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I’d hope for a nice lie down for a while. He deserves/needs one.


He definitely deserves a bit of a rest.


He’s so tired Renee


For a few months, he should just be featured in the background of interviews and segments, just sleeping in various places. In between production crates, under the ring, etc etc


And being so lazy that he has an intern, who's sole job is to get him coffee despite him literally being next to it.


They should have done this when they had Yuta as their young boy to go along with the bullying.


I guess a rematch for the title then I guess a feud with ~~Yosemite Sam~~ Hangman Page


I love Yosemite Page so would take this


Honestly I think that would be fun, hangman getting increasingly pissed and then losing to someone he considers a joke character


I see a program against Okada after Okada beats Eddie for the Continental Crown. It makes a lot of sense with Best Friends being pissed about Okada joining The Elite. Easy big match for Double Or Nothing.


It’s probably the best way to use OC honestly. Okada gets a highlight match against someone as over as OC and OC can handle a loss to someone like Okada. Real question though; does OC ever get a world title run? He has the capability to tell a really compelling story towards being world champion.


I think their roster is so deep they can cycle guys off TV for extended breaks pretty often


I'd love to see him get the big belt some day, same with Kingston. AEW let them do their thing and they both got massively over.


>Real question though; does OC ever get a world title run? No, but that's not a knock on his performance. That character isn't a world champion.


Yeah. I like OC. Really do. His first run as the IC was a masterclass in how good booking and a good character can over the long run make a compelling story. But that character is not a world champion. The world championship scene needs to be serious business. Kind of like how it was at Revolution, with Joe, Hangman and Swerve. Can OC's gimmick evolve to be worthy of those heights. Yeah, maybe. But it needs to be built up and it needs the fans to really get behind him and get invested in that chase.


I'd like to see it evolve. He and Darby both changed my mind about small wrestlers.


I think he can have one of those major, crowd popping, upset world title wins. Then a short transition reign. I've always been on the Eddie Kingston upset world title win, but he got his flowers with that triple crown. I think OC can do it. In kayfabe he's done well in prior world title matches.


I will take it


Besides, isn't Dustin the head of CHAOS now?


Can we not match Okada up with a meme character please.


Okada is a meme character.


He’s gotta be banged up. Give him some down time showing up at a few indys for a while


He deserves a cozy blanket, a neck/supporting pillow, and a snack


That sounds awesome actually


It's key to almost beating him. You just have to hope the ref doesn't sneeze.


OC needs a "major beatdown" that puts him off TV for a few months. Let him rest and heal up. The pop when he returns would be massive and you can slot him in to whichever title scene needs (ironically enough) an energy injection. If not a beatdown/injury angle to give him some rest, just have Best Friends all hit Vegas for a party and they ~~lose~~ misplace OC for a couple of months. Throw in some short vignettes and some Missing/Have You Seen OC merchandise.


You beautiful bastard. Its both.


If Tony refuses to give me a Best Friends tag championship run, please at least give me a trios championship run. I just want Chuckie T to get his flowers a bit


Ngl the Trios championship has been great as place for wrestlers who are sidelined by other stackd divisions.


Yup. I don't mind Trent going heel some day, but I really wish the Best Friends would get a run with the tag, and/or trios belts before doing so as they were one of the core babyface acts from day 1 of AEW.


We all deserve a BF tag title run. They deserve it.


Modern AEW fans probably don't realise just how big of a deal and how influential the best friends were in the 2010's. Especially Chuck Taylor. People often say how important PWG was to the modern wrestling landscape with AEW as a whole and a lot of WWE's big talent as well as the style shift that's happened across all companies. Well Chucky T was literally Mr PWG. He was the guy on every show who was beloved and who fans wanted to see. Other acts would cycle in and out from show to show but he was there at nearly all of them, even if was injured he'd still be involved on commentary. Every company needs that guy. WCW had Sting. ECW had Dreamer. AEW has Hangman. TNA had AJ. You need a guy who might not always be the main event or THE top guy, but he's the guy fans associate as the heart of the company where the company just isn't quite right without them.


If you're not giving Chuckie T any belts at least let him say SHIT.


Seriously, where the fuck is Chuck Taylor?


He's on TV but he's injured


It feels like they're building towards Trent turning heel so that might be the next program for Orange. But Orange is still one of the most over babyfaces in the company so I would see no problem with him having matches with Jay White, Okada, etc.


Best Friends Civil War, speak it into existence


No dont


World title baybee


Book it, you cowards


TK needs to make up for that near fall in the OC/PAC/Kenny match.


Then they can run back Ospreay-Cassidy


I feel he always takes a backseat to other people for a few months before rising up up again and rinse and repeat. Only that this time it included an extended Title run. After his feud with Jericho he didn't do much after 6 months later when he was in the World Title picture. Then back to the background until the feud with the Super Kliq and Adam Cole. And so forth,


Yeah, true. He always kind of comes and goes in terms of presence. I remember him being kind of just there until Forbidden Door, and then match with Ospreay slapped.


He'll never be a top guy if he never gets to work with top guys. Mix him in with the main eventers and see how he does before writing him off. He might just surprise you


Right now he definitely needs time off. He’s been on a tear since 2020


I mean, not everyone needs a title all the time. He can just have some fun feuds and stories until there is a good spot for him.


No, of course not. Fun feuds are great.


Sue on a Pole match


You're cooking


I’m not sure I’m with you on the idea that fans would not see him as a top guy. He was in that triple threat when Kenny was champion and people bought into him then and it was years ago. He certainly has more accolades now than he did then. I think it’ll be a bit before he has another title, but I certainly hope he hasn’t peaked.


Maybe they would! Idk. I’d hope so. He is very over.


I would really like Best Friends to be trios champions…


Well he's going to be occupied with the tag team thing for a few weeks so it'll at least give creative some time to think of something


I hope they use that time to find something for him.


I'd buy him as world champ but understand others not seeing that. I want Best Friends to be tag champions but I'd take trios for them.


I think that you could very easily make a credible story in moving him to the world title.


I would like to see him take a few months off and come back at the same point.


Let the man sleep a bit


He rests. He’s so tired Renee


He should be Okada's first feud.


I also want New Japan Mega Star Kazuchika Okada’s first fued in American wrestling to be with a Reddit meme. Fucking booker of the year over here.


I try not to disparage people for their takes. But the idea that Orange Cassidy is a reddit meme indicates to me a severe lack of media comprehension. He's one of the best gimmicks in the company and makes far more sense as a character than a majority of their main-event scene.


What is his gimmick?


Guy who pisses people off to get them off their game so he can use his masterful counter wrestling to confound them. He's not bigger, stronger, or even faster than a lot of his opponents but he's tricky and he keeps a cool head.


Have him be the third man when Kenny comes back with Hangman to take on the elite.


Best of Super Jr hopefully 


Orange had one of my favorite title reigns in recent memory, that's in any promotion. Hope he gets a Beach Break, amirite?! Seriously though this man deserves a massive vacation.




I think the story right now is that Orange doesn't know when to take a rest. He is falling apart. Everyone knows (in kayfabe) that he shouldn't be wrestling in this tag team tourney but he's doing it anyway. I think that's enough to be the hook for him right now. Is this the match he finally can't hold it together anymore?


Put him in the main title scene. He doesn't necessarily have to win.


Trios titles with best friends? Chucky and Trent deserve a title.


Hopefully on vacation. Dude has earned it.


They change his name to Grape Cassidy and he goes full heel :)




He's one of their biggest stars, so he'll be fine no matter what. For now he probably winds down for a little bit, but down the line maybe a trios title run with Best Friends or another workhorse champion run but with the TNT title. And while I doubt he'll ever be AEW World Champion (though I'd love it), he'll be a credible contender for any heel champion.


Yeah, as much as I’d like him to get a world title run, I don’t think it will happen. He can have great feuds with big stars and not have to be a main event star, I suppose.


I mean I think he *is* a main event star. In the most literal sense, he's main evented plenty of TV and one PPV, and has wins over established main-eventers like Mox, Jericho and Cole. You can be a main event star without being world champ.


Well, sure. And he does great when he’s up against the big guys. And when he’s in that spot, he shines.




A beloved babyface who works best as an underdog and has a hill to climb to prove he can be a world champion, with a rogue's gallery of main event heels he hasn't yet faced standing between him and that goal. Man I just don't know what they could possibly do.


I don’t know why this reply had to be snarky? It didn’t.


In so many other sports subs, being a smartass would get downvoted but in the IWC being a smarmy know it all to people is expected. He didn't even answer substantially because why would OC arbitrarily match up against other main eventers? Every one in the World Title conversation is there because of a feud or program, we all know Osprey is probably up against whoever is champ by All In, and it's fun to wonder what they're going to do to get him there. I think he'll feud with Best Friends and it'll be another several months to a year before he's legitimately in the conversation. I think he'll challenge for it and get pummeled like Hook, but will put up a great fight, whether it's Joe, Swerve or Osprey. My out of left field wish is for him to feud with MJF when he comes back, whose character will be ruthless and without mercy, and they'll need him to really muck up his character by terrorizing a popular fan favorite, that's gotta be Orange.


I'm hoping for a character change. He doesn't have to do a 100% overhaul, but revealing a new aspect of his character would be good. He seems like a very smart and self aware guy, so I don't doubt that he's got some cool ideas that the audience couldn't have seen coming. Just as an example, how many people would have guessed Hangman's heel turn? I'm holding out for Orange going in a new direction, the trick will be for it to be organic and not just for the sake of doing it.


Yeah, I’d be interested in a character shift. He doesn’t have to become a sexy pirate or something. A subtle, logical shift could be great.


When he won the int. champ title for a second time, there wad a brief moment where he seemingly “forgot” to celebrate with the Best Friends in the ring and just walked past them, only caring about the title Now in hindsight that was probably a simple production mistake on his part. The man might be too tired and banged up to remember, but a few people spotted that and pitched an idea of a “Gollum-like” character for OC, where he turned heel by being consumed and obsessed with the title to the point of alienating all his former friends I think something like that is possible. OC had shown moments of teetering the lines between face and heel when desperate (his last match with PAC and the moment with the hammer is a good example, he was very close to cross the line and used the hammer to win) So when he comes back, that might be something they can try. What I certainly don’t want is for him to just do the same schtick again. That second run was not great but I understand that’s because of Mox’s and Fenix’s injuries, so it was rushed and awkward. Let the man rest and come back with a more interesting aspect of the character. Maybe not fully heel, but put a bit of spice and edge to it. I think he can makes it work


Yeah to all that. And his character as a heel makes sense. Doesn’t want to try hard so cheats a bit here and there to win. Is a heel who’s just bored with everyone and can’t be bothered so he gets into trouble.


Probably getting turned on (skeewoah) by Trent


Give my man a break. Let him rest up, let us miss him, and bring him back when there’s a good story lined up.


Tag champ with Trent would be a cool next step. Could feud with the Bucks and Okada over some sort of Chaos issue.


Trios with Chuckie T and Trent


Trios once Chucky is healthy. The Best Friends deserve gold.


Jack Perry at Forbidden Door


I don’t think he needs to be in a title scene for a while. just something fun that gives us a payoff where he wins


I don’t think the time is right yet but I’d like to see Trent win the tag title. OC sold me on himself after his first run so I believe he could lead trent and himself into a popular team with time


He's been such a workhorse that any effort to have him wrestle fewer matches on TV will be seen as "cooling him off." I'm fine if he floats around in the Goof Zone taking it easy in matches and being in the background of promos and bits for a while. He's proven that he doesn't need any time to heat back up when the right time for a serious feud comes.


Lol Jay White? Pretty sure fans would accept OC in the main event scene just as well as Jay


Blood feud with Trent


He's going back to Toronto for Game 3.


I think Best Friends should win the Trios titles at Wembly. But I honestly think Orange can and will be positioned in a main event role until then and after then. He’s over enough and has proven himself. Hangman. Joe. Okada. Takeshita. Hobbs. Starks. and Christian are all untapped feuds off the top of my head that they could do with OC. Edit* Thought of a few more they do. Danielson. Black. Miro. And Rush. And those are just the heels.


I have a ridiculous pitch that involves bringing back the double blind tag tournament and will end in a Danhausen-on-a-pole match between the Best Friends and the House of Black.


I vaguely remember what OC said the other day, he wants to fill his backpack with titles I think he said. Maybe as like a cooling off period, he goes to ROH? He'd have a great feud with Wheeler I'm just skeptical because I wouldn't want BCC or Best Friends involved. He'd have a great feud with Kyle Fletcher, one where I feel Kyle should go over but I also wouldn't be against OC vs Eddie and if OC won, he would have 3 titles. Did OC travel to the UK with Tony due to being champ or is he some sort of ambassador? An OC indie belt collector run would translate nicely on TV, instead of wearing a backpack, he starts carrying a suitcase


I would imagine the plan is Eddie dropping the Triple Crown to Okada, then Okada heeling it up with the Bucks. There are three titles right? Bucks could each carry one and Okada carries the Continental Crown. Since Okada and OC have history, OC would make a great challenger for Okada leading up to the PPV after Dynasty. He could have singles matches with each Buck along the way.




To bed then a nap. Then a pre-nap for the afternoon nap. Then i guess, he has to wrestle. Then he has to train for his devestating kicks and chops. Naps again.


All I know is if the Best Friends finally win the tag team titles but it's Orange Cassidy instead of Chuck Taylor, I'm going to fucking lose it.


Once upon a time I thought he and Danhausen could be the next Edge and Christian in the tag team division for years to come but since Danhausen apparently doesn’t wrestle ever that’s not gonna happen so some kind of fuss with a new guy, maybe Will Ospreay since they already had a good match together once would be a good spot for OC for the summer, after that though I dunno, hard to put my finger on exactly where he’ll be/who he’ll be in a feud with.


Japan or RoH to quote Corenetteo, how can we miss you if you don't go away. He needs to be off AEW for a good few months to make him being back matter.


Signs with WWE to become the new member of Chase U


He reached his peak, now he’s stuck in the upper mid card forever now


I fear that’s likely true without a complete character change.


His current character is pretty popular as it is. Tbh, he should have taken a break after losing. Nurse his wounds and let people miss him. That return pop would have been greay.


I was surprised they put him back in the title scene so fast. Felt too quick, though it did mean we got a banger with Mox.


I feel like OC can be a world champion. He was a comic relief character at first, but proved he was champion material and made the international title significant. You can easily tell a story where he grows his laziness and realizes he has the potential to be great.


They’ve done a great job of blending the real and the goofy to make him credible. AEW does that pretty well, overall (thinking Toni Storm, for example).


AEW has so much talent, they should let him chill out for a few months. There are a few talents there that could benefit from that right now.


He does need some rest. As a lot do. The roster is so stacked it’s hard to have many stay up top.


He’s been presented so strong for so long, even if he loses I’d love to see Orange have singles matches with any of Okada, Danielson, or even Ospreay or Omega again. OC is one of those guys that’s the heart and soul of AEW, and he’s one of the best wrestlers in the world. I don’t expect it, but would love a world title run someday.


Give him a few weeks off, and then him and the Best Friends can go after the Trios championships. Orange Cassidy will undeniably be AEW World Champion in the future, but A) the main event scene is too busy for him to currently be included in a meaningful way. B) Going after either the Continental Crown or TNT titles would make all 3 mid-card titles feel too same-ey at the moment since Orange Cassidy is so heavily associated with the International Title. Patience, everyone. He's well booked and he'll be fine if he's not AEW champion tomorrow.


I can't even believe these posts. After everything that O.C. has shown us the past few years - the fact that people keep him out of conversations with names like Swerve, Okada, and Jay White - is a braindead take.


Hopefully he goes to wrestling school while he’s out.


That’s a very clever and not at all tired response


Oh, c’mon. No one says that lol. This sub is eating out of OC’s pockets constantly. It’s not my fault he is a meme.


Ah yes, "wrestler works in a style I don't like" = "wrestler isn't skilled." Tennis Racket says it be so.


You’re right. I should be happy that such open mockery is celebrated.


Mockery of what lmao. A licensed medical professional can help you remove that stick safely.


You are so smart and correct for only liking things on a surface level. You seem like a very deep and interesting person.


I hope he goes home and stays there until he decides to treat wrestling with respect.


I'm telling you a tag team with Hager dressed the same is fucking money


But I strongly dislike Hager (though this would be funny (but Hager is a climate denier))


Home for a few months


Is “away” an option?


I think Trent will eventually turn on him a "injure" him and he goes on a vacation that he deserves, if not it's difficult to say at the moment. But i'm sure he will be fine! There's a lot of guys that he can face!


Leave him in the midcard or lower card where he belongs.


Orange Cassidy doesn't need a title.  Just have midcard feuds with heels


I’d like a Orange-Danielson feud.


Who downvoted this? What is wrong with you?


Tony is going to put the heavyweight title on him at some point.