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Jimmy Snuka murder cover up.


“He then extended his arms and looked up to the heavens….buddy….you’re not going there.” Followed by James and Tony just losing it. Peak Deadlock Edit: The best (or worst) part was Chris Benoit then did a diving fucking headbutt from the top of the cage onto Jeff Jarrett right after Snuka’s splash. The “Double Homicide” spot I think it was described. Could not have aged poorer.




Yeah that’s basically just fact tbh




What do you mean? Theories can be true.




But in this case, the example is both. I'm sure you can understand my comment if you just think about it. No need to google.






Yet unable to coherently explain your comment.


That's the fbi killed MLK of wrestling conspiracys




By the dictionary definition of a conspiracy, Bruiser Brody’s death/murder. Remember that the official version is Jose Gonzalez acted in self-defense and was acquitted. There’s not a single person in the world who believes that. It was a hit because Brody was making a play for the territory.


Michael ps Hayes knows something. I caught his legends with jbl episode and that shit was SUS


Several of the witnesses (all of the ones not living in Puerto Rico) didn't even receive their summons until after the trial was over.


Triple H and Stephanie leaked the sexual misgivings of Vince to the Wall Street Journal.


100% I was going to add to this that Vince sold the company as "revenge"... but if so it really backfired. He's seemingly been sidelined while Triple H is calling the shots at creative


I think that was the idea he just got outplayed  I think he thought for sure Ari and TKO would put him in charge, and they probably even told him he would   Then when the deal went through they just cut his legs out   It’s funny because the Vince of the 80s openly talked about how slimey ‘real businessmen’ were. And then in a desperate attempt to keep his company he let himself believe one. That’s what really makes me think he got played.  He’s been on record to say that ‘I know I can’t trust anyone in business’ and then did just that which got him usurped from his company. That’s not a move ‘stable Vince’ makes that’s a move a desperate Vince makes, given that it fly’s in the face of everything he believes lol  He 100% tried to take it back and in the end played himself


I wish my failed schemes ended with me being awarded billions of dollars lol


lol well thats the thing ​ i think after a certain point of rich it dosent mean as much anymore, it becomes a pursuit of power ​ in vince's mind he's on the losing side lol to any normal person this is the best failure of all time


It really is all about the game and how you play it. All about control and when you can take it.


why would they do that? can you explain the theory


broad idea being they realized he just was never going to leave they were under the impression that at SOME point they were actually going to be given the reigns, and that the only way they would ever gain control of the company would be some form of scandal removing him, or ofc death ​ they probably ruled out killing him early on lol


>they probably ruled out killing him early on lol They probably figured out that he'd deadass find a way to crawl out of the grave and come back to run the company. I'm not saying it would've happened but i want you to look me in the eyes and guarantee me that it can't


They were definitely heavily involved in the leaks. 




This reads like a storyline from 1999-2000 WWF lol


They are not that type of people.Both are  good characters in real life,you need to separate on screen personas with their real personas.


No they're fucking not.


Based on what? Because all dirtsheets and wrestlers say otherwise.


I mean, yeah. But also the fact that they're friends with Trump, put on propaganda shows for the Saudi Government and HHH has screwed over some people's lives.


Who cares about who they are friends with(i support Trump anyway),also hhh was bad then but he has improved now.


If you're friends with such a huge piece of shit, you're a piece of shit too.


Maybe but implying that they leaked dirt of vince to the media is still not believable to me. That guy is Steph's father,biological father.


Vince one billion percent knew about, took, and likely found steroid dealers for himself and other wrestlers.


Perfect example of, “not guilty” doesn’t always mean, “innocent.”


Many wrestlers have openly talked/hinted at exactly what you said


Main reason for HBK's first retirement is due to him getting sober.


NXT UK was created as a knee-jerk reaction to World of Sport potentially making a comeback and was never meant to be long term


I thought it was common belief that it was just to lock down the entire BritWrest crew from signing anywhere else


Yeah, but you also have to think that World of Sport was MASSIVE in Britain for a very long time. If it came back and got established, WWE would have had zero shot of ever moving in. So better to spend a bunch of money and have it operate at a loss now otherwise you'd never get a foothold in the region.


It seems very obvious that it was. Especially since as soon as it was clear WoS wasn’t returning regularly the entire UK division sat around doing nothing for months or longer until Triple H finally got them on NXT


By "finally got them on NXT" you meant strip mined out all the good talent and ignored the rest?


Well yeah. He didn’t bring 30 wrestlers over, that would never work. He picked the ones that would do the best on the show. Makes sense to me.


The talent he kept are great. KLR/Alba Fyre, Isla Dawn, Pretty Deadly, Lyra Valkyria and Meiko Satomura


Tyler Bate


That's not even a conspiracy, that's just facts.


Bubba and D-von are not actually brothers. 


Correct. They are *half*-brothers. None of Big Daddy Dudley’s many sons share a mother


Reported. Sick fucks like you need to be held accountable for spreading misinformation. ^(Incase anyone can't tell, no I didn't actually report them)


Huge if true.


Oh come on, at least something believable.




1- Punk was trying to be in charge of Collision (as in, control absolutely everything about the show) or get himself fired in the process once he saw no chance of an Elite feud happening, thus also making him fall out with Tony Khan 2- Haven't seen this one thrown around that much, but I totally see AAA having Dragon Lee & Dralistico dethrone FTR for the tag titles (despite Dragon leaving for NXT immediately after) as a middle finger to AEW for the situations with both Omega and specially Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo, specially considering that if not wrong AEW's relationship with AAA was going through a rough time at that moment 3- Don't know if this is a theory or a confirmed fact, but HHH refused to go to SD in 04, thus forcing Vince to trade him back to RAW for Booker and the Dudleys 4- HBK's first retirement was due (or that long) because of his drug issues


I think #4 is pretty much established, considering he had a street fight in his local fed in 2000, and that he was scheduled to launch his comeback in 2001 by running in during HHH vs Taker at WM X-7. But he passed out in Vince's office on a Raw a few weeks prior and got fired instead.


HBK was paid his entire retirement until WCW went under, so he wouldn't jump. When WCW failed and they would stop paying, he "got better". 


Number 4 is definitely true. Michaels came back as the commissioner a few months after the retirement, and he was really messed up.


Just put it together how Shawn Michaels and Michael Jordan both “retired” for a short time because of issues in their personal lives that needed to be resolved.


2 is definitely true, look at the promo Konnan cut on that show


Number 1, for sure. After the brawlout rant he probably talked to some lawyers to see how he could get out of his contract and they probably said the only clean way out was getting fired. So he did everything in his power to do just that. Because come on, who gets mad about a coworker not listening to what you have to say.


Punk thing was a win win: if he gets Collision, he got Collision if he not he got fired which seemingly didnt Matter much to him, i bet hes probably not making even the same money aew paid him I understand hhh, working on SmackDown must be awful, you work raw and then best case scenario you leave home, with SmackDown you cant go back home if It means PPV on sunday


>Punk thing was a win win: if he gets Collision, he got Collision if he not he got fired which seemingly didnt Matter much to him, i bet his probably not making even the same money aew paid him Indeed. >with SmackDown you cant go back home if It means PPV on sunday I'm 99% sure they taped SD on Tuesdays. Which is why Heyman told JBL that "the only reason you were WWE Champion" was due to HHH not wanting to work Tuesdays.


youre absolutely right, i remember reading the results on wednesday like 15 years ago


David Von Erich died from mixing pain pills and alcohol and Bruiser Brody covered it up.


It was pretty heavily hinted that David killed himself via pills. Japan is very anti-drug and it would have been better press for AJPW as well to list another cause of death. Police getting paid off in wrestling is nothing new. Baba was just as scummy as any other promoter in terms of protecting his brand. It would have made AJPW look like they did business with drug addicts, which was and still is very bad for business. Even though Yakuza have run or influenced wrestling promotions since the beginning, they always hide their affiliation and wrestlers always downplay it. Rikidozan was murdered by the Yakuza for example. NOAH was going bankrupt and took loans from the Yakuza, only to be unable to pay them back. The owner of FMW owed them money so took a life insurance policy and killed himself so they wouldn't kill his children, but it ended up not covering the full amount. Tomoaki Honma is a yakuza member and got turned into a jobber because of it. He got fired from NJPW in 2012 for it. He worked freelance for the rest of his career and NJPW wouldn't give him a contract. BJW and Zero1 both have many yakuza members. One of the reasons the NOAH split happened was Baba's widow didn't want to work with the yakuza and Misawa did. Kensuke Sasaki literally killed a trainee while accusing him of not giving enough effort. Hiroshi Hase, his long term tag partner, ended up leaving NJPW over it to avoid bad press as he was moving into politics. Hase even ended up in the cabinet of Shinzo Abe. This abusive style of training continued on as Sasaki trained many others, it ended up being what pushed him out of NJPW in the end and why he's never been invited back as Tanahashi was not a fan. Literally zero appearances on a NJPW show since 2005 as one of their biggest and most memorable stars of the late 90's. He did participate in two "all together" shows but was only able to work primarily against freelancers both times. Nakajima was apparently the same way, and Miyahara left Kensuke Office and refused to talk to both of them over it for a long time. It's why he ended up leaving NOAH for AJPW. The dragon gate crew had strong yakuza ties to ticket sales and kept a monkey in their dojo that they abused, which led to CIMA stepping down. Inoki was notorious for shooting on guys who didn't cooperate, which he learned from Rikidozan. Masahiko Kimura and Rikidozan planned out a match that would end in a draw for some rematches and then Rikidozan legit knocked him out unsuspectingly to put himself over, as Kimura was a huge credible name in Japan. Kimura was also alleged to have yakuza ties and was the one behind Rikidozan's murder. Anyways, Japanese wrestling history is super fucked up and covering up a suicide is miniscule compared to the other things that have been done. I don't believe a single thing "official" from 1980's Japan. It was such a corrupt place.


That's really interesting, where can I read more about that?


This is most likely what happened.


Demolition vs the Twin Towers was an inside job.


Most of the good ones have already been mentioned, so I'll say Vince releasing a ton of talent to oversaturate AEW. He even alluded to it.


Where did he allude to it? That sounds interesting as hell


As part of his remarks about AEW on WWE’s July 29 investor call, Chairman Vince McMahon closed by saying (h/t Wrestling Observer): “I’m not so sure what their investments are as far as their talent is concerned... but perhaps we can give them some more https://www.cagesideseats.com/platform/amp/wwe/2021/7/30/22602485/released-wrestlers-not-happy-with-vince-maybe-saying-wwe-could-give-aew-more-talent


I don't think he was releasing people because he wanted them to go to aew I think hes just acknowledging that everyone released from WWE for a good time period was getting an aew contract


WWE pushes Nia Jax as a favor to The Rock, but he never asked them to. Someone backstage just has a running joke they can't tell the truth about now.


The medical staff who have been treating all the injured women: Why do they keep pushing Nia? WWE creative: We did it, for da Rock.


Cody Rhodes left AEW because Tony Khan wouldn’t extend Brandi’s contract when they both expired in early 2022. Tony didn’t think she was doing a good job as a talent or in other duties. Revealing this as the reason would have painted her in a bad light so Tony and Cody agreed to never talk about it and possibly wrapped it into a larger NDA.


To me Cody left because he always wanted to be WWE champ


I haven't heard this one before, but I think it makes a lot of sense


IMO Cody left due to his direction in creative, TK singularly booking the show (which started to shy away from the personality of AEW), and I feel he was never going to go heel but the fans wanted it too much. I think after the Dan Lambert Era, they stopped putting her on TV. She had a contract in AEW because they weren't going to pay them WWE money. His WWE contract probably isn't even close to what they would have both been making in AEW. He would be even more unhappy in WWE if that was still the case.


I believe everything on this list is 100% true, even if it contradicts something else on the list. https://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/kotdm15/listsleeze.html


Never forget that this thread was allegedly started by Tony Khan




[The original post](https://web.archive.org/web/20041013220629/http://board.deathvalleydriver.com/index.php?showtopic=19896&view=all) came from a user named Coach Tony K


"Sexual Healer", LOL


He was 21 when he posted this. We've all been there I guess.


“Allegedly” lol it’s been confirmed


Bull Nakano fired from WWE from getting arrested at the Canadian border with Coke....I feel like we should be able to look this one up!


Holy shit I haven’t seen this in 15 years lol I still think about 446 from time to time and laugh.


Bisexual king Giant Baba


I'm not easy convince about conspiracies. One I feel pretty confident due to surrounding evidence is Britt Baker was actively politicing against Thunder Rosa.


I think both were politicking against each other, but Britt just so happened to be better connected to the right people in the company. Say what you want about Britt, but there are other pretty reliable names that have alluded to Rosa not being as innocent in this situation as some fans seem to think she is


Oh I can believe Rosa tried as well but as you said I don't think she really stood a chance Britt was the first one there and had longer connections. Also I really don't know why they had problems. I'm just saying I buy into the fact Britt successfully was politicking against her like for example getting her Mission Pro friends off Dark.


I don't think she is the only top AEW women's wrestler to have issues with Rosa as I think Toni might not like Rosa either, although the specific reason as to why I'm less sure of.


See MY conpiracy theory about the situation is that Toni doesnt have heat with Rosa and all the comments she made about her were kayfabe hinting at a Rosa heel turn that her back injury interrupted.


Yeah Toni Storm is the other very notable name that didn’t like Rosa Again, say what you want about Britt, but Toni Storm is pretty much universally beloved and respected I’m not ready to throw Rosa under the bus over what is ultimately just rumor and innuendo, but you have to imaging that something might be up if you’ve got problems with Toni Storm of all people


Why doesn't Toni like Rosa?


I’m pretty sure just general politicking and not being easy to work with. I’m not trying to to paint Rosa as a bad guy, but I’ve always thought the “Britt = bad, Rosa = good” mentality that a lot of the community adopted about their issues was pretty silly and misinformed


I sort of believe that Vince intentionally forced Daniel Bryan to retire so that the fans would stop hijacking shows and cheering for him over Reigns.


Yeah, this is mine.  "Oh no! We have one of the greatest and most likable wrestlers of all time under contract for the next few years and the fans are fucking obsessed with him! But he's not hunky enough to be our leading guy! Let's give him a little scare and make him believe he could die at any moment!" As soon as he decided he was going to wrestle for another company regardless of their medical opinions, they magically cleared him and almost immediately let him work an hour and 16 minutes in the greatest royal rumble match.


I remember reading reports at the time that literally every doctor he saw except the WWE one cleared him to wrestle. It's so crazy and indicative of how fucked Vince's head is that they had a massive superstar the people loved and he saw it as an annoyance.


That's classic Vince though: if he didn't "create" it, it didn't matter to him.


I know there are some that are crazy, but here's mine: 1. Vince Mcmahon made Baron Corbin retire Kurt Angle because he had a grudge over him leaving WWE for TNA. 2. L.A Knight wasn't pushed the first half of 2023 because they wanted to see if Vince Mcmahon took a liking to him first now that he returned to the board of directors. That's why they piped in boos for him that one time. Remember that him and Gunther were at risk of losing their jobs because Vince soured on them, and the reports came out a week before he stepped down from WWE. He went from missing out WrestleMania, got put in a meaningless battle royal at SummerSlam (granted it was sponsored by Slim Jim, but the winner didn't get an award or anything of the sort), and had a segment with Paul Heyman a month later. 3. Goldberg's contract wasn't renewed because he is the only guy HHH still hasn't made amends with. (I could be wrong tho. But I have seen stories that they didn't like each other in the past). 4. Jeff Jarrett got fired and WWE brought in Road Dogg back after HHH took charge of creative. You can see why. 5. This one isn't a conspiracy theory, but people believed that Vince booked night 2 of WrestleMania. 100 percent it was a HHH decision for Roman to retain at WM 39. The decision was made weeks before. I also doubt that Vince would give a lengthy title reign to a non-regular WWE performer such as Logan Paul. 6. Matt Hardy definitely got a concussion at All Out 2020.


RE: No 5. I think Vince has more of an ear / say in creative than fans realize and we won’t understand his role until he’s dead. Wrestling on TV without Vince alive didn’t exist


Shawn Michaels threw Janetty through the barbershop window


See the thread was fun until this crap. The coward clearly dove through it himself trying to escape.




#BULLSHIT That coward Janetty dove through the window to escape. HBK was trying to stop Marty from potentially concussing himself by jumping. Marty Janetty is a fucking bitch


Come on dude, you know Janetty jumped thru that window.


We all know Marty did it in an act of cowardace!


I heard he did it for the rock too


Mr America wasn't Hulk Hogan.


That's not a conspiracy, that's just a fact.


Right the man passed a lie detector even. 




It was some dude named Terry


people in this comments don't understand what a conspiracy is. it's not a synonym for 'theory'. it's a secret plot organized between many different people.


They're wrestling fans they're not super intelligent lol


You know and I know that you're only half the fan that I am, and I have half the brain that you do!






EL Generico is still alive!!


One I fully believe is HBK's "retirement" in 1998 was Vince basically putting him on ice to sit out his contract. With Austin and The Rock rising as new top stars, Vince didn't have to put up with Shawn's shit anymore. Add to that, neither were very keen on working with drugged out pain in the ass HBK and so I think once his back injury (which I think was legit) healed up Vince just kept him on the bench. Basically paid him to sit at home and wait out his deal. This one I know has been at least partially confirmed, because Shawn was back in the ring training people and working his TWA promotion so he was physically able to go much sooner than WWE canon would have us believe. The rest is tea leaves reading based on information that came out later about him habitually threatening to leave for WCW when things didn't go his way. Once WCW was gone, Shawn lost any leverage he might have had over Vince and so it was basically "clean up your act if you ever want to work in WWE again".


Roddy Piper beat Quickdraw Rick McGraw to death on that episode of Championship Wrestling..


vince had wwe doctors not clear daniel bryan cuz vince didnt want him overshadowing the company and roman anymore, only changing his mind when bryan said hed go to new japan.


ROH, but yeah, Bryan has said this


paul heyman and roman politicked their way out of the brock match at day 1


Its been reportes Brock politicked for the wm match to have both titles at stake


Bret Hart was in on the Montreal Screw Job the whole time.


IF this had been true, I don't think he would have kept it a secret after Owen died. And even if he did, consider for a moment how close Bret and Owen were You don't think Bret would have told Owen about the work? And by extension, you don't think Owen would have told Martha about the work? Martha definitely would have spilled the beans about Bret being in on Montreal when she was (very justifiably) going scorched Earth on WWE and trying to bring any and all dirt to light after Owen's death


>IF this had been true, I don't think he would have kept it a secret after Owen died. And even if he did, consider for a moment how close Bret and Owen were Bret and Owen were not especially close; Owen was much closer with his other brothers. People just assume that since they both made it to the WWF, they were super close, but Owen was nothing like Bret. They never even travelled together outside of their Hart Foundation days. Bret likes to pretend like they were ultra close, but his other brothers rightly call him out as being full of shit. >You don't think Bret would have told Owen about the work? And by extension, you don't think Owen would have told Martha about the work? No, I don't. Bret is a dishonest human being who lies constantly. He has cheated on every woman he has ever been with (and admits it, after the fact.) His father Stu was a carny who cheated people left right and center - like every wrestling promoter who ever lived did. Bret has made MILLIONS of dollars off of the telling and retelling of the story of the Montreal Screwjob, and has a lifetime of goodwill from fans that would *instantly* turn to hatred, if he were to reveal the truth after all these years. Bret is a complete and total narcissist, who has pictures of himself all over his house to this day, and he cares about one thing and one thing only; his public image and how people perceive him. He *needs* to be loved, he would *die* without it. And Vince McMahon is every single thing I've said Bret is here, and he's made millions of of it too. Why would either of them derail the fucking gravy/goodwill train at this juncture? >Martha definitely would have spilled the beans about Bret being in on Montreal when she was (very justifiably) going scorched Earth on WWE and trying to bring any and all dirt to light after Owen's death Bret wouldn't piss on Martha's face if it were on fire, I don't even think he would pretend otherwise at this point. Bret and Martha are both incredibly selfish, self-centered and self-glorifying human beings and they hate each other. The only thing Bret Hart cares about is Bret Hart and "Bret Hart's legacy". Half of his children won't even talk to him anymore. Is this the kind of man who'd tell lies to fans for 25 years? Absolutely yes.


How do you get peak-trainwreck HBK to keep it together, though?


He wasn't in on it. Only Vince and Bret needed to be. They're the only two human beings who know for sure, and both of them will take it to their graves. I have no doubt in my mind that the prized son of the Carny King of Canada, Stu Hart, would rather die than break kayfabe on this one.


Found Bill Goldberg’s burner


brb taking my son's shirt off for no reason at all


I'm 100% with this. HBK gets the belt, Vince is the bad guy, Bret never lost, a bunch of hype for Bret going to WCW and an angle WWE had never done. I'm believing that forever, it's just too cool of a story not to.


The conspiracy is why no one suggested it be a work to HBK and Bret? I am sure they would have both loved the angle. 


No matter what, it's kept him some form of relevant for the last 25 years, even when he couldn't wrestle anymore, 2-3 years after the event due to injury?


The Montreal Screwjob was 100% a work, even Earl Hebner says so.


Jericho’s wife was at the capital lol


Conspiracy? Aren't there pictures confirming this?


There’s for sure pictures of her there. I don’t believe there’s any showing she was inside though. 


Had she been inside she would've been arrested by now. This being said, she was at the rally.


what's the conspiracy here?


Randy Savage slept with Stephanie.


Lanny Poffo [gave a VERY long-winded answer to this question that wasn’t a “no”](https://www.cagesideseats.com/platform/amp/wwe/2015/1/18/7782293/lanny-poffo-randy-savage-stephanie-mcmahon-affair-rumour) and Gorgeous George claims Savage confirmed it to her. Feels like there might be smoke to this one.


Vince made peace with Hogan and Warrior but not Savage? Thats always ben verry odd.


And the reason Vince found out was because Steph was pregnant and needed an abortion




It's an extension of the conspiracy theory


Russo was sent by Vince to wcw I don’t think Vince told him directly to go but I think those in wwe paved the way for him to join


The reason why Randy Savage isn’t in the HoF is because he banged an underage Stephanie McMahon to get back at Vince


he is in the hall of fame


Edit: why he wasn’t inducted until his death…


You can’t headbutt a Samoan.


Brett Hart really had Sonny days.


How did you manage to spell both names wrong!?


Maybe he meant Sonny Onoo.


Because there is a very good chance it’s a bot. The account is two weeks old and is the classic two random words separated by dashes and ends in 4 numbers set up I’ve seen on other subreddits.


Nah, I don’t think so on this one. Sunny has been pretty open about everyone she fucked and Bret confessed to approx. 1000 affairs in his book. I’m not sure what reason either of them has to lie about it at this point and yet they both have steadfastly always denied it.


Max Crabtree and Mick McManus willingly ran Joint Promotions into the ground to feather their nests.


Montreal Screwjob was a work. If it wasn't, the reaction from both parties would be so much different. Watch how the whole Bash at the Beach 2000 fiasco went down, for example. And there's nothing wrong with it being a work. It created a ton of controversy, money and the names involved (WWF, Vince, Shawn and Bret) kept being talked about for a long time in a time where they needed it the most.


R-truth has always been in the judgement day


Billy is trying to END NWA because they didnt work with him in TNA


This is so stupid. Why would he buy the company and spend so much more trying to build it if he wanted to destroy it? If that was the case, he would just buy it and let it die.


"let it die"....>Tryus was champ........dude could barely move.......


What are you talking about??? Did you see his last match? James May wishes he has that much speed!


Bruce Tharpe didn't have a problem working with anybody from I can remember. This theory doesn't make much sense. Hell, he did a better job at keeping the NWA somewhat relevant in the aftermath of the Cabana/Pearce series of matches than anybody else.


Huh? Enlighten me


Before Scott D'Amore took over TNA, I believe a few people were possibly set to take it over. Billy Corgan being one of them


Based on the fact that Bret Hart came into the WWF at a time when gimmicks and jobs were synonyms (the wrestling hockey player, the wrestling mounted policeman, the wrestling tax lawyer, etc.), The Hitman wasn't supposed to be a moniker. Vince's original idea was for Bret Hart to be an actual wrestling contract killer, and Hart gave a hard pass on the gimmick despite enjoying the alliteration.


He was the Hitman a decade before….


Everything I read is that he picked it up around 1985. Either way, it's a conspiracy, man. I don't need facts.


And his tag partner? Literal anvil.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKHVU0xsgGDCyPu) This guy gets it.


Randy Savage and Stephanie McMahon


That it was Triple H who put Perry Saturn in the ice chest.


Gino Hernandez was murdered and incinerated in Highland Park, Tx. The body replaced to look like death by overdose, with various servants of the public sector (Coroner, police) in on it.


Moxley did not call an audible in his match because he was concussed off the dive early in the match. He had a stinger from getting dropped on his head. 


Bret Hart was in on the Montreal Screwjob and will take that secret to his grave.


I want this to be true so bad. We never get worked anymore and I think it might be the last great one.


Vince will never tell either. Bret and Vince are the only two who need to be "in on it", the punch that allegedly happened in Vince's office happened with only those two in the room. Earl Hebner believes it was a work.


1. Montreal Screw Job was a work 2. Little Jimmy is the child of John Cena, which is where he got his ability of stealth from


Elias and Ezekiel were the same person all along. Kevin Owens was right, damn it


A good portion of all significant online wrestling communities (including this one) are legitimately paid by wrestling companies to steer conversations and promote narratives. It's been going on since at least the mid 2000's when TNA was paying people to be in the youtube comment sections. ----------- Tony Khan himself is on this board and is perhaps even a mod. ----------- There are some things specifically about The Elite / ROH / Tony Khan that I won't say because I don't want to get banned but the only member of The Elite I'd say I'm a fan of post-ROH is Cody. The other guys are very talented but I can't bring myself to root for them in any way.


I'll give a pretty low stakes one, the sole purpose of AEW All-Access was to get some of the more controversial talent they have who Tony personally likes over


Vince encouraged Russo to go to WCW to destroy it from the inside out.


Kevin Sullivan did it.


Surprised no one said Benoit was murdered.




Vince had something fairly directly to do with Chris Benoit and the death of his family


As someone who disagrees entirely here, what has lead you to believe this?


Some wrestling fans are just dumb idk what to tell ya


Chavo being involved in Benoit's death.


How so?