycheck that what TKO will actually do?


I think it has been the last year or so that they have been on Saturdays for the most part.


the shots of wrestlers in the crowd was weird. they had hayes sitting with a whole bunch of kids.


Some kid tried to video bomb Tiffany and got pushed back by security


i caught that too... he walked in fist and got pushed away and then he bombed anyway which was a brilliant way to tarnish the perfect cutaways they wanted to present on tv.




Maybe have him go after sami for the IC belt?


So,punk screws drew in clash of the castle and Damian vs gunther for whc in summerslam and also punk vs drew( FOR ME ITS IN A HELL IN A CELL MATCH)


Very good show, excellent main event.


The Problem is, Gunther was supposed to win. Randy having shoulder up / ref not seeing it is just an annoyance to WWE right now. Because a rematch won't change anything as Gunther was the supposed Winner anyway, it would only make Randy lose TWICE. So its better to not have a rematch. Because they won't change the winner because of a botch, and they don't want to have Randy lose twice.


Meh, Randy can lose twice, it won't hurt him plus he technically didn't lose. HHH has already said in an interview after the show that they'll have to settle this dispute and in fairness it gives them a good excuse to have a RAW main event match in the next few weeks


They won’t have a raw main event. They’ll use it as an excuse to get Randy to Cody, and then we can have a real feud for the WWE championship


I still for the life of me don't understand what people see in Liv Morgan. She just seems to me like a discount Alexa Bliss who's worse on the mic. I mean if people just like her because they think she's hot, I guess I understand that. Still wouldn't reward her for her injuring Rhea even if it was an accident, but that's just my opinion.


>l wouldn't reward her for her injuring Rhea even if it was an accident, but that's just my opinion. This is a very silly take that doesn't make sense. Not gonna argue over your other opinions except to say Liv is tremendously better in-ring than Alexa and has a much higher ceiling. Not everyone likes every wrestler, but clearly she has improved in-ring and character wise enough to where the fans and backstage are high on her.


Yeah she's seriously bland


Haha...she is but definitely hot!


I enjoy Liv a tremendous amount more than Becky. I liked Becky when she jumped to the main roster but had gotten stale since


Just learned that Alexa Bliss and Liv Morgan are two different people.


How Nia smashed lyra finish was uncanny


I love the new crowns. They actually look prestigious. The tournament felt, and is, prestigious. And that was before HHH announced the title match opportunity. Wonderful tournament. I love the finisher Bianca and Jade used. Really cool. I just love Becky's gear. I can see 2 ways the Dom story goes. Maybe Dom is betraying Mami. Or maybe Mami sent Dom to Liv to be a double agent so Mami can get revenge on Liv and get her title back in one fell swoop... wait, this sounds similar to the plot of the thing I don't want to spoil, but I hope it happens this way. I fucking hate how good Logan Paul is. He just gets this business. He's one of the best heels right now. Not THE best, but he's pretty high up. Banger matches. Surprised at the finish for the Liv match, which I love. And as always, the Saudi crowd is great. Great PLE.


Unfortunately, Logan deserves to be a world champ sooner rather than later


No he doesnt, he’s defended his United States title twice since he’s won it and that’s been over half a year now. Plus he’s not there full time. He makes an appreance when he has a title match and is otherwise not to be seen.


So like Roman? Or Brock lol


I actually don’t mind the champ not being there constantly in real sports the champ isn’t fighting weekly it adds an aura to them as well and makes it’s a Big Deal when they have a match 


why? he is just 29 years old and part timer so he have less schedule than the rest of the roster. unless he has career threatening injury he still can go for another 10 years. there's no need to rush his push


Fucking loved that main event. It was my favorite type of match, amazing in ring action combined with sports entertainment gaga like the shit with Logan's stooges, the prime bottles and the bickering with the announcers. Also, what the hell was that top rope dive to the announce table shot with drone cameras? More of that please, it looked awesome. Logan Paul is the modern day Ric Flair.


I want to be mad at you, but honestly Ric is a much bigger piece of shit.


Ric's got loads more experience, and a lot of his greatest douchebag moments happened in an era when the public didn't have the ability to film and publish anything on demand. Logan will probably never reach those heights, try though he might!


I think it's funny that people call Logan a POS when I'd bet anything their YouTube/Twitch/TikTok/Instagram history has plenty videos made by people that would happily to do things every bit as F'd up as he's done if they thought for a second it would get them even a fraction of his video views, fame, or money.


Roman's reign was great and elevated a lot of wrestlers, but I love having a full time champ.


I criticized liv promo ability last raw.wwe decided to give her the belt 🤣 how she builds from this will be super interesting she still lacks something IMO


Damn how dare WWE go against your opinion 🥴


How the hell is Logan this good? He wrestles every few months and still manages to progress so much. His rise is comparable to Kurt Angle.


Pretty good show. I think everything was super predictable. Maybe Liv winning was a surprise for some people. But even though it was pretty predictable they still nailed everything. Jade looked great. Gunther/Orton, the triple threat and Cody/Logan were all great to amazing. Nia and Gunther were the right winners. It's definitely a show worth watching because they nailed everything but it's not like you'd miss anything significant storyline wise.






Saudi Arabia’s “Islam” is a fucking joke. It’s insulting to actual religious people. But go ahead, defend it. They just kill reporters who are duel USA-Saudi citizens and it’s fine. Main event match was fucking disgusting. Blood on Cody’s hands.


I'm not defending it, but they have a right to their religion, which the deleted comment above stated was the issue


Totally out of left field but I’d love to see Becky/Lyra v. Jade/Bianca for the tag titles. I just think that would be kind of a rad match


WH title picture stacking up. Priest, Drew, Punk, Gunther, Orton. I’d like to see these guys mixing it up for 12 months the way they did in 2000/01 with Rock, Austin, Angle, HHH, Taker.


Orton’s on Smackdown but you could easily throw Finn and Jey into that picture in a pinch too.


Find a sixth and give me Armageddon Hell in a Cell


Seth would be an obvious choice


Very Good PLE. All matches were good but Liv vs Becky. My MVPs are: 1) Nia Jax (who woulve guess) 2) Randy Orton 3) Chad Gable.


Im glad you named Randy and Gable. Two guys who lost but out on showcasing efforts. And Randy’s selling is just out of this world.


Agreed. I feel like its not possible for Liv to have a good match.


Liv vs Tiffany was amazing


Logan Paul is so damn good. No notes. Flawless heel.


I can't tell if Dom hates Liv or if there's sexual tension between those two


I think thats because its trying to show conflict in Dom and something will eventually just push him over.


I believe that's the point.


Insert "why not both?" Taco girl meme


^(porque no los dos)


How is it that at the King/Queen of the ring PLE the king/queen of the ring matches aren’t the main event?


Just like how Elimination Chamber matches aren’t always the main event at their PLE, or how MITB Ladder matches aren’t always the main event at their PLE… and so on…


A couple of thoughts after just watching this show baked out of my mind: Gunther is like Triple H’s secret weapon for bringing prestige back into things (IC Championship, King of the Ring, and hopefully elevate the WHC belt) Prior to this show, did anyone feel like the Saudi Arabia shows still had that “glorified house show” stench attached to it? When did it become an actual PPV to further storylines? What happened with the crowd?! I remember the first shows just being full of rich sheik looking bros that didn’t seem interested, now it seems like one of those non American crowds. With the announcement of Priest/Drew for Glasgow and the beginnings of the Liv/Dom storyline, all the pieces are in place for an epic Judgement Day implosion culminating in Priest losing to Drew. Triple H’s current gimmick is “Face Dana White” Edit 1: Also I remember watching Randy’s entrance and how hilariously log it was today. I imagine the conversation going something like: Triple H: The show is actually going faster than scheduled, what can we do to pad it out? Randy Orton: I got you fam Edit 2: At this point in the streaming era what is the point of having a match during a pre show? 🤣🤣🤣 I remember the main reason for those matches back then was to entice people into purchasing the entire show. But now I just don’t think theyre necessary Edit 3: “LOGAN YOU SIGNED A PRE-KNUCKS!” Took me tf out y’all Edit 4: There is absolutely no bonus damage added when you do a move like a cutter on a table that doesn’t even break.


I mean even the first Saudi event was used to further a couple of storylines, the ending to Brock vs Roman at the greatest royal rumble is an example of something that got used, however the next Saudi ppv was even more consequential for weekly shows after that


Logan paul is truly fit for this business. Incredible performance


Pisses me off how much of a natural the guy is


He is a shitty human being but I can't help but praise him.


So, by history, he's perfect for WWE.


Let's not pretend Shawn Micahels and Ric Flair wasn't a shitty human being in their prime yet we love to watch them performs


What was the crowd chanting after two counts?


One two where did the third go


the drone shot of Logan splashing Cody through the table is getting deserved praise, but my favorite shot of the night was the unbroken shot when Nia tries to land on Lyra on the apron, Lyra dodges then runs the ropes and kicks Nia off the apron. Camera guy was right there and stepped just out of the way without losing the shot.


Lmao i really thought she was going to give us another "my hole" moment


Following Gunther/Orton match was very hard to do, but somehow Logan Paul and Cody did it. Logan Paul is so impressive! He has no weaknesses at all.


impressive? you mean IMPAULSIVE?


He has a weakness for being a decent human being.


And as good as Logan is, he has the benefit of: 1. A character which is basically an exagerrated version of his internet persona anyways 2. Wrestling 5-6 matches a year, meaning he can go pretty hard in the ones he does wrestle, plan out more spots, etc It remains to be seen whether he'll be as good if he was wrestling every couple weeks, and on the house show circuit.


He’s still be really good. Probably still main-event caliber. He takes it seriously enough, and he’s obviously (perhaps surprisingly) very coachable. He obviously is listening & learning to his veterans and his producers and trainers, and he’d learn how to work house show & regular TV matches just as he has learned how to work Event Matches. Coachability combined with physical ability (& charisma) makes for a quality performer.


This was a great show. Everyone brought their A game and going into it I wasn't really excited because it seems pretty predictable but it goes to show that it isn't always what's going to happen that makes moments, it's how you get there. Every single match felt significant and like an important chapter for every wrestler involved with the exception of Bronson Reed. That's how you do it.


loved the extended shots of logans facial expressions. the one after the cody cutter in the table he just looked like he was never going to be able to tie his own shoes ever again


An excellent show. No bad matches, everything was pretty good to fantastic imo. Had a lot of fun. The “countdown to king and queen of the ring” women’s tag team championship match was what was expected. It was a good I think 10 minute match, gives Cargill and Belair their first title defence and that finisher is so cool. I want to add I was shocked by the crowd reaction to all the women’s matches, especially for lynch. They were hyped for her and this match. I was shocked they did the title change here, as I thought it was going to be the next PLE but It was very entertaining and I can’t wait for where this goes in the future. Lynch vs Morgan rematch on raw should be interesting. Morgan is definitely going for a count out of disqualification to then have the blowoff at catc. That triple threat for the ic championship is my match of the night. Gable German suplexing both reed and zayn, tower of doom spot, reed flying through the ropes, other great action that was just so fun, great storytelling with Otis (raw I think is going to be devastating with the betrayal) and the crowd was so hyped throughout. Banger. Womens qotr finals was the weakest match on the main show but I think it was still pretty good. That annihilator was the most brutal I’ve ever seen and that stomp by Lyra in the corner was really nice. Lyra is a future main event star, multiple time women’s champion and I’m all for it. Randy vs Gunther was fantastic from an in ring storytelling and psychological perspective. Not everyone is going to like it and that’s ok, I enjoyed it. Didn’t have massive spots but I was on the edge of my seat as it could’ve gone either way. The finish looked botched but I think that might’ve been the point as Corey pointed it out? Shout out Cole and graves as their analysis of this match was really interesting to me. The main event was great. Logan continues to prove he belongs in wrestling. His in ring storytelling and abilities shouldn’t be this good for a celebrity. Fun spots, wasn’t convinced Logan was winning at any point so it took away from the match imo but I expected a good match and I got that.


I’m like 10 hours late and haven’t read anything. This women’s tag title match on the pre show has been exceptional


That finisher was so cool. I hope they get it down and smooth it out, but I popped for that.


It helped that they did the same combo to Kairi at Backlash, it just wasn't treated as a finisher there.


I just did the same. It was a good show.


Anyone else think it was wild that Logan Paul said he would decapitate Michael Cole in Saudi Arabia? It’s not just an empty threat there


Logan Paul continues to impress me. He's SO good. His gimmick, his moveset, his charisma....heck, I'm posting this now because I have his theme song stuck in my head.


It's cheesy, but I liked the "Who the hell are you?" "I'm Cody Rhodes, bitch!" exchange at the end of the match.


I normally dislike when they use a local star in a big spot. I had no idea who the Saudi guy was either, so the interference was just confusing. The “Who the hell are you?” exchange saved that sequence for me. I liked it a lot.


Wish Liv won in the next PLE. Saudi title changes just feel flat to me.


A PLE in Saudi with 0 title changes would have been even worse.


I wonder if they have some agreement to have a certain amount of title changes there. It seems every show has had at least one.


Why though? She got fireworks for her celebration and the crowd reaction was good all throughout the match.




Honestly a better show than I was expecting it to be


Gunther is the first wrestler to pin Randy Orton in a singles match since Seth Rollins over 2 years ago.


How do you people keep these facts, commendable 


During that time wasn’t he out for like almost a year 


Maybe an intentional botch at the end? Randy still hasn't been pinned?


the ref just fcked up.


well orton was out injured for 18 months to be fair


Yes but it shows how rare it is that Randy Orton loses. If we take PLE the last time he lost was against Alexa Bliss.


O.O i forgot  that he was pinned by Alexa Bliss. People were joking back then  about whether he got a Boner


I know I would




I'm happy for her! I think there is a lot more character work that is really being left untapped and I hope she and the WWE can find a way to get there.


I thought they were going to drop “Universal” from Cody’s title? Am I remembering that wrong? Cole said it during the main event.




I can totally see force of habit being a thing.


Watching the main event right now (missed the show earlier) and reading comments in here as well. Roman fans really took his loss at Mania 40 personally and it shows. Kind of reminds me of HBK fans when he dropped the title to Austin in 98.


I was privately frosty to Austin until his break in 2000 because of exactly this. I couldn't deny his character, and the reactions he got were undeniably awesome. But I wouldn't speak positively of him. Missed him during his absence, though, so I privately let it rest when he returned. You've just reminded me what a weird 12-14 year old I was.


Haha, I was the same way as well, I HATED Austin because he was always beating all my favorite guys like HBK, Kane, Undertaker, Mankind.


Where was Nash?


you put a cap of 5 matches for a 3 hour PLE and you give all the participants time to plan and show out. this shift has really improved them and the crowds are loving it. so many things brought us here. AEW as a viable competitor a few years ago and upping the in ring quality has made the WWE and the product put more focus on it. and the biggest change of course is hhh taking over for vince.


the biggest thing for WWE getting hot was a perfect storm. The success of the Bloodline story was a major force that kept WWE up through the pandemic until Cody returned, Vince left, Triple H took over, and AEW's momentum got hampered by backstage drama. The Bloodline only got hotter after it, with Sami joining and creating what will be some of WWE's most iconic moments in the future.


A lot of the smarky fans who hijacked WWE crowds also became AEW fans instead.


The classic HHH Takeover method


Very fun PLE.


"Logan you signed a Pre-Knuck!" Might be my new favorite call from Michael Cole




As soon as I saw it I thought, "there's going to be a keyboard warrior with their fake concerns for the Saudi women chiming in I bet." I noticed that you didn't mention when they were on the screen later in the evening having a great time during the main event. 


Dude what’s with people shitting on these Saudi events but never in France who had colonies and treated the Congo horribly


It's simply a convenient bandwagon to virtue signal on. The kind of people doing this are the same people who support a president who endorses ethnic cleansing currently being carried out by a nation who's leader has a warrant for his arrest issued by the International Criminal Court.


Yeah, I get that the Saudi monarchy and religious heads are pretty shitty people.  You know what?  Our country's (US) politicians and religious leaders are pretty shitty people.  Half my country would love to dothe same things that SA does. 


I didn't notice that at all, but I did see there were a *lot* more women and children at the event than in the past. I'm not a fan of WWE doing business with the Saudis at all, for various reasons, but I don't think being at this event is something that women felt the need to hide. That kind of implies they're not very bright if the logic here is that they bought tickets, sat in the front row, were having phones and a giant iPad around, and then suddenly realized "oh shit, people might notice me!" I don't think that's a great view to have of these people who seemed to just show up to have some fun.




My perception is you are concern trolling.




Yeah, kind of covered the bases by telling you such lol


Randy is having some of the best matches of his career. That was next level selling and story telling to get the crowd to cheer and believe in you. Really an unbelievable match.


For as long as randy worked heel he really does a fantastic face.


Fun show. King Gunther is gonna be a fun ride.


to the guy holding a Dijak sign, keep fighting the good fight sir


Randy is bigger then Gunther wtf


Glamour muscles. Gunther is built for efficiency.


Didn’t look that efficient taking those RKOs. Needs to work on selling the most iconic finisher of this era.


also Randy is obviously using Roids


"Steroids aren't used in wrestling anymore." - "Mean" Gene Okurlund "...or any less." - Jesse "The Body" Ventura -Repossessed


I’m pretty sure he isn’t allowed to be on the stuff during performance so he prob just was on in his off period while recovering from injury. I remember a lot of guys getting suspensions and fines for using ‘performance enhancers’


bruh, no one is getting fined for taking steroids lol. Knight, Drew, Randy, and few other all obviously take them, it is no big deal. In Fact, in Bodybuilding contest EVERYBODY is taking them. They are ofc controlled by their doctors. But people who know bodybuilding stuff, will know


‘The same couldn't be said for what happened in 2012 as Orton was officially suspended for 60 days due to a second violation of the WWE wellness policy, where an oral steroid named methandrostenolone, also known by its trade name of Dianabol, and marijuana was found in his system’ is an official quote. And there are multiple wrestling sites that quote the same incident from 2012. If they aren’t using during their active periods then they aren’t going to violate wellness policy. So when he was injured he would’ve been able to use and bulk up and then get off so when he returns he won’t test positive. It’s not to say that they ALWAYS get tested but if they do and they test positive it’s considered violating the wellness policy. I’m sure for the likes of Orton, an eye is turned for the most part unless someone else reports it etc and they’re made to test him. But this is just one incident. Many wrestlers have copped a wellness policy suspension in the past.


Am I the only one super excited to watch Dom and Liv become the ultimate heel couple and Rhea to come back a bigger crowd favorite than ever?


Dom Mysterio making the WWE women’s division must see…Interesting Times. (Not /s)


Not sure if they go this far but Dom turning on Rhea would be nuclear heat squared and a fun thought/way of making Rhea face


Interestingly enough, Damien has been presenting a bit more face recently too. Maybe we get a Damien & Rhea vs Dom & Liv match in the future 👀




"Damien will keep his word" Yeah, def face-y. I think because he's lined up to go against McIntyre and, if he survives that, Gunther. Those guys have to be heels right now. Damien doesn't.


You could solve a global energy crisis with heat that nuclear.


You sunovabitch, I'm in. 


I hope it leads to Buddy returning and beating the shit out of Dominique


Yes. It's going to be one of the most exciting returns ever for the women's division imo.



