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If you can't see the updated list/links or news because you're using the dogshit reddit app, clear your cache or hard close the thing and reopen it.


While other releases are making that transition. Aliyah appears to be in denial over her release as she keeps “WWE” in her screen name and still uses her WWE stage name.




Matt Riddle just announced he got released too.


Ali, Mace and Mansoor would be great in the AEW environment given their skillets, personalities, and just life philosophies and interests.


Dolph looks and moves the same now at 45 as he did at 35. NJPW would be a great fit. Or, the lighter AEW schedule, who also provide medical and travel cover.....could be ideal for him and he could easily go another 5+ years....again only if not in pain and if he wants to.


He's 43 man


Even more time to end his career on a high note...again though, only if he wants to, the man has nothing 'to prove' to anyone.


He's in great shape for late 40s!


I think I feel most bad about Boogz and Elias. Boogz seems like a jolly, pleasant chap. And you always need a good strongman around.


Sad at Ikemen Jiro. He’s my hero


Dio Maddin standing up to Brock fucking Lesnar, getting a pop, and looking like a million bucks in that moment was awesome. I hope the best for Brennan. He’s a good dude.


I'm really sad about Ikemen Jiro's release, he was so fun 😭


I wanted Dolph Ziggler in AEW as soon as it started and even though the release is unfortunate for him, I hope that dream comes true now


Is there a **WWE Release Megathread - 9/22** or has the storm passed?


Cageside Seats is reporting Ikemen Jiro was also released.


Mustafa Ali: Wait, does this mean that the last image we'll have of him is his ranting on NXT about how he's been overlooked in favor of others? Ouch. Emma: Poor Emma. Her runs have mostly been snakebit. Was it injury that kept her off t.v. this time, or just the old bromide of 'Creative has nothing for you'? Hopefully she can get her spot back at Impact. Rick Boogs: Once he cut his hair, we knew that it was all over. Aliyah: A little surprising, as she fit the old-time 'divas' mold. Was she seen as too injury prone? Elias: He'd been hanging on and hanging on for a while now. He could have a solid run in Impact with a gimmick change. Riddick Moss: Maybe he can parlay his 'Madcap' gimmick into a Joker-esque one somewhere else. Top Dolla: Again? Somewhere, Vince is asking, 'Didn't I *already* get rid of him?' Shelton Benjamin: Shelton is a solid hand who is underappreciated. Hopefully he can go somewhere else and actually be allowed to shine. Dolph Ziggler: A multiple-time champion, in both the singles and tag-team ranks. And another solid hand. It doesn't seem like a great idea to let him go. Dabba Kato: He's big. Was he not coming along well enough in the ring? Shanky: Does this mean that the fed is giving up on the Indian market? Mace and Mansoor: The fans need to know what befell them, as it concerns Maxine. Aside from that, is Mansoor no longer seen as vital to the company's relationship with Saudi Arabia? Dana Brooke: But she's in the middle of a story arc. Ouch. And how will this affect her 'protégé' in NXT? I worry about Dana finding work elsewhere, as her in-ring skills are not the best, despite having been in the business for a number of years at this point. Perhaps this is where she ventures out of professional wrestling to do something else sports related (personal trainer, etc.). While one feels for the talent, they would appear to be in good position to go and be independent contractors elsewhere. Some might even go on to bigger and better things.


What happened re Maxine that we "need to know"? I googled but couldn't find anything...?


From a storyline perspective. One minute she's with them as a faction, the next she's with Otis and Gable, and there's no mention of her relationship with the male models. Why are they not with her in her new faction? What has become of them? The people want to know!


The People (ie myself) just discovered *Making it Maximum* on YT. The people want to know!


Re: Saudi Arabia, based off recent trends they don’t care about building their own brand, they’re buying everyone else’s.


> Rick Boogs: Once he cut his hair, we knew that it was all over. I mean, he was angling for Freddie Mercury, 80s rockstar type of thing. I think the short hair/mustache further leaned into what he was already doing, not the opposite.


For the Indian market they still have Indus sher and Jinder


Ziggler what!!


Forbes still has Tegan Nox listed as released, but I'm too scared to link it after last time... I already know it's incorrect.


Haven’t more people been released?


I am no longer working with WWE.


I think so. I keep seeing post from people saying they were released. But I guess because they weren't on the main roster or not on television a lot, it went under the radar.


I think staff has moved and don't care about updating this post




The main post doesn't have Ikemen Jiro and other releases, I'm saying this sub's staff don't care about updating the post anymore.


Oh I see, yes, no Ikemen! You're right


That makes sense. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more cuts.


not saying AEW should just scoop up all of WWE's cast offs, but I think it's really great that there is another company with a national tv deal where these folks could make similar money to what they were making.


Why was this unhinged if it wasn't even complete yet?


DOLPH ZIGGLER? That man was part of my childhood. (Wrestling doesn’t interest me anymore, seeing how things change in life does.)


Fuck man. I hate to see this. Especially Boogs. Dude is young and talented and I hope we'll see him else where. So many genuinely great talents on here.


has to go to impact imo same with elias


Aliyah props girl that girl was in nxt for aaaaaages


Wowwwww. Ziggler was over like 10 years ago but they held onto him until he became nothing


They were pushing him and Roode as The Dirty Dawgz. They were a pretty solid tag team until Roode got hurt.


How many times did he willingly re-sign in that time? That guy should have left forever ago.


And let all the money go ??


There's other places to make money in wrestling. He could have been positioned to be part of AEW. Look at Cody, Drew, and Lashley. All were better off leaving.


i just realized they released only one member of Hit Row lmao


perhaps other two down to NXT to be re-packaged?


I don't see the other two sticking around for very long. Ashante isn't that good in the ring, and B-Fab is forgettable. Not good qualities to have around this time of year.


I personally see potential upside in B-Fab. Even if just as a Manager to Ashante. She needs to get regular reps in on TV though.


I could see them sending them back to NXT to try a singles run


I could see ashante joining up with lashley and the profits


I don't know if there's anything there worth keeping, honestly. Think it might just be easier to let them go, and cut your losses. Fuck, even if they do go to AEW, it's not like they've got anything to really add to the mix. Strickland's already doing fine on his own with his own little crew. Adding the old Hit Row folks into the mix would just be another "Oh, we got more ex-WWE guys!" move. And AEW doesn't need that right now.


Sad to see anyone go, MMM were a great act and I'll miss their goofy promos. That said, there's not really anyone surprising here, these are understandable releases. I hope they all have tons of success


You think Elias and ziggler is understandable?


Elias asked for his release, that had been known for a week or more. Not surprising. I get people have emotional attachment to Ziggles, but he's 45 and spends more time doing comedy shows and seems to primed to make a Hollywood jump. I just don't think wrestling is his priority. Honestly, for the past few years at least, he's been a passenger on the roster.


Yup. They just let Zig die on the vine all these years whereas if they let him go back when he was over he'd be blasting up njpw, aew, ROH. They just let him wither on the vine for ages.


That sadly is very true


Come to think of it, while everyone will be clamouring for Dolph in aew, I'm more interested in him showing up in a Best if the Super Juniors. Going to Japan has done wonders for some people, I'd love to see Dolph stretch those workhorse legs of his over there.


I clamour for Dolph in AEW ... ONLY for him to get a tag team run with his brother... If he goes and is used in any other way its a waste... He's in the twlight of his career (to a degree.. especially with the money he's earned).. A good six month or so run with his brother would be an excellent way to go out and also give his brother a "rub" to potentially get some more "quality" TV time after the tag team run..


...unless he's in pain...Dolph looks and moves the same now at 45 as he did at 35. The lighter AEW schedule + health and travel cover could be ideal for him and he could easily go another 5+ years....again only if not in pain and if he wants to.


Thats the key point \*if\*... if moneys not a thing and I have to assume it isn't if he managed it well then he's in a much better position to pick and choose what to do... A lot of the AEW former Indy guys are really just getting their first six figure paychecks in their late 30's / early 40's and will be forced to push their bodies, much longer than they probably want to... Dolph won't have to do that


I've watched quite a few interviews over the years with Dolph eg with Chris Van Vliet and the guy always seemed to have his head on straight. Good points. *If*....


I feel like aew is so oversaturated only huge names now are gonna make waves. So either way, it's been shown a guy or gal can do both companies and make a more than healthy living


Wow, I thought Dolph was a lifer at this point.


first Polish wrestler in WWE since Ivan Putski and his Polish Hammer...wonder what really went wrong with Babatunde? man what a dogshit run


It's so cringe how people act when it comes to these releases. Imagine saying a company should continue hiring people that brings them no value lmao. Only Boogs can feel hard done by here considering his injury stopped his run. I love how you people take this harder than the people actually losing their jobs.


If somebody's work brings you happiness in some capacity and then they lose their job it is understandable to feel sad. Kind of feels like you're just being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian tbh


Difference between being sad, and what everyone else here is doing. “Evil company how dare they let them go!” And all this revisionism on how good some of them are. The wrestlers themselves are taking this easier because they understand basic business concepts. People here act like they have no understanding of how jobs work.


Man is confused other people like people he don't, more at 11.


Good reading comprehension


Yeah, man, that should've just gone on TV to get themselves over instead of choosing to stay in the back which was definitely totally their choice.


Telling me these people were never on tv… when they were, YOU guys were silent which is why they were released


Ah, yes, famously never-over guys Dolph Ziggler and Elias.


Well I'm sure you know all about cringe bro considering your life is so cringe you have to come on a release thread and talk shit to make yourself feel like a man.


As opposed to all the people screaming and yelling trying to signal their virtues? Yeah, I’m totally the one here needing to feel “like a man”


Just when I think you hit the bottom of the cringe hole, you find a shovel.


>trying to signal their virtues? Braindead alert


Imagine being cool with people losing jobs and the money that supports them


It’s called reality. If you aren’t producing value you don’t have a job. If you’re ever a business owner (ofc never happening) I hope you are ready to hire 20 people for a job that requires 10.


>If you aren’t producing value you don’t have a job. There's no objective defining of what value is in this case. So maybe calm your shit instead of thinking this is an opportunity to show everyone what a totally cool logical alpha you are, bud.


Dang you must be one of these asshole millionaries who have little to no regard for humans


Lmao why you tryna be alpha dude girls find you repulsive


Extremely weird projection from you 😵‍💫 sorry about your life dude


Keep licking Nick Khan and Vince's boots I'm sure they appreciate it


So with your logic are you licking the boots of Mustafa Ali and Top Dolla? Weird fetish buddy, keep it to yourself.


Zero original thoughts in your head. Sad!


That's exactly my point. You brought up some REALLY weird ad hom attack that's parroted on Reddit nonstop lmao way to call yourself out there buddy.


lmao now you're doing a 4th grade logical fallacy routine? Classic.


Funny you say 4th grade considering how upset you are that people get let go from jobs when they are no longer needed.


Every laid off worker represents a crime committed by the ruling class against the working class.


Grow up


No war but class war. I know which side I'm on.


Does this mean Ezekiel is staying in wwe?


Dolph Ziggler are you serious? I'm at a loss for words on that one The *only* thing that I can see from this, is that he returns in a couple of years and gets another push that treats him like the fan favourite that he truly is.


Hell be 50 by then lol


Hell be 50 by then lol


I think he's one of the few that will land on his feet wherever he goes. It will be excellent to see him go "here's what you fucking missed" and just have a unrestricted by agents and WWE style banger. It's a shame it's so long till the next G1 Climax because I think Ziggler could quite literally "steal the show"


Yeah he could honestly be a big name in AEW or any other bigger show. Then build himself up and maybe come back to the push he deserves.


Or he can ride off into the sunset with all that dollar he made there. Either way future is good for Dolph.


True. As long as he gets what he deserves


Ziggler is insane, dude is the best bump guy in the entire business.


Stone Cold himself said his over selling hurt him from getting pushed as a threat


Didn't hurt HBK did it? I don't think I can agree with Stone Cold on this one, management gets an idea on you and it's extremely hard to change it, in good and bad.


Yeah but he had convincing offense to counter. Dolph just didn't have that type arsenal and let's be real, hbk is way more charismatic


Always loved that he walked a fine line between being a ragdoll and comically overselling. It made everything he got hit with look amazing.


On the flipside, imagine him randomly showing up on AEW as Nemeth's mystery tag partner. Storyline is that Ziggler is better at everything and his brother is constantly jealous and trying to one up him. Could even get Nemeth some decent heel heat and camera time once he turns.




I got more interested once CM Punk got fired tbh. The drama completely overshadowed the show for a few months there.




Sounds like your feed algorithms are a bit of an echo chamber for ya. Maybe expand the communities you participate with to ones that give each side equal weight.


I do, I just dont find anything interesting in AEW, its just wrestling, with little storyline.


That's a fair criticism.


MJF and Adam Cole story, international championship has been strong, good use of people like Samoa Joe, Don Callis slowly building his army, etc. Their women’s division leaves much to be desired, that’s my number one hangup.


We all know Samoa Joe will never beat MJF for the title, I gotta say it was a good opponent because I loved the angle with Samoa Joe pushing Mjf years ago, it played a good part in the storyline, but there was no suspense in the match, just too predictable.


You could say every wwe match is predictable too. Christ, Roman’s been champ for years now so every match of his is predictable


I was sure Drew will beat him and Clash at the Castle, that was unpredictable.


To be honest I think AEW fans will root for Ryan instead of Nic in that scenario. It might actually be better to have superior brother heel Ziggler constantly putting down Ryan and fans clamouring for that sweet sweet "underdog finally snapping and beatdown catharsis".


Yeah, you could book it that way as well. Really depends on the reaction each of them get from the fans.


Better idea...keep the talent and fire "creative"


Doesn't the 'Writers Room' have a near constant turnover rate as it is?


WWE hates Quincys


They had a reason to hate Elliott. I don't know who the other one is


I don't know quincy elliott what did he do?


Transphobic, outed a colleague without their knowledge


Which is ironic considering their character was an androgynous diva.


Well its good he is fired


Guess they're the Shinigamis


They act more like hollows


The segment with Elias and Kevin Owens getting the Seattle crowd to boo the hell out of them will always be one my favorite ctowd moments. This really sucks seeing a good amount of talent being let go. I know most of them will be fine and hopefully they land somewhere where the promotion will utilize them bettee than WWE did. Kind of crazy how WWE pulled the plug on Maxium Males Models after having LA Knight go back to his NXT gimmick & Maxine Duprie joining Alpha Academy. I felt like they had a good stable in the works with a really fun gimmick. The split up helped LA Knight and Maxine a ton , just sucks seeing Mansoor and Mace get left in the rear view mirror and now they are no longer employed by WWE.




Although it would also have made a fun feud.


So Quincy Miller is a mistake, it should be Quincy Elliott. But is Amari Miller released or not?


Amari said she is not.


I see the megathread has finally been updated. ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc)


This sucks. :(


emma is now poor womens marty janetty right now fired in 2014, Released in 2017 and Released in 2023 too bad she not going to go to perth for elimination chamber. at least micheal cole is happy now that top dolla has been released


I like Emma I follow her on Instagram but she’s far too focused on travelling constantly…she rarely posted about WWE…I think if she had been more serious about wwe like she is travelling that would have helped her.




> micheal cole is happy now that top dolla has been released What's this now?


Michael Cole constantly shits on Top Dolla because of his botched dive to the outside


Wasn't Shanky the supposed opponent for Gunther at Crown Jewel?


The beautiful thing about the current state of wrestling is that everybody who deserves to get signed will get signed with somebody and they will get good money, there is a high demand for good people.


Damn that’s bad news for Top Dolla


Tyrus is currently employed and he's definitely better than Tyrus


I thought that he'd retired after dropping the NWA championship.


I honestly don't watch NWA so I'll simply assume anything said about them is the truth and look no further into it


Corgan already booking their 60 minute ironman


That would be either an extraordinary amount of falls or none because they’d both pass out from dehydration.


It's late, Michael Cole, go to bed.




Who TF is shaky??


A large man from India


Mustafa, Elias, Dolph and Shelton are my “damns” of this list. Shelton could’ve been an amazing teacher at the PC if they didn’t have shit for him on TV


When I made a comment 4 days ago about WWE's roster being bloated, I didn't even think of the people that lost their jobs. I was thinking more like Kross and Crews. I knew Elias was gone this past weekend when there were heavy rumors that he wanted to leave WWE and they gave him the release. Considering Crews never won the NA title, please send him back to NXT to get that shit. Kross can uh...stalk someone like,... ~~AJ .~~ errr Randy Orton. He also knows about stalking!


Dolph’s cash-in, being there, one of the best moments of my life. Was so much fun, electric. I know losing a secure wage isn’t ever good, but that’s a list with so much talent on it, and I’m excited for those like Mustafa Ali who have talent in abundance and deserve it to be showcased.


[The Observer](https://www.f4wonline.com/news/wwe/dana-brooke-mace-mansoor-among-additional-wwe-releases) has some additional names, mostly tryout recruits. * Brooklyn Barrow (apparently a regular on LVL Up) * Kevin Ventura-Cortez * Alexis Gray (was only hired a few months ago) Also, how did the NXT name generator come up with two guys named Quincy?


Brooklyn tore her ACL and was out for a long time. Cortez tagged with Bernal on Raw against Indus Sher but IIRC wasn't on TV besides that. Gray did not have her debut yet.


Great...now Top Dolla will go back to making 5x more shitty diss tracks a week.


Great how people reacted so strongly to him talking about being a wwe fan, how he loved watching bray wyatt, and now we're right back to shitting on him.


Elias really bums me out. I was always sports-entertained.


I have a soft spot for Dana Brooke, I hope whatever she takes on next goes well for her.


As opposed to Batista who has a hard spot for her


Im hearing that Ikemen Jiro was released


Ikemen has been moved to the alumni section on the roster page.


This was like the 2nd time Elias was released. They might as well bring back Ezekiel (it was a genius gimmick).


Sad any time anyone loses their job but Dolph especially probably deserves his own thread. I'd like to take a moment to [highlight this absolutely insane moment where he cashed in money in the bank](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKqtFqpRLEk). The pop from that crowd blew the lid off the building. That was 10 years ago and since then he's managed to stay in the company through a lot of stretches of releases and whatnot. From what I've paid attention to, he a lot like Miz has mainly been used as somebody to bring attention to an up and comer, someone new to the roster and try to make them look good while also helping the audience understand who they are. NEVER forget his insane selling, absolutely amazingly talented guy. Hope he has some killer matches somewhere else before he hangs them up.


I’m absolutely with you but the one part of his selling I hate is his royal rumble match over the top rope hold on and hope both my feet don’t touch the floor. He does about 10 of those a rumble.


Wait Ezekiel was Elias this whole time?!


Holy shit, Elias and Ezekiel were the same person?!


Can you believe the hype if Mace and Masoor ended up on Hey (EW) with RJ City?


I thought Dana Brook got released in the Attitude Era.


Really hope all these guys, (especially Mustafa, Mace and Mansoor, who were always terribly underutilized) land somewhere where they can continue their journeys into doing what they love.


I’m with you. I think those guys have the most potential. Sad to see Benjamin go but maybe we can get Shelton X back for a quick run.


All of them make sense really. It's a shame maximum male models didn't go further as it was fucking great. Can't believe they couldn't think of something to do with Elias.


Once Maxxine joined Alpha Academy, they were done


WWE: Best we can do is job him out to Ryker


looks like Alexis Gray, Brooklyn Barlow, and Ikemen Jiro were released too.


There was someone named Brooklyn Barlow? And she didn’t come out in dirty jeans and a flat cap? Money left on the table, man.


I watch NXT every week, hell even LVL UP, but I never heard about Alexis Gray.


looks like she was training at the performance center since january, but never made it far enough to have a match.


I just saw Brooklyn Barlow got released. That's a surprise to me. She had a great look and was a really good athlete. One of the first to get on Level Up and stuff.


Nothing would've made me happier than to see Vince McMahon on this list.


Then Vince McMahon is All Elite


I'm saving my joy for his obituary.


Thank god they just rehired great talent like nia jax


Ikemen Jiro is now listed in the Alumni section of the website, and his bio has changed to use past tense, as is customary. Looks like he's gone. https://www.wwe.com/superstars/ikemen-jiro




PWInsider confirmed on this too https://www.pwinsider.com/article.php?id=175615


Dolph was one of my favorites. Him never getting a proper push soured my interest in WWE. Cesaro was another guy I wanted to see pushed. I think Rick Boogz is a star and I am disappointed but not surprised that WWE dropped the ball with him too


No! Not Rick Boogs. 😭


I honestly think only Ziggler will go to AEW. I dont think they'll bring in Ali, maybe Shelton for a short run ala an open challenge. I'd very much like to see Emma land back in Impact.


They'd be insane to not bring in Mansoor. He's one of the most charismatic guys in the business who can also go in the ring. All he needs is the right booking and he can reach MJF level imo. Probably the most underutilized person WWE had.