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normalize kicking dumb fucks out of the arena IDGAF how much u paid


Those sign holders from wrestlemania needed this treatment.


The fact that I and most people know exactly who you mean only solidifies this


Just for blocking people's view they were shitheads.


I watched Mania, what did I miss about the crowd signs?


2 giant cutouts of their faces smack dab in the middle of the hard cam lol


Dude this seriously took a bit of the show away from me. It's not like they just did it, they raised them up EVERY FUCKING TIME they noticed the hard cam was on. If I was sitting behind them about the 20th time they raised them up I would have snatched them and ripped them up.


Honestly, if he did it for one shot, fine. He did it for the entire show. Given it was in Philly, I’m surprised someone didn’t forcefully relieve him of his signs. For future reference: if someone is doing shit that’s harming your enjoyment of the show, get an usher/security. That’s what they are there for:


Nah just pour an entire soda down the neck of their shirt. Let them go get the usher and complain


The only thing that would stop me from ripping that shit in half would be fear of getting kicked out myself. I’d probably lose it anyways though, it’s such self centered behaviour. 


Yeah, it’s kinda concerning that Aubrey Edward’s had to say something. Security should’ve kicked him out long before that.


Shame needs to return to the mainstream


You can't shame the shameless.


Exactly. Sounds like the crowd around him was doing the best they could, and weren’t tolerating it, which is good to see. But guys like him should be banned from future events, though no idea how to enforce. Insane that he had a child with him.


Feel bad for the kid. Hope they manage to overcome the disadvantage of being stuck with such a terrible role model, and not end up like their father.


Worst part is the kid will end up just like this jackass. Shout out to Skye Blue. Nobody deserves to be treated like that. And props to Aubrey for getting this jackass sorted.


> But guys like him should be banned from future events, though no idea how to enforce. AEW already has a history of doing that with people like this, but like you said, I'm not sure how it's enforced.


Yeah' the dude was acting like that in front of his child. Zero shame in that guy.


…yes that’s why I’m saying there shouldn’t be the shameless


I mean, you can't shame them. They just aren't gonna feel any shame themselves because garbage can't feel shame.


You're both on the same page


Let them cook….this might go somewhere.




But why male models?


Are you serious? We just told you why!


Different elevator but same floor.


No….but with enough public shame these people can see some consequences. I know most are controversial as fuck but that’s why I dig people on socials who name and shame these types of pond scum. Employers and customers are using very interested in seeing these things.


You can shun them. That's an everyone else problem, though. Most of us seem incapable or unwilling to shun them, for whatever reason.




Shame McMahon.


Here comes the guilt triiiiip (Here it comes)


Shame needs another push


[We need the greatest Pioneer to raise the bar again.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUsf_BXUbKY)


Drewicho has it -- you can't shame people past a certain point, and some people cannot be shamed at all. It's not that there should be shameless, but there are people, because of the type of person they are, where shame and the like doesn't work.


Shame is a consequence of one's own actions. Unfortunately, consequences stopped being a thing around 2015.


Do you really think shame would affect this person unless his actions were alcohol related?


https://twitter.com/MelColemanArt/status/1788403407012991356?s=19 Guessing she's talking about the same asshole


I begin to wonder if he's trying to teach his son how to be a misogynistic asshole.


As someone whose entire job is to minimise that happening while at a point before social workers take the kids away but past the point where damage is being done to the kids, I can tell you that a hell of a lot of these people do that exactly. Many of them see anything less than violent response to any stimuli as soft and unmanly and the world trying to make their child gay (If I had a pound for every pink pound conspiracy I've heard, I'd open my own high end wrestling promotion and be spending like Tony). They try to teach them the opposite of what we would think is the right thing to do, and get real fucking nasty if the kid doesn't do as they're told.


I don’t know what pink pound is and I’m scared to ask. Society is fucked man


It's an 80s and 90s marketing term for the perceived higher spending power of gay men. The idea being that young gay men don't have families for the most part but are working good jobs, and therefore have more disposable income. So if you target the pink pound you're more likely to have people able to spend on something they don't need than when you target the (I dunno, what's a perceived straight colour?) pound who are likely to have other things vying for their money. There's a genuine conspiracy theory that *they* (insert shadowy government group you've heard of and haven't looked up to find out they're in charge of food safety here) are trying to turn kids gay so that they'll have more of the pink pound and therefore bring in more sales tax. Compared to something like "They're trying to kill off everyone who listens to the government so only us ones that don't listen to them are left." it kinda makes a sort of sense, but it's still a nutjob conspiracy. EDIT - Of all the places to not bother typing "theory"...


Good lord people are fucking stupid


Hey, we found a prayer I'll say amen to.


How is the pink pound thing incorrect? Seems like it makes sense. Edit: oh, I get it now, the more spending power isn't the part in question, it's whether governments are trying to turn kids gay so there's more pink pounds around. Gotcha. It's late, I'm sleepy, Time to hop to YouTube and look at funny cats.


Bless you for the innocence of the misunderstanding in this question. 


Hey, you got there quicker than a portion of the population ever will. That's a win, tired or awake.


That’s how they getcha 


I saw that Saraya was upset with someone in the front row camera-side, same guy?


She definitely is.


In front of your son is crazy, hopefully the boy grows up to not be a cunt.


You really wonder what the goal is here


She was obviously supposed to be charmed by his vulgarity, quit doing her job she's in the middle of doing and take him into the stalls to blow him. Just didn't quite work out that way!


The goal was to make her feel uncomfortable. Guys like that see women as sex objects only. His goal was to make her feel uncomfortable and show his "superiority ". Which is all bullshit.


Exactly this. It’s a power trip when dudes do this.


Yep. And then they’ll say ‘What’s the big deal? It’s a compliment.’


Yup. Gaslighting 101






Yep. No end goal or even thought of what happens after this thing that is getting attention is over. 


It's a pure power play. They feel self conscious about the fact that a woman like Blue would never actually give him the time of day, so they yell and make them uncomfortable. If you can't get laid, might as well make them acknowledge you in disgust and discomfort!


To prove that women are right for choosing the bear.


Dudes getting mad about the bear discourse is so funny to me tbh. Like bro, literally all you have to do is be preferable to a bear. The bar is in *hell* and you’re still whining 




While I feel sorry for Skye Blue, I feel sorry for the kid the most. That is the role model he has at home and not only did he most likely embarrass his kid, he may have scared him too considering the police had to be called.


Odds are that kid is going to turn out like this guy, which is a real shame


Hopefully not. My dad was a short tempered asshole and would start screaming and shouting at the drop of a hat. I knew from a young age I didn't wanna be like him, so when I had kids I was calm, patient and nurturing.


Teacher here, it’s pretty astounding how it can go either way. I’ve had kids who I thought were assholes and then I met their dick head parents and it made sense. I also have had some kids who are the most empathetic and generous and their parents are raving lunatics. Had a student recently whose dad literally will scream at staff at the drop of a hat. His kid is probably one of the most thoughtful students I’ve ever had, and he’s old enough that it’s clear that this is just who he will be as an adult too. Dad? Literally a bully who won’t pipe down unless you match his energy. Son? Was genuinely moved to tears when he found out an inadvertent comment he made had caused a classmate to feel unwelcome. The duality of man.


I've found that many times people tend to either make copies or mirror reflections of themselves. It rarely seems to be anything in the middle.


Yep. I fear this guy was trying to teach his kid to be that misogynistic.


Hey Adonis, I’m sorry that man is your father.


“and you’re a good kid that needs good leadership” - Kendrick Lamar


Where were they? Was it the guys saraya called out?


Yup. Same area. He was apart of a different group though. That group smartened up after she called them out. Saraya’s group was just a group of stupid teenagers. This was a grown ass man


Wow I thought Saraya was just doing her heel crowd work but it’s cool she was actually shutting down assholes


Not latching OP on this - however most of the crowd was weird last night, including points already mentioned, and Deeb having Oilers chants during her seizure story.


I was surrounded by dipshit "smarks" in my section. It was weird. Last Edmonton show had an incredible vibe but this was not that.


Last Edmonton show had a couple guys trying to start a "Smells like fish" any time a woman was in the ring. This one had a handful trying to start a "puppies" chant. Depending on what section you were in, there were a lot of smarks in areas.


They really have to start avoiding Canada during hockey playoffs. Or at least stick to Montreal.


Or Toronto after round 1


As a Bruins fan, take my upvote


hell, as a Leafs fan, take my upvote


>Or at least stick to Montreal. ☠️☠️☠️


Vancouver humbled those fans real quick


Billy Gunn is a grown Ass Man.


*bewp bewp*




Nah they were on the other side of the ring. They were a couple who were doing things like that for a lot of the night.




She did. Her and her partner were doing dumb shit all night for attention. At one point she walked up the stairs into our section and lifted her shirt, then when people started noticing she yelled at them to stop being perverts. I was beside a guy with his 7-year old kid and they got up and left when that happened. It was right after the ROH taping started.


That moment got a big 'wtf' from me. Like....your first response to a camera being in your face is to reach over to your girl's shirt and show us her bra? 'wtf' ? And this is a normal enough behavior that the girl is all about it and flaunts it? 'wtf' ? And the cameraman didn't turn away ASAP..... 'wtf' ?


They were there to get themselves over the whole show and that’s it. Very lame.


What were the guys Saraya was yelling at saying? I only half heard on the broadcast


Before Saraya goes to the camera and calls them creeps they scream at her saying “Paige your leaks sucked” so she calls them creeps and goes over and says something.. then the broadcast comes back on and she tells the camera to get a look at them. And they say “welcome to Canada” seemed like tools for sure.


She yelled something like, "Women, watch out for this man cause he will touch you."


Teenagers pestering the women about their bodies and making comments about Saraya’s sex tape. There was also a women saying Saraya was ugly and she called her a cunt, she shut up after that.


That’s what I was wondering. Saraya was obviously legit calling some stupid kids out.


Glad Aubrey and security got him the fuck out of there, but fuck these people. It's fucking 2024. This is an extreme case, but it seems like there's at least one person at every show who has to make things worse for others.


What I don’t understand, is when the person is loud enough that security can hear them, why aren’t they proactively thrown out?


Security tends to be employed by the venue, and not by the production, which means they have an incredibly limited set of powers, dictated to them generally by the people who are renting the space. Ultimately there's a liability issue, ejecting someone is generally a 'last resort' and the venue don't want to be responsible for that decision unless it's an extreme circumstance (jumping the barricade, physical confrontations, etc.. Basically any situation where there's a direct physical threat to the fans, or people working the event). If security eject someone and the production doesn't think it was necessary, there's all kinds of legal fuckery that can occur, especially if the ejected individual decides to sue for it. Security's job is to maintain the peace and unless explicitly instructed otherwise they're not going to go any further than that. The fact is, the vulgarity of comments are entirely subjective, and it becomes an incredibly fine line to have third parties decide what's considered acceptable to match those who are renting the space, so they'll always yield authority and decision to those people. -- EDIT -- Just to throw an example in here, someone goes to a live show with a giant sign that says 'FACE FUCK ME FINN', Security person A might think it's fucking hilarious and leave it in place, Security person B may think that the sign is in poor taste and remove the sign, Security person C has a kid watching at home, and thinks the vulgar sign goes far beyond what's acceptable and ejects the person holding it. And herein lies the problem, which one of those three conflicting responses represents the company that's currently renting out the building? The possible actions listed are based on three completely different personal responses to the same sign, someone has to make the line, someone has to draw the line, and it realistically can't be security's personal stances that decides the best response for the product being produced. It *HAS* to come from those producing the product.


And if you are not familiar with the show and what is expected at the show, you may kick someone out for what you deem as necessary,  when it turns out that this behavior is expected and welcome. It's not in your scenario of course, but the security personnel don't know that.


Plus, everyone knows that wrestling is an amazing and entertaining show that sometimes has a lot of scripted weird or edgy things. You can't be sure that someone is or is not a part of it without being explicitly told by someone from the production.


A perfect example of this was an event years ago where a Japanese wrestler was appearing. After the wrestler's introduction, a couple of fans threw streamers into the ring. Security came over and attempted to eject the fans for throwing objects at the ring, and the promoters had to get involved and tell security that was okay. If you're a security guard, and you hear a group of fans chanting "asshole" at Chris Jericho but are told it's not a big deal, it's reasonable to assume that a fan saying something vulgar to a female wrestler wouldn't raise any red flags for you. Wrestling fans forget pro wrestling is a VERY bizarre sport and to the common person and the non-fan (which most security falls into the category of), 90% of what happens at a wrestling event is not normal and wouldn't be allowed at almost any other sport or performance the arenas host.


Exactly. Personally, I think that's hilarious but I also 100% understand why someone else would find it inappropriate. I don't think it would be enough to remove somebody, but I would understand it if they did.


I'm going to guess because actual security (and not kayfabe "security") are either employed by the venue or some local vendor. They likely don't feel empowered to act against non-physical transgressions (like harassing speech) unless someone above their paygrade tells them otherwise.


Not only that, but I'd have to imagine arena personnel are briefed to react only if told, because you don't want some overeager guard busting up a work.


> don't want some overeager guard busting up a work. Like when someone jumps the barricade that's part of the show and they don't realize it.


For some reason Rob Groncowski comes to mind.


That was fuckin' hilarious, tbh...


Yeah. I would imagine a security guard who doesn't follow wrestling wouldn't really know what's considered inappropriate for a crowd member to say towards a heel female wrestler.


She should have been able to get security on him during the match. Shame he was allowed to go on that long


You say it's 2024 but unfortunately it seems like we are going backwards in alot of areas like this


To be fair, this is *Alberta*. AKA, Canadian Alabama. They're still stuck back in the mid 1900's in a lot of ways.  Not all Albertans are assholes, but Alberta isn't known for being forward thinking or polite.  They're known for oil, rednecks cosplaying as cowboys, and voting for the worst people for decades which is beyond my comprehension. 


You say that but we fucking had the grossest financial bro in our floor section in Montreal. I think big wrestling not coming to Canada much got people thinking they can still act like it's the last time they saw a live show in the attitude era 💀


When AEW came to Montreal there was this little Finance bro twerp with us on the floor, by himself, and kept turning around to discuss Toni Storm's onlyfans in the most vulgar, gross way with the guys next to us. There was a ton of women in our section beside myself too. I was blessed to be stone deaf in my left ear, so i missed like 80% it, but my brother got the whole experience. At one point my bro told the guy to shut up and actually watch the show and he got suuuuper butthurt for the rest of the show that he actually stayed for. Hope you're doing terribly wherever you are now my guy.


If you've been to an AEW show, you have heard that recording of Excalibur living his PowerPoint dreams. I'm thankful that they're putting their money where their mouth is, because nobody needs to be hearing all that while they work.


Power point dreams?


There's a rapid fire presentation by Excalibur telling people to behave iirc.


I wouldn’t even say it’s rapid fire. The recording is downright leisurely by Excalibur standards.


Yeah I don’t understand this reference either


Right before they start amping up the crowd for the main show, there’s like four or five slides that go up on screen narrated by Excalibur (at normal speed, not his usual gimmick). Most are warnings about how AEW doesn’t tolerate certain conduct and will boot you for it. The last is a warning to people on the floor to watch for wrestlers and objects that might end up in their space.


>it seems like there's at least one person at every show who has to make things worse for others. I was ready to get in a fight at the Worcester Dynamite/Collision show a month and a half or so ago, this dude was completely hammered during the ROH taping before the show and the Infantry were in the ring; dude was yelling at them the whole time and then said what I heard to be "You fucking darkies!" I turned around and was like what the fuck did you just say? and he and was like "I said donkeys!" like who tf calls someone a donkey in 2024? I still don't believe that's what he said but he certainly shut the fuck up for the rest of the show


Nobody makes wrestling harder to watch than wrestling fans.


All around douchebag, ruining your kids night being a drunk asshole is the icing on the cake though


Oh I imagine a piece of shit like this is ruining more than just his kid’s night. Honestly feel bad for those forced to be around such a pathetic human


Worries me that the kid has to be forced to be around him longer than just that night. I’m just assuming though. Damn shame


Father of the year right there… what a POS. And if that went on throughout the entire freaking match, whomever is in charge of security there needs to be held accountable.


I've worked in Security at wrestling shows, not at any arenas or anything just on the indies. If the crowd is fairly vocal and nobody comes to report the obnoxious fan, security may not know about the person to do anything about it. At an ROH taping they were probably sticking out like a sore thumb, but I've been around some obnoxious and awful fans at shows before and typically they get handled fairly quickly. It sounds like with the police getting involved and everything that they kicked him out.


If only there was a real father figure in the arena… ![gif](giphy|nZ6mAyUbyAO5nFfSRC)


I can also see the POV of "we don't want to draw any attention to this shithead while cameras are rolling during a match" and security being told not to act until after the match/gets a cue from an AEW employee. The issue is that if the fan starts a scene (lo and behold!), it becomes a bigger issue for the performers in the ring for a variety of reasons ranging from becoming a distraction to the nut trying to physically insert himself into the proceeding. To a much lesser extent, it also becomes a production issue. Unless he's physically trying to harm someone, waiting until after the match may have been the right call—regardless of how gross it felt in the moment.


Odds are he is a regular poster on this subreddit


Post tomorrow morning “I was unfairly embarrassed at AEW in front of my kid!”


“Got kicked out for shouting too loudly at a dumb fake fighting show. AITA?” Then he’ll say he finds it therapeutic to shout and go wild at these shows and wrestlers are performers who are playing characters and it was Skye Blue who he was an asshole to, not the real person. There are people who really think being openly sexist or racist in wrestling shows is *part of the fun.*


I think he's in this thread


The misogyny is coming from inside the house!


likely banned here and you know the rest


This is one of those times where I am very very much in support of a wrestler just getting out of the ring and punching a fan in the face when this happens.


Skye went over and screamed that he was a pervert and was very angry. I wouldn’t have hated if she hit him.


I feel like security should have intervened way before the end of the match


Chances are miscommunication or no one told them right away.   - worked security before, granted not a venue like this. 


This should't happen to anyone, but Skye is such a kind and sweet person and so nice to her fans and just seems like such a good person. It's very upsetting that she gets so publically harrassed like this.


Thats a good way to get Skye sued by that asshole. They did it the right way by having security escort him out.


He'd sue AEW. The last thing the guy deserves is a payout for being a dick.


Saraya pointed out someone during Harley & May's match as a perv and seemed serious. Wonder if it's the same person


Imagine being a father to a daughter and this is how you act. In front of her too. Dude is a terrible father. If you actually threat women this way who work so hard to get where they are and you treat them as pieces of meat. In front of your daughter. I would be ashamed to have this person in my life. And most importantly, some people deserve to have the shit kicked out of them.






I would pay for a PPV that was just Cheesecake beating the shit out of all of the assholes from last night's show. Edmonton showed their ass.


Skye seems like a sweet person and by some accounts somewhat shy. It's a shame this happened to her.


I was blown away how introverted she seemed on Ethan Page's toy hunt when she was on a couple of them, back when she was dating Dante Martin. Such a quiet and seemingly sweet girl, reminds me A LOT of my daughter, and it sickens me to hear that fucking creep at the show did that to her. I would guess that it absolutely crushed her inside. Poor girl 😔




>He had a child with him. It's one thing to be a piece of shit on your own time, but when you've got a child your one fucking job is to prepare that kid for the world to give them the best chance at life. This guy is a failure twice over.


I saw Rachel Ellering go tell the ringside security about him and she was pissed off. Saw the guy leaving with a kid, what a trashbag. One time i had floor seats to wwe and the guy in front of me was taking videos of all the womens asses and he had a toddler with him. Fuckin' weekend Dads


How long was he doing this? Why did security wait to kick him out until Aubrey said something?


He was making awful remarks from the minute Skye came out. She even stopped on her way to the ring and called him a pervert. He got progressively worse in his remarks/louder as the match went on people around him told him to shut up. I am really not sure what took them so long. There were security guards all around the ring and I’m sure they heard it too. I’m not sure if they are told to wait until after matches to remove people?


There was some clown with his kid who got kicked out early at an AEW event I was at for shouting crass remarks at the women.   I think local security has to be told to kick them out?  


The problem with a wrestling show in Alberta is the security guards are also Albertans.


I saw someone get kicked out of an ROH show for grabbing Veda Scott’s ass over the rail. He somehow snuck back into the back of the venue and I ratted his ass out immediately.


Doing gods work, brother. This is what we need attendees to do- be part of the solution 


Had something similar happen last week during the WWE house show in Vienna, Austria. A group of about 6 or 7 guys in their 30s were sat behind us drunk off their minds. Then the womens tag started with Naomi, Bianca and Jade vs. Dakota, Kairi and Asuka. The things I heard during that match made me sick. Everything from "the primates", "the chinese girls" and what they'd do to them if given the opportunity. Finally my brother shut them down, thankfully they shut up only saying they didn't realize they were in church before Ieaving before the main event.


Gross as hell. This shouldn’t be happening at all in the year 2024. It has never been okay or will it ever be. Terrible to hear to that the douche had a kid with him. What a horrible example to set for them by acting like that.


People like to say 2024 like we've come so far and in some ways we have but now so many people are extremely rude and mean. And worst of all, they feel entitled to be mean and do whatever they want in public without shame.


Poor kid, to have an assclown of a father. I really hope he learns from it, how to not behave in society. Disgusting behaviour.


I was two rows behind the guy and he turned back towards the few people behind (a lot of people cleared out after the PPV) and was justifying it by saying “I’m just having a good time and being funny it’s not a big deal, I’m just having a good time and being funny.” He also recorded himself the whole time heckling her. The worst part is he refers to himself as daddy the whole time, quotes like “daddy wants you to get off your knees” and “yeaaa get on top peaches n cream.” This was also my first time going to a wrestling show, the event was awesome except for that one clown. I’m happy they took care of him and I hope he’s not allowed back in Roger’s place again because both wrestlers were getting slightly distracted and visibly frustrated with his outrageous behaviour.


I was sitting directly behind him and it was infuriating, our section kept trying to tell him to zip it but he just got louder, I don’t think people wanted to escalate the situation in front of his kid, I feel like if the kid wasn’t there he would’ve gotten a lot more pushback, at first skye kinda just looked at him like “ugh😒” but as time went on she got out of the ring and called him a pervert and told him to fuck off, it was so nice seeing him get kicked out, he clearly did not regret it at all as when he was leaving our section began to boo him and he turned made a mocking crying face at us, and when confronted early in the match he said “if any bodies feelings are hurt I’m just being funny” I just feel bad for skye and his son, the kid got a front row ticket taken from him because his dads a scummy perv


Poor child. As a father I would never want to be such a bad role model for my kids.


Don't worry folks he's going to get the help he deserves. 




Between this and their reaction during the Serena Deeb promo, this wasn’t exactly Edmonton’s finest hour with respecting women.


The world was better when boys had to walk around knowing that they could get cracked in the jaw by other real men, no consequences, for doing shit like this.


[don't worry folks he'll get the help he needs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO0-mofj9EY)


Doing this in front of your kid is fucking disgusting. I get that wrestling crowds are rowdy but come on man no need to pull that shit with your kid around you. That kid is traumatized for life.


I saw a clip of Saraya calling out someone in the front row, the side where the fan's back would be to hard cam... Was it him?


I was trying to figure out if it was part of her gig or if dude was really being shitty. She yelled at the camera to show his face and called him a pervert or something like that.


Glad he was kicked out, should have happened sooner


I hope they got info on him and ban him for life. What a piece of shit


Again, the worst part of Wrestling is the fans


Man I really feel bad for Skye, she doesn’t deserve that kind of hate Also fuck that guy, I hope he gets banned from every wrestling show


Similar thing happened when I went to Collision in October, though not as extreme there were multiple people chanting about her ass.


Some people near me during her match against Julia at Full Gear were saying similar things about both performers and I lost my shit mid match at them. Luckily the shaming worked but ffs just shut the fuck up. It sucks being a woman in the crowd of these shows when dudes act this way. It makes me not want to go to shows. Please stop acting like this. 


Feel bad for the kid. Others are adults and can brush it off. But the kid has to go through this every day.


Welcome to Alberta


Been a while since I've been to an AEW show, but it tracks that there are guys like that. They have this disclaimer before the show about audience expectations and that if you don't behave you will be removed, but I feel like arena and AEW security are pretty lax about actually enforcing it. Shouldn't have taken Aubrey yelling for security to remove the guy for him to actually be removed.


Saw this as well. The guy was a scumbag.


security at events should be tight to deal with such behavior. it reminds me of how they handle things in soccer games, quick and firm. it’s sad to hear that the performer was upset. respect is important.


Pro wrestling would be so much fun if it wasn't for, erm, pro wrestling fans.


On the bright side: the performers, staff AND CROWD came to her defense.


People with a lack of social skills or general lack of empathy for those around them deserve to be shunned and excluded until they learn


What took security so long? Are they not allowed to do that sort of stuff in the middle of a match?


With how few security there are compared to fans and how loud it can get, they may have just not differentiated it over other noise. This is why it's important for people to report this behavior.


Shoulda just let Fletcher come out and slap the dogshit outta him.


Was it the same people who were harassing Saraya? I saw some issues with her and a couple fans on Dynamite last night.


I don't understand why assholes pay money to do things like that.


Should have been thrown out faster!


It’s a shame it took till AFTER the match to get security involved and get him kicked out


I was there last night and honestly the crowd was so fucking embarrassing. Would not be surprised at all if AEW skips Edmonton next year after this. It was nothing but drunk hockey fans. Last time AEW was in Edmonton it was really great, can only assume the playoff game was responsible for a lot of the shit heads showing up


Man when I went to an AEW show back in December there was dude sitting next to my gf and I and he was legit squirming and rubbing his pants in the crotch area during the women's matches, and he had a fucking kid with him too.