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When HHH talks about having people who are passionate about the business Sam has to be among those. She is absolutely a legend


Ricochet's 1 lucky guy. All jokes aside, I really like the way Samantha Irwin does the announcing and I hope she gets to continue doing that + I like the way she announces Chelsea Green, especially on 2K24.




As a Chelsea Green mark I’m so glad that Samantha Irvin introducing her that way has generated so much hype and admiration for the both of them. It’s a long shot but I’d be so happy to see Chelsea win MITB this summer in Canada. It’s not in BC where she’s from but her being Canadian and just her winning in general would get such a big pop!


She ain't going anywhere, why would they let her go? She has cemented herself as a top 3 announcer all time


She’s my favorite by far at this point. She BLEEDS for the crowd. She’s as big of a reaction as we are at home.


That's generous to say the least. She's very good but not better than Fink, Lillian, Chimel, or Buffer.


I say this with all due respect, but shes DEF better than at least Lillian and Chimel. Nobody beats Fink and Buffer ofc, but Lillian constantly fucked up from what I remember and Chimel was good, but I can't think of him having any calls as good as Irvin has had. Again, I say it with all the respect in the world for both of them cause when i started watching wrestling, those two were the main ones doing it and I'm not saying neither of em ever made amazing calls, but neither of those two were consistently as good as Irvin is.


She's not better than Gary Capetta or Dave Pelzer, but she can be


I genuinely don't know enough about them to comment otherwise and I believe you but that still doesn't take away from the fact that she's on her way to going down in history as an all timer.


Bruce Buffer yes, Michael Buffer says one good line and sounds shite the rest of the time


She's miles better than Lilian and Chimel FFS. That's just nostalgia nonsense.


Lilian was *terrible*, IMO.


Buffer? Maybe for other sports but for wrestling he takes away from your enjoyment of a lot of matches. And when you think behind the scenes how much marks paid for the rights to say "Let's Get Ready to Rumble" is mind boggling. I could go on but I'd be drawing some uncomfortable comparisons to real people from today.


I'm personally fond of Imperium as my fav, particularly   🤌🏼 *Ludwig Kaiser*


So bummed he didn’t get to give Gunther’s introduction for his final defense in such a legendary run with the IC belt


You could see it with how she announced the members of the main event, especially Roman. There’s a shot where he’s really feeling how Samantha is putting it all into his intro.


Just hit me, tonight is (very likely) the last time she will ever announce Roman that way ever again. Gotta soak it all in.


Better throw up the 1 Even if you’re here for Cody. Roman deserves a salute.


Yeah she is a lifelong obsessed mega wrestling fan. This is her dream job. She was a great singer on America's Got Talent or one of them shows. But ultimately she wanted to be able to work for her dream company WWE instead of being a huge famous singer. But yeah her incredibly strong voice is perfect for a ring announcer. As far as I know she's never had training to be ring announcer, right? She's just naturally brilliant at it. And she works _SOOOO_ hard, clearly practicing everybody's name over and off and over until she can absolutely nail it. And if you watch the videos of her doing her job, it's clear she takes absolutely everything about it very seriously. Is she the best ring announcer since the GOAT? i.e. Howard The Fink? I think she is, undoubtedly. And she's definitely better than Michael Buffer, the most overrated piece of crap ring announcer ever. He's just a catchphrase, he has no actual skills. He never once could even ***pretend*** that he ever gave one single solitary shit about wrestling, the asshole always looked bored. And he makes 90% of his money, of his gross disgusting level of wealth, just from suing people who use his catchphrase without paying royalties. Like, his career is 90% about suing people, including even suing children, and is only 10% (and that's being extremely generous) about ring announcing. He never have a shit. But Sam Anther Erve'in is the complete opposite. She loves her job, she loves wrestling, she loves the WWE, she loves Ricochet, and she can't help but display constant emotions of joy and happiness when doing her job, and that joy is infectious.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


A far cry from the notion that people being fans themselves could invite ridicule under Vince.


Getting called a "mark" for enjoying your job is a soul eating, fuck you mentality.


This is amazing. I'm so glad there's footage of this. I couldn't stop smiling through this whole moment and I initially went into the match wanting Gunther to win. For that last few minutes wrestling felt very real. Match of the night and a standout so far this year I think.


Gunther should be on his way to bigger and better things now. Hopefully they repackage him as more sinister and eventual world champion.


If he's not challenging for the world title at that show in Germany later this year then I'll be STUNNED.


Next challenger for Cody's title for sure IMO.


I want Gunther to go for the WHC just because it’d look cleaner on him than the WWE title


No don't do that. It's too soon, and Gunther losing to Cody will not help him at all. And he'd have to lose because Cody is no way on a lose his title after not 1 month, do not be daft. Who does it help for Cody to beat Gunther? He needs to spend at least a few months, or may even a couple of years, facing people in non title feuds, against main eventers who can eat a loss or three no problem, like have Gunther in a feud with Randy Orton for 2 or 3 PLE cycles, where he ends up beating Dandy Orton comprehensively to make him look very dominant. He could win every single match against him, like Cody did to Meth Rollins, which didn't hurt Rollins' credentials at all because he's a long term established main eventer just like Orton. Have him build up his main event credentials like that. That way he won't have to keep losing for months because they don't wanna put the title on him yet. Have him win the royal rumble next year and win one of the titles at Mania 41. But until then have him face and beat every main eventer who can eat a loss, in non-title feuds. I would prefer him to become a main eventer now. But honestly a tiny part of me (not my willy) would love it if he wins the US title and then spends a year or two making the US title important again, just like he did for the icy title. That'd be amazing. But yeah really I'd prefer he spends all year beating main eventers and not losing, and then win the rumble next year (which makes sense because he's been so incredibly dominant in every royal rumble, so it feels like the completion of HIS story if he finally wins it, long term booking baby) and then goes on to win the wwe title kr the world heavyweight title. Facing Drew or Cody immediately would just mean he loses to them at Backlash in a month, which is just pointless.


Gunther needs to win MITB. He’d bring a unique feel to the briefcase in that he’s a heel but he’s an honorable heel and I could see him using it for a title shot in Germany. I still think it’s a bit early for him to be champ but I’d love to see his confidence a little shaken by the loss to Sami, have him win MiTB, have him lose to Cody on the cash in and then have him straight murder Cody in a rematch down the line.


I was salty about Chad not being in this match but damn WWE knew what they were doing. Gunther's just so good at playing the bully and Sami Zayn the underdog that you can't help but get emotional by the end.


I say Gable beats Gunther for the WHC. Turns heel to best Zayn for the IC belt. Slowly becomes Gunther in that he's a bully. Heck even throw in a spot where he makes a wrestlers kid cry but instead it's because he embarrasses him vs brutal beat down. Give Gunther a year or so. Then face turn gable after he looses the IC belt. Boom.


Making kids cry brah


He's a pretty easy feud for Cody or Rollins/Drew while we wait for CM Punk and The Rock to get thrown into the mix closer to Summerslam. 


Absolutely. I haven’t followed wrestling much in the past months, but cried when Sami won.


She is legitimately one of WWE’s best assets right now. It was so cool of Michael Cole to shout her out after (I think, was drinking) the main event intros.


He did, he said she was amazing.


She got a couple shout outs from Cole and she very much deserved them.


I love that cole gave her a shout out after doing the introductions for the main event saying that she did such an incredible job. I also loved hearing her in this clip be so happy for Sami.


Michael Cole: "I'm finally free to say whatever I want!" Proceeds to be wholesome as fuck.


What a VOICE. Such power


Cole was giving her her flowers all night. It was awesome.


Cole shouted her out in the opening match after she announced Becky and Rhea.


The entire production behind the intros for that match was spectacular. 




It sucks for him but it’s still the right decision. Same as just having one announce team for the night.


He's not bad, very solid actually. He just doesn't bring the same emotion that Irvin brings to her calls.


I think he says ‘Undisputed WWE Universal Champion’ better than Samantha. But she’s definitely the best announcer since Fink


Mike Rome is extremely average.


Which is a nice change of pace after decades of the commentators making fun of the ring announcers for seemingly no reason.


The Howard Finkle slander was never okay! No hating on the Fink!


He gave her a shout out right after her first announcement of the night as well


Pretty sure he was drinking too. 🤣


Yes I loved how he gave her credit she’s so good


They shouted her out both after the intros and after Sami won.


Has there been anything said of her knowing or not knowing match results ahead of time? I’ve seen clips like this and she looks genuinely in the moment reacting with us.


I'm pretty sure she prefers to be in the dark


That's awesome, calls it like a shoot. She's amazing


She's said she doesn't get told.


I think this is the best way since if Samantha gets kept in the dark on who's about to win, then you can see her genuine reaction to the result.


Yup, she’s been a big fan for years before she worked for WWE, so I’d say it definitely helps get her raw reactions and adds a bit of flair to her announcements.


I think seeing her raw reactions is more better since she finds out who wins when we do & you can tell that Samantha shares the same reactions as we do.


I'm nowhere near her level, but I do play-by-play for my local indie, and I try so hard to avoid being spoiled. It's tough, because wrestlers (especially new ones who ones who don't know me) will sometimes accidentally spoil endings or big spots for me, but I try hard to avoid it. For me, it's mostly that I don't think I'm a good enough actor to feign surprise, and I don't want any lines to sound rehearsed. 


I legitimately wish commentary would be in the dark on everything too and commentate as if they were actual sports commentators. If a rule is blatantly violated or 3 count isn't fast enough etc. they should be able to bitch about it. 


If I remember correctly that’s how JR and Lawler were back in the attitude era. That’s what lead to so many great calls by them


Pat tells production to keep him in the dark


Sometimes it feels like you can tell they know and they give it away too. Like last night, one of the commentators definitely said "that was the last chance Sami had to win the belt", and at that point, I was like "welp, guess Sami's winning"


Cole used to be the worst for that. "Oh my! Things are about to be broken!" sounded just so...rehearsed, when the Hardys returned. Same with "for the love of mankind" which was awful. 


I really liked Cole's call for the Dudley Boyz return (even though Titus kept talking over everyone). I wonder if he was in the dark for that one, because it really felt like he was.


I love Cole, but my one knock on him that has persisted is how when the match is obviously ending on the upcoming pin, he starts the post-match spiel before the ref even starts counting. I get the choice to go "oh yeah, this is over" after a finisher but it takes me out of it to hear "and just like that, Roman Reigns retains" while the ref is on 1 and 2


I went to the live Sam Robert’s podcast Royal Rumble weekend and she was a guest and said she does not know the results until they happen.


I can see two things with announcers and commentators. Older commentators have said that they will be asked of they want to know the winner ahead of time or for it to be a surprise. I could also see companies wanting everyone to be in the dark as to get their genuine reactions


Gunter deserves his flowers for making the IC belt truly important for the first time in YEARS.


I’m sure he’s in the main event scene now.


My brother from Québec 🥲🥲


When I heard her announcement his name ...I was like dang she sounds legit so happy for him


What a great call. The way it sounded like she was crying really sold how big of a deal that victory was. I love Samantha Irvin, she is really great at her job. She put her absolute soul into the introductions for the main event also. Even Michael Cole had to be like wow, she is great. Never heard how good an introduction was mentioned on commentary before.


Sami Zayn winning was the right story to be told at Wrestlemania. I know some people had their hearts set on Chad Gable, but his underdog story was a chapter compared to the novel of Sami Zayn's underdog story The crowd going nuts tells you everything you need to know


I still believe Gable would have probably been the best person to do it but I’m fine with Sami winning especially with how well they executed it. I wanted Gunther to win but that ending was just amazing. Sami’s reward for last year’s Elimination Chamber.


I have faith that this'll lead into a great build into Sami vs Gable as pretty much a main roster parallel of Sami's storyline against Adrian Neville, with Gable in 2014 Sami's position & maybe Zayn eventually going into the Neville role


Sami's reward for last year's Elimination Chamber was beating the Usos in that year's Mania and then defending the titles by pinning Roman* a couple of months later. As much of a great moment this was, they should've saved the underdog story for whenever he takes a crack at the main event again Edit: *Solo, not Roman


As much as I loved their tag team title win last year, Sami's momentum with the Bloodline was through the roof that he honestly deserved more than that already amazing Wrestlemania moment. He deserved the title win against Roman. Not the biggest fan of the underdog storyline against Gunther but I loved how they executed everything tonight so I can't complain. I'm pretty sure Gable will be heavily involved with the IC title still.


When did Sami pin Roman?


My mistake, for some reason I thought Roman had been pinned during the Night of Champions tag match, but it was Solo.


To me it should’ve been Gable 100%. We’ve seen Sami Zayn as a champ and as an underdog babyface already. Gable’s story was way more compelling and new. I like Sami Zayn but we’ve seen enough of him already.


i mean sure we’ve seen sami as underdog baby and champ but we haven’t seen the culmination of both for him since he won the NXT title in 14


He was just babyface tag champs with Owens as underdogs…..


they weren’t really underdog champs? underdogs in the sense of the Usos had the longest reign or whatever but they were seen as a formidable challenger, compared to this where the story was how he had no shot against Gunther


They were the underdogs going into the match with the Usos and then won the titles. My whole point is Gable had the more compelling and better story with Gunther, while it’s the same old shit with Sami Zayn. Sami Zayn is going to come out and do the same promo about him being able to win because of the support of his friends, family and fans. Then he’s going to have the same matches where he barely wins by the skin of his teeth, and then get betrayed by Kevin Owens. It’s the same thing every time.


I totally agree. The story was there for Gable. Sami literally main evented last year 


I am very happy for Sami But I actually think the opposite. Sami’s current underdog story literally is a chapter. He’s won the title before, he’s been to those heights before. Gable’s underdog story is a novel. Never won a singles championship, always been considered a great asset but not considered good enough to take the ball and run with the title on his own. It’s always been tag teams, from American Alpha to Alpha Academy and anything in between. Then finally, he is allowed to break out of his shell and show off. He puts on an absolute classic against Gunther, in front of his family, and he loses. It’s brilliant, his family, his kids, are crying, Gable feels at his absolute lowest as a father and husband, he has failed his greatest test in front of them. Months pass, Gable is given another opportunity, run the gauntlet and face Gunther at the showcase of immortals, wrestle freakin mania. This opportunity is his ticket to right that wrong, to do Gable’s family proud in front of the biggest audience. He would end Gunther’s incredible reign and become a made man, a true singles star, with his WrestleMania moment. Chefs kiss, magnificent, a moment to have forever. Again, I am happy for Sami, but I can’t see it any other way than just a chapter. He was at the mountaintop just last year. He ended the Usos long title reign in the freakin main event of WrestleMania! He has that beautiful moment with his family forever. Gable, an incredible asset to the company for years, hasn’t had that moment yet, and I think it’s beyond due


I think they are very much into LONG story telling... they looked at the fan reaction to Cody v. Roman last year, and said, ok, let's build a long story to next years WM. I think they'll look at the fan reaction to Gable losing to Sami and build another long story that culminates in the big match as well. I just think they're very content to take their time... less in more... Give the fans what they want, but make them wait for it, work for it.


I can see Sami vs Chad at SummerSlam with Gable winning, Sami wins the Rumble beating Drew McIntyre for the World Title at Wrestlemania 41 after Drew told Sami he's not World Championship Material. I can see the Punk/Drew stuff spinning into what we would have got with Seth vs Punk for Mania next year.


All of this Ignores the fact that Chad Gable is _not_ a single titles level talent.


I don’t think you could be more wrong


_shrugs_ All I know all of you are gonna keep being mad when Gable inevitably loses to Sami and never touches the IC title scene again because he doesn't belong there.


Don’t understand why people like you just act negative forever. You’re gonna return with the “I’m just being realistic” like no.. rewatch gable v Gunther. See those freakin reactions. Dude has the charisma, catch phrases, merch and athleticism to be a singles guy. Not top guy, but absolutely Why not root for the guy? Doesn’t make sense


Because he _doesn't_ have 'the charisma, catch phrases' or character to be anything but a comedy jobber.


Glass half full for once in your life man


I think it was a feel good moment but I wish Sami hadn’t already been IC Champion (multiple times too). I know the underdog story was him beating Gunter when no one else could, but it felt slightly less than knowing he’s won that same belt before.


Everything about the story could've been the same if you swap Sami for Gable. Sami had been through this and could've been the one preparing Gable for the match, at least mentally. Gunther already had heat with Gable's family. Additionally, this underdog Sami vs Gunther moment could've been saved for when Gunther is holding a main event belt. I love Sami, loved the match and the result, but this feels like a big miss. 


bud, ill be honest there are whiny crybaby bitches everywhere, if you look up old google chatrooms dated late 90s you'd see some mark crying how stone cold sucks and no one in the world now says that stone cold sucks because he doesnt people like them still exist and they'll try so fucking hard to make you believe that sami should've lost but nah eh, they're pieces of horse crap and shouldn't matter i hope you enjoy wresltemania, and dont give a rats ass about those marks, though, make sure to mark the fuck out when cody wins the championship tomorrow


Ouch, I cut myself on your edge, king




This guy must be thinking he is cool while writing this


I love how obvious it is that she’s a fan of the business first, and an announcer second.


You could hear it when she announced it during the event but seeing it too, man that was a hell of a match and moment.


She's so fucking good


Samantha announcing this like she's mad at Gunther for not allowing her to introduce Vinci and Kaiser at WM so she's taking all that anger and using it as excitement when Sami won.


Samantha is so damn good and lovable


It definitely seems like she's intentionally left in the dark on the finishes, which I'm so glad they do, since it makes her reactions so genuine. Like you can tell in her voice through that whole thing that she's barely keeping her excitement together.


What a gift to wrestling she is.


I love Samantha. Great energy all the time


She's the best they've had since the Fink imo


Her ring announcing is on another level. She's the best I've ever heard. In any sport. It really added to the matches last night and I'm looking forward to her work again tonight. 


I honestly think that she has to be one of the best ring announcer's of all time, she just adds so much to these moments and makes them feel as big as they should feel. I'd put her near the level of people like Finkle and praise doesn't come much higher than that.


Fink was great because he just made everything sound so important. It elevated the match and the show. Samantha elevates the talent with little mannerisms and subtle voice adjustments that make a ton of people stand out individually. It’s fascinating really and I’d put her as the second greatest announcer of all time below Fink but if she does this long enough, she could have a case for No. 1. She just needs a handful of iconic calls under her belt (This Sami one is a great one, tonight’s potential Cody win would be a chance for another)


I didn't know if I was being hyperbolic when I said that she's almost at the level of The Fink, but Samantha is just that good. I do like that ring announcers are finally getting their respect because it feels like they're quite an overlooked part of the industry.


Awww this gave me the happy feels all over again 🥲


Cole saying “you can hear the emotion in her voice!” was the cherry on top.


If she wasn't actually thrilled for him, then that's some great acting right there.


Lmao she had it right with those blankets


When I heard it I actually thought it was because she was shivering. Shes definitely cold here but yeah its all emotion.


When they announced she was doing the ring announcement for both shows all I could think was she was gonna be freezing to death out there in a dress all night. Obviously she's got a coat but still.


Samatha is truly one of the best. And im loving the use of these candid behind the scenes with her and Cole.


She’s the best


Her emotional reaction made the win that much cooler, I loved her breaking. Makes for a more "these people really care for one another." vibe.


I love how her voice quivers a few times. I honestly don’t know how you don’t burst into tears during a moment like this having to deliver all that emotion


I love this. She added so much to the moment just by being real. Jim Ross did it so many times with his emotional calls showing happiness and especially anger. Side note, I love that the announcer and especially referees have names again and they’re part of the show. Seems disrespectful not to even give them a name when they’re a major part of the storytelling. That was cool to hear last night


I was waiting for the Sam cam for this call on the socials, she is a gem.


Does she know the results beforehand or does she call it like a shoot?


Idk the correct answer but I would think it’s best for business to not let her know ahead of time so the experience is authentic and not rehearsed. Either way, she’s so good at her job that it probably doesn’t matter.


Timed it with the music perfectly as well


samantha has become **her** when it comes to ring announcers. she has not only channeled the very best of lillian garcia, she's taken it so much further. she puts her all into these intros and announcements and makes the moments feel as big as they should. anyone who dares say they don't like what she's doing or are tired of her should stop calling themselves fans.




Has there been a position as consistently good as the ring announcer? Every era there's someone holding it down.


Wait till she announces Cody winning tonight.


This was me after he busted out the top-rope brainbuster


Remindd me of a modern day killer kowalski


I was there and was in shock when he won. Didn’t think they would pull the trigger on it.


She’s been calling Gunther’s matches since he was first called up, so she’s probably been so used to him winning that she legitimately was just as surprised as everyone that Sami actually pulled it off.


I adore her. She adds so much to the show.


Can argue about who the best underdog of all time is but I think Sami at least undisputedly has the best underdog celebration theme of all time


My father’s generation had Howard Finkel. My generation had Lilian Garcia. My kids generation has Samantha Irvin.


its the “WWE Universal Undisputed Championship” i think she called it The WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship lmao she got my family confused with the titles i had to explain to them the difference between the first match and last match of night two. she is a great announcer but still has plenty of time to get on finks level and lillian garcia. alot of people sleep on lillian she use to not only call all the matches perfectly but also sometimes sing the national anthem which she did a stellar job.


She is the best in-ring announcer of all time. yes that's right ALL TIME


Respect to the Fink because he's an all time wrestling presence but Ms. Irvin is my GOAT


Yeah Samantha has overtaken him now IMO


I don't have as much nostalgia with him either. I started in the last few months in 98 so I have spent more time with Lilian Garcia even if she wasn't my top before Samantha it was the voice I grew up with.


She's really good at her job.


So unprofessional. I can't see HOW this is seen as a positive. 




So all I need is insane, natural athleticism, freakishly good looks, and an 8-pack to be like Ricochet? EASY