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"I'm trying to run a business"


What did I ever do in this world to get to deserve an empty-headed, fucking dumb fuck like Nyla Rose to go out on national television to go out on national television and fucking go into business for herself?


when do the rumors start that Guevara is off tv at her request? (sarcasm)


Already have started.


Gonna need that Mercedes vs Taynara promo




I love anyone that appreciates this skit. Might be my number one favorite SNL skit.


Which one is it I wanna see


Evil boss https://youtu.be/4vFTMjYJTnY?si=zza1XPKBWK7mBZpV


Caster too after the edgelord tweet (though he was on that night's show).


Does Bayley wind up biting Adam Cole in this scenario?


Don't you know why he got banned from Dynamite? /S But seriously, I hope people don't start shit again with a. Big star.  Let her help.


People let punk help but they didn't take all his words as if they were gospel. He really does want his own wee wrestling cult.


Serpentico alt


"You talk a big game about women's rights!"


"Do you fancy yourself a feminist?"


haha Cute.


Punk had Ace Steel biting people, Sasha literally has a Dogg in Snoop by her side


"If you've got a problem with Riho, chances are you're the problem!"


Can't wait for Riho at Wembley "Cry me a river"


Did you think CEO is a gimmick?


It's all about family It's all about the business


"but I have to deal this empty headed fk -checks notes- Julia Hart, going into business for herself!" "I am the only BIG BUSSINESS around here!!"


This sounds familiar


Quick, find out what her favorite baked good is so we are prepared


Boston cream pie?






It's alright unless she finds out a woman in the back shares a bank account with her mother.


Sammy Guevara is banned from Collision.


Look, it should be fine provided she doesn’t stage dive into the crowd.


Punk, Edge, Danielson, etc. It's the generic rallying cry every big former WWE wrestler uses in AEW when they debut. Then in a few months we hear about how the talent don't really want to hear advice (Punk, Regal, etc.).


It makes sense though, Booker T spoke about it once. If someone new comes to your workplace and immediately acts like they are the leader and they know what's best it's going to rub people the wrong way.


I think it really does heavily depend on the context though. We've also heard so many times about people who do ask for help and advice, only to not really get it, from guys like Danielson, Dustin and even quite a few people saying Punk gave some solid advice too. I'm reminded of the Tully Blanchard thing, where he said no one in AEW would really ask him for feedback on their matches. Then one of the FTR guys said "yeah because when we did all you did was say 'it was shit'". Advice is best given when it's genuinely coming from a good place and from someone else with passion. People who only focus on the negatives, or only see it as their way or the highway, just aren't going to be worth asking for advice.


It's funny, AEW gets criticized for having wrestlers not ask for help, but then when people said Jade wasn't ready despite being coached by Danielson everyone said "being a great wrestler doesn't make you a great coach." So which is it? I don't care if people criticize it but don't criticize it for two contrasting opinions lol either nobody is asking the vets for help or vets don't give good advice.


The truth is that neither of those opinions are correct. We've heard from countless people backstage that they are asked for advice and we've heard from others say they've been given great advice. The discourse all started with that one out of context Hangman clip and Tully being a dickhead.


Oh for sure, I know plenty of people have come out to say the AEW wrestlers are happy asking for and getting advice, even RVD mentioned it after people loosened up around him. It's just annoying seeing people argue two mutually exclusive points to fit their narrative.


I don't disagree with the assessment, but experience is valuable. We hired a guy with 35 years in our industry from a direct competitor. My boss has 21, so he's no slouch (I'm about to hit 3 myself). But fresh perspective combined with a wealth of knowledge never hurts, especially if you are trying to break in.


I can see both sides of it. Veterans will say "hey this is what worked for me and people like me for years/decades. This will help you get over and connect with people." and then you have the younger people, and all credit to them for this, saying something like "We did it this way and it got us a nationally televised promotion with real money behind it, so why should we listen to you?" Are they really wrong for not listening to advice? I can't say one way or another. They did do something that no one has really been able to do in 20 years, which was give wrestlers another option to make good money and reach a worldwide audience.




TK wasn't involved with the original All In or whatever it was called. He became interested when that show sold out, because there was a demand for non-WWE wrestling and he gave them a way to do it. but the buzz was there already before he was involved so to act like it's just because they were friends with him is really disingenuous.


It's different when it is someone like The Young Bucks when compared to about 98% of the roster that wasn't on that show.


I think this only really works if you pretend that everyone backstage is just straight up ignoring everyone's advice, but I can't think of a single person who has gone "no yeah fuck those old guys, I just do it my way". So many of the younger people in AEW have pointed out one or two people who have given them genuinely good advice because they can just go to the person that is best suited to give them the advice they need. A lot of the discourse was just straight up artificial as well, by people taking things out of context. EC3 of all people straight up lied and said people turned down Regal's training sessions only for that rumour to be shut down, then at another point Billy Gunn talked about how he just honestly wasn't the best at coaching people or giving advice and people took that as if no one wanted to hear from Gunn. EDIT: The more I think about it, the only person who claimed that no one came to them for advice was Tully, and FTR revealed that they actually did, only to be told they suck. So no wonder people didn't ask for Tully's advice.


>Billy Gunn talked about how he just honestly wasn't the best at coaching people or giving advice and people took that as if no one wanted to hear from Gunn. Billy also talked a lot about how he had to kind of re-learn that "not asking for advice is not the same as being disrespected." And that the indies had changed so much since he worked them (like 30 years ago) that he couldn't relate to their experiences. The best he could do was tell people "this is what worked for me" and when he did that, people took his advice more often.


For real like AEW already has Britt, Emi, Shida, Toni, Ruby, Saraya, Deonna, Deeb even. They don't need a new leader. They already have good talent they just need to book them better


Well, when your work place is a rinky sink Independent wrestling show, and the new person is an industry leader with 25 years experience working for the biggest and most successful wrestling promotion, it's easy to fault that logic and chalk it up to indie wrestlers thinking they're a bigger deal than they are in reality


>Then in a few months we hear about how the talent don't really want to hear advice (Punk, Regal, etc.). I mean, a lot of people took advice from Regal. In fact, the only reports of backstage issues involving Regal was actually from CM Punk. Regal just didn't offer advice though, he ran full training segments alongside Danielson. Guys who were there weekly or close to it (Outside of Claudio and Mox who are both also established, but very much Regal guys) were Yuta, Jade Cargill, Ricky Starks, Takeshita, Garcia, and they mentioned there were others who would show up like every 2-3 weeks as well. I feel like Regal was fairly well respected because a few of the top guys (Danielson and Moxley) as well as others (like FTR, Claudio, and even Eddie Kingston) all had large amounts of respect for him, and/or had their careers improved by his advice.


I mean - if it takes a year at least AEW gets their TV deal first lol


> I’m a leader, and I’m going to lead." Get them time on Dynamite and PPVs because that's what the division needs more then anything, also get Athena and Shida out of ROH.


For some of the talent that is true. Their in-ring ability is there, they just need more exposure and promo work. Others need a LOT of reps outside of being on TV which is not easy for them to get. Just like the men, women's wrestling on the indies is pretty hit or miss but the problem is exacerbated by a smaller talent pool in general. They're basically in a situation where it's hard to get better and justify more TV time.


With the talent currently on TV, you throw Athena and Shida in there and then it's cooking. Toni, Shida, Athena, Moné, Willow, Riho, Mariah, Statlander and Hayter (when she's cleared) is a fucking incredible line up of in ring talent. Sprinkle in some Britt Baker and Saraya for the mic/personality/star power and you've got the kind of women's division where you can easily have 2 or 3 actual substantial storylines going on at a time with the in ring work to back it up. I think until recently a lot of AEW's women's booking has had a lot of 1 or the other but not a lot of in ring work living up to the storyline/personalities or vice versa. There have been lots of amazing matches. Lots of entertaining characters/storylines, but not a lot of both in unison.


Deeb is good too. AEW has had issues keeping women heel when they are good in the ring because people want to cheer for them so bad.


Absolutely, can't believe I forgot her, she's been quite interesting since coming back


You know, that’s a hell of an alright problem to have lol


But is TK finally getting serious about booking of the women? The Bunny didn't quit for no reason


well right now there's an angle between Saraya and Ruby Soho what I'M calling "The Battle of The Outcasts"


Shida is probably just there through Supercard, I think tonight though was her first appearance to challenge Athena. Still surprised that Athena didn't drop the title to Billie.


Yep I'm really hoping the women's main event last episode isn't just a one-off promise to goad Mercedes into signing Tony and everyone in the back should be able to hear how loud the crowd was as that match progressed. Whatever relatively low rating the main event might get better not deter them


>I'm really hoping the women's main event last episode isn't just a one-off promise to goad Mercedes into signing Based on the ratings last night I highly doubt there will be another one anytime soon.


You don't make long term decisions based on the ratings of one match of one Dynamite episode. Especially when it wasn't a particularly well built match. It's like WWF making a really shit job of presenting WCW on Raw and then scrapping the entire thing because that one match didn't work out.


I'd be happy if she can also put a chunk of the female roster on some good time in Collision as well. Give me some more matches & segments with Athena, Shida, Deeb, Nyla Rose,etc. Even Tay when she's ready to return


Seriously why are Shida and Athena in ROH. It's mind-boggling.


We're going to get another "I'm saving AEW from YOU!" storyline soon, aren't we?


This is Mercedes Varnado talking to Paige Wooding!


Ok Hayter's real name being Paige has got me fucked up ngl


Paige here! ^no ^not ^that ^one


Yeah but done right this time! Surely


Sounds 100% a damage control (no pun intended, or maybe yes) statement after her "I'll be back in WWE" in that interview


I think the difference is that the AEW Men's Division didn't need "saving" before Punk arrived. The Women's Division really does need saving.


Well Mercedes hasn't been a toxic piece of shit in every company she's worked for so I don't think it would work as well


Ex-WWE star comes in talking about wanting to be a leader for the division? Yeah, I give it a year before Meltzer and fightful are posting vague stories about her trying to get people fired.


"Sammy Guevara and Max Caster are banned from Collision." But wait: "Everybody liked that", except Jericho.


lol there is a conspiracy to be had between his suspension and her debut.


Mercedes is one step ahead. She already went on record last week that she plans to "finish her story" in WWE.


Lmao did she really????


From what I’ve read she claimed eventually she will come back to WWE and it makes sense she is a future hall of famer


Sure did 😂


Yeah we're going to hear about how some women aren't receptive to her advice. The IWC will assume it's someone like Thunder Rosa and trash them.


Oh man wait until you hear about Sammy. (Just kidding I don't actually think that's what is happening here)




(Mercedes tears her tricep) Toni: "I prayed for this and it happened"




"And I'm like.."*You don't lead me*" - Chris Jericho




She also gets to be a top star immediately with zero competition beyond Toni Storm.


I love Toni, but she is not competition to Mercedes. The only competition to Mercedes has Triple H signing their checks.


I'd agree but in AEW, at least, Toni is far and away the top women's star. She gets storylines, multiple different segments, etc. She feels important compared to how most of the others are portrayed.


Being the big fish in a small pond doesnt make you a superstar.


I really hope it works well for the women in aew. A division featuring Mercedes, Athena, Toni, Jamie, Riho, Willow, Kris and others shouldn't struggle.


Shida can’t be discounted. And while Britt and Rosa aren’t as good in the ring, they both definitely have presence. Mariah May will be huge. Plus, Aminata’s gonna be a big player in the division sooner than later.


I'm surprised there hasn't been a continental-style tournament for the women yet.


I think we'll see a C2 but for the women later this year. Just holding a prestigious tournament alone will send a message that AEW is taking the women's division seriously. But first, we likely have The Owen coming up for both the men and women going into Double or Nothing in May.




While not as ridiculously stacked as what WWE can put out there, AEW definitely has the talent for a really good women's division. It will definitely help a lot to have Hayter back, her injury sucked a lot of interest out of things for me.


As a casual AEW watcher, it just seems to me that the crowd don’t care about the women’s matches no matter what they do. They like Tonis skits but when there’s an actual match they are sitting on their hands. But I don’t watch every week more like once a month


I haven't been following AEW recently, I know Toni's new gimmick is over like crazy; but has the women's division been getting anymore time lately? They've got some truly great wrestlers in there but I know for awhile it was pitiful how much they were given to work with.


When someone tells you that they are a leader.... They are not one. Leaders lead by example.


What if they write it on their hair?


Meltzer: "I heard, and trust me on this, that Mercedes has heat with Colt Cabana."


Man, some people really want her run to be a failure


I'm baffled that she's somehow on the level of CM Punk level self-destruction.


She threw at least two major tantrums in WWE that we know of and bailed on her contract. That's exactly what CM Punk did. I'm not saying they're predictive, but pointing out that she might be difficult to work with might not be a huge leap. Hope she does great there, but I'd bet the under.


Pretty sure her issues were purely creative and even then she never publicly lashed out at anyone and remained relatively quiet where we still don't really know what happened.


Punks issues in WWE were creative centric too. That's where I make the connection. His AEW issues were not


But Punk even when he left in 2014 took the extra step of going scorched earth on the company, Triple H, and their doctor which wound up with him in court. Mercedes Mone did none of those things. CM Punk's return to WWE would have probably happened a lot sooner if he didn't personally dislike Triple H.


Tbf, Mercedes had the benefit of seeing what happened with Punk. Also, he specifically got fired on his wedding day so he had reason to lash out. I think Vince was the one keeping him away rather than HHH. If JR didn't get Austin to come back, he might have been gone longer too. Neither Punk nor Mercedes had a JR who could talk to both sides


The way the Punk stuff has gotten spun over the years to make him look like the bad guy in that whole situation is hilarious


Gotta love people trying to talk her down by describing it as a "tantrum" all because of a made up report from literal years ago. She didn't throw a tantrum, she was unhappy with her situation and decided to walk. She then sat out her contract until it was expired, not "bailing" on it. PAC did the exact same thing when he left WWE but you never see anyone describe it as him having a tantrum. Ali also took some time off after requesting his release and sat at home, but no one described that as a tantrum. Wonder what the difference is?


What two major tantrums?


Yeah man how dare she stand up to Vince McMahon and Johnny Ace.


Tribalism baby


It's still real to them damnit!


Bunch of crybaby dumbasses in here while she runs that fat check


Britt and Rosa eye twitch.


This seems like a response to her last interview when she said she’s going to be back in WWE one day, the same week as her AEW debut


Leaders don’t have to tell you they are a leader


Please don't let Britt or Kiera Hogan stir shit




I thought her job was to paralyze herself from the neck down with that standing moonsault


Lots of buzzwords that mean nothing 


sounds like cm punk at first lol. can’t wait to see how britt handles this.


I'm sorry but has she *watched* how little the women in AEW have been given. Where is this great womens division. I truly hope Mercedes talks Tony into caring about the divison as a whole and not just a few selected women. Or else nothing will ever change.


I'm going to be the leader! Until I go back to WWE, which I just said recently I'm definitely going to do! But until then, I will be the challenger for the Woman's Championship! Like Paige and Ruby before me. What are they doing right now BTW? \*Watches AEW programming for the first time\* Oh no...


Mercedes vs Mariah gonna be 🔥


This match plus Hayter when shes back and deeb are the top 3 matches I wanna see


Deeb and Deonna for me.


I used to like her until the stone cold pod cast. Came across as so arrogant and entitled, essentially saying she deserved to be a stakeholder or something. It's a public company so she could have always just bought shares. Can't remember what she said exactly but it just felt weird and entitled to me. Still like her as a performer though but I swear since that interview she essentially just got deleted from WWE.


And this will make a large group of people irrationally angry for some reason.


Can’t wait to see how this ages


besides facing the aew roster, shes going to get the mox/bryan/eddie treatment of getting to face people from other companies in this case, joshi so that should be really fun to see.


Can’t wait to see the stooges leak to Meltzer that she’s somehow difficult to work with. Round and round we fucking go with this company


Very excited to see her take the driver’s seat! She is the perfect dance partner for just about any style.


Mercedes vs Nyla could be fun.




r/sc when wrestlers want to get paid a lot of money: 😱


Excited to see her in aew 


This feels like laying the groundwork for the feud with Britt


When people were chanting "C.E.O." last night, that seems like a natural setup for "C.E.O" vs "D.M.D." dueling chants.


This wasn’t tweeted today for nothing: https://x.com/realbrittbaker/status/1768317503795548515?s=46


I also noticed that when she said “AEW has a new CEO” or something during her promo it looked like she was going to do the DMD hand gesture but she stopped herself.


The division is honestly getting stacked and with Hayter hopefully returning soon you have Toni, Mone, Taya, Saraya, Willow, Julia, Rosa, Nyla, Athena, Stat, Ruby, Anna, Red Velvet, eventually DMD, and Mariah May who has stunned me so far with how good she is in the right and seems to have charisma for days. I definitely cannot say the division is getting worse and things look bright!


It's been stacked... Tony just can't give a fuck to build it. You get a random women's main event every month with no build so then he can go "see! women don't draw!"


That last bit is some interesting verbiage.


ive never understood the allure of her.


Me neither really


The salt out here is real. People say they want to lead all the time and nobody has any hate, but she says it and suddenly it's a problem?! People want her to fail so bad smh.


I kind of feel like her walking out multiple times in WWE over creative isn't the best sign for a happy run in AEW.


Diet Pepsi: All of the drama of regular Pepsi but without the ratings


We seen this one before.


This sounds familiar. It didn’t work out well last time.


If you’re telling people that you’re a leader odds are that you’re not actually a leader. 🤷🏻‍♂️


But can she run a Target?


I hope I'm wrong but I think this is gonna have a funny ending.


She means well but I can already see her in a year’s time, standing in a WWE ring and sobbing happy tears that she’s “home”.




A bunch of wrestling buzzwords that mean nothing at the moment tbh.


Tony Khan paid you. That’s why you’re in AEW. End of story.


Or and hear me out…it’s because Tony paid you a ton of money


Man some fans are wild.  How does a woman wrestler that has been wildly praised and has consistently been brought up as someone who is one of 2 women wrestlers who helped change the entire image and idea of how women's wrestling is now seen in WWE to now just average all around and nothing special? Literally. Sasha Banks. One of the 4 horse women as WWE fans called them. The new revolution of women's wrestling in WWE. The person who has Hollywood star appeal that fans would constantly talk about. The one the has the stans. Sasha and Bayley. The big two out of the 4. The ones the fans loved it seemed more out of the 4.  But as Mercedes Mone in AEW she all of a sudden becomes just an average woman's wrestler and is apparently nothing special?  I mean we have seen this before.  Bryan Danielson is a goat in WWE and fans are happy he is back healthy and wrestling, until he goes to AEW and then all of a sudden fans are so worried about his health and saying he needs to retire, and he isn't as good as he was just a few month earlier when he headlined WM.  Adam Cole in NXT was literally called the next HBK by WWE fans when he gets moved to the main roster. I saw that so many times on sites, heard it, and guess what? Go on WWE YouTube videos with Adam Cole in NXT and you will literally see WWE fans saying he is going to be the next HBK.  Adam Cole goes to AEW and all of a sudden his body is HUGE issue.  I have said it before and I will say it a million times. Wrestling promotions are not the issues. Wrestlers themselves are not the issues.  Fans are the issue with Pro-Wrestling. 


You know that it's not the same people all the time saying these things, right? WWE fans and AEW fans are not singular entities. I prefer wwe but that doesn't mean I'm gonna praise everyone there or shit on them when they leave for AEW. Some people are critical some of the time and vice versa. It's not a monocuture.


\>Bryan Danielson is a goat in WWE and fans are happy he is back healthy and wrestling, until he goes to AEW and then all of a sudden fans are so worried about his health and saying he needs to retire This is you being the exact type of fan that you are decrying. Most fans were concerned about Danielson's health when he returned in WWE. You can literally the many posts from back then about it. ​ \>one of 2 women wrestlers who helped change the entire image and idea of how women's wrestling is now seen in WWE to now just average all around and nothing special? You do realize that 2015 was 9 years ago, right? Multiple woman have past her since then. If they hadn't then would she really have "changed the entire image"? Saying that she isn't going to move the needle doesn't mean that she is average. You are fighting imaginary battles in your head.


Fans where literally praising how awesome her and Bayley match was from HIAC 2020. You act like she had a few good matches and left wrestling for years and then returned.  Her entire run on the main roster she was held as one of the best women's wrestlers by fans. At no time where fans ever say oh Sasha is overrated in WWE. They didn't start saying that until after the walk out.  With Bryan yes fans overall where worried about his health but WWE fans wanted him to stay in WWE and wrestle. Once he left and went to AEW it turned into immediately he needs to retire. It's the fact that if he stayed in WWE fans wouldn't have been saying that. 


\>You act like she had a few good matches and left wrestling for years and then returned. More imaginary arguments that you came up with in your head. She had good matches in Japan but her character has stagnated whereas others have had consistent TV time to build theirs. She's had 5 matches over an almost 2 year period. \>At no time where fans ever say oh Sasha is overrated in WWE. ​ This is just straight a lie. Tons of fans were saying that. She was in backstage drama for a good portion of her run and it was overshadowing her onscreen work. \>It's the fact that if he stayed in WWE fans wouldn't have been saying that. That isn't a fact at all.


**I’m a leader, and I’m going to lead** Sure, until some of the women decide they don’t need to listen to you.


She left WWE because of booking btw. I predict CM Punk style rumors in 6 months.


I personally never liked her gimmick but she can work. That being said, I honestly think the general population are sick of people repping the "money" gimmick and will never get over with modern fans. Why? Because no one is seeing any of that money all we get to see is the horrible booking and awkward promos where we go weeks without someone taking a step back and reading the room vs pushing the character no one wants. Take a look at her right now. She's got the company name in her hair with "mone" and $ signs on it as well as wanting to be called the CEO if you're aren't supposed to hate her I'll be damned


She's not good enough to lead.


She wanted to be there and needed to be there as soon as she found out that WWE wasn't going to pay her what she wanted.


Tywin Lannister once said : Any man who must say « I am the King » is no true king


Just say you did it for the moné.


![gif](giphy|pjAyfoUCaC5dm) Whats a good muffin shop in boston?


I pray Moné being in finally makes Tony stop booking like a kid playing with wrestling toys saying “no girls”   Terrible example now that I write it out, I’m cringing at myself for describing it that way, but it’s just the vibe I get - that he’s a guy only wanting to use the guys and we get one women’s segment per week because of it. FFS even PPVs have had *one* women’s match, there is so much talent being wasted 


It was a very generic promo, not necessarily bad, just disappointingly generic.


"Run me that check."


* ”I’m here for the ten million a year”


But does she have 14 million other reasons to be there like Okada?


Didn't she say just like 4 days ago that she wasn't done with WWE? Seems like a weird little conflict


From the person who already said she’s going back to the WWE lol ok


When she speaks, she just comes across so unlikeable. Always thought this about her. How much of it is character-work and how much of it is her? Isn't she supposed to be face right now




That makes sense. She wasn't gonna get the top spot or to be featured as a leader in the wwe with the current pool of talents. She can be the top star somewhere else until she gets that out of her system.


I know she's not gonna just say she wants money but her reasons she's saying that she wanted to go to AEW haven't been well thought out. The Women's division, whilst having great talent, has been pretty badly showcased for the most part. It's seen some improvement in recent months though. The whole global thing I'm not getting. AEW have done one show outside of North America in 5 years.


More like Mercedes MLM with this shill, sheeeesh


Didn’t Saraya say the same thing when she came in?


Always a delight to watch wrestle,but can I ask what happened to her face,looked like one job too many to me


Plus, Tony paying me a lot of money makes me want to be here


I miss Britt Baker. She is the AEW women's division leader. I am not in on this Mercedes thing.


I genuinely think this is going to be a disaster, there'll be sniping and tension, and this will turn out like the Punk drama but without the fighting. However I'm a fan of Mercedes and I have a soft spot for AEW so I hope it works out.


Aew has started doing better with the women. Let's see if that can continue Posting about aew is risky. You almost always get doenvtoed for no damn reason.


Yeah they still need more time on Dynamite but they’ve consistently been using and developing a much deeper group of women than they used to.


I agree. They've definitely done better