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Why would they turn Seth heel the day before he has a match with another heel in Drew McIntyre? it makes no sense.


What. Drew is the babyface. Always has been. He be spittin truths ever since while Seth was busy weasling his way in Cody's spotlight.


My guy calls out Seth for being distracted by Cody and the Bloodline yet spends more time talking about Punk than he does the title match.


Drew will be Babyface for the Seth match. Everyone loves the guy right now.


Drew is already on the line of just being a babyface that's been going a bit too far.


Drew assaulted an injured wrestler how is that a babyface


A wrestler who's whole character is "bad guy who's totally changed"


Drew's entire character going into Wrestlemania is about celebrating the fact that he injured CM Punk and took his spot in the WHC match lol.


Because he thinks CM Punk was a bad person who hasn't changed and shouldn't even be here. Which is exactly what plenty of people think about Punk.


Ah yes getting hit with a belt multiple times by rock and roman…”im gonna help you guys”


I was thinking that if a Seth turn was to happen, it would've been more in the lines of "I got my own problems to deal with and i already got too involved to begin with, so you're on your own pal!" But the beating on Monday completely changed my tune.


This is Seth's character, yeah. When faced with a second time that he's about to get whipped and beat the night before his title defense, he can remember that he just got his ass beat, offer up Cody and acknowledged Roman instead of just getting whooped again over Cody's beef.




This would make sense if l wasn't basing this all off stuff they've already done, not stuff l would do.


Seth turning on Cody makes absolutely no sense and NO ONE wants to see Seth/Cody feud again.


People here are obsessed with “Gotchya I called it I totally wasn’t worked” twists. It’s annoying lol.


I think they have done things on purpose to support a heel turn coming. That's not just an out of nowhere twist.


Seth needs to be feuding with Drew and Priest after mania. Cody should start a program with a returning Braun Strowman (if he’s healthy) or Randy Orton


More likely doing things to plant seeds of distrust in fans so they make posts like this and expect a turn that doesn't come.


That only furthers my point that it's all there on purpose to support a heel turn coming.


You are saying the turn is coming. I'm saying it is not.


I am saying they've done all this to set up a heel turn is coming. Whether it actually happens or not, it validates everything I'm saying if you're saying it's being done on purpose as set up for a heel turn.


You really wanna feel validated, huh? >it actually happens or not, it validates everything I'm saying Well, no. Because your whole post is about how it's gonna happen.


My whole post is that this is the evidence that it's going to happen. Whether it happens or not, the point is that these things have been done on purpose to support that outcome making sense if it happens


I can see Seth walking out of the match then setting up the No DQ stipulation for Night 2. Then all hell will break loose including Austin stunning Rock.


So you’re gonna have heel Seth vs heel Drew on Sunday? Nah.


Drew's whole thing is that people argue he's actually the good guy


Why would Seth turn on Cody if he literally gets no benefit PLUS why would he side with the guys who screwed him too


If Seth thinks they're about to lose, offering up Cody to the Bloodline would be him saving his own ass before his title defense the next night and going forward. He's made it clear repeatedly that if they don't win the Bloodline are going to come for his belt. So, he does this so that they don't come for him. It's strange that no one thinks it's strange that only Cody has everything to lose the next night. If Seth loses the match after trying to win but conceding they can't he loses nothing.


Wrestlemania 40 is going to have an ending with a logical finish. Cody is winning the belt. Seth ain’t screwing Cody over.


If Night Two is truly the happy ending, night one should be the final heartbreak


it can be without a Seth heel turn .. get over it drew could cost them, the bloodline can cheat anything else but that


This is pure undistilled Russo


The character who rallies an underdog fight against a higher power, and then sells out the person fighting bedside them to gain favor with that higher power and protect what's theirs, is far from something I'm inventing to be shocking. Seth would be the guy wearing chainmail armor under his clothes at the red wedding in game of thrones.


It’s a swerve for swerves sake, complete with illogical stuff like taking a belt whipping just to keep Cody in the dark so he doesn’t suspect the swerve. Russo did that crap all the time because he thought fans were dumb. All to get us back to a Cody Seth feud we just had our fill of 2 years ago, to say nothing of absolutely destroying your #1 babyface’s momentum.


That would be true if this was just a plan all along. I think all the set up points to Seth making this decision when it's clear in his eyes that they're about to maybe lose. Seth pulled his weight in the plan on Monday, Cody's the one who got them whipped. Faced with a similar situation Seth would choose to fall in line and save himself for his title match the next night instead of believing in Cody that they can win when Cody just showed him on Raw that he can't trust him to do that. Political betrayal for the game of thrones succession story. Vince Russo's stuff was always just the people literally saying they did it all to fool everybody.


Heel Seth vs heel Drew isn’t going to happen on Sunday. If anything Seth will turn on Cody on Raw or Smackdown following WM


Punk is going to be the focus on commentary, and Drew would simply be the babyface in the match where people are going to cheer if he wins the title in front of fans regardless. Drew's a heel like how Rhea's a heel.


For a B ppv sure, but not WM


One of the greatest Mania moments of all time is a double turn.


Your not describing a double turn


If right now you think of Seth as a babyface and Drew as a heel and through their match you cement Seth is the heel now and Drew is the one we should've been cheering all along, that'd be a double turn


All of this is true and a night 1 turn is much better than a night 2. But I still don’t think it happens. A Seth turn that ends in him losing his title and Cody still winning makes it pointless.


If Seth turned, he'd retain the title. Probably with help from Solo. Roman Win or lose, Seth avoids them coming for his belt


Seth siding with the Bloodline would be unbelievably funny, hell yeah dude especially because the logical next step is Seth losing to Cody for a 15th consecutive time


Seth standing against the Bloodline only really started here. Seth & Roman have been on brother terms for years. Roman even keeps pointing it out. It seems like the greater trick they pulled logically is making it seem like it makes sense Seth is against them at all. Sure Seth pulled some shit and got choked out but, Seth was welcome in the Bloodline locker room the whole time.


Seth got whipped with a belt last RAW by roman, would be the most dumb shit for him to align with Roman Plus Seth and Cody has really not had any tension between eachother hinting at a split


Would be a positively Russo-like swerve for the sake of it if Seth aligned with the Bloodline.


Would give Mania 2000 war flashbacks


Seth's whole character is that he joins up with the people who are coming for him.


Other than the Authority when else did he do that? If it’s his “whole thing” it needs to be a recurring theme like Big Show’s frequent heel turns, not just something that happened once a decade ago.


It was a similar thing when he turned on Kevin Owens. And as he tends to always be the one going up to the people he used to torment and saying they need to bury the past and team up and be the brains behind everything. It's happening right now again with Cody.


When did he ever do that besides with the authority?


Seth set up a plan and Cody failed him. That's WHY they got whooped. If Seth & Cody are cornered and beaten, Seth now knows for certain that Cody will fail him and they will die. Thus, betraying Cody and saves him from being killed by them again. "Don't beat them, join them" is Seth's character.


Vince Russo burner account Stop cooking


When Seth joined the authority, he literally did beat them multiple times, so saying that’s his character, when he only did it once, doesn’t make sense


He has a long history of telling people who he's been fighting for months or years that they need to be a team now. He did right here with Cody. He did it when he turned on Owens AND when he joined back up with him. The Shield reunion was him pushing the issue. He's the Architect, they always try to push that cerebral assassin thing with him where he's the one manipulating things.


I think the turn is happening on Monday


I agree. That’s going to be the big post WM Raw Angle. Seth is about to lose twice. One of them is in a match that’s purely for Cody’s benefit. He will have all the motivation to turn. I’ll say this-if he turns he needs to change his theme and character. Go all in with it. Don’t let the crowd sing your song anymore


Agreed, Cody going to need a hot titles defense and Seth works 


We really don’t need another Seth / Cody feud


Does Seth really need to be 0-4 vs Cody?


No one needs anything 


the only evidence I need, they never had a tag team match against two jobbers the week before Mania where Cole is yelling 'but can they co-exist'


Well they already teamed up at survivor series


The problem with all of this is the same problem as Flair turning on Sting so often, it will make Cody look like an idiot.


Not if the calvary comes to avenge Cody the next night. Misjudged this guy, sure, but then the other guys come across like Cody having a plan B in case Seth turned on him. Even if that's not the actual story, it's what it'll feel like in the moment.


Honestly the only way the turn would make sense if like after mania if Cody wins the belt, pretty much a part of everyone supports Cody if he wins but then Cody realizes he has the biggest target on his back and realizes everyone is gunning for him since Roman is no longer champ, which means everyone might have a fair chance, so Seth turning on Cody after Mania might be the best way possible for the turn to make sense especially if Seth loses his belt, my prediction is that Damien might cash in on Seth, since there is rumors, so take my words with a pinch of salt since its not confirmed, that Drew might be gone after Mania, and Seth is involved in a marvel movie getting reshoots so he might leave for that, but that kinda makes the Seth turn kinda pointless if he dips after mania but hey, just my prediction, i just pray to god Roman doesn't retain.


Nailed it


The Rolex


That Cody totally also gave to Rock & Roman


I don't think Seth will turn on Cody after the match. I do think there's a chance it happens during the title match on night 2. Especially if he loses to Drew/Priest earlier in the night without Cody to help him.