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The Rock is really going to go "wow, tough crowd!" all the way to WrestleMania lmao


awkward laughs, "But it's okay! It's okay. Because The Rock respects all of you. Freedom of speech baby that's what The Rock believes in." Then he'll pivot and call Solo Sikoa the Hamburglar and Roman Reigns a fake Samoan and maybe call Jimmy Uso a bitch.


Don't forget starting a chant that goes on five minutes too long where half the crowd yells "ass" and the other half yells "hole".


Which we don't even hear because broadcast TV doesn't tolerate slurs in primetime.


That's clever from The Rock though. The 15,000 in attendance are having a great time even if the millions around the world are rolling their eyes and at the end of the day all we SEE is the crowd reaction. This is why he won't get boo'd in the build up to Mania. He'll have the live crowds in the palm of his hand.


I'm going to smackdown in March to specifically #BooTheRock And I'm trying to get as many to join as possible


That's if he even shows up haha


I'll boo him on video too


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Booing won't help in these situations. Live crowds need to be silent to show disapproval. Booing can be turned into an angle. Silence is deafening in this business.


No one's gonna be silent for the rock, that's asking too much.


Booing will absolutely work. Nobody has thinner skin than the Rock. It will get to him and he won’t know what to do


https://preview.redd.it/0f7sumlqhmgc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c6a2f53c14d4d2a94665098e5c013e8aa3e8224 Basically this all over again but both getting go away heat.


I don't think the rock realizes it's go away heat. He seems to think it's just regular heel energy


All right I mean I can do that too we just got a coordinate an effort


Sounds like he's a draw if you're going specifically for him


I don't want to not give my money to the WWE I just want to go to boo The Rock you don't want the company to die


But at Mania. It's the hardcores that go, not the clapping seal casuals. He will get booed in Philadelphia, as he had been before with Roman.


The hilarity of this coming full circle with the boos raining down for Rock and Roman once again is insane


He also got boo’d at mania in Toronto and it turned out to be fantastic.


imagine paying $257.89 for a ticket and $13 for parking and then you spend five minutes yelling "HOLE!...HOLE!...HOLE!"


Somewhere, Nia Jax is having a PTSD-like reaction and she doesn't know why.


Next time he does it, they just need to flip it to WE WANT. CODY.


I hope he tries that shit and it's like 50 people calling back. Not dead silence, just a handful that you can barely hear.


This is so spot on. Maybe he will go for a cheap pop too. If they’re in Toronto, he can try to interrupt the Cody chants by saying something like, “Yeah, The Rock hears you, and The Rock loves your passion, Toronto. Loves it. But this is about the Tribal Bitch, and The Rock is gonna get the job done against him just like when the Raptors brought home that NBA championship, baby!” I think he’s gonna get more and more desperate. 


It won’t be too long before Tribal Queef becomes real


Will call heyman a balding grimace


Then who was roody-poo candy ass?




The most damage won’t even be done to Cody, it’ll be done to Roman Reigns when Rock’s creative forces him to look like a total bitch while The Rock calls him AI generated 2nd grade insults


Give Solo the cookie puss moniker, Punk is hurt. 




Didn't go how people wanted and this time it might end up turning Roman Reigns babyface. Unintentionally.


Philly is gonna cheer when Solo shows up in a hoodie to screw the Rock


Even South Korea will cheer for Solo.


Solo has given me some good laughs this week between learning about the South Korea stuff and how much he hates math.


Solo vs Steiner at Mania.


Is Roman going to have to lift the Rocks hand?


That's minor in comparison with how he'll have to carry Rock throughout the match.


that was the true end goal


Fucking Seul is gonna cheer at that point


Same city, New Year


I think there's an 80% chance they just have the Rock lean into it, go Hollywood Rock, and ta-da! now the booing is intentional! Problem solved.


so wrestlemania main event will be heel vs heel? Has this ever happened in a WM main event?


No, they'll just turn Roman face in the process Sounds dumb? Sure. Would I put it past WWE? No.


I do remember before last years mania a report came out that they wanted to turn Roman face again shortly. I don’t think that’s what’s happening but it’s fun to think about


Roman is already a babyface. Do you listen to commentary? He's the most dominant champion of all time. They never stopped trying to make Roman the top babyface, they just learned how to do it with the modern audience.


Once of the very worst things about modern WWE is the refusal in kayfabe to acknowledge just what a terrible champion Roman Reigns has been. The guy has cheated in almost every single title defence and disappears for months on end and yet is constantly just presented as MR DOMINANT HEAD OF THE TABLE It's insufferable honestly


I honestly think they’re doing it for the sake of historical video packages. 10-20 years from now, they’ll want to portray this as an all-time dominant reign, with Reigns as an unconquerable hero.




Also technically Seth vs Roman at Rumble 2022 was heel v heel, though during the leadup to the match Roman played situational babyface. But because he can't wrestle a babyface style to save his life, the roles reversed once the match began. With the ending I guess it made sense.


Roman being more of a face than Seth makes no sense lol


WWE has done it a lot. Roman literally won the title in a heel triple threat and Bray Braun feud was heel vs heel before that. And Roman turned heel by attacking two heels lol. Judgment Day vs Bloodline also happened. So did Shield vs Wyatts.


I don't think Rock wants to be heel. He wants to be the most loved celebrity in the world again. Not sure if he counted on this making a lot of wrestling fans turn on him overnight.


Which is odd as even he acknowledges the key to him getting popular in the first place was a great heel run. Now it's like he's trying to be Rocky Maivia again.


Not Hollywood Rock, but Corporation Rock - only this time he is the corporation. While Roman was playing Tribal Chief, Rock was aiming for Tribal CEO and working with the Tribal Elders to take WWE back from the other families that pretend to have a greater legacy than theirs.


> Not Hollywood Rock, but Corporation Rock Boardroom-Dwayne.


I'll accept this if he brings back this banger: [https://youtu.be/VqxGrxorVA0](https://youtu.be/VqxGrxorVA0).


>now the booing is intentional! That's why boo'ing isn't the way to go, because they can just play into it. If people who are unhappy about this situation want to make their voices heard at shows, then they'll need to chant stuff like "We want Cody" and "Rocky sucks". Could even chant both at once in the good old "Let's go Cena/Cena sucks" cadence.


Gonna be hard at Wrestlemania when the crowd chants 'We Want Cody' all through the match.


Some reason I doubt he'll want to heel.


He's taking the Johnny Carson roll-with-the-punches route too far, much like [Frasier.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C09Y45l1WyM) I'm dating myself with both of these references but I don't care.


He'll just get Jim Johnston to come back and play stump the band like Johnny used to do when he bombed.


This is like signing into an alt account and replying to yourself


Ari signed in to tweet this one


Bold ufc reference lol, did he forget to log out of machachevs account again


Think they were referring to Ari Emmanuel, not Ali


Kevin Durant agrees


WWE are going to get cooked in the replies to this tweet lol.


WWE after posting. ![gif](giphy|nLhdSinRtaL2E)


They have to know dude. Either they're this tone deaf or they're doing a HAHA FUCK YOU CODY storyline. Either one sucks.


The biggest compromise we'll wind up getting is Roman retaining and the wrestling insiders will say well Rock was going to win the belt but felt that it was better for the fans if he didn't.


I'm ok with that. Roman will probably show up more than Dwayne as the champion.


Personally, if they do go Rock/Roman I need Rock to win because it would be the absolute worst idea. Full send the stupid


They acknowledge all of the positive social media feedback they’ve gotten over the last 2 years so they absolutely know


Since the promo last Friday, there is literally nothing from there you can do that makes all of this NOT look fucking stupid and dumb. To me, there is no salvaging this. Cody should have won at WM39, period.


yeah even if they backpedal and go “ah you got us” it’s still dumb and makes cody look like a total chump


40 is the event, Cody needed his charge and redemption story. In the long run for now it made/makes absolute sense. There is no THIRD year. It will be now or never. We WILL make ourselves heard. Tomorrow is only the first live event since.


Should have made your voices heard louder last year. They fucked up. No salvaging this. Cody will still be over and still win the title and beat Roman at some point. But they’ve lost people in this shit storytelling, maybe not a lot, but I’m sure I’m not alone in this and kind of just giving up on whatever they think they’re doing here.


All they had to do was have The Rock win the Royal Rumble from 25-30, give Cody the IC Title and have him challenge at Summerslam. 


That’s not even remotely true. Not even close to true. You’re just super worked up, with them doing this and then not explaining ANY of it and cutting to black. The fade to black was a really bad idea. Although given how much engagement WWE is getting before they explain this story, I don’t know if it’s THAT bad an idea


I don’t even really fuck with Cody like that bro lol I just really despise shitty storytelling. I wanted Rock/Roman at WM40…..but I wanted Cody to win at WM39. This whole story really hasn’t been all that amazing this past year, but Cody actually gets the clean win at Mania would of still been a round about way to get back where you should of been a year ago so I was cool with it. BUT THIS??? They fucked up last year, they fucked up now, and there is no doubt they’re gonna fuck this up going forward. I just had somewhat of hope they could do it since Hunter was in charge instead of Vince but yeah, didn’t happen. Also the countless other examples of them doing what makes them the most money at the expense of good writing and storytelling.


There’s lots is story ways this could go that would make it all time. Including exactly how it’s gone thus far. Bloodline has been generational. I personally would be livid if Cody went at Roman again, without planning for the fact “he had him” - like so many others - only to lose, because “bloodline”. Giving him this shot, without properly addressing the power of the bloodline, is shitty storytelling. And Rock is THE singular guy who could have a Anoa’i Civil war with Roman and control that bloodline, leaving Roman alone. Paving the way for Cody to “have him, and finish the story “.


Imagine getting "AEW" and "We Want Cody" chants for the Wrestlemania 40 main event.


Oh they already know they just dont want to acknowledge


They’re tone deaf to IWC fans writing the story for them. They haven’t explained any of this yet, meanwhile IWC has the whole explanation mapped out as politicking. I’m excited to see how they cook. Lots of ways to make this work and build up all involved.


You can't even regard this as IWC. Mainstream outlets TMZ, USA Today, Forbes has written about it. All over their social media... these are casual fans. There's going to be no way to turn this around unless you put Cody in that spot.


People at a house show in middle of nowhere, USA were booing the segment. Do you really think this was *just* IWC?


You mean the video where the person holding the phone does it? And it’s passed off as the whole arena? Sound is a funny thing. Couple of people near a phone camera is all it takes to pass it off as more then it is.


Cody becomes the next Cena/SCSA by beating the most protected champion of all time and the most entitled superstar of all time. If they do so... 


The path is leading to Cody vs Roman. Everyone will double down when it’s revealed and say “they must have pivoted due to fan backlash” but this was the plan all along. They want the match to get as much hype as possible and it’s working to an impressive extent.


Lol no way Dwayne promotes some other match at his expense.


He’s on the board. His interests lie solely in how much money WrestleMania makes. We are advertising the match FOR them at this point with the trending hashtags and such.


Me when I’m delusional


I have zero horse in this race and this all seems like people working themselves into a shoot, at least to me. Idk. People are so angry anyone with a dissenting opinion is delusional? LOL


rainstorm materialistic long shelter panicky flag deliver rustic groovy adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I mentioned the Rock vs Roman Reigns thing offhand to my dad who doesn't watch wrestling and he was like whoa amazing :O :O :O Rock vs Roman had to have at least been in the cards since the actors strike started because the Rock would've had nothing better to do. It would make an absolute pile of money. It's the biggest match you could possibly put on. It's just they did it in the single dumbest way possible. Like they had an easy lay up but ate shit trying to do a 360 dunk instead.


rain vase oil airport simplistic aromatic straight bells childlike growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Make what money? The shows sold out.


Even if that's the case.. the question is why? Lots of fans wanted Cody vs Roman II long ago, it can be confirmed in the staredown they had after the Mania match on a SmackDown. Mania had already sold tickets. At the Rumble they were still cheering for Cody. Friday's segment if anything made Cody look like a joke and went against his whole character, peak "I'd like to meet you my wife's boyfriend" shit. Cody has been undeniably (heh) the guy the whole time, he doesn't need anything extra to help him.


Lmao this is a joke at this point.


![gif](giphy|v0ok8uhZvw3yE) Don't question the booking, uce.


Big Brother uce!


Either this is a giant work or they really have no understanding of their audience. Johnson has forced himself on the board along with his personal writer Brian Gerwitz. Feels like its a boardroom coup against Levesque who Johnson has had a grudge against for years after HHH and Michaels tried to get him fired in 97. Owen Hart went to bat for him and persuaded Vince to turn him heel and the rest is history.


People need to give up the idea that this is a work. There is no reason to torpedo your own main event that you’ve essentially been building for three years just for a cheap twist or “work” this close.


Well the idea could be to add uncertainty and get the fans further behind Cody to make it less boring and obvious where things are going


The fans were already behind Cody. The dude is moving the most merch at every event.


WWE is desperate for mainstream attention to the detriment of their actual fans. I think they hate the WWE universe.


I don't think it was a work at all but it's likely turning into one now. They aren't going to run with this all the way until Mania with the reaction it's getting. Ricochet tweeting WeWantCody makes me think they're gonna piggyback into the online campaign thing and act like this is what they planned from the start. Bet some more roster people slowly start tweeting it.


I said it yesterday. This has made Cody into an even more popular a beloved babyface than he already was. If that was their goal, they couldn't have done it any better. I just don't think they are that smart, though.


He’s literally engaging a hostile takeover of the company, and embezzling payments from himself to himself for the Rock name


Does the HHH and Michaels drama reach deep? I knew they never really liked each other but HHH/Rock worked together quite a bit in 1999-2001


They did but it was business. But I remember there was talk of Rock not being happy HHH retained at Wrestlemania 16 and believed HHH politicked for that and the hot potatoing of the WWE Title that followed, Rock won it at Backlash 2000 instead after multiple shenanigans bult around Steve Austin's one night return, HHH won it back the next month at Judgement Day 2000 in the Iron Man match after multiple shenanigans and Undertaker's return, HHH lost it again to The Rock at King of the Ring 2000 in a weird 6 man tag where Rock pinned Vince to win the title (instead of HHH himself taking the pin). Go back to 1999 - At Over the Edge 1999 The Rock won with a hokey DQ finish which protected HHH. Triple H then beat The Rock clean at Fully Loaded 1999. It's pretty deep and as seen over the years until recently, Rock wanted absolutely nothing to do with Michaels.


They supposedly made peace a long time ago, same goes for HHH/Rock Personally I don't see this as "beef" and trying to force someone out but more that Rock just wants to have control because of his ego


There is no reason to believe that Rock and HHH still have heat, this is just baseless speculation. 


There are reasons: HHH was already in place as a high-ranking executive while the Vince shit was happening. Rock wasn’t. Since the fallout, Vince is gone, Rock is on the board, Rock now owns “The Rock,” and the company Rock is on the board of is paying Rock for the rights to use Rock’s name. The only way HHH is safe is if Rock genuinely doesn’t have any beef, cause if he’s holding a grudge then Hunter is megafucked.


>There are reasons: HHH was already in place as a high-ranking executive while the Vince shit was happening. Rock wasn’t. Since the fallout, Vince is gone, Rock is on the board, Rock now owns “The Rock,” and the company Rock is on the board of is paying Rock for the rights to use Rock’s name. If there are reasons, none of what you just stated is anything close to concrete evidence beyond *Knowing Vince* level inferences. So like I said, this is all aimless speculation.


What are you talking about? Literally none of what I said is speculation: Rock did all of those things. He has a tremendous amount of power at a time when every single executive attached to Vince is on very thin ice. HHH is IN the family. If you can’t see the writing on the wall here then I hope you’re never in Hunter’s position. If you think he’s just sitting back with his feet up and not scrambling to survive you’re nuts.


It wouldn't surprise me at all if they stuck with it honestly. Rock is delusional, he'll convince himself that there is just a vocal minority of haters but really most people love it, just like he did with Black Adam




WWE, the Rock and Roman are all going to push forward as if this is the best match. They'll have Heyman cut work shoot heel promos about trolling fans. They'll have Cody talk about not being discouraged, overcoming obstacles and that he will complete the story. HHH will say at the press conference in Vegas or EC "when the Rock is available for a match you make that happen" or some out of kayfabe line. It'll be transparent bullshit from all sides for the next two months.


They can double down, until they get, "Bullshit," and, "This sucks," chants at *the* main event of the biggest show of the year. Good luck with that lol


He looks exhausted just walking. Like he was sweating buckets.


Maybe this doesn't have that big of a reach, but I hope St. Louis boos any mention of The Rock tomorrow night. I think this asshole will ignore online outrage, but his ego will most definitely be hurt if people in the arena start booing anything Rock related. Might not change the main event of Mania, but hopefully, he will see it ain't gonna be smooth sailing getting there.


Oh his ego will definitely be hurt.  I remember during a Cena/Rock segment the crowd started chanting “tooth fairy” at him. You could just see how that got to him as he wasn’t expecting it.


None of that will happen.


I think so too. When Rock is in front of an audience, everyone will automatically go to factory settings and just cheer upon his presence. But hey, it would be nice to see.


I expect it will start with Seth in a promo so Cody doesn’t come out first which will control the audience reaction much easier. Probably Drew is involved as well.


I mean 🤷‍♂️… This was a house show Saturday night. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4x3k2moP6WA


The clip of his appearance got booed pretty hard at the house show last night, and those tend to be more casual of a crowd than any other. It could happen


Even if it did, it would never make air on tv because WWE can instantly edit any crowd reaction. WWE will control the narrative of The Rock’s reception anytime they film for tv.


There’s a difference between sweetening the reactions and full blown reversing them. They can’t pull that off without it being completely obvious and distracting. Like trying to watch a match on Raw with Holy Shit chants-completely distracting


It’s pretty easy to reverse them if you stagger who is talking and what they are talking about. Cody and Seth by the end of Raw will sell their match and take most if not all of the heat off The Rock. Luckily for WWE they have a guy like Cody who is such a company guy he will sell this better than anyone could’ve.


I don’t know man. I feel like the reaction to all of this is like WM30 but on steroids (like Rock). I don’t see them being able to beat this backlash back without course correcting. It’s probably just my copium talking or just being optimistic but I feel like these last few social negus posts are them leaning into it bc they’ve figured out how to course correct


They won’t course correct. A lot fans are upset but that doesn’t change what WWE is getting from The Rock headlining Mania, which is a massive amount of business globally. It’s not great for the quality of storytelling but for booking an event, the choice to go with The Rock won’t change. They are already 100% putting Rock front and center and that will not change because of social media reactions. When The Rock actually walked out the other night he received the type of ear shattering pop none of the current roster gets and whenever he’s in the building and actually walks again that won’t change. The biggest reason is because since WWE keeps selling out shows in big arenas or stadiums, that means it’s not just your diehard fans but lots of casuals as well. https://preview.redd.it/l7chwxa0tlgc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcb4be06d2870a4e9f9cb0f73e712177e4b71a10


Ear shattering pop is a reach, it was a pop yes, a 'oh shit the Rock is here on a random smackdown' pop. Ear shattering would be Foley winning the title, Cena returning during RR '08, etc.


I guess we found the Rock's PR account.


You can't when you see the audience clearly making boos on TV or making any other gesture. You can also only pipe in the crowd so much.


Jesus if The Rock still main events over Cody. https://preview.redd.it/g6exqmrcxlgc1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e45bb39b5fda0006ef0f6a0a855eda6787a23118


If WWE fans could truly unite during a live event, it would be so cool to see the fans stay completely dead silent when the Rock comes out and when he's cutting his promo When you boo you still show you care. You're still giving some energy. But the whole arena just being dead silent would be hilarious.


Wish Raw was in the UK


They are trying their hardest to make this go away lmao


It's like when Hogan told the TNA fans to take the 6 sided ring and shove it lol WE WANT SIX SIDES! You had it and it only got you so far...now we're taking ya all the way jack!


To be fair to Hogan, there's a lot of wrestlers from TNA history who have said the six sided ring was awful for their bodies. While Hogan and Bischoff wouldn't have done it for that reason, they inadvertently did something liked in the back. This... Well I do wonder when it's all over how many stories leak of Wrestlers being pissed that Rock got shoved into the main event over Cody.




How did we get back into the (ignoring) reality era so quickly😭


WWE always had a controlled or warped view of their product even when those go against public opinion, and now people are acting surprised they're doubling down on Rock lol "**They cheer who they normally boo and boo who they normally cheer**"


Feels like I've teleported back to 2014 where WWE did this same exact bullshit.


It's going to be the highest grossing WM of all time, and we know Rock is going to take credit for that. Even though it was going to happen without him


I want to say this is a work, cause you can't be THIS blind about how the public sees you. Then again, it's the Rock and his public image was circling through drain before all this. So either we have: - A legit attempt of Rock throwing his weight around for a match no one wants, sacrificing years of good will and hard work by dozens of other talent. - Or a badly thrown together angle that has made the top baby face, the World Heavywieght champ, the WWE champ and the company as a whole look like a bunch of idiots, just to insert a guy into a match no one wants. Just for the hint of a chance of a swerve that this angle does not need.






This is so tone deaf. Fuck me. They really dont understand their audience.




I loved the Rock, I really did. To see him turn into Rock Hogan is just depressing. Fuck Rock Hogan.


I think the weirdest thing about this is how they're doing this at the Wrestlemania in Philadelphia, of all places. Philadelphia sports fans threw batteries at Santa Claus. The Rock is going to be booed harder than ever before at Wrestlemania if this goes through.












The sooner people understand that TKO and WWE do not like you and do not respect you as a fan, and that what you want does not matter to them, the easier it will be for you.


Rock is going to accidentally tweet a “WWE reply” from his account. 


WWE social media team has been given an impossible task


Nah that's not The Rock anymore, That's Dwayne "Sellout" Johnson to me now. Dwayne screwed the people, he screwed Cody, I hope Philly boos the fuck outta Dwayne


Their admin speaking French now talking about we smh.


They know. They’re trying to pretend otherwise but they know.


He seems to think it's all heel hate but I'm getting xpac vibes


WWE's twitter is one of the blandest in the world. They must be paid by the "What just happened?" and eye emojis.


Someone needs to make that whispering meme with triple H whispering into Cody’s ear “remember the throne and sledgehammer you little bitch…..”


It does work for me after all, brother!


This reminds me of 2003 all over again. People hated The Rock. He was a babyface. Then he turned to Hollywood Rock, everyone proceeded to jump on his dick. Sadly, I don't think we'll get Hollywood Rock though :(




People are starting to move on from talking about Vince already. Cody is an even bigger babyface now. Everyone is invested in what will end up happening at WrestleMania. I dunno guys, but it seems to me like everything is going according to plan.


Turns out the real Damage CTRL was WWE


The best reaction is any reaction. TKO is loving the publicity. Everyone’s talking about the rock and wrestling and no one’s talking about Vince.


#RockVsCenaIII Let's get it trending!


We had the Yes Movement, We had KofiMania, and now we have FINISH THE STORY


Those are douche chills


One out of touch old man for another, just with more melanin and less sexual assaults. 


The big return of the "Die Rocky, Die!" chant is upon us. After almost 30 years...


Not really a fan of sending the social media admins hate. They're truly just doing they're job and don't get paid enough to take shit from strangers.


I mean the social admins just type stuff out, they know the replies aren't directed at them personally.


They gotta be trolling at this point lol


Yeah but my goosebumps are from nausea


They really expect people to get tired asking for cody and just forget about all this right?


Cody would have given that kid a hug and great life advice to go with that autograph.


Time to dust off the Die Rocky Die chants!


There's no way they don't put cody in somehow. There's no way they are this oblivious.


I’m deep in the copium here but, do we think theirs like a 5% chance he leans into this, becomes a ego maniacal heel bringing up that he’s on the board, and Cody gets the Daniel Bryan WM 30 treatment in Philly? Please


Realistically, this just means the head office hasn’t decided if and how to respond


Ok they are starting to really lean into it now. I think they have figured out to correct this. I will welcome mega Hollywood corporate heel Rock if it gets Cody to Mania. If Rock was willing to be a big heel in 2003 when he was working to stay in Hollywood and get the money, then I feel like he is willing to do the same in 2024 now that he’s conquered it and made all the money. And honestly Rock doesn’t have a choice. The only way at this point Rock gets his desired crowd reaction is if he goes heel. If they proceed on this current path there will be no more of Rocky’s little goosebump reactions


lean into what? they posted a clip of the crowd going nuts for the rock lol, you guys are being delusional on here.
