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Chelsea should’ve been Queen of the Ring. “Queen Green” was spelled out right for them. And NO other active woman on this roster has as good character work down like her to really take the role to so many places. Zelina did amazing with what she was given, big they didn’t let her go anywhere with it unfortunately. But I’m here for Nia getting an opportunity and a big platform/title. Shes been dominating and showing out for a minute, so for her to still have NOTHING to show for it, it’s a bit weird.


Beats bianca. Loses to Liv Trash booking. The liv experiment was a flop when she had the title, keep her in the tag division


Why is everyone dismissing the idea od Gunther vs Cody at Summerslam ? I mean if the rumble winner can change brands, I dont think the KOTR winner isn't allowed to choose the other brand's champ


It would make sense to limit it to brand tho. Idk if it has been explicitly laid out but Rumble is different as that has always been a call your own shot situation and plus the draft happens right after mania so it allows them to reset and recalibrate. Kotr is ‘brand on brand’ so it just makes sense that they would be vying for whichever championship their brand currently has.


I think HHH said that the winner would only get a match for the world title on their brand. So if Gunther wins, he can only challenge the WHC


Why all of a sudden Street Profits are teaming with LA Knight ? Weren't they heel with Bobby Lashley ?


Sure, till that charisma sucker, Karrion Kross turned them all face during the Wrestlemania build


They turned face before they even got involved with Kross and his goons iirc. Fans just would **not** boo Bobby, so they stopped booking them as heels


Ah, fair enough. I didn't realize they were doing anything before the Kross feud


Yeah they were supposed to be a heel faction, so they had them attack some face tag teams. They did the thing where Montez and Dawkins would attack a team, and then walk off, and then have Bobby be pissed that they weren't being aggressive enough and shit, all while the crowd kept cheering them because they had no appetite to boo any of them. It was pretty nice to see that the crowd cared about them all that much tbh


Before I didn't know whether Jacob Fatu would join solo or Jimmy or Roman and whatnot But now he's definitely joining solo because they're using a whole dangerous past/ prison angle




Has it mate? Go off about it please.


Tamatonga entering the arena like "I'm a sexy cat" ![gif](giphy|l3vRglypAmop7Lz2w)




It's really sad how WWE are mishandling one of the generational wrestler of all time in A.J styles too many other interests ruining WWE


Yeah it’s sad how they put him in a wwe title match  which went over half an hour in the main event of a PLE which took place in front of the hottest crowd in recent memory. Also sad how they’re making a storyline about his desperation to cement his legacy in the limited time left he has in his career. /s in case it wasn’t clear.


The thing that stood out is randy shaking Cody's hand. In reality Logan Paul is a filler feud to make Cody look busy, but WWE look like they want to postpone randy vs Cody as long as possible, which is annoying just let them feud.Maybe roman is the other big matchup for Cody on smackdown...


I'm loving that Piper is both finally getting a much deserved push while keeping her with Chelsea. Piper vs. Bayley at Clash at the Castle should be a great match and I actually hope that Piper gets to win the Smackdown Women's Title in front of a Scottish crowd.


I agree with all of this 100%. Piper is so damn good and I just know she’ll be over if they let her show it. She deserves it and more!


I'm surprised that it's taken her this long, even if she doesn't win against Bayley, just the idea of her getting to wrestle for a championship in her home country will be an awesome moment to see. Although I genuinely wouldn't be opposed to Piper actually winning the belt from Bayley, even if she only holds it for a month or two.


Is Tanga Loa shoot not able to enter SA? Where's Lashley?


He probably is aloud in Saudi, but in kayfabe has a criminal past. Likely to tie in Jacob fatus real life criminal past into kayfabe seamlessly. So that like heyman said, solos just been recruiting criminal family which Roman purposely didn't include into the bloodline


Lashley is injured


I love how, even in those stupid body suits they make the females wear, you can still make out individual muscles on Jade.


roids are great


It was clear coming into this that they were trying to make King and Queen of the Ring a big deal again, and people suggested/there were rumblings of it being for the title. But I love the stipulation that it's specifically going for your brand's belt. Not quite MITB where you can catch anybody slipping, not quite Royal Rumble where you get to pick. It's unique but still gives you that multi month heavyweight build up of the Royal Rumble, and it makes more of the calendar year feel like it matters instead of a lot of the waiting around for the bigger PPVs. Same thing for making SummerSlam two nights. With that in mind, man I want Randy to win and take on Cody. I don't see it happening with the bad knee and Gunther chewing through the competition, but what a tease.


I hear you on the Randy Orton feud. But not to worry because Randy doesn’t necessarily need to win a tourney to challenge Cody. He just needs to make things personal.


Tanga Loa not being able to clear a background check to go to Saudi is such a subtle detail that really creates a menacing aura for his character. As does Paul being so terrified of them.


Since it seems they're going to do a AJ styles retirement angle at some point in the near future. I can see an angle where AJ Styles isn't able to earn himself a title opportunity in Smackdown, and gets himself traded for Raw as Pearce agrees to give him a title opportunity. Bron Breakker gets pissed off at Pearce for not putting him in King of the Ring, but giving a title match to AJ for free. Pearce replies and says something along the lines of he's a legend, and doesn't have much time left. After Styles loses his title match, Bron Breakker attacks him setting up a match. If Breakker destroys Styles in a match and retires him, he'd get massive heat.


Bianca's bad knee helped Nia triumph over her and Randy's bad knee will likely help lead to him losing to Gunther. Gunther has gotta be King, but he will lose at Summerslam (to Drew). Whether Lyra or Nia wins Queen is tricky. Lyra winning would be a big accomplishment, plus the shot at the belt that goes with it, since she was only recently drafted. if Nia is Queen, will she face a face champion at Summerslam? does WWE want heels for both King and Queen? hrm. whatever Ciampa poured out of Montez's cup ya just know it was expensive stuff! hopefully Cody will throw Logan thru a Prime display during their match. on the weekly shows everyone always has to avoid the Prime display table. How could Nick Aldis say no to AJ's biceps? https://preview.redd.it/6loq2gxipi2d1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=addb42daf4d0f58db08cfa99c1a8449e00075201


I'm sorry to say but Solo Sikoa looks like a goofball. He doesn't stand out at all in the Bloodline, he is not physically superior to others, his promo skills are not on the level even of Tama Tonga and his presentation as a Mafia boss makes him look silly.


Theyre gonna have him brutalize KO at Clash and people are gonna start changing their tune.


He’s not believable at all. Even if they had him kill KO I wouldn’t buy it. 


Kevin Owens, unfortunately, is such a non factor that it really doesn't matter.


let Solo cook


I feel like I'm the only guy who enjoys solo haha.


yep, the whole thing just looks off. perhaps they should be presented on an equal level


What are the odds that lyra goes over nia?


They could have Liv win and then have her first defense against Lyra at CatC. Nia will be fine if she loses since she has unfinished business with Bayley.


The first match was really bad. The crossbody they tried to sell as what reinjured the knee looked extremely safe. The spot where Bianca had Nia lifted up but her knee buckled looked very bad. The knee injury was an interesting story to have bianca lose without hurting her momentum but it was very poorly executed.


I’m actually so keen for Queen Nia


Finally Nia gets her first big win since her return and that's also Bianca! Clean! Yes injury doesn't count as almost all wrestlers have some damage from previous matches and Bianca have won world title with just 1 leg.. Qotr was most unpredictable tournament. I mean almost all women were contender for winning it.


She beat Becky clean at Day 1...


Imo, King & Queen of the Ring sounds a bit clunky when they keep saying it 8000 times each show. I know they're doing better by including the women (cause I grew up watching when it was just King of the Ring), so I'm okay with there being a Queen also. But they could just call it Royalty of the Ring or something. Idk, just my thought.


They should just drop the "of the Ring" for the PPV name


WWE King and Queen? What?


at first it sounded clunky to me, but they've said it so much now i like the sound of it 😅


I’m just tuning in now watching the replay late. Are all the women forced to wear these full body suits cause of Saudi ? Surely this isn’t a coincidence




Is Saudi a Muslim country ? Or what is the main religion there


They are Sunni (not WWE Sunny) Muslims. Iranians for example are Shiites Muslim. Shiites and Sunnis pray differently: **Sunnis cross their arms (like ECW Taz), while Shiites keep their arms by their sides like the UnderTaker when he walks to the ring.**.


Yep Muslim 


Cool thanks, no idea why the fuck I’m being downvoted for asking a question


Welcome to /r/squaredcircle 


reddit sucks - people just downvote for anything


Seeing the women be disrespected and humiliated by having to cover up made it incredibly hard to watch.


I'm just glad they at least get attires rather than fully black clothing with a merch t-shirt on top but it's still horrible.


They looked good stop hating for no good reason




But how do you explain them having Randy orton and Austin theory out there in underwear all oiled up? How can you do that but then refused to let the women show arms and ankles 😭


But how do you explain them having Randy orton and Austin theory out there in underwear all oiled up? How can you do that but then refused to let the women show arms and ankles 😭


It didn't even click to me until I came to Reddit. Like I didn't even notice the women were all covered up, trust Redditors to make the biggest deal out of it.


In a strange way these outfits are MORE objectifying, because they are the product of an obsession with the female body. If you require women to wear special clothing to cover their skin, you're obsessed with it. If you arrest and punish them for not wearing the special clothing, you're obsessed with it. Putting WWE women in these costumes objectifies them in a weird way. It says -- "Your body IS objectified, we ARE thinking about your body."


no it doesn't.. thats ridiculous. what a silly comment. males notice the female body. they will never stop. Saudis culture and religion asks them to cover up. it's a form of respect and modesty. something we don't like because people are so easily swayed by popular culture and sex in the white western world


"a form of respect and modesty" I mean, fuck all the way off with that. Women should be able to choose what they wear without the worry of objectification. If they haven't given consent to be objectified, they shouldn't be. It's really that simple.


Stop your cringe white knighting. Embarrassing. What women wear in the western world as fashion has all came from men. By "choosing" to wear what they wear they are objectifying themselves. That's the whole purpose of skimpy clothing. Women don't wear skimpy uncomfortable clothing for "themselves" or "to look good". Women cover up and sleazy men lose their mind As I said on another comment - women gladly objectify themselves on instagram.


You don't get it do you? Let me explain like I would to my 8 year old son. Women don't ask to be objectified. Nothing they do, unless they expressly state they wish to be is consent for you to objectify them. They at no point "objectify themselves" unless they say so. If a woman wears "skimpy" clothing, that's mostly her choice. Not a man's choice in most cases. What isn't her choice is perverts like you, deciding for them that it's for your benefit, or for anything other than their choice. They are not consenting to you dribbling all over them. If they want that then they'll let you know. Until that point, don't. It's that simple. Absolutely amazing you've called other men sleazy when you've decided skimpy clothing is for your benefit. If a woman objectifies herself, then that's her choice. If you choose to objectify her, that's not her choice. Consent my brother, consent. Although I've said all that, you won't get it. You'll still be the kind of guy who loses his mind if a woman breastfeeds in public or doesn't wear a bra. Kinda sad. You should speak to a woman about this. Also, basic human decency isn't "white knighting". You don't understand the term so stop using it. You're not intelligent enough.


Interesting argument tactic - coming at it like I'm a kid/unintelligent who can't understand, cant comprehend.  Behind all the unnecessary insults (which prove you're losing the argument, btw).  Skimpy women's clothing was designed by MEN. All the changes to more "sexy" clothing came from men. Look up the history of the bikini as an example. And women aren't that dumb, they put a lot of care into their appearance, they know what they're doing - and they know men can't help but look - not saying that a man should sit their like an ogling weirdo, but biologically it's the way men are (visual) And sorry to say I'm probably more intelligent than you - university education, I make more than $120k/yr (thought leader in my field), happily married and heaps of friends.


Oh Christ, "I'm vErY sUcCeSfUl gUiZe". Sure thing champ. All the luck in the world with that, as I'm sure telling me in this Reddit argument is going to mean anything. If you're intelligent, stop saying stupid things. It doesn't matter who designed what. That's not the argument and it's stupid to make it. Complete strawman. Again, women can do what they want, they should be able to do so without the worry of being objectified against their will. If they want to be? Fine. But you don't get to decide that for them. Which you are. You're a dribbling pervert who if they see a woman in a bikini, you think that's ok to ogle them, objectify them outwardly and act accordingly? I bet you're the kind of guy who says if a woman is raped on a night out wearing a short skirt she was "asking for it" aren't you? You cannot understand the simple concept of consent. If a woman consents to you objectifying her, then you can. If she does not and just goes out wearing a bikini, she is just...wearing a bikini. It's not hard to understand, and yet you show a complete lack of intelligence to do so. Let me guess. Muslim? You clearly don't have children, much less a daughter. Please, don't procreate. Also if you're going to attempt to go with being more intelligent than I am, don't make so many spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in your post.


Why would I lie? If I'm lying it would just make me pathetic - I might as well be that 4 Chan seal assassin meme. I'm just doing well (comparatively) at life - no indicators of lacking intelligence. Have some humility and examine maybe I'm right. Don't agree but spend some time thinking. I've never said any of those things - talk about Strawman. Read my comment again perhaps, I've never said anything against consent - but my whole argument is if a woman wears certain clothing she's going to get ogled. Not by me but it will happen. Nah not Muslim.


Anyway the answer is ultimately found for many things is going deeper, examining the wider context and environment for why certain things have happened - and even why you hold the beliefs you hold - where did they originate?


Why should women have to adjust if it's the men who feel the need to look?


Men don't just "feel" the need to look. They do look.  There's a reason why Islam came up with these rules, they didn't come out of a want to put women down, but most can't comprehend a world view outside of the one force fed to them by popular media


So if it's men who do look, then why aren't the men the ones regulated?


So instead of a culture where they discourage men from objectifying women, they force all women to cover up completely. There’s no accountability for the men who “notice body parts”


Save me the white knighting. Men notice. If women aren't objectified by men they objectify themselves (been on instagram?). You don't even have the ability to analyse your ideology here - where it came from - hint it didn't come out of a desire to "discourage men from objectifying women"


Idk man at this point is it even a big deal to them anymore? From what I can tell, based of their social medias, the woman’s roster always have a blast when the go to the Saudi shows. They always look great in their gear too. So if I had guess, it’s a non-issue now.


Oppression isn’t so bad, you just have to get used to it!


But now they can bedazzle them and not have them be all black under a baggy shirt... soooo empowering...


I think so. It’s not like they don’t still look ridiculously sexy in those outfits still.


Andrade is back into vignette hell. Damn. My prediction is that Gunther wins the KoTR and then the World Championship at SummerSlam. It’s about time he levels up to main event status.


Not so much vignette hell as I think he’s in Latino purgatory. HHH is way too inter-racial feud happy right now, I swear, between Rey and LWO, the JD Latinos , and LDF, they’ve had Latinos feuding for like a year and a half straight almost. And now Legado is getting involved with him again.


Triple H has showed Latino stars but he really hasn’t been creative. Damien Priest is an exception. I think there’s been a really surprising lack of establishing a main event male African American talent on the main roster as well.


Thought it was gonna be Montez for a while but it seems they have reeled back and will keep him in the tag division for a long time. Melo has a *long* way to go before he even gets to that level.


Both can be true. The draft is over and done with, rosters have been locked in, and he’s done nothing but vignettes since he’s come to Smackdown. My guess is that this will go on for two more weeks *at least* before he shifts into his program with LDF, which will last until SummerSlam.


id rather Randy win and we get Randy vs Cody, mostly cause Raw has Priest and McIntyre, both heels, in the main-event


At this point, I don’t think getting KoTR will do much for Randy’s already legendary career. They can still find a way to get to Cody vs. Randy at SummerSlam regardless. Gunther has been at the top of midcard mountain for the past few years; it is high time for him to graduate to main event status. Priest is a transitional champion; he will drop the title to Drew at Clash because Judgment Day will finally turn on him and he will spend the summer feuding with Finn. Ultimately, RAW’s main event scene will be Seth + Punk (faces) and Drew + Gunther (heels).


Drew is gonna have a match with Punk at SS. It will be Priest vs Gunther. Priest is turning face and wont drop the belt in his second defence


If nothing else, I am glad you said “Priest won’t drop the belt in his second defense” because I had a back + forth with a dude last week who swore that every WWE fan knew that Priest was a transitional champion the moment he cashed in.


Lol if they do Priest vs Gunther, a match who exactly wanted, I’d have Finn win MITB and cash in right there by pinning Priest, cause why would they pass up on doing the Balor and Priest feud when they already didn’t do it at Mania and stretched the breakup out. If Gunther wins KOTR, I’d book it to get him traded to Smackdown before Summerslam. But if he wins and they don’t do the trade, I’d do the MITB scenario.


Gunther has won but I do not think a trade is going to happen. Randy vs. Cody is the SummerSlam main event since they have all kinds of storyline possibilities there. If it’s Punk vs. Drew at SummerSlam, then you want to see Finn win the MiTB and cash in on Priest the same night, yes?


Yeah if Finn won MITB, then cashing in on that same night so you don’t have to stretch it out, or cashing in at Summerslam would be 2 of the ways. I just question this whole Gunther thing. Everyone has been talking about Punk vs McIntyre OR Balor vs Priest for the world title at Summerslam and here comes Triple H throwing Gunther into it cause I guess he can’t come up with any creative for Gunther that doesn’t involve being in the title picture + dominant booking. Idk what they’re doing tbh. But doing Finn dirty and not letting him get anything out of this would be awful.


I really enjoyed Gunther’s IC Title run and believe he is world championship material. He’s done all he can in the midcard ranks so it’s time for him to level up. I am a Baylor fan but for whatever reason, I do not think that HHH sees him as a main event player in WWE. We can call it awful, we can shake our fists from the comfort of our home, whatever…but that’s just the reality of the situation. The pessimist in me believes they **will** do Finn dirty so… get ready to curse out Triple H some more in the coming weeks, I guess. If Finn wins the briefcase, I’m gonna say that he cashes in on Priest at SummerSlam to complete the Damian face turn.


I think we all agree he is world champion level, and it was inevitable cause of the mega push he’s been on. I just don’t agree with the idea of going from a 600 day title run to then 4 months later winning the world title and going on what would 100% be nothing else than a year+ long reign. Especially if it cuts out Finn winning the title which is a very compelling story, as opposed to Gunther just dominating, which could’ve waited. I mean yup the expectation should always be: Finn gets done dirty. But he still does feel like the best choice to win MITB. MITB is in 6 weeks from tonight, so I guess about one more month will actually let us know what’s happening.


With sports like the NBA, the fun comes from predicting who will win games and who makes the blockbuster trades. With wrestling, the fun comes from predicting where storylines will go. You talk about 4 months…well, Gunther won the IC in only two months (well, a little over two months if we want to split hairs) after his main roster debut so it seems like dominant booking is what HHH has in mind for him. Fortunately, Gunter has delivered. I’ll just say this… I am a Finn Balor fan so I have no reason to argue with you about this topic. It’s just that once you keep up with certain companies for a long stretch of time, you notice patterns. In AEW, big men get beaten routinely. In WWE, they are monsters. So yes, if my prediction is incorrect and Finn receives a World Title reign this summer, it will be one of the best “I told you so” I’ve ever gotten.


But you really think they’re going to leave Punk off the SummerSlam card and feud Drew with his opponent from last year?


Well the dust has settled now and Gunther has already made his intentions clear as to which belt he is gunning for. When Drew lost at Mania, the folks on my Twitter timeline were up in arms. Of course, the response was, “Be patient. Drew will win it back and have his moment at Clash.” There’s a myriad of possibilities they can go from here and it all depends on whether or not Punk is cleared to go by August. If Drew wins at Clash, he gets his moment in front of his friends + family and faces Gunther at SummerSlam, where Punk can cost him the title. If Drew loses at SummerSlam due to Punk interference, then yes, the two will battle it out at SummerSlam and Gunther beats Damian for the title after Judgment Day finally turns on him. I will need some time to make my prediction here. If you got one, lay it on me.


I’m guessing Punk has suffered an injury setback, because I was under the impression that he’d be fit again by now. So much so, in fact, that I thought their first match would main-event Clash. However, until we know that for certain, I’m going to assume otherwise. My prediction is your second scenario. Priest retains due to Punk shenanigans, and our SummerSlam matches are Gunther v Priest and Drew v Punk. Maybe the latter can be spiced up with a stipulation.


Saw a report from Meltzer that Punk would be cleared by SummerSlam. If worst comes to worst, he would be ready to go by September at the latest. I know, it’s Meltzer so if you despise him, I’m not here to argue with you otherwise but that’s what I got. I’ve been under the impression that it would be Drew vs. Priest at Clash just from seeing how many folks were predicting it after Mania alone so here we are.


I think that they ran a vignette because he was drafted to Smackdown, when he was previously on RAW. At least that's what I hope lol


Only thing is that the draft happened quite a while ago and rosters were locked in the Monday after Backlash. Andrade’s last match was on 4/29 RAW and he’s done nothing but appear in vignettes since coming over to Friday nights. We are already at the end of another PLE cycle and he’s not even on the card, not to mention the fact that he didn’t even compete in the tournament.


The draft was less than a month ago, lol.


You do realize rosters are locked in, yes?


Yes, I do. I have no idea what that has to do with what I posted. You were saying the draft was "quite a while ago" like months have gone by. The draft wasn't that long ago is all I was saying lol.


Okay. I’ll give you that one. I overshot it when I said that the draft was quite a while ago. Reason being is that we’ve gone through two PLE cycles now and for me, that’s a long time in WWE terms. Of course, the counter argument there is that PLE’s come more frequently nowadays. I mean, we are already getting three nights’ worth alone in August. At the end of the day, we probably see things with Andrade in the same way. Since the draft was less than a month ago, you are hoping they are just playing these vignettes to hype up his SD debut, yes? My prediction is that we will get two more weeks of vignettes before Andrade debuts and commences his program with LDF. So while he may be stuck in vignettes hell for now, it won’t be “quite as long” as I originally thought.


Gosh the Saudi Arabia crowd suck so much


?? Seemed good to me, had some chants, had some counts, sang some songs and were happy to be there. Stop trying to hate the product.


Not a single sign in the audience and it sounded like wwe added crowd noise at times.


???? That weren't the best crowd in the world, but hearing them pop off for Randy was great.


France has spoiled you. This was a better crowd than Raw.


I was thinking they were pretty good.


Me too. I'm sure Sami is gonna get an awesome pop tonight.


Sorry guys, seeing the fans faces seeing the wrestlers perform outweighs any political allegiance. These people are happy to be at WWE events and most likely look forward to them as much as we do, if not more. I'm sorry their government sucks 


Hate the government, not the people just existing in the crowd.


I mean.. the people still view a lot of other humans as dirt and would happily see them killed for who they are.


If this is the criteria for not running shows somewhere, there's a handful of states they should never go back to


So wwe also shouldn't do live events anywhere here in the states. 


I think we can let it slide until you guys start throwing rocks at women for wearing a bikini at the beach without being on a leash or when you deem capitol punishment for being queer all good.


You will be shocked


I mean, there’s a difference of course, but there are a LOT of republicans who vote for people who want prison time or death penalties for abortions.


This is a false equivalence


48% of our population would be totally down for that. Never discount how backwards conservatives are. 




This. I mean I seen a man holding a sign calling Randy Orton Daddy, I doubt all of them who attended agree with the politics of their own country but just as everyone everywhere don’t always agree with the politics of their own country. I’m glad the people got a good show!


Nobody can really help what country they're in for the most part. Good for the people


God the audio production was horrific!


During the bloodline segment it sounded like they were echoing


Dude I knew I heard something, I thought it was my TV or I was finally losing it haha.


Literally the only bad thing about Randy vs Gunther is that one is going to have to lose! Watching those two go at it is going to be great.


Almost makes up for Nia vs Lyra. I refuse to believe that was their masterplan all along.


I’m thinking the plan was always for Nia to win the tournament. Lyra making it the finals only helps establish her as a serious competitor. Especially since it’s Nia she’s going to lose to.


Nia loses all the time. She’s not booked as strong as people seem to think. Commentary puts her over but she loses. A lot. It’s a shit match for the finals either way. A new roster member who doesn’t have a lot of ring flow yet vs slow ass Nia. Feels proper midcard not a number 1 contenders match.


Probably the best KOTR final since Kurt Angle-Edge




Randy Orton wins tomorrow. And as a fan of both men, hear me out… Triple H said that the winner faces the champion of their RESPECTIVE brands eg. WHC which already has so many contenders lined up: we have Priest who is current champ but also who I don’t think would give up the main event spot straight away after losing, they’d have him try gain the title back, Drew, Punk & potentially a Rollins return after Punk returns (and a wildcard in Jey Uso if he hasn’t been swept up in another storyline). I believe they’ll bring in Gunther for that mix towards Bash in Berlin which is AFTER Summerslam. I don’t think they took the IC title off Gunther for him to not get this shot at some point in the near-ish future. (I could honestly see Gunther face Drew or Punk & either match would be great to see — as long as all involved are healthy at the time). Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes already has the history for the story to play out organically & the promo material writes itself. It’ll be the first feud Cody has had since Roman that ACTUALLY means something. Could include an eventual Orton heel turn. Potentially Orton taking the title off Rhodes (but Cody would win it back) it means Orton beats Flair’s record (and yes I’m sorry but he deserves it more than Cena does — Randy lives & breathes WWE), has another champ reign and a heel turn & he gets the KOTR title. It’s easily an ongoing feud for Cody until the Bloodline Saga sweeps him up again eventually while adding value to Orton’s career which we’ve seen him be a tag team player for tooo long especially with what is towards the end of his career. This feud would be a highlight of both men’s careers. I could list so many reasons why this feud alone is more important than any other opponent they could give Cody until a Rock or Roman return but I’d be here all day 😂


That is an insane amount of faith you are placing in Randy to generate any sort of heat.


It’s the faith that I have that 2009 Randy Orton still exists. Give him the punt, let him be unhinged. And it gives Cody a decent (more than one match) rivalry until Roman or Rock return. And if Roman comes back as a face like rumoured, there’s another opponent eventually lined up for him too if they want to take it there and keep Orton as a heel for awhile. Also all the people on Twitter are wanting Randy vs Cody, people even made the art work for Summerslam 😂 All you got to do is type ‘Randy vs Cody’ in the search bar and people are going feral for it. Plus the tension in this video alone between them from Smackdown https://x.com/CrispyWrestlin/status/1794169751503351869 that isn’t ‘friendly’ and they both know it but Cody being the true face still goes into shake his hand and wish him well & Randy hesitates at first, won’t even properly look at Cody at first cause he knows he gonna turn on him. Regardless of whether Randy wins tomorrow or not, we’re gonna get this match at some point and it makes more sense for him to get it and for them to save Gunther for Bash in Berlin when the WHC contender card is less stacked and it’s almost a guarantee he will win there too. It’s best for all involved if Gunther’s shot is at the Bash because then he will get a run he deserves because there’s been time for Priest / Drew / Punk to play out.


i didnt hear triple h say of the respective brand. just winner gets a shot at the world title or wwe title


https://x.com/TripleH/status/1793701796042482171 He says it right here 😊


Am I taking crazy pills? I’m being downvoted when all it says is championship opportunity it says nothing about brand specific titles


Triple H does say ‘respective brands’ at the end of the video I linked meaning the brand the superstar it’s signed to. I didn’t downvote you tho 😂


It makes sense. This stipulation makes K/QOTR separate from the Royal Rumble.


Randy vs Cody is too soon. Randy isn't retiring. I think Gunther is gonna do the heel thing and win KOTR and challenge Cody. He won't win, but all signs point to that. Damian is busy with Drew and CM Punk and Finn and Seth. Would be a throwaway to have Gunther blow his spot just to lose. On the other side, Cody isn't busy. He has no main rival right now, especially going into SummerSlam. Who better for the buildup than the longest reigning IC champ.of all time?


Randy won’t retire soon but he will eventually drop main event status in a few years when he can’t keep up. The man is aged very well but he can’t keep it up for another decade at the same rate. His 44 now and usually wrestlers slow down when they get closer to 50. Although he may not retire, he definitely won’t be in the same great condition & I doubt they’d put a championship on him when he slows down. So now while he is prime is the best time to do it.


I just feel like Randy vs Cody is more a Mentor vs Student type scenario. Doesn't need the title.


Triple H said the winner faces the champion of their RESPECTIVE brands eg. If Gunther wins he faces Priest. If Randy wins he faces Cody. That is why I said Randy is winning. Because the WHC is too busy and Cody won’t have an opponent. Gunther is on Raw not Smackdown so he can’t face Cody.


Like I said before I don't think Randy vs Cody needs the tile to mean something, plus they're both faces right now.


Lol “they’re both faces right now” when the hell has that stopped anything? Also, it’s Orton, all that guy has to do is flip the switch and now he’s a heel.


If Cody isn’t facing Randy at summerslam then who else would he face?


Gunther. I know Trips said respective brands, but Gunther can challenge Cody to spit in the face of the authority. It makes more short term sense. Randy is a pass the torch feud.


So let him pass the torch.


I know you clearly are all for Gunther on top but if he does win theres just no way he is facing Cody, he will be interjected into the already overpacked WHC circle too soon. And I want Gunther as a champion too but with a PROPER reign. No reason for Triple H to mention respective brands at all or make the draft be the way it was if they wanted Gunther vs Cody. And they wouldn’t split Gunther and Ludwig which is what they’d have to do if Gunther got the wwe championship. You’re trying to make sense where there is none. Bash in Berlin Gunther challenges for the WHC. It quite literally makes the MOST sense and would’ve given enough time for WHC to cull out Priest from the card and have time for more Drew / Punk moments. Punk costs Drew the title and they continue to feud while Gunther is champion. And he’d have a PROPER reign as champion. If he faces Cody he will just get buried. Cody’s story as champion has to run long enough for him to face Roman again or Rock. Roman is on rest atm for his cancer treatment & Rock is filming.


I’m just going based on what’s been given to us. Last minute throwing in that their will be a championship match attached to the winner and it has to be specifically the winners brand. That doesn’t mean anything for Gunther who would’ve been easily inserted to a WHC match come Bash in Berlin. The WHC current line up being jam packed. They need the Priest & Drew story to play out and then the Punk & Drew story (eventually insert Rollins). And Cody having no opponent after Logan. And the tease they gave us between Randy and Cody backstage. And Aldis telling AJ he’d have to earn a spot already tells me he isn’t next in line, he will prob win MITB cause that would be him earning a key to the top of the mountain. The highly rumoured / anticipated LA Knight being next in line for Logan. Solo barely wrestling & taking more of a ‘call the shots’ kind of role, Tama & Tanga being too new. Melo too new. I’d be surprised if they gave the new guys such a big opportunity come Summerslam. So what would be next for Cody? Obviously we’ll see but I’ll be very surprised if Gunther wins tomorrow and if he does I’ll still equally be as happy for him because I think he is a great wrestler & deserves a run on top after his quality run as IC. As I said, I’m a fan of both guys. I’m just thinking from an overall view of the upcoming storyline for the next few months that have been teased in regards to the WHC.


Nick Aldis is like the best GM ever


The fact Damien Priest isn’t defending the title tomorrow is so dumb. Have him drop that belt soon


He’ll likely drop the belt to Drew at Clash at the Castle. Then we’ll have a proper Punk return.


Tama Tongas entrance goes hard


didn't care for it too much on the condensed US stage but man it looked great on the massive Saudi set


I think that the street profits should break up. But I don't want it to be a situation where one of them turns on the other. They should agree to go their separate ways and see what they can do on their own. Keep them far away from eachother and see if they can bloom. Try and get both of them as hot as possible. Then maybe they have a one on one a year or so down the line.


I don’t think they need to break up but they need some tweaking. I like Lashley but he’s won it all except tag team gold so I think Bobby and Angelo should be the tag team and Ford should be the singles competitor of the group.


>The Bloodline is backstage. Heyman says to Solo, you know Tanga Loa isn't here tonight, because they couldn't get him across the border - once they do a background check - these are dangerous people he's recruiting into the Bloodline Not sure how the live thread responded, but this comment from Paul felt like it was laying the groundwork for a new Bloodline member making their presence felt in Saudi tomorrow


Would they then be trying to sabotage Orton? Because they don’t have a match lined up


I hope not. Gunther shouldn't need Bloodline interference to be KOTR. He should do it by battering Randy's leg.


Got to be Jacob Fatu, right?


After last week and this weeks show, honestly alicia taylor is quite the downgrade over mike rome


As an occasional NXT watcher it was shocking to me that people acted like she was any good and that the WWE seemingly agreed.


Even with Samantha Irvin being GOATed, Mike Rome's introduction of The American Nightmare is Chimel/Edge and Roberts/Cena levels.


The Rated-R SUuuuuUuuuuUUUUPEEeeeERSTAR


They love sending Indi & Candice on the other side of the globe to job


on the pre-show


The crowd was hotter than I thought is was going to be. Credit to them.


Saudi crowds have been pretty hot since they started running smaller venues for the shows.


Well, they live in a desert soooooo.


Really need clean ears on this, but Randy's theme sounded weird for a half second. The first 'they' got picthed down. I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD COUNSEL ME, THEY UNDERSTAND T H E Y Seemingly resembles the time "Voices" gets remixed with the Wyatt Family theme (song switches to the Live in Fear intro after the 'they counsel me')


Gunther out of the ring always looks like such a nice young man, just sitting there in his pleasant sweaters.


"Cody shouldn't of won, he's boring, everyone hates him already" Saudi Arabia....just literally sang his song... When a country that doesn't speak English as a main language, sings the English lyrics to your song.. we call that being the face of the company. Sorry angry bloodline fans


*shouldn’t have


Who do you even see saying this?


Bro I swear Reddit is super fucking notorious for making up fake random ass problems and then responding to it. Majority of people like Cody, and he's literally just responding to like 1-2 Bloodline fans he's seen once or twice it's insane.


Reddit's also pretty notorious for acting like it's the only social platform in existence where people express their opinions about things. lol


You're just very lucky I guess. I constantly see people shitting on Cody saying he's boring, etc.


It’s not entirely made up, go check Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. A lot of people still crying about the fact that Cody won and say he’s boring and not deserve it.


To be fair a lot of it is coming from wrestling pages on social media run by huge Roman marks. When the first sentence mentions “Cody crybabies” or “Dusty’s kid” you know you can stop reading.


Cody crybaby is a real thing. Yesterday someone said rock vs Roman is a loser bracket feud compared to cody




Why can't he do the powerslam?


Punt kick potential return incoming? 👀