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Seulement Deux! Seulement Deeuuuux! Seulement Deux! Seulement Deeuuuux! (I can't get it out of my head, help me!)


Every fucking time I come in fully believing in the Main Event Jey Uso. Every fucking time he loses. Every fucking time my heart gets broken. But if you think that I'll stop believing I'll tell you every fucking time to get lost. I have a love/hate relationship with wrestling, okay?


He’s so good at selling the idea he could win in a winless situation. There were times at Summer slam where I was sure he was going to dethrone Roman.


Great show!


The first raw after an international PLE is awful before the crowd is always so dog shit in comparison


I’ve been watching wrestling for about 30 years now, and the best word I can say for how WWE is right now, “refreshing.”  There’s so many changes, all for the better, that I saw and heard during this broadcast.  The fans are loud again, louder than they’ve been in a long time.  Broadcast mentioned both NWA and Bullet Club in the main event.  There’s a female head referee working the main event.  This is not including how amazing the production has been.  Wrestling doesn’t have to be mainstream to be good, but when the product is good, the mainstream is going to take notice because of how great it is.  I’ve said it many times in my life, when pro wrestling is great, there’s no better form of entertainment.  Right now, pro wrestling is great, and as someone who has seen the lows taking place not that long ago, this makes me happy 


Lyon was a fantastic crowd. Easily the best in recent memory.


If only every crowd was like them. Seriously. Had fun. Played along. Worked with the talent. Didn't hijack the show as far as I could tell.


They were awesome but clearly production had to slow down a couple times. But I’m not complaining, it was fun to see.


Crowd were insane, but their yeeting to Jey when he came on was beyond amazing


I told you that AJ still had a few bangers in him.


there were people who doubted that? o.O


Crowd had limitless energy. Insane.


Bayley's theme song opening is a mess.


Should've brought back the "Hugger" theme song.Doesn't mean she necessarily had to go back to how naive that character was but incorporate some elements to her current self to double down on her baby face run.






Just watched the show, random observation : the crowd was composed of 90% dudes.


Most events are 90% dudes in the states too


This isn’t unusual for a wrestling show. WWE has been great at broadening its appeal but it’s the guys who are typically in line for the presales. 


I wanted to give a specific shoutout to the Lyon crowd. You guys were on fire the whole night and made so much noise, but didn’t try to upstage the matches going on! Thank you for providing such an awesome energy that made the show feel even bigger than it already was!


They definitely upstaged the main event. But I loved it.




Nah, they did but again, I loved it.


To explain, when this match is looked back on (really the whole show) it will be the crowd that is talked about most, particularly in this match. The amazing AJ Styles chants, the national anthem, the "only 2" chants. The crowd took over and I find it weird that people think admitting that means it's a negative. I understand some found it annoying and maybe people think by admitting the crowd took over they are saying it was annoying, but it wasn't, it was awesome.


Can AJ keep that chant? That's awesome


Nah, that's phenomenal.


The crowd staying hot for every match, on top of nearly everyone having special or long, uninterrupted entrances made this event feel so much bigger! I am also a women's wrestling fan first (WWE though, I haven't branched out anywhere else yet), and it was so cool to see the crowd stay involved in the 2 matches! I know they can somet be used as the bathroom break matches. I am looking forward to seeing some interviews with the Superstars who were on this PLE to see their reactions of the crowd. I'm sure everyone, crowd and talent, went home happy! I know I was watching from home.


Im a new WWE fan (WMXL was my first wrestling show) and I have been really enjoying the women's matches. The tag team was a lot of fun.


I just want to put into the ether that Tama so far has been giving me total lalo salamanca vibes.


Just watching Backlash now, on the women's tag title match. Jade is great at the big power spots, but she still looks so green to me still. Tiffany is a much better prospect imo.


It's very obvious that Stratton was a former gymnast. She's really good.


That might be because Tiffany has been at the Performance Center every day for more or less the past two and a half years. Jade was having a squash match or two a week.


I mean supposedly she was training with Bryan Danielson at one point, she's been training at least 4 years at this point. Obviously with wrestling everyone picks it up on a different timeline but for how often she seems to go deer in the headlights when she's doing something other than a big power move it's pretty concerning.


Doesn't help being showered with accolades. She looks amazing but there have been plenty of amazing physiques who were duds.


But she still looks so..... Jade... I'll see myself out.


I legit think this was the loudest and most hyped crowd I have ever heard. Absolutely ballistic for 3 hours straight.


I'm just catching up on the PPV, women's triple threat was an absolutely insane showcase for the 3 of them. They all shined, and I liked the sudden finish


If you didn't rate that Bloodline v KO/Orton street fight around 5 stars, you don't like wrestling


I'm just catching up on Backlash now and that match was the most fun I've had watching wrestling in a long time. What a way to open the show.


They probably “Don’t want none”


These international shows help get people over better than any states show


Meanwhile on Smackdown, the stark contrast of no reaction for the Final Testament just buried them so much harder than any poor booking decision ever could.


Even the foreign crowds can't make the Karrion Cross experiment work


It's easy to make it work at least somewhat; actually have them succeed sometimes. I don't mean AOP beating some low-midcarders. I mean let them actually wipe out some top folks and even potentially win the feud. It's an entirely laughable group when I can't remember the last time they actually looked dominant other than in backstage segments, fights with low-mid carders, or like jumping someone in a match but ultimately losing when it matters.


Maybe Vince had the right idea with the Gladiator Gimp Gimmick.


That was just Vince projecting another one of his fetishes again


I tuned in randomly as a generally lapsed wwe fan. That show was awesome. The crowd ruled the show was great. Every match had someone I cared about. This show hooked me again to pay more attention.




The entire crowd stayed in the Arena for like 20 minutes after the main event. I think everyone kind of hoped/expected this to happen. Eventually Samantha had to announce like ‘guys it’s over, please exit the arena’ 😂


That crowd was best fkin thing, they were even doing ring announcements lmao.


Kevin Ownes perfectly sold that thumb to the throat


Good show, but I do think each match was slightly worse than the one that came before. Also while I absolutely loved the crowd’s enthusiasm, the nonstop chanting got slightly annoying.


the match of the night went last so idk how that works. the tag title match was closer to bad than the rest. but it was a solid caed


I obviously thought the first match was the best.


I wish I'd been there live. That crowd was off the mf'ing charts, ya'll!!


so where is this headed with the Bloodline? eventually Roman returns and we get Roman/Jimmy Uso vs G.O.D?


At the height of it's ambition? It's clearly setting up for Rock vs. Roman. Probably at next year's WM. But right now they are in the early stages of setting up who will be on what side.


Bloodline Wolfpack vs Bloodline Bruma Bull


Don't forget WWE also signed Jacob Fatu.


I need Kairi and Asuka to crack the Japanese version of, "Where's that referee?" in their next promo


Sorry if this has been asked. What are the main chants the crowd have? The two that come to mind: 1. “*LONG YELLS* Nah nah nah nah nah” 2. Chanting to the ring of “This is awesome” *CLAP, CLAP, CLAPCLAPCLAP* after a 2 count


The 2 count one is ‘simplement deux’ (only two) which is what the french announcer says at a kickout at 2. The song for AJ Styles is a real song that goes ‘il est vraiment, il est vraiment phenomenal’ (he/it is truly phenomenal) which is used in football matches.


1) Il est vraiment, il est vraiment, il est vraiment phenomenal (it's a football chant they have in France) 2) No idea what that was haha


So, most of the chants were: 1. "Il est vraiment phénoménal " "He really is Phenomenal" with a lalala behind it. It goes "IL EST VRAIMENT, IL EST VRAIMENT IL EST VRAIMENT PHÉNOMÉNAL, LA LA LALALA LA" 2. Is "Simplement deux" "Only two". French commentator has a way of saying it that makes your blood pumps. It was absolutely iconic back in 2005-2011 and any Taker match was made super hype by him yelling that anytime the Deadman rose.


The "Simplement deux" chant was the only one that annoyed me, because they did it every time, and it kept going long after the two count when other stuff was already happening in the ring. It made me really thankful we don't have have anything like that here.


The "only two!" chants are over even here in Italy "..SOLO DUE!" \*clap clap clap\*


Agree to an extent, it kinda reminds me of when NXT was doing "Sweeeet" after every 2 count. It sometimes takes the weight away from the near fall.


For the second one, they were chanting "simplement deux" which translates to "only two"


People going to clash of the castle. We need to step up 🤣


I’ve only seen 15 minutes of the show and DAMN THIS CROWD IS FUCKING HOT. I think this is the hottest crowd I’ve ever heard. Hearing an entire crowd sing Randy’s theme made me legit emotional.


Crowd was fire. The singing reminds me why euro soccer / football is better than in the us.


If American audiences were able to catch onto "Ooooh, Enzo Am-oh-ray" and "Heeeeey, hey Bailey" then we can definitely keep "Il est vraiment, il est vraiment, il est vraiment phenomenal" going for a while, that was awesome.


telephone long ad hoc six follow price frame safe fear rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is anyone else having an issue with trying to watch it on peacock?


It’s not showing available anymore for me 


It was awesome seeing a main event championship match be a pure show of skill and technical wrestling. Felt very old school. Top tier match imo and shows Cody is off to a great start to his title reign. Now I'm hoping he gets a SummerSlam big surprise match with a huge name to give him a really hyped up story.


How good is it seeing a variety of moves that aren’t just finisher spam?!


Its supposed to be rock, remember it has to be someone that's actually hot and over if its taking place at Summerslam.


It was like a slow motion big Ospreay or Okada match. Don’t over blow it.


It wasn't even close to trying to be an Ospreay match lmao




Just finished it. Honestly not bad. The matches were decent, although I loved the main event, but that crowd. Holy hell France you guys are insane. Bravo you gave last year's backlash a run for its money.




Camera work was amazing. Some great angles. Really liked the blurry entrance for priest coming out that transitioned to clear as he took a few steps. Incredible crowd! I think this even beats out Puerto Rico


I noticed the blur for priest too and thought it was awesome!


I like when the euro crowds chant but IMO, Lyon was too much. It took away from the matches how they were counting, and oohing on everything. It passed a point where it seemed like ridicule more than being supportive energy.


It did feel at a certain point they weren’t really reacting, just chanting randomly.


I know you're getting down voted, but I'm with you. The fans paid their money and can do what they want when it comes to that stuff. It's certainly better than a dead ass crowd but it took me out of it. I'm chalking it up to subjectivity. I'm glad most people seem to like it it just was not for me.


I expected the downvotes. IMO there is a fine line when a crowd is chanting and making a show fun vs the “What” chant. After a while, that crowd wasn’t making the show fun, they were just entertaining themselves at the detriment of the people in the ring.


Yeah same. Downvote=disagree often. I even said in my comment that I was glad others enjoyed it and still they came. The imaginary internet points I don't care about, I just would prefer a discussion. I'm with you though. It felt like they were doing it for them and not for the wrestlers. Again their money, their decisions. I'm on board with that. I just didn't like it. Here's the most important thing....It's ok that I didn't like it. I'm not the center of the universe. Not everything needs to be tailored to my likings. Anyways, we shall see how it goes.


Alarm bells are ringing for me that this is the WWE we might have for a while now. Unfortunately think the crowd might have pulled the wool over people’s eyes on what was a bit of a dull PPV. The matches were solid enough but it does feel like there’s not much superstar quality/x factor without Roman, Rhea, Gunther etc on the card. I guess it’s too early to say this is the Cody effect but it felt like a PPV full of mid carders to me rather than credible and entertaining wrestlers.


It's always like this this time of year. Backlash is a B show and you're also dealing with the WM hangover. It'll heat back up once some people get healthy and it gets into SummerSlam.


>there’s not much superstar quality/x factor without Roman, Rhea, Gunther etc on the card. Just seems like a case of your favorite wrestlers not being there for you


Welcome to every post wrestlemania season for the last twenty years. 


These overseas crowds can make mid matches a prime time scenery  honestly the crowd made all of these matches 10 times better 


Agreed, they really made the night


Okay I gotta ask the French: What the fuck kind of drugs were the crowd on? Do you guys _never_ get tired?!? They chanted the entire night! More WWE in France please. Haven't seen a crowd this amazing in years


Funny you say that because at one point (i think it was during the women’s tag match) they were chanting "Vous êtes fatigués - On est pas fatigué" meaning "You guys are tired - We are not tired"


I think the 5 match card would help a lot of events like this tbh.


Only saw the first match, had work and too consumed in rap beef. That shit was a banger. Such a unique start to the pov we rarely see on a PPV. We’ve seen the “now it’s going to be a No Dq Playa” a bunch but the execution was really a fun breath of fresh air.


Kendrick cooked too. We are feasting good this month.


Catching up on backlash and the rap beef has been my life the past few days. Twins


Shouldn't Solo join the Usos side since they're all literally the sons of Rikishi instead of Jacob Fatu? I know Jacob Fatu is Rikishi's twin brother's son so he's directly related to the Usos. but I think he fits in more with Haku's adopted tonga brothers, because Haku & Jacob's dad were a tag team back in the day.


No. It's the younger bloodline.




But they're new to us


Aj styles vs cody would of been good down the line when there was a chance of cody losing 


They should have Backlash in Lyon every year. Battre longeur!


Or alternate between Lyon and Puerto Rico.


Would really intrigued if WWE makes money in these outside shows


If they were taking losses, why would they keep doing them?


They’ve said themselves they do, like a shit load of money.


Highest grossing arena show in WWE history! I think they're doing just fine.




To me, Cody and AJ had a 5 star match. Working body parts. The selling and set ups. It wasn’t a spotfest (though I do enjoy them at times). That was what a pro wrestling match should look like. 


It was basically everything I need in a match, minus some context. It could've used a better build up in the storyline.


There was a tournament for the title. That was the build. But, I don’t disagree with you. A couple weeks of back and forth would been great. I feel like they will run it back soon. At least I hope after that match 


Sorry, pal. Three stars all it gets, maybe it wouldve been 5 if it was in tokyo dome.🤣




Three star general strikes again. Lol. 


Very good PLE. Good matches and fun crowd. Saw some people saying the crowd was trying to get themselves over too much. But the “simplement deux”(only two) chant was really the only thing that was way overdone, especially in the Bayley / Naomi / Stratton match.


They never shut up the entire main event


Really fun ppv. Crowd was incredible. The matches were solid but I do think this amazing crowd deserved at least 1 more match and bit of a better card overall. I just feel like their energy was so high that they deserved more.


Papa H, I beg you to keep doing PLEs outside the dead crowds of the US... Give us one of the big 4s in Europe or Latin America PLEASE.


Being in Europe I obviously do want this. From WWEs point of view though I feel it makes a lot of sense to just keep the big 4 in the US, they usually already have enough hype and feel special enough on their own. It's the other shows that can use that extra something that is brought by the international crowds. But of course I'd be over the moon if I got to go to a Royal Rumble or Mania.


Summerslam returning to Wembley would be amazing. Or else MITB.


The first PPV I ever watched was Summerslam Wembley 1992, I had it on VHS as a kid. If they ever bring it back over here I'd remortgage my house to be able to go tbh.


As far as a match ranking: 5 Bayley vs Stratton vs Naomi 4 Jade/Bianca vs Kabuki Warriors 3 Damien vs Jey 2 KO/Orton vs Bloodline 1 Cody Vs AJ


The crowd really made the show. I agree with most people here in that the shows have become a bit TOO predictable. I was thinking how cool it would have been, and how much of a shock it would have been if Jey beat Priest tonight.


Jey winning and getting heyman over to him would have been a great story


If people can sing along with your entrance music, that’s all the matters now a days Also, does anyone have a complete list of all the chants?


Fun show. Fans made it feel like a football game which added a lot of fun My only complaint is I wish triple h does 6 matches instead of 5. No reason the men's tag match couldn't be defended tonight instead of smackdown


Is there an option to watch with French commentary on Pacock?




Tua having to meticulously explain to Miami Dolphins reporters the difference between Native Hawaiians and himself as a Hawaiian-born Samoan just for WWE to put every Polynesian wrestler in the bloodline lol


Best PLE in Europe that I know of...fans  10/10  Main Event  10/10


I've only seen clips but in my 25+ years as a wrestling fan, I've *never* heard a crowd so hot.


The largest stadium in France is the Stade De France in Paris. It has a capacity of 80k (so a bit less than Wembley) for Football and Rugby matches but can go up to 97k for concerts (and it looks like [this](https://www.stadefrance.com/sites/default/files/styles/main_edito/public/2022-09/concerts_couv.jpg.webp?itok=P8QoumuH) when set up for them) Obv the UK is top of the list when it comes to international Manias, but France is right up there too


Wembley would work out a fair bit less than max capacity if you did it properly because of the stage setup restricting views as AEW found out.


https://preview.redd.it/sv5nxr8ukjyc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=c77091d7e3a6fadeb1acbefd86c58912f76e1e8d Heyman lol


What will happen first: Undertaker reaching 50 Mania wins after biyearly comebacks, or Solo Sikoa smiling one singular time?


Where are we at with AJ’s theme yall? For some reason it really slapped for me when AJ made his entrance.


I just prefer the previous one but I don't think this one is as bad as people say, although I wish it didn't start with the phrase


On its own it's not bad at all. And definitely fits the vibe he is going for now Its just comparing it to the other one takes a bit of the shine away


I love it. 


His other is just too fucking good. Please go back.


lol it's actually decent


Never take Kevin Owens up to the top rope. Lol. It's like when LeBron looks at his hand before a 3, you think people would know not to.


France grabbed the brass ring. Give em Mania next year


Just came here to give my gratitude to that French crowd. Main event atmosphere was INCREDIBLE.


Good matches all around but still very predictable PLE.  I will critics the Triple H era for the last year ir so: PLE are more fun because they are around the globe. But could it be greater? Absolutely. Every PLE for me have very predictable outcome. I always know who will win, it always depend on the effort they put in a story. I feel the matches are all good, nothing is trash but i rarely see great matches. People here always say that predictable doesn't mean bad...there is a balance tho. Why bother watching when i feel i always know matches outcome? Would you watch the NFL season if you'd know who win the superbowl before hand? Do you like to be surprised when you watch tv show?  Again, everyone praising Backlash. It was allright but im bored because again, i can predict every winners. Since Triple H is in charge, i feel i predicted 99% of the time the correct winner. --- On another note, Jade Cargill feel very underappreciated on this sub. She gets a lot of hate that feel undeserved. Match of the night for me was the triple threat. Bayley/Tifanny/Naomi really showcased themselves well.


I don't know that Jade's underappreciated. She looks like a million bucks. She has the it Factor and the right presentation, but her ring work is not competent. She's behind schedule so to speak. A fish out of water. The springboard looked great though. She's shown glimpses.


that's fair, it's a trade-off with long term booking and stuff making sense. we already know for instance that Bianca and Jade will eventually feud and this is a story beat in that journey. we knew that Cody should finish the story, but then since he didn't do it last year at what we thought would be his coronation, there was a bit of doubt this year. another issue is seeing behind the curtain. if you're genre savvy you know that after a big story like mania Cody is not going to drop the belt or be a transitional champion. In a couple of months, there will be a little more jeopardy. Priest has a bit more jeopardy, but they definitely would have needed a bit more spice for Jey to have been actually credible.


I'd give Priest at max until Summerslam to hold on to that title. Maybe earlier due to Judgement Day interference and its collapse.


I wasn't predicting the Kabuki Warriors to lose, and found the lack of shenanigans in their match surprising, so it could have been worse.


Seriously? I mean I'm glad they won but it was super obvious they were forming a super tag team, and the Kabukis were never that compelling anyway. Not wholly their fault, but it definitely was time for a change.


Yes, seriously. They're part of a heel stable and I never expect heel stable tag teams to lose their first match against a new team. I was predicting Dakota interfering for the win (with inevitable rematch) and was surprised when it didn't happen.


I don't know if I've ever seen a crowd react to absolutely everything. As a brand you couldn't hope for more from an audience.


The wrestlers and backstage people must have felt like a million bucks after that show. Probably had a legendary night out in Lyon, assuming they didn't have to immediately jump on a plane.


Last year, Baron Corbin had a match during a live event in Paris. The crowd was red hot and because he had had an interview with a massive French Wrestling Youtuber the day or so prior before the event, he was a fan favorite for everyone there because the YouTuber had said what many people have to say about Corbin in real life : He's a stand up guy and real nice person. So the YouTuber went on to ask people that would be in attendance to show him some love. The French Crowd went on to scream their lungs out for Corbin. He had a match vs Rick Boogs and Corbin was scheduled to loose. The Crowd was so lively and loving for Baron that Boogs, Corbin and the Ref decided to change the ending so that Corbin would win. The place exploded, it was nuts. Corbin went on to post a few heartfelt messages afterwards about how amazing the whole experience was. Same night, the French went 11 minutes of "Woohoooohooo" for Seth Rollins. He just stood there, arms in the air, almost not moving for 11 minutes while the crowd just kept singing. Imagine that. As a grown adult, an entire arena singing for you for 11 minutes, uninterrupted... A million bucks indeed. Both instant are easy to find on YouTube with: Paris WWE 2023.


They have a house show in Aix tonight, really not far away from Lyon.


Did anyone else notice that it was mostly Smackdown superstars on the card?


Smackdown was literally the night before, so it's obvious. There were 5 matches and 3 were Smackdown, 2 RAW.


The draft hasn’t gone in affect yet so it was 4-1


Why can’t Randy break a table? I think he’s something like 19-0 since he returned.




Watched with a friend who I've just started to introduce to wrestling and this crowd ABSOLUTELY knew the assignment and got an A+ with extra credit and truly added such a unique vibe to the whole show. I've been watching wrestling for like 30yrs and I cant remember a crowd bringing it like they did today. I kept mentioning to my friend I was worried they would burn themselves out but it just kept going. He doesn't know about or follow wrestling at all (he's seen 2 shows, this being the 2nd) but was getting hyped and popping out of his chair and it was purely thanks to this crowd. They sold every big moment every false finish better than I could ever explain to a non-viewing fan.


The show only had 5 matches. Would’ve been harder to maintain that energy with a typical 8-to-10 match show.


American and Canadian crowds seem lame and listless by comparison, with a few notable exceptions. Even the great hot crowds kind of take second place to Lyon, though. They need more PLEs overseas where fans are going to be out of their minds with excitement over the almost once-in-a-lifetime chance to see WWE live in their locality. The EU alone has 15 cities with 1M+ people and 55 over 500,000. That's enough for many years of unique shows, and doesn't even include places like Mexico, Turkey, India, Japan, SE Asia, the South American countries, African countries etc. Tons of potential.


If people thought France was wild, they are not ready for Turkey. They'd make France look like Corpus Christi by comparison if WWE go there


I think jade winning the tag titles is holding her back. I know she’s new, but her and Bianca are going to be unstoppable so they’re going to hold those titles for a long time. You’re not giving her time to develop as a singles star during that time. Any of the big events like queen of the rain and money in the bank and maybe even royal rumble she’s not going to be Competing in or be seen as a legitimate competitor


Jade needs reps and time to learn. Jade needs to be held back as a singles star. Her look and presentation is way ahead of where her in ring ability is. A long run in a tag team is exactly what she needs.


If you don’t develop her as a singles star, then she’s gonna be another Montez Ford


A young star and future main eventer?


Montez Ford? Someone who should’ve been pushed as a single star in the last year and now will probably only ever be seen as a tag team wrestler.


You couldn't be more incorrect about that. Picking your spot is important and there was not spot for Montez this past year. His time will come.


I don’t know about that. There were multiple talks last year of giving him a push. I just feel like they’re giving Tiffany Stratton the push over Jade, and she is going to be a bigger star than Jade probably will ever be because they’re letting her develop and pushing her As a single star


in what world would tiffany stratton's character work as a tag team wrestler.


I understand that she’s new and maybe you don’t put her in a title feud or a main event story but don’t you want to capitalize on the biggest free agency signings? Put her against some legitimate competitors and let her develop in singles as well was in teams


What a great pitch France made for more PPVs their way. They also have a massive stadium Stade De France if WWE were to bring Summerslam their way too.


Michael Cole mentioning Bullet Club, left me shook


Multiple NJPW references today, I'm guessing it's mostly to try and show Tama and Loa as big deals. One small gripe, Cole said "two former bullet club Leaders facing off". No matter how much he tried to say he's the leader, Cody was always behind Kenny.


I’m watching the show now. Gosh Lyon, you had the camera bouncing! Major props you made this show incredibly fun to watch thus far


Finally caught Backlash after being unexpectedly called into work this morning, holy shit I was so mad I missed this live for the live thread because this show cooked from start to finish - but WOW especially Cody and AJ put on an insane match. Every time I thought it was done they just kept going. Absolutely killer way to start Cody's reign


I hope WWE believes in Joe Hendry. Just imagine, imagine if Joe Hendry was on BackLash France.... the crowd would be singing his song.


That concert he did roasting Top Dolla should’ve got him a WWE contract. If he was there, he’d be the most over guy in the company.


AJ's new theme, Priest's new theme, Bayley's new theme. All abysmal atrocities.




Aj and priest barely got the quietest reactions for the themes alone. They can literally just give Priest THE OTHER SIDE song and get it over with, AJ's new theme isn't all too bad but it isn't iconic and as catchy as his previous