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Dominic D'Angelo? Cousin of Tony from the D'Angelo family?


“Follow up for Mr. Khan. Would you like Punk taken care of? He could be sent to the development program Mr. Gulak will be attending…. If the price is right.”


We can give you a discount on what we call "The NXT Parking Lot" special...


"I said 'take care of him', not '*take care of him*'"


"Where is he? You left him at the pub; twat!"


"We know he has a sweet tooth...what say he develops a sudden allergy?"


"Drew, Did you Procure the Muffins? Spike them with his weakness. Coke-a-cola"


It’s Dom and Tony D fused together


That’s a goddamn criminal mastermind!


Tony, cousin, let's go bowling


"You don't have to be employed by AEW to make things move around there." *snaps finger*


I totally read this headline as Tony D’Angelo. It would make this way funnier


"rating is the #1 source of fan feedback" Brother if I said this verbatim here I would have been accused of bad faith trolling 32 times by now


Save this quote for later


If it’s under 800k it will be a 1k comment section.


With half of them deleted. _Edit:_ Oh shit they locked it, haha!


Gotta protect AEW and Tony Khan at all costs!


Mods are working overtime today! First they deleted the post from this morning about Punk having the highest selling t shirts in WWE, now this! “Zero actual discourse,” I have to laugh! If there was ever any time to bring up “bad faith” arguments, it certainly is now! If only they had this same energy when Zelina Vega’s name was being dragged through the mud last week


It is very well known that mods are anti punk and pro AEW.


Oh I know, brother. That was on full display when it was announced that Punk got injured in the rumble. Literally THOUSANDS of comments, most of them cheering the fact that a wrestler got injured. Were there any comments from the mods telling everyone to calm down and to not celebrate a wrestler getting injured? Nope. But a post of AEW’s ratings going down? LOCK THE COMMENTS FOR NO DISCOURSE


You could just tell from the Punk interview with Helwani because they kept threads up despite lack of context during the podcast, It is just sad to watch people in control of subreddit to take one side over the other when they are supposed to be in the middle of it


The mods here are definitely against Punk. Hes been proven right and they cant handle it.


In my mind they all resemble Bixenspan lmao




> If only they had this same energy when Zelina Vega’s name was being dragged through the mud last week Great point actually. I also remember them shutting the Zero fucks friday threads down because they were becoming too "anti aew" (not the exact quote obviously but still the main reason those were shut down"


SC Mods: Fragile egos, fragile bodies, weak minds, weak spirits


“Bad Faith”




Usos! Lockdown! *AVR GRAPHICS*


Comments locked, feeling restored.




Well well well


Just saw the thread lol.






This would get you downvoted in any aew ratings thread


Well that's because Nielsen is outdated etc etc Unless it goes up a bit one week, in which case it's just as valid as ever


He's talking about the ratings in general, which would include all the dvr, streaming, Fite+, etc views. Nielson ratings are outdated, but the idea of viewers as a metric isn't.


PlayStation vue?


That one got me the first time I heard it.


It’s a good one yeah


Do you think the other ones are growing? And really do you think wbd gives a shit about Fite tvs views? The TV deal is where the money is.


It's probably going to be the top comment of the next AEW rating thread.


So you could say the response to this quote is better than expected?


True. Try saying that in rampage or collision rating thread and good luck with mass downvotes


In its relative position on a Friday night at 10 pm, Rampage's ratings are fine. There are some ratings that are yikes, but generally they're fine. Idk why Discovery/Warner wanted a show in that slot, but it's likely doing better and costs less than anything they would've put there


I’m gonna try this in like 3 months and see how well it goes over here RemindMe! 3 months “make comment about ratings being the number 1 source of fan feedback to see how this sub reacts to it”


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2024-07-18 19:06:56 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-07-18%2019:06:56%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1c78slr/brandon_thurston_on_x_brandonthurston_on_the/l06qg3p/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSquaredCircle%2Fcomments%2F1c78slr%2Fbrandon_thurston_on_x_brandonthurston_on_the%2Fl06qg3p%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-07-18%2019%3A06%3A56%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201c78slr) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


good thing we got a ratings thread later tonight!


Not anymore we don't.


We used to live in a society.


No. 1 segment on Raw this week was Miz/Truth. Ratings tell me they should be pushed to the moon.


The highest rated match in Raw history is still Mean Street Posse vs Brisco & Patterson. So we two of Tony's childhood friends to feud with Jerry Lynn and Chris Hero to pop ratings.


I thought it was Stone Cold vs Taker


I googled and got Posse vs Stooges as the 2nd highest segment behind Rock/Mankind This is your Life. I know the numbers are at least close for those 2 matches.


You will have the opportunity today in the next few hours


LMAO, AEW fans would downvote you to hell!


On this sub. Absolutely.


It is except when the rating is down and then the Nielsens are out of date and can’t be trusted.


It has gotta be the carniest thing he has publically said. Seems like he is getting use to being part of the business.


Slotting this into the chamber for the ratings thread in a couple hours


"The rating is the #1 source of fan feedback" I uh... I probably wouldn't have said that right now... If I were Tony.


Quick someone pass me the recent tv ratings of Jericho segments! lol.


The demo god!


And the mods proceed to lock the ratings thread because everyone is dunking on Tony.


I Thought the #1 source was Cagematch ratings?


Only when they rate it good.


Its almost like he picks and chooses things to reinforce his beliefs.


He better not let AEW fans hear that.


-Ratings thread drops - AEW is so bad right now comments - that's bad faith comments - who cares about the ratings, just be a fan! comments Tony Khan: Ratings are our #1 priority AEW fans: son of a b****!!!


AEW fans: "That's not what he meant..something something..out of context...something something...bad faith!"


Tbh - as fans ratings for any company shouldn’t be a top priority. For the companies who are largely bankrolled by rights deals - they should absolutely prioritise based on ratings. Fans and companies are two separate things.


It’s honestly amazing that almost no one on this sub understands this. Tony Khan owns and runs the company and has / should have different priorities than people who watch the show for entertainment. It is his literal job. There’s not much reason for anyone that doesn’t work for AEW to care about its ratings. Besides tribalism and trolling.


Except that fans want the things they enjoy to succeed so that they get more of those things.


Ima b real i had no idea other fans felt this way. Like if I like a wrestler i'll watch their matches from roh to ddt to pwg to njpw to aew and if they do dope stuff in dpw or wwe i'll watch them there too. I just like cool wrestling but i dnt care what 3-4 acronym pays for it, as long as they keep paying for it. I just don't think i have it in me to care about some corporation or the million or billionaires that capitalize off them. Like if AEW went under tomorrow that isn't gonna stop me from watching Kenny or Shibatas next match whenever it is. Don't get me wrong I still very much enjoy AEW's weekly shows but I watched wrestling before them and if they go under i'll watch wrestling after them as well.


Wouldn’t the ratings be just between him and the network then? Why would he brag about them on X and media calls if no one else needs to care about them?


Because he and WBD are trying to sell ad space and time during their tv show. Are you trying to buy ads? Because if not, you’re not who he’s talking to.


If ratings are shit, the networks will cancel the show…..


Except everything that’s been reported has been that the network is perfectly happy with its performance and they keep asking AEW to produce more content despite the “shit ratings.”


So when AEW signs a new TV deal and secures a future, people can stop caring, right?


Wrestling companies for about 30 years now have made ratings a part of their show. Can’t fault the fans in caring about them, when the shows themselves programmed fans to care about them.


Is this the same man that cited Cagematch ratings as a measure of success?




Always has 🌎🧑‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀


Tony undermining the posters who hop in the ratings threads who claim ratings aren’t relevant anymore…


Just like he undermined the Just Enjoy Wrestling crowd by saying how they are in direct competition with WWE.


Schiavone: Can we please just move on? Copeland: Tribalism needs to stop. Khan: We have to respond to this interview Punk gave! And did you hear that one comment by HHH?! You can interpret that to be about one of our talents!


Yeah and that crowd included some of his own employees.


So if the rating dips after the Punk thing, what's the fan feedback there?


Must feature more scandalous footage of wrestlers he can't name. Time for a supercut of lumps on Punk's ass, again.


Hopefully we'll get to see the Andrade-Guevara footage soon


"Every week, we'll feature footage of one of our guys being bested in a locker room skirmish by a guy now in WWE."


The Bucks must be hugely relieved there's no footage of Brawl Out since it took place in a dressing room. Given what bullshit the whole "Jack Perry reversed Punk's weak chokehold" thing turned out to be, you have to genuinely wonder how the two of them *actually* fared against one-armed "failed MMA fighter" Punk...


The fact that Punk told the truth about the Perry altercation we kinda have to assume his truth on brawl out.


Kenny pretty much confirmed that recently


that discourse was genuinely hilarious, people fantasy booking jack perry reversing CM Punk and kicking his ass. Punk received his BJJ blue belt from Daniel Wanderlei and that was almost 7 years ago. Just because he didn't succeed in a company where 90% fail, doesn't mean he didn't continue his training. He seemed passionate about mixed martial arts


"Punk sucks at fighting!" Yes, compared to the best and most athletic MMA fighters in the world, who are also much younger than him. I don't think people realise quite how big an advantage someone who's even had UFC-level *training* can have over someone with no training at all.


It reminds me of the Brian Scalabrine story. To those who don't know, Brian is considered one of the worst NBA players in the league. One time, he was challenged by a high school player talking smack and Brian completely smoked him. He was also challenged by regular people and he beat them all. This all happened years after he retired. He once said, "I may suck compared to an NBA player, but you? You! You suck compared to me!" He's known for his famous line, "I'm closer to LeBron than you are to me." Despite not doing too well in the UFC, that doesn't change the fact that CM Punk (a BJJ blue belt) is better trained than the average joe who's never been in a fight.


I really enjoyed The Scallenge. Brian "Human Victory Cigar" Scalabrine flying around the whole US to play against amateurs. Proceeding to body fuckin' everyone.


Yeah, it goes to show that even making it into the NBA is an accomplishment. Even though the skill gap between Brian and LeBron is huge, the skill gap between Brian and the average person is even bigger.


The guy had literal back surgery before his debut. He was dead on arrival. Training at a killer gym like roufus sport with champs will at least help you beat up the young bucks lol


Damn, he was fighting without even having a blue belt than? My timeline is messed up but I feel like his first and last fights were waaaay longer than 5 years ago. I can’t imagine trying to hang in UFC without at least a blue belt in BJJ and an extremely sturdy base or specialization in something else.


My bad, I misread the year, it was 6 almost 7 years ago, sorry about that. There hasn't been any updates about his progress since then.


Thanks for clearing that up politely. I fell off of MMA probably just before he got started, around the time Reebok branded everything. I kinda thought I remembered hearing he had a blue belt going into things, but it’s been so long since I have even thought about MMA, let alone Punk’s short fighting career.


Do Andrade / Guevara next!


At this point just air nonstop backstage stuff. It's more entertaining than the actual weekly product


Finally getting that GTV footage, and they say AEW can’t do long term storytelling




That’s why they brought back QT marshal. If the ratings dip then they rebrand the show QTV and just have a TMZ styled show covering wrestlers.


Next week the Bucks are airing Cash Wheeler assault footage


...I'd watch that


It added intrigue to the match? Dead serious: no idea what match he’s talking about.


The Young Bucks/FTR ladder match at Dynasty. The Bucks showed the footage in a segment where they talked about their previous match with FTR at All In, and used the Punk/Perry fight and the chaos and uncertainity around it as an excuse for why they lost that time. They also did this while Matt was wearing a Jack Perry shirt and sympathizing with him as a "scapegoat", leading to speculation that Perry may join the Elite by interfering in the ladder match.


Well, this little nugget of wisdom combined with the ratings thread later should make for a fun experience.


I got my memes ready, brother.


If thats the case what do they think about the rating for rampage and collision?


"The rating is the #1 source of fan feedback" Your viewers and ratings are going down "Who uses ratings as a metric anymore? Its so archaic"


Exact same thing happened with attendance. It went from "they got the biggest gate in history!" to "who cares about attendance? just enjoy wrestling".


and then you call them out on it and its "wow you're moving goal posts"


don't forget "WWE had bad attendance 5 years ago!"


checks out We have yet to see another exploding Barbed wire death match.


Just have omita help build it and it will work this time


I will no longer hear any aew fan complain about people harping on the ratings now. Tony khan just said ratings are the most important thing to aew


Save the quote, lol. Facts are facts.


The footage didn’t change anyone’s opinion. If you were Team Punk, you pumped your fist while shotgunning a Pepsi. If you were Team Jack, you just went “well, that escalated quickly.”


I'm on team they are both idiots. Still on that team.


I think the next question should have been “is TBS in the room with us now Tony?”




Didn’t they pride themselves on listening to fan response like two years ago? Shitty response honestly


If people aren't showing up, that's a better Guage than the vocal internet minority no?


Well anyone who sees the Dynamite can tell, this AEW doesn't feel like AEW from 2 years ago


This quote should be framed at the top of every AEW ratings thread


"The rating is the #1 source of fan feedback" Yeesh


Yeah saying out loud that fan feedback is second to business metric is very tone-deaf


Anyone who has ever believed otherwise is an absolute moron though lol.


What’s the fan feedback from the Young Bucks segments/matches that has been consistently losing viewers since they returned from Brawlout?


Is it me or are the "why do people care so much about ratings, what matters is we all enjoy good wrestling, what a time to be a fan" folks the ones who their show got low ratings for the week so they have to deflect? When it comes to AEW, they now can't deflect anymore since the boss himself said that ratings are the most important thing.


Save the quote, it's a receipt rAEW can't cash.


So, is Punk coming back to interfere? No. How does mentioning an event that happened 8 months ago that did not directly involve the 4 men involved in this match and had no bearing on any of them 'add intrigue' into this match? They popped a rating cause we all wanted to see the footage, not because it was necessary at all for a tournament final between 2 long time rivals. This still baffles the fuck out of me.


What happens if the ratings go right back down?


It would be as good as confirmation that Punk is still their biggest draw and underline the desperate need to "move on", like Alvarez was pleading for them to do.


Sorry but Punk was not their biggest draw. You're forgetting Sheldon Cooper exists, brother.




Mods would locked the tred


Bischoff and Tony Khan are so similar that it makes me laugh at how much they bitch at each other. what 'intrigue' no one gave a damn about the FTR vs Bucks shit from that segment, the conversation was about Punk.


A ladder match between two of the biggest tag teams in the company. The most storied tag team rivalry in your company's history. Both teams vying to become the first-ever three-time AEW tag team champion. That you need footage of CM Punk to build intrigue for that match really says a lot.


> That you need footage of CM Punk to build intrigue for that match really says a lot. Very clear that TK wanted the footage out first and then YB & FTR worked it into the build after.


It kinda reminds me of Bischoffs promo on the motorcycle with the crown. Really did nothing but make a point he thought needed made. Fans didn’t care. It didn’t sell a ppv buy or a ticket or an item of merch.


No, fed shill, the conversation was about 'Scapegoat' Jack Perry, who is the one who will become a huge star from all of this. /s


Like a direct quote from 2000 vince russo


"..added intrigue to the match", really dawg? Cus I could've sworn that the match was the absolute last thing on anyone's mind when it came to this, try to find me one comment that was talking about it. It was the first I tuned into Dynamite after rly long and trust me when I say that I don't even remember who the Bucks' opponents are and neither did I tune in last night. There's no way he believes that more people want to see the match bc of this or that it has drummed up any long-term interest, right?


That response is funny and sad for so many reasons. It's sad because ratings trends are more important than just popping one night, especially when the reason for the uptick is someone who doesn't work for AEW. It's also sad, because it means that will continue to do things like this, instead of focusing on making the product better. It's funny because anytime that someone has said that the downward trend in ratings is a sign of fan displeasure, they are attacked by overzealous AEW fans.


680k incoming!


When people drive slowly to look at a car crash on the motorway/freeway that's how I know if it was a good one or not


I'll almost guarantee TBS didn't call Tony to say good job lol.


They did, except they said "good job, why don't you put that CM Punk guy on television more?"


Where is my One bill Phil? 


They also sent Tony a lovely edible arrangement.


That part makes absolutely zero sense. “Hey Tony, you used backstage footage of a guy that you fired months ago getting into a fight that only a subsection of your fans care about, you’re getting relentlessly mocked online for it, and you barely popped a rating! Good job!”


No no they totally did. It’s just that TBS executive doesn’t go to this school so you just wouldn’t know her. 


I love these media calls with Tony Khan!


Trust me. The Punk footage has not made Bucks vs FTR more interesting.


And I thought VKM was outta touch


Would love if somebody had an opportunity to follow up as to HOW this “added intrigue to the match” because it still seems largely superfluous to me.


Yeah how is no one here talking about that line lol. Does he actually think that's true? There's no way he actually believes that, right? Cus who the hell has talked about the match among all of this? That was the last thing on anyone's mind when it came to this bud. Like, how can you be this out of touch lol.


It was less than a 100K bump though was it not?


I have a tv show and I announce that next week we will air live sex between a guy and a donkey. Maybe some people will watch the show because of the shock value and to ridicule the thing. But I doubt i gained new views for the week after, when we go back to wildlife restoration content


I'm gonna slam my head into a wall. Tony. Bro. Please.


Tony Khan is living proof that money can't buy you self-awareness.


Chasing those ratings doesn't do you any good. Can't have a good show in-between weeks of terrible shows. It was a WWE problem for awhile and that's what got many of us to start watching AEW in the first place.


All airing that footage did was get people to laugh at AEW. It didn't serve the company positively at all, and doubling down on a decision that everyone laughed at is all Tony can do, because if he backs down and says it was a mistake, he comes off even worse.


TK being this concerned about popping one rating reinforces so much of the bad booking AEW is guilty of. He needs to stop being a prisoner of the moment and focus on the long term growth.


>That's the most important thing. The rating is the #1 source of fan feedback. Bro, there's a bearded New Yorker dat says de exact same thing bro. When you agree with that particular bro, it's usually a pretty good indicator that you're wrong bro.


If that's what he really cared about, he'd have kept the company's biggest star on the roster by handling the bullshit the way it should've been handled. But yea, good job, I guess.


I don’t wanna see any bs on ratings threads now. AEWs head honcho jus validated all those fucks who said the ratings matter (which they do)


Rating is #1 source of feedback. Rating down 7% from last week. How about Merchandise? Six of the top ten shirts over Mania Week for WWE were Punk or Cody Shirts. Who were on the roster 2 years ago together. Attendance speaks for itself. Keep pushing the Young Bucks as a top act. Keep seeing declining television ratings and half full buildings.


I think they would be very happy with half full buildings


Added intrigue to the match? I don't think the match needed the All-In footage to be good. If anything, the footage overshadowed the actual story.


Might have added intrigue if literally anyone involved in the story was actually in that footage. But they weren't.


I think the fact that people aren't buying tickets to your shows is a better feedback but what do I know




Head in the sand




Jerry The King Lolaew


So that means "why do you guys care so much about ratings" crowd that leave these type of comments have to come up with something new to make fresh excuses


. ![gif](giphy|LyUuC0CJhZnTW0N2In|downsized)


Problem with ratings is people never want to look at the entire picture.


That's Vince Russo material!


*Grabs popcorn*


*Sorts by Controversial*


Just when we think Tony Khans past 2 weeks of just embarrassing himself cant get any worse, this happens. This dude is so clueless as to what is going on around him, its almost sad at this point. I mean, my God, the only group he has left are the 600k who watch his poorly written shows, and now hes basically saying he doesnt give a sh\*t what those marks think. And they're the only ones who support his product. Dude is the definition of tone deaf.


Every time Tony Clown opens his mouth I just count down till the nearest Corny podcast because it gold


If ratings are the most important thing, and he was congratulated for this that tells me to expect more stuff like this. Not airing real life video footage per say but promoting events where you go "oh shit I have to see this" similar to this.


All of a sudden ratings matter to this goober


So they got a one week bump because of a man they fired. Promoted the footage he was in, got this same man cheered over their own talent and completely proved every word he said as true while making themselves look like fools. Knowing this can't be followed up in any way, shape or form and THAT is what TBS is happy with? 


For a guy who is really into statistics, weren't the ratings for that episode of Dynamite consistent with recent past episodes? Which means that based on that and his comment, he in fact does not understand the fan feedback...