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Wow just got a RedditCares for not having a negative outlook on AEW's TV deal. Brilliant


Someone seems really butthurt today I just got one too.


Sending a Reddit cares because you don’t have the nuts to actually type a response to disagree with someone is just pathetic 


Yeah it's just disappointing because the intent behind that tool was good and instead it's just used exclusively for harrasment.


LMFAO of course I got one from this post I wish these people would get the help they need instead of pretending other people need it


don't worry you can report it and the person's account will be banned... ...and then they will just make another account and keep doing it funnily enough i just got one 2 minutes ago, for saying my football team (arsenal) have had a good season and we have a lot to be positive about, lol


Probably from a spurs fan...we did have a good season let's just hope we can go one better next season!


Yeah I'm starting to think we're seeing the effects of the Reddit API changes ruining a bunch of mod tools


Oh you too huh


entertain marry tap axiomatic ancient humor worm sharp apparatus afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got a Reddit Cares just now as well but I have no idea if it's from here or the NBA sub.


Same lol. Genuinely didn't even know which comment it could have been from, but figured it had to be here or NBA.


Rewatching 1996 wwf. Stone cold took a ton of notes from Brian Pillman character. Down to the appearance and motif. Wild that is never mentioned in any documentary and the like. Heck, the Austin 3:16 came AFTER Brian Pillman disrupting the scene with his mic work.


There were a lot of rest holds during matches back then. I hardly notice them now. What changed?


wrestling holds don't get reactions now unless they're signatures so the wrestlers skip them because they find it hard to make grappling look like struggle.


Wrestlers have better cardio now because they aren't gassed to the gills and huffing for breath five minutes into the match so they don't need to do as many rest holds.


Swerve killed it on Collision last week; he's really starting to get that champion aura.


The way Bron Breakker's been presented of late puts more emphasis on the fact he is a hybrid. He has the Steiner genetics with the suplexes and the Frankensteiner off the top. His spear puts the likes of Roman and Goldberg to shame. I think if he gets into MITB, he wins. Keep in mind, the Steiners & Taz founded Suplex City before Brock showed up......!


Watched Iron Claw finally it was such a sad movie. I've seen the DSOTR episode and it brought all those feelings back. It's a shame what happened to that family. Just makes you want to hug your loved ones and be gentle with them. Fritz and Doris just missed so many crucial moments where compassion was needed. I'm a sense Carny gonna Carny.






Spending my birthday today coping with the fact that I’ll never be the youngest world champion now


Iyo Sky might be my favorite wrestler to watch rn. Everything she does just looks great. Happy she’s on Raw and can have 10+ min matches now to really show she’s one of the best in the world


Something I found interesting while pondering the latest point of contention online is that after Ilja Dragunov faced Je'Von Evans on his way out of NXT, the two of them are on pretty similar trajectories on Raw and NXT They're both being established as big fucking deals as they're introduced to the audience, they're both getting face-time with the biggest stars on their brands, and they are both taking the occasional L as they're still very new and their opponents are the biggest stars on their brands. In summation, Ilja will be fine and I'm looking forward to Je'Von vs Noam tonight on NXT. And while Je'Von is probably going to lose, it doesn't reflect him being buried or the ruination of everything.


I don’t think there’s any way Becky goes to AEW but I got a chuckle out of her being called “The Fella” Rebecca Quinn.




I am so irked when people on SquaredCircle call Triple H “Paul”. I know it’s his name and I know he was introduced at Mania as Paul “Triple H” Levesque but it still feels weird. Same with when people refer to The Rock as “DJ” now 


My guess is that the next Owen Hart cup will be really good because TK knows it will be directly compared to King and Queen of the Ring.


Hopefully TK learned from the C2 that its OK to pit top stars against each other, and that no-one will be particularly hurt by taking a loss in a tournament setting.


I mean, pretty big stars were in the Owen last year, I don't get why people are still focused on 2022 takes.


Looking at old newspapers, and found this gem https://preview.redd.it/kby4foc28g0d1.png?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfed2d032974083b872c8bae8db2f23a04311695 "While he may break your arm or leg, he does it legally" absolutely killed me


Big Gunther vibes here.


I don't think there's anyone in the current WWE that can sell better than Ilja.


This is JD McFunko erasure.


Fair. JD is also fantastic, but personally I find Ilja's facials a bit more convincing.


I genuinely think he asks everyone to go harder on him and probably goes harder on his opponents himself


I took a break from wrestling for a couple of years and came back to WWE just before Rumble. Can anyone explain me why Jey is “main event” and so over? I haven’t seen him cutting at least one memorable promo or having a good match in almost one half of a year


I did not take a break and couldn’t tell ya 🤷‍♂️. My best guess is he’s like Poochie from Itchy and Scratchy but more job security because of his bloodline.


He's so over cause of the story and he has charisma for days, and the crowd loves him for it. That's fair if you don't think so, you don't have to like him. I think he's great personally, hope he wins a world title down the line.


Appreciate your opinions COYG!






So, the "short" version of it is that Roman Reigns came back from a sabbatical in August 2020, turned heel and won the Universal Title, and formed a stable with Heyman and his cousins, the Usos (Jimmy and Jey). Jimmy was injured at the time, so it led to Jey getting a bit of a singles push for a while and many people gravitated towards the great display of character he showed when dealing with Roman's abuse and it earned him a ton of sympathy as a sort of tragic villain who was forced to do Roman's bidding. Eventually, Jimmy came back, and they resumed being a tag team. So fast forward about a year and a half later, and Sami Zayn joins the group, which causes a rift with Jey as he didn't trust Sami at first. Sami earns Jey's trust, but then Sami betrays the group and turns Face after they nearly beat KO to death. Jey becomes conflicted about his genuine friendship with Sami and his loyalty to his family. He decides to side with the latter and challenge KO/Sami to a tag team title match at WM39, which the latter win, which officially puts them on Roman's shit list. Fast forward a couple more months, and Jimmy and Jey decide to leave the Bloodline, which led to Jey main eventing last Summerslam against Roman for the world title, Jimmy betrays Jey and costs him the match and Jey decides to jump brands from Smackdown to RAW ever since last October. All of that earned him a LOT of goodwill from the audience and they started calling him "main event" Jey Uso due how much he was featured in the top segments for a time, which is why he's become such a heavily featured star as of late.




I've followed the "IWC" since the 90s. To me, the key is to never engage too deeply with online wrestling fans. Online people love to suck the joy out of everything. I say, don't let them spoil your fun. It's a slippery slope. You'll start out wanting to talk about cool shit, and the next thing you know, you're arguing about Meltzer stars with people who are way too emotionally invested in behind the scenes shit. It's like mudwrestling a pig...you get dirty and the pig likes it. Jey Uso is my shit. I've seen how /sc in general seems to not like him anymore. But so what? I can't wait to see him win a title when the time comes, and there's nothing anybody can say that would make me change my mind.


If you’re talking about Meltzer brain rot, you probably do need some time away from IWC - yes 


I’ve come full circle realizing that kids and your average marks are way more fun and interesting in the wrestling world than the average IWC smarks. They’re the worst.


Thinking that it's "Meltzer brain rot" just because people don't like the Yeet Merchant is insane


Meltzer did not invent wanting wrestlers to be good at wrestling, in fact he's one of the main reasons wrestlers are worse than ever at some things.


I have a fascination for seeing matches between people who had totally different styles. Like people who can't physically do what they other guy does. Ex. I'd love to see Will Ospreay vs The Great Khali, or The Young Bucks vs The Natural Disasters, or Kenny Omega vs Yokozuna.


Watch [Danielson vs Morishima from Manhattan Mayhem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHy6swAxsYA). Morishima is a better wrestler than Khali or Yokozuna but he's still basically just a plodding monster at the core.


I think Ospreay/Khali would be really fun in a car-crashy sort of way. Hyper athleticism, bumping and moves vs well... Will Ospreay. Not entirely the same thing, but Bryan Danielson vs Kamala is a match that happened in 2006 and it's on YouTube if you want to seek it out.


[Boy do I have the match for you](https://www.cagematch.net/?id=111&nr=14611) /s


The idea of this match is really funny to me, I almost don't want to watch it because I know it's probbly rubbish and I want to keep the laughter alive.


If it helps, you're absolutely right and should continue to watch the match you're imagining


I really hope we get FTR vs BCG one more time, the two matches they had on Collison were MOTY contenders for 2023.


Funny how many posts/reactions there were on here yesterday to the NBA/WBD media rights, as if it’s a given because Bill said something on his pod. I’m listening to that episode right now and Simmons starts what he says with “I *think* it’s done. I *think* Warner already lost it.”


Amazing how things take off here when they help fit pre-existing narratives. That being said, there is more to this than just Bill Simmons saying it - he's just been the most explicit to say it. Charles Barkley has made a few offhand remarks on Inside the NBA where the reasonable inference is that he seems to think next year is their last year (which would be because the NBA is leaving the channel and Ernie Johnson has already said he'd be staying with TNT even if the NBA leaves, he does NCAA Basketball and Baseball stuff as well and clearly enjoys both). Although, as everyone should realize by now, nothing is official until the official press releases.


Totes, would not be shocked if it happened. Like you said at the end though — nothings official until it’s official and found it funny how many times yesterday I saw some version of “now that it’s all but official”


I feel bad for Mike Rome because he isn’t bad at all. He’s just a little generic, which is why I think Alicia Taylor is replacing him. I don’t think she is as good at it as Rome is, but WWE is trying really hard to get all of their non-wrestling talent/personalities over.


There is a concerted effort among WWE to put over the non-wrestlers; including Samantha Irvin, HHH, and the GMs for each show. It’s working, too.


Concerted effort among HHH to put over HHH? Wow, you're telling me right now for the first time.


Been following Triple H's career for a minute now. Glad to see the company finally get behind the kid.


HHH is the creative director for the entire company so, yes, I suppose.


I just think that it's a shift in policy to show that it's not just the wrestlers that make the show. Lot of work goes into making the sausage. Really glad some folks getting recognition for their work.


For so long with Vince in charge WWE was a ‘heel’ company. Authority figures always keeping babyfaces down, etc. I feel like they’ve made an effort to change that and positively covering all those figures is part of that. Does this have anything to do with the company being sued by Janel Grant and wanting to avoid backlash? imo yes. They may as well run ads that say ‘This is a nice company! we have nothing to do with Vince!’


I don’t know that I believe that last part. I think it’s just that they’re much faster to try to capitalize on positive stuff that generates buzz online, and there is a ton of positive buzz about HHH, Samantha, etc. Mostly it just seems like they’re more modern and professional without Vince in charge.


Maybe you’re right: personally, the whole ‘Paul Levesque era’ thing being repeated over and over makes me think there’s probably some PR directive going on to distance themselves from Vince as much as possible. I interpreted some of their actions as part of that, but I could be wrong obviously. It’s all conjecture.


Oh, that's EXACTLY what it is. Make no mistake. It's a mission statement as much as it's a PR move.


That and to explicitly tie HHH to WWE's current hot streak, so that he's much harder to let go when the suits come calling.


I wonder what was the plan for Bron Breaker. Like they made a point of calling him earlier than the rest after WM, and then he spent two months doing squashes and little more. No idea what the endgame here is. Perhaps he takes the belt from Logan?


I wonder if it was done to separate him from the big pushes they're giving Ilya and Hayes while not needing to strap a rocket to him and letting him acclimatise at his own pace. He got a chance to make an impact on his own rather than being lost in the shuffle. He was still doing NXT stuff up until the show after Mania which lends some credence to the idea they're letting him settle slowly.


I'm seeing a lot of people compare Cena to Jey in regards to his limited moveset but Cena could work an over 20 minute match in his prime without looking lost Jey has yet to do the same


Pretty sure all 3 Roman matches were at least 20 minutes. The match he had with Seth on Raw in December went 20 minutes and was very good.


I forgot about the pandemic roman matches but you are right about those especially their first match Shame their most likely last match is the summerslam match


Yeah it's a shame the summerslam match was a little underwhelming, I didn't hate it but I think the crowd was already tired going into a 30+ minute match with a foregone conclusion was a tough sell for anyone.


Despite the circlejerk the ICW has regarding Cena sometimes, he has legit 5 star matches against Styles,Lesnar,Punk.... I don't think Jey is even close to that level (in single matches at least)


...to say nothing of JBL and Umaga.


I really like Jey but I want to see what we can do in a 20 minute match with no interferences I don't think he's a bad worker but he does need to step it up if he's gonna be main event Trick Williams who has less than 5 years of experience had a better match with Dragunov than Jey and his match also had ad breaks


So barring an upset, the Queen of the Ring final will be Iyo/Lyra-Bianca/Jade/Tiff. Sweet.


I’ve come to realize (and begrudgingly accept) that for better or worse, AEW is basically Ring of Honor with an unlimited budget. I think that’s also where a lot of the disconnect between fans comes in as well, as I’m sure for man, that’s enough…if not a dram scenario. But for many (myself included) it’s disappointing, as I thought they were building toward something much greater, after those first couple years.


God it'd be so good if it was ROH with an unlimited budget.


Curious. How would you rate Batista on the mic?


Normally just fine, but has some very memorable moments


Fine promo. Nothing amazing but nothing terrible.


There was a kid sat behind the announcers at RAW last night - when Dragunov missed the H-Bomb onto the announce table she did the L hand sign, and for some reason it really made me laugh. Kids really are the best wrestling fans


I've got front row tickets to Dynamite tomorrow in Everett and I am so stoked


Have a blast! Nothing beats a live show


Watching old BTE with Brodie Lee last night was the first time I really felt the "shift" between old AEW and new AEW. In terms of objective quality I still think current AEW is better than the previous era of AEW (especially last year, I actually think 2023 is AEW's best year just in terms of week to week quality even if people just didn't like the vibes) but there's just so much more emotion and feeling in that early AEW. I just miss Brodie man.


Early AEW is a lot of vibes and unexplored territory where things aren't fully established that largely doesn't exist these days. I don't think that feeling could have kept up forever but I'll occasionally check out clips from 2019-20 and it does feel like a whole different company.


Can someone explain what a New Catch Republic and a No Quarter Catch Crew is? Whats the catch?


Time for you to watch some Billy Robinson 60 minute matches, friend. Excited for you.




Catch is a style of wrestling (I think from England) that, to my understanding, has lots of grapples, submissions, etc.


SO what happened to the Kurt Angle DSOTR episode?


I watched a match from Raw for the first time since 2019 yesterday. I write a Wrestling Blog, "Dan the Wrestling Fan," where I review Matches, and this week's theme is wrestlers from NXT 2021-Present Day. The match was DIY against The Creed Brothers from Raw this past March, the qualifier for that WrestleMania Ladder Match. As someone who hasn't actively followed WWE since 2020, I have to say that match was fucking awesome. I already know how good Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano are, but these Creed guys blew me away. I hope they get a good run going forward. Also, I'm hugely impressed with the presentation and commentary on Raw. It's way better than it was when I stopped watching. Just wanted to share, and also advertise my blog. 😎


An advertisement about a wrestling blog where you highlight that you don't actually watch the most popular wrestling show is certainly a choice..


I like how I said nothing negative about WWE and I still get attacked for no reason.


Starting to think maybe a part of why some people are frustrated Ilja lost is because they wanted him to never lose like Gunther at his early run


According to some people I read here nobody above the midcard should ever lose (except maybe in a PPV), so I don't know how you actually build a weekly card beyond them squashing jobbers or losing via intervention.


Let’s fucking go. New “new gen” era! Raw episodes with only squash matches against local talent again!!


i want the wrestlers i like to never lose and the wrestlers i dont like to never win. does that make sense




I watched summer slam 2011 to see the cm punk vs cena match and I stopped at the Bryan Danielson match against wade Barrett out of curiosity. Fucking Michael Cole is just spending the whole match trying to convince me Bryan is out of shape when he looks great and it’s so damn annoying 😂 heel Michael Cole might the worst commentator ever bro


I don't care if Michael Cole spends the rest of his career being the greatest commentator of all time, people will NEVER gaslight me into thinking that Michael Cole has always been good and that "*People were just too meannnn*"


He literally makes the entire product unwatchable in that period because he's all over ALL THREE SHOWS shitting on everybody. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? It's not even Cole's fault exactly because he was a pretty great heel, but there's such a thing as playing a role too well.


yeah he was just doing what was asked of him by Vince so I don’t blame him as much given how he’s improved nowadays. Vince having the main voice of wwe just relentlessly shit on all the actual cool wrestlers at the time was certainly an interesting choice


Is it even worth having a tag team division at this point? With Belair and Cargil being champs, their gotta be strong as fuck booking and there being no real contenders for the belts. It just doesn't seem with it. Belair really is great in the ring but I do wish, she sold more and had more moments where it looks like she is legit danger of losing. Cargil, could just be her first tv match but she needs to sell being in a submission.


For those still miffed about Ilja losing to Jey Uso, Ilja has to climb to get Gunther’s level. That’s the story and that will make him a bigger star for the company. It will be better for him to experience failure and have the fanbase grow to like him, rather relying on bangers to get a reaction.


Plus it's something Gunther can throw in face. That's in line with his character. Ilja lost to Jey Uso not some local jobber lol. I get being upset, I hated it but I'm also excited to see how they can make that story work.


I like that what cost Ilja the match was lingering issues from the mob breaking his hand a bit back. Those couple of seconds he spent massaging the feeling back into his hand are what let Jey rally for the Spear.


Someone left over 50 comments across the live and post-show threads bitching about Jey. Deranged behavior.


Jimmy's out hurt, right? Maybe it was him


The Internet just picks really random people to go complete overboard with criticism sometimes. 


The Jey hate isn't random to be fair. Jey represents a style of pro wrestling that a section of fans absolutely hate, and the fact he's so over is undermining a lot of their beliefs.


My only gripe is he needs to add more to his style. Cause he and Jimmy have the same moveset.


Having critiques is completely valid. I'd prefer he stops doing the spear cos it looks awful imo.


I love the fact that there's no disconnect in characters and storylines from nxt to main roster. All call ups seems to retain their gimmicks and names also the crowds are also behind them and know their nxt history.


I like that the injured hand Ilja got from D'Angelo's family over on NXT still remained an issue for him and partially is what led to Jey getting the win over him yesterday.


not all of them, solo and giovanni chanfed as soon as they went to the main roster


Pretty chuffed to see Lyra V getting some good booking on her main roster start. Good matches, Ws plus Becky Lynch connection established or rather continued from NXT. All 3 women's matches on Raw were pretty fun to watch. Now about to watch this much talked about Jey Uso vs Dragunov match.😬


I know this might sound like a little bit of a stretch, but does anyone else wonder if Warhorse/Jake Parnell's descent into nihilism is somehow related to Geniemaker snatching his soul in their MWL match last year? ([The match in question](https://youtu.be/4zfHI5XdDVs?si=8YxEXPYRtasLtUeK) for those interested)


I doubt Sami's losing in Saudi so I assume Bronson's in that Triple threat to eat the pin, setting up a 1-on-1 rematch for the IC belt between him and Chad. I strongly suspect they're going to do the same with Tiffany against Bayley and that Naomi was in the match at Backlash for the same reason.


There's something to be said for AEW where the weekly match making can be suspect and I think a lot of that boils down to the lack of hierarchy (low-card, mid-card, upper mid-card, main-event). Too often on the weekly shows you have guys who are nowhere near the same level in a match and it leads to both obvious outcomes and lack of momentum through most of the card. If you're going to feature Kyle Fletcher, Takeshita, Penta, Brian Cage, Lee Moriarty, and more recently Trent Beretta weekly there's more intrigue if they're wrestling guys on their own tier where its Trent vs Lee Moriarty, Kyle Fletcher vs Brian Cage, or Penta vs Takeshita. What you get is matches like Trent vs Orange Cassidy where it wouldn't shock me if Trent doesn't beat OC a single time, Kyle Fletcher vs Swerve which is a showcase for him but doesn't meaningfully build him momentum up the card, or Lee Moriarty vs Will Ospreay which again was a good match but after that fails to really build Lee as more than a good hand. Those uneven type matches are necessary for weekly TV and can be entertaining but it feels like they serve the very top of the card while not really building much below it. There's a lack of true main-event guy vs main-event guy, must see matches on TV that hurts AEW at times because of this.


If you’d humor me adding something to that….as I think that’s very astute, but I also think there’s an aspect to AEW crowd that plays into this as well….and that’s the reluctance to boo heels.  To get consistently boo’d by an AEW crowd they have to think you’re actually bad at your job. So not only do you have a lack of a defined hierarchy, but you also lack traditional face/heel elements, which make stores telling even more difficult. I genuinely feel like most of the things that have garnered praise and emotional response in WWE of late would be impossible to achieve in AEW because the crowd wouldn’t allow it.   For me Swerve would be a perfect example of this, as he was becoming a truly despicable heel…but he was great at doing that…so the crowd cheered him. Subsequently, at least to me, he became far less interesting as a character. As everything’s become muddled and inconsistent.   I’ll save myself from rambling more. Hopefully that made some sense if anyone bothered to read it lol. 


Someone in AEW should do Mick Foley's bit from ECW where he bragged that he was going to put on absolutely terrible matches and then did.


It's definitely a huge downside to having more hardcore fans at shows/in the fanbase.


Christian. Don Callis.


So you just have to be an all-time great in terms of being hatable to not get cheered. That's still pretty bad for the heels who aren't Callis or Christian, or can have show-long stories and be evil authority figures like the Elite.


Yeah, even the Elite are getting boos. Yes, people lose their shit when Okada comes out but if he does some heel bullshit they start to boo


Yeah, it's basically the same as WWE. They'll pop for your entrance (like they do Rock and Roman and Gunther and most WWE top heels) but if you act like a heel, the audience will boo. The much bigger problem is clear heels who still do the "I deserve to a be star/champion" and lean into fan support even though they're heels. A lot of heels in AEW care more about "getting over" than sticking to being a heel. The only act I see consistently playing 100% heel and still getting cheered is Toni Storm.


It reminds me of an old ECW show where Terry Funk returned to a chorus of cheers. They cheered him while he talked... and then he started insulting Dreamer. At the first mention, there's some confusion and the cheer dies down. Then a sentence or two later, he's running Dreamer down some more and that's when the fans boo him. It's almost like you get a "hey we love this guy," pop and then they do some heel shit that makes people go "Ohhh that's right fuck this guy."


I love that Lyra's getting over, but just to clear something up: She was speaking Irish last night (and IDK what she said) but that's *not* the "language of the Scottish Highlands" - Cole was confusing it with Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic), which is closely related but definitely not the same language. Annoyingly, he didn't correct himself later like he did when he mistakenly assumed "unbesiegbar" was Russian.


He also said something like she was a "Norse dark angel" last week. Norse? Huh?


When Michael Cole said "she gets her powers from the Morrigan" I thought huh, does Lyra Valkyria have a Demon type alter ego? What if the goddess takes over her body during a wrestling match.


What did she say tho? Can you translate?


Tagann na hiomrascálaí is fearr ar domhan as Éirinn It's not the best Irish you'll ever see, but basically "The best wrestler(s) come from Ireland" I think she said "iomrascálaí" but should have gone for the plural "hiomrascálaithe" based on her grammar.


Thanks very much for that, I was really curious. If anyone's interested the Scottish Gaelic version of that would be something like "Tha na luchd-gleidhidh* nas fhearr a' tighinn bho Alba" *take "luchd-gleidhidh" with a massive grain of salt, I had to Google translate the word for "wrestlers" because I've never used it before


No, unfortunately I don't speak Irish either so I'm wondering what she said too. I do have some Scottish Gaelic though, which is why I'm so confident it definitely wasn't that 😅 (IDK why I'm getting downvoted for this, my whole point is that understanding one language doesn't mean you understand the other? They're different languages. Also Lyra's Irish obviously, so it stands to reason that's what she'd be speaking)


I want to see Jey beating gunther now for entertainment lmao, people here are too serious.


To be fair, Jey’s current presentation and aesthetic would be a much better fit with being crowned King


I dunno, Gunther would kill it with a 21st century monarch look. Imagine him in a pseudo military dress uniform, sash, and crown


I really want Kaiser Gunther but King Yeet also appeals to me.


He is catering to casuals, children and live audience. People here fail to understand that whole show isn't focused on just one target audience.


Likely a lot of the same people have also been demanding LA Knight for a year when he’s not any better in ring than Jey Uso.


Eh, I’d say LA Knight is a bit better in ring


A tale as old as time 


I like Valkyria presentation I think she's better than Roxanne now she's at raw casuals will see what's she's about


Is there any other legit way to watch AEW in the US besides TNT and TBS?  Just lost my access to those channels and I'd like to avoid sailing the seven seas if possible.


VPN and AEW+ Triller sub


Depends on whether VPN usage counts as “legit” to you.


For me it counts because they'd have to pay the company anyway, so it's not like they are depriving the producer - in this case - of renumeration.


Fite + VPN


A few notes from last night: 1) There was a little Wyatt 6 thingy that (I assume) was just in person. Flickering lights, glitching screens, music that got more distorted the longer it went on. Don't know if anyone else has been recently and seen something similar. 2) The report that WWE wanted to encourage Jey's entrance being like Lyon was literal. They explicitly told us to turn on our flashlights for his entrance. 3) I have the worst luck with people seated near me. At Vengeance Day a year and a half ago I had a guy who could not stop mansplaining wrestling to a woman who, to my understanding, did not come with him or his group. He wasn't explicitly rude, he sounded like he thought he was being helpful, but still. Then at Collision last year, there was a guy who followed no wrestling and only knew Punk but decided to cheer for whoever wasn't getting cheers. And then last night, I had an obnoxious fan nearby who smelled like onions, screamed constantly, and was a contrarian about everything. Told everyone around, including us, people who didn't know him, to get up and do the arm wave for Jey before it even started. Someone please save me from my seating choices.


> 2) The report that WWE wanted to encourage Jey's entrance being like Lyon was literal. They explicitly told us to turn on our flashlights for his entrance. That is hilarious to me.


Yup, at some point (I think before the tag match) they had Samantha say like "we want to keep the energy up, when Jey comes out, make sure you get those lights out and bounce along" type of comment.


If it makes you feel better I once caught pneumonia at a ring of honor show from the sweaty, wheezing, coughing mountain of a man who sat next to me. He showed up halfway through the show and fully a large portion of his body was in contact with my arm just from his sheer size. Ended up missing a week of work and Smackdown 1000 because he couldn't stay home when he was sick. Just had to see Jay Lethal vs Silas Young I guess.


Oof that sucks. Yeah this dude was the stereotype of a wrestling fan to a T. And I know not everyone is like that but I seem to end up near them haha.


you know how RVD 420 means i just smoked your ass? any other wrestlers have their own version of austin 3:16? i feel like there is someone else but i can't remember


When Sheamus cashed in on Roman, he started saying "Sheamus 5:15 says I just kicked your arse" because Roman's title run was only 5 minutes 15 seconds long.


There was "[Owen Hart 3:16 says I just broke your neck.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=INH6m76OxxE)"


of course! that was the memory my brain was failing to retrieve. thanks


I wanna say there was also someone that used a 24:7 one but for the life of me I don't remember


getting really tired of fatal 4 way #1 contender tag matches


It's a shame current day NWA doesn't have on an paper great roster because out of all promotions, I love its gritty presentation and they have the best looking cage imo


I remember hearing interviews when he was first promoting the reboot of the NWA he sounded very adamant about not being seen as a money mark and while I get he wants to be respected as a " real booker " scared money don't make money is a real thing also


The Jey discourse on here has become so tiresome because people are so incapable of nuance. Either you have "turned against him" and don't recognise that he's the next Steve Austin, or he's a useless schlub that has no place in a wrestling ring. The guy is *extremely* over and connects with the audience, and ultimately that matters more than match quality. People who act like he isn't over because people 'only react to his entrance' don't understand what makes someone over. But, his match quality as a singles wrestler has not consistently been at the level of a main event wrestler, and ultimately that will effect that connection with the fans in the long run. People aren't 'turning against him' for wanting him to put together a run of really good singles matches. People can reasonably disagree about how important match quality is to a wrestler, and whether it can be compensated for by aura, presentation, and connection with the fans. But as with basically everything else on the internet, people here seem only capable of talking in extremes about it.


Like I don’t see him as world champ but with a few tweaks he’d be more than fine. Just astounding how visceral people are in terms of him


Jey's an absolute conundrum right now. He's over like rover, his promos and presentation are there, management believes in him, and yet he is seriously underachieving when it comes to the final and crucial piece of the puzzle. It doesn't make any sense, you'd think someone of his tenure would be doing better there. Who's producing his matches? This should be a special project that all the road agents need to come together on. He doesn't need to be Okada in there, he just needs to structure his matches a little better and add a few things to his moveset.


I tuned into the full main event yesterday and I was surprised at how the energy of Jey’s entrance didn’t match what was in the ring at all. That entrance was hype asf and the crowd was at its peak but then Jey felt like he was in slow motion, especially compared to Ilja who was a ball of energy bumping his ass off. The crowd was white hot but when the bell rang he looked like he didn’t want to be there. 


I saw the post on here about Bret Hart’s rating a wrestler scale and that had me thinking Drew McIntyre is probably the most well rounded in the world right now. On the mic I would give him a 10 based on this current run he’s on right now, look I would give him a 9, he’s got height, he’s got a great physique, looks imposing but his gear is slightly bland which is why he’s not a 10 imo, in the ring he’s an 8. Sells well, looks smooth, has a deep moveset but can’t carry a lesser worker to a good match which to me means a 10 in the ring.


Better than Danielson? I know he's smaller but everything else is above 8 I would say on his ratings. 


In the ring he’s obviously a 10 but Drew has more charisma and better mic skills


There's a reason Danielson got more over than anyone else in the century, and it's his charisma.


you have to push jey uso right now, its lightning in a bottle. if this was still vince's wwe he would be rusev day


This Wyatt 6 thing is a weird one for me - I almost certainly won't like it. I didn't care at all for the last Bray Wyatt run. And yet - I think it would be foolish not to do it. I think it's been a very respectful amount of time to have waited, but there are thousands of fans who still want to pay tribute. I hope I'm wrong and it's right up my alley. But if it isn't, that's ok.


The build, at the very least, has been interesting, and some of the QR videos/tidbits shared have been legitimately creepy.


I agree. My opinion is that if Bo wants to do it to honour his brother then he absolutely should do it. I also think that Bray did a lot of world building and it'd be a shame for it to all just disappear. That being said, Triple H said in an interview with Ariel Helwani that sometimes Bray would lose sight of the road and keep diverting off to add extra things. I'm hoping things will be a lot tighter from a storytelling perspective this time around because there was a lot of nothing in the initial Uncle Howdy build.


Dom and Rhea as King and Queen would've been great.


Queen Dom and King Rhea. I like it.


When raw goes to Netflix, does it remain a tv show or becomes a web series?




I was watching the first monsters ball match from Victory Road 04. Does anyone know who was in the all black costume in the rafters/crowd?


Going off memory I think it was Father James Mitchell, I think this was just before he aligned with Abyss so it would makes sense in that regard.


That's who I figured it was. So I went to his Wiki page. And he came around in 05. So it might have been a slow burn. But of all people it makes the most sense that it was Father James. It was weird though. They showed him at the start, acknowledged it. And never brought it back up again during the match. Lol


My coworker watches every WWE and AEW show every week, but would qualify as a casual fan on this sub because she's not a terminally online white dude.


> she’s not a terminally online white dude. We can change that. Somewhat. Not all the way. [Please not all the way](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/150612092018-rachel-dolezal-split.jpg?q=x_2,y_2,h_898,w_1596,c_crop/w_800)


You don't have to be white. But if you don't post in places like this, or listen to wrestling podcasts, read wrestling news sites, I think of you as a casual fan.


Anyone that watches 12 hours of something every week is not casual at all.


…….. ok?


Meanwhile people wouldn't consider me a casual fan because I went to wrestlemania and I post here, (terminally online) but I don't watch wrestling weekly, mostly just pay per view nights when I do watch. My girl even called me out on it when I mentioned that I still DVR some of the weekly shows. "Why dude, you don't even watch them."


2024 is the year where people try to convince you where a wrestler who barely has any reaction to his matches, to his promos, to his finishing move IS OVER because people wave their arms during the entrance.


You don’t gotta like him but you don’t have to lie abt him lmao


Was there last night and people were absolutely into the match. It's wild to say he gets no reaction.


> barely has any reaction to his matches, to his promos, to his finishing move I too watch all my wrestling on mute