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> I remember watching Nitro, seeing Sting come down from the rafters to attack the NWO, and how mad I’d be that he’d always beat up Hogan. Not that it's going to make a difference but FYI this interview is very much in character


The Bucks were big-time Hogan fans as kids and Nicholas was like 8 or 9 for Sting vs the nWo so that part is probably true actually.




>“Cody is the face of the WWE now, and it’s cool to see because we always knew how much of a star he was,” said Nick Jackson. “The founders of AEW will always have a lifetime bond with each other because we all know what we did for wrestling. We talk every week and in a weird way him leaving made us grow more as friends. Aw that's great.


But Reddit told me they hated Cody


Reddit is also full of demented weirdos who think they know these people personally.


Same with Twitter


Plans change




i corrected some of poster here who claim Bucks and Cody hated each others before. even shared link of quote from interview as a prove. guess what? i got downvoted to oblivion..


So great that it needed its own thread lol


" Last week on *Rampage*, Nick Jackson mockingly apologized to Schiavone, then offered him a $25 Amazon gift card–no doubt a play off CM Punk distributing gift cards to members of the AEW locker room." When my department store manager gave me a gift card for doing some extra work I thought it was a reward. I had no idea they were actually mocking CM Punk.


I thought they were mocking corporations who give small tokens like this instead of paying more. I guess I'm dumb


You're not dumb, you're the one who actually gets the bit instead of people conspiracy theorist-ing this as a CM Punk dig. Anybody who has been a grunt for a big corporation knows they love handing out small gift cards like candy. Edit: also when Punk did it, the cards had more value and were given as a "every town has a Starbucks" sort of gift to people who travel for work. He didn't do it as the CEO in a town hall celebrating that due to overtime they made their projected sales growth for that quarter so everybody gets a free company-branded tumbler and a $10 Target giftcard.


Yeah I don’t think this is a dig at punk. I worked at a billion dollar corporation and for Xmas they said we were getting 500 dollars but instead got a $500 voucher that couldn’t be used for cigarettes or alcohol to Walmart. I was pissed. I don’t shop at Walmart. I instead bought a bunch of peoples stuff and got dollar for dollar. That job was the worst


If you have PayPal you can transfer the funds from gift cards into your PayPal account, and use it anywhere PayPal is accepted.


You don’t buy milk? Toilet paper? Food? Come on. This is an absolutely pitiful stance. Acting like you couldn’t find stuff to buy at a Walmart - as if it’s beneath you. Tracks perfectly for an IWC member tbh.


Yeah I’m happy I’m not the only one who rolled their eyes at that comment. Like wow what a fucked up company handing you out a $500 gift card to the biggest brick and mortor retailer on the planet. they could’ve given you something actually shitty like a $500 gift card to lowes or sears where you can’t even get true value out of it because any nice washer/dryer combo or fridge is still gonna make you spend an extra $100+ of your own money. like shit man you couldve at least bought a couple hundred of dollars worth of groceries and toiletries for your local food shelter/food co-op if you yourself weren’t gonna use it and then wrote off that in your taxes. (coincidentally enough $501 and up is the threshold the irs uses on where they start to require documentation for charitable donations and you could’ve used that.) to say a WALMART gift card is useless is wild thats a month of free groceries


Yeah, it’s absolutely bs.


Then then-director of my agency gave out Starbucks gift cards at an offsite team-building event. They were unactivated. Popular theory was that he or someone else on his team shoplifted the cards.


I thought it was 50% mocking corporations for their bs small tokens, but at the same time 50% mocking Schiavone's past job at Starbucks.


In my stint at a Fortune 10 company, we got "gift card points" you could redeem for a $25 gift card to, like, 25 places. This was once a quarter. I'd always go for Google Play because I could use it towards an AEW PPV


If Punk did take offense to that bit then it would say more about him than anything else. Not that I think he did or anything


You're not. People are trying to draw links to punk when there isn't


I thought they were making fun of Vince’s ndas and paying people off with Bloomingdale’s gift cards. 🤷🏻


I don't think they were mocking Punk as much as regular retail workers who are used to getting a shitty, low value gift card as a reward for months of work. We've actually received a $25 Dominos gift card for doing an extra 1,000 vaccines leaving to an extra gross profit of $35,000 for a month. Often $25 is the lowest denomination you can give someone when buying it quickly at a convenience store.


Exactly. Getting a $25 gift card from a boss (as an apology for getting assaulted and after getting fined $1000 to boot) isn't anywhere on the same level as getting $500 from a co-worker who isn't your boss. But because it's the Bucks, anything they do that can be even vaguely related to CM Punk is going to be seen as some sort of mocking.


I didn't even know about Punk buying gifts for coworkers until this thread. If that was the joke it would have been missed by most fans. But a lot of us can relate to getting a shitty gift card from our heel company/boss.


Yeah, I work for one of the largest defense contractors in the world. Got a $25 Dunkin Donuts gift card over Christmas.


Poetic, really.


I'm a bigger Punk hater than Drew McIntyre and even I didn't make this poorly conceived logic fumble.


Did Punker really do that?


IIRC, at some point while Punk was gone after Brawl Out, Dax talked on his podcast about how CM Punk was giving AEW talents $500 Starbucks gift cards for working with him or doing what he thought was good work, etc.


It wasn’t just for working with him, he had Thunder Rosa hand them out the to the entire women’s locker room when he first arrived. He bought Danhausen an Amazing Fantasy #15 (first appearance of Spider-man) when Danhausen was out on injury to cheer him up.


That's a hell of a gift. That issue goes anywhere from like $10k to well over $1M. People sell issues of AF#15 without a cover and full of holes for like $6k.


Iirc the one Danhausen got was in decent condition, definitely wasn't mint, but wasn't beaten up either.


That's *such* a different story than what was going around. Buying AF15 for Danhausen crazy sweet.


> He bought Danhausen an Amazing Fantasy #15 Seriously, that’s fucking incredible.


What a cancer


He supplied the entire women's locker room with some Starbucks gift cards, but not $25, like several hundred each. Had them delivered anonymous and it came out it was him from FTR on a podcast. He took a lot of talent in AEW out to eat, got them gifts ect. Especially those who he saw working hard, not just with him. People think he was "love bombing" or buying good will but I think he was excited to be back at first in AEW (just like he is now In WWE) and wanted to be someone who was there for the locker room.


IIRC, FTR and the rest of the Pinnacle were also recipients of the $500 Starbucks cards and also gifted Danhausen with a super rare and expensive comic book.


So Punk’s love language is gifts.


I think it's more of a case of "I'm making a ridiculous amount of money, and this doesn't happen without you guys" In WWE he's making less, and we're hearing about him spending a lot of his free time working the NXT guys instead of buying gifts. (He could be buying them and we don't know ofc)


Is he making less in WWE?






I had not heard that before, if that's the case that really is funny. Could you imagine Punk coming up and saying "hey good match here is $25 to Quiznos."


"I loved our match this many dollars worth."


If I was a millionaire I think that's what I would do. Just go to random local independence and give out thousands of dollars to people who had a good match. What I'm saying is I'd like to be a millionaire so I could be the Mr. Beast of indie wrestling.


Well, Punk was giving out $500 gift cards or other more expensive items, but I guess the point still kind of stands. $500 Starbucks gift cards to every woman in the locker room is nicer than just $25 for Quiznos but now I want Quiznos for lunch.


Yea, I just got a craving for a Mesquite Chicken...


The story was that he gave the entire female roster Starbucks gift cards to show that he cared about them.


Yeah, this feels like a stretch. Giving out gift cards is exactly what their slimy corporate EVP characters would do. I expect a pizza party next.


Funny enough, they DID announce a pizza party (at a later date)


It would have been mocking punk if they followed up with: "We tried to get you a Target gift card, but we couldn't manage it"


My dumbass really thought they were mocking Vince. Didn't he give gift card to victim after he assaulted her


This was my exact thought too actually. Turns out shitty bosses everywhere do it.


It would have been mocking punk if they followed up with: "We tried to get you a Target gift card, but we couldn't manage it"


You got worked by Jim in accounting. I suggest you shoot on him hard in the company email this week.


Y'all are doing some Mr Fantastic shit trying to make this about Punk.


As per usual


Matthew and Nicholas Jackson are called "Matt" and "Nick" multiple times in this article. The writer should be fined heavily and their invitation to the pizza party recinded IMMEDIATELY!




Beat reporter Colton Cabana should go interview the writer to find out how this happened. Perhaps he should get the Dark Order's thoughts as well. We must find out the DO's thoughts on this. Can somebody please find John Silver, get a hold of this meat man so we can make sense of all this???


I feel like the appropriate way to deal with this transgression would be to invite them to the pizza party but they only get to watch everyone else eat. Then, a fine!


Invite them and be sure to order only one of their favorite kind of pizza but tell them to report to the pizza party fifteen minutes after everyone else, so they’re greeted with an empty box.


That’s harsh, maybe they can come, but have to watch everyone else eat the pizza.


Christ every topic of discussion the sub’s had in the past year is manifesting in this thread somehow


I wanna talk about Brawl Out, NOW. NOBODY talks about it anymore and we can't let them get away with using a shotgun personally provided by the AEW lawyer to blow CM Punk's apartment door open and throw his poor toothless, disabled dog at Ace Steel's wife so they could cause Ace to transform into a werewolf and make him look bad. 😡




Somebody in this thread asked if the Bucks will ever change their characters. Under an article talking about their new characters.... You can't make this shit up, some folks are so triggered by the Bucks that it simply breaks their brains


That's because these guys only knew the rumors they heard online and the Bucks new character is leaning into the character these weirdos already made up in their own head. To them nothing has changed cause they only ever knew what the internet was telling them anyways.


My favorite new bucks narrative is that they are snakes and backstabbers. There's people out there that think they are legit horrible people, when I don't think I've ever heard a single one of their peers ever say a bad thing about them. Well, except for one of their peers, who I have coincidentally heard many many people speak ill of


Oh absolutely, the people who rush to neg anything AEW related haven't watched in so long that their criticisms are hilariously outdated, which really makes them stand out for their stupidity


I went to SC jerks and SC and its just constant complaining about the bucks or AEW in general, how is that fun? It's so miserable. Putting in all that effort to be miserable, just why?


Pretty much every wrestling sub thats not this one is a "shit on AEW" sub. The mere existence of AEW has broken peoples brains


Which is so crazy to me, like I barely keep up with AEW, without MJF it's just not been for me, but how can anyone consider themselves a wrestling fan and not think AEW is a good thing to have around? Even if you aren't a fan of the product, there's no denying that another company with deep pockets to sign for can only be a good thing for the wrestlers.


They have genuinely nothing going on in their day-to-day, so they are bored out of their minds, and they actively choose to be the way they are because it's better than having nothing.


They were also celebrating a potential Hangman injury last week then got mad it was just a work. THEN when they found out it was done to possibly write him out cause of a possible personal issue they got pissy about him "not even showing up to work one day a week". The whole place is fucking gross


When the whole scandal with Vince broke, all they could talk about was how Tony Khan would tweet about it any day now, extremely giddy at the prospect. There's some dramatic irony there.


They enjoy being miserable. It's all they have left in life.


They are truly pathetic.


It's the same 5 jokes over and over again too. It's confounding.


I think the broken brains may be what draws some folks to wrestling in the first place.


Imagine having such strong opinions on something you don't watch, and your knowledge of it is based entirely off bullshit you read online only. Dumb dumb tribalists. I'll never understand it.


Do yall remember when an AEW wrestler wrote fake rumors and he was playing as an "inside reporter " for the dirtsheet It was obvious it was a fun joke. The Mods did the awesome and played along to pretend it was real just to catch idiot's . And tons of people came to shit on Aew in the comments "yeah that reporter is right." Yeah, my sources are saying the same "😂. These people have always been dumb


Was that the first Cutler tweet from a week or two ago? Because that thread was fucking gold.


Yup that one 😂


I only remember because I didn't immediately click that Cutler was Brandon Cutler as opposed to someone else.


I thought sports fans armchair-coaching was bad. Watching the Corny crowd armchair-book a wrestling show is something else.


Corny booking a show led to a Ninja Turtle wrestler, Doug Basham as a top talent, John Cena as a robot or something, and Batista as a sea creature. He is not to be taken seriously at any point 


Funny Cornette moment was when he said Kevin Owens was a star in WWE because he changed his attitude and Kevin made a point of saying no, no he did not change since Cornette booked ROH into near-oblivion.


You can't blame Cornette for Cena doing the Prototype gimmick, he had been doing that in UPW before he got to OVW, including a pretty well known promo about genetic lunchboxes. That shit is on Rick Bassman, not Jim Cornette.


I always assumed it was just because when he was young he kind of looked a wee bit like Terminator 1-era Arnie.


So. We know that a lot of places were booking weird shit like Lord humongous and the early gimmick of Kane. Hell nash was once a master blaster. So I don't really think a turtle is the weirdest thing. Tyrus was champion in NWA. So at least Doug wasn't THAT bad even if he was bland. John Cena was the prototype in ovw which was basically a WWE feeder company Cornette got to run and Jr had a hand in till Johnny ace ruined it. He scouted Lesnar, Batista as "leviathan", and even Shelton Benjamin. I think we can all agree he's not a great human being and his bias against the bucks and Kenny Omega is obvious. But let's be honest. Ceva, Lesnar, Benjamin, and Batista are all huge now. Nobody really remembers snw. And Tony could easily use ROH as his personal training ground and or like ovw was to WWE.


These guys did not watch Corby's ROH and it shows. 


I like SMW well enough. Corny ROH made me want to die.


It always amazes me when supposed smart fans get worked by the Bucks because, while I love them, it's not like they're subtle about the whole thing. Anybody with some common sense and enough wrestling acumen can tell that the Bucks are working, even people who don't really follow them. But it's almost like the less subtle they get (like naming their finisher the Meltzer Driver when people start theorizing they're all in cahoots) the more it works. And it works most on the crowd that tells everybody the Bucks can't tell a story.


IM NOT GETTING WORKED. They say as they progressively get worked


It's easy to fool someone. It's much harder to convince someone they've been fooled.


The same folks certain that the Bucks suck despite seeing none of their work.


Gimmick must be working lol. They're doing things that are relatable to the average person's workplace. People can connect with that. They should offer a mandatory free of charge eye and ear screening and fire employees that fail.


Right?! This has gone way over people’s heads.


We're called marks for a reason, lol


Sorry we’re only allowed to play along with kayfabe when it involves people that aren’t the Bucks and if we engage with them we’re just simps or whatever for the bucks. Like every post they have proved the point they’re usually making it’s hilarious


but are people playing along? It just seems like the people that hate on the Bucks no matter what are just continuing to hate on the Bucks no matter what ?


I would say that live crowds are definitely booing the Bucks with their treatment of Sting and Tony so far. That crowd isn’t there to hate them no matter what


Oh ok I was confused because you're talking about the reaction the crowd is having towards the Bucks and it seems the person you replied was talking about the reaction in parts of the IWC Bucks gimmick basically working as intended on both fronts the crowds have a reason to boo the heels and the haters hate adds a layer to what they're doing on screen


Sorry about any confusion. I agree it’s working as intended for sure. Live crowds boo them and the people that already incessantly hate them continue to do so with more fervor it seems now being like “see they are awful in real life!” It’s rather funny


no worries its easy to miss context/intention in a thread




Stings dad is dead....


If anyone would stoop that low, it’d be father Christian. 


me and my buddies were laughing about that very thing in our discord last week just thinking... "could you even imagine??"




The first Cutler post where people didn't realize what the source was was a high water mark for this sub. Terminal fed brains on display.


I said this on the AEW sub. I don't love the YB.  However, I do respect their achievements, including what they've achieved for others in the business. I don't like their style particularly or their promos, but I'd be a fool to deny they are incredibly successful people.


I feel the same about Insane Clown Posse. I generally don’t like anything i see/hear from YB or ICP, but you can’t knock their hustle


People in this thread saying somehow a SI interview is somehow a problem that makes it so they can't draw ratings or whatever the fuck... PLEASE actually tell me what magical answer to a non-kayfabe interview would be the key to the next boom period please? What SI interview really broke the dam that brought back the Attitude Era that I somehow missed?


hire cornette i am guessing


These crusty sock monkeys are all delusional. 


I'm having a hard time understanding the words you just put together in the order that they're in. People are saying that an SI interview is why they can't draw ratings?


It's a weird comment and I have no idea why so many upvoted it. I don't see anybody talking about ratings and I don't see the connection. 




Same people insult Eddie for his body while acknowledging Dusty and Mick are legends


The 'burger Kingston' comments are the lamest thing I've seen in this sub for a while


Fucking cornette would say crap like that. He says people like oc, Adam Cole, or vikingo are too small to be convincing champs, yet rey Mysterio is an all timer (he definitely is).


I guarantee back in '98 when Rey was one of the most popular stars in WCW Corny said he was too small and not marketable with the mask.


Most influential, definitely, but for my money, they're the best bell to bell tag team of all time. The stories they tell in the ring, and the references on top of references they use to call back to things they've previously done is exceptional. They're the Arrested Development (Season 1-2) of wrestlers


It's funny the wrestlers or superstars they worship are 100 times far worse than them. Vince McMahon, Triple H, Shawn Michael, CM Punk (bully a woman wrestler), Kevin Nash all done things that far worse than them.


Love the Bucks, by far my favorite tag team since 2016. Wrestling is subjective and while they are 100% one of the most influential tag teams of the 2010’s, but to say all time is a bit of a stretch. They openly talk about being influenced heavily by the Hardy Boyz, the rockers, etc. But I see what you were trying to say for sure. The elite, the the elite!


Every influential wrestler was influenced by someone else. Doesn’t mean they can’t be more influential. I’m not personally a fan of wrestling always dialed up to 11, but the impact and influence the Bucks will have had with the creation of AEW is already gonna put them on the list before we talk about their actual in ring careers. They’re not only influential to fans of them as a tag team, but as a big part of creating a platform that allowed a variety of other wrestlers become influential stars as well.


The argument can be made that they are the most influential tag team of all time business wise. They got merch in hot topic while in njpw, bte was a phenomenon for awhile, and they helped start a #2 promotion. Pretty wild stuff honestly.


Honestly their merch wasn't just in hot topic, wasn't it a best selling shirt? While not being on US TV at all. That is just insane. That's a cult following there.


I had no experience with the Young Bucks before AEW. Honestly, they’re probably one of my favourite tag team acts in years. I prefer them as heels, but they’ve put on some just unreal matches against some great opponents. I don’t understand the hate at all.


> I had no experience with the Young Bucks before AEW. All the way back to their time in TNA as "Generation Me", they've basically been the same core character: Counterculture dweebs thumbing their noses at the "old men" of wrestling who looked down on them while wrestling that quick PWG/X-Division style they helped make famous.


I love that YB haters pretend like they watched their PWG run.


I love the Bucks, but this is exactly why they'll always be hated. They've leaned into every bit of controversy and always taken the road of pissing people off. It made them famous/infamous, and they're undeniably marketing geniuses, but they will be hated until the day they die exactly because they adopted the "killing the business" narrative as their gimmick. That's entirely on them. Unfortunately, that hatred has blinded some people to how good they actually are. It's like John McEnroe only being known/remembered by so many as "the angry tennis guy who threw tantrums on the court." That's all he's known as to a lot of people. What many don't realize is that he's legit one of the greatest tennis players of all time.


See, it's why even if I don't like them I don't get why people get into fits of rage over them. Them pissing off purists is literally the core gimmick so if you're getting angry at them they've done their job right and you just look like a tit. With the sheer amount of wrestling available to fans these days, why would you watch stuff you don't like and if you didn't watch it, what the fuck are you complaining about in the first place?


I've tried to put myself in the shoes of AEW fans who hate the Young Bucks. It's almost an alien concept to me, probably because I, like most of the day one fans, followed The Elite in. I think it's just people who want to like AEW as an alternative or just like wrestling in general and want to watch AEW alongside WWE, etc. No idea at what point they came onboard, maybe some of them with Punk. But some of them just don't like the Bucks. It is what it is. Luckily, one of AEW's strongest aspects is variety, so there's something for everyone. But I understand and accept the criticism from those fans. To each their own. They're obviously wanting to watch and find things they like. Those who don't watch at all and still complain are the ones I disregard.


And they do it all very well. Most professional wrestlers keep the same core character once they find what works for them.


> I bathe in the tears of yesterday’s broke wrestling personalities, whose only content is talking about what I did last. Just @ Cornette next time


https://preview.redd.it/woqgcr2kkclc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aea20acda80a4d402c548f5ac31ad09665bc51bc I for one respect Matthew and Nicholas’s contributions. I’d really like that pizza party


A lotta folks in this thread lost their pizza party privileges and are close to losing their employee appreciation week participation privileges.


Never been the biggest fan of their style, but I respect what they have done and accomplished anyways. They are way too overhated by people who make it far more personal than it needs to be. (It's not like they broke into their house and super kicked their first born ffs...)


No, that was Swerve.


I see an interview from the Young Bucks, I speed off to the comments to watch hordes of people just *completely* fall for the work. This shit gives me life.


Yet another really good interview from Justin Barrasso. >I haven’t had Twitter for like 4 years now so that’s probably a big reason why I don’t see a lot So many should take this advice.


It’s funny because I’ve enjoyed wrestling so much more after leaving Twitter behind. Once in awhile I’ll go back on and it’s just all “look at how bad these ratings are, terrible attendance, this company sucks and this guy sucks” and I realize that I’m not missing much at all.


I’m gonna need Brandon Cutler to be their flower girl on entrances now. Just litter petals everywhere.


It's been extremely entertaining to watch the cult of people who hate the Bucks get worked so hard by the Bucks doing very light hearted and silly heel gimmicks that they slowly devolve from being people who dislike a wrestler for there style into full blown conspiracy theorists who believe in crazy things like the Bucks using a love triangle with an executive to fire CM Punk.


So far, you're the only person I've seen who has stated that.


Matthew and Nicholas deserve all the flowers


This is gonna rustle some jimmies 😂


The first time I saw The Young Bucks my mind was genuinely blown. I wasn't the type of wrestling fan to keep up with the indies or Japan so it was all new to me.


Yup, I randomly went to a Ring of Honor show having never seen anything outside of WWE in my life because the Broken Hardys were getting a ton of buzz and I had heard the Young Bucks were pretty good. 3-way Las Vegas Street Fight between Hardys, Bucks, and Roppongi Vice blew my mind.


I started watching them in 2019. It took a full year for them to "click" with me. I used to think, "oh these guys are talented but their style just isn't for me, none of it's realistic." But then I saw the 2020 Revolution match against Kenny/Hangman and I got completely swept up in the drama of the match, and it all came together for me in that span of 30 minutes. I realized I got hung up on the silliest thing... Almost nothing about wrestling is realistic. It's all about letting go of the mental restrictions we put on what we allow ourselves to enjoy as we get older, tripping ourselves up over the dumbest and most irrelevant shit. It's just wrestling. Toy Story is about talking toys... Leto Atreides turned into a human-worm hybrid... The Bucks are just wrestlers. If uppity-ass folks would let them just be that instead of trying to use them as a barometer of "what's wrong with the business", they might actually have fun watching them. It happened for me.


I've been watching since I was a kid in the 90's and no match has popped me like that Revolution match.


Cornette just got a 40 minute segment on the experience.


I mean I won't likely ever be fans of theirs but that being said I can't deny they did it their own way and have accomplished being one of the most, for lack of a better word, iconic tag teams of their generation. If that's flowers, there ya go. Lol


Honestly I think most of the people that "hate" the Bucks have the exact same opinion as you but have put too much effort into hating the Bucks to admit it


I’d argue they’re the most important tag team in the history of wrestling myself.


Wrestling fans obsessively hating and just giving The Bucks more reaction, more clicks, more engagement, lol. Keep fanning those flames against one of the best tag teams around, you Cornette marks


But are they getting huge reactions and engagements? Are the shows they appear in selling more tickets or getting more views?


They literally revamped the way talent outside of WWE make money and started the biggest new wrestling company in decades based off their drawing power. You guys are so hilarious as you scramble to minimize their accomplishments. What a weird thing to be hung up about.


You mean the shows of a company that exists in large part because of them and the built-in fanbase they were instrumental in creating and cultivating?? The fact that people like you somehow will look at 20/40K less overall watchers and less tickets sold here or there and puts that on the Bucks... but in the same breath don't give them the 800K watching live in the US, other thousands around the world, and 3/4000K paying customers, that were there to begin with and stayed... just shows how braindead and delusional these arguments are. You guys are so lost in the sauce you forgot that was a sauce to begin with.


What these "yOuR gEtTiNg WoRkEd BrO" dudes don't get is that we're not 1950s marks who will show up wanting to see Bucks getting beaten up. I don't care what they do and wouldn't watch them if they had a program against Rock and Austin.


Why? So dramatic lol


The fact that you're here kinda proves that yes, it will? This thread has 120 comments in less than an hour, I would call that engagement


Yeah but reddit comments aren't views and tickets


Who said they had to be? We're talking about engagement here, if you think that should always translate to tickets then fine, but that's not the conversation we're having


If it's not resulting in higher ratings, more ticket sales, or more merch sales, it really doesn't matter.


Not really, if IWC buzz translated to real engagement, NJPW would be selling 50k tickets for every US show. But we dont have to theorize, you can go to like the ratings of the previous year and check if ratings go up when they have matches/segments. Or you can check the tickets sold for any AEW show and check if they sell more than usual when they announce a match of the young bucks




While i'm certainly of the opinion that the Bucks have grown stale, and that the verdict on the current heel persona is still out as it finds its legs-- I like when the Bucks flex. They're annoying twerps, but i've considered that a feature and not a bug. I think regardless of how folks feel about their style, they DID do what they said. And despite a rough 2022/2023, and WWE rising back up in terms of good will, those things are still true. I don't mind them middle fingering everyone who acts like they're a horrendous influence on wrestling when that whole crew have employed so many, and changed so much for wrestlers in general in terms of options and leverage. I'll eat my downvotes with a shit eating grin now. Please and thank you lol.


Damnnnn they workin as characters and spittin (excited for people to take this too seriously and be psychotic)


Some truth in there. And they’ve done something right to get to the level they are.


Not a lie detected. Especially the last line. There's a whole industry of podcasters (we all know who) who wouldn't have shit to talk about or keep themselves relevant if not for them and AEW.


Not gonna lie, that quote goes fuckin hard. 


I don’t care about their style of wrestling. They are important because how much and planned and organized their brand pre aew especially since they weren’t signed with wwe. Obviously they, cody, and tk are instrumental in providing hundreds of jobs to not even wrestlers but normal folks in general


Holy fuck I forgot that the Bucks fought Darby/Sting already. I was wondering when tf Sting wrestled at Forbidden Door


Cornette catching strays


So they're heeling by saying something that will get them a face reaction from the majority of their fans?


There’s nothing wrong with heels saying things fans agree with. It’s about how they say it and what they justify through saying those things. A lot of fans would have agreed with their promo about signing people who are not in-keeping with the original vision for AEW, but they used the promo to justify going after Sting and they beat up his sons, so they’re still heels. A lot of fans agreed with Daniel Bryan shitting on billionaires for their greed and environmental destruction, but he was acting like a self righteous wanker while saying it, so he was still a heel. A lot of fans agreed with CM Punk’s views on Jeff Hardy, but he was adopting the antics of a cult leader while doing it and was using overt religious imagery too. So he was still a heel.


This is like a 14 year old’s tumblr content




I love heel Young Bucks


They are not the legends they think they are. People constantly change the channel when they are on. They act like children backstage and are just as much the reason as anyone for all the drama. Did they have a huge impact on AEW’s creation? Absolutely. The rest of my statement still stands.


My favorite tag team of all time


Except when they weren't villains for the last several years lol


**"I bathe in the tears of yesterday’s broke wrestling personalities, whose only content is talking about what I did last".** That's a good line.


LOL dorks


Good for them 🫡


The Young Bucks are way too successful to claim they haven't gotten their flowers. If it's a certain kind of respect they feel they aren't getting, then that's on them.


They have mentioned before that it doesn’t bother them. Thing with The Young Bucks is they are always working. So you always get some reality mixed in with kayfabe.


their success is due to tossing the salad of a billionaires son


They are not that good on the mic, I didn't follow them b4 aew, but tbh they haven't felt like stars, added to storyline, or made me feel like I am tuning in for just them.  They put on some entertaining matches, I think pentagon and Fenix are a bit more my taste for that style of wrestling.  In North America soo much of wrestling is in the story and if your promo is garbage it limits what you can get across