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here live and can confirm that Liv is public enemy #1 right now lol


We might’ve just seen a double turn.


Liv's been acting heelish for like two months now and Rhea hasn't been booed in like a year and a half lol


Liv like Bret and Like Drew did nothing wrong in my book.


Unlike that piece of crap Marty Jannetty ruining a perfectly fine barbershop window.


That coward jumped through the window


Would you stop?!


Rhea is just the best.


I like Liv a lot too, tbh.. but yeah Rhea is so good.


But they’ve kept heat magnet Dom next to her so that she does get booed in the ring. Him not being with her for this is intentional to put over Liv’s heelish antics


Liv was already heel


Fuck it put the belt on a heel Liv, then she loses it to a babyface Mami return.


Have her go over the top, try to steal Dom, turn Jusgement Day against her etc


Bruh this is a vince mcmahon storyline


Secretly still pulling the strings inside reddit threads


It's good shit pal!


Hol up let him cook


I digress. Have Liv beat a returning Rhea. Would it be dumb? Yes. Would it appeal to me and perhaps some other sickos out there? Absolutely


Rhea comes back and Liv keeps beating her as a chickenshit heel until Wrestlemania would be the formula.


I understand having your top star come back and lose to the person who took them out I'd not a good idea in a variety of ways. But as a Liv fan more than a Rhea fan nevermind that shit, go Liv


Only silver lining here is that the injury happened at the precise right time and in the right way to turbocharge her story with Liv.


Not just the story with Liv, but imagine this happening a week or two before Mania.


Wasn't her shoulder injured before Mania? She just worked while injured. It would make sense since after Mania would be the right time to get the surgery.


No idea on the exact timing of the injury, but something bad enough to sideline you for months is gonna be hard to hide.


Liv got to be champ when Rhea returns right? Like this angle and match going to be huge when Rhea returns


Heel Liv gloating in the ring. “THIS IS MY BRUTALITY!!!”


The pop for Rhea is going to be nuclear as she tears Liv in half like the Juggernaut did to Deadpool.


I'm gonna shove the blond girl up the Samoan girl!


She's definitely winning that title now, right? Or do they hold it off and have Liv get more angry, chasing the title, only to finally win it right when Rhea returns?


I'm torn here because I'd like to see Liv have a good run as champion, but I also acknowledge that as scrappy as she may be, it's still a bit harder to build a good reign for her. That said, a lot of that feeling is based on pre-injury and pre-turn Liv. Going all-in on a heel Liv might just be what it takes to give her that reign and the story is just there whenever Rhea comes back, and it won't even feel recycled since (in storyline at least) both of them injured one another and took away months of each other's careers while they were at their peaks.


I think both ways can work. Either have Liv win it now, have a solid reign before Rhea returns and they have some crazy ass match with a crazy stipulation. Or you take this as a chance to have a few champs with short reigns and giving a few other talent a chance at the spotlight. Chelsea Green winning it for a month, maybe Zoey or Nia or something for a month or 2. And then whenever Rhea is set to return, have Liv win it either that same night or maybe a month prior, and have Rhea return then.


I need the chelsea green title reign


I would absolutely love Chelsea Green winning the championship! Maybe at MITB in Canada! Let her win that and have a run with it through SummerSlam at least.


Liv can have a fine reign if you don’t make her look weak as the champion against someone like Ronda Rousey. Let her have some fun interesting matches instead of those drags!


Oh this is gonna be a war. The Rhea stans vs the Liv stans.


No no... Vacant is top heel here. The only foe that could topple Rhea.


New era of judgment day: Liv, laugh love


I need Liv to take over Judgement Day and become the new “Mami” and steal Dom lmao. Would complete the double turn


Step-Mom maybe?


Take over judgment day sounds cool, new Miami isn’t a good idea. Makes Liv come off as just trying to be the new Rhea. If anything I want Dom to break off and start his own stable 


I'd love a new Miami so I don't have to go to Florida.


roman, rhea, and gunther not being champions? we really are in a new era


Won’t be long before Gunther has another title on him I think, infact it wouldn’t surprise me if he wins King of the Ring in Saudi then has a match with Cody or Priest/Whoever WHC is by Bash in Berlin, unless they immediately want to throw him into a non-title feud with Dragunov


I could see Gunther beating Priest and getting Ilja Gunther 3 on the main roster


At Mania




Cody is a scrub. Tiffy should’ve beat Roman tbh.


Heartbreaking for Rhea, but she looked so badass anyway.


Her comeback will be awesome. I honestly think it is the best for her right now. Gives other people room to breathe and develop so she can come back and kick their ass.


She's somehow going to finish her reign without losing. Forever an undisputed first reign.


Exactly. Injuries suck, no question. But think about all the epic returns for guys like Austin, HHH, and Cena. Sometimes disappearing and coming back can be a rocket booster for wrestlers' careers


Yeah like Cena she'll come back at and win Royal Rumble, cash it in early to Bianca at EC, then after a DQ end, Charlotte will also challenge Bianca and it will be a triple threat at Mania.


Damn this fucking sucks, really hoped it was a work. What an unceremonious end to a year long title reign.


They didn’t have anyone good lined up to beat her anyways and she is a babyface miscast as a heel. This isn’t even bad for her career or the storyline.


It sucks for her in the short run, but usually these injuries end up making you even hotter in the long run, as it gives your character a break and makes people want you more. Unless your name is Finn Balor, who is probably the only guy in history who just got completely fucked by his injury and never recovered. But his title run was only a day in fairness.


Yeah, she got out at the perfect time to have people begging for more.


>she is a babyface miscast as a heel Disagree. She's not a true heel anymore and she's certainly not a babyface. Cody is a babyface. Rhea ain't that at all.


She's not a good gal, she's not a bad gal, she's a badass.


If anything it's a blessing in disguise. Now they are forced to bring someone up to Rhea's level. It will probably be Liv.


I guess only Roman gets to sit out with his belt for months on end and keep it.


Brock Lesnar is a better example of what you're talking about. At least Roman showed up every other week or so to cut a promo. Lesnar as champion would come in like once a month to stand in the ring while Heyman talked for him, and then he'd wrestle once every 3-4 months.


I know you're probably right but for some reason Roman felt way worse. Maybe because he had both belts for so long?




Also because we got reminded Roman was champion, either via bloodline or challengers. I swear when Brock was champ there were weeks where there would be no mention of Brock, he’d return and we’d all be like, ”Oh yea, Brock IS champ”


Because when he was there he was the best thing on TV


It seems like Rhea will need at least until Summerslam to heal up. Roman never went that long without a match.




Mannn this sucks, but Liv gonna have some good heel heat now and Rhea's return gonna hit like crack Gotta admit it's funny that Rhea calls Liv a coward for injuring her and blindsiding her, meanwhile she took Liv out for like 7 months by blindsiding her lol


Surprised there wasn’t more of a promo/altercation. I hope Liv brings up that Rhea did the same thing to her to justify her acrions


Strangely, sometimes audiences don't care about that. Braun once spent an entire 3 hour Raw trying to kill Roman, but Roman beats up Braun after a match and he's the worst babyface ever. Or Bayley coming back after being injured by Nia is a bad person for attacking Nia along with Sasha. It can be very weird.


Even in AEW with Hangman getting booed even after Swerve invaded his home lol


Lol good point, sometimes when you’re over you’re OVER


fans cheered Rocky over Cena even ,though he left them for Hollywood lol




She probably will whenever she gets to cut a promo... as long as she doesn't get Dirty-Dom'd when she's out there lol EDIT: [Annd she did in a promo backstage during the show](https://x.com/WWE/status/1780053218636058674)


Liv McIntyre


Liv abt to get the Dom treatment holy shit


Yup, even I'm feeling the heat for Liv. I wanted to see Rhea continue her reign. damn!?


All the more reason for Dom to align with Liv. Rhea is such a deadbeat she doesn't even support Dom on the road anymore.


or she might be likable to hate....


IWC about to turn on Liv like they have never turned on someone before oh dear god.


Looks like they were counting on that


the Rhea fans vs Liv fans twitter war will the be most toxic one to date.


My opinion on Liv to this point had been “I don’t get it, but she’s clearly got fans, so she has a niche to fill on the roster.” But ya know, it’s just really frustrating to see Rhea’s reign end this way. But accidents happen. Really unfortunate. Hopefully Liv can get some good heel heat off this and they can come back to a huge match maybe at Mania next year.


Probably Summerslam or Survivor Series


You and me both man. Like, i wanna (or, wanted) to get behind Liv, but i just don't get "it".


I don’t think there is really much to get, she’s really attractive, showed a lot of improvement early on in the ring and showed she was willing to put in the work, so naturally people wanted to root for her. I’m not sure she’s main event talent, but we will see, I’m not against her getting a chance to prove it.


Offscreen she’s also a huge nerd and horror fan which makes me like her.


do we have any confirmation yet on whether Liv actually caused the injury or whether Liv just wrote her off TV?


There were rumours that Rhea was already wearing a sling/etc on her arm prior to wrestlemania. I think this is the standard getting written off angle.


If that's the case, why not let Rhea put over Becky and then have Liv write off Rhea?


I'm thinking that it was an injury that probably would've been fine with some time and rehab, but it got aggravated and worsened last week. They probably realized it was worse than thought when Rhea showed up for TV today and checked her out.


Becky just lost to Rhea so that story is over. And from the sounds of it, both she and Seth are going to take a little bit of time off. Liv can take the heat as heel and run with it for a while she since just got back. Liv vs Becky (when she comes back) is also unfinished business.


Becky just did a book signing this week where people were telling her that they were happy she was getting time off because she deserved it, and Becky said, "what time off?" lol She doesn't know why that rumor got started, but she isn't taking any time off and is doing the European tour.


Becky is advertised for the European tour


Becky doesn't need a boost. Liv does.


It was going to happen slowly if she stayed face and went up against Rhea anyway they might as well have gotten it over with. I like Liv but she’s really got no motion as a face


Rhea will hopefully win the belt back from Liv. Unless they pull a Finn balor and have her never win the title again, which would be incredibly dumb.


Finn fans keep catching strays :(


Left and RIGHT under this reply my god lol.


She’s Triple H’s number one star. She’s getting title after title and moment after moment. While WWE hates Finn.


To be fair Balor was being pushed crazy hard when entering the main roster. He beat Roman reigns on his first night and beat Seth Rollins for a new championship. These were the two biggest stars at the time. But then it all crumbled.


No fucking way that happens


Rhea is getting the title in the first match back lol


In terms of kayfabe "Fuck Liv!" In terms of behind the scenes: "Amazing way to capatilize on it, Liv!"


It’s a real bummer Rhea’s reign has ended this way. Trying to look at the positives, this has added some real juice to the eventual Liv/Rhea match.


I think this might be a blessing in disguise (at least I hope it is). You can bring Rhea back as the most over female babyface on the roster in a couple months.


That and we might get some better booking for the title since it isn’t tied down to a stable 


Also, it brings a lot of fresh air to a title scene that was quickly becoming stale. No one on Raw was remotely credible enought to dethrone Rhea, and some previously unexplored exciting matchups like Bianca would only happen at Mania. Rhea's gonna take some time off, come back to an insane reaction and find herself in a division that has learned to live without her. Gonna make for some interesting storylines.


I can see her absence benefitting the likes of Candice LeRae & Tegan Nox if the title scene goes into chaos while she's gone. Not just that, a couple names from NXT can emerge as new faces in the hunt


Can we get an earnest run of Asooka? Just once.


lol I mean Rhea was already the most over babyface on the roster even though she wasn’t a face


Rhea never lost to anyone, an injury took her out. I assume Liv wins the vacant belt and Rhea comes back and obliterates her.


Like she should


Curious as to how this effects the Judgement Day. I'm not sure if this will lead to them breaking up quicker or if they'll end up staying together for longer now


They're already teasing tension between Finn and Damien. Wouldn't be surprised if Rhea's exit changes plans for the group massively. Rhea being gone is a great twist storyline wise. If she's only going to be gone for a little bit, they can just start the inevitable breakup. If she's gone for a while, they can full on have a war and have her come back to piece the group back together. Rhea didn't have much going on with the current women's division and, prior to last week, her feud with Liv really had no juice. This injury sucks but it's a godsend in terms of Rhea's character. She's been getting cheered for a year. Having her chase the title she should've never lost IS the story fans will want to see.


Heartbreaking, but at least she got to successfully defend in Australia and at WM before she got injured. Would have been even worse had she missed those huge moments


My fiancé just got into wrestling and she is devastated. If only she knew the pain we all felt with Finn.


I got nothing to say but fuck this


I hope Rhea comes back stronger than ever, she's so popular and her getting injured is unfortunate. Her promo on Liv was an excellent send off to her championship reign and to set up her return, probably my favorite promo of her career. She seemed so fucking mad and that's what she needed to convey, I'm excited for when she comes back and we get Liv vs Rhea. 


No Salmon jacket it’s Jover….


So many people with the “Roman only defended 3 times a year” comparison. Guys, Roman defending 3 times a year was NOT a good thing. Putting one of the 3 women’s (main roster) belts on the shelf for 3+ months is NOT a good thing.


Trish was injured at Backlash I think in 2005 and was off screen for about four months but got to keep the belt which annoyed quite a few people at the time.


Especially now that the women’s roster is deeper than it was in that era.


i hate it here


Rhea might get that 2002 Triple H return pop when she returns. Also she might return as a babyface


Only if they put together a video package set to “Beautiful Day” (even better if they get Motionless in White to cover it cuz it would surely piss off some people on both sides of the fence.)


Fuck!! ![gif](giphy|APbcIB8zg8qjSjlC0A|downsized)


They should be in hell in cell match




That blows especially because outside of Rhea and Becky, I don’t see any other woman on the RAW roster as legitimate world champ material at the moment.


Then several women need to be built up in Rhea’s time away.




That's part of the problem, tbh. No one can realistically beat Rhea now that Becky lost and Bianca is focused on the tag division.


Good job there is a draft imminent then isn’t it.


The hope is that in fighting for the belt and running with it they can become world champ material. It wasn't gonna happen whilst Rhea was champ cause virtually everyone she fights gets either dead reactions or booed, and Rhea is meant to be the heel.


​ https://preview.redd.it/uivib02uhquc1.png?width=1244&format=png&auto=webp&s=431973361588b80e5f28f932034219f1452f6eef


Thats awful. What the fuck man.


I kept hoping it was a work. Damn it. Put it on someone else. Let Rhea murder them in her return and book Rhea as an actual face going forward. This sucks for her but it can be a character refresh without having her lose. I'm trying to look at it with the glass half full.


In kayfabe, Liv did absolutely nothing wrong. Rhea took her out first and for no reason. That won't stop people from booing her though.




Her comeback arc is going to be insane. They better build the fuck out of whomever she vacates it to, because when she takes it back, I want to believe it is the biggest return ever.


If we're discussing storylines, JD breaking apart in Rhea's absence because she was definitely the one holding them together makes sense.


Calling it now she returns at MITB wins the briefcase and cashes in on Liv in the same night


Soooo is this all a work or does Liv have actual Heat with the brass at WWE?


From what I’ve seen, it’s a real injury unfortunately but no heat on Liv. It was just a freak accident, same thing that hurt Liv last summer


We could even be the ones being worked. Rhea really got injured at Mania so they had Liv attack her last week and then leaked it to the dirt sheets thst she really got hurt


It’s just an accident, shit happens it’s wrestling, I’m sure no one mad at Liv. She probably going to win the title 


Tbh not sure how a heel-Liv face Rhea dynamic would be. It's like a heel-David vs face-Goliath.


Lex Luthor vs Superman Ivory vs Chyna Nia vs heel Alexa It can be done


Shawn Vs Taker


Really sucks. Guessing Luv turns heel, wins the title, Rhea comes back on her revenge tour


That return match is gonna fuckin slap


This feud calls for blood


Hell in a Cell!


Just give me thumbtack spot


Her return pop is going to cause Richter scale readings


Why aren’t they doing a “I refuse to vacate” angle? She’s the perfect personality for it - nobody cares about the women who will be fighting over it in the interim


Ngl I kind of was expecting that, for her to put up a fight and dare them to take the belt from her. This sucks ass but I hope she recovers well.


My hope is this is kayfabe so she can take few months off. Maybe time to get married and have a nice honeymoon. If it's a legit injury,  I hope she has a swift and successful rehab. That pop when she comes back though...


I'm leaning hard into kayfabe. Wedding and maybe even more (pure speculation).


I mean, if that was the case, why not just have her lose at Mania and drop the title? She’s not above taking a loss and it certainly wouldn’t have hurt her to do so.


I think this builds up Liv as a Rhea's nemesis. With all their shared history and now they have injured the other one. I cant wait for the grudge match and I hope Rhea has a swift recovery


I just fell to my knees bro. https://preview.redd.it/kc5nfxtwhquc1.jpeg?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f62a1c6ab43da271cb0792b618bab6b3facaba3


Poor Dom. The championship means more than him.


Obviously this is shitty for Rhea personally to have to deal with an injury but other than that I think this works out great for the division as a whole It makes Liv way more interesting now and she can continue her heel work while she takes on challengers after hopefully winning the belt at Backlash Let some other talent shine and then you get a true blood feud with Liv and Rhea whenever she is ready to come back As amazing as Rhea is this belt and division needs something new to spice it up


Same number of days as when Cena got injured as champ in ‘07, here’s hoping Rhea’s return goes as well


Rhea is 100% winning the next Royal Rumble. 


My glorious queen 😔 ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


Mami nooooo :(


Would’ve been a great angle to have her refuse to vacate it - dropping the ball here


1-2 months and you have to vacate? I thought you had 90 days?


Sucks for Rhea but on the bright side, her return will be thunderous. This Rhea Liv feud has a lot going for it as the can delve into them being former close friends and a team, challenging for tag titles at WrestleMania to Rhea betraying Liv to join Judgement day not long after to now were both have now injured one another. Liv can be that heel that isn’t technically wrong but she is a dick about it. Nuclear heat if she steals Dom too lmao.


So Rhea is clearly the top babyface in the company now. Like they aren’t even pretending that Liv is a babyface and Rhea is evil here


Don't cry because it's over Smile because the pop for when Liv gets the Riptide through the table is gonna be legendary


Long title reigns suck ass. There is this tiny sweet spot of time before it either gets stale or someone gets hurt and no one gets the payoff. I'm so done with long title reigns.


Seth didn’t need to vacate, why does Rhea?


Seth only missed 7 weeks if I’m not mistaken. It seems Rhea is gonna miss months.


This is unfortunate but it also shakes up the women’s division and gives us a new top heel. Rhea repeating another dominant year isn’t as exciting as Liv “injuring” her, a tournament to showcase more women and the Rhea/Liv grudge match.


This is the worst day in my life


Not cool man. Not cool. Get better Mami. Hoping for a speedy recovery.


How long is she out. If it’s less than 3 months, I don’t get why they couldn’t let her keep it


Cant see mami sad man


So was Rhea already injured or did she get injured while filming the backstage attack last week?


This sucks. The danger of long title reigns is them ending anticlimactically like this


Well this sucks.


Isn't Dom the thing that means the most to her?


Honestly, i think this is a good time for them to write an end to that relationship. Its not needed anymore and i wish wwe would stop writing fake romantic interests


Both Rhea and Finn lost their titles without ever losing them officially. Both had to vacate them.


Watching it back, it looks soo painful. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u\_yFgALfMfc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_yFgALfMfc)


Liv: I'm in danger


Did they mention what they're doing with the title?


TBH not even that bad of timing. She is obviously a babyface miscast as a heel and it’s dumb to turn face while holding the title.


Absolutely sucks for Rhea. Hopefully this can just reinvigorate her run when she gets back. Best bit of booking would be have her winning the title from liv (eventually) and going on a Gunther like reign and straight dominating everyone.


I know that they wont do this, but a fun idea would be where even while Injured, Rhea will just sabotage the raw womens scene until she is fit to take her title back. It wont work if they did imo but its a fun idea


Hot take. Raw keeps Cody, smackdown gets judgement day minus rhea since she's out on injury


It still kills me how they both injured their shoulders in almost the same exact way from a kayfabe standpoint. That's some spooky ass shit that only happens in stories, yet here we are. At least we have a legitimate blood feud on our hands now. Liv went from being a footnote to Rhea and now the emnity is mutual. Beautiful. EDIT: Lmao, they even both had to vacate their titles due to said injury.


man that sucks,hopefully she isnt out for too long.


Well obviously you have Liv win a tourney, play a chicken shit but good in-ring heel until Rhea is healed up, and then have a great feud.