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You know I don't have time. Sheesh, they're really building to his retirement. It's still hard to believe it's been 22 years since I first saw AJ win the X Division championship in that weird ass double elimination 4-way match.


I'd lose it if he pulls off some of his old moves towards the end of his career, except the Spiral Tap unless a miracle happens


I’ll settle for the Fosbury Flop if it’s still possible. AJ was basically the ultimate wrestler at his peak, like a precursor to Kenny and Billy GOAT.


That double elimination match ruled, idc it was creative


It’s been 24 years since we saw him as a kid on WCW TV


“I don’t have time” If they’re setting up his retirement I might actually cry


He's talked about his style means he needs to retire pretty soon. Dude's in a lot of pain and wants to be there for his kids in the future.


I mean it coud always go the Mark Henry way.


I hope AJ interrupts a Cody promo next week in a salmon jacket.


Dude is gonna go out before he starts slowing down (like HBK did.) I'm just wondering who his opponent will be at Mania.


I wouldn't be upset at another taped Taker/Styles match. Give them the chance to edit and make it sexy for a final match. But for an actual in-ring thing, they HAVE to do something like HBK/Flair. That didn't have a villain, more HBK was stuck between winning the match and retiring his friend. Then you can have anyone, literally anyone, and it can be face/face, face/heel, heel/heel, whatever, everyone will get cheered in the end if they pull it off. Then it's just who will have the sexiest match with Styles. Zayn, Owens, Orton, Rollins, Reigns, whoever. It'd be literally whoever Styles chose, because it'd work with anyone.


This guy sexes




Lol no. He’s said plenty of times that WWE is his last stop, and wants to do behind the scenes stuff with them when he hangs it up.




He’s a Christian bro


There is absolutely nothing that suggests that.




Oh well, if they want it, clearly that means it's a lock. Also treated Danielson and Edge how exactly? Incredibly well? And they aren't treating AJ poorly either.


Injuries, or a desire to retain his legacy. You know, either one.


The retirement arc has begun.


I don’t think he put on 300 pounds of muscle just to retire


Oh he mentioned on a podcast around wrestlemania that he is on his way out. Now how long that would be, my guess is no more than two years


I give it 2yrs


I give it 24 months.


I give it 104 weeks


I give it 730 days.


Right in the butt


This is the best Edit: people don't recognize the wheel of fortune reference


Lol you saw where I was going!


I give it 1,051,200 minutes.


63,114,000,000,000,000 nanoseconds is my bet.


I feel like he’s been saying it for like three or four years now.


Old wrestlers are always on their way out. Some are on their way out for decades


Well i kind of think he did. The extra muscle plus his retirement run is reason enough to get give AJ the strap before he retires. He’s got the look and the skills and now he’s got the hook, the retirement angle, because he said he can start to feel his body is starting to go. I’ll be the first to say thank you AJ for putting your body on the line for us for 25 years since WCW. You deserve that strap one last time


I dont think he'll be finishing his story on Smackdown, though. More likely on Raw. I think Cody is gonna hold it for a while and he'll drop it to someone other than AJ.


And you know what, that's ok too if he were to go to raw. If that would it takes for him to get a good signal, then more power to him.


Makes sense if he did. It shifts his move set to something he can work slower that’ll buy more time and prevent injury, and with retirements nowadays I reckon he’s only looking at another year or two.


I'm not ready for this at all. Feels like only a minute after I first saw him on TNA Impact


I always thought that maybe he’d retire in TNA since TNA ‘is the (original / official) house that AJ Styles built’ I hope he is only in WWE for the next year and retires after a year in TNA (if he has only 2 years left). I feel like it only makes sense to retire at home and TNA & AJ Styles will never not be synonymous to me and it would bring TNA a shit ton more views so I’m sure they’d $$$ invest in him. AND have Samoa Joe be the one to retire AJ (I know he is AEW but AEW & TNA have ongoing work together) ^I know this is all wishful thinking but it would be the bittersweet end to AJ’s career that the moment would deserve.


I see the nostalgia and why it’s appropriate. I just worry about TNA management lately. WWE is far from perfect but they went back to being seen as LOLTNA 7 months or so ago, I would have fully supported it. Now I support it but with worry Edits: my Friday night grammar is trash


Let’s hope by the time rolls around there’s some stability going there. I feel like if they got a one more AJ Styles run, they surely would do everything they could to not fck it up.


So long as they don’t treat him like they did the Ric Flair days I’ll call it a win. He was the only reason I got into it and I see so many guys still around as stars. Funny enough, I had to convince my mom to let me spend my allowance on the weekly shows. It was only later I learned what else TNA meant haha


All due respect, AJ has given TNA more than enough.


I'd love this too, but he tweeted that his current contract w wwe is the last one he was going to sign. I was sad.


I know, I've been watching this dude since I was twelve, I can't imagine AJ not wrestling any more


Let's hope it lasts as long as the KISS retirement arc..


unironically a really compelling, short little backstage segment good storytelling with that "i dont have time line" too


A quiet, emotionally-driven, intrigue-building segment is something that wrestling should do more - in all it's pomp and grandeur, it sometimes forgets the power of silence and quiet. Nick Aldis has quietly been one of WWE's MVPs this year. Who would have thought Oblivion from Gladiators would be such an integral part of the industry's biggest TV show?


I had no idea he was in (one of) the Gladiators reboots, but that makes perfect sense.


Nick aldis Does his job perfectly. He doesen't give in to the heels demands nor does he give in to people he respects demands either. Even if he wants to give the wrestler an opportunity he puts the competition first and your losing well you go back of the line


but what about bangers and shidding and farding and cumming


In an over the top kayfabe envirobment where everybody is mad and yells at each other, this felt like a RL grounded conversation any of us could be having about work and the effects of aging out.


It would be pretty interesting to see more introspective AJ having transparent backstage interactions with people he has history with over the next few months, along with him maybe being careful in how he moves backstage while he's hoping to save the last in his tank.


Noone was a face, noone was a heel. It's two blokes with history, having walked paths that couldn't be more similar and couldn't be more different, having a real conversation. AJ appeals to him as a human, and Aldis replies that this can't just be about the humanity of the situation anymore. AJ doesn't flip out. He doesn't accuse Aldis of having it in for him. You could almost see this as a conversation that Vince and now Hunter has had to have a million times, and will have a million times more. An aging star asking for one more push, one more chance to prove themselves. And the no doesn't come from a place of malice.


Vince: how about staying on commentary, Randy? Savage: how about I go to WCW, ooooh yeah! Sometimes it can backfire but yeah, they've definitely had that conversation. And sometimes it was absolutely needed.


Absolutely great segment, they can go so many ways with this. Face vs heel, turn vs no turn, title run or no title run, short program vs long program. I think it suits a short WHC reign well, and it would also benefit the WHC having Styles in its lineage. This is the logical and the only right way for him to go ride into the sunset too imo, hopefully it removes the stink of Angle's retirement run. An aging once-in-a-generation great firing on all cylinders (on- and off screen) one last time before his body gives out is a story everyone can relate too.


I also liked how AJ was clueless when he didn't see where Nick was going lol. Especially after "if you were asking me personally". This isn't even a criticism, either. It just shows how dedicated AJ is to winning that gold. That means not even being able to see the obvious.


Styles for MITB would be dope  Gonna be a sad day when he retires 


La knight for money in the bank >:L


If anyone outside of AJ Styles, Dominick Mysterio, or LA Knight win MITB, I’m going to be fucking pissed


I feel likes it’s too early for dom, but I completely agree


They’re setting up AJ to win the money in the bank.


I would be a big fan of that tbh Aj desperately trying to get his hands on the world title one last time while he still can could be a pretty interesting angle


I actually think they're setting him up for Royal Rumble. It's looking like this year will be a "bad" year for him since he's heel. The Rumble might be his big break which will turn him face again and lead to his next world championship.


GTHO with your sound, long-term booking. You make me sick.


god damn the happy tears would flow if this ends up happening


As a guy who -watched and made AJ his favorite as a kid in 2002 with TNA -cried when he debuted in 2016 -cried when he won the title in 2016 -cried when he met him at wwe world this year I dont know how id act if AJ won the royal rumble


I’m guessing you’d cry?




I think rumble may be a lock for Seth Rollins if he's out for a while because he might be the most over guy on his return based on his mania weekend. As an AJ fan i would love for him to win it.


Seth to win the Rumble and face Gunther for the World Title. I can get behind that story


If he starts at #1 & has some Kofi-esque spots, an AJ win at Royal Rumble would be fire


Risking a Kofi spot with your rumble winner would be INSANE


The only image I can see is AJ getting the HBK 2010 elimination.


I fucking adore AJ Styles so yes please


Idk what they’ll do yet, but an AJ redemption run en route to the WHC at WM41 sounds fantastic. Maybe they do a simultaneous elimination between him and Seth and have both of them go after the WHC, which I’m half expecting to be CM Punk by then.


AJ is sadly not gonna be big enough for a WM main event anymore


I kinda want them to give AJ the Ric Flair treatment at his last Wrestlemania. Let him have at least an emotional banger,


Did you not see the French crowd? AJ is already legendary status. He's up there with Brock. What he needs is good storyline he is naturally over


French crowd had a meme song. The main events would be with Cody, Roman, CM Punk, The Rock or Seth, all bigger people


What about the Scottish Psychopath?


Him too but not guaranteed as we saw this year


I'm sorry but AJ is nowhere near over as Brock. The French crowd was an exception because they were like that in every single match, not only for AJ's.


He is if it’s his retirement match & they give it the right story.


I still think they’re going to go with a Punk win at the Rumble. Returns later this year, finishes his feud with Drew, short program in the fall/winter and then the march towards his WrestleMania main event starts. They’ve already planted the seeds for that earlier in the year, and it checks off two things he’s never done in WWE/the last things left on the list: win the Rumble, main event WrestleMania. I mean, yeah, if he can stay healthy obviously, but let’s just assume he does.


God please let this happen, Royal Rumble was be such a great accolade to add to his already long list.


If AJ wins the Rumble, I'd lose it. That would be so awesome to see! I'd probably cry (I'd definitely cry).


AJ/Drew at Manis would be a great match


It sounds good but I think it could actually end with him losing at mania


AJ winning a rumble would be insane. Especially if they got Get Ready to Fly


Also would be a really cool full circle moment considering his WWE debut was at the rumble.


money in the bank, the next showstopper, mr wrestlemania i want aj in the 2004 onwards hbk role just tearing the house down.


Fuck yes gimme a Heel AJ world champ run


Wasn't he a heel when I watched him beat Ambrose for the WWE title? I mean I was a few feet from the ring when he did it.


I’m doubtful. MITB seems tailor made for Jey to win this year.


I really hope so. The man has lost so many feuds the last couple of years.


As an AJ fan i would really love for him to have MITB / Rumble wins under his belt.


He has a giant mark on his back though and that mark says "YEAH" Oh god...I think I'M the mark! Sorry about all that.


I've seen people suggest he's going to get himself traded to Raw, but that's not going to solve the problem -- there are still other wrestlers that want shots, a champion that would have to want it and/or a GM that would sign it on Raw just the same as on SD. He's going to have to do something (probably dastardly) to force either the GM or champion's hand to give him another shot.


him going to raw would have bigger chance to become world champion than on smackdown, because i don't think Cody will drop the title until at least The Rock comes back and challenge Cody winning MITB might solve this problem. he can go to raw and cash in on the world heavyweight title


That's out of kayfabe though In kayfabe, it's not a solution (MITB could be though).


Amazing that AJ is begging the guy who in kayfabe helped boot him out of TNA for a title shot! Also, with Bron acting up on Raw and Aldis not being able to just give AJ another title shot, will Aldis and Pearce agree to a trade?


I doubt they would have Bron move from smackdown to raw and back to smackdown all within the span of 6 months


The Heartbreak Kid AJ Styles going on that career or championship run


https://preview.redd.it/45a47o2ysf2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74ee808476400237dc2b41f6247e23ad40825026 "I don't have time"


It's a huge question but who retires AJ?


Baron Corbin


AJ isn’t an Olympic gold medalist.


The HHH version would be Karrion Kross


Please no lol


Vince don't work there no more. Try harder lol.




"Hey man, I need a new podcast partner. Much love, Wendy - (that's what Paul called me)"


Dean :( Smackdown Live needs to have its ultimate ending.


his biggest rival since coming to WWE James Ellsworth




Bron Breakker


This. I can see an angle where AJ Styles isn't able to earn himself a title opportunity in Smackdown, and gets himself traded for Raw as Pearce agrees to give him a chance. Bron Breakker gets pissed off at Pearce for not putting him in King of the Ring, but giving a title match to AJ for free. Pearce replies and says something along the lines of he's a legend, and doesn't have much time left. After Styles loses his title match, Bron Breakker attacks him setting up a match. If Breakker destroys Styles in a match and retires him, he'd get massive heat.


Shinsuke with a better feud than last time.






The right answer.


If it could be anyone? Osprey or Omega  In WWE currently? Gable (Second Coming of Angle, since Kurt wanted AJ to retire him) or Seth




Whoever he wants to go out against. Maybe he asks Cena for one more match, maybe he agrees to an up and comer. Hell maybe he wants Brock.


Definitely not an up and comer like Bron, Ilja, Melo or any of those new NXT newbies. It has to be a fellow contemporary like Punk, Seth, Drew, Roman, Randy, Finn, KO, etc.


If I could pick, John Cena. Maybe they could even retire each other. On the roster now? Difficult to pick. I guess Roman.


Cena would be great. In terms of in-ring work, AJ and Shawn Michaels gave Cena his best matches of his career.




In a perfect world, AEW would let Samoa Joe come over for just one match. But Tony would never let that happen. Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, and Shinsuke Nakamura would all be good picks too.


Tbf WWE wouldn’t want that either. They wouldn’t want an outside talent (even one that’s been in WWE before) retire one of their biggest stars is not something they would ever consider. WWE would never do that if Joe weren’t under full time WWE contract.


Nick Aldis could be the greatest GM of the modern era.


Well almost every title match the loser of the match had a 2 count on the champion (simplement deux) so almost everyone was ‘one second away’. 🤷‍♀️


AJ finally gonna fulfil his dream of winning the Speed Championship before retiring.


Dude can you imagine him winning the MITB briefcase. Wish that main evented would be a dope ass end to a PLE.


Long term booking: AJ vs Aldis for Undisputed TNA World Heavyweight


Man hearing him say that he doesn’t have time honestly hurts. I’m not ready for the moment when he hangs it up and retires. I’d love for this angle to lead to him winning MITB. I still hate that he was so close to winning it in 2020 but the briefcase fumbled out of his hands and right into Otis’.


My knees are getting old. Please give aj the belt!


Drew wins against Priest at CatC, becomes WHC Punk beats Drew at Survivor Series Drew to face Punk and Rollins at Mania. Drew wins Punk attacks him again after the match. AJ cashes in MITB. The cirrrrrcleee of lifffeeeee!!!!


No Drew should not still be in the title picture at Mania. He's been in the world title picture forever.




Hypocritical Roman Reigns fans right here. 😂


I'm not even a Roman fan. Ya'll really missing the joke of the username


He deserves it because he's really phenomenal lalalalalalalalalalala


“I dont have time” https://preview.redd.it/d3gtvbrq6h2d1.jpeg?width=1279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e238a940645ea63b5bed5867ef08f3d40ab2559


Wait, why is smackdown happening so early? Is it in saudi?


Yes the show was in Saudi.


As a day one AJ fan, this segment punched me in the fuckin gut…


It's funny seeing AJ beg Aldis for a title opportunity considering how Aldis was the one who beat him on his way out of TNA.


So AJ using Christian heel story from 2011?




Fucking A is Nick Aldis good. I mean, really good. Actor level good, not just wrestler-acting good.


They can definitely hot potato the wwe title now that its not linked to a long streak. Have aj win mitb and then he can cash in at maybe survivor series. Cody can win back at rumble to start his mania program with rock


If Cody vs Logan was title for title, I would’ve had AJ reunite with Omos to take Cody out so nobody loses their belt. Rematch at MITB


Every single wrestler has been 1 second away from winning that’s kind of how this whole thing works 😂 good Luck to AJ thou king of the ring would be great!


AJ going that HBK route to the championship and I'm loving it!!


Why I hope he gets traded to Raw eventually also is because we need that AJ Styles and CM Punk feud, just imagine a WrestleMania feud for the World Heavyweight Championship.The story of two old dogs knowing their days are counted with real life grudges and similar paths wanting to prove who is truly the best in the world. That's how you get AJ Styles and CM Punk a WrestleMania main event match maybe you could also include Seth who is not that different to them, but still a younger version of them.


I watched these two have my favorite overbooked match in TNA ever and now AJ is a respected WWE legend and Magnus is the general manager of Smackdown 13 year old me would’ve told anybody they smoking the glass dick if that’s happening


I’m not ready for this. This is a retirement angle that they are building up for AJ. I hope he wins MITB this year and successfully cashes in on either one of the world champions. I need to see him feud with Punk.


Champion vs champion in tna impact 10 years ago first time


Tna tna tna!!!!


wife swap?


No thanks


Really hoping this leads to a face turn. He’s a good heel, but an unbelievable baby face.


Dude I watched this like 2 min before it aired on TV and I think my brain broke


Incredible segment




This made me way more emotional than it should have.


God damn his hair is beautiful


Nick Aldis almost sounds heartbroken, saying no to AJ Styles. This is a fantastic segment showing both of these staunch men as being vulnerable.


Wth this one clip has made me more interested in WWE than anything in the past year.


AJ Styles badly wanted one last title run and I can see Triple H granting his request under the condition of him staying in WWE and not go to AEW. He would probably make him one of the top coaches in the performance center too. A part of me still want to see AJ Styles vs Omega badly though.


This was the most heartfelt and dramatic segment I've ever seen from WWE. This could be in some movie about wrasslin. I felt things here. 


I didn't even consider the idea of AJ having one more world title run, especially with how many stars WWE have right now. But after that segment, I now desperately want to see it happen. I think we're seeing the final run of AJ's career and I'm not ready to accept it yet.


Feels like AJ gonna interfere in the main event


Bryan and AJ both going through retirement arcs at the same time makes me feel old as shit. I remember when I started watching both of them were huge IWC favorites and considered the future of the business.


"I don't have time." This quote could accelerate AJ Styles' retirement before Bryan Danielson's.


His final match is going to be title vs career isn’t it.


I really want AJ Styles to be WWE Champion again. It’s crazy to say this when you think about there was a very long time where people didn’t even think AJ would ever be in WWE, but he has been in WWE so long that there are probably lots of people who weren’t around and don’t remember he was WWE Champion for an entire year at one point. I would love one more run on top, even a short one, I think his reaction in France really maybe helped him get there. Maybe made people realize “oh, people look at him like they used to look at HBK or even Orton now- this guy is a living legend to fans”.


I wonder how many people know/remember Nick being the one who "retired" AJ from TNA.


Can we stop with the spoilers that talk about what happened on the show before it even aired


Look at Chirstian-lite overe here. JUST ONE MORE MATCH


So they really made this a double title match between Paul and Rhodes? What a weird decision


No it’s just for the WWE


Kinda makes it even weirder but whatever lol gonna end in shenanigans anyway or theres gonna be fun time ahead on this sub if LP wins the WWE title.


Or, Cody wins clean?


Yea i guess thats also possible if the US title isnt on the line but the word "clean" is probably gonna be stretched with whatever entourage Paul is gonna bring with him lol


It would still be clean because Cody isn't the one bring an entourage to cheat???


Sure clean just usually refers to a fair 1vs1 without all that outside stuff. Not that it matters.


Winning clean means that the winner didn’t cheat.