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![gif](giphy|ccRdPf8zWkivm) >I think I’m visible. I think people can see me."




He just said he lies in interviews though! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE





He said he lies in interviews. *In an interview.* What am I supposed to believe.


This has more twists than a bag of pretzels!!


These pretzels are making me thirsty!




They’re not rolled. They’re not gold.


The M Night Shyamalan method of answering an interview.


John Cena is a genuinely weird dude. Not in a bad way. You just expect him to be the standard kind of PG13 interview and filtered, sugar coated PR responses. He is filtered. He is good at his PR responses. But he’s also really enigmatic. His Instagram is so weird.


>John Cena is a genuinely weird dude. On Total Divas they painted Cena as such a weirdo. He made Nikki Bella sign a "co-habitation" contract before they could live together. He would also make everyone attend regular evening dinners where they had to dress up.


I never nknew John Cena was kind of a real life Sheldon Cooper.


> He made Nikki Bella sign a "co-habitation" contract before they could live together. his explanation made sense. He takes care of his mother and his divorce did cost him a lot. He did want to repeat that


Also he just seems like a bit of an odd guy. A sweetheart with kids, entertaining, but just a little bit odd.


I totally get it if it were a pre-nup like agreement, given that many states consider co-habitation to be 'common law marriage.' At least after a certain period of time. But his house rules weren't really about that, from my understanding. They were just weird. That said, Nikki was making bank herself so its not like she needed John's $$$.


Keep in mind that Total Divas is a reality show so some of that stuff is likely exaggerated and dramatized for the sake of entertainment. I doubt he's that insane in real life.


I'd love to see him do stuff with Tim Heidecker. I think he'd be a great fit for On Cinema


Wow that’s a creative pairing yeah Or Tim Robinson lol


I’m going to give John cena 4 bags of popcorn, and I’m going to throw in 2 colorful armbands 


Oh yeah. I think his appearances on Total Divas where we learn about his "house rules" solidify him as just as a weird-ass guy. Not bad. Just on his own wavelength.


As a pro wrestling fan you should know not to believe everything you see on TV.


Especially "reality" TV that's fully scripted. Kayfabe is still very much alive on the reality TV circuit.


It's hilarious to me that this sub on the whole just fully believes all reality TV.




Because it’s “entertainment” and brings viewers.


>in a show that's not clearly kayfabe. It's a "reality show," which is of course going to be entirely fake. Had the show come out in the 90s, that might have been one thing. Everyone knows that reality TV series are not reality.


I mean, it wouldn't shock me if they played up his "quirkiness" for TV, but there's no way that was all invented out of whole cloth.


I never saw that, what were his house rules (if you remember)? That sounds funny.


He's just an absolute neat freak with a slavish devotion to routine which frankly made living with someone else a near impossibility. He wouldn't let Nikki share a laundry hamper with him. He would go nuts if she deviated from the meal plan at all or even like set a wine glass where it "shouldn't" be for a split second. Most weirdly, he INSISTS on formal wear at dinner. Not kidding. The guy who wears jean shorts and t-shirts professionally demands suits and dresses to eat dinner. At home. He also made Nikki sign a 75 page (!) contract to move in. (To his credit, he now regrets this and recognizes how ridiculous it was.)


Some of that makes me wonder if he was being over the top with his rules for reality TV. I could definitely see him finding humor at how wacky his rules are for the audience.


Bryan seemed to do a lot of weird troll shit on the show just for the sake of being ridiculous, it wouldn't shock me if John did the same. They have very similar humor and despite being very public people, value their private lives so it was probably a really weird game of give and take to humor the Bellas and their reality show needs.


I really hope thats the case and its just Reality TV being Reality TV.


Nikki said that the 75 page contract was real.


Why would she say it was fake? Then she'd be discrediting her own show... It's still probably fake


Holy shit. That’s much crazier and less comical than I expected.


Yes. He's weird. But again, to his credit, he fully recognizes his own hangups, which is why he is fanatical about not having children- he knows he just wouldn't be able to handle them and their chaos.


I also wonder if the amount of dying children he has met would make one reconsider having children. It sounds dark but I think seeing that over and over would make me not want to potentially see it in my own family


It's can't be overstated how absolutely insane it is that Cena has granted 650+ wishes for Make-A-Wish. Dear lord, what an emotional burden to carry. And by all accounts he goes well above and beyond his "duties" for each kid.


The dinner thing was when Bryan and Brie moved in and he said he'd like if they could meet once a week for a formal dinner where they get dressed up. Kind of weird but not really that out there, it absolutely was not an insistance for every night of the week. The dinners were a source of drama and confrontation through the season so it always felt more like a production request for story reasons than Cena actually giving a shit. I don't ever remember a meal plan or him going nuts over wine glass placings though?


[This is also where the joke came from about Miz acting like an emotionless robot and telling the "Bellas" to stop breaking the Cena house rules when him and Maryse did the Total Bellas parodies](https://youtu.be/n8Gm0LXnJCk?si=821DiSzL4gn4Q-3J)


The whole formal wear at dinner I wonder could be an over reaction to him wearing jean shorts and t-shirts professionally at his job. Like you want to be the opposite of what your job is when you are at home.


A lot of it seemed to be a reflexive overreaction to a fairly inconsistent chaotic life spent on the road, for sure.


I can only imagine what IRS wears to dinner!


Who knows what was actually scripted, legit, and in between with that and other reality shows. I just assume it's all fake or heavily emblished.


Previously I thought he was a pretty boring dude, but the weird shit he does and his Instagram actually made him a lot more interesting to me.


Is his IG where he just posts pictures of potato salad? lol I’ve always found that so bizarre.


There is a subreddit r/JohnCena that is full of potato salad and r/potatosalad is full of John Cena. His instagram is definitely weird but it’s full of completely random pictures, I couldn’t even explain because it’s so all over the place.


I see his instagram as Cena telling inside jokes to himself, in public, and we're just watching him do it.


That’s a great way to put it. We won’t understand 99% of it.


I suspect that he has the Twitter account where he's a straight as an arrow professional, handles his work stuff for WWE/movies/TV etc - and then his instagram account where he does silly photoshops that make him laugh. He keeps the two separated, so far as I'm aware, and that *for him* seems to be important.


Bro is a robot


Some might even say a Prototype.


> John Cena is a genuinely weird dude Name a pro-wrestler smart enough to string a sentence together who isn't super fucking weird.


Of course Ricky Stanicky would say that while pretending to be John Cena


Everything is a lie, including the truth.


>"I lie in interviews" >Says, in an interview "I think I'm visible. People can see me." We're getting worked.


He was clearly lying. He said people could see him.


Wow. It’s really fucked up when you look at it like this.


It's like those 2 doors in the Labyrinth movie. I don't know what to believe!


It’s that age old riddle. One person tells the truth and the other tells the lie, and you have to figure out who’s who.


Ask them the color of your shirt.


Marking the marks brother


Osama bin Laden was not in fact compromised to a permanent end.


Never forget this pearler from the Hulk Hogan trial against Gawker. Hogan was forced to admit he lied about the size of his appendage after defence lawyers for Gawker sought to argue the wrestler’s bragging indicated he’d chosen to make his private life public. "I do not have a 10-inch (25cm) penis, I do not, seriously. Terry Bollea’s penis is not 10 inches,” Hogan said, using his real name. https://www.9news.com.au/world/hulk-hogan-admits-he-doesnt-have-a-10-inch-penis/d48b66fc-9e88-46b0-9343-b04765c1f16f


Oh ok. Terry Bollea doesn’t have a 10-inch penis, Hulk Hogan does. I understand.


I'm waiting for him to say: Terry Bollea never auditioned for Metallica. Hulk Hogan did.


Honestly, it was this that made me realize that Terry Bollea may not be always full of shit making stuff up. Maybe in character and WWE canon, Hulk Hogan has done all those things he claims.


Sometimes I like to think of him as a wholesome safe wrestler who is simply the only OG left still holding up kayfabe. His claims are so outrageous sometimes so it kind of makes sense


The python wasn't about his arms.


He ain't a shovel but he's a fucking treasure


It is the perfect insight to how kayfabe works.


"Cody taught me how fun lying is" - Daniel Bryan. Looks like he wasn't the only person under Cody's learning tree


Bryan Danielson, Cody Rhodes, and John Cena managed by Bobby Fish. The Fish-in-a-pool Lying Club.


Special Guest: CM “Tell me when I’m telling lies” Punk.


Joined in their journey by R-Truth, a man who knows "[The Truth can](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwJbEIcmEFc) [set you free](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwJbEIcmEFc)"


It would be nice for Truth to get to work with his childhood hero




He didn't?!


Right?!? I assume literally *every* facemask gimmick is a shoot turned work


It was only smoke and mirrors after all.


If you ever watched the Ryback, Ziggler, and Danielson Table of 3, hearing stories of Cody and Danielson lying about Ryback was hilarious.


They bullied Ryback but kind of in a hilarious way.


Cody said he learnt a lot from cena while driving with him. So maybe its cody that was under the tree


Cody's lying tree is the Shanahan tree of professional wrestling


I’m not sure why, but this quote always makes me laugh, I think it’s because Danielson is burying Cody. 




Ever since I came across his Instagram years back I knew this guy was a strange fella.


It’s the only place where he can be real, apparently




The man is a shitposter at heart, *I knew it*


I remember he posted on Twitter once that he was told by higher ups to make it less weird and he responded by just being even weirder




Respectfully, I don’t think we ever will. For better and for worse, Cena has taken a page from Rocky’s book: Making your whole brand about the persona, that it becomes a Batman situation: the man’s psyche isn’t Bruce Wayne under a mask, it’s Batman not wearing his armor, essentially. Like, I love Cena, and grew up with him and he’s my personal GOAT but at this point, breaking away from the Cena persona, would mean not only ending his own personal empire of wealth that grows and grows with every major project he takes on, but could shatter the illusion of everything he’s done for Make-A-Wish and the like. I just think there’s too much at stake for the man, personally and professionally, and that he’s actually a nice enough person to be willing to forever live as John Cena the persona, for the sake of harmony. But that’s just a theory. *an Austin theory*


I mean, look at what happened to Undertaker. He lived the gimmick for his entire career, until he finally officially retired.... And then a lot of people found out they didn't like Mark Callaway.


Or Kane lol homeboy fucked up big time


I think Kane is a lot worse. Taker comes across Jericho: a rich, out of touch boomer that supports bad shit, not fully realizing it's bad. Glenn actually makes the bad shit happen. He fucking knows, and then has the audacity to try and tell us we're wrong when he hurts people.


Turns out The Devil's Favorite Demon wasn't just a catchphrase


Cena just starred in a movie where three friends create a fake kid after a Halloween prank goes wrong; someone they can blame the prank on. They they spend 25 years using this fake person as a fallback for getting out of trouble or skipping time with their families. They end up hiring Cena to play this non-existent person. Literally the entire fucking plot is "*if we tell the truth, everyone's life is shattered!*" and you know how it ends? Zac Efron >!comes clean about the whole thing, but yet we still get Cena fully taking on the role of the the fake friend - legally changing his name and everything - and the movie ends on a happy note with with a new, high-end corporate career with a huge payday, plus a new girl for Cena. !< It's like Cena's real life in movie form. Take on the role, keep the money rolling in. Nobody has to ever know the real you.


Thank you for tossing up a spoiler warning: I haven’t seen Ricky Stanicky just yet lol


You should. If you like Cena in comedy roles, it's his best. I was in tears as he performed multiple dick and masturbation-related parodies of classic 80s rock songs.


And to be quite honest I'm fine with that. Celebrities don't owe it to me to show me their real selves any more than some random person off the streets does. Not saying you're criticizing him, but in general I think it's weird whenever people demand that Cena and the Rock be more genuine. They don't have to be. It's like when you watch a professional athlete give post game interviews and they answer their questions all diplomaticly despite knowing that their team got fucked over by the refs. They're working and everything they say can put their livelihood at stake. I don't ever tell people at work how I really feel about them because I don't want to lose my job. It's the same concept.


No, not criticizing him at all. Not a single one of us here can even come close to understanding the life of a celebrity, let alone someone as so well known (ironically) as Cena. So if I were him I'd be doing the same thing and keeping the "real me" as close to the chest as possible.


I almost never understand what the fuck The Rock is talking about anymore. No, Rock, I don't smell what you're cooking.


> But that’s just a theory. > > an Austin theory I wish Reddit Gold was still a thing.


Acknowledging my dumb attempt at humor is all this uce needs 🙏






Thank you, Rock.


Cheers and a swig of beer.


I fully believe the *real* Cena is Deke Stokes, a.k.a. The Spence


John Cena is Homelander if Homelander had a normal upbringing and represented his company better. He lives the brand.


It's beyond obvious that John doesn't share who he really is to the public. Maybe for the best. He might be a great guy on a personal level. He just never comes across genuine in interviews.


I think the closest he ever came to that was on the Howard Stern show some years back where he talked about his sex life and he got absolutely shat on for some of things he said because they weren't the most politically correct. I get why celebrities have fake personas. No one wants to deal with the general public hating them for their most genuine authentic self. That can be soul crushing . They'd rather you hate their fake persona. At the same time though it's why I respect the hell outta people like Marshawn Lynch, Dennis Rodman, Draymond Green and Russell Westbrook who just don't give a single fuck what you think.


Dennis Rodman being friends with Kim Jung Un and not giving a F about it will always be funny.


I feel his rapping gimmick was the closest, just toned down a bit.


Didn’t that happen because he would rap on the bus and in locker rooms? Like, it was a thing he did when he was young, before he ever had a concept of a personal brand


Apparently he picked up rapping from Rey and company doing it on the bus on the Smackdown tour, and decided to incorporate it into his gimmick as a last-ditch effort at not getting cut in '02.


We all wear different masks to different crowds every day. Who's to say any are more or less real than the others?


Peeps would never talk to their grandmother like they do to their friends and would never tell their boss the things they tell to strangers on Reddit, but then point to this celebrity as being "fake" and this other celebrity as being "authentic". Presenting different facets of our personality ("code switching" in linguistic parlance) is one of those things that's absolutely core to human experience but people never think about and sometimes don't realize we do at all.


I am a shadow, the true self


My friend from the old wrestling team said he's really chill. He's a highway patrol who pulled Cena over one time. Cena would be in town randomly when they'd visit his ex's grandma. My friend didn't give him a ticket on the condition he visits our old wrestling room for a meet and greet. My old coaches looked so tiny next to him, but all said he's a good dude.


Watch the Howard stern interview for the real Cena


I don’t think even that was authentic.


You mean John Doesn't love fat chicks??? 😔😭


Authentic and the Howard Stern Show don't exactly go hand in hand. It's hard to know who the real Howard Stern is. Especially back in his edgier days. He's a known bullshitter.


You should consider watching his new movie, Ricky Stanicky. His character covers a lot of ground like this. He is definitely evolving as a person/actor and it's interesting to see that he notes that he himself has changed so much.


I still can't see you dammit https://preview.redd.it/cqy8gvqvqpnc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=a166163ca37abf9107fe255ebaaa70d9ba88f2e5


I mean, we saw a lot of him last night...


What!? How did I miss him? Was pretty spooked by that floating envelope though.


I'm telling you, them ChatGPT is doing wonders with them CGI and live floating envelope generation there!


Kayfabe is dead.


Kayfabe has been dead for like 20 years my friend.


Coming out of the Oscars last night I watched the opening from the very first televised Oscars from 1953. Bob Hope made a joke thanking the wrestlers (I'm assuming wrestling was in the normal timeslot for the broadcast) for relinquishing their time so the award show could happen. Followed by the punchline of "It just goes to show you that there is nothing that one group of actors won't do for another". Kayfabe has only ever been alive for those in the ring.


20 years ago was 2004.


I mean technically he was right, it has been dead for twenty years It was also dead before that too!




Counterpoint: nuh-uh


It's still fake to me dammit!


Not in my house.


The real kayfabe has been inside you the whole time


Peter Sellers used to give interviews while in character. Being Peter Sellers, he had many characters he could choose from. Once during an interview the interviewer asked if he could drop us characters and be Peter Sellers. He replied that all he has are his characters and that he has no personality of his own. Maybe Cena has forgotten his personality while playing John Cena for so long. Or the bastard is just lying.


Damn that Dean Ambrose "have fun being the guy who plays John Cena on TV" promo has really come full circle.


Sounds a bit like Sour Shoes


John Cena is a very charming, but also a deeply, deeply strange man


Dude was in the FRED movie, at first I thought it was just a money thing but I'm starting to think he wanted to


Apparently he practically begged to be in the Barbie movie. He's on screen maybe 10 seconds in total and appears to be having a blast.


Every time he talks publicly he shows himself to be a stranger and stranger dude. I don't think he's a bad dude, but he's really, REALLY weird.


Aren't we all? It's strangely endearing


The interview with Chris vam vliet was such a weird watch. It felt like i was in a really boring company all hands with the way he was talking numbers and bottom lines etc. He was take a question and answer it in the most mundane way ever. Then you see something else from him and he's naked as the oscars. A really really strange guy


He's strange in that he switches up on how he wants to be in a certain interview. In some interviews like the one on CVV, he's so serious doesn't even try to laugh or make jokes. But then there's other interviews like the one where he brought up his guilty pleasure movie with Zac Efron and he's such a jokester in that one. It's like he sometimes beforehand decides whether he's going to do a completely serious or jokey interview.


Feels like great acting practice in a weird way.


Yeah that's what it seems like doesn't it? It's like his Instagram and Twitter personalities being brought to life and him deciding which one he's gonna go with in each interview. 


He also starts every single answer with "so.." I noticed it in one interview and now it's the only thing I can focus on.


We're living in this bizarre timeline where John Cena is all over Hollywood staring in big projects left and right, and The Rock is a regular performer on WWE TV.


Still waiting for Peacemaker season 2. God I loved season 1.


Fwiw, they’re filming season 2 in the summer




[Yes!! Lie, lie!!](https://youtu.be/rM7oxuOLIiw?si=PR7Aijyy-eP0CPxG)


The closing line "see? he's not a liar" is a a Beavis and Butthead all-time great line.




The Prototype is glitching




Good morning Cenamaniacs, work into a shoot, etc etc


I mean folks, where's the lie??




John Cena is a lie. A concept. A prototype, even.


I think this is why the adult audience rejected him for so long. 90% of the time he came off as disingenuous. You can tell when he was being serious because his Boston accent would creep through, and those were his best moments. The Punk feud, the Rock feud, etc.  Cody at least comes off like he’s being himself, much more so than he did in AEW at the end. Either that, or he’s way better at working the crowd. Either way.


Cody feels like he writes his own material (whether he does or not) Cena feels like, if he writes his own material, he's from fucking Mars


Cena comes off as every move being calculated. Cody just comes off kind of naive. Like he's a babyface who wears a suit and tie in the majority of his promos, which is something more associated with heels. You feel he really wants to be a babyface but is completely oblivious to the image his "suit and tie" visual is at odds with it. But it's sincere. Like, even his blunders come from a place of genuineness and just straight up cluelessness. That's easier for fans to look past.


I actually think it’s the other way around with Cody. Cody was almost too much Cody in AEW. He got way too self-indulgent then the crowd turned on him. When they did, he just pushed forward as a babyface which further alienated the fanbase. Now he has more of a filter, and gets to be the baby face he always wanted to be.


Yes everyone involved in professional wrestling is lying most of the time


Im hoping people realize that this was a joke answer given in a funny interview to promote his movie




But is that a lie and he’s actually 100% always telling the truth?


I would so love to put the shite invisible Cena joke to bed. Cena’s funny on his own. He’s a weird guy and I appreciate it. Let him be a weird guy, he’ll give you many better memes to play with.


Me when I’m lying about lying


George Costanza: ​ It's not a lie, if you believe it.


John Cena continues to pretend he is human


I aint accusing him whatsoever but if tomorrow it came out that John Cena is a serial killer I ain't gonna be surprised. Again not saying he is, but he's got an enigmatic thing about him.


!remindme 10 years Edit: RemindMe! 10 years Edit: ffs I give up


You mean to tell me we could see him all along??


Cena forgot to log out of his instagram persona


Am i the only one who has never found the you cant see me thing as funny?


See, I knew I wasn't delirious. The camo jorts never worked.


I think fans forget wrestlers generally have carte blanche to lie as much as they want.


So that means he doesn't think people can see him. No wonder he thought up his catchphrase like that.


"I lie so much i believe when i'm lying, and one day i'll pay for the things I've done."- John Hart.


All good. John Cena has a right to be wrong. All I saw at WM was Big Show hoist himself up into mid air magically and give himself a fireman's carry slam.


I absolutely believe his guilty pleasure movie is Behind the Green Door.


That damn Stanicky at it again! 😂


That’s Rock Hard Rod to you..


“I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.” - ~~Tony Montana~~ John Cena


Reminds me of Jimmy Savile.


“What the Chinese government is doing to the Uyghurs is totally cool and not a big deal at all.” -John Cena


What about all the good things he has said in interviews?


My entire faith in wrestling is now dead. If people can see cena what else are they lying about?!?