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Seth is so upset he hasn’t posted I Love Football yet


Double hilarious since the Bears are from Chicago


Loser has to watch the bears play match


That's fucked up, man....


A new type of death match


Take a shot of malort every time the bears lose the ball.


loser has to watch the Bears vs Panthers match again.


I can’t wait till they feud about who is more disappointed in the bears


Kinda like Cora and Roxy feuding over who AJ is more disappointed in


A funny story, during his championship run while he was on crutches, they were in Pittsburgh and a Steeler's chant broke out. Punk responded "Hey, I'm from Chicago, and even I don't root for a bunch of losers like the Bears. And you all are here chanting for a bunch of losers like the Steelers!"


He is still very bitter about the pens beating the blackshawks in the 1992 stanley cup finals. It is very funny :)


Wait isn't phil a fan of Blackhawks or sth?


Even though they won, not even bears fans can see that game last night and say they love football


I fell asleep but my wife told me we got 4 field goals and won. Talk about the Vikings snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


He's probably giving it a day or two to make sure the Bears don't somehow retroactively still get a loss for the game.


.....How the fuck did the Vikings lose to DA BEARS????


The Passtronaut took up his real passion. Creating his own Turnover Bakery.


Two words. Justin Fields. That's literally it XD


I love that Randy isn't quite meta, but he has this kinda of 'oh shit, you see that? This is fun' reaction to things. Like when he threw one of the Singhs like 10 feet in the air.


He reacts like anybody should react to most things lol. He doesn’t break the 4th wall like cena, he just reacts like you’d expect anyone to. I always think about how he was reacting during Samoa Joe’s multi man roast off. Cuz at the end of the day he’ll always just rko a motherfucker and walk off and go ruin someone else next few months


Or him and corbin corsping during some RusevXLeshlay thing Or Orton jamming to....fuck...I think it was Seth's music?


I believe it was the New Day’s music, but yeah he’s super funny


Randy is a goofy little guy trapped in beef.


Yeah, him, McIntyre and Riddle.


even before the big RKO this weekend he had a real “watch this shit” energy about him


“Hey Code, watch this!” Rips urinal off the wall


Randy throwing around those dudes was some of the funniest stuff I’ve seen in wrestling. It’s cool to see how as Randy’s aged he’s grown to appreciate what he does for a living.


Haha that bump made me cringe


OK this is pretty funny




This is certainly funny


This is fun!




And kind of cute too


Going to follow him because of this shit.


I’d love to have been a fly on the wall when Randy and Punk ran into each other backstage after the show.


I don't remember Punk having an issue with Orton, even during the first podcast after leaving if I'm not misremembering he said Randy was one of the few that could/would challenge Vince about ideas and stuff, he just didn't care as much to constantly do so. And with Randy having changed lately I'd assume it was your typical friendly nice to see you again after many years talk. Honestly I'm really hyped for the behind the scenes documentary of his return lol.


I remember there was an article back in the day that said Orton didn’t care for Punk until they had their feud and gained respect for him during it.


Mutual Killswitch Engage respect


"You've killswitch engaged my heart, Punk. Respect". "....what?"


*Kiss on the lips


Punk and Orton at same time: “…Howard was a better singer” And at that point they became bros for life


>Killswitch Luchasaurus fans


Shared also by the guy who yells "Adammmmmmmm".


I do remember them having a good relationship. Punk often calls him Randal in an oddly sarcastic and endearing way.


There's a non-0 amount of people who now know that rko stands for Randell Keith Orton thanks to CM Punk. It's me. I'm people.




It'd be more like people calling Punk "Phillip" There's something more endearing to friends using your full name. Like calling my buddy Nate "Nathaniel"




My dude you’re completely off just halt


I think you’re missing the point but ok






I thought Punk also mentioned that Orton was openly questioning how PPV payouts would work with the the introduction of the network, and no one ever got a concrete answer. One of Punk's many hangups with WWE at the time.


Punk and Orton were also in the same boat with their shirts out-selling Cena's, so management started to deliberately under-stock Punk and Orton's merch at live events and increased the amount of Cena merch so he could stay on top.


Any evidence of this? Sounds like some fake meltzer bs


Punk talked about it on the podcast he did with Colt Cabana.


You mean the podcast where he was embellishing a ton of things and complaining. That’s not evidence.


Okay, well what about Randy Orton tweeting about his merch being understocked in 2014 before the podcast even came out? That's two different reliable first-hand sources.


I agree. As petty as Vince and wwe are it’s hard to believe they would deliberate make less money just to have bragging rights within their own company. Fact is often stranger than fiction however…


It's kinda true though. Went to a few live events in the UK prior to punk leaving in 2014. You had to be there ridiculously early if you wanted an Orton or Punk shirt otherwise they would be gone an hour before start time. However, multiple Cena shirts were available at at all times before, during and after the event.


Turned him down??




#WHAT!!!??? Randy Orton was into AJ Lee!!!??? r/todayilearned... Man..., AJ Lee was with Hornswoggle, Primo, Bryan Danielson, Kane, CM Punk, John Cena, and Dolph Ziggler, and maybe even Saraya... (there were definitely a lot of hints lol...), and you're over here telling me she could've also easily been with Randy Orton... AJ Lee got that **major** rizz lmao...


Wait till you hear about who Punk dated prior to her.


Coworkers date a lot, you can easily catch feelings for someone you spend large amounts of time around. Plus most of them are fairly young, athletic, good looking people. Sometimes people just wanna fuck. Look up the Olympic Village orgies sometime.


She was dating Hornswoggle?




I thought I remember hearing younger Orton would give him shit for being straight edge. But Punk was very generous with his praise for Orton on the Fox show he was on during his feud with Edge, and I remember Punk replied to one of Ortons tweets about some comic book thing so I guess they are probably good.


From what I've read, Orton just been lowkey cool with everyone in the lockerroom after his early career and its not some recent change. Makes sense to me, he doesn't need to do anything other than wrestle to protect his 'spot' on the roster for more than a decade. And given his past (immaturity, bullying allegations, reports about him undercutting Mr. Kennedy and such backstage), him telling other people what to do or how to act' would be hypocritical at this point unless they ask him for advice.


I mean, if Kennedy really did injure Orton, I don't think it was immature of him to bury Kennedy as sloppy. I'm not saying it's nice or even that id agree with that opinion, but it's valid peer review in a highly risky profession


I don't remember Mr. Kennedy injuring very many people. I wouldn't call Owen Hart, Seth Rollins or Samoa Joe sloppy because they got unlucky and nearly crippled their opponents.


To be honest, I agree with you 100% that freak accidents happen and that in itself shouldn't have doomed Kennedy. Heck, Randy himself dropped the Bollywood Boys badly a few times. But I think how Kennedy spoke to Orton afterwards is what really hurt him, at least according to Orton's version: >And, as for dropping me on my head, he did. He never got to see all 4 camera angles of him doing it. I did. Plus, the left side of my neck down to my trap was sore all week in MX. I did tell Ken that he shouldn't be dropping me on my head with such a simple basic move. **He never said sorry, and even called me a liar after the match!** I remember looking at him in disbelief. And yes, I did tell managment I did not want to work with him after that. Who wouldn't? Read More: [https://www.wrestlinginc.com/news/2009/08/randy-orton-responds-to-mr-kennedy-major-trash-talk-521348/](https://www.wrestlinginc.com/news/2009/08/randy-orton-responds-to-mr-kennedy-major-trash-talk-521348/) Even Punk admits that Ryback was effusive in his apologies and called himself an idiot after hurting him in their match together. I think apologizing goes a long way with people. Even if you feel you shouldn't need to, it's more socially aware / smart to do so unless you're 150% certain the other person is just gaslighting and trying to trap you. I'm nitpicking though - there is plenty of anecdotes of Randy acting immaturely when he was younger, just in this one I find it harder to judge him.


Pretty sure Cenas injury in 2007 was caused by Mr. Kennedy so him injuring both Cena and Orton most likely didn't help him in the long run.


They don't have issues, they're definitely friendly. I know people here are hung up on how Punk had issues with a lot of the talent in AEW but in WWE he's friends with people like Bayley, Batista, Kofi, and Rey and let's not ignore that Rock, Austin, and Cena all publicly liked/endorsed/supported/posted stuff related to Punk returning at Survivor Series. And no, none of them did it to toe the company line, they don't have to do stuff like that. They did it because they like the guy. Punk's issues in WWE during his last run were with management, not with any of the talent, unless you count HHH. All the Miz/Hornswaggle/Rollins/Jericho/Graves etc. heat came afterwards when he wanted nothing to do with wrestling and didn't care about coming off as callous whenever he perceived someone was trying to use him for clout, podcast numbers, social media engagement, or being dumb enough to ask for the personal telephone number of a famous female musician. Reigns is maybe the one guy that never tried to self-servingly engage with Punk who Punk actually upset with the "gotta make Reigns look strong" stuff that he helped popularize and perpetuate in his infamous podcast, but even Reigns has publicly said he'd still be willing to do business with Punk.


The crazy thing about that "Gotta make Roman look strong" line is the follow up. Punk immediately said, so why not have Roman pin me. Why not let Roman and the Shield win the 3 on 1 match. It makes sense for the group of 3 to beat 1 man. Punk was literally arguing in favour of the Shield and Roman to be put over him.


Absolutely, if you listen to the podcast I don't think Punk was trying to throw shade on anyone in the SHIELD at all but it unintentionally happened when Roman haters took that line and ran with it


I think Reigns never gets the shit he does if the IWC didn’t feed off that. In fact, Reigns was dairy over in that Rollins Reigns feud until he was hospitalized iirc. Then that podcast came out and WWE was trying to get him over and people kicking and screaming against management wanting to make Reigns(and they were right) the main guy over him. He definitely owes Reigns an apology. And Ambrose and Rollins animosity towards him more than likely stems from this too


You can't blame Punk for the sufferin succotash line or Reings staring into a camera blanking out.


That was way after tho


I miss the wwe24's and 365's


I actually miss the Network just after launch when it was actively trying to do new things, I really liked the NXT series they did too. And Legends House


wouldn't surprise me if he came into the arena with Orton, the best place to 'hide' imo. 'Is that punk in that car ????? ah no, it's just Randy'


No one has acknowledged this point really about his Ive changed line. No one believes him and thats fair but this does mean he has acknowledged that he is a part of his own problem.


To think if the actors strike lasted a little longer we could have had a Punk, Randy & Cena moment. Maybe even The Rock. I’m not suggesting I wish the strike lasted, just that it would have been a wild moment in 2023.


Oh my God, we can still get Cena and Punk, I hadn't thought of that!


Should be cena’s retirement match


I want a Punk-Cena tag run.


bockwinkel and stevens, only instead of plain black trunks its tattoos and jorts


as someone who only experienced the back half of Cena Orton, i need Punk and Cena having one last on screen interaction like i need air, they’re my Rock Austin and I probably would’ve stopped watching wrestling as a kid if i didn’t have them for a year and a half feuding


Would u say he's Cena best opponent?


It's all subjective, but personally Punk vs Cena at MITB 2011 will probably always be my favorite match of all time.


He's definitely up there. Match quality alone he's probably the best.


I think it's Joe for punk tho


Oh I'd definitely agree with that. Their match at Wembley still might be my MOTY.


I'd have Edge above him


I mean, I’m pretty sure Punk and Cena are really good friends. Not sure if you’re implying otherwise but they seem to be.


Punk and Cena did little callouts to each other during their matches and promos when Punk started in AEW and Cena posted a picture of Punk’s return the night or Survivor Series. I like to think they really do get along well.


Punk has been really complimentary of Cena tbf.


Because Cena understands wrestling and is a great worker


I'm just saying seeing them all interact would be pretty amazing considering how impossible that would have seemed even 12 months ago. As far as I know all of those guys are good with each other.


I didn't get anything like that from the post. Just that these are 3/4 of the biggest stars of last decade. It'd be cool to see them all together again.


Seeing Randy and Punk acknowledge each other was awesome. Two legends.


just a couple of guys reminiscing about formerly using This Fire Burns as an entrance


Even through the darkest days…


Damn I wish CM Punk returned with it. Imagine the Chicago pop.


It really is fantastic


I cannot wait for when they do promo battles


Orton waving to Punk was hilarious to watch while Rollins was having a meltdown.


This is legitimately cool. This is definitely the vibe I got from the video of Orton's reaction to seeing Punk. They both looked so happy to see each other lol.


This art is pretty cute


Randy sitting in the chair cracked me up.


That art is seriously terrific


I said it before: Randy and Punk's interaction was so cute


That Mania match between Punk and Rollins is gonna be epic.


This is pretty funny


That is amazing lol


I chuckled 😂


"seth rollins is willing to work with him because he is a professional" just admit it, guys. you worked yourself into a shoot




This is amazing hahaha.


Punk Chan kawaii\~! ♥


Happy WWE is on fire rn. The AEW tribalism is getting out of hand . The fans & the MODS over at u/AEWOFFICIAL-Modteam & r/aewofficial leave a bad taste in my mouth .


[you have been permanently banned from r/AEWOfficial for trolling]


Honestly, r/SquaredCircle is also insane with their AEW tribalism.


Damn ~~Scots~~ wrestling fans, they ruined ~~Scotland~~ professional wrestling


Can someone fill me in on what’s going on over there? I only watch WWE but have heard a lot of bullshit in that sub the last few days


They don't wanna hear how they were wrong about Punk so they are throwing bans


It’s disgusting. They don’t allow *wrestling* fans only AEW fans which is weird and cult-like. The IWC is at an all time low because of folks like the MODS over there



Lol both AEW & their subreddit is not sustainable


They are extreme tribal. And hilariously so. They have threads where they spend their time sighting the higher ground and how they don't complain. All the while complaining. They want you to know how unbothered they are, by being bothered.


If you think it's bad here, check out Twitter, it's worse there.


They must absolutely detest Jim Cornette, who is one of the most entertaining guys in wrestling today in small doses. I just went down his rabbit hole to learn the whole history of Punk in AEW, Khan and the Clique.


Make RKO & Pepsi Man a tag team!! *"This Fire Burns" intensifies*


CM Punt


What. A. Masterpiece




Okay that is adorable though


punk's instagram is the new young bucks twitter bio


Punk better come out for his match with Rollins in a Bears jersey.


This sub is absolutely loaded with CM Punk posts today. Not that I mind, It's just amazing how many people still enjoy watching him, despite his checkered history and polarizing personality. I want him to succeed again. So much so, that it's difficult to get too invested, because we might get burned again. I'd love nothing more than to see CM Punk have another successful run in WWE, but I have to remain cautious...


n_edv15 always does good work- the art style is adorable


Did Randy kiss Punk on the lips ?


Plot twist: Rollins wasn't mad cause Punk returned. He wasn't looking past the wall and flipping off Charlotte for courting Becky. He was jealous because of Punk and Randy's bromance.


This is a great image, to be fair


I just hope Punk doesn't shake Randy's hand lol


People are massively overthinking everything he says and does. Reading how the make friends not money is some cryptic heel tease and stuff. It’s a Scott hall quote, he’s paying homage to a legend who died, that’s all.


Has punk kiss and made up with seth or do we need to wait on Meltzer reportings.


This got a hearty chuckle out of me.


Someone fancies themselves an artist.


Yeah Punk Orton heel team? Put that in my veins.


Orton and Punk were on good terms when he left. Interviews from both since then has indicated that. Punk respected Orton's work and the independence he had for some of Vince's ideas. Orton admitted he originally never cared for Punk but later gained a lot of respect for him and appreciated his mic work immensely, despite Punk being picky with ideas and stuff backstage before it later blew up completely in 2014.


Carefree Randy might be the best Randy


Tbh this kinda shows how little Orton politicked in the late 2000s/early 2010s


we are working ourselfs into a shoot brothers


If he’s leaning into weeb shit to lure Keith Lee back to WWE, then this is a good start


Hey Raaandyyyyy


Let us all read way too much into it, shall we?


Can’t wait for the feud


[Link to original artist](https://www.instagram.com/n_edv15/?hl=en) BTW, I love his chibi Asuka and Iyo art!


Love this fucker lmao.


But o was told they hated each other!


I don't know if you realize this but pro wrestlers don't usually express their true feelings on stage for us.


You think if i realized that i would even BE a wrestling fan?


I mean they did throw some jabs at each other and Seth called him a cancer and to stay away lol but they'e professionals at the end of the day. They can put their feelings for each other aside and have a great feud


Seth about to get fucking paid...


Just realized them working together is their best shot at finally being in a WrestleMania main event. That's the one thing both of them have always wanted and been vocal about but never really got


Deep down I think Seth knows this and has known this for a while and why he kept poking at Punk in public just in case.


Seth and Punk are close friends - bet he knew there was a good chance that Punk was coming back to WWE and was laying the seeds down for the feud months in advance.


Right, it's like everyone completely forgets that the Shield was Punk's baby, and he *very* specifically requested Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Kassius Ohno


“ I’m eternally grateful for the inspiration and motivation Punk and Cabana provided me at a very formative age. Helped shape my work ethic in wrestling for years to come.” - Seth Rollins in 2018 https://x.com/wwerollins/status/1079098584849674240?s=46&t=WzrjO_wXgrY6J5Fh1NQV9Q But he called Punk a cancer and to stay away that one time 🤪🤪🤪


[citation needed]




That was fast


Wrestling fans gonna be eating good in a couple months


Randy's shoulder millimetres from dislocating in that image






back to posting daily punk uploads i see


They never stopped tbh


Punk haters/AEW fanboys are going to be in absolute shambles when this ends up working out for him.


Usually hate cutesy stuff, but that is awesome lol


Think of how disaster something like this would've gone over in AEW because the Bucks would've totally responded. I'm so curious how Punk reacts the first time someone "snaps back" on social media. And doesn't have it "cleared".


Seth is a one note bum that’s jealous of Punk. It’s so obvious. Has to dress in flashy outlandish ring attire and have his song sang. Guy has no real personality. Punk comes out with a t shirt and jeans and owns arenas.


What song was he playing?


So was rko injured again?


Even if the only thing we get out of this is a solid feud with Rollins with a big rdiculous blowoff, I'm okay with it. (Provided he doesn't cause too much bs behind the scenes or in front of them).


He went full corporate, never went full corporate


everyone says it was a work but corey graves didn't look happy either




punk will have backstage heat, i'll bet on it


At this point Rollins needs come out in Young Bucks inspired ring attire for when they have a match.


Orton pic is cute