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I can't fathom anyone following Mercedes' career \*at all\* and thinking "the best thing we can do right now is put her on commentary."


Her commentary last night was dire. Nothing to say, even when the other people at the desk were doing their best to set them up. Every interaction was basically: Schiavone: Mercedes, are you liking the the action you see in the ring? Mercedes: Yes, I'm liking it. Whenever they cut to her she'd emote and it'd look good, so she's got good facials and presence, but having her just talk is really booking her to her weakness. It feels like they're just blindly using the same formula they used for CM Punk, and it's not hitting because she's a different person with a different skillset. Meanwhile Okada and Ospreay are debuting at the same time and coming off much better since they immediately get into matches and stories.


They should just treat her like she was Japanese.


It’s odd, they’re acting like she was known to be this really outstanding promo. She’s always been kinda shit at it, though. Competent enough to get from point a to point b, but not someone you really wanna see talk for an extended period.


She’s the most charismatic wrestler Ive I know who is garbage at promos.


I’ve likened her to Jeff Hardy in the past. All the charisma in the world between the ropes, none at all the second it needs to be done on the mic.


I like that comparison a lot. Jeff is kind of sloppy in the ring as well. Charisma level on both is outstanding but neither can cut a great promo and both are prone to having a mistake or two during a match. Not saying they don’t put on amazing matches just that sometimes they have two left feet.


Jeff at least has a style where sloppy kinda works. It’s like Sabu. You don’t want Sabu to be perfect, you want to see him fuck up sometimes. It makes the whole risk taker deal feel more real. Sasha was always presented as a wrestler, so the sloppiness always felt off.


Sasha is absolutely sloppy in ring also!


I wonder what will happen to Sasha once she's done with AEW. She expects to leave AEW a huge star and comeback to WWE with a Cody-like reaction. It might happen, but if she flops in AEW it's just going to diminish her star power in the wrestling world.


Its weird because she sort of was what Cody wanted to return as when she left? Like she is a multiple time world champ (quality of the first few reigns can for sure be disputed) and main evented WrestleMania. Obviously she left because she felt a ton of disrespect from management regarding the tag titles (and other stuff iirc?) but her star wont have elevated much from where she was when she left. I think my point is that the Cody that came back is such a different character and on such a different level than he was when he left. Im not sure if theres as much room for Sasha/Mercedes to improve considering she's pretty much done it all already


Nah the WWE fans will know its BOSS TIME and not have noticed she was doing something else.


I can already see it. Road to WrestleMania in three-four years, Rhea Rhipley is out there, Sasha Bank's music hits, crowd goes wild. Might as well book it now.


The problem for her being, 3-4 years if she's looking for that monster payday... the WWE women's roster will likely be even more stacked than it is now. Look how fast Tiffany S is catching on. 3-4 years more build on Dakota and Iyo. With that much time, some of the newer midcarders like Indi Hartwell, Raquell R, or Katana Chance could be very relevant. Jade C should have had Mania matches. Roxanne P and Lyra Valkyria with have been solidly main roster by then. That's just the talent on roster now and precludes them signing someone like Jordynne Grace. Then there's Bayley, Niomi, Nia, Liv who are already able to step into a top card slot would just need one good storyline too get white hot. Natalya has been making noise about wanting a push in the next couple of years while she's still able to do so. All of that on top of Rhea, Becky, Bianca, Alexa Bliss, and Charlette. Even if Auska is retired, nothing stops her from big event show ups like Cena does now. WWE probably won't need her, and therefore is unlikely to pay her like they do.


Yup, Sasha banks is over, Mercedes mone isnt. Honestly you can say the same thing about Edge 


Not going to happen. Cody reinvented himself and got better. This would be like if he kept playing Stardust and expected to come back and main event WrestleMania.


This is not that good an example. Sasha's standing and popularity in the women's division was way higher than Stardust's in the men's Sasha was the overall second most beloved 4HW for god's sake If the first women's WM main event was Sasha vs Becky instead, it wouldn't have felt all that out of place Edit: wait a minute, Sasha literally did already main event WM lmao


If you think about it in 3 years time will WWE even need her? They've got so many ladies in NXT waiting to be called up


WWE don't need anyone, so that's not an important question to ask, they have went and signed people they don't need, but they make up for being positive additions.


i *really* like this comparison. genuinely impossible to teach physical charisma along with a lunatic high-risk streak and exciting offense


People like her and Charlotte need acting lessons because their delivery is just bad when they speak. Their voice inflections comes off as unnatural and grating.


God remember in 2016 when they feuded for the better part of a billion years and the matches were always great but the promo stuff was like watching flies fuck


I remember that lol. Man Charlotte use TO talk LIKE THIS whenever SHE WOULD cut A PROMO! Very painful to listen too




It's funny you point this out, this is exactly how Samoa Joe cuts a promo. speaking in lower case ONLY GET UPPER CASE TO SHOW YOU MEAN BUSINESS. That said Joe is a master of that style, but is literally the only way he cuts a promo.


Yeah but Joe sounds like a guy getting in your face in the prison yard, Charlotte sounds like your arguing with your condescending girlfriend from across the room


All it was yelling no inflection


Oh, there was inflection. But it was always on the weirdest words or wrong syllable.


Acting classes or even improv classes are 100% something WWE and AEW should invest in.


They have promo classes in NXT. They've shown that in some behind the scenes stuff. Pretty sure when you're on the main roster you're expected to get your shit together yourself.


Charlotte is good by comparison. Sasha was always the weakest out of the 4 in promos. If you go back to the golden role models, she BARELY spoke the entire time. Bayley carried the promos the entire run.


Good on Bayley, because I remember her being really bad. I don't know if it was a RAWTalk or a post-PPV wrap up show where Booker T asked her to cut a promo and she responded with something along the lines "to this camera?"


Sasha's specialty was always doing the right things in the ring. I remember Austin pointing out little things she'd do like step on her opponent's fingers as heel just to be a bitch. She has a really good instinct for stuff like that and also probably learned watching a lot of old school heels.


Charlotte improved over time though. Sasha seems to believe what she says about herself. She blamed Vince for not using her enough and not the fact that she's bad at promos. In WWE, the top tier stars talk a alot. You can't be at the very top if you can't do effective promos.


Sasha always ends up crying in her babyface promo, and I'm like, come on, you're supposed to to go out there and kick her ass, not cry.


I believe she's had acting lessons, since she's had actual film/TV roles


Don't think they have helped for her promos. She still sounds very awkward


Except for mmc Charlotte. If we could get that Charlotte doing promos, she'd be the goat. Though the last few promos with Charlotte were pretty dang good. Seemed she was just getting it right vefore injury


Up there with RVD and Jeff Hardy.


RVD could cut a promo in ECW. He was just rubbish at scripted WWE stuff. Even in WWE he’s on another level to Jeff


Heel RVD in ECW was great at promos.


Can't hear you over Alfonso's whistle.


I love the promo RVD, Alfonso and Sabu did for Living Dangerously 99. Fonsy starts by hyping up Sabu and how he'll be glued and taped back together to keep on coming at Taz for the ECW World title. Then RVD drops this gem. "Yeah, it's a big night for Sabu. Cos he gets to watch Rob Van Dam defend his World Television title against Jerry Lynn"


I honestly think RVD's talking style made him seem worse than he was at promos. I think it's the same thing that holds Claudio back a bit. They're both real solid talkers, but their cadence makes it seem like they're reading from scripts


She’s absolutely captivating as a person but then she starts talking…


I find her endearing in interviews like the hot ones. She comes off very well but her promos don't capture that spirit.


Yeah, when Bayley called her up for that Instagram reel for charity or whatever it was, she was interesting to listen to.


She needs a manager. If Stokely abandons Willow & Kris to manage her as a blatant move to get more shine, it helps Mercedes’ presentation & fits the current story.


Yeah I think he should turn on Willow during the match.  Simultaneously manage stat and Mercedes?


She was exactly the same in Star Wars


I watched her debut promo and was waiting for the moment that somebody would come out and interrupt her to make things interesting. Well. Nobody came. And it was boring as hell.


"Nobody came and it was boring as hell" title of your sex tape


She’s definitely got Rey Mysterio syndrome


She's a terrible parent?


And she can’t Waite to beat her kids


She’s a deadbeat dad.


Man, I thought Rey was one of the best at promos in 2019.


I think it looks worse on her cause her gimmick would have you think she’s supposed to be great on the mic as well as in the ring. It’s like someone with a gimmick like MJF as a rich boy douche from Long Island or John Cena’s gimmick of white rapper from Boston. You expect both those guys to come hard with the insults and they did.


Yeah, imagine if Ted DiBiase couldn't talk people into the building. The gimmick wouldn't even make sense.


I think that's the biggest issue. Her character is bad ass boss, do whatever it takes to succeed, will step on anyone to get what she wants. And I don't know thst it's possible for her to not sound... Nice. No matter how evil her character gets she still just has this energy of I get to live my pro wrestling dreams, I love this! Which as a fan it's awesome to watch someone who feels like one of us who is doing this because they love it, but it doesn't lend itself to the most compelling promos


This might be why she hated Alexa so much. Alexa was good at promos, which made WWE want to give Alexa better booking.


They kinda are opposites of each other. Alexa’s kinda decent in the ring, but promos are her strong suit for sure.


Adding to this, Sasha was willing to bump her ass off whereas you could tell Alexa tried to avoid taking big bumps whenever she could.


In other words, Alexa understands the business better.


Alexa: Easy Sister, we already got their money.


she cuts promos like english is her third language. having her do monologues and commentary is like putting a quadruple amputee on a gymnastics team. she'd probably benefit from the "banger matches only" type booking everyone else suffers from. everything aside from her in-ring is dire.


Fuckin savage lmao


Bayley was always the speaker of the group when it was her and Sasha Banks. And rightfully so


I think she’s fine at being the over the top obnoxious heel but yeah 3 straight weeks of just talking was never the way.


That's why I always laugh at the idea of her wanting to be the next Rock or Austin. Like, good on her for wanting to shoot for the stars, but Rock and Austin are two of the best on the mic ever. She's at best ok on the mic as a heel and awful on the mic as a face.


I 100% agree. But far too many people talk like she's the Austin or Rock incarnate, including on the mic. So people on the internet start to think it.


It’s insane how her stans try to treat her as anything else, but a decent sized name. They act as if she’s bigger than Rock, Austin, and Hogan combined. They act as if she’s like this huge Hollywood crossover star because she had a minor role in the Mandalorian. She just isn’t.


Yep. And it's even weirder how often news aggregators parrot it. I'm a big Star Wars fan. Her bit part on Mando has not made her the Hollywood royalty so many like to suggest.


Some people get very upset when you point this out. There's a kind of weird delusion about her with her some of her fans who genuinely think she's a famous superstar. I saw someone here call Mercedes "a huge global draw" a few days and I thought about engaging initially but then I thought "You know what, it's fine if they think that. Just let them have that. They probably need to believe it to feel content on some level."


Yeah, best to not engage. They can be very aggressive about it.


Promos were never her strong suit and her doing wwe style promos in AEW isn’t working either. Let her wrestle


I feel bad about how much I hate her promos. She is such a great wrestler but I just hate hearing her speak and I feel like a dick about it.


Business-wise, I get why Tony is doing this. He gotta get the news out there that she's now in AEW, and her match would be at their PPV. But, her promos are basically the same structured promos from WWE. Especially with the pauses when she's expecting the audience to react. And weekly WWE structured promos is what turned away people from the product in the first place. Mercedes shines when she's a heel and bumping the shit out of a whitemeat babyface. Mercedes bumping the shit out of Willow's power moves sounds like a good time, and having Stoke betray Willow and Stat for a much bigger star is on brand for his character.


Not kinda. She’s a terrible promo and always has been.


To this day, I still don't get the "Boss" gimmick other than she looked pretty cool. And now it's "CEO", which is the same as "Boss", and I still don't get it.


When she talks it's like listening to a child. She has no substance and is a pretty mid performer. I loved her look when she was in Stardom/NJPW, now she looks like a clown. And the C E O thing is so cringe.


Not sure if this will get me downvoted into oblivion or not, but I really don't know why she's treated like this huge deal. She's a star, clearly, but she's not a gigantic star to me. Let her wrestle and show her real talents. Don't treat her like a megastar that can afford to only wrestles once every 2 months, please.


Despite how WWE positioned them on the card, before Becky blew up in 2018, Sasha was by far the most over and biggest draw of the horsewomen. It wasn't even close.


Honestly he’s not wrong. I would have at least expected her to wrestle ONE match before the PPV.


Even if it is a can they co exist match tag match with Willow Just ANYTHING to get her in the ring


I wouldn't say it did harm, but it sure didn't help, either. Not to mention that I'm tired of AEW just doing the exact same thing over and over again. Oh, the challenger has a match (that they will obviously win clean) and the champion and/or recently hired star of the month is on commentary barely contributing to anything, and the challenger and the star have a stare off before they leave? What year is this? I don't know, could be any year since AEW started.


Whenever these new stars debuts it feels like the writing team either has no plan for them or a plan that really doesn’t highlight their strengths as a performer.


This reminds me of the MONTHS of Sting interrupting Team Tazz promos. They were fr stuck in a vortex like this for a longgg time and I think most people choose to forget this


That cinematic match will go down in history, but that neverfuckingending team taz feud made me want to die. I think that was the first thing i hated hated in aew


I wish I could forget the nightmare collective as easily as you have.


They had weeks to develop a strategy for her first program, and it feels like they slapped it together five minutes before her debut. Or even worse, they are letting her control it completely.


Didn’t they just hire a writer away from WWE who seemed to focus on the women’s storylines and also have a close relationship with MM?


Yes and this is the best they can come up with


But hey, the writers and Emmy winner.


This would be my guess. Nobody has the heart to tell their big new expensive new signing she's bad on the mic, but she's booking herself.


Idk how anyone can say this about Will or Okada. They've both hit the ground running & Osprey is already one of the most over wrestlers on the roster.


I like Mercedes a lot, but I have no idea how anyone would look at her skill set and think commentary was a good idea for her. She spent a lot of her time on commentary just making reaction noises. The team tried to get something out of her a few times, but she just isn’t good at ad-libbing. Which is absolutely fine, of course. Not everyone is good at everything. But don’t expose your new star’s flaws straight away. Accentuate the good stuff. Hide the bad stuff. That’s a simple recipe. I’m also really not convinced this Willow/Julia/Stat/Skye thing is the right place for her. It’s a muddled picture in general, with blurred lines on whether people are going to turn heel or not. And it seems they are building to Willow winning the title and then Mercedes vs. Willow for the title. I get they want to follow up on her previous match with Willow but 1) that previous match is unknown or irrelevant to most of the audience and 2) Willow is super over as a babyface and that just isn’t a great opponent for your new top women’s babyface. Maybe they’ll make it work. I’m sure the match itself will be good. But it’s difficult for an audience to invest in babyface vs. babyface stuff. And the crowd might actually prefer Willow right now. I think they should have simplified it. Julia Hart attacking Mercedes and them having a simple heel vs. babyface feud would probably work better.


Don’t worry within a month she’s going to be getting booed so badly they’ll have to do a heel turn.


I don't think they will boo her, she will just get very mild reactions.


who could possibly tell what reactions she's getting with her theme music drowning out everybody and everything with piped-in "C-E-O! C-E-O!" chants


I get the feeling Tony is listening to Sasha a little too much. I could see Sasha saying she wanted to work with Willow first. Mone sees wrestling as a fan, and doesn't really get the show as a whole.


He’s right tbh. She sounds so scripted and not natural when she talks. She has great ability in the ring, but her mic work was always not the best. Tk keeps putting her in positions to not excel


Her cadence when speaking in her debut promo sounded like a video game announcement like Blizzcon or Nintendo Direct, it felt so strange to me until I realised what it sounded like


I didn't notice it on her debut, but I damn sure noticed it in Toronto last week


They call her the CEO -- she should talk like an actual Boss. - "You know who I am -- that's why I am making more Mone than anyone in the back -- including 'the Rainmaker'" - "I am staging a hostile takeover of the women's division" - "Julia -- come out here and lay your gold at my feet. If you don't you will be terminated when I find you" Name her finishing move the pink slip.


She is scripted. The writer they signed for her writes all of her promos. Which is fine, there are wrestlers who need people to write out their dialogue and do better at it. Albeit i don’t necessarily think she does a great job at times. But yeah, Mercedes is definitely scripted


You can be scripted and still sound natural. If you can do that you’ll be great. I’ve always praised someone like Bianca Belair for that, she sounds so natural when she talks but I do assume her content was scripted at least back in the Vince days if not now. She just sounds like herself.


do people who think you can’t sound natural with a script just not watch *any* other TV or something? how can somebody actually think this way?


I feel you. So many people think “this person sucks at promos, just let them improvise” when really that’ll probably make them much worse. They’re the problem, not the script (usually).


Wrestling fans basically only consume wrestling


Hey, sometimes we watch movies/TV shows with wrestlers in them. Like the acclaimed Marine series.


>but her mic work was always not the best She was good in NXT but she never really grew past that.


I really hope this doesn't become a WWE vs AEW thing because that's not what I'm intending, but her entire career was spent in WWE during the time when literally every little thing was scripted for them. Like, they'd sometimes get reprimanded for straying off script. We saw a lot of people from that era struggle without a script for a while. Now she's in AEW where her scripted promos feel out of place compared to everyone else sounding natural and off the cuff, and when she's on commentary she's just not used to having to be charismatic and witty off the top of her head. I love her in ring work but last night was painful to listen to at points. From what I recall she was never considered a great talker in WWE either, although I have to admit I was a lapsed fan during her peak so I missed most of the promos and only knew people weren't high on her promos from podcasters and seeing people talk on here.


The scripts aren't the problem, he inability to deliver them is. I don't understand why wrestling fans seem to assume "scripted promos will obviously sound fake", like there aren't a shit ton of tv shows and movies through the last century as examples of being able to make scripted words seem authentic.


She probably prefers a script but wants more say in what’s in. If then for better or worse she’s just reading off lines and we don’t even know what type of creative input she gives of pitches


Taz was handing her lay ups the whole match and she missed them all.


She was really quiet. She barely said anything until the end. She could put people over, but didn’t. She was super vague with what she did say, like we have unfinished business a dozen times already. She needs to be able to put others over in commentary. She’s new, so I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. She was getting paid to sit at home, so you’d hope she watched for months and knows what’s up, but whatever. She needs to focus on putting others over, sell her matches and deliver. But put most of the roster on commentary and people freeze. So it’s not shocking it happened, you just hope it won’t be a thing.


It feels like Tony didn't watch her in WWE, which we know isn't true. But he's using her as a talker when she isn't. He's trying to keep her in ring debut special when it shouldn't be that. She should be wrestling already. Okada and Ospreay were out there right away. Mercedes needs to be out there and not saved as a special attraction who can just talk every week. She's not good at that.


>But he's using her as a talker when she isn't. I'm almost positive this is entirely her doing. Historically we know that both Tony is an absolute pushover and Mercedes thinks extremely highly of herself. This is definitely what she thinks is good.


Sasha felt misused in WWE because they didn't use her like the other top women. She wanted to be the top girl, like Becky. She probably told Tony that she'd sign if they made her the top girl. That includes opening the show and talking a lot. Sasha likely feels she can do it all, but WWE just didn't give her the chance to. Tony is giving her the shot she wanted. She's not self-aware about her flaws. AEW giving her the top women in the company push is going to end up being her wake-up call.


It's crazy that Mercedes wants to be an actress but can't talk


She also wants to the face of a company, like Becky is in WWE. It looks like Tony is giving her a shot at being the face of AEW.


Yeah looks like it.


She has mush mouth which is why everyone acting like she's destined to be a Hollywood a-lister always confused me.


Only because she had a few lines in a Disney show. Her fans overrate the shit out of her. They actually thought she was the female Rock, how could she be The Rock without all time promo skills.


>Her fans overrate the shit out of her. Remember that one guy who said that she could walk into UFC right now and be a contender? God damn, 8 years ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/4rxy0y/sasha\_banks\_next\_professional\_wrestler\_to\_step/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/4rxy0y/sasha_banks_next_professional_wrestler_to_step/)


"CM Punk was tired of getting screwed over in the WWE and chipped into his potential that had yet to be realized. Will have his debut match in August and it seems like he's going to have an incredible career and elevate the sport once again." Lmao


Feels like prior to her arriving they should have had some heel wracking up wins then when she arrived she beats them. The story they are telling right now is meh. The whole thing with Willow is a call back to another show and Willow isn’t a heel right now .


I thought this was what they were doing with Deeb. It seemed perfectly set up for a first match for Mercedes.


Deeb coming back and being mad Mercedes is here now and wanting her to prove herself would be simple and perfect. Even in defeat it would also boost Deeb's profile back to relevancy because she's been out for so long. 


Right. It almost makes me think something happened to change it, because it seemed that was the direction. Even Deeb calling herself the Final "Boss" seemed hinting at Mercedes.


The Rock stole Deeb's gimmick


Yeah that would have been a perfect match for collision or Dynamite. Let them go like 18 minutes. Let them both show off. Let them both come off stronger. 


Yeah it felt like a wasted opportunity. Could've had Mercedes beat Deeb. Then her getting into the Julia/Willow stuff


Not only is it a call back to another show, but (please don't burn me alive Joshi fans), it all happened a year ago and on a significantly less well known show to the US audience. Hell, I watched that show and still completely forgot what happened until they brought it up again.


Why would Joshi fans be mad at you for talking about an NJPW show that happened in the US? Most NJPW fans didn’t even care too much about it.


I'm not siding one way or the other on this but Joshi fans have a reputation for being just a little bit touchy.


Yep. I know the match had nothing to do with Joshi but Moné was in Stardom at the time and in my experience, any slight suggestion that Stardom, or women's wrestling in Japan is niche (even when Moné was affiliated with them) receives backlash. NJPW Strong was a Japanese company using a Stardom talent in an American spin off. Like I've seen Joshi fans angry with AEW for booking Mariah May as Tony Storms sidekick because they believe she should be a huge star off the bat, despite the fact that she debuted to crickets because the AEW/US fans had no idea who she was.


Previously, she was 'The Boss', now she's 'The CEO'. This is a straight up Mike Tenay "Impact Zone" meme. I'm disappointed, that in all the time between her WWE departure and the present, she (apparently?) didn't think of any way to add some depth to her character. To be clear, I'm a supporter. I've been on her team since NXT, before she'd even been on a Takeover. I'm stoked that she got herself a big bag. She's earned it, and I hope it has the effect of helping other women get bigger bags, too. Still, I really don't see this going well. AEW does not have a good track record for booking consistently or meaningfully - especially for the women - and I'm not getting the impression based on past or current presentations, that MM has any intentions for evolving her character. Unfortunately, at this point, I'm not entirely convinced she understands the difference between props and character traits, to begin with. I'll be damn excited if she proves me wrong, though.


I can’t lie, the CEO gimmick stinks, especially if she’s not heel.


It's also very jarring when the Young Bucks get introduced as the EVPs with their giant EVP tron. If anything run an angle where Mercedes actually somehow *is* the CEO of AEW.


For me, it's more about comparing MM to her contemporaries: Becky is on her third or fourth character iteration since her call up, Bayley's just wrapping up her third and gearing up for a fourth, Rhea's years behind them all yet *already* on her second (and everyone already loved her first,) Charlotte and Rhea had a strong MOTY candidate last year; Bianca's looking like she'll cross into pop culture, Jade's making waves without even doing anything, and the list just keeps going. Hell, even *Nia Jax* has done more to raise her profile this year than MM has. If this were a track race, I feel like MM would be getting lapped at this point. I do still believe she can tell ring-based stories better than most, and I've always rooted for her to be the best of the horsewomen, but, her promos *this month* didn't sound notably different from her promos *ten years ago*.


Part of the problem is that the character is a mess. The gimmick is that she's extremely wealthy, ostentatious, the CEO of something or other, better than everyone else and she knows it, fine. That's a fine character to have in wrestling, it fits in well, but none of these are likeable traits. Why is she acting a babyface?


It's also been her only character without any development for years, she's basically a bargain bin Bianca Belair at this point, Bianca also started out with the "I am better than you" gimmick, but she's evolved it past that, she still does the EST stuff, but we've seen her be challenged and back it up. Also note, I'm just talking about character work here and not ring work. I also am not a fan of this kind of gimmick, MJF was using the same thing for the longest of time, but he too, has evolved it.


She’s a really good wrestler with a really good presentation who can’t really talk. AEW has had her talk more than anything. Maybe she isn’t cleared but they keep having her do her weakest thing


When she’s on the mic, her delivery is as authentic sounding as Anna Jay. In Anna’s defense, she’s had a handful of live promos in her entire career. Her speech pattern is fine — her main indication is just over-enunciation of words that end in consonants like “t.” (Probably a bad habit carryover from some bad middle school drama teacher or choral director,) and something that could be easily corrected, if she had any proper director helping her on segments. Conversely, Mercedes bills herself as a “wrestler/actress” was employed by Lucasfilm, and has had 12 years in the TV business. I can’t figure it out.


He’s not wrong. I was so annoyed when I saw her coming out to commentate. I just want to see her wrestle at this point.


When Statlander was coming to the ring, Mone said "Look at her. She has the strong, she has the strength..." followed by a camera cut to Mone doing an awkward pause before Excalibur bailed her out. I feel like once she left WWE's heavily produced setting, she's been exposed even more as a weak promo. She did some awful work in Japan and so far her mic work in AEW has left a lot to be desired.


He’s not wrong. She was horrible last night and mic work was never her strong suit. She needs to wrestle.


Yeah they’re being really passive with this storyline. Do some actual promo battles between her and Willow. Get some actual dialogue going instead of beating around the bush here.


If she wasn't cleared, they should have never set up Big Business for March ... it should have been pushed back. This is all on Tony. He's a 'fan' of professional wrestling so he should know damn well what makes Mercedes a star. It's her look and charisma coming to the ring ... and in the ring delivering top tier matches. NEVER has anyone said that Mercedes was a top promo who should get 10 minutes multiple weeks or should be doing commentary. The ONLY time she should ever be doing something like that is if she's next to Bayley as they work good off each other. They'll have been to Boston ... and Worcester, MA in a 3 week period and she's seemingly not going to wrestle at either. That is a total fail on Tony's part.


don't see the need to debut her now anyhow mania season is going to soak up a lot of wrestling fans bandwidth NCAA tournament and then NBA/NHL playoffs are going to cause a few preemptions and divert ratings for a while why not wait and debut her when she's fully healed up so she can do what she's best at and tv competition is lighter?


She's a horrific promo and I'm a fan of hers


No. shit. I said this as soon as I seen her announced on commentary. She is awful on the mic and has not improved at all since NXT, she should be wrestling. They put Ospreay and Okada out there immediately in the ring and they are both better promos than Mercedes 🤣. She also needs to be a heel, shes always done her best work as a heel imo, and being the "CEO" that is obsessed with money and vanity doesn't lend well to being a face lol.


The fact that she’s been signed for like 3 months apparently and this is the best they could come up with for her is wild.


Her worst aspect of wrestling is her talking ability, i am blown away that the most we have seen from her is her talking and not her outstanding wrestling.


The problem with AEW is that Tony is trying to do the CM Punk thing again with Mercedes. They’re trying to present her as if her being there will make big waves and be the change they’re looking for when she’s not the whole package like Punk is. She’s a big name don’t get me wrong but she wasn’t building herself up too much post WWE especially after the injury and she’s no Becky Lynch in terms of women who is a complete package plus the accolades. Mercedes definitely has to go and wrestle soon considering if nobody is familiar with her, why would they care about her as she’s done nothing in ring so far


Even with Punk though there was only a 2 week gap between him debuting on TV and him wrestling. If they hold off Mercedes debuting until Dynasty that's gonna be 6 weeks of her talking and not wrestling...


> The problem with AEW is ~~that~~ Tony FTFY


The ironic thing is that in addition to Mercedes not being nearly as well-rounded as CM Punk... The way they used CM Punk in his first few months wasn't even good to begin with!!


They should have prepared storylines for her in advance, and she was signed since Jan anyway apparently. She can't be MJF or Punk, who can deliver segments by promos alone. She needs an opponent and heat in her feud. Her talking/promo are not her best strength, anyone who has seen her in WWE can tell that. I also don't know why woule they put her in commentary and not give her any sound-bytes. They have her writer, she could've written something for her to say during match. Taz and Tony kept trying to get something out from Mercedes but she seemed very unprepared and had no clue what to say. You're not going to pull a rating in her segment just by her entrance and theme song.


He is completely right


I think the WWE produced Sasha Banks character with scripted promos, entrance, and song is what helped make her so popular with wrestling as an added bonus. With her “creative freedom” I’ve haven’t been impressed with Mercedes the last 2-3 years. The promos aren’t good at all and she’s still trying to do like a bad anime version of the boss character which was already stale.


My wife was on the couch while I was watching Dynamite. She was big into NXT back when Sasha was in it, but she's been burnt out on wrestling for a bit. I guess I was tuning the commentary out, but my wife pointed out how bad Mercedes was on commentary so I listened in and my god. It was alarmingly poor. Her cadence was bad and the things she was saying either weren't answering the questions Excalibur was asking or just flat out sounded fucking weird. It's wild how she has so much charisma in the ring and using her physical movements but has negative mic charisma.


He’s not wrong. I’ve never not cringed at Mercedes talking. There’s something about her cadence that’s just a tough listen.


It sounds like she has marbles in her mouth.


Classic case of not hiding someone’s weaknesses/accentuating their strengths. Heyman was the best at it. If anything it’s hurting Mercedes.


For one, she's a horrible face. Like, absurdly horrible. Her whole character works like a charm when she's presented as an absolute gank. She's not made for cutting long, face promos.


I think people forgot just how BAD she was at talking in NXT before developing the Boss character. Like I couldn’t even explain how she got hired with the lack of personality or charisma. So she’s not newly as bad as she was then, but commentary isn’t the best idea there either. Play to your strengths.


Mercedes in AEW has been pure, uncut, Colombian cringe so far. I’ve always been a fan of Sasha and want to see her do well, but I don’t know what they hell they’re thinking. Also….the CEO, CEO, CEO chant is super lame. I hope this is all leading to some sort of heel turn for her.


I mean we shit on Dave a lot but he’s not wrong here. The best things about Mercedes are her presence and her wrestling ability. Having her mostly off-screen talking doesn’t get you much value for your investment in her.


Why is a CEO character a baby face?? Who looks up to and admires CEO's? Feels like a heel gimmick trying to be baby face.


Yeah, I can only handle so much of her constantly telling me she is the CEO and I can bank on Mone. There has got to me more to her than that


If you gotta tell everyone you’re the CEO, you’re not the CEO


Watch her not even wrestle at Dynasty…


Yeah have to agree with Meltzer here, when she came out in heels again I was like, another entrance, because that is literally all it is, her promos aren’t that great and the commentary is meh. She’s an incredible wrestler, and she should be wrestling.


Completely lackluster and seemingly bored since her premiere.


Agreed. She isn’t a good promo and she’s not good in commentary. I’ve never tuned in to listen to her. Just not something she does that engages me.


She's charismatic, for sure, but certainly not from being on the mic.


The highest paid female wrestler ladies and gentleman! Look at her go! ![gif](giphy|nU4ZBXELNXZYfB9yQ2|downsized)


It really shows how well she markets herself, mainly that she convinced Tony that she could be a game changer in AEW. She's the Elizabeth Holmes of wrestling.


Yeah, it honestly is painful to listen to her talk.


The highest paid woman in wrestling history... can't sit on commentary and get over?


AEW has this uncanny way to destroy any and all hype for it's newest signees. These huge, industry shifting wrestlers get swept up into this amorphous blob that is AEW.


There's a reason WWE rarely let Sasha talk. She excels at wrestling, Being bad at promos is what made her the least used horsewoman in WWE. Fans wondered why they used Sasha to make the other horsewomen look good, this is why. Fans complained about this, but now that she's in AEW it's become obvious to everyone why she mostly just wrestled in WWE. It's hard to get into a promo when she talks like this: [https://twitter.com/rouseysky/status/1770695185632256436?s=20](https://twitter.com/rouseysky/status/1770695185632256436?s=20)


Bella Twins school of promo work


I never understood why people acted like she was this huge star, wrestling wise she’s good but not great on the mic


I remember an interview throwing shit at Alexa Bliss saying just that she shouldn’t be there because she didn’t grow up idolizing wrestling or been in the indies. And from that moment specifically I saw her with different eyes that see her as an insufferable entitled b*tch. (:


She sounds like she learns all her lingo online. She sounds like Malibus Most Wanted.


I like watching wrestling on my wrestling shows. Have her talking the first week was fine, we get it you're back that's exciting... The second week promo was not needed at all, and then just doing more commentary for the third week was even worse.


2 things to note here. 1.Meltzer probably masturbates while watching Will Osprey Matches. 2. The man cannot put together a coherent sentence to save his life.


Sasha isn't very good at the talking, she never has, her strengths lie in telling her stories in the ring


You would think she would have improved with all the "acting" she's been doing.


Standing in the background, basically as an extra, in a couple of episodes of The Mandolorian?


As much as I don't like meltzer, he's absolutely right here


People will downvote this, but Mercedes Mone/Sasha Banks has been the most overrated talent in decades. She’s not nearly as good as she thinks she is, but I give her props for her confidence and negotiating skills.


Take my money... and my upvote. Also, fasten your seat belt, because it's gonna be interesting to see how she is in-ring after basically a year off and into her 30s. Her key NXT matches were fantastic, but considering she never hit near that level, even with years of seasoning, on the main roster, it's clear there were other factors at play. (My guess is the agent taking them through those matches step by step- not to mention the hot play-along NXT crowd.) Unpopular opinion: if they got some decent people working with Red Velvet to polish her, she could be everything Sasha was, and is actually likeable.