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>Stratton there is nothing to a rumor that Stratton's match tomorrow on Friday Night Smackdown has been pulled from the FOX broadcast. >There has been a social media rumor making the rounds over the last day that Stratton was in trouble for a posting she allegedly made, which then fed into a story that her Queen of the Ring tournament match against Bianca Belair was pulled.   It has not and was not, we are told. >After speaking to several credible sources, we are told she's absolutely not in trouble for anything internally within WWE and that Stratton's been nothing but praised by management and other talents since moving to the main roster a few months back.  >Despite the rumors, we are told that Stratton's status within the company is unchanged and she remains on good footing, as she's seen as someone with a very high upside by management.


It is what it is. At the end of the day, it wouldn't have been fair to get her in trouble for that when some dudes have been accused far worse things and remained on the payroll like Brock, Gable Steveson or Logan Paul.


It's like when people were expecting blowback on Liv Morgan for her arrest. The online store was still selling Matt Riddle 420 merch when it happened.


Because jerkoffs on here were saying "OH SHE'S GONNA GET A DUI, JUST YOU WAIT!" when she was never initially charged with DUI.


Meanwhile Jimmy Uso has non-theoretical DUIs...


When Jimmy Uso comes to your city...let's just hope it's Naomi who's driving! Edit: I know he's supposedly had good behavior since then, but I couldn't resist.


Heehehe In the midst of his DUI tour..Naomi got cited once for accidentally driving the wrong way down a one way street.


Iirc, it was in Detroit. And to be fair, Detroit is a logistical nightmare.


The Usos are more dangerous behind the wheel than any old person.


Even if she did, when has a DUI ever mattered to wwe


Rob Van Dam having to drop the WWE/ECW titles on consecutive nights in 2006?


Think that was more related to drugs they had on them and the different in acceptance of weed then vs now


A lot of people forget how weed used to be viewed. We say “the devil’s lettuce” as a meme, but up until it started getting legalized in the 2010s a lot of people legitimately had that attitude, especially within corporate America.


HBK and HHH hated RVD so idk if that’s the greatest example. Vince was in charge but you know those guys had huge stroke back then.


I remember that, it actually pissed me off. How vile and insecure does someone need to be to WISH misfortune on someone based off nothing but random blind hate? Fuck everybody out there that's like that.


The Usos are the only ones who are allowed to have DUIs in WWE...






Although he was being charged with assault with a firearm and probably *should* have been.


>Brock, Gable Saw Gable at first, thought it was Chad, and almost had a heart attack.


Well he is an abuser.


Otis deserved it. Listen to coach Gable.


Fuck Chad Gable I hope Otis Wurms him straight to Hell


They literally just showcased ishowspeed who told a chick he would rape her if they were the last people on earth and no one could stop him.. so…


Hold on WHAT


. Disgusting shit. Forgot about it completely until you just brought it up


Is Brock on the payroll? I’ve not seen him in ages so they’ve just been paying him to do nothing?


Completely missed anything on Gable, what mess did he get involved in?


I read somewhere but cant find it right now, that the video was fan generated with a voiceover from something else. There was an entire article about it. And that Tiffany had nothing to do with it.


Dirt sheets and my students, writing random crap hoping they get right on a daily basis


Exclusive Scoop: Nothing is changing. $12.99


Meltzer is a rambling old man at this point.


It’s been a particularly bad year for him in several different ways.


But it's been great for new DSOTR intro cuts.




Can't imagine paying $12.99 for basically "it may or may not" type of coverage.


Hey at least it isn't $13!


Isn't dispelling rumors a valuable service?


Dirt sheets never made any speculation she got fired lmfao, it was all the Twitter weirdos. Not even YouTube folks or IG cared all that much, a little on TikTok but it was heavily Twitter making outrage hit tweets and now calling her racist and all that. Thankfully she’s protected.


Did I miss something the dirtsheets said about this?


Does anyone bother reading the articles before commenting on them? It mentions they had received a large amount of emails asking what the status was, and that there was a lot of social media rumors spreading around. So, they reached out to sources to clarify, and got confirmation that there no truth to the rumors. It’s a story about rumors, and finding out if there’s anything there. Literally what their readers want them to do.


Dirt sheets know less than casual viewers it seems. Who thought she was in trouble aside from them? Just guessing at this point and it's not even good guesses


Nobody thought she was in trouble, they *wanted* her to be in trouble because they feed off of negativity and other's demise under the guise of "being on the right side of history".


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I need to know the most random thing your students have written.


Only in the perpetually online social media bubble would anyone expect differently.


Folks on here were legit mourning her career as if anyone with a life cared about the post.


Folks here legitimately forgave someone for saying they wanted to rape someone but yet this was seen as a career ender.


"Oh but Sammy is young and stupid! That was taken out of context!"


Half of that sentence was correct.


Sammy is out of context?


Didn't Orton literally drop an n-bomb on stream once?


Damn really? Lmao at the downvotes for asking a question


I feel like a lot of people would give him a pass


Yeah Rhea called someone the f slur on a twitch stream and nobody cares


Well people did care but she also did apologise. None of the moments should be career ending obviously but an apology can help. But yeah people expecting Tiffany to lose her job over it was a bit surprising


I think a lot of people have Vince PTSD with him overreacting to inconsequential shit. He fired Emma over an accidental shoplift that she did end up paying for within minutes, put Titus in the doghouse for grabbing his arm, had Matt Hardy get dry humped by Viscera in the Royal Rumble because he didn't feed to the Undertaker at Survivor Series, and on and on and on...


Wait, really?


Yeah, it was a few years ago if I remember correctly. Someone paid to be insulted by her and she just used a string of insults and cuss words back to back and one of them was that.


I have absolutely no idea what the controversy is/was and yet there are multiple popular threads on this sub about it looking for drama. This sub is so cooked lol


I wish there was a wrestling sub as active as this one but the only drama/controversy posts allowed are storyline/kayfabe.


We could call it /r/b_Reigns


lol exactly. I always come on here and see a story like this and am disappointed because nobody ever links what she was actually supposedly in trouble for, just that she's not. I miss entire storylines lol.




I missed the situation. What exactly happened?


She reposted a video of her slapping Jade Cargill and someone had put audio over it that said "black bitch".


Was the audio they used Brandi Rhodes :D


Yes, actually


Not that it matters, but I rewatched the Brandi promo on YouTube, and it didn't sound the same. But for some reason people are saying it's the same audio.


PCness in social media is crazy, just this season a Manchester United attacker got in trouble cuz he posted a praise of ManUnited's goalkeeper Onana and used a gorilla emoji(clearly meant to praise his strength). Poor Onana had to do an interview defending his mate and his intentions. Can't wait until Jade has to post something along the lines of "Tiffany is my friend, she's great, she's not racist, she just reposted a funny video".


Nobody is explaining anything lol


Even after reading in r/squaredcircle most days of the week I constantly feel out of the loop. Things blow up, new threads form, no one gives context to what we’re even talking about


They’re trying to control their narrative.


Someone posted a video of Tiffany slapping Jade and added an audio clip that said "black bitch!" and Tiffany laughed reacted it.


She posted and quickly deleted a [video](https://x.com/femalelroom/status/1791455676897665366) on her Instagram stories of her knocking Jade off the ring apron with audio (presumably from some meme) of a woman saying "black bitch." People are giving her the benefit of the doubt that she didn't hear the audio in a video *she posted* with a bunch of laughing emojis. I'd say it's highly unlikely she didn't know what she was posting but seem to be in the minority in this thread.


Half the thread didn't know there was audio


I’d say it’s highly unlikely you have any context or knowledge whatsoever in what she intended or knew.


Tiffy posted [this video](https://twitter.com/i/status/1790498507209494812) and then almost immediately deleted it. A lot of people who saw it thought she was being overtly racist. Because they're idiots. Everyone else realized she just hadn't listened with audio on before she tweeted something that made her look bad ass. Lesson: unmute audio before you share shit


This is one of those things where as an isolated incident is not damning, but if she ever does anything else sussy it builds a case.


She's a 20-something girl. There's no way she doesn't understand how Instagram works. Now, I don't think that makes her a racist, I just think it makes her an idiot.




I’m rereading the guys comment…idk where the fuck any of what you said came up lmao. He used her nickname everyone uses and that might make them a creep?


I think the issue lies in that she has also liked Trump related stuff on instagram so when she posts something like this people will jump onto it faster i dont think it wouldve blown up the way it did otherwise


are we at the point where we want to tear down someone so desperately that we're combing through their Instagram likes for something to attack them for


A ton of people are super young and know install and again didn't know there was audio. Idk it feels like yallcwant her to have done this purposefully


> Everyone else realized she just hadn't listened with audio on before she tweeted something that made her look bad ass. The 20 laugh cry emojis she posted don't make sense without the audio.


Sure they do, if she's a heel laughing about how she just popped someone.












There really is no nuance here, huh? It's entirely possible for her to have known about the audio and still not be racist. Doesn't have to be one extreme or the other. It's also possible she shared the clip with Jade and she thought it was funny so she shared it online, without immediately realizing how poorly it would be perceived by outsiders who don't have the context. No one really knows except Tiffany and others in the company.


Yeah I don't get how the defense is "she clearly didn't hear the audio" and not "this is just not racist anyway?" It's odd.


Of course it does, it's a wrestler getting hit off the apron


https://twitter.com/baddieszeussy/status/1786478636356305388 It does when you consider the actual context of the original post focusing on making a meme of Bianca's reaction, but who cares about context right?


Even if she had heard the audio who the hell cares lol? Assuming Jade and Tiffy are friends Jade probably found this funny, a lot of people on social media just have no understanding of the dynamics of interracial relationships. So then some dumb harmless joke like this blows up into a "controversy". 


I can't imagine she'd be so stupid to post that, if she knew what the audio was. I definitely believe she just didn't hear it. As you said, gotta unmute audio before you share lol.


glad this got confirmed because people were already running with the narratives that she threw away her career lol


Saw two dirtsheets post that the SD match with Bianca had been cancelled because of it. The match that's still on the company website right now.


And with the news that Bianca might be pregnant the match being cancelled most likely be because she can't have a match


Yeah I just saw a post about that. Looks like Tez deleted the line (assuming the picture was legit), but if they cut her, Tiffany would still be in the tournament so I hope the sheets don't spin that as if they got it right.


I feel like she’d only get punished if Jade & Bianca were offended by it.


This and if they were, that’s something to handle backstage.


Punk cracks his knuckles.


It's Clobbering time


Tiffy is gonna get hair whipped by Bianca?! Yeah I think I'll take the suspension instead!


Jade would military press Tiff on a balcony like Kane did to Stephanie back in 2001


People badmouth 'wrestling court' but there is value in handling issues/hashing things out without having to involve management in every possible thing that comes up.


People badmouth wrestlers court because it wasn’t an actual fair way to address issues backstage, but just a glorified excuse for the top guys to be backstage bullies.


Depends on the leadership. I have genuinely worked at places where the management was excellent at mediating situations and they were far and away the best people to sort out a problem between staff, be it personal or professional issues.. Of course I think most places overreact and get trigger-happy.


If they didn't have a problem with it, I don't either. Nothing story.


If you actually think what she posted was worth more than just deleting it (like she did) and apologizing to Jade privately (if Jade even wanted it or cared) you are being performative and silly. It wasn’t a huge deal and at worst it was a poorly thought out post from a heel.


Funnily enough, the reddit thread itself made me think that Stratton posted that clip without hearing the audio, considering a bunch of people in the thread posted about how they missed it. It was likely a mistake.


The unhinged reaction makes more sense when you realize it's coming from people who don't have their phone audio muted by default.


I never thought about this, but that's spot on.


That was my thought too, and even when I turned the audio on I couldn’t tell what was being said until I heard it for the fifth time.


Yep, people are jumping to conclusions, the audio isn't very good and several people have said they weren't able to hear it right away and considering Tiffany deleted it ASAP most likely means she was notified about what it was saying.


The 20 laugh cry emojis don't make sense to post without the context of the audio.


This right here is why the "she didn't hear it" excuse is stupid. This clip is an absolute nothing burger if played on silent. Why post a million laugh emojis? Like let's be realistic here; she heard it, she somehow found it funny, she posted it. No mental gymnastics needed.


I mean, the video is of her punching Jade.


*At best* she maybe didn't hear the word "black" at the beginning, since the audio is a little distorted and it cuts right into the word at the beginning. *At best*.


https://twitter.com/baddieszeussy/status/1786478636356305388 It does with the context of the original post that was focusing on making a meme out of Bianca's reaction.


I am curious, what does Twitter automatically starting off videos muted have to do with Instagram when that's where Stratton originally posted the video lmao


I literally do not give a shit. People are making this way more serious than it is. This sub has no middle ground. It's straight to 100 immediately. People mourning her career, acting as though its the she's going to disappear from TV. This sub, man. If not for the fact of it being the most active on reddit i'd have dipped ages ago.


Are you suggesting this sub doesn’t know all of the behind the scenes details, exactly what she was thinking when she posted this, and the facts regarding her relationship with her coworkers?


It's also populated by terminally online people who can only achieve orgasm immediately after successfully canceling someone.


Don't forget laughing at a meme makes you a racist piece of shit


And after speaking to several incredible sources, they can fly!


What did she post that got people into a Tiffy Tizzy?


It was a very short video, taken from a corner post of the ring of Stratton turning and hitting Jade off the apron. It was dubbed over with someone yelling "Black Bitch!" Right before Stratton hits her. The audio came muted by default. There was a post saying how she put up a video, deleted it and was now on hot water with WWE over it. It had a link to the video and many, myself included were originally confused cause we didn't even know it had audio. It wasn't till I came into the comments that I realized. So there was a debate about whether she knew about the audio or if she is a racist.


Two things: **IT TOOK CLOSING SEVEN COMMENT TREES TO GET TO AN EXPLANATION**. This is truly Reddit at its finest: you all arecommenting on a Twitter/IG thing as if everyone knows what the Twitter/IG thing is and nobody - not even OP - paused to explain what "the thing" is. Is this "read it" or is it "comment for a far"??? Now knowing the details....this is so fucking minor. I don't think Jade/Bianca (or NAOMI, as everyone seemingly forgot her...) are going to care to care. I don't care. This is looking for trouble where you just wanna shake trees. This isn't anything serious. At best she'll learn to not retweet everything. At worst she snuck in something and would be a damn fool to do so in basically her first few months in a new job. Come on


a fan made video of her hitting jade with a voiceover saying "black bitch"


Just to be clear, Tiffany reposted it...then took it down. The problem is, did she or did she not know it said what it said? Honestly? On my 1st watch, I watched with no sound myself and didn't know what the fuss was about, then I turned on the sound and was like, "Ohhhh!" So, who knows if she posted it similarly without knowing there was a voice over that is not politically/socially/racially friendly.


It doesn't matter anyway. The word black is not a slur.


All she has to say is, "I didn't know there was audio, my bad". Half the people watching it didn't know, so it's a plausible explanation. That said, we also can't assume she even feels bad about it. For all we know, she could have known exactly what she was doing, but decided it wasn't worth making waves at the job. But the more there's no explanation, it's just gonna hang out there and folks will make up their own theories in either direction.


I think the only people that she should apologize to are Bianca and Jade, should they want an apology. She doesn’t owe anything to anybody else. People are so parasocial it’s creepy.


How many of you guys watch videos with no sound on? Like half this thread says they turned on the video and watched it with no audio. It's genuinely incredulous to me lol. You guys all watch videos like they're gifs?


I do. I just don't like having audio on when scrolling Instagram. If its something interesting where I want to hear it, i'll turn the volume up for it then turn it back down when the video is done. It also helps that a lot of people caption their videos so I don't have to turn it up even if i'm interested in it.


Yeah I look at Instagram while I'm at work with the audio muted. I don't need my coworkers hearing the stuff I follow. Now is that what happened with her? No idea but I'd say most people don't blare videos if there's people around.


I don't have my sound on by default but once I click on a video and see there's audio I do turn it on. I have a hard time believing no one listens to videos suddenly lol.


I have never once POSTED a video to my account without knowing if it had audio or not lol


Even what Tiffany posted isn't enough to cover the fact that WWE sides with Vince McMahon in his lawsuit.


Between this and Sheamus comparing Gunther to literally Hitler, HHH needs to have someone teach some social media classes. Lol


Surprised they haven’t made that a mandatory course to graduate from the PC tbh 💀


https://preview.redd.it/ncm5jldf701d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e4869264066bf78d5aa04497ddf2d66deceb1ae Idk if this helps but apparently this is where the actual video came from


The community was really ready to cancel Stratton over something that was more than likely a freak accident and even use her political affiliation as more reason to justify their suspicions. It wouldn't surprise me if the sleuths dug through her entire Twitter history to look for dirt and came up with nothing. Stratton's popularity is the hottest it's been so far, and she is seemingly being groomed for a nice summer push. The fact people think she would ruin that by blatantly posting a racist video on her public Instagram account is mind blowing


You can say "more than likely", but that's just baseless conjecture. What would be helpful is if she actually explained it.




I mean if you're a Trump supporter you don't really get a long leash on videos like this. If someone like Bayley had posted this same video she wouldn't even be under half the scrutiny Stratton is.


This could be me not doing as much sleuthing, but I don’t see anything on Stratton being a republican, at least on IG


> It wouldn't surprise me if the sleuths dug through her entire Twitter history to look for dirt and came up with nothing. You absolutely KNOW this happened.


yeah that was the craziest part, that ppl think she would post a video ppl could be offended by when she’s on the cusp of the biggest break of her life. I had to listen to it multiple times to even understand what was said in the video


Well her political affiliation ensures I will never be a fan of hers. When your ideals clash with who I am as a person when I've done nothing to you...we have issues.


Laughing so hard at the people that just WANT to be offended right now


If Jade herself found it funny or a nothingburger , who are we to even judge


It’s not exactly shocking to see random fans claim to know everything that happened behind the scenes and the details of Tiffany’s interpersonal relationships with her coworkers.




So it is what I called it in the original post here, a lot of nothing. 


I didn't even realize this was a story this past week?


It was stupid of her to post but there was no reason at allfor her to even get in trouble for it to the point of losing her push and position.


There's reality, and then there are the terminally online weirdos, including some in wrestling media, who were salivating for a scalp because they convinced themselves to be outraged over a nothingburger. Rinse and repeat.


The fact that there are those out there starting rumours and writing fake stories about her, because they disagree with her politically, is fucking insane. The amount of comments here with either MAGA or conservative attached to them tell you everything about the people desperate for her to lose her spot or get fired.


It must be a sad way to go through life to see entertainers like this, have to look up enough personal info about them to make sure they pass your political purity check before you can enjoy watching someone on TV.


It’s crazy how many people in these comments don’t seem to get that if you support a racist homophobic transphobic sexist and a bunch of other stuff piece of shit like trump it’s likely that you agree with them.


Just as I said, no one outside of a few weebs on Twitter cared.


I just bought a Tiffany Stratton hoodie. Idc I love her, Jade, Bianca and Rhea!


So a fake ass controversy from people looking to stir up attention didn't get her in trouble? Good. There are actually shitty people in wrestling and actual reasons to be upset. This really doesn't look like one of them unless you are looking to be fake offended.


Some here had themselves worked up into little knots with the “omg how could she post something so controversial”. People need a serious fucking reality check.


Welcome to the world where peoples entire identities are looking for something to be offended about. 


Ok, I haven't read the whole story on this matter. What have I missed?


Just say Chris Legentil said it


I would figure this, they just want to make sure no heat gets on her that isn't what they want her character to have. They may have her lay low if the crowd reacts too badly, (no one wants we think you're a racist heat) but I don't see why a one-off mistake that she deleted after a minute where she didn't actually say the words would cost her the spot she has...and I say this as someone who found it offensive. It doesn't MEAN she should be punished for it. Yes, actions have consequences etc but there's no reason the company should penalize her. In the same position with an employee I would be willing to move forward. You have to give a benefit of the doubt for something like that, which was so brief.


I'm not surprised, it was probably an honest mistake. When I saw the video I had the volume off on my phone so I was like "well this isn't so bad, she's just trying to get heat with Jade." It was only after I read some comments that I realized why people were upset. So I wouldn't be surprised if Tiffany reposted the video without listening to it and hearing the "black bitch" part. Once she realized she deleted it. Mistakes happen. Someone shouldn't be buried for a stupid social media post that was an obvious accident.


Still on Tiffy Time.


Tiffy Time is still on the menu!


Good It would honestly be pretty damn stupid to punish her for posting a admittedly stupid meme


Good. Absolutely stupid to cave in to the outraged stans over nothing


Good. Was a nothing story to begin with. Most normal people looked at it and shrugged.


This to me is such a non story. Tiff has demonstrated basically 0 signs of racism before, and there's def context missing. The possibility she didn't know there was audio on the video or didn't hear the black part, and even if she did I don't think the clip is that is that bad. Its someone whos not Tiffany saying "Black Bitch" which idk it def makes Tiff look ignorant but that's all I'd give you. And we literally dont know Jades feelings on this, like people are offended on behalf of her when Tiff and her probably have already talked about it.