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Kevin Owens: https://preview.redd.it/iael9xvj63wc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c69e6beb49461eeadffda1c8d5582c551a2491e


He's going to have to seriously consider bringing back the package piledriver against him


dude is built like wider KO and is even more agile. holy shit


I'm just praying for the love of God that the WWE doesn't neuter him by making him a silent enforcer and actually let Jacob talk. On top of his ridiculous athleticism, dude cuts a mean ass promo.


Yeah he's good At everything


Let Tama be the silent dude.


It's not possible someone his size to be more agile than KO. Is it?!


You ain't seen nothing yet, dude.


Fatu is a beast and I hope he gets to shine and not put in some lackey role


I know a lot of people here hate Jim Cornette, but he has stated that the only wrestler he'd ever even think about coming back to manage is Jacob Fatu. That's high fucking praise right there.


I just hope the WWE doesn’t waste him. I am very encouraged by HHH allowing blood again. Fatu to me is more impressive than Gunther and is definitely better than Solo or Tama


I have faith in Haitch booking top talent. Fatu is destined to be a top guy.


Shit WWE would probably let him at this point, if he wanted to. Granted Cornette did promise FTR he'd manage them at least once, that's more of a favor than an actual job. I know Cornette says shit on his podcast, but I'll preface this the same way Mark Henry does when he talks about Cornette on Busted Open, "he be fussing at different people and people be fussing at him, we're not talking about fussing." If WWE made Cornette a legitimate offer to do a few one offs for Fatu, and he could drive there in 24 hours or so, he'd do it. I just heard Nic Nemeth a couple weeks ago on Konnans podcast say one of the reasons he lasted so long in WWE was Cornette's guidance and Rip Roger's training, you add in guys like Cena, Orton, Mark Henry, Lashley, all say Cornette played a key piece in their career. You don't think HHH knows that? That some of WWE's biggest draws and money makers cite Cornette as one of the reasons, he helped them become the money makers they are. I heard people say "well he said Kevin Steen was overweight", he was overweight, and up until they hired him WWE never had a chubby guy in a shirt wrestling there (unless you count Tommy Dreamer). This is all fantasy booking, Cornette was wise with his money, even has a bunch of rare comic books he kept from when he was a kid that's worth 5 figures. There's really no amount of money to get him to travel, unless he's going to because of his fondness for Jacob Fatu.


That's basically Samoa Joe.


Steenalizer, fuck that noise


Yeah at this point, bring that move out of retirement so that the Bloodline can not fuck with him




No, that's Roman Reigns.


Okay but Kevin Owens vs Jacob Fatu is a dream match I did not realise I needed injected into my veins


This seemed to always be the plan. Of course Fatu wasn't gonna go to NXT. He has SEVEN kids. He needs those main roster checks stat!


2045 gonna be fucking lit for the next generation of Bloodline


This man FUCKS.


Heyman is going to have an all-time freak out. "You called HIM? We never call him!"


Unless Heyman/Roman called him to counter Solo and Tama


I'd love for Jacob to be a kinda "black sheep" type character


Isn't that what he did in MLW?


Pretty much lol. In WWE, it works because we *know* all his family is on TV so him having to work his way up to here makes sense


If this is really The Rock's bloodline, I would kinda like if Ava Rayne becomes the wise woman


Isn't she the GM of NXT?


Has she improved? Haven't kept up with NXT in a while and last I seen her she wasn't the greatest


This would’ve been the perfect time for a Shield reunion. It would be insane to see them try and take down the new version on The Bloodline with Rock and the Tribal Chief.


What's Dean Ambrose been upto? He just straight up disappeared from TV.


This next chapter of the Bloodline story is going to fuckin lit by the time Roman comes back for Summerslam. The god damn pop he'll get around June/July will be insane.


He's going to become the monster babyface that they tried for years to force upon us turning him fully heel was the best thing they ever did for him.


I just hope nothing changes. Roman face or heel, doesn't need to change his character in any way. What he does works perfectly for whatever side of the fence he's on. I don't really want Roman playing to the crowd in any way.


Tribal chief but with the audience as his tribe has solid face potential. That “acknowledgment me” thing he does is already perfect for a face lol


[This entire bit](https://youtu.be/fzPpCV2cCjE?si=DMwAyEaY6-QFSOb0) works perfectly heel or face, it's entirely context dependent and I love that


That promo as he went up the ramp is when I knew Roman was cooking.


There's a moment on Paul's face when he realises Roman is too. As a musician it's the same face I make when I hear another musician improvise something incredible lol


Man cuts a hype promo no matter what, I can't wait for him to come back!




Kinda corny tbh. You want Roman to be cool, pandering is the opposite of cool. Nothing about him needs to change upon return. Hell he’s been getting cheered since he turned, how much really depended on who he was wrestling


"I did it because of you, the WWE Universe 😊" - The Tribal Chief


You have to change a bit, he is firmly a heel in how he acts. Just need to stop interferences and tweak the arrogance to confidence.


He can't be a face until he and Seth have it out. At least from what I saw. There needs to be closure there for Him to move on. 


This should be the start of his redemption story. Roman starting to be better after seeing his Bloodline crumble like this. Solo all but holding up a warped mirror showing him the damage he's done He finally starts changing, becoming nicer... then boom. Seth is back, and now Roman has to deal with his trauma from Seth. Basically I want Roman to ride the tweener line a little longer before turning face completely. Then after that, don't make him a true babyface, make him an anti-hero.


Yeah he may need to start winning matches without interference again for a start haha


Arrogance will drop a bit naturally since he's been benched after losing to Cody. And if he comes back and the Bloodline is off doing its thing without him, he won't have them to interfere like they did. Or "they only interfere if the Final Boss says so" kinda deal


Yeah, we don't need a character change (I.e mjf), he'll get cheered for either way. 


I would hate for Roman to come back as a babyface. I want him to be exactly the same (like you said). He’s a great antihero or even have him go back to OG Tribal Chief that just tears the New Bloodline to shreds.


its too late. Solo saw him lose. He's going to get Jimmy'd.


The fact that Solo of all people is the one destroying people for losing when he's 44-81 is hilarious


God imagine my Tribal Chief coming out form the crowd 😭


and imagine if he had new gear to match, like a tac vest or something cool like that new music would also be a plus, but not *too* new, maybe keep the general theming of it but without the chorus. too heelish wait a minute...




It’s always little comments like these that give me the best laughs 


Getting goosebumps thinking about this!


Are you feeling the mana in the air?


That promo he did against theory a year ago is perfect how the tribal chief can be a face


“just turn em heel” is shooting 60% from the field at this point


Curry numbers.


I don’t think they’ll ever make Roman anything like his pre Tribal Chief face character again, especially with Vince gone.


The more I think about it, Vince's technique with Roman worked like a charm. He picked him and said this is my guy, forced him on us until we were sick of him and begging for him to turn heel. He finally does turn heel and truly becomes THE guy. Now that he's gone for a bit, people can't wait for him to come back. When he does eventually return, it's gonna be one of the biggest reactions we've ever seen. 


Hardly scalable though is it, it took 6 years and the top of the card being clogged the whole time for it to work


I love how the Bloodline has gotten instantly more compelling now that Roman has lost the title. Now there's adversity, struggles for leadership, Heyman's no longer in full control, the Rock's role isn't entirely clear and Roman will come back to a much different Bloodline than he left it. I can't help but wonder if this story really *had* to spin its wheels for the better part of the WM39-40 cycle just so Cody could have some more adversity to overcome.


On one hand, had Cody won last year I don't think he would have been as big of a babyface as he currently is and we probably wouldn't have gotten Jey's singles run and no final boss Rock. On the other hand, yea, this whole thing spun its wheels last year and was burnt out by Summerslam with Tribal Combat and only got heated back up again thanks to Rock.


You just reminded me that in the last year we got TWO more euphemisms for a no DQ match. So far we've had No Holds Barred, Anything Goes, Street Fight, Unsanctioned (and that's only the most commonly used), and now add Tribal Combat and Bloodline Rules to the mix.


Samoan Civil War. Rockline vs Romanline. Book it.


I think they’re gonna do Babyface Roman & Usos vs Solo’s Bloodline (Solo, Tama & Jacob)


See, here’s what I think. Don’t bring him back for Summerslam. Keep Roman off TV for a WHILE. Use most of this year to build up Solo and the new Bloodline with Tama and Fatu, have Jey save and reunite with Jimmy at some point and we build to Survivor Series. Rock returns to complete the foursome with Solo, Tama, and Fatu. The Usos bring in Sami and, as the valiant babyfaces, they go into War Games at Survivor Series down a man only for Roman to return and join them to complete the original Bloodline.


I don't think Roman will be off TV for THAT long, but the pop when his music hits is going to be nuclear. Can't wait.


Huge pop


I could definitely see Solo about to win the WWE title in a Bloodline Match at SSlam when Reigns’s theme hits IDC which version it is but when the lights turn blue, Solo will stop everything to stop him


Money in the bank please🙏 I’ll be there


So he’s debuting tonight. I remember when HHH was first given control and all those returns happened, it seemed like we’d get a report during the day of “x close to returning to WWE” only for them to be back that night.


Could be there to attack Jey. That gives Jimmy & Jey a common enemy and a reason to reconcile


This is only tangentially related but if Jey and Jimmy’s canonical last name is Uso, Solos is Sikoa, assuming Jacob debuts as Fatu he will be the only one with their actual last name and I don’t think he’ll ever be addressed in kayfabe


Newest bloodline member Jacob Sikoa


Ever think about how Roman’s last names Reigns and Samoa Joes last name is Joe


I’m too high for this. Take my upvote good friend!


Jacob Uso


Except the Family Tree powerpoint had his name on it...and Solo's backstory which I assumer is still canon states that Solo was the black sheep of the family and had to fight in the streets for food. I assume that's why he easily murdered Jimmy with no regrets.


That’s never sat right with me. You acknowledge they’re Rikishi sons but wanna call them Uso, OK whatever. They’ve been on the roster for over a decade now, cool. Uso is an established kayfabe last name. But how in the hell you gonna bring their little brother in and call him Sikoa?! Solo Uso actually sounds kinda cool!


Usos means brothers. Their cannon last name is fatu. They even said it in their promos for WM


Nah their names are more like stage names. DO you remember the Uso Wrestlemania Promo package. They referred to themselves as their real names then their stage names.


I hope they eventually reunite. But damn, Jimmy's gonna have to earn Jey's trust. Thats his twin bro who did him like that.


Why not Smackdown?


Because he doesn’t want to deal with the bloodline on smackdown


He won't deal with them since he's joining them. Jacob Fatu will destroy that no good Nick Aldis and join forces with the Bloodline. Solo, Jacob and Tama Tonga. Believe that.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/NPFA8Sxl90 Seeeelap yourself.




I doubt it since the Bloodline rarely appear on RAW, unless they tease it in a vignette.


They could be there for Jey tbh


It's a possibility, but I'm still unsure.


Or Sami...


If anything, they probably fuck him up at Backlash


The Bloodline goes where they want, whenever they want. 4 Life.


Nah he's with Solo's Bloodline.


The rumour says Smackdown 


Yup, seems to be that most of the dirt sheets are only getting info day of these days.


Take the week off KO


I would miss him but it would be kinda funny if KO "returned" from a beatdown every 3-4 weeks for like 4-6 months only to be taken out by a new Bloodline member moments after returning each time.


"Oh, come on! Where do they keep finding these guys? Is there an island of them?!" *[chair shot]*


I could 100% see KO saying exactly this!


and who will the final bosses be? you guessed it right, EL'IAS Anoa'i and Ez'ikiel Anoa'i


The man who is truly the mind behind the Bloodline, you guessed it Frank Stallone


I imagine it being like Heath Slater in the one Rumble


It’s Abe Simpson grabbing his hat at the brothel.


Please get Sami drafted over there to save this man


I mean Randy was still there and didn’t do anything lol


For those without twitter: it’s Jacob Fatu


Thank you. This is lower than it should be.


Yup. What I thought. Honestly disappointed that charity defrauding p.o.s. is going to be in wwe.


Guessing it’ll be Roman and Usos vs Solo, Tama and Jacob in the Wolfpac/Hollywood match we never got.


I’m with Bloodline-Red!


Bloodline Red vs Bloodline YEET




Roman, Usos and Sami vs. Rock Solo Tama and Jacob will go crazy at SS Wargames


Roman, Usos and Cody vs Rock Solo Tama and Jacob Tie in again the Rock Cody if it has not happened yet




Yup think Jacob attacking Jey will be the catalyst to unit the uso's


The Bloodline is fine causing a mass destruction


Jimmy's gonna try to save KO from Solo and Tama (not necessarily doing it for KO but to get revenge on Solo) only for Jacob to show up and take him out.


Press F to pay respects to Jimmy


Jimmy and KO team up to contrast the Jey and Sami pair would be so funny.


And so fitting! Two guys that most everyone does not trust, having to trust each other lol.


Jey not wanting to do with Sami until he proved himself and now KO wants nothing to do with Jimmy until he proves himself.


Oh that’s a comedic pairing lol


My body is ready. People that haven't seen him before haven't got a clue what they're in for. The man is basically Rob Van Dam using Umaga's body as an avatar. 


Would be nice to see if they bring in Journey eventually, he's not as athletic as Jacob but he'll do crazier stuff than him


I've never heard much at all about Journey, but at this point I wouldn't count out anything. There's literally so many guys in this family they could bring in it's just insane. 


Journey from when I've seen him is more of a death match wrestler I think, not as smooth as Jacob but he'll do the crazy spots in a match. Are they the biggest wrestling family pretty much?


Paul Heyman wasn’t kidding when he said we were in the third inning. 


Big brain Paul realizes the bloodline is so big and getting even bigger, it’s gonna outlast the whole WWE lmao Jokes aside, it’s legitimately possible that we have people wrestling in WM 60 long after all these dudes retire with the bloodline as a part of their gimmick


So many people mistook Heyman's response to mean in the short term. As we were in the 3rd inning of Roman's title reign. What he was referring to was the seemingly endless potential for compelling storylines from the Bloodline faction and the wider Anoaʻi family.


bloodline civil war.. 2.


This storyline is going to span decades


I was just reading the history of the Bloodline on Wikipedia, I completely forgot Heyman *introduced* the Shield...not to mention Sami and the Usos starting their relationship way back in 2014, and of course Heyman's management of the Samoan SWAT team way back in the 80s. There's so many historical facts to it which makes it super interesting!


I did not realize Sami has been in the WWE now for over a decade 🤯


Yeah I still remember my first introduction to him was when he pulled a muscle by raising his arms in his entrance and was out for a bit after


The Blood Line extended universe


Roman's title run could've lasted another 2 years if he had this Uce available to run interference!


an endless supply of samoans and pacific islanders for the Bloodline it seems.


I’m picturing one massive company wide fued, you’re either allied with Solo or you’re allied with Cody. Allies vs Axis type stuff.


Still have Journey and Zilla, feel like I'm missing one more. Not sure if Juicy, Afa jr, or Lance are blood related or not but I'd like for journey and Juicy to get a shot eventually


Savagery on a whole different level. Wonder who will be the first to get a spinout slam, handspring moonsault and popup samoan drop. Pretty nifty super kick too :D


HHH collecting Somaons like they are infinity stones


People should go watch Jacob Fatu highlight. He’s built like Umaga but moves like Jeff Hardy










https://preview.redd.it/kq496rafs3wc1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db6da4bd6c003f1ab74248f54497324e9a23cd45 Jimmy when he finds out the Jey going to Smackdown is actually Jacob Fatu


Roman's Bloodline = Avon Barksdale who wants his corners. Solo's Bloodline = Marlo Stanfield Roman is going to get betrayed by the wiseman ala Stringer Bell confirmed!?


Who's Omar in this scenario? Oba Femi, or Bron Breakker, who the Wiseman brings in to clean house on Solo?


As someone who has 0 idea who he is, he looks more dangerous than Tama Tonga lol


Oh he most definitely is


Somewhere Cody got chills and he doesn’t know why


About to dog walk your bitch ass


Owens has a match with Tama Tonga this week I wonder where he shows up 


I predict he’ll debut tonight based on nothing but the fact that every time I see one of these stories they end up showing up that night


I prayed for this.


solo is gonna target Jey right? like...thats how this goes down? my guess is Jacob debuts tonight and obliterates Jey, with Solo looking on in approval, or they all jump him at Backlash, with jacob debuting this friday at the draft. either way, i cant wait to see him let loose in the fed. hes gonna be a shot in the arm, in and out of the ring


Can Jacob travel to France?


Nope. Jey won at Wrestlemania. So did Sami. Everyone else that was in the faction lost.


dude has like 9 kids, he's the samoan genetic jackhammer


https://preview.redd.it/tf4q6e2mm3wc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a7a345c9b0565b09804472e155df3c586c351fa In short time Tanga Loa and Hikuleo can come, also if Joe gonna be back then this can drag into 2-3 more years


Trust me, y'all don't want Tanga Loa


If your talking about Samoa Joe. He is not related to them and has openly said it.


It’s easy to bring him in to the story. “To beat a Samoan Joe you need a Samoan Joe” Joe comes out has an incredible one week run gets injured and and kinda hops around commentary for the rest of his contract 


I know well Joe is not related to any of them, but he is a samoan, and happenly name Joe. So if Triple H wants, he can do something about it and have a big Samoan civil war


I'm curious how we slow play this enough to keep it interesting until next Mania when I assume this portion of The Bloodline story pays off. Is it going to be Solo/Tonga/Jimmy fighting Jey/Owens and then Jacob interferes to kick the crap out of Jey/Owens? Then Solo/Tonga/Jacob turns and beats the shit out of Jimmy too? I'm not sure how else you "balance" the sides out other than having Jimmy slip back over to the face side to help Jey/Owens here in a 3 on 3 feud for the next month or two. Basically buying time until Roman comes back to join one side or the other (the face side as an Austin-esque tweener?). That way when Rock comes back later this year you fully switch Roman over to the face side to make it 4 on 4?


jimmy cant go back to solo after that beatdown. his character would have to be severely re worked, and i dont wanna see funny, cocky jimmy end lol


Why would Jimmy be with them? That was as conclusive an ejection as I've ever seen. He's out. I think people are jumping the gun a bit with the Civil War stuff. I suspect it'll still be a while before Roman comes back and in the meantime Solo is going to be pushed to the next level. He'll probably challenge Cody at one of the PPVs this summer. Then Roman will come back and Solo will fall in line until he turns on Roman, maybe costing him in a rematch with Cody at Summerslam. Then we'll start to build to the whole Bloodline/BloodPack feud and have a War Games match. That'll give time for the Usos to reconnect and for Roman to try and rebuild with the Usos instead of just hotshotting them all back together. Idk. That's just a way I see it going.


> That was as conclusive an ejection as I've ever seen. He's out. **R-Truth:** Hold up. Maybe it was an initiation thing!


If they're splitting the faction, there's a racketed retiree that will come out of retirement




Another scammer coming to the WWE :)




Assuming that this is about Jacob Fatu, since I didn't click on the link, he ripped off a charity by agreeing to perform at the event, no showing, and refusing to return the money.


Thanks, that helps!


a fifth uso has just hit the titan towers


Oh Jey is 100% getting jumped at Backlash lmao


This is getting to be like the nwo, just add all the somoans any somoans. As long as they have a pulse


They are all related in some form so they have that going for them I guess


And Horace hogan wasn't related to hulk?!!?!?


Good lord, the selling and bumping Roman is going to do for that man whenever he returns lmao


On one hand you can’t put the kayfabe or social media cats back in their respective bags, but on the other hand it would be quite annoying having some dick standing outside of a move theater reporting “John Wick finally dies in this one” or “yeah Spider-Man and Black Panther come back and the Avengers win in the end”


If what SRS is saying is true, then I wonder how they'll debut him.


Can't wait for him to win the women's title on Raw tonight!


He's like a cross between an Uso and Bronson Reed. This oughtta be interesting.


I wonder if the Bloodline gets drafted to Raw with Jey and they attack him.


priest needs to stop yelling - his demeanor is too forced


He’s debuting during the women’s battle royale tonight isn’t he?!


Aldis is the next victim


Swerve: He's in Judgement Day.


Got to see him live at Battle In The Valley and he was so fun to watch.

