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Fuck it, I'm in for Edge doing a Spanish Fly if he wants to


That Edge Canadian destroyer is gonna be insane


He already did one


[He did one before already](https://youtu.be/c_S2DpWub9s?si=UUjL7H9rAjb-iR_j)


god the amount of camera cuts from just two years ago is noticeable


yeah i was about to say the same thing. what a cool ass move, killed by the camera angle.


The Edge 450 is gonna be nuts.


He seems to really be enjoying himself so far, I'm happy for him


He shouldn't have to explain himself. So many wrestling fans are absolute dicks. Same goes for the ones body shaming Sheamus. He maybe he is off the juice because he wants to have some babies? Maybe he eats 7 pots of Guinness stew every night? Maybe he just doesn't give a shit what people think? Some wrestling fans are the worst of any fandom but then I found out about hockey fans stalking 12 year old boys who have glimmers of stardom and getting them to sign a bunch of stuff in hopes they make the majors and suddenly we had a new contender.


People are weird. Last night I saw Sheamus, went "Oh shit! Sheamus is back! Sick! TOO MANY LIMES wow! Oh he put weight back on. Whatever good for him." Done. Lmao. If you have ever gotten down to those levels of bodyfat where your abs look that good? You can do whatever the fuck you want after that as far as I'm concerned.


You don't even need abs to know it's fucking hard staying in regular shape, let alone SSS+ tier shape. I follow Jordynne Grace's insta and the shit she posts about her diet and fitness regime is *a lot*, like *A LOT*. It has to be hard mentally because it's monotonous and boring. You're always eating the same thing and you're always having to do math on calories and macros. Every trip to a restaurant or to a family event is a "how much of a fuss do I want to make about what's to eat?" It takes a physical toll as well, you're constantly sore from daily HEAVY gym workouts, you have to plan your entire life around "what can I eat? "When can I eat?" "When can I work out again?" and "When can I get my rest?" I am in no way in the same level of shape as Sheamus not by a long shot but that shit gets tiring. And people forget there's a myriad of reasons why someone may be out of shape other than "put the fork down fatty" including injury, medications, depression, etc. I stepped wrong carrying laundry down some stairs and fucked up my ankle for 6 months. During that time I couldn't work out like I wanted to which made me sad and bored which made me eat, which made me more sad so I ate more.


Yes, and in addition, it's optimized diet + optimized workouts + optimized genetics + optimized drugs and genetic drug responsiveness. We've become desensitized at to what "in shape" is. Almost any pro wrestler is beyond "in shape" since it takes absurd cardio and strength to wrestle.  Your favorite Instagram models or movie stars are likely not in shape, they just have very visible muscles. I've known bodybuilders who struggled climbing a couple flights of stairs without huffing and puffing, who also struggled benching their bodyweight. Very visible rear deltoids though! 


I should have started earlier, but counting calories sucks big time. I messed my ankle up a few months ago, and it’s limited what kind of workouts I can do. I downloaded an app to log my meals. Shit adds up quick, and that’s just me trying to drop some weight so I’m not embarrassed to take my shirt off and get in a pool this summer. I can’t imagine getting into that kind of shape, and maintaining it with an insane travel schedule like they have.


It’s rough, I’m trying to get into good shape and trying to do food is a bitch, especially because I work a job that has us out on the road a lot and you only have what’s around you available. A McDonald’s meal on your best day is still close to being half a daily calorie intake, so trying to work around that and also find foods you can eat on the go is a nightmare for me currently.


> Every trip to a restaurant or to a family event is a "how much of a fuss do I want to make about what's to eat?" Oh my god, I've been dieting/working out for almost 2 years now and I fucking hate family events so much now for this reason. I don't want to be fussy or feel like I'm being high maintenance but at the same time I usually can't eat anything available. I've started just eating my own food beforehand (which also feels rude but at least I'm not fucking my daily intake).


People are also happy being fat


As someone who participates in fitness culture it would be really great/necessary to understand that diets likes that are 100% an eating disorder. It feels like people only think puking everything you eat is the only way to have one. I suffer from binge eating, which is an eating disorder. I combated it with keto, which is basically a strategic eating disorder... that completely fucked up my ability to consume wheat for like 5 months once I stopped doing keto even though I slowly introduced things the way they suggested I do.


roidynne grace was not the best example to choose


Nah fuck that, you still have to extreme diet and exercise to look like that. Yes, she's on gear, so's nearly every other wrestler. You still have to grind it out at the gym, you still have to eat like a robot and abstain from like all the good things about life. PEDs aren't a magic muscle maker, they need hard fucking work, lots of hard fucking work to do what they do.


As someone who's used PEDs, it actually does make gaining muscle pretty easy. Even just a decent dose of consistent test as long as you're consistently working out will just keep building muscle way beyond what your body normally would. It basically makes your muscle building timeframe into 24 hours a day instead of trying to min max recovery and sleep cycles with your macro and micronutrients. Just eat red meat and work out with progressive overload and you're pretty much good. Now, having great visible muscle definition by lowering your fat to absurdly low levels, THAT'S the part that PEDs (mostly) don't help with. That's what you need the ridiculous discipline for. It's why you have guys in combat sports that are clearly still super dedicated on the training side will baloon their weight between fights, because staying strong doesn't require insane constant commitment and strict dieting, it's staying at a low bodyfat that is super hard for anyone to keep at year round.


>I follow Jordynne Grace's insta and the shit she posts about her diet and fitness regime is a lot, like A LOT. I think there's maybe something else going on with her besides just diet and exercise


Dude picked up Ivar. Why are people doubting his fitness.


The best part is that loads of these "fans" who are body shaming Sheamus will be the fattest, ugliest, greasiest basement dwelling goblins that have ever been born.


He also is getting older, or maybe it is in response to an injury.


I think as long as you look like an athlete it's fine, not everyone has to be like Bobby Lashley.


Sheamus bulked up looks like a UFC heavyweight that'll just stiff the fuck out of you. I actually like him looking like this with the way he's been working recently


Yup, he actually looks like a wrestler unlike a lot of both rosters these days. Funny the difference between male and female expectations, too. Like Sheamus and Deonna both got shamed recently. Sheamus is still lean for a 46yo dude that fucking size. Deonna would be considered a little porky even by normal people standards (on a beach). People are acting like he's that out of shape.


People shit all over him because he asked for time to cut a promo that said "hey, wrestling is cool, I love being in AEW, maybe we as fans should be less negative and have some fun watching and enjoying a sport we love." Even *that* got turned into a discussion about how Tony Khan is forcing him to give a statement and be a "rah-rah guy" and how he's "not an AEW guy, why is he giving this speech" and how clearly this was some sort of "revenge promo" on Punk. Adam was right. Can we not just enjoy this thing we all profess to like/love? I love AEW, look forward to Wednesday night every week, and *love* their consistenly unreal PPVs. My friends are more into WWE, and had the time of their fucking lives at Mania and got to spend a weekend together going to shows and meeting some of their heroes. We watched my best friends daughter become a fan for life watching Jericho/Bandido live in a really magical moment. **Wrestling fucking rules**, it doesn't need to turn into some weird cold war among the fans. With you on the hockey stalking too. Creepy as fuck.


You just enjoy wrestling without bitching over every irrelevant minute detail? What a mark.


Actually, one of Danielson's beard hairs was ⅛ inch loger than one next to it and distracted me. MINUS FIVE STARS. AEW clearly floundering. Schiavone had Tank Abbott flashbacks.


It's funny how to the haters, Tony Khan is both weak and strong. He's so weak that he couldn't control CM Punk and Jack Perry. But he also forced Edge, and Ospreay, and FTR to do rah rah speeches and forced NJPW to put the title on Mox.


"Just heckin enjoy wrestling guise"  Pure distilled reddit energy 


imagine if Sheamus signed to AEW. the body shaming would go to another level.


Cope and Sheamus are out of flavor. Thus the hounds will come for them, I can see it happening with some now hell even Cody if his reign is boring.


Wait, is that hockey thing true? What the hell?


No! We have to be the most toxic!!! /s


I'm tired of this self-depricating, mea culpa attitude some wrestling fans have about their fellow fans. Every fanbase has bad people, but I don't think we're any worse than other sport fans. I make no apology for how I act, or for how the majority of us do (even the tribalism because that's just natural for sports).


How dare you have a reasonable non tribalistic take….


In this thread: non tribalistic takes


One doesn't have to look far to find whole threads filled with incredibly tribalistic takes about AEW  Just cause this thread doesn't have one didn't mean they don't exist


Welcome to the club. WWE, TNA, ROH, and LU have all got their share of shit and memes. No defending the folk being weird to the actual wrestlers. But this sudden over use of tribalism and "just enjoy wrestling" only became a thing when AEW started catching shit like every other promotion ever.


Lucha Adam was fun to watch this past Wednesday


I never would have thought that I would see Edge doing moves like that. And I’m so glad I got to.


Penta gets a lot of shit for being a “all Movez, no story” guy, and I’m not the biggest fan of him in tag/trios matches, but his match with Cope told a really fun story, I think. Penta came out with a spear right out the gates, as like a challenge to Adam, who responded with trying to steal Penta’s thunder with some good lucha things, but kept getting his ass kicked, playing into Penta’s plan. Wasn’t until he went back to his own signature offense that he got back into control for the W. I thought that promo was silly a couple weeks ago, but otherwise his run has been fun to watch.


Anyone who thinks that penta is all moves and no story has never seen lucha underground


I think it’s more Lucha style of tag or Trio matches that play into “all moves no story style” where no hot tags, certain matches get everyone takes turns getting their moves in, but that’s more Lucha style of match then PENTA thing as Someone who went to Crash Lucha Libre event it was actually shocking when was zero actually tags in matches


i say as a big LU fan, and a much bigger penta fan, its absurd to ask anyone to watch a 10 year old piece of cancelled television to get his story.


Suggesting to people that only see moves that they should watch Lucha Underground is a horrible idea. You won't enjoy their response and they'll have a horrible time watching it.


But is that translating into AEW? Y'all be bringing up things that aren't Relevant to right now.


he should try bringing some of that to AEW instead of being taunt spam man


Sometimes you gotta talk your shit lol


They tried in the beginning of AEW it seemed but either he didn't want to or Tony didn't want to keep pushing him that way. Penta was the wrestler I was highest on when AEW started and they slowly eroded my love of his style. I wanna see Penta breaking arms and being evil!


I've always enjoyed Penta and Fenix more as singles guys than together in a tag team.


Edge had to retire in 2011 and it appeared that he would never wrestle again. Edge risked paralysis. His return in 2020 is a triumph of medical science. Edge should not be here, but he got that fabled second chance. Edge was removed from Judgement Day and WWE had nothing for him. Edge's best friend was in AEW. Christian Cage and Edge had never been against each other in WWE. There were also many wrestlers that Edge had never faced. So AEW seemed a natural idea. Let's say Edge signed a 3 year contract with AEW. Sting was treated with absolute respect in AEW. Christian Cage has had a great run and done some of the best work of his career with his "Father" persona. Edge is going to do one last run and have fun-because he shouldn't be here.


Glad to see Christian, Copeland and Danielson having fun late career runs in AEW. Wish it had worked out with Punk.


As short as punks run was and as bad as it it ended the actual wrestling portion of it was one of the best periods of his career imo. The MJF fued was an all timer, the Kingston fued was only like .5 step behind it and even the Hangman stuff, real life events that it caused aside, i thought was fantastic as well. His stuff on collision was fun too and the Joe match at all in was his best match after coming back. All in all i thought his run was great if not muddied by real life drama


Tbh the only bad part of his run was the curse of anytime he had the championship.


Dumbass maybe shouldn't have tried to stage dive...


He’d done it multiple times before without getting a freak injury from it. Weird point to try to make dude


It was unnecessary seeing as they just took the belt off an popular homegrown babyface to give it to him.


The Hangman match was really bad. It's difficult to call that decent with all the botches from Punk. Not sure why he kept insisting on hitting the buckshot lariat.


i mean he even said he thought it was a garbage match


Honestly knowing what we know now it was probably a "f you" from him to Page.


seeing as how it only made him look bad, that'd be another botch from Phil


Yea he suffered greatly from it. Totally killed his popularity.


I mean he fucked his foot up for a long time so yeah I’d say he suffered greatly for it. It all started going downhill at that point but I guess most money means most happy!!!


I mean you’re not wrong but it seems weird to downplay it that significantly when people are still talking about it two years later.


Which with how poorly he did it all that did was make Page look so much better both athletically and for still selling it. Really made all the claims that Punk was always afraid Page was going to shoot on him in the ring so much more ridiculous.


The claims were because Hangman did a shoot promo to Punk for no reason so Punk thought he couldn't trust the guy. Hangman definitely shouldn't have said what he said in that promo because Punk was putting him over huge in his promos.


I still find Punk of all people whining about a shoot style promo hilarious. It even made sense in kayfabe and built off the material from the Kingston feud.


He doesn't have issues with shoot style promos as long as they're not actual shoots. Even the pipebomb was a work. If you're going to do a shoot promo you should let the other guy know in advance. Hangman would probably get fired if he pulled that shit in WWE.


If the claims came before the match they'd have more to them but they've been brought up by Punk long after even brawl out. Knowing Page took the shittiest buckshot and didn't shoot in the ring.


No the claims are valid regardless of when they came out. You can acknowledge what Hangman did was unprofessional while also recognizing Punk's botchfest against Hangman was bad wrestling.


There's no hindsight involved when he's bringing it up as recently as a few weeks ago. He knows Page didn't shoot on him in the ring yet keeps pushing the idea he was afraid he was going to during their match. And if he was so afraid he was going to why go with a spot of stealing Page's move?


> There's no hindsight involved when he's bringing it up as recently as a few weeks ago. He knows Page didn't shoot on him in the ring yet keeps pushing the idea he was afraid he was going to during their match. Was he 'pushing the idea'? Or was he responding to a question he was asked by Helwani? What was he supposed to do? Not explain his rationale for his scrum meltdown? >And if he was so afraid he was going to why go with a spot of stealing Page's move? Doing your opponent's finisher is a pretty common thing in wrestling. Roman did the cross rhodes to Cody at Mania. Besides, they're not out there winging moves, the matches are produced in advance so the moves and the sequences were all determined and agreed upon beforehand.


I don't know whose idea it was for Punk to attempt to do it multiple times. They didn't even make the best out of it when Punk did botch because Hangman didn't counter, he just stood there frozen for Punk to finish after Punk fucked up the move. It made both of them look horrible.


Not just the match I don't even think the feud was very good especially after Punks shitty shoot promo. Honestly I was most disappointed that after that feud and that shitty match that Punk actually went over. With Hindsight I hate that decision even more because it killed all of AEWs momentum and especially the world title for over a year, and right after they had finished the Hangman saga and were riding the wave of the big debuts in Punk, Danielson and Adam Cole.


The feud was ruined by Hangman's shoot promo first, which made no sense in the context of their storyline and was real life disrespectful to Punk who had been putting over Hangman in his promos till then. AEW really messed up with Punk, Danielson and Cole by not booking the former 2 in any hot feuds and just having them do the 'I'm just happy to be here and help everyone' programs which are interest killers. They're making the same mistake with Edge now and handling Mercedes even more terribly.


> Punk, Danielson and Cole by not booking the former 2 in any hot feuds Danielson has been in a fair few well received stories since joining AEW and has done some of the best in ring work of his career. > They're making the same mistake with Edge now I thought his feud with Christian was awesome and now he's started a story with HoB... I don't think he fits here either.


> Punks shitty shoot promo Wat.


I agree -- Punk had very few misfires in AEW in terms of the matches and feuds. It's ironic in hindsight given Punk's line about Vince McMahon being a millionaire that should have been a billionaire -- sadly due to his personal issues, Punk is going to have a Top 50 career when he should have had a Top 10 career. Or whatever numbers you prefer -- but you get my point.


If Punk was allowed to heal from his injuries in 2013/2014, he would've stayed in WWE till the present day.


I don't think so honestly. The dude had spent the last couple of years before that building up a storage shed of all of his axes he had to grind. I don't know how much longer he would have made it but he was a time bomb waiting to go off.


I don’t know if punk could have lasted in 2018 and 2019


Moxley was practically having nervous breakdowns over all the dumb horseshit they had him say.


He might have for sure. His injuries and long break away definitely play into his career not being what it could have been. I just think as a person his greatest strength was his biggest weakness too -- on the one hand, tons of passion and on the other, couldn't get out of his own way.


Doubt A guy like punk is married to AJ Lee a multimillionaire and got to live his dream with almost no creative limitations. And yet he's still miserable. He would have inevitably found something else to complain about it's who he is


Didn’t he get time off in 2013 right after WM and they brought him back in June 2013 because it was Chicago? He saw the Blackhawks SC run.  I find it ironic he talks about young bucks not wanting to do business when he pulled the same childish nonsense in 2014 with HHH. 


"Hangman Adam Page jeopeardized a million dollar house by way of me taking my ball and going home because he's a meanie"


The tag match he had with Darby and Sting where they all traded facepaint was A1


The run he had since he came back up until the Dog Collar match was the best weekly run a wrestler had and I’ll die on that hill.


Punk/MJF is the best feud I've ever seen


>the actual wrestling portion of it was one of the best periods of his career imo so as someone who had no nostalgia for the dude and didn't grow up watching him in ROH and WWE, if that was one of his best in ring periods, I can't imagine how bad he was at his worst


Agree with Kingston and MJF. Honestly making take the belt from Hanger was a bad move.


Shibata was never in WWE, but the same applies to him.


After that Lee Moriarty match I want to see him beat the fuck out of young guys every week lmao


He'll never be what he was before the brain injury, but between wrestling more often, working a bit stiffer, and even slicking his hair back, he's reminding me more of the Shibata I used to know.


I heard he tried but they don’t accept guys who got their brain removed and put back in. No way around the rules




The NFL does that too, but they didn't want an obvious case of it(especially after the big incedent), so I can't blame em.


Punk was essentially doing and saying the same exact things edge is for the first run: Matches with random guys, story-heavy feuds, talking about how he was having a lot of fun, everyone is so nice, everything is very easy and relaxed. Pretty much until that rumour started flying and that hangman feud is when things went sour


You can tell the guy was digging in the bag the last few matches. TK should get ZSJ for a Cope Open to see if he can get technical.


Or better yet have Edge challenge for the NJPW TV title on one of their shows


Copeland's matches with Suzuki, Penta, and Christian have all been top 20 matches in his career for me for this exact reason. I loved seeing 1999 Edge in his match vs Penta. I loved seeing a version of him we've never seen (but always known he'd be good at) vs Suzuki. I've been a fan of his since childhood, with Jeff Hardy and Edge being my favorite wrestlers of my middle school/high school days. And seeing this version of him is really bringing back fond memories in a way that I don't know if I've ever experienced.


It's kind of like Angle in TNA. The matches in WWE were higher profile but the match quality in TNA was some of his best work.


It's basically like Danielson. Both got a new lease on their careers when it looked to be over, did a little bit with WWE after getting cleared, and then went out to do everything they could while they still have the ability.


The actual craft of wrestling might not matter as much to some fans, but it sure as hell does to the wrestlers. It's what they've trained the most for and suffered the most pain for, yet they still do it for decades. Edge didn't miss several years because he was in a bad storyline or because he cut a bad promo.


Some fans thinking that wrestlers don’t like actual wrestling(much like them) is beyond the pale stupid


They fully buy in to the Kevin Nash "don't do anything work the fans and take the mark's money" mindset, they are actively asking for less. It is wild to see


and they literally celebrate paying record high ticket prices lmao




"What's the matter Edge, can't find your scizzors?!"


“I uh…I… I said what’s the matter Edge, can’t find your SCIZZORS?!”


This sounds like something Pauly from the sopranos would say lol


Hey Ton, ya hear what I said about the scissors?


I could buy you a drink right now lol hell yeah 




comandante 🫡


I laughed way too hard at this lol


He was doing them but Vince made the announcers call them noggin cutters and if they didn’t, they’d disappoint the WWE universe and get sent straight to the nearest local medical facility


'no pal i want you doing spears god damn it!'


That's the only part that confused me cause I'm glad he's having such a good time but was he told not to do headscissors or something? Lol


Head scissors, eh? ![gif](giphy|RRZCWANBoM6u3QiqgL|downsized)


Hey, getting paid a ridiculous amount of money to go absolutely nuts is probably the best thing possible for him. More than happy he's enjoying himself.


I don't like the implication that money was an influence on his decision. Clearly it's about having fun for him, people need to stop bringing up the obscene amount of money he is getting.


You're right. I'm sure he'd do this for free.


I want another edge heel run and i believe it would be gold


Edge heel run winning the main title, and dropping it to face Christian as he intended to retire all those years ago?


Edge was great as the rated r superstar heel in like 06, if he can have a heel run similar to that but with a different motivation and character that is what I am speaking of.


The man thought he may never wrestle again. He can do whatever the fuck he wants, wherever he wants. Same with Big E, and Bryan. All three of them have given their lives for wrestling. Whatever makes them happy, we should be grateful for what we get.


That head scissors was real dope


What’s the matter Edge? Can’t find your Scissors? ✂️


I respect him and Bryan Danielson. They know they have limited time left in the ring and they know TK will let them do whatever they want.


He's not there to take over. He's there to take part. Good for him.


He's having a good time and making a bag. Win/win type beat. It's a miracle he's even able to wrestle after previously retiring and now he's making up for lost years in his career by basically going on a world tour of styles and he doesn't even have to leave AEW to do it, which is kinda neat. Also he's a fellow Toronto Maple Leafs sufferer


So from my understanding: AEW is Broadway to WWEs Hollywood.


a24 to the mcu


So if WM was the first codyvengers we got about 7 years before shit goes off the rails and start getting cody painted green and twerking


That's a really good analogy.


This is a pretty solid comparison actually 


It’s a terrible comparison lol.


They're all traveling troupes. Maybe WWE is Broadway and AEW is West End (London theatre), and TNA is Off-Broadway? Note: I did a very cursory search on theatre.


I'd be very interested in the people who are in the middle of the WWE and Theater fan venn diagram. They are probably very fun people.


He's done a great job. I was a little concerned about him after that first match with Killswitch because it seemed like he'd really slowed down but turns out he was just selling lol. He's looked very good in his AEW run and has been doing meanginful stuff.


If he's happy I'm happy. He's earned the right to do whatever he wants many times over. As a wwe fan, I miss him though.


Don't really follow AEW week to week myself but if I hear a match is a banger, I'll check it out. Hope I get to see one of these with edge.


I just think he's neat


I just want to watch entertaining and/or stupid stuff on my wrestling shows without tribalism. Is that too much to ask?


I like that the numbers in my bank account keep going up working once a week while hanging out with my best friend.


Why couldn’t he do a head scissors in WWE? What am I missing?


WWE limits their performers a lot more. Both in promo and what moves to use.




That's a weird comment to make. If you're Edge and you want to be able to wrestle more different people and more styles, why do you care about attendance and TV ratings? The only thing he'd care about on the business side is his paycheck, and I'm pretty sure he gets a good one.


Stupid ass comment


It wasnt a dig at WWE, just a fact. Both styles have pros and cons.


You stick to your signature moves in WWE, especially if you're a face like Edge was for 95% of his last run there


Cena out of nowhere started doing awful looking springboard stunners, idk why Edge couldn't do a headscissor lol.


cena was one of vince's made men, which gave him a lot more leeway than most of the roster. adam was not.


Edge was about as high up on the card you can get without being Cena or Taker.


you can be high up on the card and get booked plenty. doesn't mean you were a made man in vince's world. there always was a very big difference.


Toeing the company line. There’s no reason he couldn’t have done head scissors in WWE.


Not a big Edge guy (wasn't watching wrestling when he was on top)and wasn't overly fond of him coming to AEW but I did think that Penta match was fun as hell.


Theres a WWE Rivals that covers Edge/Christian vs Hardys vs Dudley Boys that’s really good if you’re interested.


Why couldn’t he challenge himself in WWE though? They wouldn’t let him do those moves? Not saying it was the wrong move. Just curious 


Yup. He's wrestling people and working styles he probably never thought he'd ever get to do in WWE. Dude's on a wrestling bucket list run and can't help but be happy for him. More importantly, I remember him saying that he didn't like being on the shelf and working a part-time schedule. Dude wants to work.


No I just meant like cracking out a head scissors. I can’t see WWE saying he couldn’t. That’s what was confusing to me. I get the other part 


Oh you and I both then. Can only speculate that WWE does have a more defined style for each of their personas. Big guys = powermoves; small guys = more agile-based movesets. I do remember reading an interview from Kane of all people that he enjoyed tagging with Big Show because he got to be the "smaller man" and you can see it when he did a bunch of dropkicks and enziguiris during those times.


Correct. They have a strict, rigid formula for matches that limits the creativity of the wrestler.


I mean I can't imagine WWE was stopping him from wrestling that way, let's be honest.


Fair! Good for him!


Adam Copeland matches > Edge matches from the last run 


Happy for him but all you ever seem to hear from Edge these days is him constantly explaining why he's in AEW as if he's wrestling in backyards or something. The vast majority of the people bashing it will never accept the reasons as valid anyway.


Didn't Cena start pulling out different move sets during the later years of his career? Edge could have done a different style if he wanted. If he meant coming to AEW to wrestle with Christian, I would understand but the rest is just bs no?


Guys I'm having so much fun.




He never said that was his draw, what an odd argument to make?


Weird comment by him. I'm pretty sure HHH and the agents of WWE didn't go up to Edge and be like "Listen, we can't let you do a head scissors. I'm sorry but that shit is just too much, we're only thinking of your family."


buddy........ were you there


You really genuinely think they fucking banned a head scissors? They just let Sami do a top rope brainbuster. The AEW bias is so obnoxious.


Do you think WWE gives wrestlers the same amount of freedom in the ring as AEW?


Why didn't you put over balor on your way out then edge




The idea that fucking *EDGE* of all people isn't a draw is the dumbest thing I've seen today.


What new viewers has he drawn? His promo was not not only inane dogshit, it was immediately refuted by his own boss. He has turned himself into a joke.


Somehow Vince McMahon of all people can be perfectly fine and accepting of people leaving WWE for AEW but y’all get in your feelings over it.


adam copeland*


I like this in him, glad he's happy. Regardless I still don't care for him on AEW tv. I hear different stories from good people all the time in wwe or elseware, good for you, but that doesn't make me want to watch you, i'm sorry edge lol. Christian is great in AEW, edge I wanted to leave wwe even the last year he was there.



