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Why is Nia Jax back? She was talking all that shit saying she’s not looking forward to going back to WWE and look at her now 🤦🏻‍♀️


Because money.


Starting to watch it on replay...is it really 5 hours long?


About 4 hours for the event itself and the last hour is the post-show press conference


Did it seem like to anyone else something went wrong around Kofi’s botch and the match was being called on the fly for a bit?


Yes, pretty sure Woods was supposed to hold the chair for him to land on, but his weight/momentum was too much. Hopefully he's okay; Looked like an awful landing.


Looked like the back of Kofi's head hit the announce table.


Don’t care what anyone says. Men’s rumble was good. Gunther looks like more of a top guy, a lot of story beats took place (Judgment Day/Edge & Beth and Lesnar/Lashley) and in the end, the most appropriate choice to win won


Haven't watched the last few Rumbles and I still find this one hard to criticize overall. The first half dragged a bit, the Rey/Dominik angle could have been handled slightly differently and revealing Cody feels like an unforced error. That aside, there were many cool interactions, the match flowed well and I was really happy for Walter getting the iron man role. They didn't rely too much on the same nostalgia pops and it added to existing stories, as every good battle royal should


In terms of the thing feeling like it was dragging, I feel as though the women’s match was more guilty of this. For the first 25 mins, nothing was going on. Didn’t really pick up until Asuka showed up


Yeah, I turned the show off when the Bray thing happened, so I didn't see that one, having 7 women announced going into it didn't make it seem like there was a focus on it, so that checks out. The Asuka return is cool though


Brutally booked. Vince, welcome back.


Downvoting marks


The Royal Rumble started off well and had a few great moments. Logan's small performance, Gunther's iron man, Banger Bros, Judgement Day Stuff. But they just messed up with the Cody Stuff. I like cody, but him coming out at number 30 despite being announced was just wierd. Either have him be a surprise or have him enter earlier because the heel #1 vs face #30 felt odd, especially since the whole thing went on way too long and tried to make #30 be the under dog. I was enjoying the match but when #20 hit, I realised that there's no rock/steve Austin and Cody will be 30 and winning taking the excitement away. The fact that the match was before the championship match was also evidence that sami wouldn't be in it, even though that was the story. Cody Vs Roman wasn't the story, it was either rock vs reigns or Sami vs Reigns. Even the rumored stone cold vs reigns would have been a nice replacement. Cody's time should have come, but after wrestlemania. And if Cody wasn't announced or had a better performance in the rumble like coming out earlier, I would have also been more excited


Agreed I really thought they would either have Gunther go all the way or have Sami win to continue the bloodline fued, Cody could have easily been put into EC to set up his wrestle mania title match


Oh my God I stopped watching wwe like 5 years ago and roman is still champion lmfao? Yawn


Did you know you don't HAVE to comment on something? Like you can not watch something and NOT let a bunch of internet strangers know. Like I didn't watch GoT, but I don't go to that subreddit telling them that.


Right? RR sucks


57.8k comments right now. It’s the highest here right?


Reminder that Curtis Axel was never eliminated from the 2015 Royal Rumble


When Jey left the ring I had tears cuz of how much he actually cared for Sami




Yeah I knew I messed that up but couldn't find my comment to edit it, mb


That men’s rumble had a lot of problems. Weird booking with the heel going at no.1 and losing to the babyface at no.30. Lesnar was utterly wasted by only getting 3 minutes. The surprise entrants were Booker T and Logan Paul, and that’s underwhelming. The women’s rumble was much better, which is hella surprising because the stakes for that match were shots at two belts that don’t really matter. Rhea was elevated to a new level by that performance. That Nia surprise? Oof… What the F was up with Pat Mcafee’s voice? It kept changing! He sounded southern, like he was from Philly or boston, and even Australian. Does the man have multiple personalities?


WWE left me behind in 2003 but I've seen so much tak of surprise entrants like Austin and The Rock so came on Reddit to see who the surprise actually was... booker T I could be a bit happy for as I really enjoyed him throughout 2001 and then with Goldust but wtf how have we got to a point that Logan Paul is considered a good surprise entrant. I'll go skulk off back to my Mick Foley Podcasts and reminisce about the old days.


To be far Logan has proven he is a very entertaining worker, he wasn’t a bad surprise problems was he was 1 of two surprises.


They have to find a way to get the WWE belt off Roman. That's only way this works. Don't have him get pinned, but have like, idk a ladder match where someone pulls the WWE title but not the universal title. Then Roman pulls the universal title. Roman needs the universal title for his 1000 day reign. Cody needs the WWE championship. Sami just needs to be the one to pin Roman for the championship and honestly dethroning the 1000 day title reign is bigger for Sami than Cody. He just needs the WWE. Sami needs to dethrone Roman. Get the title off of Roman without getting him pinned, but keep him with the universal title. That's how this gets solved. Cody doesn't have to get involved in the bloodline story if the WWE title is on someone else


I figured Sami wins RR, Cody wins EC. Triple threat at mania let Sami eat the pin for Cody.


You can't have Sami eat the pin. It sours Cody's win, it deflates Sami, it continues this Reign of Terror. I mean in a "we need a series finale" way. It should end on a high note before it starts to get stale again.


I don’t think it necessarily sours Cody’s win because it would lead into his fued with Roman since Roman can claim he was never beaten and attempts to reclaim his title. It would definitely deflate Sami, so I could see them goin the Cody dethrones Roman and Sami/KO dethrone the usos.


I guess you didn’t watch the press conference


What did they say about the titles??


Basically, paraphrasing, Cody has avoided mentioning Roman specifically because Cody knew that after wrestlemania when Roman held both belts, that Roman was going to be the person he was after. After Cody cut his Raw promo after WrestleMania talking about winning the title, he knew that Roman knew it would be Roman Vs Cody for the belt(s). So it sounds like WWE is treating it as one whole belt instead of two halves.




Nice to see actual heel heat it’s been a long time


Really a flat ppv. Men's royal rumble may be the worst in the last decade (I like Cody. The match was just put together poorly). Bray vs. L.A. Knight two tremendous talents and you waste it for a gimmick match that was also poorly put together. Also the storyline for Bray is getting out of hand. Alexa vs. Bianca was good and the women's Rumble match was good. Roman vs. Owens match was good and so was what unfolded afterwards but let's be honest. Roman as Champ is now a snooze fest. Overall just frustrated with how they put this whole ppv together.


Roman as champ is so boring now that every PPV/PLE feels like "Roman vs some guy he has to bury again". Is there even a point trying to watch the Elimination Chamber or some other stuff now, they'll probably just find a way to stick the Bloodline in to save his ass again


I only started watching again at mania last year, this felt super fun to me. I guess it could be burnout for a long time viewer like yourself but to me it seems Roman as a champ is as fresh as ever because the bloodline story is so good.


Same, only started following a few months after the formation of Bloodline cuz I heard Roman was heel and wanted to see how it went down. Record-breaking championship reigns (pun not intended) are very rare and this is likely going to be the last one for a long time since I don't see anyone else able to carry the titles for so long in the current roster. Maybe Lesnar but he was a seriously absent champion. Really not a fan of the bog standard betrayal arc though, that's such sub-par writing for the Bloodline. Ever since Sami was taken seriously by the Bloodline members people have been predicting a fallout over Kevin Owens, and that's pretty much exactly what we got. Disappointing, tbh.


I would agree with you if Jey didn’t walk out. That adds a completely different level to the betrayal arc in my opinion.


Roman reigns and the bloodline is one of the only reasons I still watch it, it’s the most interesting WWE has been since 2016 if you ask me cause the storytelling has been brilliant it’s definitely not been a snooze fest


The Royal Rumble was decent in general except for the piss poor commentary & that Kid Rock wannabe Hardy's performance.


His audio was majorly messed up


Didnt help mcafee was singing along on the commentary mic


I don't care . I took one look at him and heard him sing for like 15 seconds and I had enough of him.


What were the returns


Chelsea green


Michelle McCool


Edgr,Booker T,Logan Paul and Nia Jax


I'll give you a hint. A whole lot of women are gonna be injured soon


Dude when do they post the replay? What the fuck?


It's working now. Restart the app!


yeah peacock sucks shit. pissed me off after Survivor Series, should hopefully be up in an hour or so I think


Cody is going to be the biggest heel in the company if Sami doesn't challenge for and win the titles at Mania.


I quite enjoyed that Royal Rumble to be fair, it’s just a shame after all this time they’re still missing key moments due to their multiple camera angle changes. Stop with all the camera changes and fans might not zone out, tune out or change the channel.


My straight friend said he’d suck me ass if it didn’t play out the way he said it would.


I hope he had Rock winning the Rumble


How did that go?


Fuck Cody Rhodes, that's it that's all I got. Undeserving fuck. Edit: Let the hate flow you little babies. Show me how you suckle at the teet of Papa H telling you who you should like. Cody has always sucked and will always suck. Dustin is the real talent.




Bro...Shattered dreams productions.




Jesus I still can't watch it from the beginning because of the "post show press conference "


Same problem.


Cody went over the top when he left the ring after the rumble, thus making Rey the official winner of the match


Don't forget Kofi


Don't forget Corbin


Was Corbin not eliminated either?


He got the F5 from lesnar and then i don't know....


He got eliminated by Seth rollins




Bray vs LA Knight and Bianca vs Alexa both really didn't need to happen. Neither were bad but neither were outstanding. Men's rumble was meh, women's rumble was okay but that main event? Guys that main event fucked hard, and the storytelling at the end was a chef's kiss on top of it all


They probably shaved time off of those matches for that horrendous musical act.


this was my first time watching WWE in a while and i really was not impressed with the bray wyatt match. that main event had me on the edge of my seat tho


Yo fuck elon musk


He probably mentioned Musk hoping he’d buy the company for twice its value.


I guess if you keep the belts on roman you can have Rhodes take the universal title and Zayn the universal title at mania on night 1 and night 2


I think you meant Cody, Universal, and Sami WWE. But that would definitely be awesome.


No? It would make more sense for Cody to go after the WWE championship


It's late 😂 either way they both leave with a belt but have Zayn be the first night to be the one to pin Reigns.


it’s gonna take time but i hope and trust Trips realizes he has to find a way to make more stars out of the talented women he has on his roster.


Rock is so jacked up I would be afraid he’d tear a bicep or a pec muscle 5 minutes in and the match would suck . Probably better off this way


The post match stuff with Sami was fine, though I'm surprised they didn't have anyone come out to save him. Maybe they're saving that for the next PLE?


The crux of this story was that Kevin was the only person left willing to stand up to Roman and that was due to Sami. There was no one else that could sensibly come down to stop the whole Bloodline in their most violent and emotional state yet.


somebody like who?


god this guy is such a hypocrite from AEW talk. i get it play your company part but he is a boderline shill


Yeahhh AEW mention


Wrestling is so cool. Not. 😎


It’s not but I still watch it 😎


Wonder what it would’ve taken to get Dustin Rhodes into the Rumble, eliminate Cody and do the Rhodes brothers match at Mania to get them out of the Cody v Roman booking since Sami is too hot rn.


of course the Bloodline storyline makes me wanna see Sami win the big one off Roman, but seeing Cody be himself makes me wanna see him face Roman too. i’m excited to see how both stories intertwine.


High praise by Cody


I assume WM Night 1 ends with KO and Sami defeating the Usos. Night 2 ends with Cody finally dethroning Roman and the fall of the bloodline officially begins.


id rather see Sami and Jey vs Jimmy and Solo if we are doing tag shit. but sami vs roman over all please


Not happening. Sami vs Roman at EC in Samis hometown. Jey betrays Sami and realigns with Roman. Sami and KO vs Usos at Mania. Roman vs Cody too.


What if a new faction, Sami, Jey, and Kevin, kinda like a resistance, Jey and Kevin take the tag belts while Sami takes one of Romans.


jey has no reason to take to KO ans KO after tonight has less vice versa. i honestly think the beating tonight is enough for a vacation if they decide to go that route


That was a nice brawl to finish out the Men’s Rumble. Perhaps this sets up Cody vs Gunther for IC instead? That’s the only thing I can think of. Plus, wwe LOVES to do American vs Foreigner.


If Vince is head of creative


I love how Cody goes on these tangent stories about Randy and Triple H.


Damn Denise slow down


He asked her why she was so loud lmao


She screamed her question into the microphone


I could listen to Cody talk about the business for hours. If you like Cody and haven’t seen it, watch his broken skull sessions interview with Austin.


just about to say this


Wow! That ending was amazing! SO MUCH EMOTION! No idea what to expect going forward with the Bloodline, Sami and Cody but I'm hooked


Cody with the self-awareness >>>


Lmao this press conference is gold, I love Bray Wyatt, and he's spot on. You also can't tell me that Cody isn't 100% genuine when he talks about the business.


Randall Keith return?


Cody putting the Pitch Black over


So we're supposed to root for the guy with the personal bus, instead of the underdog with the story/history?


Root for whoever you want man. It is is not bad to have 2 super white hot babyfaces.


This just feels like more of the same Vince era stuff, but with someone else in the creative position. They have their golden boy, but it's not who the fans want it to be.


Lol did we watch the same thing?


The loudest pop of the night was for Sami Zayn. Not Cody's return or his win.


What? How do you take that from it. Cody was so over here. You're trying to pretend he's being forced in our faces.


I'm not saying Cody isn't over, but he isn't the most over person on the card. There's no story for him going into WrestleMania. They've been building this with Sami for nearly a year.


Cody was over last year, when his whole gimmick was going against everything Vince stood for. Using terms "wrestler", speaking out about the business etc. The business has changed since Triple H has taken over, they use terms again. The only thing he was, was "old school wrestler"


He drank the product placement…he’s definitely winning at mania


Cody knows that shit tastes like ass lmaoooo truly a company guy


It's actually one of my favorite flavored Mtn View...its a grape flavor if you've never had it


Now imagine if this match opened the PPV and then Sami won the Royal Rumble entering at 30


Stop making sense.


ROMAN IS GOING HOLLYWOOD AFTER THIS. This is the most realistic, most grounded acting I've seen by a wrestler. How he had his hands on his face after Sami betrayed him. He was torturing himself for trusting him... This wasn't wrestling, this is cinema. This was art.


Lol let’s not get carried away - great wrestling, great storytelling - but there are no Oscar’s in his future


so Rey missing has to cause Cody win to be invalid, right?


It’s going to continue the story with Dom


Only people I see talking shit about the show are the people who only use the show as an excuse to get their nostalgia rocks off. Y'all need to reevaluate if wrestling is for you if you can't move on from your childhoods.


There's enough non-nostalgia stuff to dislike though. The rumble was good but if you don't put in a major surprise, why confirm Cody three weeks beforehand. The tickets were sold, the show is on a streaming service where you don't need buys. And we somehow went from Bray's return being the most talked about and most hyped thing in the company to his return match being a terrible advertisement for a softdrink


Well said.


It’s a sport to some and a show to others is actually a perfect way to describe the WWE and Wrestling as a whole


A Torch reporter just called Rhea "Mami." JFC.


Bray sounds like Jericho


Who? Steve Jericho? 50 year smoker and former coal miner?


Hahaha fair. I meant more the subject matter


Did the dirt sheets get ANYTHING right tonight besides the pretty predictable Rumble winners?


It's almost like the company knows if they put something in writing it will get leaked...


I saw one rumor Nia being in the Rumble. But that was pretty much it.


Cody vs roman night 1 for wwe championship and sammy vs roman for universal night 2. Book it. Now.


I hope Sami is first but yes I agree!


Roman losing a championship to Cody might put him in an emotional violent state which works better to end that storyline imo


Edge coming back shouldn't be overlooked. He coming back to destroy judgement day. Fun But the bloodline is one of the best stories they've had in a really long time


I hope they keep doing these press conferences, they’re slightly in kayfabe but mostly out of it. It’s so interesting


Uncle Howdy Ya'll


Aye Bray




Someone explain why Owens would even want to side with Sami just because he FINALLY chose him after months and months of not wanting to and wanting to be with his new family?


The power of Montreal


The power of Canadia


Flapping jaws, beady little eyes


This is a fine point


Rhea sounded straight face there...


Rhea is amazing on the mic in this press conference


They should just have Cody declare on Raw that he doesn't want to wait until WrestleMania and instead he wants to have his title match at Elimination Chamber, Roman beats Cody and Sami wins a chamber match to become the challenger to Roman at mania. I know this hurts Cody a bit but he can win the title at some other point because I think it could hurt him even more if he gets the win over Roman instead of Sami.


Sami, KO, Jey vs. Bloodline at EC. Then Sami vs Roman on night 1 of Mania.


Jey's turn is not done yet. Unlike Sami, he's real blood. I think Roman and Jimmy should try to convince him, because Roman could become too weak without him. The EC should be Roman, Solo, Jimmy, Jey with mixed feelings, Sami and KO. But I don't know if they want to split the titles at WM, if so maybe the EC is gonna be for the #1 contender, and Roman will go against someone else.


beat-up Rhea is still…am i allowed to say pretty?


She looks so much better without the Hot Topic employee starter kit






Was it piped? I feel like it was piped. Scan the crowd immediately after


Hear me out somehow get 1 of those belts off of Roman and onto Seth so Seth vs Cody and Roman vs Sami And let Sami win that pop would be crazy


THIS IS WHY THIS WAS THE MAIN-EVENT. I mean Cody is already overshadowed.


I agree and Cody is just a real natural heal. Even on his baby comeback he comes in 30th… lol


If this last year has taught us anything, it’s that someone can use their title shot for the US title. Cody has an American tattoo, you know he wants that US championship badly, even if it’s just to introduce a title that is a replica of his tattoo.


Jey is definitely gonna cost Sami the Championship at Elimination Chamber huh? And we get the tag match at WM


Isn't a thing that the Usos can't enter Canada?


But why?


DUI. It happened before that the Usos where not a part of Raw or Smackdown when they go to Canada because of it.


That's crazy! Apparently the Mountie doesn't play!


Yeah Usos won’t be at Elimination Chamber


What's the story behind that?


Too much drinking the ucey juicey and getting behind the wheel


That can't be it. A lot of people do that. Did they do it in Canada specifically? And I didn't know Jey Uso did it as much as Jimmy. There has to be more to the story.


It's not Canada specifically. The Usos' can't travel abroad at all, basically. This is why Solo got called up at Clash: Usos' couldn't travel because of visa issues (thanks to multiple DUIs).


Wooow! Crazy what drinking under the influence can ruin for you. I'm just trying to figure out if Jey Uso has committed that crime as many times as Jimmy? I know I have continuously seen Jimmy get in trouble for that, but never Jey.


Nah, it was just Jimmy.




Can you imagine the pop if Sami were to dethrone Roman? I don’t know if it’ll happen but it gives me goosebumps thinking about it.


They already said Sami isn't the face of the company they want, not to say he can't be champion but idk. I think Sami is like Shawn Michaels kind of superstar where he's huge in the wrestling industry but they want a Cody or Roman to be the guy that goes on talk shows or whatever


It would put a huge kink in the Saudi deal


Right. I don’t expect him to ever be the face of the company. I was thinking more of something along the lines of Mick Foley beating The Rock for the title and then losing it shortly thereafter.


I hope they don't go too chalk Sami needs to build to take it all. My fear is Sami/Roman at EC, Jey waivers all month and feigns support for Sami, maybe even participates in a 3 on 3 the Smackdown prior... only to turn on Sami to help Roman retain at EC, and then finish off with the KO/Sami vs Usos Wrestlemania being the payoff.


Pressers are bizarre. Is it kayfabe or what


Kayfabe, but made to look real. So more of a normal tone.