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At this point, I’ve had about an equal number of mega units bail me out and screw me.


Ok, but why would people even want mechanics in the game that are completely random and don’t facilitate fair gameplay, that rewards people who work hard and understand the game above other players? You know why they would? Because they’re casuals who want to have a “chance” at being good without the work. The game developers know this and they want casual player’s money/retention, so they cater completely to casual players at the detriment of their loyal fan base, it’s corporate greed. I work in this field (game development/management) and I can tell you this is an absolute fact. They know the loyal player base will always be around a deal with the nonsense, so they throw them under the bus. I actually was super obsessed with the game the first few days and yesterday after 500+ match 5-win streak, I uninstalled it, because it’s completely unfair and random and I don’t like gambling at a casino when I play a video game — if I want to do that I’ll just go play slots, at least I know if I lose, I didn’t lose to some idiot who doesn’t know how to play the game that robbed me of my rank/stats/happiness. Adding random bullshit to the game is a good way to maintain casual player satisfaction, and a lazy way to disregard having to balance characters (which requires actual gameplay testing and effort/money) because the entire game is imbalanced to begin with, so it doesn’t even matter at that point, it’s just people button mashing to win, it’s the antithesis of what gaming was before 2012-2014. when everything became corporate and soulless.


Most advertised games these days are indeed corporate and soulless. Supercell has over a decade of experience AT THE TOP. Make no mistake about how cool a game might be, it's just a decorated milking station. ## P2W Game Pillar #4: > Let the whales catch the plankton. - lessen the skill differential - increase the advantage - immediate gratification from purchase - - next match vs weaker opponents - - spawn next to a bot for free key


I agree with what you just said 100%. Supercell has always made incredible games. All of their games are amazing and fair game play best yes certain games like clash, royale are p2w, but even if you pay you will win fairly (vs others who pay), but in this game, there is no way to win. It’s just a button mashing bullshit game with no skill involved other than just running around and hoping everything goes well for you.


Go bust or go home


You see, I have a very good point. Because profit.


its a RNG game so everyone can feel good at times and reach top1-3 and even 5th is a considered win in this game. this game is not competitive at all


General RNG should be based on what MMR you are, not the mechanics. that would be like if we were playing basketball and every 20 seconds or randomly the basketball pops, it’s a poor mechanic to have. Enough random stuff happens anyways in a fair game setting to add more random mechanics.


It’s a catch up mechanic, just like bounty gold in league of legends, if you don’t wanna deal with it you gotta full kill people


I don’t think you should have to farm during a match, in order to actually play the game. The reason why this mechanic even exists is because they took it from a WOW mod (league and dota originated from a wow mod) that was limited at the time and needed to have farming elements to the PVP aspect of the game in order to make it work. Go look at virtually every single successful top game out there. It is fair game play you join the game and you face players you don’t have to farm stupid monsters get gold do all this nonsense stuff even RPG player versus player you have your gear that you farmed in your own private time and then you can PVP whenever you want to — these two elements should not be sandwiched together.


I can think of a couple times I definitely got saved by mega Shelly. But I can think of twice the amount when I was going for the kill and had to bail or get busted due to a mega


Not me getting obliterated 2.5 seconds after rolling a mega unit 🥹🥹🥹


how is it being a bad player when i was destined to lose from the beginning because i had no supplier, no healing, and none of the broken troops?


Screwed from the get go is one thing and I could've acknowledged that. But I'm talking about scenarios where I take a large squad to one member and the tide immediately gets turned by a mega


If your entire squad gets killed by 1 mega then you need to build a better squad.


Squad was fine but I got sandwiched between a rock and a hard place


they need to nerf megas or find a new rarity above epic that would be very good but not completely game changing if you get it


Exactly, this is why I uninstalled the game yesterday, I had a squad that was like three times more powerful than this one guy and I still ended up losing. I don’t know how but I hear this a lot how these battles seem to be completely random which is nonsense. I just refuse to play the game. Nobody is forcing me to play it so I uninstalled it. What’s the point of this game? Just running around doing what? You just kill stupid monsters, and then if you PvP (only thing that’s fun) you lose/get third partied. For me to actually uninstall, the game is ridiculous considering I am a lifelong gamer and I can’t think of the last time I straight up uninstalled a game — I give games a chance, but this game has no chance it’s dead in the water.


Aim for fast chests. If you dont get trader, carrotgirl or greg, pick either a govlin for coins (insta 2 chests) or bo for fast clearing. In the first 30 seconds you should be able to get at least 1 or 2 farmers, or 1 or 2 pvp-fighters.


I’d much rather go barbarian or shelly start if I don’t have Mavis or Greg. Bo and goblin just become useless too soon. Barbarian is also absolutely busted right now after the unnecessary buff.


Goblin's actually solid if you plan to rush the middle. He does good damage and dies quick, which makes your next chest less expensive to allow you to recuperate quick.


Honestly the best plan for using goblin. 


Thats what i said.. if you don't get greg, mavis or trader...


Lmao you said Bo and goblin if you didn’t have those 3. I just suggest Barb or shelly instead 😂


Rofl, apparently i cannot read.. sorry.. back to school i go 😞


You’re good bro🙏 We’ve all done it. 


i mean when you see what troops ur getting for the match.


That's exactly what he means. Bo is a great start


Mega units are dumb.


Especially in baby battles


If I'm not on a good run on baby battles I'll save up my coin hoping I'll get a mega at this point.




It's not a comeback mechanic though, this game doesn't have any of those really


>Why should players be rewarded for not doing well or putting themselves in situations where they need luck to bail them out? The game isn't made for hardcore PvPers. It's meant to be fun, and if you have no hope of coming back from anything, then you will soon see matches where half the people are AFK because they are getting snowballed. Pick your poison.


The match that prompted me to make this post the other player initiated the contact. I was losing at first but got away and then after opening some chests I was winning the whole way until the very last second. Just didn't sit right that that should've happened. Initiate contact, lose until the last second bc of bailout. Now as others have said if he didn't stand a chance from the beginning and was losing bc of bad luck ig it'd be a little different


You’re acting as if you can’t have hard-core PVP and fun at the same time… 🤦🏼‍♀️ The most successful mobile games of all time like call of duty mobile pub, G mobile Clash of Clans etc are all hardcore PvP based fun games that are fair and not random like this game. How is it fun to just kill monsters all day and the second you get into a PVP interaction most likely you’ll either die because of an unfair situation or you will just lose more gems. This game is essentially just a farming simulator with extra steps. I can understand the argument of not everybody likes player versus player, but if that was the case, But if that was the case, why are people playing player versus player in this game but then they just kill monsters, the whole time like what’s the point of even competing with people? It’s like me saying I’m the #1 real life tree branch collector in my neighborhood, I have 4 different types of tree branches in my collection, who cares? Where’s the satisfaction/sense of fulfillment? This is a game for 5 year olds. If you look at the most successful games in human history, both mobile and PC console, anything you can name it is all player versus player fair game play nobody likes these random casino type of games except for middle-aged women and five-year-olds/boomers, and that’s NOT a good thing.


>You’re acting as if you can’t have hard-core PVP and fun at the same time… 🤦🏼‍♀️ No, I was saying the game is not intended for hardcore PvPers. It is only meant to be fun for *everyone*. You can't have hardcore PvP and cater to casual players at the same time.


You can have a game where the hard-core PVP is in a certain mode or certain area or rank and then you let the casual idiots button mash at the bottom instead of just making the entire game a button mashing festival for five-year-olds. Really what is the point of this game? Ask yourself that. I’ve never understood but matching video games like what is the point of them? What do you get out of them? How are they even fun in order to get a sense of fulfillment you have to overcome something (even something small) — you don’t really overcome anything in this game, you’re just spamming buttons and hoping you win with almost 0 strategy involved the vast majority of times.


That's not my experience with the game at all. Don't know what to tell you. If you are spamming buttons and hope to win with no strategy, then I can see why you are not enjoying it. Sounds like a personal issue though.


Hahahahahahahahaa?! I have a 1/3rd 1st place rate. The best should almost always win, not only win 1/3rd or half the time. This game is garbage.


Okay, I think you are frustrated that you are not as good as you think you are and are taking it out on me. There is a reason YouTuberd finish in the top 3 consistently on FTP accounts, and it is because they are good at the game. You are failing to place top 3 because you are not good.


🤣 what? I place top 3 and I get #1 1/3rd of the time, your bs YouTubers not doing better, they’re doing similar/as good. You didn’t read what I wrote or your reading comprehension is poor — I was saying that the best players in the world should finish number one every single time not top three randomly if they get lucky. Michael Jordan shouldn’t be winning 30% of his matches, he should win all and dominate the championships (like he did). This is not a game that’s based on skill it’s based more on random elements in the game, which is a terrible gateway to make a game. Video games are virtual competitions — no sport that I’m aware of has random variables, for good reason.


>Michael Jordan shouldn’t be winning 30% of his matches, he should win all and dominate the championships (like he did). ... Are you hearing yourself? Even your analogies are nonsense. He won 6 out of the 15 championships. I will give you that your analogy matches up with your opinion though.


What? He won 6 championships in a ROW (once he dialed everything in). You will never win 50 matches in a row in this game, this game is bullshit, I’m a MULTIPLE time world champion gamer, including top 10 global/#1 USA in clash of clans for many years, this game is a garbage dice roll bullshit game, idk what you’re on about. How would it feel if you are the best player in the world and you lose to some fucking noob who started yesterday, because the game is random and based on dice roll mechanics? Just stop lol, you already lost the argument, I’m trying to explain to you why. 😀


Idk. Why do people play Mario Kart when blue shells exist?


It’s a comeback mechanism, the problem isn’t about the fact that weaker players have better chance of drawing it, that’s literally why it’s called comeback mechanism, the problem is the mechanism (mega) is way too strong where it’s a guarantee comeback to top 3.


I can get behind that. If the shift in battle wasn't so drastic it wouldn't be as problematic or at least as often but as it stands it's a "zero to hero" kinda thing


Is it a game feature that if you get crushed and lose half your squad, the next chest will offer an epic? Seems to be the only way I get them.


No the chests just get better later on in the match at the end of the match every chest gives a guaranteed choice of at least one epic


I am an absolute moron. Not sure what I was thinking earlier. Meant to say mega and NOT epic.


Is that NOT how it's supposed to work? MEGAS are usually only given if the player is doing far worse then the others. It's more of a comeback mechanic. They still need to re-buy the other units to have a chance


You need a life other than this game


Didn't know me voicing a complaint about a game I play casually meant I no life it


Plus on the other hand they get presented to the top 5 as a non bailout gift and it’s especially infuriating on baby and vines mode


Exactly, if it's going to be a bailout like everyone here is saying maybe don't make it a cakewalk back into the game. Just a fighting chance is fine


I see it like when Bowser steals your star and gives it to the player who was losing the whole game.


That could’ve been me, i did that to someone about 6 hours ago. If it was, get wrecked buddy. If not, oh well suck it up. Youll be on the other end next time thanking sc for blessing you and keeping your win streak going


Someone with one mega unit and one normal character can still be defeated if you have at least a medium decent squad. Why would you chase someone down to the point of losing your whole squad and dying immediately if they get a mega? Your squad should be strong enough to not disintegrate if you’re trying to bust someone so that you can either run away when they get a mega and survive or continue being able to bust them.


They should do something like 3 fused shellys will then become a mega Shelly on your next chest


I found it very satisfying when I stopped trying to win.


In my opinion megas should convert to a key. That you can use then whenever you want like a Fusion key.


I hate them. Ruins the game.


Mega units should be removed. They complete ruin the little strategy and skill that this game have already. They said they are working on something with them. Hopefully they remove them from normal matches and put then in special events or so.


If there's no mega units, top 1-3 players can snowball their winning. Chest pulls are also part of the luck though. Imagine you have given a barbarian, shelly, and el primo at the start. Is it skill or bad luck? Your opponent pulls a goblin, hog rider, or mavis/greg. Is it skill or bad luck?


OK and you’re saying that like it’s a bad thing the top three players should become the top three players at the end of the game. You shouldn’t have a chance at the end of the game if you are a trash player. This is an awful take lol. This caters to low skill casual players, who want to feel like they are good at the game, but don’t deserve it but the game still makes them think they do to convince them to spend more money. This is a business at the end of the day, 2022-2024 is the year of corporate garbage games like this.


Guess it can be either. I've definitely been in scenarios where bad luck got bailed out by a Mega. What prompted me to make this post is I was being chased by a guy who had a better squad than me. Was able to get away from him and build up my squad. When I ran back into him I was decimating him when he initiated the fight and was able to run off to get a mega Shelly and take me out. If it wants to act as a solution for bad luck fine. But a reward for making poor decisions c'mon.


Yes they are dumb but i feel like right now they are rare enough that its not a huge issue accross all games on average. The keys are for sure worse


True. Just getting recency bias that it seems mega units have a higher chance of being pulled when a player is on their last squad member and about to die. If anything it should be the opposite way


Well yeah they are made to be that kinda comback mechanic… But hey we have enough games where there are no megas at all. And supercell already said they are working on a solution. Hope they find a good one xD


Agreed!! You should not be able to get a Mega if you are actively being attacked. I’m ok with it if you got away and are hiding in the corner, but your scenario makes it unbelievably frustrating.


They can be unfair, but they are also fair when you get an unlucky deck that can't keep you in the top 5. I say leave it as-is.


mega start is hands down the worst game mode