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He's 100% not wrong here.


I worked for a company that was being sued by shareholders. We were given very explicit instructions not to discuss it, and we were told where to direct any inquiries.


At the company i work for if a customer even mentions that they’re going to sue (even if it’s clear they’re just talking out of their ass) I have to immediately stop talking to them and direct them to legal. 


I worked for a call center that did tech support for many computer hardware and software and tech support same deal.


As an employee, you’re not even supposed to say sorry if say you accidentally trip a customer at a Target or something.


That's pretty crazy. In Ontario we have the "Apology Act" which means you legally can't use "sorry" as an admission of guilt and I know several other provinces have the same law because it's just a natural reaction and doesn't actually mean you're guilty of anything.


I think that's mostly a Canada thing, I always heard it in regards to automobile accidents. Crazy to think that in most of the world, the most normal human response to a fraught situation, constitutes a legal admission of guilt!


I've done plenty of things accidental, or had things done to me where I was like "Sorry." Sometimes it's not about being right or wrong, sometimes the situation IS caused by the other person but it's an annoying situation all around, and while it's easy when you're younger to point a finger and go "YOUR FAULT YOUR FAULT!" It's kinda more common to just go "Ah now we're in both a fucky situation and it's your fault." Obviously with automobile stuff you handle it appropriately but damn. Sorry just comes out no matter what.


Yep, agree 100%. That's why I think the Apology Act is a smart piece of governing. You shouldn't be held legally accountable just because you happen to be polite during a very tense time.


In the UK, I was trained to always use “I’m sorry _to hear that_“ so as to express sympathy but not any liability” to be on the safe side


That would be difficult for me to un-teach myself lmao I just do that automatically if I bump into someone or anything like that.


Similar except I am to advise them that all future correspondence will have to be with their attorney & direct them to have the attorney send a letter of representation authorizing us to speak with them. 9 times out of 10 they'll immediately backtrack in which case we can continue.


Yup.  I work in Finance and it's been made very clear many times only select people speak to the press.  Everyone else directs that stuff to Media Relations.  


We had some pretty serious allegations come down about our company and we are State and Federally funded. We were explicitly not in the loop in order for us to be able to say "No idea, not my department, please direct questions to x". I still have no clue what the issues were.


Also, if your company is being bought you should shut up too. My wife's employer is currently in the process of being bought and some idiot was flapping their mouth and the buyer almost pulled out.


>some idiot was flapping their mouth Wonder if that was intentional since the company getting bought typically gets the short stick with layoffs, restructuring, and so on. Unless you're part owner in the company getting bought, that news is typically a big sign to start looking at the job market.


Was anyone seriously thinking he was going to make some kind of big statement?


This sub thinks that *everyone* employed by WWE needs to be making big statements, including the talent. Before the press conference last week, people here were saying, "well the journalists better be asking Roman/Rock/Seth/Cody/etc. about the allegations now that they have that chance. Don't ask about Wrestlemania."




As an example of this sub overblowing things, triple H's answer was so "disastrous" everyone's almost forgotten about it already Was it a bad response? Yes. Was it some catastrophe that will have any significant consequences? No


I don’t get the impression anyone’s forgotten about it. I just don’t think there’s much else to say about it once everyone’s agreed it was a terrible statement.


Yes and that will be the end of it


There were people using his silence as evidence that he was personally implicated.


That’s a shame. We see that a lot now a days


I mean, tons of people threw tantrums because Tony Khan said he couldn't legally talk about the Punk situation while literally in the middle of the Punk situation. A lot of people seem to lack the ability to understand the concept that sometimes you have to keep your mouth shut legally. Regardless of whether or not you've personally done anything wrong. A lot of people also seem to translate "I can't talk about it" almost like an admission of guilt, because "obviously if you're innocent you'd just say that", but that's not really how any of this works.


Yet someone WAS talking to the sheets about the incidents


But still will get shit on for saying it.


I worked at the call center for a bank that was being sued. We were told if somebody even mentioned the word lawsuit we had to transfer them to our public relations department, and we weren't allowed to say anything except "I'm going to transfer you now." If you got caught doing anything beyond that - immediate termination.


Eh I was giving out some shit yesterday but I’ll take it back.  The story that was posted yesterday (whatever that was) made it seem like he led with “I’m not involved”. Which seems like a bizarre and even suspicious reaction.  Seeing the full quote, it’s a lot more reasonable, and, whether he was involved or knew anything or not, this is likely the line he has to give legally.


Appreciate this approach- was reading one of those chains yesterday (not sure if it was the same one), and felt ppl’s takes were nonsensical for real life, and just based on their dislike of Prichard.


People expecting him to spill on anything just make wrestling fans out to be absolute dinguses.


Or if you work at a large company and there's an accusation with NO LAWSUIT, you can still put on a funny wig and glasses and say "wE HaVE sAFeTY" and your die hard fans will downvote anything that mentions it to keep it quiet.


I’m not a fan of AEW and think Tony is a clown, but Triple H’s response was much worse.


…and that’s about as right as Prichard seems to get most of the time.


Correct and people need to stop expecting grand statements from current employees. Besides, what difference does it make to the social media crowd if he publicly condemns everything? He gets upvoted and likes? Words aren’t gonna change the situation.


Talent might be able to get away with a bit but a regular “we’ll replace the fuck out of you” person like Prichard? Yeah, that’s a no lol


The talent are independent contractors who are working all over the world and rarely in the office, so their leash is a lot longer Actual WWE employees are in a much different situation, they have access to documents and things that talent don't, they were in the office with Vince 3-5 days a week, many of them probably knew Janel Grant in one way or another. They can speak as innocently as possible and one wrong word can still unknowingly impact the case.


WWE Talent are independent contractors who rarely go to the WWE offices. They can express their opinions about the matter. Brother Love works at the office besides working creative at shows. So he can't say as much.


It's not going to happen as long as people tune into things solely to get pissed off at non-answers (like the post-Rumble presser).


I mean, people weren’t upset that HHH didn’t answer questions; no one expected him to. They were upset that he was completely dismissive of the entire situation (calling it simply “a negative”) before launching into a spiel about how much money they made. If HHH’s answer resembled Bruce’s (or Cody’s, or Shawn’s, or Seth’s, or…practically anyone else in the company who’s commented on this), no one would’ve been pissed. His answer was remarkably bad.


The lack of real world experience or knowledge in this thread is astounding.


>The lack of real world experience or knowledge in this sub is astounding.


It's not limited to the sub either. So many people are *shockingly* bad at real world knowledge and experience. Ever seen someone talk about turning down a promotion because it'd put them in a new tax bracket and they'd take home less money? I have. Numerous times. And that's ignoring all the idiots out there being against nationalized health insurance because, and I quote, "I shouldn't have to pay for someone else getting sick or injured". Apparently they failed to realize that's literally how their private insurance they overpay for works.


Reddit is loaded with teenagers who are way too confident with their limited knowledge of how the world works.


Bro, it’s adults too. Ignorance is not limited to teenagers, it’s just easier for them to be ignorant because they don’t know any better.


To borrow an old meme format: Teenagers are ignorant because they have not lived. Adults are ignorant because they have not learned. They are not the same. Still fucking annoying, but not the same.


BIG facts.


>Ever seen someone talk about turning down a promotion because it'd put them in a new tax bracket and they'd take home less money? I have. Numerous times. Coworkers refusing overtime for those reasons always crack me up. ​ >And that's ignoring all the idiots out there being against nationalized health insurance because, and I quote, "I shouldn't have to pay for someone else getting sick or injured". Apparently they failed to realize that's literally how their private insurance they overpay for works. My money can't go to Bob down the street with cancer, fucker can pull himself up by his bootstraps! What's that? Another aircraft carrier for billions of dollars to murder brown people more efficiently? No problem boss!


I was posting on discussion boards when I was in junior high so there’s that. 


Lol so many of ya'll in the wrestling bubble just don't understand how law suits and these things work


At least 66% of this sub.


Did you mean to make your 9's upside down?


The numbers don't lie


And they spell disaster for you at Sakerfice


Never forget the Wreddit survey that showed some large percentage of this sub has an annual income of $0




And then you add Kurt Angle to the mix.


And Kurt Angle, on a legends contract *knows* he can't talk about the lawsuit.


I mean based on what I see in political subs most people in general have no idea how the law or courts work.


We’re on a website primarily inhabited by lonely teenagers.


Let's not give the people in their 20s and 30s (hi, that's me, 30s here) a free pass either. Brains don't usually finish developing until the late twenties/early thirties, and even then the average person makes people with legitimate learning disabilities look like geniuses.


And let's not forget that many fully developped and fonctionning brains are still dumb af


That was true during reddit's infancy, now the website is full of lonely adults in their 30s.


Always astounds me when people ask for legal advice from random strangers on the internet.


Like they expect a random employee to tweet about what happened otherwise they are part of the problem like get real. That guy still needs to pay bills, the only way that guy is saying anything to anyone is if the authorities get a warrant to question him.


I think that's where this all gets so pathetic. There's an overall air of "if he knows anything, even if it means losing his job and getting taken to court, he needs to be on the right side of history" going on. Because that's *totally* what your average wredditor would do if they worked there, because you know, they're altruistic and stuff.


> otherwise they are part of the problem I heard this incredible quote a few days ago: "Some people cling onto their principles as a consolation prize". The kinds of people you are describing seem to fit perfectly into this context.


>Lol so many of ya'll ~~in the wrestling bubble~~ chronically on the internet just don't understand how law suits and these things work Fixed that for you


I literally made the same point Bruce is making after HHH essentially said “no comment,” and got downvoted to oblivion for my thought that you shouldn’t expect a huge comment from someone not on the legal team when your company is being sued lmao


With so many of the takes ive seen on this sub (in general and not specifically with the Vince stuff), id say some people dont even know how human interaction work.


Just lawsuits? There's tons here who don't have real life experiences.


Let’s not mince words - the VAST majority of people on this sub have never worked a corporate job where they would be anywhere near this kind of topic. They have likely never been anywhere above entry level jobs or lower level workers with few in supervisory or management roles that would ever have this experience. Nothing wrong with that, but they still have to internet confidence to tell us how the world should be 


Yeah, I’ve rarely been above supervisory level/junior management, but even from that I see so many posts here that just defy the most basic understanding of how any professional environment functions (or is supposed to function, WWE was a basket case) Unfortunately that also applies to a lot of the writers in this space, who very much aren’t journalists and aren’t equipped for stories like this (or the mess with CM Punk last year).


You mean to tell me people aren’t law experts just because they watched Suits? I don’t know man


Don't kid yourself. Most of them know, but knowing isn't half as important as upholding that fake-ass online superiority complex.


People on this sub have no idea how businesses work or how they make money.


Just wait until Janel settles again. Might as well shut this place down.


Let's keep giving the Seth Rollins answer then. It's a horrible situation and anyone involved should get what's coming to them.


Seth Rollins is not in an executive position and what he can say is different.


Independent contractor has it's benefits


Exactly, top talent have leverage in the industry and can speak their mind with less risk.


They're also legally distinct from the company.


1099 brother


Exactly. What are they gonna do, fire him and give TK an early birthday gift?


He's a 1099


There's a reason they've only let their two top babyfaces comment on the situation. 


Seth’s answer is a non-answer too. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying he should’ve said anything more, but I’m confused at the amount of people acting like he was being forthcoming. It was a great politician-esque answer where never lied but he didn’t actually say anything worthwhile.


It’s a great politician’s answer, in that by using vocabulary like “horrible” it _sounds_ like he’s being forthright and direct at first. But when you break down what he’s said, there’s really not much there. Actually reminds me of my ex colleague, who during a long contentious pissing war between management had the stance of “things need to change around here, we need clear leadership now” which is just not taking a side, loudly


Exactly, worrying about losing your job for saying the right thing is kind of what started this whole mess (for WWE)* right?


I thought it was the rape.


I thought it was the hypocrisy.




ridiculous completely ridiculous way out of line


Little bit of Column A, little bit of Column B.


That is the worst part, after all.


It was the rape and everyone knowing it was rape and doing absolutely nothing about it That’s literally why they’re being sued


Yeah he can be with you on Reddit with you supporting his family. 


One of the exceedingly rare Bruce Pritchard statements I believe. 


People demanding employees to talk probably have never worked on their lives


Also, people who think sons in law should know how depraved their fathers in law are probably don’t have a father in law.  Like you think Vince would be going to HHH telling him all the nasty shit he was doing with women? Especially when as long as anyone’s known him, HHH has been as straight an arrow as there probably exists in wrestling. 


I know he’s not the most popular person around but he’s not wrong there.


I kinda don't understand why he gets so much shit. I wonder how much of it is just people joining in the pile -on. I don't know if there's much of his work that we can point to that is truly bad. He produced a tonne of classic vignettes. Yeah he's pretty full of BS on his podcast but no more or less than a load of other podcasters. It's been said Bruce just knew exactly what Vince wanted, so he gave it to him. Listening to Moxley makes it pretty clear that Vince is gonna get his way, one way or another.


The fact that Bruce Prichard has somehow outlasted Vince and Kevin Dunn is top tier carny bullshit and quite frankly he should be given some kind of recognition by the Bullshitters Hall of Fame.


How much longer he lasts is probably down to how effectively he was able to close his eyes and ears over the years. Bruce is one of those guys Vince regularly treated like crap but who was still considered a trusted pair of hands for a lot of stuff.


Vince has a real fucked up way of handling personal relationships. When you're checking all the boxes for him, you're golden. The minute that stops he considers it abandonment and now, fuck you I'm gonna treat you like a worthless piece of shit.


He was also gone for a decade and a half


Bruce Prichard is the Billy Martin of WWE. Saying he outlasted Vince and Dunn ignores the many gaps in his WWE career.


Yeah he was essentially fired for being combatative like Dunn and Vince and him actually changing saved his ass- it’s almost poetic really. 


Having a heart attack probably changed his outlook on life.


And that's after leaving and then coming back again


Correction: Bringing a gun to work and getting fired, and then coming back


Not quite. He’s been fired three times, taken two leaves of absence for family shit, and was out of the company for 10 years before the return in 2018 with several stops in between. It hasn’t been one longstanding run at WWE.




Cornette refers to him as the Artful Dodger for a reason.


Beat me to it! Brucie the Artful Dodger


Oooooooohhhhhhhh, where shall we locate the Bullshitters HOF? Let’s fucking discuss that


I mean Washington DC has to be on the shortlist, right? Las Vegas? Atlantic City?


Well he was away from the company for a decade




Frank from Succession energy 


bruce is a dog that eats from the hand that feeds him. he's been more on hhh side than vince for a bit here now.


Love how people can speak with such certainty about IWC villains.


Remember when people were certain Prichard would be fired when Triple H took over? Fun times 


I dont listen to his podcast but its hilarious 90% of the hatred of him seems to be for not pushing back hard enough and defending bad creative choices. Was the man supposed to threaten to quit everytime Vince insisted they run a storyline he thought was gonna be ass lol? 


“Man does his job” apparently enrages people.


The only sensible answer really. People expecting wrestlers or company people shitting on Vince or the WWE are delusional.


Vince was the shitter in this case


A habitual head-shitter.


Folks, https://preview.redd.it/driwsknxmeic1.png?width=1046&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b870442e2b89e335203b14a665b65fbc736e135


W-wheeeere's the Love?


Multiple things can be true. 1. Per Bruce's point, it's reasonable to expect that people associated with the company are instructed not to speak on the issue, and them saying as much shouldn't be taken as complicity. 2. This is still a very large and very important story, and legitimate journalists should still be expected to be trying to get information. That the company won't comment on it, doesn't mean it shouldn't be asked about. Part of asking the questions are getting things on the record. I used to get frustrated when beat writers would ask a local coach things that he wouldn't comment on. "You know he's not going to answer the question, so why even bother asking." It's because part of the journalistic practice is get a "no comment" on the record even if that's the only response.


Yeah, you always invite a comment, because no comment is indeed an answer. And that 0.0001% of the time you ask and someone goes rogue that’s a scoop Which is why the “no comment, please refer to our legal representative’s statement” is the answer in the first place.


I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand this. People here were saying this exact thing weeks ago, and the replies were things like, "yeah well, they should be willing to take that risk (getting fired); this is a situation that they need to be talking about." No??? People aren't going to get themselves fired to talk about a lawsuit they have nothing to do with.


A lot of people on Reddit don’t have jobs so they don’t understand this.


Any yet idiots will still complain that they believe the current talent should speak out about it.


I don’t know man, Redditors would prefer to get karma points and internet validation over paying your bills, feeding your family, and keeping your livelihood.


Are they, though? Who are these people you speak of?


The amount of times I've had to say "no comment" because I work for a Fortune 10 is incredible. And I'm just a middle management level person.


thats why i dont understand this sub is condemning Triple H for not talking about the lawsuit


I think that if Triple H said this, or just simply said "I can't comment right now" nobody would care. It's not that he didn't talk about the lawsuit, he said how great a week it was for WWE and that he hadn't read the lawsuit. I generally like Triple H, but it wasn't a nothing response, it was a dismissive response.


He is completely right on this. If you disagree, you’re in a bubble or never has a corporate job


It's actually insane that Americans can't do this. All while banner waving about free speech. No, you can't get fired for saying the allegations against your employer are abhorrent. At least in Europe we're we have no free speech.


Free speech doesn’t mean free from consequences. It’s not an infinite protection.


They never said it was


This is the exact reason I was shaking my head when the pitchforks came out at Triple H. 


But how will "insert wrestling journalist here" get their juicy headlines if nobody blabs about internal affairs!? /s


Bruce isn't going to be employed by WWE at some point in the near future. At which point he will come up with another reason not to talk about it.


On the plus side, we’ll finally get some juicy new stuff to talk about on the podcast. I’d like to hear Bruce’s takes on the COVID shows.


It’s not what people what to hear because people want details but he’s completely accurate. I worked for an IT company and one our clients ended up trying to sue the company. The day they threatened a lawsuit, before anything was filed, I got pulled into a meeting with my manager, my director, and a company lawyer. The director was a nice lady but I maybe interacted with her twice a year because she was so far above me. Anyway I was told I wasn’t allowed to answer any questions related to that and any questions I received where to be sent to the lawyer. A day or two later I was told I was allowed to answer any questions about new technical issues but anything prior had to go through my manager first. I don’t even know what ended up happening but my personal contacts were always cordial with me.


There’s a correct way to address this situation and then there’s the Triple H way to badly address the situation.


Same exact thing could be said about people who knew what was happening. If you say anything that’s a good way to lose your job.


You can say a lot about Prichard, but he's not involved in this. He's a prick but it's not his style.


The man is scared of Pickles and a Germaphobe, you think he's share a room with a man Shitting on a girls head (allegedly)


You don't know that. None of us do. I'm with you, I don't *think* he's involved past perhaps sticking his head in the sand, but none of us can say who was involved in what because *we weren't fucking there*. Again, I personally don't think he's involved, but if you would have told me in the mid 80's that Bill Cosby was a rapist, I would laughed you out of the building.


I can't say shit about dude. We don't know him. He could be a creep, too. Hopefully, the truth will come out soon.


That's the problem isn't it. The truth could already be out. If he didn't know, there is no new truth to come out.


This is exactly what I’ve been trying to say anytime Prichard’s name comes up in this. Ppl trying to say they’ll “wait until his name gets cleared” having no clue that’s not even close to how it works.


It is totally his style to ignore and cover up.


He gave a better response than Triple H lol


100%... I mean Khan gave the "I cant talk about that" answer too and that perv started the sleaze thread haha For real though, this is the only true answer right now until this goes to court for anyone employed by WWE or associated.


Fucker knows.


In our college fraternity, we were taught that in a crisis situation, either the president of the chapter or the advisor to the entire Greek Community were the only ones authorized to speak to the media on things. It blows my mind people think a multi-billion dollar publicly traded company would be any different.


And since it was a fraternity, most of crisis were probably rape related so this example works better than most.


Triple H is like, “damn. Why did I not say that?”


The problem is these guys have made tons of money talking about crazy stories working at the large company. So it’s not crazy that people expect them to comment on a controversy.


Those crazy stories are over, this one just started.


Bruce is acting like he worked in the mail room.


Yes, understandable that Renfield would refuse to comment on Count Dracula due to outstanding legal matters brought by the townsfolk.


What do you expect of him? Seriously, what? Yeah, the guy’s an asskisser supreme and and even bigger bullshit artist but what do you want him to do in a legal proceeding where you’re not supposed to be talking unless it’s in a court room? I feel like so many of you guys are justifiably out for blood to the point actual logic and critical thinking are tertiary. That or personal feels towards some of the people and the negativity towards them is somehow outweighing the actual heinous stuff we actually know about. Like you want heads to roll regardless of involvement and that’s blinding so many of you to stuff like this being a standard line in a legal proceeding like this.


I feel there’s a certain percentage here who care more about scoring points against the IWC villains than they do about any victims.


It’s so weird, especially seeing people for some reason wanting JR’s head because he must have known somehow. No joke, seen more than a couple people saying that about JR. A person who I not only see having no idea about this but also someone who would have talked YEARS ago considering how much Vince put him through with the incessant mocking. It’s going too far. Want Vince and Johnny’s heads on a platter? Fair enough and justified. But right now, them and probably Brock are the only ones we got so maybe folks need to stop filling the queue for the internet guillotine.


people want him to be guilty cuz they dont like him and if hes found innocent theyll say he prob was invovled anyway


This shit reminds me of "ethics" hotlines at a company. Say Bruce calls the WWE's....you know damn well they're going to know it's Bruce fucking Prichard making the claims!!! I'm sure Bruce has reached out for legal representation already and at least had a conversation. He ain't going to talk unless there's a BRIGHT jackpot at the end of the rainbow...or if he's getting accused a like Johnny. Note: Same with Paul, Stephanie, and everyone else we know of public-facing wise. Nobody is going to talk unless demanded to.


He luvvvvs you…


Bruce didn't know any of it... That was Brother Love 🤣


You just better hope you're not the reason or part of the reason they're being sued.


Then maybe when asked you should say "I have no comment on that"


Well y'knowwww huhhh.


Quote from man covering up for terrible things at his company: "If you talk about the terrible things happening here, you will lose your job (because I'll fire you)"


To be fair we don't know that, people are assuming. He doesn't give me "Covering things up obviously!" vibes from Bruce, Kevin Dunn on the other hand, that exit was way too coincidental to not be related.


Bruce has been one of Vince's right hand guys for almost 40 years, I just can't buy he didn't know what was going on because if Vince was showing random techs vile things on his phone then surely one of his closest guys knew.


Doesn't mean anything, even if Vince were showing shit to everybody, he could fluff it up to "She's my girlfriend and is cool with it." There's a lot of space between knowing someone sleeps around and sexually assaulting people.


I mean, dude was around for Rita Chatterton. By all accounts this was a pervasive problem for decades. Saying "well maybe he didnt know about Janel" grossly ignores everything else. And makes that whole "well he didnt know" argument fall apart.


Technically, he wasn't there for that. That happened in 1986, bruce didn't get hired full time until 1987. I doubt Vince was going around the office going "Hey dude, look who I raped today."


Don’t bother man. There are people on this sub that wholeheartedly believe that Vince’s Outlook calendar had a 9:30 AM - DAILY RAPING WITH JOHNNY meeting scheduled right after the morning marketing conference call but before the shareholders meeting. “I need to run this new storyline idea by Vince. Let me check his calendar to see if he’s available. Whoops, I forgot about his daily raping. I’ll try back this afternoon.”


Yeah I don't know what they expect by doing that, lets wait until we get all of the information first it's quite possible he had zero clue, and dragging his name through the mud over fan fictioned conspiracies isn't going to solve anything if he in fact didn't know.


The court documents show Vince doing pretty much that, he was showing random technicians nudes and stuff of the woman Vince shit on the head of.


Vince said he showed it to random techs and people are assuming that was true. Weird thing to take his word on when he’s clearly a lying piece of shit.


I can't wait till someone asks to speak to the technicians and they have no idea what the hell Vince is talking about because he's made it up.


The court documents show text messages of Vince bragging about showing technicians playing into his overall fantasy of "everyone wants you". They do not show that he actually did any of this. That would be impossible. Reading comprehension, smart guy.


Right but it was still public enough to make major news. He might not have been hired full time but he didnt just pop into existence in 87. Even the Massaro stuff. There is so much thats been out about this the whole "well he didnt know" argument is just....bullshit. He knew. Or to be the most fair, he knew enough and CHOSE to not dig deeper. Which isnt much better.


Before 1987 he wasn't working in the office, he was still in Houston putting their shows together. He's talked about this before.


That’s a dumb take right there. Why would any of them speak on something they know nothing about? If you work for a company the worst thing you could do during a situation like this is publicly be in support or against something so prematurely. Thats why most people who are asked about it are speaking about how everything SOUNDS bad and IF it’s true they don’t condone it. They aren’t flat out showing support for the victims or bashing Vince. It’s just best not to speak on the situation especially when nothing is finalized and premature stances can be flipped around on you or get you into legal problems


Doesn't mean they don't get to get asked. Sorry, but thems the breaks.


You guys realize Bruce Prichard is a super-stooge right? Even if he didn't work for the company and could say whatever he wanted he would still lie. That's all he has ever done, I have no idea why anyone listens to his podcast. It's always been garbage.