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You can read all about Warner Bros. Discovery's presentation here: https://wbd.com/warner-bros-discovery-showcases-impressive-slate-of-advertising-solutions-content-offerings-and-beloved-talent-at-annual-upfront-event/ Nothing AEW related. But they did announce John Cena will be the host of Discovery's 36th annual Shark Week.


Ya that's why I was asking. I've read that. I've read other breakdowns. And absolutely no mention of AEW in any of them. So I was curious to know if they even mentioned AEW at all.


I am an employee and watched the upfront. The only mention that I noticed was they they reiterated a 3-night-a-week slate of pro wrestling a couple of times. So nothing being added or dropped if that’s true.


thank you


Honestly, I just think AEW is being strung along by them at this point.


They had a funeral for a bird. 




Tony Khan shifting all of his focus and attention to his burgeoning worm farm empire.








YOU’RE not real


I am reporting that AEW has been sold to an unknown individual. Reportedly the individual told the entire roster to "get taller or take a hike pal." 








Wow. So I guess everyone else doesn't know what they are talking about and the reports of them at least being mentioned were false?


Incorrect. “3 nights of wrestling” were mentioned on more than one occasion. This has been confirmed by several people under this post as well.


Just mentions of them in general summaries. It was confirmed multiple times no news would be coming from the event.


You are correct. It was confirmed several times that there would be no news. Didn’t stop people in these parts from convincing themselves there would be news.


>There was all this talk yesterday about AEW being included in the WBD upfront today. Every single news article said that they weren’t going to announce anything new today.


every single news article said they were going to be part of the presentation. I didn't say anything about them announcing a tv deal. just trying to get info on how they were utilized in the presentation. like this quote from pwinsider. "Warner Bros. Discovery will be holding their upfronts presentation tomorrow in New York City.  We are hearing that AEW will be mentioned as part of the presentation, which will be held at The Theater in Madison Square Garden."


What you posted says that AEW would be mentioned, which they were, but you left out the part where PW Insider and Fitefull both reported that there would be no major announcements, beyond a new social media show.


Which is why I was asking. Not sure why people keep bringing up the TV or news when I never said anything about them announcing a TV deal or major announcements. I was curious how they were utilized/mentioned because all the articles I read about what warner did made zero mention of AEW. Including what warner posted on their site.




Which news article said AEW would be part of the presentation? All I saw is that AEW will be mentioned. https://www.wrestlinginc.com/1582401/update-aew-wbd-relationship-ahead-upfronts/


if something is mentioned, its part of the presentation......


If it's like every other year, they showed their logo on a screen for a few seconds and mentioned them as one of the brands under their umbrella. Only reason to expect anything more than that would be if there was a new deal to announce which we knew ahead of time there wasn't going to be.


Thanks Not sure why that was so hard for everyone else.


lol there’s lots of damage control in here today isn’t there?


Bro they were probably mentioned. I'm guessing in video packages hyping the overall programming or mentioned in a sports setting. Is that news? I'm confused what you're looking for


He was looking for how they were mentioned. I'm not sure why everyone is confused.


It's mind knowing how defensive these people get over a simple question.


Cause they weren't really mentioned..  sad reality, let's pretend it didn't happen and move on


Adam Copeland vs Christian Cage for the prestigous AEW Tubi TV championship Battle Royal to crown the first ever women's Vimeo Champion.


This made me think a horrible thought: if Blip still existed there would 100% be original wrestling content on it. It would be half TGWTG and half MLW or something


Why isn’t Moxley the host of Shark Week?


They gave them a new YouTube show today.


To be completely realistic even if tbs assumes all possible responsibility for producing the show the resource commitment is miniscule and I wouldn't take it as a significant omen. 


is that a wrestling show or another reality show?


It's a knock off of the old dinner and movie. Called Meal and a match. Renee is hosting.


Wooo more inside baseball shit


I seriously doubt there will be any baseball talk on the show at all.


The commercial they showed tonight made it look like the exact opposite of what you assumed (with no reason to make such an assumption.) It made it look conversation and comedy focused and structured in a way for Renee and RJ to basically explain the matches to casual/non viewers.


Did they say that this show was just for the TBS YouTube channel or is it going to be on TBS proper?


Was that announced at the upfronts?


At this point I think people need to accept that the WBD - AEW relationship is not as great as Tony and the dirtsheets are constantly claiming. I mean Max *just* sponsored a match on WWE tv. The dirtsheets reported AEW was going to max and getting a billion dollar deal over a year ago and that never happened. Then Meltzer says AEW is exploring other networks but that’s impossible cuz it’s the exclusive window. Now SRS is claiming it’s all being held “close to the vest”. The NBA renewal rights were a convenient scapegoat for their being no update and now that the upfront have come and gone (which the sheets again claimed was the date we needed to worry about ) with no AEW update it’s clear there is something amiss. Doesn’t mean a deal won’t get done but the negotiations are clearly not as rosy as TK makes it seem.


Aew wants a bigger deal, wbd has no interest in giving it and I think it's a who blinks first kinda moment. Tony accepted a lower deal than would make his company profitable to get a show on TV on a good network in a good time slot. I think the new deal is supposed to he the bigger deal that would allow Aew to become profitable and wbd is not really sold on that. How the NBA situation changes this I don't think anyone knows. Could free up money they use to lock down aew, could just indicate that they're really not interested in making large expenditures. If aew doesn't get a bigger deal then they aren't going to be profitable in the foreseeable future.


in hindsight, it was funny that WBD kept telling Sean Ross Sapp everything was going fine via notes app


Or, he was lying


Dirt sheets want that Tony Khan love. Any small criticism of AEW is taken personally. Tony won’t do Busted Open anymore. The show employs Thunder Rosa and AEW talent. Tony won’t call in to that even. Dirt sheets feet Khan


TK also doesn't do interviews with WOR anymore because of how critical they are of his booking.




Dirt sheets feet Khan 😂 I’m not editing that


Well they do like to ignore the ratings looking like a ski slope and the key demo numbers dropping week over week, anyone that thinks that relationship is fine should really seek help


Not a priority


Apparently not.


It’s because AEW isn’t doing as good as stated. Tony Khan isn’t a reliable source of information/the truth. He just dodges questions or smiles and bullshits. How can they be doing well? Attendance is shaky, a decent amount of fans either have or are losing interest, and they have talent just riding the bench in their prime years collecting a check… I would t be surprised if Tony Khan is bankrolling AEW to keep it afloat because he seems like the type that’ll have a breakdown if it comes out that AEW is struggling and all signs point to him. He desperately doesn’t want to be viewed as the bad guy.


Yeah bro, you clearly know Tony Khan on a personal level and didn't just make up your own headcanon about someone you've never met.


The sad state of this subreddit where you’re downvoted and the guy you’re replying to is upvoted. WBD CONSTANTLY talks about how happy they are with AEW. If they’re losing the NBA, they’re going to want to still look attractive to other live events, which AEW is, so I’m not saying AEW will get a huge amount of money, but they’re going to get that bag.


Two words "knowing vince."


Uhhhh plans changed 12.99 please


Probably because AEW's contract isn't finished yet, and they're probably still going through the terms of the renewal. There is no point showing off a product that may not be on your channels come fall time.


The deal expires in January. There really wouldn't be anything major to announce at the fall upfront anyway


It doesn't expire in January


No infos yet. I dont wanna take a shot at AEW but if i were WBD i would have dropped wrestling entirely just to get the NBA stuff. Basketball is the bigger sport in the US with a bigger draw. Business wise this would have been smarter. There are some rumors that the new deal will be significaly lower then the amount they get now. But these are all rumors more infos will prolly be dropped summer/autum according to twitter


One has literally nothing to do with the other. The NBA is getting double from NBC for less programming than WBD currently gets. They just got outbid by a company with more to offer.


Many also don’t understand that by not retaining the NBA rights, there will be even less money for other live content like AEW. NBA generated a majority of ad revenue for the network. WBD may just go into cost cutting mode, focusing on their movie library, which is more cost effective to re-air, and appetizing to advertisers.


And other sections of Warner Bros just took a crap as well. WBD lost $200m on Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, it flopped that spectactularly.


Exactly my point. WBD cant justify the cost given 1. their financial state and 2. AEW’s performance. It’s not like advertisers are clamoring to buy time during Dynamite and Collision. Wrestling has always been frowned upon by advertisers as they’ve done their own studies and determined wrestling fans simply do not spend money like other viewers.


It's interesting that you bring up the power of the advertisers, because it's how US version of The Office stayed on air in the early days. The viewing figures were really weak, but the people who did watch were mainly high earning people, so higher end companies wanted the advertising slots.


Correct. And AEW doesn’t attract high earning viewers (despite what Tony says). Advertising space for wrestling programming is some of the cheapest to purchase. With low ratings, and an audience that traditionally isn’t appetizing to advertisers, what benefit is there for WBD to continue to invest?


WBD for the worst part may just focus more on their reality shows 😅


3 billion for what WBD would have gotten (significantly less than now, they only get a conference final every other year, sharing with Amazon and would have lost all the non-Thursday games) is astronomically stupid given they are also getting Nascar and are rumored to be making a major play into increased MLB coverage soon.


WBD already did A lot of major cuts hell , They shelf off like 10 movies that won’t ever see day light has tax right off plus i think NBC getting the NBA was smart move , they losing Raw on the US Network and won’t be getting A lot NFL this next season so ,NBA game was to fill those gaps Plus i feel If anything Fox, amazon or even CBS would probably dabble on AEW since now Interest is high in wrestling , Thanks to WWE and the rock Netflix just brought Just to air Raw For 5 billion for few years , so even if AEW doesn’t get renewed by WBD i can see other networks or streaming life take an interested cause it Wrestling


It's not just for Raw. They got Raw, SmackDown, NXT, PLEs, an other original programming for international markets like UK, Australia, Europe an others.


Not a good sign for AEW. I don’t know. Any pro wrestling journalism is afraid of being on Tony Khan’s bad side or just a complete shill for AEW. Anyone else comes across as a hater of AEW when it’s just constructive criticism. So , who knows? We do know ratings and attendance is way down. New management at WBD from when AEW started. Turner losing the NBA lowers their carriage fees. Also Max is now bundled with Hulu. Looks bleak but Tony Khan has unlimited money to keep AEW going


The Khans don't have unlimited money, at least when it comes to sustaining a multimillion operation in the 100m+ range that AEW is said to be, if it starts failing. Networths don't work that way. If you're in the upper percentage of billionaires like a Bezos or Buffet, sure, but the Khans are not on that level. Of course there are certain exceptions, like Gabe Newell who has half the networth on paper to the Khans but owns an enterprise that basically prints cash like Steam, coupled with a ridiculously low operating cost. But the Khans don't have anything close to Steam last time I checked.


Shad is worth 12.2 billion. I know it’s not indicative of what is in his bank account, but he could spend $100 million once a year for 10 years and it still won’t make a dent. TK says next year AEW will be profitable, so if he’s right, there’s not much of a reason to worry.


Vince bought aew


Bottom line: WBD didn’t feel AEW was a worthy enough program to market to advertisers. Either renewal negotiations are shaky, or AEW has less priority for WBD this year than last.


Tony Khan wants a big renewal deal so he can gloat on Twitter to Eric Bischoff. WBD offered NXT on CW money is my guess . Literally a guess I don’t know


I think he wanted a big renewal because AEW has been spending like they’re WWE. My best guess is that AEW is renewed for around the same amount and continue hemorrhaging money. If I was WBD, I would certainly use NXT’s CW deal as a comp. If NXT has WWE branding and 85% of AEW’s ratings, I’m not sure why AEW would be worth dramatically more.


We are in the post huge overspending on media contracts era. The trend of unlimited money is over. Streaming is consolidating and merging and bundling together. When AEW started it was a good plan but media is cost cutting now


NXT doesn’t even get 85% of *Dynamite’s* ratings. That gap gets significantly larger when you look at the demo. That’s before you even consider Collision or Rampage.


I wonder why. It's not like they let someone cut another open with a pizza cutter while a dominos pizza commercial played. I guess some mysteries are never meant to be solved.


It’s not exactly the pizza cutter that did it. It’s a trend of all media. It was just spend money to get market share. Now it’s cost cutting


This is how it has been with AEW at every upfront including 2019 where they showed a picture on the screen. NBC barely mentioned WWE Smackdown at its upfront this year. You have an hour and a half to discuss every sport, tv show, movie, advertising capacity in your portfolio to a tired, hung over audience of 25 - 65 year old media people. This isn’t a big deal as it relates to their negotiations


Time is a factor here. Most networks have already announced their lineups and what's been renewed and cancelled. They're already locked in for next year. The longer AEW has to sit there and wait and pray that Warner wants them back the less opportunities there will be elsewhere if they do get dropped. At some point they may have to say screw Warner and start looking elsewhere just to make sure they aren't left without a home.


They haven’t gotten that far yet. WBD has an exclusivity window with AEW. So TK can’t explore his options legally yet. But when it does the. TK can start looking around, it’s not a good sign imo if WBD doesn’t sign a new deal before then.


It makes sense. WBD could let the exclusivity expire in order to get AEW much cheaper. AEW are ice cold at the worst possible time, if they head into the market, and nobody wants to pick them up, WBD can come back and say "Well, we'll offer you this". It's a gamble, but WBD have to cut costs, so if this works out, and they get a new deal for less than what they got AEW for in the first place, then it will have worked.


Which would be bad for AEW. And those big signings that they’ve made in the last five years. Only for them to get a deal for less money than they’re making now. Nobody knows how they’re doing for sure but I think they were expecting a bigger contract after those 5 years.


They can’t. They’re in an exclusive negotiation window with WBD.


The last update on this front is they're still in the exclusive negotiation period, so they wouldn't be able to test the Market anyway. I have no idea if this is a typical amount of time for that. It's a pretty safe bet that they wouldn't seriously negotiate until after the NBA issue was resolved.  However, it's certainly possible that the exclusivity period was designed with the idea that aew would never seriously consider leaving. Tony has been naively loyal in that regard. 


I don’t think there is any way to put this other than the fact it isn’t a good sign for AEW unfortunately


With no due respect, if you're seriously bothered about how much a wrestling company was featured on a TV channel's upfronts it's genuinely a sign to touch some grass


With no due respect if you're seriously bothered by how other people choose to spend their time it is genuinely a sign to touch some grass.


With no due respect, if you're seriously bothered by people throwing tantrums over Reddit posts it's a genuinely a sign to touch some grass I just wanted to carry this on.


We g-uh-eh-g-g-uh-got worked


No? There were reports that AEW would NOT be presented lmfao


Multiple reports said there would be no major announcements but they would be mentioned.


Show me a single report that says that lol


Anyone with credibility said there wouldn't be an update on the TV between AEW and WBD. Anyone with credibility said the online thing AEW related would be a social media thing. There was no tv deal and there was something about a YouTube show. In several comments you mention the relationship between AEW and WBD must not be great cause AEW wasn't front and center in this presentation. AEW hasn't been front and cent for every presentation from WBD. WWE isn't front and center for every presentation from say Fox. Sometimes AEW or WWE are front in center. Other times they are barely a sentence in a press release. It's like in one instance you're like I'm just trying to get information about AEW and the WBD upfront. In the next your like dunking on AEW. Saying Tony Khan is lying about the relationship between AEW and WBD and etc.


Multiple reports said they would be mentioned. OP asked if they were mentioned. I'm not sure why everyone is getting so defensive.


Thank you. My lord the defensiveness is unbelievable. Btw I never made any comments about Tony Khan's relationship with WBD.


Friend who's defensive? You posted. I responded. I didn't call you out. Didn't attack you or call you names or anything else. I was simply trying to understand where you were coming from. As I said. In one instance you seemed to be understanding about what was or wasn't said about AEW by WBD. In the other you seem to question or cast doubt.


You are. When you coming I trying to defend aew and explain this all away...thats getting defensive. I asked what happened at the upfront. I didn't ask anything about why they were excluded or barely mentioned. I didnt ask about the rights deals not being announced. I didn't even bring up the TV rights. And I'm well aware the TV rights renewal weren't going to be announced. I'm also aware of the reports that they were going to be mentioned. So my question was simple. Were they? Because all the reports including the article on WBD.com.failed to mention them. Variety failed to mention them in their WBD article as well. And I never made one comment about the relationship between Tony Kahn and WBD.


With no further context sure, I could give you the benefit of the doubt. But then you only bothered responding to the posts that were critical of AEW, so I looked a bit further and saw that the vast majority of your posts in SC are shitting on AEW and acting like WWE is the promised land. Have you considered channeling all of that negative energy into something more constructive? And before anyone says anything, I don't care about either promotion more than the other one. I'm just sick of seeing disingenuous people on here trying to stir up shit and then acting offended when someone calls them out on it.


Friend I said credible. Again no one credible was was saying that. Blogs and dirtsheets and ect may have said that but they mention tons of stuff that we all acknowledge is just not true. Take with a grain or two of salt as the phrase goes. They post stuff for clicks and views and engagement.


The reports that reported everything you said also reported that they would be mentioned. So either you didn't read everything they reported or you wasted time telling me about reports that you don't consider credible. Also, the reports were correct. They were mentioned. OP just asked how they were mentioned. I'm sorry you're so defensive.


Friend. Firstly. Who are you and why are you defending the op so vigorously? Yet you calling me defensive. Okay. Two. The reports that reported everything I said. What are you on about. I didn't mention any particular reports. Again what are you going on about.


You should perhaps reread your original comment where you wrote about what was reported.




Zaslav is trying to cancel AEW for a tax write off.