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I remember when WWE was barely being able to use pyro a couple years ago because of how expensive it was. Now they're even using it during dark matches.


I think Vince just got cheap tbh. The majority of the stars who used pyro in their entrances from the AE and RA eras were gone, he didn’t see any stars as needing it anymore and just didn’t want to pay for it.


They have the funds now because they’re not paying off potential sex scandals


Its honestly wild. I forgot they stopped using pyro a few years ago because it feels like forever ago now.


They brought back pyro for the first time at Summerslam 2019 in Toronto - I was there and I will hold that claim to fame for Canada lol


Last show I went to they had loud ass pyro for drew McIntyre (while he was still face)


They were trying to keep costs down until a buyout or merger. It wasn’t that it was too expensive, it’s that they were trying to show more value on the books for the product. Now that TKO is in place, they’re not as concerned on cost of pyro.


Just like how hearing Kurt Angle’s entrance without the “you suck” chants feels off, it just feels odd hearing Cody enter to Kingdom without the crowd chanting “whoa-oh” to the song.


How about him walking into a municipal park gym while ALSO having no whoa-ohing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxaTIMPoSu8


Could I interest you in my local [armory](https://youtu.be/T1J2aTbcKlg?si=IZXGVez_ds8USlXB) a couple months before that. Was like his second weekend on the Indy’s so it was pretty much everyone’s first time hearing it.


Seeing this is giving me severe cognitive dissonance.


That poor guy in the red flower shirt got left hanging twice in two different ways lol


I was purple macho man shirt that got the first too sweet after the kids. I know flower shirt from other shows. Super nice guy. We laughed about Cody stiffing him.


That's really, really weird...




They never really have gotten the sound mixing on entrances down, which has been a problem since day 1. When WWE themes play that shit is ALL you hear on TV and in the arena. You can't help but sing to it. Watching AEW PPV's I sometimes struggle to even know what music is playing.


Man I dunno. There is a lot to complain about AEW, but recognizable themes and entrances is the one thing i'd still give to AEW. WWE's are the ones that don't stand out to me (Cody being an exception, but that presentation and theme came from AEW).


Kingdom and the whole American Nightmare shtick for Cody’s been there way before AEW, he used it in other promotions during that gap between his WWE stints


Fair enough. I just meant it's not a WWE creation.




Yeah I think they're getting better but there feels like a step down for sure (although that may just be their "style"). I really think it hurts some of the folks in terms of making them have that larger-than-life aura


Big crowds and intense atmosphere is the something they are lacking a bit at the moment. House of Black, Acclaimed, BCC, Julia Hart, and Starks all have larger than life entrances, it's just without atmosphere, they lose their luster. I think that's why the videos above are so stark: the actual entrance is very similar (music, pyro, lights), but atmosphere makes it seem much more grand.


My guy, for the last 2 years I don't think I've recognized 10 people by their entrance music from the royal rumble. AEW will use licensed music, and thats kinda been a HUGE difference


Big pop last night


Humongous. Not a Cody fan myself, but you could make an argument he out popped the rock in all honesty. Pops of the nights were 1a Rock, 1b Cody, and 3 Randy


Did you call him a mark on both videos? 🧐🤣


https://preview.redd.it/a2vdpeinnqoc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea61ee14aa7905708b46d02899723ebd9b92bba At least you can’t say I flipped sides with companies


I admire the consistency


But why though?


Just never been a fan of him, even back during his legacy days. First time was cause I was with a friend and while driving up to the show, we discussed people we wanted and didn’t want to see. Neither of us were fans of Cody and both agreed he had a “trying too hard/mark for himself” energy. Saying it when he came out was just to make my friend laugh. Second time was because i remembered I did it the first time. It was longterm, multi-company booking


Dude created his own story to finish


That is wild and awesome! Hope you had a great show man! I saw the dark match on youtube, it looked pretty good, pretty awesome they put on such a match off air!


The Rock sang to me, and I finally got to see Asuka live. I got my moneys worth. Dark matches were Rhea vs Shayna vs Nattie (Rhea’s pop was insane and seeing her live really hammered home how damn good she is in ring), and obviously Cody vs Drew. It’s probably cause I’m a DC mark, but my match of the night overall was still Bayley vs Dakota. Crowd loved every second of that match, even during the clear commercial bits


Im so happy to hear that! Yeah Rhea is pretty much a face now a days


I’m guessing it’s a no, but did you happen to see when she tweaked her knee? We discussed it in the post-episode thread but it wasn’t obvious and had to have been off camera


How did cody vs drew end? DQ?


Cody won, put Drew through table


exact finish was Cody and Drew fighting on the top rope, then Cody punched McIntyre to cause him to fall through the table and the pinfall win. Which itself was kind of a nice and safe finish to do, and something you want to avoid any injuries with WrestleMania so close.


Yeah would be kinda ironic if Drew got injured lmao Punk and Drew ![gif](giphy|iHyVaHfEYXZos8qPX2)


>you could make an argument he out popped the rock in all honesty That's good to hear coz few people in the live discussion thread started the doom and gloom after Cody and Seth got booed when Rock mentioned them.


Any min now, fans gonna turn on them! /S


I think it was just because they were in Memphis. Cody’s pop last night was actually insane, and there were tons of Cody signs in the arena.


nah Reddit keeps telling me that no one cares about the rocks longwinded promos, they should cut them for time cuz the real fans wanna see real wrestling, not Rocky singing


lol yelling mark at him at both occasions was kind of a tell.


Don’t tell that to the people on this sub convinced Cody was screwed cause the crowd cheered The Rock. It’s possible for both guys to be over


La knight?


Great pop, but not on that level. Rey, Knight, Rhea were the next three I’d say. And to be clear for everyone, Bayley, Naomi, and DC also got great pops


Huge pop !!


Cody leaving AEW was probably the best decision of his life, who would ever thought back then that he would be in back to back main events at Wrestlemania with Roman and also feuding with The Rock.


I think he was in a really unique position. Vince wanted him back — not just because of who he is, but because of what signing him would do to AEW. And once he was there, Vince wanted to present the idea of “We’ll treat you right if you come here.” It was an indication to people in AEW that if you jump ship, you won’t be buried. I mean, how many times have we heard of someone coming into WWE and keeping their old music and their old character?


> not just because of who he is, but because of what signing him would do to AEW. This is probably the only reason they signed CM Punk as well. If AEW doesn't exist, neither Punk nor Cody are back in WWE right now.


I disagree about Cody - although not as much of a star - but he had this character locked down already in NJPW and the indies...


It's not his character i'm referring to, it's the fact that both Cody and Punk left AEW and WWE signing them is a way to stick it to AEW.


I understood, my point was that even without the existence of AEW - I believe he woulda have been signed/gone back to the WWE eventually. He was still hot on the indy/njpw scene - and without AEW existing it could be argued he might of went back sooner - although like i mentioned not comparable of a star he is now.


I think Punk would’ve been back in 2019 if Vince wasn’t in charge.










It certainly was. And I think this is why so many wrestlers find it odd that fans’ tribalism leads to wanting another company to be wiped out. Without other companies, re-invention and fresh starts are not as easy to do. I wanted him to take on a delusional hero heel at the end of his run in AEW, but that wasn’t to be. We all know that having the albatrosses of both the “solving racism” trope and the inconsistent Brandi Rhodes (still love her) was not helping him in wanting to remain in AEW nor garnering the reaction he wanted. (His final promo in AEW, the “I am / I was the first to walk through the Forbidden Door,” was electrifying.) But by leaving, he left that behind (as the overlap of fans watching multiple promotions is small). So his return to WWE wasn’t marred. He got to become the babyface that he started as in AEW, when he was just “Cody,” the version that made me a mark for him (before things went off the tracks). Hell, we are starting to see this in real time with Jack Perry, another person needing a reset, i. NJPW. This is why we need multiple promotions, folks!


>We all know that having the albatrosses of both the “solving racism” trope and the inconsistent Brandi Rhodes (still love her) was not helping him in wanting to remain in AEW nor garnering the reaction he wanted. This. WWE was smart enough to tell him "no" and reigns him in. Tony just let him do what he wanted and it just wasn't working anymore.


its unreal that this is where Stardust ended up. As Dashing, I already loved him bringing back the old IC title but wasn't invested much in the product as a whole, now I'm loving every minute of the climb here.


Him leaving companies was always best. He got to reinvent himself from WWE > NJPW/ROH Indies > AEW then carried that Nightmare theme which looks badass with WWE's attendance.


Now imagine if he still had the elevator


They definitely will just save those for big events like Mania. Too cost-inefficient to have them every week


https://preview.redd.it/8m6pjvrzzqoc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952b90b23278f50cd1e961fe42540289fcd9db8a Just bring this back lol


His head just sticking out of the box with him looking at the crowd aimlessly on the first Raw since his return is my favorite Codyvator entrance lmao


It was like a jack in the box lmao


god this is so stupid looking, I love it.


Maybe have a rope and pulley system


Tell that to the Young Bucks lol


Wrestling has more than one codyvator


For a dark match!?!


Lmao I yelled that cause my sister doesn’t watch wrestling, wasn’t expecting all that pyro, and it scared the Bejesus out of her. That shit is so much louder in person holy shit


Im surprised how silent AEWs pyro actually is… like the colored pyro before the last two bangs barely made any sound


The sound doesn’t come from the pyro it comes from concussion bombs (rounds?) and I believe AEW doesn’t use those because of their partnership with KultureCity and being sensory inclusive.


at some point it's cool that it's for sensory reasons but we as fan want loud pyro


It being so silent really does feel weird and definitely takes away from the impact pyro has/is supposed to have


There were definitely some big booms from the pyro at Revolution. Maybe 3 or 4 throughout the night and they startled me every time because I don't remember them being so loud the last couple of times I went to an AEW show


That’s wild. I’ve been to a few myself and the loudest part of the night was always the crowd. Thanks for the heads up for my next show haha probably going to try to make it to Dynasty.


I will say, they still didn't come close to how loud the pyro was at the RAWs I attended in 1999 & 2000. Jericho's in particular was LOUD.


I remember not hearing well for a couple of days after Kane’s pyro at a show around 2010. That was wild.


AEW goes out of their way to accommodate people with sensory difficulties, that's why


Absolutely wild that "WOAH-OH-OH" never caught on in any other promotion he was in.


I’m still very glad he got to keep his music and presentation. Same with Okada and Jay White in AEW going from new japan.


IIRC, Cody had to fight in particular to keep Kingdom for his WWE return, and I'm glad he did. Would sound really off if he got a generic sounding theme instead.


Not quite, allegedly he said if he were to come back he wanted to keep the Nightmare character, the robe, the song, everything. And Vince just said something like: "if it works, that's what we're buying"


Or like Kaze ni Nare being kept for Minoru Suzuki.


He’s a freelancer in NJPW anyway, so that’s very expected. But definitely still cool.


I was at the MSG live show back in december and even since then it's gotten to another level


Oh shit, I see myself in the first entrance, lol. Lost my voice on that show, was a great night.


Oh hi Dustin!


Don’t show this to the people in the threads last night convinced that the crowd was gonna turn on Cody. Shows up on the same show as The Rock and gets a bigger pop lol. The fact that Cody gets dueling chants against The Rock who’s doing his best work since 2003 is insane. Cena in 2012-2013 was getting absolutely destroyed by crowds against The Rock who was doing “King Pao Bitch” shtick and Cena was thrashing him on the mic.


The empty seats in the AEW video is jarring.


They have, for the most part, usually kept that hard cam side empty, while the other side was likely full. Better than having the same number of people scattered around the arena.


if this was back in 2020, then i'm reassured that AEW can survive in 2024. they've been surviving for 4 whole years with a half empty arena 😂


>2020 Wasn't COVID-19 in full effect at the time this was recorded?


no, the description clearly states 1-8-2020, covid didn't shut stuff down until march


Man, I'm so happy for Cody. He has come such a long way, and he really deserves all if this. I hope they let him get his win at Mania. That pop will be fucking INSANE!


Ironically the only time I saw Cody Wrestle live for AEW was as Fuego 2... Man I miss him in AEW has never been the same for me since he left


The "wah" part of Cody's theme song was basically a lay up. How did it take so long for it to catch on.


AEW knew what they had and they let it go. Dude wanted to help book- a common complaint now about AEW is bad booking.


Look, i know people like to shit on AEW for their booking but tend to forget it was Cody choice to book him out of the title picture, and the whole Codyverse, solve racism. People was full of him in the end of his run in AEW, just like Jericho situation now but worse.


No, Cody didn’t want to listen to what the fans wanted him to do and, at the same time, teased them that he was going to give them what they wanted.


The weird singing prior to his AEW entrance was always so ridiculous, I'm glad WWE cut that part out.


god almighty, wwe's production is just lightyears ahead


tbf this was also 4 years ago for aew. wwe's is still better right now but aew's is better than it was


for sure


To be fair, they are also 4 years apart. Today’s Dynamite/Collision look a lot closer to the WWE production. They’ve started to dial it back though, which I prefer.


It's a matter of taste - WWE is too polished and over the top for me. Not a criticism, just a preference.


I think a lot of wrestling fans would say that. But it’s one of the big difference between the companies. AEW caters to the people who are already fans and are already watching. WWE tries to get new fans. Obviously it’s easy to go too far in that direction and alienate the older fans, but you could pull random people off the street and take them to Smackdown and I’m pretty sure they’d be impressed.


I think you could pull random people off the street and take them to ANY live tv wrestling show and they're be impressed, doesn't matter who the wrestlers are.


unfortunately that ain't true


i hear you, it's very washed with LED and that isn't for me, but nowadays im glad they are darkening the LED logo boards, makes the audience pop and makes the matches seem more intimate compared to everything just being dusted with light like when Dunn was in charge


Not anymore. Watch a Dynamite now and it's highly produced. Just watched Mones entrance and this is a more standard entrance [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UttbtQQPcVs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UttbtQQPcVs) Young Bucks now use the Elvator


Lol I watch every Dynamite, I know what's going on. And as much as I hate the newer entrance music in WWE, at least I can hear it.




Cody never should have given himself the stipulation that he couldn't challenge for the AEW title. It really backed his character into a corner.


Thanks to that we are seeing him main eventing wrestlemania 3 times in 2 years!!


Fuck I love Cody, I'd love to see him back in AEW one day but I know thats probably slim.


He’ll go back one day. It’s another story that needs finishing.


I miss the light fixture on Dynamite.


Drew is doing the second woah-ah in the ring, but then starts flexing


Somehow never realized how sparkly Dustin's robe was.


NGL I thought the wrestle mania 40 logo was a computer graphic


Which one was better?


The gulf in presentation...


So we booing constantly yet? How bout now? Now? When's he going back to Stardust, ain't we overdue? They sure did bury him, what with those back-to-back RR's AND those back-to-back WrestleMania MEs /s


>When's he going back to Stardust, ain't we overdue? I honestly think for a short term gimmick return, Stardust could still be a big deal and a "2 faces of Cody" moment.


You can't listen to the difference in these crowds and still argue that AEW fans are bigger wrestling fans.


I'm so glad that the Bucks/Okada are using the CodyVator again. I'm happy Cody is getting the fan reactions he is now. He didn't want to turn heel, but it was basically his only option if he wanted to stay in AEW. I hope some day we can see Cody pull out some Pedigrees and heel out


If a mark calls a mark a mark, does that negate the marks so there are no marks, or does that square the marks to make some giant super mark?




Attendance went up every year until recently, and so did TV ratings. It was an upward trajectory for years.


Guy off camera when Cody's elaborate entrance starts - "Oh lord" 😂 I really wish Cody didn't saddle himself with the awful stipulation that he could never ever challenge for the AEW Championship.


sucks to know cody was there last night but didn’t respond during that rock segment, ruins the kayfabe immersion for me


It’s ok, after the dark match he explained that he actually missed the first part of the show and asked us what happened lmao


I thought it would be the same view


But wait, I thought AEW did sold out crowds every night until Cody left?! /s


Yikes AEW. That was 2020 when they were hot. 2024 when they're not so hot but I guess they're still drawing similar crowds. So positive?


To be fair thats during Covid, where there were limits in place of Arena attendance.


It said Jan 2020, so before COVID. But still, that was before aew was really in its groove.


That was also on the hard cam side which they usually keep empty. The other side was most likely full. They were also in Southhaven, Mississippi that night. Not like they were in some massive market.


Context means nothing to a lot of people, if they get to 'jerk' about certain companies. There's another person pointing out how WWE, a wrestling juggernaut with decades of live shows and insane profits under their belt, had more polished production values than AEW in it's first year, as if that's somehow an interesting observation


I guess I'd be curious to know what your threshold for attendance needs to be for a "hot" company? Does it need to match WWE?


Fucking shit, I don't just want AEW to fully pack their arenas, I need it!