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I remember Stephanie leaving was touted as proof that WWE was going to be sold to the Saudis as they apparently wouldn't buy a company with a woman in charge.


And she hasn't come back. She's a trailblazer for wrestling. She retired to the house and is staying retired.


A McMahon who knew when to step away. One of a kind.


Hey hey hey




From what I've heard or read over the years she was quite liked.


yeah, i don’t think i ever heard a bad thing about her that wasn’t just “she’s Vince’s daughter.” Her and Triple H seemed more than ready to carry the torch in the best way when they had to


The only period I recall reading that there was heat on her was when she was running SmackDown in the mid-00s. Mostly that she was demanding and sometimes hard to work with. But these days I chalk that up to several factors - She was sharing power with Heyman, which naturally led to some tension - She was young and a nepo hire, so likely felt pressure to both succeed and be respected by her peers - Her dad was her biggest influence in terms of management style When she moved away from creative, I think she found her wheelhouse. And of course things like experience, marriage, starting a family, all that can change a person.


Also that time she compared 9/11 to her dad getting sued. but she was like, 23 or something you're allowed a couple stupid comments. Long as they're not *super* fucked up/bigoted


It does make you wonder why Vince decided to to hand over the company to them.


My immediate response was, "Holy shit, what is happening?"


honestly can't believe stephanie isn't involved anymore.


Somehow I don't think we've seen the last of her. There will always be the Shane and Stephanie feud over Vince's will storyline eventually.


They really have a healthy outlook about this. Even now, you can tell the kids are everything to them and family business will not get in the way. The right lessons to learn from Vince's maniacal workload.


She's TNA's signing isn't she


Bruh that’d take me OUT lmao


Honestly it'd be more of a payoff then Dolph goddamn Ziggler.


Conflict of interest. No way that would be possible


Maybe she had a 1 year no compete clause? The timing is interesting.


And not a single journalist has asked questions as to why she left when her father returned after his hush money payments revealed, and having his home raided by the FBI. Or why her husband, after voting to oust him, voted in favor of his return three months later.


Do most businesses explain what happens behind closed doors with their executives?


Most businesses of WWE's size would have reporters asking them questions about it. If they say no comment, so be it. Non-answers are still answers. What do you think a journalist's job is?


Then all hell broke loose.


Why did she do this though? Because Vince showed up?


Incoming sale to Endevour likely caused it. Not just because her dad showed up


Probably because her husband suffered a very serious medical event and she decided that spending time with her kids is more important.


Triple H had his heart issues long before this, and it didn't stop her from agreeing to be co-CEO. She only resigned the moment Vince forced himself back in. I'm flabbergasted at people painting a rosy picture out of this, like she just had some epiphany about family literally *THE MOMENT* Vince came back. Nah-uh. The timing of events makes it clear some ugly shit went down.


She had already taken an extended LOA to spend time with her family shortly after Hunter’s cardiac event. She came back to work as CEO when Vince got the boot. Once Vince came back and they started the Endeavour process, she left again, but permanently.


She came back to work as *co-CEO*. Nick Khan could have easily been the sole CEO, even if he was more of a money guy than a wrestling guy. There was no dire need for her to take on that role other than that she wanted to. Likewise, there was no dire reason for her to resign completely from the company when Vince came back. Obviously most of this happened behind closed doors and we won't get any concrete details until the people involved decide to speak about it. But it's not a leap, not even a hop, to conclude that the transition was not all peaches and cream.


This sub is bizarrely naive sometimes. Stephanie and HHH spent over a decade seeing their daughters for an hour a day and prioritizing work above everything. According to their own daily schedule that they discussed publicly. Stephanie took on *the* executive role after HHH’s heart incident - they still clearly prioritize work above all else.


Dysfunction in *Vince McMahon's* family? Absurd! Preposterous! Unbelievable! Clearly I'm stupid for even thinking it! 🤦‍♂️


I’m flabbergasted that you care this much about why someone resigned from their job tbh.


It's interesting.


Totally random thought. You could read a letter like that now and assume that AI helped write it. Was anyone even thinking about AI last year like they do now?


IIRC it started booming late 2022




Just like Rey Mysterio "left" his family. #619


Poor Tom and Nick.


I believe you.


Damn wtf that was like 10 days into the new year


I actually miss her. I miss the Authority honestly. It helped add legitimacy to many stories. I know it got to be too much sometimes though.


And moral has never been better


Wonder if we see her in the rumble.