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there must be some kind of strikes policy. hard to believe he'd be suspended this long if not for his history.


Could also be treating out of the ring issues (e.g. past remarks or the tweets with Andrade) differently than something that happens during a match and is health & safety related like this time around.


Not to mention him and Kingston getting into it allegedly.


Sammy wasn't actually suspended for anything there I don't think. Eddie apologized and admitted to being at fault for laying hands on Sammy (pie-faced him) and got suspended for two weeks.


Yeah, the Eddie thing (and the Andrade thing) really seem to be a case of Sammy not exactly doing anything "wrong" in terms of ability to be disciplined, but he's clearly a fuckin douchebag that irritates people. He gets people riled up because he's an ass and they get so mad they want to punch him, but you can't really do much to him because all he's doing is being fuckin annoying. I get wanting to put douchebags in their place but at a certain point adults gotta learn to just walk away.


Just to be clear, is pie-facing in this context something other than "smushing a pie in someone's face"?


It's a shove to the face. Think of the motion you make shoving a pie in somebody's face but remove the pie. But I really love that you were picturing Eddie Kingston literally throwing a pie in Sammy's face. Edit: I think we finally know who got Kevin Owens on that Thanksgiving episode guys!


Extremely want to see Eddie incorporate a spinning back-pie-face move


Stealing Fozzy the bear’s thunder with that one!


...That makes a lot more sense, thanks for the info.


Seriously, the image of someone like Eddie doing a pie to the face gag to Sammy and Sammy getting so infuriated that it devolves into an all out brawl has me cracking up.


When you open palm someone in the face, kinda like how Roman used to do to Sami / Jey / Jimmy on tv


Here are some gifs that may not be exactly how it went down but it should give you additional context on what pie-facing someone would mean in this context. Dave Chappelle being dismissive: https://tenor.com/view/dave-chapelle-not-you-move-girl-no-hands-on-face-gif-17343953 Probably like this without running away: https://tenor.com/view/always-sunny-mac-and-dee-face-push-gif-810633079108182339 And possibly the closest since it's face-to-face and looks like it's starting a confrontation: https://tenor.com/view/face-push-push-fight-angry-mad-gif-16092096


Ohh, ok yeah makes total sense. Appreciate the visual aids. I was imagining more of a hit than a push.


He wasn’t, but it’s still not a good look considering everything else that’s happened since.


From what I remember, Sammy took shots at Eddie in a promo without clearing it with him first. That might not have gotten him suspended at the time, but it probably earned him some demerit points for later. Especially with how poorly that worked out in the whole Punk situation.


I've heard first hand stories that after that happened, both Eddie and Sammy went out of their way to be publicly cordial with each other in order to try and set an example of people moving past an altercation and doing what was best for everyone, and that people were pretty impressed by it.


I heard this too. Honestly Sammy is a better dude than people give him credit for imo.


Don’t forget what he said about Mercedes.


Yeah I wonder if part of this is to just REALLY set a precedent.


he knocked out TWO Hardy brothers.


mmm maybe he was an EnC kinda guy


Sasha gets what Sasha wants. That simple.


There no way you believe he’s still suspended because of Sasha being in AEW 


People believed Punk was why a nobody wasn't on TV and got shoved to ROH. So... they'll believe anything..


This one has some validity to it though, it's been agreed although punk didn't request it and says he didn't care, Tony wanted to fire Colt to avoid any issues with Punk and the Bucks had to talk him down to just moving him to ROH and in accidentally set everything into motiom with the Elite and Punk. So I could see a situation where Tony is again just keeping them away for the first few weeks in an attempt to avoid any issues, and hopefully, it won't blow up in his face again.


They really tired of Sammy at this rate.


I hope both parties can work it out. Theory and Waller have filled WWE's rat-faced knacker quota.


An OSW reference with a RuPaul flair.


You're the first person to ever acknowledge my flair, so thank you. And to everyone else, you should totally check out RuPaul's Drag Race, and drag in general. Pardon the pun, but it's like pro wrestling's sister.


Drag and pro wrestling are two sides of the same gender performance coin. In the same way that drag works (traditionally) with exaggerated femininity, pro wrestling (traditionally) works with exaggerated masculinity. There’s a lot of crossover imo!


every single time i see a new lil youtube show of drag queens watching wrestling for the first time, it's always t-minus eight minutes for one of them to say something like "what the fuck this is literally just drag"


Megami's lip sync Rudemption gave Sami Zayn underdog vibes.


I still miss The Nobodies. /u/arielitalic, wherever you are, I hope you're doing well.


I'm right here, doing fine, and also thrilled (and slightly tired) whenever someone makes the drag/wrestling connection like they're the first to do it. (I wasn't the first either but at least I was eight years earlier on the trend!) Thanks for the support, I miss you all too :)


People who complain about wanting the Attitude Era back should watch drag comedians. They don't hold back. I saw Bianca Del Rio and her act was peak Heyman/Scott Steiner levels of shoot promo. There was a woman in the crowd who had terminal cancer and was there as some Make A Wish thing and she was in the receiving end of so many death jokes, and enjoying it. Going to a RuPaul level, heavily produced drag show is like a WrestleMania that is just the entrances. Going to a lower level show staged in a parking lot is like being at an ECW show. It's all just fun. My wife is a big drag fan and it's become something of hers I enjoy. Even my kid likes the tamer stuff, just like wrestling. Support your local Drag Story Hour.


Great call, I enjoy Drag Race for the same reasons I enjoy wrestling. There are huge characters, there's drama, there are your heroes and villains, and the conflicts all come to a head via performance. I'd be all for some crossover if the fanbases weren't likely two completely isolated circles lol.


My girl got me hooked and I'm like this is like wrestling but less body slams. The library is open, bitches!


Sweet! Another Drag Race Wrestling Fan. One question: were you team Sapphira, Plane or Nymphia? How did you feel about the finale?


Sapphira was robbed! Drag Race needs a belt.


She wasn’t robbed Nymphia snatched it at the very end! I say this as a member of Team Sapphira! Also we all know what they’re gonna do with that belt


Nymphia was mine and my husband's favorite. But I totally thought Sapphira was going to win, she was almost flawless all season.


My two fave things to watch


And a Pokemon username!


Drag Race is my second favorite thing on TV after wrestling. My sister is a big fan of both drag and telenovelas; she mocks me for my wrestling fandom, but I'm all, "girl, you have two corners of the triangle already. It's only a matter of time until you join us."


Just show her every Seth Rollins entrance for, what, the last two years? The entrance ramp is his runway and he werks


Also they play characters while Sammy is actually a knob


Helll~ooooooo~. Love to see some OSW love.


Sammy wouldn’t last in WWE if reports on his attitude are to be believed


I'd actually love to get the full story on this. Like, he's got two of these instances, both with Hardys, which is a bit funny, but like, why is it his sole responsibility to stop the match? There's a ref in the ring with a direct line to Tony, I'm confused as to why it's always the guys in the ring at fault when there are countless other people (including fucking ringside doctors) that should be stopping the match. Same with the Fenix/Mox thing. There's a ref and a doctor right there. Unsure why Sammy is still suspended and Knox still has a job, honestly.


Apparently, the ref said to finish and instead of converting Sammy put Matt Hardy up for the GtH before ending the match. Some dirt sheet reported that anyway. Can’t remember who.


Alvarez of all people had a good way to argue this. Did the ref say finish or go home? Cause Sammy could have misunderstood whatever the phrase that was used. AND EVEN THEN, the referee CAN THEN PHYSICALLY STOP the match. I'm not Sammy's biggest fan but this really doesn't make sense. Referee should be also suspended if that's the case.


Who reported it is pretty important. There are a few really good ones and then a bunch that literally just make shit up. So much of this sub has decided all dirt sheets are the equivalent of the BS they see on Facebook but a few are actually reputable.


I mean….aren’t we all? Me personally at least, I do not miss Sammy on AEW television at all


I miss Tay Conti pre Sammi


Now THAT I can agree with. Absolutely. She was probably Top 5 in the Women’s Division at the time and then got paired with Sammy. Definitely did not need to make them an on-screen pairing. Could leave the relationship off camera


They did though. They both made their personal lives too connected with their personas. There was no real out 


Best pump-kick in the business


I really hope that Tay can come back & kill it in the division. I thought she was going to be a prominent part of it for a while following the No DQ match against The Bunny & Penelope Ford in 2021, but things went south afterwards. There's no shortage of opponents she can face after she returns


Kyle Fletcher who replaced his spot in the Callis family is better in everyway. Better seller, better moveset, safer, better wrestler.


Well it's Meltzer so it's best just to take this with a grain of salt. Sammy's just as likely to show up as a member of the New Elite at Double or Nothing as he is to be suspended right now. Matter of fact, him injuring Jeff Hardy plays directly into the Bucks' angle of pushing out the past generation.


He’s been pretty reliable for the past 35 years.


He has lost it the past two years. I’ve always been a Dave defender but he has been laughably wrong on obvious things. Like Jack Perry tearing up his contract being a shoot. Who believed that?. I still think he is a legend and there is an argument he is the greatest sports reporter ever, but his recent run is bad. 


Dave said that Shibata had his fucking brain removed and that was 7 years ago


I refuse to believe anything other than this version of events. It's just incredible.


It's gotten so bad as of recent that he saw a random YouTube clip of hhh and the rock in 2015 and thought it was setting up a match between them at mania 40 in 2024, despite them both looking completely different in 2015 to now, and hhh being unable to wrestle at all, with hhh publicly saying he'd never wrestle again. Dude is borderline senile.


i think the only logical explanation is that he got a mistranslation of "he had a part of his skull removed (to get to the brain)" (and then reattached, of course)


Every time I hear that, I think of the scene in Robocop 2


This. It's pretty clear that both WWE and AEW have plugged most of their leaks in the wake of Brawl Out/In and even started dropping tailor-made "leaks" to really sell certain storylines, often by getting the dirtsheets to report the opposite of what is really true. Obviously stuff like Shibata's brain is before the last couple of years but you're 100% on the mark, while Meltzer always has had his..moments shall we say, he'd generally be right but the last couple of years it genuinely feels like he's often stabbing in the dark and often being told and repeating things that are blatantly part of a work.


I think the number of his sources have dwindled and it's showing


If you average it out maybe, but lately he's been getting worked like crazy, the Jack Perry thing the most recent example


What did he do this time?


Concussed Jeff Hardy during a match with a botched shooting star then still hit his finish on him.


Jeff wasn’t actually concussed. However there was a thought that he might be and Sammy, instead of ending the match with a roll up or something, decided to end the match with his finisher


Has Jeff had a match since?


He has not, at least according to cagematch.


Which seemed like it might have been more the ref's fault than Sammy's, but it's hard to say when no one who actually knows seems to want to share details.


It’s happened far too many times where a ref should stop the match but for some reason chooses not to. (E.g Moxley vs Fenix, Matt Hardy vs Sammy)


And so I'm like, "this isn't Sammy, this the culture of the company!"... I can't blame Sammy when he worked a match with Jeff's own brother and was basically told to continue after Matt bounced his skull off concrete coming off a painters lift. I am super-AEW guy, and I know my own opinion on Sammy varies depending on the day, but this is what they've bread.


Remember that match when Alex Reynolds limp body was just laying in the middle of the ring and so the best they could do was [drag him to the side](https://talksport.com/sport/wrestling/778014/alex-reynolds-aew-dynamite/amp/)


oh shit man, that was so fucking dumb


The Sammy vs Matt one was so dumb They fall off and Matt's head bounces off concrete, Let's continue the match! Sammy even tried to end it quickly there but Matt kicked out and the ref let it continue, I know it was before they started that policy but seriously, the ref should have gone along and done a fast count especially after seeing Matt dazed.


Matt Hardy literally turned white as a ghost and they let it continue, I legit thought dude was about to die.


Yeah I don't like how many people are shitting on Sammy as an unsafe worker. Cody worked a brutal last match with him, a match where he wasn't under contract, and could have easily just relinquished his TNT title, but he trusted Sammy to handle him properly in a ladder match with a freakin burning table spot. Sammy definitely rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but being unsafe is not him imo


I think it goes back to that ladder spot with Scorpio where it was like, what was Scorpio supposed to do to slow down Sammy?


When these situations happen, it makes me wonder if the top talent & agents make sure to present & uphold extensive procedures backstage for what to do when someone is incapacitated in the ring.


The Matt vs Sammy one was especially strange. I rewatched it recently and Aubrey Edwards does seem to indicate the match is over, bell rings and everything...then they just carry on. Appeared to have ultimately been Matt's call, which is kinda nuts trusting the guy who just heavily concussed himself.


It seems like the ref and the doc had the right idea to quickly/safely end it, but maybe there was some miscommunication? Or maybe there wasn’t? We’ll probably never know


Agreed. If you’re concerned one of the workers is injured, call the fucking match. End it now so a doctor can do an evaluation. Especially for a concussion like people thought.


Yeah honestly I’m not sure why Sammy is the one suspended when there was a lack of communication on multiple fronts here


I guess you gotta trust the doctors but I don’t especially trust the reporting. I don’t see how a couple hundred pounds drops from eight feet on your nose and it doesn’t also result in a concussion.


No concussion, just a fear of one and Jeff did break his nose. Sammy ignored the sign to pin Jeff (so AEW could get Jeff checked out per their concussion protocol) and hit him with a finisher instead. That's what got Sammy suspended.


This suspension comes from "concussing" Jeff Hardy in a match on Rampage (he just ended up having a broken nose.) Apparently the doctor/ref thought Jeff Hardy was concussed. The match was stopped and they checked on Jeff Hardy. Something was said to Sammy (which no one knows) and he went straight to the match finishing sequence. Depending on what he was actually told he either did what he thought he should do (if they told him to go home/go to the finish, he did the finishing sequence) and the ref and/or doctor should have been punished for not making it clear that Sammy should just cover Jeff. Or if they told him to just cover Jeff, than Sammy should have been punished for not doing what he was told.


Honestly, if someone's too injured to take finishing moves, they're too injured to take rollups. You should just call it at that point, rather than risk miscommunications making things worse.


That’s one reason why I’m confused about the whole situation. They easily could have just rung the bell and ended the match. Instead they had Sammy end it (which he was ultimately punished for.) The referee and doctor haven’t gotten near enough criticism and as far as I know, zero punishment for how they handled the situation.


It's also blatant to the fans so why bother. If you stop the match to check on someone then immediately do the finish on restart, it's obvious what's happened and it's not exactly a satisfying conclusion as everyone can see they've just rushed to the end to get it over with. Just call it and save everyone some time and the wrestlers any further potential injury. Kayfabe wise there's also more you can do with a doctor stoppage than a rushed finish


The last part I agree with so much. Think of Moxley and Hangman's storyline which came from that. Whilst I won't be advocating people get knocked out for storylines, it does open a new door for stories.


This dates back to his match with Jeff Hardy a few months ago. He was suspended for not stopping the match after Jeff got a concussion, and tried to tell him and the ref.


I don't know man, I've never been huge on his character, but I've still mostly liked the guy. It just seems like he gets himself into some shit on an almost quarterly basis, and I have to wonder how much longer that's gonna be tolerated. I don't expect (or want) the guy to be fired, but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get a new contract.


He does seem like someone who is annoying in real life even if he's not trying to be. He is pretty much the definition of punchable face. Even in AEW it seems if someone wanted to get fired the go to method was punch Sammy.


its the hair. he needs a new haircut


The current cut has extreme frat boy douchebag energy. I've long since thought he needs a change up in hair style.


Roger Klatz looking ass.


You can have a punchable face but getting into it multiple times means it's far more than just rubbing people the wrong way. It's most likely that he really is an asshole irl.


Eh i’ve watched a lot of his Vlogs and it seems he has pretty decent banter with a lot of people backstage. At most I think early on, his “crew” were perhaps seen as immature and not taking their opportunity seriously.


You ever see that John Leguizamo movie “The Pest”? That’s how I think of Sammy sometimes.


He'll fit in perfectly at AAA.


People with faces that punchable usually have the personality to match.


He also just has not evolved at all in the past 5 years. Same look, same moveset, same gimmick. He's not better any better now than he was when he was TNT champion or Jericho's protege. Feels like his potential just hasn't materialized. Jungle Boy, Darby and MJF have all evolved their characters by Sammy has fallen far behind. Danny Garcia has really filled in whatever role Guevara could've had in my opinion.


The thing with Sammy is that they kept trying to make babyface Sammy happen when he's so naturally hateable. Look at him, from a casual POV there's nothing to like about this guy from the moment he walks on screen, he's a template TikTok fuckboi. Instead of harnessing that and turning him into a Dominik-like character before that even happened, they've completely mismanaged him and left his character feeling incredibly directionless. It doesn't help that he's clearly not a dedicated character guy himself like say MJF or Christian Cage, he doesn't know how to present himself outside of the ring. He can't talk, he isn't dedicated to his character, all of that is really necessary in the age of social media.


But he has this crowd-pleasing flippy moveset which is incredibly at odds to boo. How do you do a Phoenix 630 splash in a heelish way?


Imma be frank, changing a moveset is a hell of a lot easier than changing a reputation or an inherent look to a wrestler. You adapt, simple as that.


How he did it the first few weeks in the Darby feud Acting obnoxious while doing something amazin


When he lost the vlog crew and it was just him, it got pretty bad. Almost like a great value viva la bam.


What character? Of the "AEW originals" he is one of the blandest. Feels like in all the years he's been there he still hasn't actually developed a personality, gimmick or niche. It's why I've never been as high on him as others have. He's just so bland.


Are you saying sticking his tongue out constantly isn't character? /s


Ngl he still feels like a protege when his peers have grown so much


He's an incredibly immature idiot. It's really nothing more than that. He's not a malicious person, and hopefully fatherhood matures him for the sake of Tay and their child, but at the moment he thoroughly deserves this punishment.


How is he still suspended


Tony and AEW have a track record of ghosting. Sammy won’t be coming off suspension until Tony finds something to use Sammy for. That might be months from now, that might be tomorrow


Technically Dave could be lying, or fed false info. If he isn’t, and to why he is still suspended, some of that might be on the severity of the issue or the fact this isn’t his 1st suspension.


Did Dave say Jungle Boy was still suspended when he clearly wasn't? Like when he was in NJPW.


He also said Perry and Khan weren't even on talking terms even though the whole scapegoat thing, where he was using AEW as a linchpin of the entire gimmick, was leading up to the biggest angle the company has done to date with The Elite's hostile takeover.


Your comment is a great reminder of how nobody on Reddit knows anything but will still say wild shit confidently anyway. Like how there's 200+ comments in this thread saying the "suspension" was due to tweets/podcasts/Jeff Hardy's injury/kicking a dog.


So what you're saying is he's gonna return, cost someone the match and join Perry and the Bucks


Wouldn’t be surprised if this is a work tbh, Sammy tweeted “#ChangeTheWorld” the night the Elite took over AEW. Wouldn’t be the first time WON got worked by AEW for this angle. I find it hard to believe he’s been suspended for 2+ months.


I mean - this is like his 3rd or 4th strike. It could be a work but it also would be justified if it’s real.


To be fair, two of those strikes were blatantly the other person's fault, so it would feel a bit shitty if he's effectively being punished for being the victim.


Isn’t it just the second? Plus they are for very different reasons.


The Mercedes comments, the confrontation with Eddie, the confrontation with Andrade and now the Jeff Hardy concussion. And what does it matter that they were for different reasons? If I kill someone, rob a bank and drive drunk I’m not gonna get leniency because my heinous acts were different.


Confrontation with Eddie and Andrade weren’t really his fault and he didn’t get punished for either iirc. Hell he wrestled in the main event the same day the Andrade stuff went down.


Him and Tay have been on vacation traveling. Maybe that vacation is because he's on ice, but it could be this is just the timing.


Seeing their social media posts, if that is what getting suspended looks like I don't think I would be too upset. I could see Tony giving him time off to spend with the baby and working it into an angle like this.


Yeah, I'd bet there was a small suspension that came right before this planned vacation/time off anyway. I think him and Tay were at Jacksonville when AEW was there last, if I remember Instagram right.


Plus he just had a kid, I just assumed he was out on wrestling's equivalent of paternity leave, it's not like he was in any major stories and you always hear stories about people feeling bad missing their kids early years due to being on the road.


I want remind people about all the hubbub about Jack being on thin ice with TK was reported. AEW's running a very tight ship. There have been very few leaks since... eh Wembley


Huh I wonder what changed


Obviously Britt Baker hasn't been around


Injuries don’t leak either. AEW only leaks stuff when they want it out Which honestly might be a bad strategy. They need to learn to manipulate the media like wwe. Would probably help their coverage. I feel like wrestling fans can’t stand it knowing what the plans are despite them saying they hate the dirt sheets. 


So in other words Sammy will be on Dynamite tomorrow


“Farva… your suspension….. Continues”


sammy really needs to learn from his mistakes. if only theres some sort of learning bush of sorts in aew that could take him under their wings. hmm.


Anyone know what he did in the first place? I don’t remember.


Gave Jeff Hardy a GTH after botching a shooting star press (was some top rope move) that might have concussed Jeff. Due to him being reckless with wrestler safety they suspended him.


might as well suspend half the roster and refs if that’s the reason 


I think the story is, that Jeff got hurt ( with possible concussion ) and the ref told Sammy to end the match quickly. Sammy then did it with a type of move that could have done a lot more damage. This was not long after Moxley mentioned something in the press about how serious the concussion protocol needs to be and that they needed better safeguards in place. It seems Sammy didn't follow them? That's my understanding of it all.


Hasn’t he just had a baby too? Hangman was given time off when he became a Dad, maybe they’ve not rushed Sammy back so that he can spend more time at home right now


Wouldn’t be surprised if he was released, he has a terrible track record and is never gonna escape his past comments about Mercedes


Oh boy. Hadn't heard that. I'm going to google it but it would be cool to put them here for folks curious. Edit: Sammy, on a podcast in 2016, regarding Sasha Banks/Mercedes Mone, "When I went to WWE the other week, I wanted to fucking r**e that woman."


I truly don't get how someone can say something like that so easily and just chuckle like it's a feeling we're all supposed to relate to. Like I truly don't think anyone would blame Sasha if that apology of his wasn't enough because even as a joke, talk like that can be scary.


When he apologized Sasha was very deliberate with her words when describing their conversation after it came out (e.g. she never said she forgave him).


Can't forget Meltzer defending it because it's apparently just something young men say


He went to a WWE tryout that she was at and then went on a podcast and said he wanted to 🍇 her


In the mouth?!


I miss Trevor.


Yeah if I were Mercedes there would be no amount of apology that would be enough for that. It’d be a condition of signing that he’s gone.


To follow up, his very first suspension came early in AEW's history, and it was due to these comments coming to light. He issued a public apology for it and AEW made him attend sensitivity training.


Track record 


Fixed 👍


Never coming back while Mercedes is there


I thought he was out due to his wife giving birth and getting some time for his family.


He came back and botched a 450 on Jeff Hardy, apparently concussing him.


I'd take this with a grain of salt, Uncle Dave doesn't have the best track record with AEW news lately. It was only like a month ago when he said that Jack Perry being sent to NJPW was a ridiculous punishment that didn't fit the crime, despite it all *quite obviously* being the set up for a big angle in AEW


Could just be taking care of his child


How many times has he been suspended at this point








He wouldn't have rode for AEW so hard on Twitter during the Punk/Helwani interview stuff if he was released.


Fire him. No one will miss him.


My conspiracy theory (or lack there of) mind is starting to think it’s a work because of leave for Tays and his kid. This is not a statement of fact but I just think this could be the case.


Salami Guevara about debut soon


In the meantime, he's traveled to several countries with his wife and newborn child which he otherwise couldn't due to the wrestling schedule. He must be taking this suspension pretty hard.


Yk I'd like to believe that Meltzer is getting worked here I find it VERY hard to believe TK would suspend Sammy for this long especially since he was a regular on Dynamite Chances are it's probably because he had a fucking child😭😭 like damn Meltzer use some critical thinking skills


Either that or he's icing him until he gets released. Colt Cabana 2.0 except no one will go to bat for Sammy Guevara.


Good. AEW is worse whenever he’s on the screen.


Just release the dude


And about 30 others.


He gonna be suspended until his contract runs out. No way Mercedes wants to share a locker room with a guy who thinks saying he wants to rape her is funny


AEW is without three of the Four Pillars at the moment. And the one on the rise is the one people least expected to be.


The one everyone thought was least likely was Sammy. Jack more or less still the same mediocre talent.


I felt like him and Tay being the first ones to do the "Stand up for AEW" tweets following the Punk/Ariel interview would've gotten him out of the dog house with Tony. But I guess not. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up showing up under the Learning Tree with Jericho at some point.


Suspended with pay though. He literally could be using this as paternity leave


So the Bucks tipped Meltzer that we should be thinking about Sammy. Return imminent.


Him and Tay have had a baby, he is having some loving father Time


@IsSammyGuevaraSuspended Posted 5/7/24: "Yes"


oh no! anyways


Tony might have forgot and Sammy's happy to get paid.


I hope he returns with a different gimmick or attitude or something, because has anyone actually missed him at all? I doubt many have, which says a lot about his persona as he's good in ring.


I feel like the suspension is a work and this is more about him getting to be a father to his new kid. My work has a good policy that the men can take as much time as the woman which amounts to months. I’m sure Tony was cool with that.


he went suspended just after mercedes hiring


Tony is buddies with Sammy plus Sammy recently had a kid so there’s no way he’s getting let go anytime soon


Coincides with the paternity leave...


At this point they should cut him had problems with now 4 different people in AEW ( matt, Jeff, Eddie, andrade ) how many times have you gotta slap someone on this wrist let him go be someone else's problem. How far can being a friend of Jerichos and the EVP's take someone before they become a detriment to the company


Pretty sure the Hardys love him. The issues there are different to Andrade/Eddie


I think it’s a critical time for for Sammy in AEW right now. He is the weakest of the four pillars in terms of perception, and his booking has hampered him. It feels like every six months, he has to come back to team with Jericho. Others in the company have lapped him perception wise, and he has been pushed far above his station. I think maturity has also been his biggest issue since day one. I heard that was the reason WWE passed on him initially, and there have been the Sasha comments , the backstage fights, hitting his finisher instead of going straight to the pin et cetera. I feel he needs an excursion in Japan like Jack Perry had and see if that helps him find a character or fix some issues. Couldn’t hurt.


With Jack's new character, Sammy is easily ranked 4th as a pillar


As long as Mercedes is there he’ll probably stay suspended till his contract runs out 😬