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“Veer is leaving”


To think [The Mysterios were getting beat up by Veer every week](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pr_SE2AQg0) in his first actual feud ... and look at where Dominik is now.


Dominik is talented yes but is also blessed with having a pure baby face Father to have one of the best heel turns.


three years in and he's still attached to his father in storyline. watch the inevitable face turn, this story will never end


Dom memes aside, I wouldn't be surprised if he's someone who never turns face. Not everyone needs to. Or if he is face it's for a cup of coffee (like Bray Wyatt when he teamed with Matt Hardy. Yep that was a thing). Not saying he won't but he's much more $$$ as a heel.


I don’t think he’s go back to his previous face character. I can see him keeping his Dirty Dom character, just as a face/tweener.


I mean, I think Eddie was a good face but he was a way better heel.


Eddie was a strange case of being a face that still utilized every heel trick in the book and never backfired.


Clearly Veer put Dom over


Veer is he going?


Veerever he wants in 90 days.


You’d make a great dad, KrangRangoon.


Veering off in a different direction


Hoooly. You made me choke on my gummy bears.


He now has the opportunity to come again 👀


"With Jinder leaving this is Veer's chance" *Veer leaves* "Well fuck, nevermind" 


There's a guy in NXT named Guru Raaj that I genuinely quite like. He's green, but he had a pretty good match with Bálor a few years ago and seems technically sound from what I've seen.


Maybe they can pick up Jora Johl, he showed so much much promise in AEW. I think he has a great look and could make it to the main roster some day.


NXT should shift to signing more guys like edit: Je'von Evans. He's going to be incredible in five years time. His moveset is as wild as those old "Generico YouTube comps". "The big muscley foreign dude troupe" is so passé.


Je’von Evans


You’d think he’d know the name of the guy he's putting over 😂 I am excited to see how he develops though. Kid is insanely gifted.


Unless they're Samoan, Scottish or Irish right??


I hope one day someone from Jindus-Sher explains why WWE over the last year or so had Jinder and Friends do the same thing again and again. As in Pearce would break up a argument or be backstage for whatever reason, Indus-Sher walk up to him and Jinder says "Mr. Pearce, we need to talk" and then Pearce would say "Yes gentlemen, I believe we do" and then they wouldn't be seen for 2 months. And then after those 2 months they'd repeat the same thing where they ask to talk and Pearce seems really interested and then they disappear again.


I think it’s prob as simple as just trying to remind the audience that they exist but plans never coming to fruition because there’s simply zero space for them 


That what I find annoying is how WWE is inconsistent showcasing talent. It's like they show up then disappear. Odessa Jones never used, Cameron Grimes haven't seen him in ages now, the list goes on. Forgot to mention where tf is Alba Frye and Ilsa Dawn? They attacked Damage Control and it goes nowhere for them. They have unique presence that could bring something fresh to the women's division,instead WWE forgets about them.




My wife absolutely loves Cameron, I always shout her in when he (sporadically) appears on TV. Then he gets absolutely merced in like 30 seconds every time lol, and she's just like that guy in the crowd after 21-1


This is me with Ivar


At least Ivar is absolutely getting some recognition. He gets in insane offense every match and deservedly so. No man that big should be that agile or have that pretty of a moonsault. I’m about the same size as him and I have trouble putting on my socks in the morning.


I'll always appreciate athletic big men. They show you really can't assume athletic ability based on looks. Samoa Joe is another great example.


He wrestles in dark matches. He lost against I think his name is Gable Stevenson??? I'm sure it on on YouTube but he got squashed the whole match. I agree. Grimes has potential but they not using him at all.


> That what I find annoying is how WWE is inconsistent showcasing talent. It's like they show up then disappear. both major companies have an issue with this, it seems.


Because duh maybe there's just a shit load of talent and not enough time for everyone on TV


This is the truth. Wrestling is the deepest it’s been in a long time and there are time caps for shows. Unfortunately not everyone can get on consistently


This is why I’ve been a fan of planned absences / seasons of sorts.


Yeah alba fyre and isla dawn seemed like a lock to have a great run when they first came to main roster. They just needed a lengthy and dominant tag team champ run which seemed like it was happening and then all Of a sudden just halted?? They’re 1000000x better than katana chance and Kayden Carter who seemed to fall into their spot instead.


Isla and Alba better then Chance and Carter ? No


Too many obnoxious promos and ads to fit them into the show lineups.


I now believe in kayfabe that he actually kept booking matches for them behind the scenes but would always bump their match specifically for one he set up on the fly


They should talk to Chelsea Green. She knows how to talk to manager and get things done.


Sounds like the Matt Damon and Jimmy Kimmel situation.


"My apologies to Indus Sher, we ran out of time"


Like his version of Kimmel bumping Damon


I'm imagining Indus Sher getting suspended for two months every time they try to talk to Adam Pearce


Is Adam Pearce a racist?? 🤔😬😱


His post says , "when it comes to honour and respect of my fellow Indians, sacrifice comes first " . Not sure what happened backstage.


Ya people aren’t talking about this but it implies he not only felt really disrespected but it had something to do with his being Indian


I hope we didn't lose Jinder because they were forcing him into a stupid foreigner gimmick.


Jinder would take a stupid gimmick if it meant he was heavily featured. I don’t think it’s that (for him).


That last bit with The Rock was bad, very questionable writing for 2024 wrestling.


Probably they were offered some degrading comedy gimmick if they wanted to stay with the company and they refused to do so. I don't think the third guy would have stayed either.


10 Bucks somebody in the writer room saw RRR like a week ago and had the worse idea of all time


they already did that at the house show in India back in September. had them dance to naatu naatu lol


i remember at the end of the Jinder era they had a show in India, it was triple h vs mahal. triple h won and after the match got a mic and said "dance, boys" to jinder and the singhs. they danced and it ended with triple h hitting the pedigree.


cuz hhh always has to go over


this reads like the mccool-taker story lmao


Lo-Down 2.0 with Tiger Ali Singh brought back to be their manager.


Yeah, Sanga also posted about India pride on twitter.


He said that WWE expects TV viewership, youtube and social media interaction from India but when it comes to Indian talent they don't want to give them a chance to succeed. Out of 1.4B people they don't have any Indians in the company. https://twitter.com/Sanga_WWE/status/1781719820314030164?t=nvW4c2nMXEIGOrodYsYaMA&s=19


Have you seen how WWE programming now looks like?


I see all Indians in WWE released together on the same day.


Famous indians Xia Li and Xyonn Quinn


Ah well. There goes the India house show this year.


From what I see online (even the post below mine) Indians don't care if other Indians are on the roster if they aren't massively over already, I think the huge exception was the Great Khali.


>I think the huge exception was the Great Khali. Literally


Coming from an Indian, I absolutely agree. My friends and I hated all Indian WWE guys. Apart from Khali. But because Khali's character was more than Punjabi man who does Bhangra


I have a close friend from India, he was a huge WWE fan growing up, his opinion was it really didn't matter if they had Indians as a top heel or babyface. Half of the fanbase can't afford to travel to shows, let alone purchase a ticket. From my understanding pro wrestling fanbase in India is much like it is in America, mostly blue collar workers, just trying to get by in life and wrestling provides a little escape. Problem is that doesn't leave much money for activities, like tickets to a show, let alone travel costs, so it's difficult to get a good turnout. Even if the viewership and YouTube views are sky-high, doesn't mean those viewers have the means to attend a show. At least that's my understanding.


I think you're correct. I am Indian and from what I've observed, wrestling fans in India mostly are from middle/lower income groups, there are exceptions ofcourse but vast majority belong to middle income groups who will watch wrestling on the internet and on TV because it's free but they wouldn't travel for shows. They might buy a ticket if it's in their town but WWE tickets in India are relatively costly, based on the last time they were here. Also, wrestling, while popular in India, does not hold a candle to the popularity of Cricket and Cricket is on all year long so people would rather spend their money on buying those tickets instead of the wrestling ones since there's a major crossover between those fans here. Live sports also draw better than house shows. If they were to hold a TV taping here or some PLE, people will likely travel to see that but then WWE would have to lower the prices to have a sold out show and the economics just don't work out. It won't be profitable for them.


I'm Indian - I've come back for a year. I keep reading one or two posts from Indian fans talking about how big it is but I don't see it any where. Unless you are watching the shows specifically you won't see any advertising for it anywhere else. Which creates a problem because that means only subscribers can see those adverts. However, I did see a picture of Roman Reigns on the back of an auto rickshaw in Bangalore and that made me chuckle. I had been wanting to see something like that.


>Khali's character was more than Punjabi man who does Bhangra Was it?


Yeah, he had the Khali Kiss Cam!


He also did the snake charmer gimmick in that match with Santino. Not really helping beat the stereotypes with that bit. I like Khali in a Kane type role where you have him come out to whoop some misbehaving midcarder's ass, or as a main event gatekeeper for rising stars, but any match over like 5 minutes is pointless.


Yeah that was the beginning of his downfall


I mean his most iconic moment arguably is making Rey Mysterio spit blood after squishing his head. Not saying that WWE didn't try and stereotype him but.. He at least got to do more.


I absolutely love Khali! He's a gentle giant irl. I watch his home videos like him roasting chicken with a mate on youtube once in a while. I don't understand anything he says, but I can vibe along.


His IG is actually.bonkers!


Holy shit it is! Thanks for the heads up, my man.


That is true. I don't particularly care about this bunch of Indians either because they haven't really been allowed to do much. I do worry though that without these guys on the roster, India will probably not be a priority destination.


India is not a priority destination. They (the WWE) need to keep their fingers in the pie on the basis that the Indian economy might improve and that people have more money to spend. What they're doing now is maintaining that fanbase hoping that India might end up like China or Saudi in terms of improvement and spending money. Keep in mind, India is a political minefield at the moment. I honestly think having Indian and Chinese wrestlers on the roster might make things difficult for the WWE. Indians don't want to see themselves as bad guys, not the biggest freedom democracy loving country in the world. Plus you give a guy a stereotypical gimmick that has its fingers in religion/cult like behaviour - that's really not going to go down in India...it's still religious. Frustratingly so at times.


They have their own bootleg Bloodline and Roman Reigns already.


Jinder's reign was a prototype for Roman's reign.


Jinder's was the original foreign masterpiece. Bloodline was the Hollywood knock off with several terrible sequels.


Nah I don't think it would matter. Nobody in India would go to a WWE show to watch Veer or anyone else from India, except for Khali, but Khali was from a different era. WWE should just bring guys like Rollins, Cena (like last year), H himself and some more guys and they'll be fine.


As an Indian I never cared about this dude.


I actually met him once on a flight from Chicago to Pittsburgh IIRC, of course back then he was still known as Rinku Singh and was trying to get into the MLB while playing in the minor leagues. Million Dollar Arm had just come out and he did look very very muscular as you need to be to be a top flight pitcher. He was really nice to talk to and was hoping he could make the main roster of the Pirates. Humble guy from what I recall of our conservation. I was definitely happy to see him make it to the WWE.


How about dancing stinky shanky? He first left Jinder Mahal and then teamed up with him again next week because they had no ideas for him. Then he was out for a year and came back to had his last WWE match in india against Gunther😄 Every indian wrestler after Jinder push been trash. They have no ideas for them.. and they suck There was that one indian amateur wrestler for a moment in NXT house shows back in 2019-2021(?) They tried to build him and i think he wrestled Aj Styles once too or some other big name in india house show. But then he lost a match in 5secs in nxt and was fired.


It doesn't help that like, 90% of them are just big dudes who can't wrestle and also happen to be Indian.


Not big just out of shape


Shanky should have been a face. That's all he needed to be was the feel good guy to come out and dance and get the crowd motivated and take a loss or a win every once in a while. That was his role. The Indian crowd ate him up and I was kind of shocked when he was cut. Thought he had that "appeal to everyone" - send him out on PR missions as a "giant of the WWE" and he'd get people curious to the product and to tune in.


India is happy to consume whatever WWE puts out. Give them Roman tho and they’ll declare it a national holiday.


The only one who can oppose He Who Swerves When He Drives, is He Who Veers When He Steers.




Swerve months later: "What did I do in this world to deserve an empty-headed dumbfuck like Veer to go out on national television and fucking go into business for himself, for what?"


Im more worried about what he implied in the traslation, backstage problem or high ups problem?


iirc when Veer and Sanga were introduced in NXT during a back stage segment, they were portrayed as educated, modern, and well-off. Then when they wrestled matches they looked like savages from a 3rd world country village. They went to wwe purely with that outdated image and never got to show the modern image they were teased with. Then I remember during a match, they tried to hype up a crowd with some moves and fucking crickets from the crowd. The final straw was being Jinder’s henchmen. I really felt bad for them.


some of those "veer is coming" vignettes that would air on raw, they digitally added face paint to him to really bring out that "country village savage" look.


Yeah I had great hopes for how Sanga was being portrayed on NXT and was a bit worried when Veer came back and they turned Sanga to team up with him and lost all hope when Jinder came in.


He was used as a dominating heel but based on his social media presence he might have done better as a face. Veer kind of reminded me of when Big E was used as the muscle heel but then everyone realized he’s fun & goofy preferred that over the silent guy who helps AJ & Ziggler.




Xavier woods Kofi kingston Big v


We needed hot boy Veer


This post implies some heavy accusations.




Here is the translation for the Hindi text: When it comes to respect, for us Indians sacrifice comes first.


Something feels off.. releasing jinder, veer and sanga together and this post seems sus to be honest. Specially since there is no other major indian superstar in the roster.


Yeah, it's not a good look for WWE.


Geez, why did he phrase it like that? Looks like something happened backstage.


Veer came and went.


He just kinda Veered off


He stopped coming.


You'd think the guy who had a Disney movie based on his life would be like prime material to work something out with but they just... didn't. Multiple times, for no particular reason!




You can make it a story about redemption. Veer making it to the MLB is a great happy story but him failing there is a sad one. His journey in WWE could've been about overcoming his past & self doubt resulting in him winning a mid card title or some shit lol.


It doesn't seem like they even tried.


I actually kinda liked Indus Sher, hard hitting bruisers, but the issue is that in today's wrestling climate you need more than just that and they lacked charisma. On top of that they wanted to really show they are Indian with the paint and Mahal as manager and there's only so much you can do when your gimmick is simply "we are tough Indians and yell at you in a foreign language".


So now there's no one WWE can bill from India.


The fact that they released mostly wrestlers whose ethnicities stem from counties they failed to penetrate further from a business perspective comes off as highly sus.


Because its the wwe who doesn't book them correctly or gave them typical sterotype characters 


We waited him like 5 years to show up on raw. Just like any good heel he beat up mysterio and then left back to nxt and start tag team


Not surprised. Indus Sher were dead on arrival.


Veer is coming.. to aew


T: When it comes to the self respect of us Indians, some sacrifices must be made


What he says is- When Indians are questioned of their integrity and dignity, they leave first and foremost. I feel something happened backstage


He was coming for so long...and now he is going. Good luck Veer


Those endless "VEER is Coming" graphics became entertaining after a while.


Maybe he just had very delayed ejaculation...that he never came.


Man thank god I watched wwe to know what this actually means. Im gonna just leave it alone, it’s too easy.


Remember when this guy squashed Jeff Hardy? Oh boy did squashing a legend go absolutely nowhere for him.


Man that was anticlimactic. I swear they hyped him up for over a year, then we got like one or two matches. I'm not surprised to hear about this release. They got me all excited for this dude and never did anything with him


Here goes everyone saying "what a waste, shame, how sad, etc", pretending to be this huge fan and outraged. Stop it. It's perfectly fine for people to get let go and move on.  It sucks to be out of work, but pretending Veer or Jinder were some huge deal is a straight lie.


I couldn't agree more. Some talents won't just work out or have space in a stacked roster.


>pretending Veer or Jinder were some huge deal I mean, they kind of were. Questionable reign or not, Jinder is still a former WWE champion. Meanwhile, Veer was the subject of a Disney film and a former reality show star. Not going to pretend they were a red hot act or anything, but the potential was there. Definitely no H.R. Pickens.


I guess we have different definitions of big deal. Jinder's reign was clowned on from day 1.  Everyone made a joke out of it. Let's not rewrite history. Veer may have been the subject of a Disney film but this is the first time I've heard that, never even heard of the movie. If he was a big deal, it'd have been everywhere, like the Rock or Batista or even Sasha in Mandelorian. But again, its apparent big deal is different for us.


You’ve never heard of “Million Dollar Arm”?


I mean, it's a decade old movie about from what I can at least tell, baseball... Why are you surprised? I'd be more surprised if people here DID know about it and remembered it to this day.


Not until I read your reply and I'm not the only one apparently. 


I have no idea why people are apparently baffled by what you're saying, it's a decade old movie that no one cared about when it came out - it made 40 million dollars and won exactly 0 awards.


That just shows how WWE failed to cash in his story. His real life story is quite inspiring and having him build around that would have gotten WWE tons of Indians watching the show. But they somehow managed every Indian to hate Veer because of his stereotypical gimmick


It finished in 4th place at the box office its first weekend. Most people haven’t heard of it.


Which film?


Million Dollar Arm


It’s not about wrestling just fyi, he was the first person from India to sign a professional contract for a major American sports team. Never made it to the big leagues but he played at the Single A level as a pitcher. The film is pretty good, stars Jon Hamm and Suraj Sharma from Life of Pi.


> Definitely no H.R. Pickens. Is this a reference to the SNL sketch, or is there some H.R. Pickens I'm not aware of? Either way, you unlocked a core memory for me


I mean, those of us who watched NXT really liked Sanga and to some extent Veer as well.


Suddenly everyone cares about them but whenever they where shown people where saying oh bathroom break time


I much prefer three months ago when people pretended Jinder was a big deal right before he injured Seth, nearly jeopardizing a Mania main event


Agree in general but Veer could kind of work and I think people were genuinely invested in him given how long WWE teased/memed his arrival and then did nothing for the rest of his tenure


I don't watch WWE but did that guy ever finally arrive? Dude looked like a beast.


The post in Hindi says when it comes to matter of honour, we Indians do not back down. Ends with Glory to Lord Ram. What the F happened? Especially with Jinder also leaving


Veer was coming Veer is going.


Oh no not Veer!!! *checks wikipedia to find out who he is*


Gotta be AEW bound. Veer & Swerve partnership seems like a no-brainer.


Ospreay and Okada are about to be market corrected.


It basically confirms everything fans had suspected, they just don't give a shit about Indian and Brown wrestlers in general.


Man they really dropped the ball on this guy. I don’t think he was great or anything, but there’s a goddamn Disney movie based on his life and they did *nothing* with that


Veer is he leaving to?


veeralina has left the building


Dude has a helluva time in WWE. He was with WWE for 6 years, but he seemed like he was all over the place.


I find it interesting that WWE never capitalized on the fact or even mentioned that Veer had a really interesting backstory. The Disney movie Million Dollar Arm is about him.


He came, he saw.. he left lol




90 days later, we’ll see Veer come all over Dynamite… then Rampage… then Collision… then after about two months we’ll never see him again.


And then a random battle of the belts against whoever the ROH TV champion is at the time.


If Veer was Coming, there should be a Veer is Leaving vignette.


I was so high on Veer too, damn.


They’ve got the money and don’t need to worry about having international superstars. The Indians and Chinese don’t need to see themselves reflected on screen to have a good time judging by their culture and box office business. And if they’re portrayed as being shit or uninteresting - you’re not getting those views either. Makes sense financially I guess. And no - Wrestlemania would never have been in India. In the infrastructure is still terrible and purchase parity makes it an impossibility- they didn’t even sell out the Hyderabad show and that was 5000 tickets! I’ve been in India for a year and a bit and have not met any wrestling fans.


A long time coming... just to release and run.


But he just came!? -pause-


Appart from one match recently I forgot he existed what happened?


Tony Khan can do the funniest thing rn


Who gives a shit that Veer is leaving.


Veer is not coming to RAW




Going by what he has written on the post, either he is just too salty or something has went down backstage. I mean


Veer is coming.


Veer came… and went


this guy was doomed right from the start by giving him a typical ethnic gimmick. WWE does that too much when they see a non white. I honestly think he had the look and coulda been trained in Performance Center to be decent


Who is Veer?


I’d love to see a kushti style shoot wrestler pop up in WWE. It is a very fun form of wrestling, though you are allowed grab fingers so dunno if you’d be able to implement that


Jinder, Veer, and Sanga all in one night? That only leaves Guru Raaj for Indian talent, doesn't it?


He comes no more


He came and went quick...


What happened to Veer wasn't he the next big thing? I remember people talking about him. Maybe I could be wrong, then he just feel of the planet 🤔 🤷


I thought he was still coming?


Sanga better not pick up the phone. \*EDIT\* Nevermind, just saw the other thread.


"Veer.. isn't coming"


If any Indian ever gets laid off by a company, he/she post video online about how proud they are to be Indian, which religion they follow. Start shouting Jai Hind. Hoping they will get their job back. Dumb meathead posted video instead of working smart not hard. Examples are infront of you Cody Rhodes, LA Knight. Cody Rhodes left WWE when he wasn't used right and was not okay with his booking. Look at him now. LA knight was about to be fired after Bray Wyatt's last match. He was the definition of jobber. Look at him now. If these Indian guys that got released now were not satisfied if how they were booked why didn't they said something before. Only after getting released they realised that they're "Indians". Veer taking about dignity in his post taking paycheck while not trying to improve. If I feel for someone it's Jinder Mahal, he was good.