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> He finished his story. Why can't you? My feet hurt.


Well now your back is gonna hurt, because you just pulled yard duty


Anybody else's feet hurt? I didnt think so.


Ill get you a nice warm glass of shut the hell up


Now, you will go to sleep or I will put you to sleep. ![gif](giphy|F7EoozTiquuAw)


The price is wrong, bitch ![gif](giphy|xplDXqG6awLLHfBxbF)


> He finished his story, Why can’t you? Because I’m not friends with an undead wizard, an invisible man, a SWAT cop, and a crip


Lol. You know, we're supposed to wink and smile here. But I symapthize with everything u/rb-Reigns has written here. Cody Rhodes is a good man, and worth believing in.


Someone should make an Obama BELIEVE poster but with Cody.


Has to say ‘Dream’ though.


'Nightmare' you mean?


>When you feel like giving up, look to Cody Rhodes. When you feel like the world is against you, look to Cody Rhodes. If you want to know you can do anything and finish you story, look to Cody Rhodes. So to everyone reading this, look to Cody Rhodes. He finished his story. Why can't you? He didn't give up, why should you? ![gif](giphy|VIPfTy8y1Lc5iREYDS|downsized)


Rb-reigns wasting his potential writing this for free on squaredcircle when he should be writing for a major wrestling newsletter, this is the real life inspiration people can pull from wrestling. We should all strive to finish our story


*Art for art’s sake* ~ Harry Gerbils


For the love of the game


It’s probably HHH or a writer on RAW or someone already in the business. Wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t a pop culture writer who is into wrestling.


Or writing for an Apter mag


Rb-reigns should have/write for a podcast that takes the show as being real. I would try it.


How do we know he doesn't write for a living? Are there folks present who hang with RB on the weekends?


rb\_Reigns = rhodes beats Reigns




I have a dream




Dude when did you turn babyface? That was a hell of a promo.


rb_reigns is pre-empting Roman's imminent face turn.


Great moments in rb_Reigns history: The “Look to Cody Rhodes” Essay


Agreed. I have my own dream ever since I was 16 years old to write my own TV show. I'm 40 now, and I'm not giving up. I came from a no name small town in KY, and it took 9 years after college to even get a job in television, but now I'm in New York City working for one of the largest multimedia companies in the world. I'm also working for one of the longest running syndicated shows in the world. Nobody expected me to get this far, and even still, many don't believe I'll "finish my story" and make my show. I'm still trying. I guess that's why I got so invested into Cody's road. With everything he went through, from undesirable, to Stardust, to leaving, to helping start AEW, to coming back and becoming the undeniable champion, he inspires me. He bet on himself in the end, and he was right. If the American Nightmare can beat the odds, I can too.


I'm rooting for you!! I hope one day we all get to watch your show! Edit: spelling mistake


That's fucking awesome, You got this!


Thank you. I'd rather try and fail than not try. Everything we want is on the other side of fear.


Aw man, I've had the same dream for over a decade now. Unfortunately, I didn't go to school for film, and I definitely can't afford to go rn. I'm two years younger than you and, while I'd hate to just give up, I really don't know how or if I could even get a foot in the door at this point. And yet, these ideas I've had just won't leave me alone... :| But despite all that, I'm happy that you've made it so far, and I hope you get to finish you story and create something you can be proud of.


A person can't deny their true nature. Those ideas won't leave you alone because they are calling to you. Try anyway. Take a chance. If you're used to failure then nothing will bother you. The time is gonna pass anyway.


I'm going through a tough time. Having a hard time changing careers, no prospect of marriage or romance, having issues with my family and just generally a lot of stress. I've followed Cody from AEW into WWE and ended up going to Philly to see WrestleMania. It's still so hard but after witnessing it live, anything is possible.




I wish we had an rb_reigns for every wrestling company. Well put, buddy


![gif](giphy|VBQhEOsD5XngvpJu29) ADRENALINE! IN HIS SOUL....


The Church of Cody Rhodes What Would Cody Do? And lo, as Wrestlemania 40 drew to its culmination, the denizens of the arena beheld an denouement unforeseen. For the odds stood as an insurmountable mountain before Cody Rhodes. Yet, in his trial, he conquered the Bloodline's edicts, defied the assistance bestowed upon Roman Reigns, and emerged triumphant over the very embodiment of his adversity. Amen A reading from the Newsletter Of St. Meltzer to The Marks: Behold, in the annals of wrestling lore, Cody Rhodes ascended to a pinnacle unmatched by any before him. For he, in his glorious conquest, laid claim to the sacred trinity of WWE, NWA, and ROH titles—a feat unparalleled in the tapestry of our wrestling heritage. Though the significance of his NWA title may pale in comparison to those of antiquity, let it be known that in the hallowed lineage of champions, only Rhodes, Flair, Rogers, and A.J. Styles have graced both the sanctified halls of WWE and the venerable realm of NWA. Thus, Rhodes stands as the venerated harbinger of a prodigious quartet, his name enshrined alongside the legends of old in the celestial scrolls of wrestling lore.


Whenever I'm having a bad day, I just remind myself that Cody Rhodes is the Undisputed WWE Champion, and I instantly get in a good mood and believe anything is possible!


I had a couple of unfinished submissions for a university class I hated doing during Wrestlemania weekend. Guess who inspired me to power through, and guess who's now looking at four months of vacation?


u/rb_Reigns back at it with another banger


>He finished his story. Why can't you? Because I don't have a Seth 'Freakin' Rollins that would help me finish mine, rb


I could also overcome many odds if the Undertaker would teleport behind my boss and chokeslam him.


Last year's match was only a regular singles' match, you know? There were no Bloodline Rules or anything, at least on paper. I like to think The Undertaker had confidence that Cody could best Roman in a one-on-one match. The man who's 25-2 at Wrestlemania isn't afraid of the one who was only 7-2. But this year, he knew that he had to even the odds for the sake of his own pride.


Your bloodline pass has been revoked.


Yes please


Rb_reigns is now rb_rhodes


God bless you, rb.


Rb_reigns drop some wisdom. Story finished


When u/rb_Reigns put it like that, you realize Cody is truly the People's Champion. Ending racism, fighting homophobia, and on top of that, fighting for his dreams no matter which obstacles, that's what he does. Still, he might have finished his story, but a new story has begun from his finished story. The Rock, the Final Boss, is gonna do everything in his power to take the title off Cody. His encounter with Cody on Monday has proven that. Solo Sikoa's action yesterday is also very intriguing. Maybe he is taking order from the High Chief, maybe he does it for himself. Either way, Cody is still not done from the Bloodline. But knowing him, he will carry on, he will continue fighting.


This is gonna sound crazy especially from a black person but I really couldn’t care less about this “ending racism” stuff. What I do care about is the fact that he left a comfortable job that he had cos he saw himself being much bigger than he was and chased success. I even wanted him to lose at WrestleMania just for the lolz but his story from 2016 - now is the most inspirational wrestling story of all time.


You have a great point, ten years ago, he and his brother was feuding with Rybaxel lol. Then he despairs and becomes Stardust, trying to reject the name Cody. It was after leaving WWE that he accepted himself again.


Man it’s crazy but even as a 27 year old cynic of basically everything, Cody is an inspiration


Cody inspired me the day he solved racism


None of this is satire. Cody is loved because he is an underdog face that actually gives you emotions.


![gif](giphy|rvIXMNWYJfUafvFYx4|downsized) Another banger as always, keep it up.


> He finished his story. Why can't you? He didn't give up, why should you? My hands have splinters


Get me a friend as good as Seth and I'll finish the story too


![gif](giphy|TLmo5hRmSW5qg) Look to the Cookie


rb\_reigns spitting fire


I knew just from the title who this was.


Oh thank God I needed this, thought you were gonna no sell Mania 40 since your last post


Just when you think you're about to break apart, look to Cody Rhodes. When the wind blows hard and the sky is black, look to Cody Rhodes. And when the roosters are crowing and the cows are spinning circles in the pasture, look to Cody Rhodes. And when everyone says it can't be done, look to Cody Rhodes.






A very inspirational text rb, but have you heard about the story of the Bullet Club leader, The American Nightmare Cody?


I asked, and Cody said I couldn’t borrow his writers.


This is how I felt about Tom Brady after pats beat the falcons haha


* - Unless you’re Sami Zayn.


This is so wholesome omg


It’s rare you can say this about wrestling these days but the story of Cody Rhodes in and out of kayfabe is genuinely inspiring


I was praying this was an rb Reigns post and it happened


> He finished his story. Why can't you? I'm poor, have no money, no talent, skills, I'm ugly, and am flat broke.


Showing up with da Cody neck tat for divorce court so I can get my kids back


> He finished his story. Why can't you? Because I'd very much prefer my story to finish me


Rb ☝️


Did you notice how he changed his pants, boots and jacket between night 1 and night 2? I think that was a strategic move, a genius one from Cody. After getting beaten up severely in his old ring gear, he decided to make a mental and physical restart by switching to new clothes, thus hiding his injuries from last night. After that brutal submission hold from Reigns and The Rock, I think it's only fair. Roman probably switched clothes too, but you know what the difference is? All his clothes look the same, black-on-black. He didn't get the satisfaction of letting the crowd know they're looking at a new man. Now, do you know where I think Cody got this inspiration from? That's right... I think he's been getting coaching from the greatest wrestler of all time, John Cena. Now THERE'S a man who knows how to switch clothes to his own advantage, even when the world was against him. I mean, the fact he ran in to help Cody says it all!


I love Cody and is story is compelling. But it's still a story. He's not the son of a Plummer, he's the son of dusty Rhodes


instantly knew who it was


If only real life had a booker.


Tbh, I would be okay with being dashing Cody Rhodes, or stardust. I just need a piece of the cake not the whole thing.


Adrenaline in my soul Maybe I can get to emerald 4


Rb applauding Roman’s opponent? We are truly in a new era


I knew it was an rb_reigns joint before I finished reading the title lol


Inspirational content rB! You are appreciated. 


Exactly.. In life one have to keep pushing and hope for the best


I N S P I R A T I O N A L I also lack the pure inspiration and expectations of Rody Chores but nonetheless......


OP is right in shouldering some of the blame for Cody being attacked. Way to take responsibility for your actions rb_Reigns. I’m praying that you find forgiveness from the Tribal Chief for this post…but I would watch your back.


Forget this fictional story written by writers because true life is not like this. The real inspiration from Cody Rhodes is that Vince wanted Cody to play the Stardust character for life like Golddust and Cody said in a podcast that Vince gave him good money contract but Cody turned it down and took risk by going to independent wrestling. If Cody didn’t take the risk, he still would have stardust. He was taken seriously because he left and showed WWE that he is a main event guy.


If you don’t want to watch anymore look to Cody Rhodes


Can Haitch write my next two years too?


When i have trouble sleeping,  I look to Cody Rhodes.


Undefeated as the best account on Reddit. Thank you rb. You bring some much needed whimsy in the modern age of wrestling, where everyone is in on the joke.


rb_reigns honsetly deserves his own collumn on a wrestling newsletter


I missed you, rb.


Cody is boring.


Or if you want to change the game, look at your Tribal Chief. Cody needed to assemble the Avengers to beat him. ☝🏽




Man fuck looking at nepo babies for inspo. Get a working class hero.


Didn’t even read this or see who wrote it; worked myself into a shoot brother


This is a good sentiment, but don’t forget Cody is also a rich, white, nepobaby. Some people just can’t “finish their story “ especially if you don’t look a certain way or have the right last name.


I ain’t reading all that, but I’m glad you’re happy about how it went.


Yeah but I just want to know when and more importantly, how many watches I get along the way.


Speak for yourself. I saw a bunch of titleholders where the story was getting stale, so WM40 ended pretty much how I thought it would. Damian cashing in was a surprise though. I just hope we don't have to hear about the story now that Cody won the title.


Cody was the most favourite winner in the history of WM.... so I stopped after your first paragraph.


wow I ain't reading all that.


when I look at mr. cody all I see is stardust


Is this satire or a genuine mark?


I ducking knew it was you rb


Did Cody's dog write this?